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How Many Households Is Too Many?

So I usually see people posting about one specific household they have or one that they establish a legacy with and just keep going with that specific one. Either I'm not very observant or I'm a rare household hoarder, but are there any of you guys out there who actively play 3+ households? Is there a cap on how many you're willing to play at a time? Just curious! :)


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    NeiaNeia Posts: 4,190 Member
    I'm playing with 27 at the moment ! I'm playing on long, so my rotation takes a quite a lot of time, that's the main thing that's limiting me right now. I'll probably try to mod the "long" setting to be a bit quicker at the end of the rotation.
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    TrimothTrimoth Posts: 419 Member
    edited October 2016
    I have different save files but in each I have around 5-6 active households at a time. I like mixing it up and playing with different sims one main household gets repetitive. I think my cap would be around 7-10 households because I can't really make an active connection and give attention and love to so many different sims lol

    Origin id: trimoth

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    NotLoudonWainwrightNotLoudonWainwright Posts: 863 Member
    I have 47 played households in my main save, and I actively (once or more a week) play at least 10 of them. I also have another 50 or so played households between my other 12 saves, but I don't play those as often.
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    H_alcesH_alces Posts: 65 Member
    27 and 47?! Woah! And I thought that I was crazy over here with 3 and wanting 5. That's really awesome you guys. That's definitely a good strategy, rotating which ones you play per week so they all get attention.
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    snurflessnurfles Posts: 3,640 Member
    I think I have about 15 families between the four worlds I have. I have aging off so I don't have to worry about them dying while I play the others.
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    EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,368 Member
    For my (suspended) legacy I have four play-along families that I manage from Manage households without playing them.

    In normal gameplay fifteen households make for a varied but not to stressful game, but I had as many as sixty households in Sims 2. That many households slow down the game to the point where it takes months to finish a rotation. When you play this way, the sims grow on you, almost like relatives. Individual sims still live about 90 days only, but because you play so many families and everyone is in everyone else's story, each sim is around for much longer. I'm not sure if I want to commit myself to that large rotations again anytime soon. Fifteen are enough.
    Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
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    DJNSDJNS Posts: 74 Member
    edited October 2016
    I have about 21 households that I play in rotation for about three days each. I might play an extra day if someone is on the verge of a life event. I use the long setting and I very rarely play out pregnancies in my game. This last round I did just to change things up but never again. Too many jawless, chinless wonders being birthed that way. Better to use create a and tweak their features as needed. That way I don't get random fug (aside from townies) jogging down my street.
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    Pegasus143Pegasus143 Posts: 2,490 Member
    I have approximately 13 households in one save that I play and write about ("approximately" is because the household compositions often change and I can't go by the number of households that are marked as played because I've entered into a couple for the purposes of stopping them from aging). I play them for a week at a time and rotate on Wednesday mornings between 4 and 5 am so no one ends up missing work or school (so far-I think one level in the criminal career might end at 6 am, but neither of my two sims in that career happen to be at that level right now). I would definitely be open to adding more- my only rule for that is the household I'm adding must have a story that's intertwined with that of one of the households in the rotation. I also use MC Command Center to stop culling (both types) and relationship decay, as well as to keep other households that I don't play progressing. I have aging set to only the active household (for played sims) and for every time I rotate through all my households, I turn aging on for unplayed sims for a week (otherwise they would be aging considerably faster than my sims).
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    chensaytaylorchensaytaylor Posts: 700 Member
    In one saved game I demolished all the big houses, put in all starter houses and filled every spot with sims I made and rotationally played them.
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    SheriSim57SheriSim57 Posts: 7,005 Member
    I have 30 plus households in my main save.... I love the variety, and I hate getting rid of the premades that come with the game. I do play some households more than others, but I have aging turned off in that game, building up careers and waiting for toddlers before aging my babies up. O
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    H_alcesH_alces Posts: 65 Member
    Woah guys! That's awesome. I was almost certain that nobody had more than like 10 households, or cared to have that many. How many Sims do you normally keep in every household?
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    Lomelindi7Lomelindi7 Posts: 1,339 Member
    It's so funny because I just realized recently that a lot of people play rotationally and I haven't at all in Sims 4. I play one household, that's it. If I want a new one, I make a new save. In sims 2 I used to play about 7 families in a rotation. So I might have to try that again
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    Frn0731Frn0731 Posts: 7,180 Member
    I start with one sim , get them married. They have children and when they grow up I get them married and they have children.... and on and on. I play each family for one sim week starting on Sunday midnight. I am getting very confused in the order to play them so now I have a list. How many families? i haven't a clue since I do this in every world and I have some that go back to when sims4 first came out.
    Laugh out loud. Often
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    cameronw209cameronw209 Posts: 1,497 Member
    I play with 10 families and rotate on in-game Sundays. Gives each family equal time. Most of the families are doing something completely different so it makes things more interesting. It seems to work well with bills too. Every family gets bills the week I play them.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,878 Member
    I keep most of my households in separate game saves. Right now, I'm singularly devoted to my Legacy Challenge family. My Gen. 8 heir is a child with only 10 Sims days until he's a teen. The tenth Gen. heir only needs to be born, to end the game. At that time I'll return to my rotation save. So far, it's only two families, but once the eldest in each household become YAs, I'll have three households to play in that save. Once my Legacy is over I plan on playing my Founder's family again. That rotation, if I take it to rotation style will end up being at least five households.

