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❦Modeling, Hosting, & Judging Guide❦

MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
(Needs updates)
(Please note that this thread will be updated as time goes by, and I will post when an update has been made. Please bookmark this thread, by hitting the star at the top, to know about future updates.)
Modeling Competition Directory
Editing & Modeling Tutorials

This thread is under construction and will be for some time. This means that some information is outdated, but not by much and should not affect you in your knowledge of competitions (outdated info includes poseplayer for Sims 4, for instance). I do occasionally come in and update certain sections, but the massive changes won't be coming for a few months.

Note: If someone asks a question in another thread that is clearly answered here, that means they haven’t read this thread. Link them here rather than explaining that one term so they can understand everything as a whole! Less work for everyone. ;)

Will reformat this section later.

For the guides, please click on your corresponding link: (If you are more than one of these, just start from your first section and scroll down/click to the next section after you are done)
(For all of you, please start at “What is modeling…” or you will be confused.)
“What is modeling and the terms associated with it (Plus FAQ)”
“I am a model” Part 1: Beginning your career
“I am a model” Part 2: Further Questions
“I am a host” Part 1: Format
“I am a host” Part 2: Questions and Answers
“I want to judge”

I have more questions that this guide didn’t answer, so what do I do?
Post a message in the thread and I will answer to the best of my ability. All new questions/ideas will be added/edited in, eventually, so others can see your question.
Post edited by MizoreYukii on


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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    edited June 2018
    What exactly is a Sims modeling competition?
    A Sims modeling competition (regardless of game) is a competition/contest where you dress up your sims (aka your models) and pose them, take pictures of those dressed up sims, and edit those pictures to be judged by the host of the competition (and possibly other judges). Modeling comps started as your ordinary fashion competition, but they have branched out into different themes and types over the years.

    What do you do in a modeling competition?
    Generally, you sign up for a competition, use the same sim throughout the competition, and do a new assignment every few days that are scored and judged by the host and the other judges. Based on the type and theme of the contest, you are given certain requirements for that assignment that you must express in your photo while using your creativity. Examples include a full bodyshot, glamorous makeup, a black border on your photo, etc. More info is in the contestant guide.

    What is the point in modeling? It looks silly!
    Modeling allows people to express their creativity and do something new with their game. It’s not for everyone, some just like to lurk to see the pretty pictures. However, people use this as a learning experience or something to just occupy their free time. There is nothing wrong with that, so if you aren’t a competitor/host, please do not insult anyone who is. People model for a variety of reasons and enjoy doing it, and that is all that matters. :)

    What does comp(s) mean?
    Comp is a shortened word for competition. And no, I didn’t come up with it. I’m not the only one who uses it, you know. :lol:

    You used Sims 3 photos! Is it only for the Sims 3!?
    No, it isn’t! Modeling has been around for many years, since Sims 2, and now even the Sims 4 community is getting involved! While it may be easier for the Sims 3, due to Poseplayer and the invisible lighting, it is not impossible to do it for the Sims 4! Please see the contestant guide for more info.

    You showed us only females! Is it only for females then!?
    Most competitions are centered on females due to there being more clothing available, and also because people prefer females. However, most competitions will allow a male model to be submitted. See the contestant guide for more info.

    Where can I model then!?
    Sims 3 and Sims 4 have now merged into one forum, unofficially of course. This means that all games are allowed in competitions now, so feel free to even use Sims 2 if you'd like. Note that some comps do only list specific games, and this is due to needing them for magazines, or needing to do makeovers in-game, etc. It doesn't mean they want to exclude you on purpose to hurt your feelings, it's just that they don't have the other game to do as they need to.

    You mentioned themes. What is a theme?
    A theme is what the competition is all about and what every assignment will personify. Some examples include: dark, fantasy, futuristic, high fashion, high school, colors, candy, music, lingerie, etc. For more detailed information on making a competition please visit the host guide. For deciding on a competition as a contestant, see the contestant guide.

