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What we want for TS5

alexandreaalexandrea Posts: 2,432 Member
edited January 2017 in Off Topic Chat
I figured that since I am tired of TS4 and probably will not attempt to play it again, I might as well make a list of what I expect from TS5. Feel free to share yours as well. I want a good Sims game for the next iteration that will stand the test of time.

1. Give us options. - I know this may sound silly but, as it stands we do not have many options for simmers. We need a game that pleases every simmers play style. If some sims don't want toddlers, or even teens, children, etc... In their games, they should have that choice. We should be able to create our own life stage orders if we want. A lot of the reason as to why this community has issues is because you guys don't give us options in the beginning, and then in the forums you have players dividing themselves, and shunning other simmer's play styles. (Cartoony gfx vs realism, family play vs single life, toddlers vs no toddlers.. Etc)
2. Give us multiple worlds in one base game - There's no reason why players should be limited to one world when they play their game. Some of us like suburban areas, rural areas, urban areas, desolate and decrepit areas... Etc. We shouldn't have to wait for these things, they should be in the base game, as it is a life simulator. Not everyone lives in the suburbs.
3. Give the players their creativity back - We want the control. I should be able to create my own apartments if I want, or even place however many lots I want in my sims' world. Clothes, hair color, and anything else.
4. Make each sim unique in their own way - Why can't the sims have quirks? Not only that but flaws.. We all have them. Maybe my sim is stubborn, but really dedicated and passionate about things. The sims shouldn't feel flat, and one-dimensional. I want my sims to react differently to certain things. We should have introverted, and extroverted sims. I'm tired of every sim I make feeling ultimately the same to the core.
5. We need banks - Yes, the household funds are a given but, we need more options. I want my sims to be able to take out loans, or even the child sims to have piggy banks with their own money they can use for little things like ice cream, toys, video games, etc... For crying out loud bring the Repoman back. That should be in the basegame. I think it's a given that while people love their families, they all have their own money set aside. Even husbands and wives do this.
6. Make the base game solid and strong, and fix the current release system you're using - I might get flack for this one but, seasons should be in the basegame, along with an array of other things like pets, and night clubs. With a strong basegame, we can have new, fun, innovative EP ideas. This setup would be much more fun for the player as we would be surprised as to which expansion packs we are getting, and we would have more to do with the basegame. Right now with the current setup we have, it's simply boring. There's no shock or wow factor. We already know what we are getting every iteration... A basegame, then a nightlife EP, apartments, a career-oriented Ep etc...
7. Make the game feel active - Our actions should have reactions. My sims that run businesses should have repercussions that follow after firing someone. Nothing ever truly happens as an effect of our sims' actions.
8. The sims simply need to be connected- My sims have options to gossip, yet none of the sims are affected by this, especially the sim who is being talked about. It really is a pointless feature, besides the animation it provides.
9. Give the sims some sort of memory - There's no reason why my sim can beat another sim up, slap them, etc... And then apologize profusely and get away with it... WITH EVERY SIM. Sure, our sims can forgive them, but at least have them remember what happened, and have some form of underlying resentment or mistrust towards that sim. It only makes sense... My sims should remember their children being born, having their first kiss, getting their first job, being fired, etc...
10. Pregnancy needs to be a lot more expanded upon - We should have varying belly sizes. Pregnancy is different with every woman. Heck, we even should have varying baby sizes... Not every baby comes out the same size, weight, etc... Let's make the babies customize-able, especially their clothes. Pregnant sims should be able to play with their soon to be child's toys, and react to the rooms that we build for the babies. We need more feeling. Even their partners should have an interaction to talk about the baby, or perhaps take pregnancy classes, etc... Ask for advice from grandparents... When the child is born they should be able to send the kid to stay with aunts, uncles, etc... for weekends. The sims' family members need to be more active as well... Come by to see the baby, ask about the children, etc... It's simple things like this that would make the game amazing. I'm tired of my sims having the same boring interactions with their babies. Why can't they sing their baby to sleep in their cribs, or stand by and watch the baby sleep in the crib, or even rub the baby's head while it's sleeping in the crib? Younger siblings could watch the baby too... It makes no sense how child sims can't hold babies....The family dynamic really needs some work for TS5...

I hate to seem like I'm asking for much but... It's my money.


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    Joel2810Joel2810 Posts: 989 Member
    Those are some great ideas!
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    aricaraiaricarai Posts: 8,984 Member
    @alexandrea - you've got some very good ideas in here.

