Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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One room, One week, One theme


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    jazzunicornsjazzunicorns Posts: 185 Member
    Freezer Bunny Daycare
    ID: Jazzunicorns | Theme: Freezer Bunny Room

    I decided to design this pink bunny daycare center for this week's theme. Used a ton of stuff from Parenthood and added lots of clutter; kids are messy!

    Top down view (room does not include the patio - I do have a lot uploaded that includes the patio and front yard if anyone is interested.)

    Todd wandering near the cubbies.

    "This job is like herding cats!" thought Teresa.

    "At least Becky wants to chill out and read..."

    Tommy and Becky playing nicely together (for now).

    Melody makes a mess while Teresa tries all the sweet toys these lucky kids get to play with.

    Gotta try Don't Wake The Llama! ...Wait, where are Chelsie's clothes? (I just found out toddlers could do this... LOL!)

    Chelsie finally decided clothes were cool again and locked her in a high chair with a bowl of peas as punishment.

    Where's Todd? Probably having a nap in the nurse's office.

    Melody is glowing for some reason. Maybe that's what happens when you spend too much time in the reading nook?

    Helping Jenny with the potty skill definitely isn't Teresa's favourite activity.

    Ryan is sort of a bully. When Teresa's busy he likes to bite his classmates. (Poor Tommy!)

    ...I might've had too much fun with this one.

    It's great to see everyone's creations so far! Many of them are super creative!
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    jazzunicornsjazzunicorns Posts: 185 Member
    Man there's so much to catch up on here!

    @MyFavoritedesign - Very cute and creative! I was going to do a bunny shaped room like this but then I saw yours and decided I should do something different. Love the lights.

    @Shellbell - Awesome party room! Love the colour scheme you used.

    @shakerella - Hollie's room is adorable. Love how you turned a dresser into a vanity table!

    @coolsim9999999 - Sweet bunny room! Sounds like the start of a pink bunny themed legacy challenge...

    @StangMix2 - Lovely bedroom. Looks like somebody doesn't mind sharing personal space with the kidlets! (But seriously, this looks like my ideal bedroom when I was like 15.)

    @vickyloo - Cute kid's bedroom! Love the clutter and the rainbow curtains.

    @SerraNolwen - Love how you used the curtains as dividers and the red wall decorations (I forget what the item is called). Super neat room/house!

    @lsnishi - Fantastic work making the flowers into a freezerbunny! That's definitely a yard I'd do yoga in ;)

    @fizzlegig - Very pretty bedroom. It looks like it's for a little girl who wants to be a rockstar. I love the fairy lights hanging from the ceiling - my room had those when I was little (now they just hang in my living room because now I get to decorate the whole place however I want...)

    @Sjemmie03 - Nice pool! I love the plants and how it looks like a hilarious bunny shrine. Great work!

    @carolynrosser - I laughed so hard when I saw your entry. I've made a couple of creepy basements in random lots I upload but I think this is the best I've seen. Way too funny. Love the prison cell and the juxtaposition of evil and cute. Phenomenal.

    Thanks for sharing guys!
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,709 Member
    Freezer Bunny Daycare is very nice! @jazzunicorns :) Very nice design and layout of the room! The pink colour scheme looks very nice! Each of the areas looks great! There are lots of activities for the kids to do! The kids are keeping Teresa busy! The toddlers are very cute, even though are causing a few issues! It is not good that Melody is glowing! The reading nook where she is looks very nice! The big bunny and pink teddy there look cute! The books look great on the floor. The kids will enjoy reading books there. The pink patterned flooring looks very nice. Very nice patterned stools story time area also for the kids to enjoy sitting on the stools listening to a story being read to them. The blackboard., kids paintings and noticeboard look great there, and the lady bird and llama look cute! The bunny growth chart there and the bunny prints on the wall of the entrance nook wall and other walls are great touches for the theme.The sims will have fun playing the llama tabletop game or with toys from the pink toy box, and enjoy making items on the building blocks table. They will like performing with the pink puppet theatre. Very nice kitchen nook! The chequered pink and white wall and floor tiling there and in the bathroom looks very nice. The kitchen is a great nook area to make snacks and meals for the kids to eat. It is nice that there is a nurse's office where the sick kids can be examined and have a rest. The prints on the bathroom walls look great! It is not good that Ryan bit Tommy!
    The kids will enjoy spending time at the Freezer Bunny Daycare! Thankyou very much for entering this week's challenge ! :)
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    StangMix2StangMix2 Posts: 238 Member
    @carolynrosser you and your daughter has a great imagination, the backstory is really fun and your room is executed to fit very nicely. Fantastic entry really, thank you for making me laugh! ;) Also thank you for the nice comments on my room.