    As for how many to play, for me, it all depends on how invested in the individual households I am.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    mustenimusteni Posts: 5,415 Member
    I have over 20 in my main save. I switch households when I feel like it, but trying to keep them aging about evenly. I would like to try playing a smaller rotation, under 10 huseholds and also with certain time to rotate as I've never tried that.
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    Uzone27Uzone27 Posts: 2,808 Member
    edited October 2016
    H_alces wrote: »
    So I usually see people posting about one specific household they have or one that they establish a legacy with and just keep going with that specific one. Either I'm not very observant or I'm a rare household hoarder, but are there any of you guys out there who actively play 3+ households? Is there a cap on how many you're willing to play at a time? Just curious! :)

    With each new iteration I've had to adapt a new way of doing things.
    This one is challenging because of what I'm hearing about relationships and I'm cutting around all of that.

    Newcrest was pretty much a sign that said *Insert your world here*

    So the strategy one house one save at a time..(on long lifespans)
    until all memebers of the household have enough for the potion of youth.

    Once this achieved they get archived to a save file ready to populate Newcrest.
    In the end Newcrest will be my world, my creation, my Sims, and have the skills to either procreate and die of old age or live as long as they ( or I) would like.
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    Tibbits2uTibbits2u Posts: 90 Member
    edited October 2016
    I just play 1 single young adult household now . I used to play around 25 households, of varying size and types. but once the rapid relationship decay and random romances got patched in I just kinda gave up ! I got tired of trying to swim against the tide.
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    Pegasus143Pegasus143 Posts: 2,490 Member
    H_alces wrote: »
    Woah guys! That's awesome. I was almost certain that nobody had more than like 10 households, or cared to have that many. How many Sims do you normally keep in every household?
    It depends. I have one household that's a single sim (who's currently engaged to a woman who will bring her family with her once they get married), another that consists of two siblings (one YA and one teen), and my largest has 6 sims (two parents and 4 kids).
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    duhboy2u2duhboy2u2 Posts: 3,290 Member
    edited October 2016
    OP, I don't think its weird at all! I currently have 5 different legacy challenges (each with a different ruleset) one community save where I play all the families rotationally and one save where Its mostly just builds. I don't think there's really a limit for me. I get bored with one house and move to the next. I like having tons of starts and games in different levels of progress. It keeps me guessing which family is on what stage of life.

    Especially right now with my game acting up. Its doing this weird freeze thing where I can't interact with anything or switch characters and when I hit pause the timer keeps moving even though the sims are frozen in place... So I log out after only a few minutes to an hour of game play.
    Loving yourself is the most simple and complicated thing you can do for you.
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    tanakakitanakaki Posts: 240 Member
    I have 34 households not counting the premades. In my main save I play rotational about two or three RL days then jump to the next household. In my aging save, I play with aging off to get everyone established with relationships then I'll rotate each house per two sim weeks. The number of sims in my households can range from three to a full eight depending on the family setup I have in mind.
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    JaiSeaJaiSea Posts: 948 Member
    Wow! You guys have a lot going on. On my computer I have one family, that is the first family I ever made in Sims 4, I think I'm only on generation 6 on that one. It's the only family I've ever played on my computer also. And then I have one family on my laptop, which is on generation 4 or 5. I'd say I play 2 families, but I haven't loaded my computer up in 8 months.
    Check out my latest Let's Play! James Turner's Every Life Stage challenge.
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    DJNSDJNS Posts: 74 Member
    Tibbits2u wrote: »
    I just play 1 single young adult household now . I used to play around 25 households, of varying size and types. but once the rapid relationship decay and random romances got patched in I just kinda gave up ! I got tired of trying to swim against the tide.
    Thankfully, they've corrected that somewhat otherwise I could have never returned to my rotation.
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    MasonGamerMasonGamer Posts: 8,851 Member
    I've created about 18 households, and rotate between 5-7 of them. the rest basically are suppose to be Custom NPCs anyway.
    Realm of Magic:

    My Mood:

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    NShippudenFanNShippudenFan Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited October 2016
    I have I think about...15 to 20 different households all in the same save XD. 6 or 7 in one city, then 5 or 6, in another, and with new crest city I have about 3 maybe 4 households there XD. Not to mention some of my sims I have just in game, "not in world" or house ;).

    I'm weird like that where I want all my sims/households in one save, lol. Though now there's a few I haven't played much because I've focused on other households instead (rotational play) XD. I also play with aging off, and will only age up certain sims when I want to/feel like it XD. Though a lot of them I haven't aged up recently.
    LOVER of all things cosplay, anime, cats, Shadowhunters, and Sims 4!

    Origin ID: Sims4Girl202

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