    I actually agree with you about #6. I definitely think that the base game should be a solid foundation on which to build upon. Expansions should be there to add to an already fully fleshed out game. With regard to Seasons in the base game; I think yes, the weather should be in the base game. There was an AMA from reddit from the Former Creative Director on S4 linked in both the S3 and S4 sections and he stated that in TS3, they tried to add weather to the base game, but that they couldn't get it to stop snowing inside in time for the release.

    I'd like to see:
    - more details in the Sims, environments, etc
    - more options in CAS (piercings, freckles, moles, etc)
    - more family tree options (aunts, uncles, step-siblings, step-parents, etc)
    - better building tools (the return of terrain tools, different foundation heights)
    - better lighting in the game (split leveling lighting)
    - CASt
    - gradual aging
    - Open World (each world have different types of neighborhoods - like a Sunset Valley, Hidden Springs, and Moonlight Falls, for example, each acting as a neighborhood in one world)

    I don't really want to hear or see that something is too hard to implement, especially when some of those things have been done before. I think that's a cop out and a poor excuse for missing content. If a dev can't do it; find another that can. It's 2017 for goodness sake; that excuse doesn't fly with me. Technology has made leaps and bounds since the beginning of the Sims; EA and the franchise should start acting like it and taking advantage of it.

    I really wish that EA would have focus groups where they would listen to different types of Simmers in the community (not just Simmers that use twitter or YouTube) and truly make sure that we, as Simmers, rule again!
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    aricaraiaricarai Posts: 8,984 Member
    Thought of more things:
    - more clutter
    - ability to place anything anywhere
    - different wall thicknesses
    - ability for the sims for the sits to sit anywhere- day beds, under the stairs nooks, window seats

    I'm really hoping that they've started to work on this now so when release comes around, it's not full of bugs and errors.

    Mostly I just want my creativity and creative tools back. I miss it!
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    DcD2510DcD2510 Posts: 646 Member
    edited January 2017
    Here are my ideas:
    1. 2x better graphics
    2. Only works with 6th/7th gen Intel Core i5/i7 Processors, and works on Mac and Windows
    3. Democratic systems like voting, you can run for Mayor or even Leader of Simnation
    4. With those careers comes great responsibility, you can make certain choices for the better or worse of the town, even set taxes, so that it can be crooked, or equal.
    5. public transport, if you edit the map, or have someone as mayor/leader you can Install Public Transport, Buses or Trains, choose Eco friendly ones, or, even Dirty ones.
    6. Choice of Schools, yes, if you edit map, or have a sim that you control who is mayor or leader, you are in charge of Education, and health.
    7. Install religious Places of Worship, as a Sim, with permission from the Council,
    8. Upgrade businesses that you own, with permission from the Council/Mayor/Leader
    9. Establish Buisnesses.
    10. Cook with 2 skill tracks, Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, each has 20 skill levels.
    11. Spas that change colour and aroma.
    12. Eat at Restraunts, or choose from a variety of fast food.
    13. Cooking: choose from over 30 Recipes with Cooking and over 40 with Gourmet Cooking. Even have mild variances in meals.
    14. Own a Pet, Dog, Cat, Horse, Lizard, Hampster etc.
    15. You might find a squirrel, or possum.
    16. Possums, Kangaroos, Emus, Koalas, and more can be found in the Austalian Country, like what Australia really is.
    17. Have up to a whopping 1000 lots in some Countries, which are broken up into parts, and then further in to Suburbs.
    18. City Living: 5x as big as TS4CL in some cities.
    19. Create a World, yes, Create your own Planet, like earth, use a tool to draw Countries.
    20. Sim Nation is still here. But on its own planet.
    21. Or Just Create Neighborhoods.
    22. Engage in travel, in Australia, you might go to some Indigenous culture sights, and other countries.

    More to come
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    HARIBOWSHARIBOWS Posts: 115 Member
    I agree with all of your ideas. Some things I'd like to add, more to do with gameplay mechanics:

    1. Have some form of an open world. Even a semi-open world, compromise is ok if you do it right.
    2. Sims in other households need to exist 'off-camera' and have working lives, or at least appear to. (e.g. if they have a job, they should be unavailable during work hours.)
    3. There needs to be detailed and varied story progression. The base game should include families from all walks of life and characteristically unique Sims, families who hate other families, crazy people, that one family that keeps having children, same-sex families, and these families should have a detailed background and stories that you can SEE progressing during the game.
    4. Change the mechanics that makes randomised Sims move into vacant lots. This I mean in two ways. If there's 5 Sims in a household, they shouldn't move into a one-bedroom house. There also shouldn't be 5 Sims that are very obviously randomised and insanely wacky looking (unless it's part of their story) and have three children in the household that no one is apparently related to.
    5. As you mentioned, customisation for play-style needs to be more varied to meet different needs. Some like playing families with 2 parents, 2 kids and a dog in a Victorian house, others don't. The basegame worlds need to be varied enough so that a Simmer with any play style can build a house and a family that somewhat fits in with the surroundings (think of Sunset Valley where there were different types of houses on every street, but it all fitted together perfectly).
    6. Interactions between Sims should not have them talking in different rooms, they should be somewhat looking at each other and reacting realistically to each other. There also needs to be consequences for Sims actions, you shouldn't be able to cheat with everyone in the town and have no one care about it.
    7. If an emotions and whims system is to be included, changes to emotions should not depend on flippant things like showers. Sims should have more depth and should not race through emotions every time they blink. Genius Sims should not get depressed after 12 hours of not being mentally stimulated, it's very one-dimensional.
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    comicsforlifecomicsforlife Posts: 9,585 Member
    sims that die of illness and sims that can take care of each other when there sick
    sims that can sing there kids to sleep
    more for sim kids and more drama please
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    DcD2510DcD2510 Posts: 646 Member
    I like both of your ideas.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Good suggestions :smile: I like the idea of banks as well :smiley:
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    DcD2510DcD2510 Posts: 646 Member
    23. Expanded Emotions.
    24. Open World. When you travel to the country side or another country, you will not have a loading screen, rather, if you drive by car long distances, you will have a road of surroundings, your car will move, you will wait minimum 20 seconds, maximum 40 seconds. if you travel by plane you will have something that has a plane travelling and photos of places along the way, you will wait minimum 30 seconds, maximum 1 minute.
    25. Create a colour.
    26. Create an outfit, object, thingamabob.
    27. Life Stages: Baby, Toddler, Child, Pre-Teen, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Senior, Elder.
    28. When traveling on adventures your sims can earn and buy Momentos, in Australia for example, you could buy a plush Koala bear, and Aboriginal art and more, you should be able to holiday anywhere on earth.
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    DcD2510DcD2510 Posts: 646 Member
    Yes, I also like the idea of banks
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    alexandreaalexandrea Posts: 2,432 Member
    Wow you guys are adding some great ideas!

    @DcD2510 I love the idea of public transport besides taxis! Like public buses, train stations that we can interact with. Bus stops, bus schedules... That would be so cool. Even an Uber type service would be very realistic in our modern world.

    @comicsforlife The idea of other simmers caring for sick simmers is great as well! I never thought of this. Especially children... Our sims should be able to sleep in bed and blow their noses.

    @HARIBOWS Yesssss! Omg we all know that one family who keeps having children, or families that hate other families in town. That would be so great and fun to play out. Same sex couples are a must too! This game needs more diversity!

    @aricarai I'm so tired of not being able to place things where I want. This would be a great feature. Also you mentioned how sims should be able to sit anywhere, and I second this as well. Even on the floor, especially children. It's interesting that the Former Creative Director of The Sims said they wanted to put weather in the base game of TS3... That would've been quite spectacular. But they can try again with TS5. I agree with you though 100%. There really is no excused as to why they can't do certain things.
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    comicsforlifecomicsforlife Posts: 9,585 Member
    I like a lot of the ideas you guys have to
    more for sim kids and more drama please
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    ChadSims2ChadSims2 Posts: 5,094 Member
    alexandrea wrote: »
    2. Give us multiple worlds in one base game - There's no reason why players should be limited to one world when they play their game. Some of us like suburban areas, rural areas, urban areas, desolate and decrepit areas... Etc. We shouldn't have to wait for these things, they should be in the base game, as it is a life simulator. Not everyone lives in the suburbs.
    I will have to expand on this one let us create our own worlds not everyone likes limited bland worlds that are created by the Sims team give us the tools we need take make it ours.

    Sims 4 went from "You Rule" to "One of the stories we want you to tell"
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    friendlysimmersfriendlysimmers Posts: 7,571 Member
    in the sims5 what would be nice is that we see sims shoping for there home to live in not just chose a random house in a neigberhood and there should be a choice where sims starts in appartements *basegame and actualy saves some simoleon to purchuse a house if they went bigger living space even if we make the sim family in create a sim as well as shoping for furnitures and appliances not just chose randomly from a catalogue the option would still be there but sims should be able to chose furniture they went that would fit with there lifestyle decided by the player but it would be the sims chosing not the player chosing for them
    If you went the sims5 to remain offline feel free to sign this petition please note that it is also to keep the gallery

    Repose en paix mamie tu va me manquer :

    1923-2016 mamie :'(
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    Clk1143Clk1143 Posts: 1,014 Member
    Well I am going to add that I hope sims 5 does not have open world like sims 3 did, nor do I wish to have super realistic graphics. I'm okay with a more cartoon art style. I want to play sims...not humans. The way EA implemented Open World left those like me who like rotational gameplay, and like to go into places versus all rabbit holes left a lot to be desired. Yes the eye candy of open world was beautiful, but the substance for me just wasn't there. Not to mention the curse of the curfews. It also caused a lot of routing bugs, such as sims getting stuck outside rabbit holes so your sim would get fired from work. I have never been able to find this post since I first saw it, but when sims 4 was still in development someone made a huge post on the ideal of districts and semi-open world. That is where I would like to go more into, then the way EA did open world for sims 3.