    @jazzunicorns thank you, I'm glad you like it. I love your daycare center, it's adorable! I really like all the clutter because, yes, kids are messy (takes a look around my house... sigh* ;-)
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    CorwimCorwim Posts: 3,218 Member
    Thank you so much @StangMix2 ! It is so good to see you here in this challenge and on the forum, I've been a fan of your creations for a long time on the Gallery. B)
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    MyFavoritedesignMyFavoritedesign Posts: 1,458 Member

    Thank you @carolynrosser and @jazzunicornso much for your lovely comments! <3
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    Agrippine_23Agrippine_23 Posts: 96 Member
    edited August 2017
    Good morning everyone! I hope you're all enjoying your weekend B)

    You guys did such an amazing job with this week's theme, I was so very impressed looking at all your entries!

    @MyFavoritedesign your freezer bunny shaped room looks so cool, I think you inspired a lot of simmers!

    @Shellbell I love that you went for a music room :) The picture of your simette playing the freezer bunny guitar is awesome, so funny!

    @shakerella Bunny Pink Room is such a lovely bedroom! I love its teenage feel, I could totally see my teen sim in it!

    @coolsim9999999 what a spectacular room! The roof looks simply amazing :)

    @StangMix2 welcome to the thread! You did a great job for your first entry here, your room looks awesome! I especially like the paintings :)

    @vickyloo yours is such a cute room! I could totally see a pre-teen living there, I love it!

    @SerraNolwen your room is very pretty! I like that it's not all pink, you did a great job with the colors (I think we all went a little overboard with the pink, my eyes were really happy to look at your room :D ) I also really like how you used the curtains to separate the room!

    @Isnishi I am SO very impressed with your flowerbed! So pretty!

    @fizzlegig your room looks lovely, I really like the carpet that you created with the different floorings and the little lights, it's very cute :)

    @jazzunicorns building a daycare was such a great idea! I am so much into the parenthood pack, it completely made me go back to playing more and building less, so I love that you went for something in that theme! It looks fantastic!

    @Sjemmie03 your freezer bunny pool looks awesome! I always struggle with the pools and usually end up making rectangular ones, yours is so very creative!

    @carolynrosser it is so special that you designed this week's room with your daughter <3 I thought the idea of freezer bunny secretly being a super villain was brilliant! Your room reflects its two sides very well, with so much details, and it looks super cool!

    Congratulations to everyone, your rooms were all so creative and beautiful! Thank you @rosemow for this week's amazing theme!
    Post edited by Agrippine_23 on
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    Agrippine_23Agrippine_23 Posts: 96 Member
    edited August 2017
    Freezer Bunny Amusement Park
    Gallery Link:
    Origin ID: Agrippine23
    Name in the Gallery: Kids Bunny Theme Park

    Since the family I'm playing at the moment has kids I thought I'd make something I would actually use in my game so I thought of a kids' amusement park, because freezer bunnies are so joyful I wanted something fun :) I thought it could be a place where sims could organize their kids' Bday parties and that's the idea behind the pictures I'm about to post.
    Also @SerraNolwen we talked about the romantic garden stuff pack on another thread and I said I was skeptical about it but I went back to look at it after we talked and I thought I'd give it a try, and I am really happy with it! So of course I used lots of things that come with it because you know how it is when you get a new pack :D

    Overview of the park (I tried to capture that pinkish light in the evening):

    Having fun water sliding (especially because of the soap!)

    Everybody put on warm clothes as the sun comes down, time for a freezer drink!

    The mom even got the Freezer Bunny Band to come and play! They look so cool in their freezer bunny sweatshirts! (And yes one of the kid is wearing a bunny dress! I didn't notice it before but the hood has bunny ears!)

    Lots of different activities to in this park, like a puppet show!

    This week's theme was so much fun, I don't think I ever used so much pink in one room :D
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    Sjemmie03Sjemmie03 Posts: 55 Member
    @coolsim9999999 : Thank you so much. Glad you like it!

    @vickyloo : Thanks and i love your funny!

    @WhiteMojo : Welcome fellow new member, glad you like my pool.

    @Agrippine_23 : Your park looks great! So much fun for everyone! Thanks for commenting on my pool. If you ever need a pool, I'll be glad to make one for you...It's all i do...making pools, I love them!

    @jazzunicorns : The daycare is an awesome idea...looks great and so fun. Jenny on the potty made me actual name is Jenny :)
    Funny that you mention the shrine..I thought of it as a flower outfit for a costume party..LOL my imagination has no boundaries..Yes a pool can dress up an go to a party....haha

    @carolynrosser : I really like the dark/creepy area..amazing. Thanks for your comment on my pool.

    I hope i didn't miss anyone..Happy Simming!!
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,709 Member
    edited August 2017
    Kids Bunny Theme Park looks such a fun place for sims to enjoy visiting! @Agrippine_23 :) The Freezer Bunny shape of the park looks great! It looks great how you have done his ears and used the flower rugs for his eyes, nose and mouth! Sims will have fun doing the activities at the park! Nice nook areas in his ear for sims to enjoy water sliding. The colourful spinning flowers look nice either sides of the slide. The pink cherry blossom plant and floral water fountain sculpture looks pretty! Very nice nook area for sims to enjoy sitting at the picnic tables having a drink from the Freezer Bunny themed bar! The candles are nice touches on the tops of the tables. The pink flowers there look very pretty! Very nice folly area for musicians to come and perform. It looks nice the way that the stools are placed in a semi circle there, for sims to sit and watch the performance . The Freezer Bunny Band playing the Freezer Bunny guitars and wearing Freezer Bunny clothing look great! The pink bunny there is cute! Sims will enjoy painting on the easel, using the puppet theatre, playing on the monkey bars and playing the Freezer Bunny guitar. The Freezer Bunny painting and photo look great on the wall!
    Congratulations on deciding to buy the Romantic Garden stuff pack! It is a very nice pink and Freezer Bunny themed park! Thamkyou very much for entering this week's challenge ! :)
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    MyFavoritedesignMyFavoritedesign Posts: 1,458 Member
    Thank you @jazzunicorn so much for your lovely comment. <3
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    emereemere Posts: 1,755 Member

    Hi @rosemow all the rooms are really playful, Freezer Bunny is a lovely character from Sims. I love it because somehow it reminds me that is good to have fun :D Playing this game and building stuff is a way to have fun and relax of RL ;)

    Here is my entry (too bad I can not have ice cream with my cough lol):

    Entry Form
    Theme for the week: a room for Freezer Bunny.
    Gallery name of room: Freezer Bunny Stall
    Origin id: osiazul

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    SweetLemonSimSweetLemonSim Posts: 55 Member
    Oh I really like this! :smile: I made a room, but now i realized that I can't upload pictures :'c
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    SweetLemonSimSweetLemonSim Posts: 55 Member
    Theme for the week: A room for freezer bunny
    Gallery name of room : Room for Freezer Bunny (creative, right? xD)
    Origin id : SweetLemonSim
    Pictures of the room : Can't upload :(
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    NinnsterNinnster Posts: 1,215 Member
    @SweetLemonSim Don't worry about it, post the link for the photos and Rosemow (or someone else) will repost them for you so that we can all see them :)
    OriginID: Ninnster