    I would like more of the humor of sims 2 to make a return. I also would love sims 2 photo album. I do like having diseases as long as it's not something like cancer or miscarriages like I have seen suggested in the past. Instead a made up sim disease that you have a day to get the cure for before your sim gets really sick and/or dies. The cute video scenes sims 2 use to also have during big events such as birthdays, and weddings would be nice as well. Basically my overall vision for sims 5 would include a lot of things from sims 2 as well as some from sims 4 plus a new way of doing open world.
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    WatcherXXWatcherXX Posts: 356 Member
    So many great ideas. I want story progression back. In TS3, i loved getting little notes about friends , knowing when they were going to die of old age to go say goodbye, and little things like that really made a difference to me.
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    Simtown15Simtown15 Posts: 3,952 Member
    Someone tag the simgurus! Tell them to stop The Sims 4 entirely and get to work on this! I'd pay $100 just for the base game!
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    aricaraiaricarai Posts: 8,984 Member
    Interesting that this has ended up in 'Off-topic.' Seems a bit silly.
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    Clk1143Clk1143 Posts: 1,014 Member
    Simtown15 wrote: »
    Someone tag the simgurus! Tell them to stop The Sims 4 entirely and get to work on this! I'd pay $100 just for the base game!

    I can empathize with you that you dislike sims 4, and I do hope that sims 5 does come out someday and is everything people dream of. That being said, it is not very nice to try and stop sims 4 before it has had it's allotted time for those of us who do like sims 4. I would never try to stop a game you like, just because I dislike. I believe for those who like sims 4, such as myself, that it's okay for us to enjoy it.
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    DcD2510DcD2510 Posts: 646 Member
    Simtown15 wrote: »
    Someone tag the simgurus! Tell them to stop The Sims 4 entirely and get to work on this! I'd pay $100 just for the base game!
    I'd pay $150 with all these features

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    DcD2510DcD2510 Posts: 646 Member
    edited January 2017
    In my opinion we should have one Word besides Simnation Pre created, Earth.
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    WatcherXXWatcherXX Posts: 356 Member
    Clk1143 wrote: »
    Simtown15 wrote: »
    Someone tag the simgurus! Tell them to stop The Sims 4 entirely and get to work on this! I'd pay $100 just for the base game!

    I can empathize with you that you dislike sims 4, and I do hope that sims 5 does come out someday and is everything people dream of. That being said, it is not very nice to try and stop sims 4 before it has had it's allotted time for those of us who do like sims 4. I would never try to stop a game you like, just because I dislike. I believe for those who like sims 4, such as myself, that it's okay for us to enjoy it.

    I'm pretty sure the poster was being sarcastic..
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    alexandreaalexandrea Posts: 2,432 Member
    edited January 2017
    Well, I'm confused as to how this is off-topic. I see Ea is moving other threads here as well regarding TS5. I'm not paying it any mind though. Keep those ideas coming.

    @Clk1143 I'm not trying to end TS4. I don't even have the power to do so. I don't play the game. I'm waiting for TS5 hence why I made a list of what I want in the next iteration. No hard feelings. Enjoy TS4 if you like it, but I do not.
    Post edited by alexandrea on
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    friendlysimmersfriendlysimmers Posts: 7,571 Member
    edited January 2017
    its strange even if i like the sims4 i am kind of wondering what sims5 will be kind of curious would be nice if sims5 could fit evryone dirrent play style, maybe it would also mean less complaint on the forum as well. I also belive that the gurus should add a sims5 forum so we could share ideas or what we went to see in sims5 because as simmers and the ones playing the game we need to be involve in the creation process of the sims5
    If you went the sims5 to remain offline feel free to sign this petition please note that it is also to keep the gallery

    Repose en paix mamie tu va me manquer :

    1923-2016 mamie :'(
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    Clk1143Clk1143 Posts: 1,014 Member
    @WatcherXX You could be right about that, I've heard people say that seriously before too. It's always hard to tell.

    @alexandrea I wasn't talking about you, but the person I quoted. I even posted ideals of my own for sims 5. No worries we are fine. :)
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