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    "Creativity is intelligence having fun"
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    MyFavoritedesignMyFavoritedesign Posts: 1,458 Member
    @emere Wow! There are no words how beautiful your Freezer Bunny Stall is!
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    Sjemmie03Sjemmie03 Posts: 55 Member
    @emere : So cute!!!
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,709 Member
    Hello @SweetLemonSim :) Welcome to the room challenge thread! It is so nice that you have designed a rooom for this week's challenge! It would be great if you would like to upload screenshots of your room to a picture sharing site such as imgur, then post the links to the pictures here. We can then post the pictures for you.
    I will look forward to seeing the pictures of your room! :)
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,709 Member
    It is such a very creative idea to design an ice cream stall for the Freezer Bunny! @emere :) The design of the stall looks so very nice! The pink awnings are a pretty touch. Sims will enjoy sitting on the stools having a drink from the Freezer Bunny themed bar , as well as having an ice cream. The Freezer Bunny pictures and starry pink lights look great there on the stall! ! The pink flowers through the room are very pretty ! Very nice corner sitting nook! Sims will enjoy sitting chatting under the shade of the tree, in the cute pink animal chairs! The flowers look nice around the water fountain. The Freezer Bunny laser shows look very great in the room! The sims will enjoy playing the Freezer Bunny guitar! The pink flamingo,and the gnome look great in the room! The pink string lights look pretty! The Freezer Bunny pictures and pink night light on the side wall are nice touches in,the room. Very nice seat bench sitting area. Your sim looks like they are enjoying having a sleep there!
    Freezer Bunny will like to visit your Icecream stall! The pink and white colour scheme of the room looks so pretty! Thankyou very much for entering this week's challenge ! :)
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    coolsim9999999coolsim9999999 Posts: 5,165 Member
    edited August 2017
    @jazzunicorns --- I'm really glad you like my bunny room and back story! I could make that a legacy (good idea) :), but I think I'd miss my Sullivan family too much ;) (not an official legacy family but they had about 30 generations before I turned aging off.)

    Thanks a lot for the suggestion, though B)!
    Post edited by coolsim9999999 on

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    coolsim9999999coolsim9999999 Posts: 5,165 Member
    edited August 2017
    Sim Household: Bunny
    I've uploded the Bunny family as a 6 Sim household in the gallery. The family is called Bunny --- in case anyone wants to use the characters for a legacy family or whatever --- as @jazzunicorns suggested I do. You guys may certainly use the Bunny family, if you would like to do so.

    The reason I don't want to use the family as a legacy family,
    or whatever is because I think I'd miss my Sullivan family too much ;) (not an official legacy family but they had about 30 generations before I turned aging off.)

    Gallery Name: Bunny
    Gallery link:

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    StangMix2StangMix2 Posts: 238 Member
    @Corwim Thank you for the welcome! I'm happy to be here :) I'm a fan of you too at the gallery in case you haven't noticed ;-)

    @Agrippine_23 Thank you! Your park is super cute, I'm going to have to make this a public park for my simmies :)

    @emere Your Freezer Bunny Stall is adorable! I'll properly put it in a backyard for my sims to play with :)
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,709 Member
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    SweetLemonSimSweetLemonSim Posts: 55 Member
    > @Laebeth said:
    > @SweetLemonSim Don't worry about it, post the link for the photos and Rosemow (or someone else) will repost them for you so that we can all see them :)

    > @rosemow said:
    > Hello @SweetLemonSim :) Welcome to the room challenge thread! It is so nice that you have designed a rooom for this week's challenge! It would be great if you would like to upload screenshots of your room to a picture sharing site such as imgur, then post the links to the pictures here. We can then post the pictures for you.
    > I will look forward to seeing the pictures of your room! :)

    Thank's to both of you! :)

    Room for Freezer Bunny

    The Freezer Bunny had a dream! To have a bedroom that reflects him and his passion for music. But it had to be snuggly and cozy, and now he finally has it. His dream came true :)

    Here are the pics:

    The view from his bed:

    The view from his keyboard:
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    StangMix2StangMix2 Posts: 238 Member
    @coolsim9999999 Thank you for uploading your Bunny family, they are great :) and 30 generations is awesome, don't think I've ever been near that number even when I *tried* to play a Legacy ;)

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