    You also mentioned types. What is a type?
    A type is what the competition is (can also be a theme), and you can have more than one type in a competition. You have your main types, and then subtypes that play a more subtle role.
    1. High fashion - It means the competition is centered on fashion you would see in a fashion magazine, fashion advertisement, or runway. It goes by many names, but is the most common form of modeling that also goes with other types.
    2. Editorial – more focused on perfect shots than fashion, so something you would definitely see in a normal magazine. So all of that subtle editing that makes pictures pop, proper lighting and posing, etc. Also goes by a few other names.
    3. Headshot - This means photos are only to be done as headshots, meaning from the shoulders and up to the top of the head, and nothing more.
    4. Storytelling – You read that right! Some competitions require you to make one of the types from above, and then also require you to write a story as well! Some are continuous story competitions, meaning you continue the story from assignment to assignment, and others are a onetime only, meaning you write a story for one picture and then never continue it. Some allow you the choice of continuing it or not though. This isn’t a very common type due to people not liking to write and of course doubt, since judging is also done on the story (sometimes).
    5. Free/Open competition – this means that the competition is open to everyone and that you aren’t committed to it. These ones allow you to submit an entry whenever you feel like it.
    6. Non-elimination – This means that everyone continues through all of the rounds, no eliminations are to be done. This is very rare and usually only applies to storytelling competitions.
    7. Challenges and Sabotages – (a subtype) Competitions where you are given extra challenges and tasks to either get you ahead of the competition, or drag you down. Not very common, but fun nonetheless.
    8. Simple/laidback – a competition that doesn’t take much effort of anyone, including simple pictures, assignments and editing. Less focus on competition and more focus on having fun.

    General terms for modeling (Most are explained in detail in the contestant/host section)
    This is stuff you would see in the description and rules for most competitions. If you are new to modeling this can be overwhelming, so here is an easy reference guide.
    1. CC – stands for custom content. You are allowed to participate without any, and some do a fantastic job without CC, but not doing so can limit you greatly in the end, especially for fantasy or high fashion competitions.
    2. Poseplayer – Allows you to pose your sims in the game.
    3. HQ Mod – This is a mod that makes your graphics better for a short time. Applied to only Sims 3 at the moment (the S4 version is basically a sham, and not really a HQ mod at all).
    4. Cycle/seasons – this means that this is the second/third/fourth/whatever version of this competition. If you see this, it usually means the host is good at hosting and that the competition is fun. Doesn’t always apply though!
    5. Prizes – this is what you get when you win!
    6. Signature – this is what the most common prize is. It goes below your posts and displays what rank you pulled
    7. Negativity/being nice – included to encourage others to be happy about what they create, and to encourage people to be nice.
    8. Editing – manipulating a photo to achieve certain looks/ideas. So, a fairy coming out of a flower as an easy example. Just cool stuff you always go “Wow!” at.
    9. Transparent background – The image has no background, which makes it "transparent". This is achieved by cutting out the sim by deleting the background, then saving as a PNG. PNG’s are a picture type, like gifs (moving images you see).
    10. Photoskinning – this is taking pieces of skin, hair, eyes, lips, eyebags, pores, etc. from a real life photo (or very detailed art) and adding it onto a sim. It’s generally frowned upon, and usually not allowed in majority of comps. Make sure to double check the rules before attempting something like this, especially with hair as some hosts don't consider hair in this category. Also, do not confuse this photoskinning term with the other term commonly associated with objects and clothes, the proper term for those are photomanipulation here (and in certain other places), not photoskinning.
    11. Faceplastering – (A more correct term is bodyplastering, but the term originated because it started with a face, and most incidents involve the face/upper portion of the body.) This is a community rule, and is very deeply frowned upon. This involves pasting your sims face, neck, chest, or belly, and even the limbs for certain photos, onto another person's clothed or nude body (either artwork such as 3D, drawn, anime, painted, comics books, etc; other games; or real people). This person's body can either be removed entirely before plastering, or be plastered over (which is also called simmerizing). The best way to avoid faceplastering when dealing with Google clothes is to take the outfit apart and place it on your sim to match that sims pose, use what you need, and/or do a lot of transforming/manipulating/drawing and cleanup work. So instead of just using the entire dress from a photo, instead only use the bottom, sleeves, or maybe the collar and work it onto your sims outfit. Basically, follow the idea that Google clothes should be taken apart and placed onto the sim, not the other way around, and that will make it easier to remember and avoid.

      We do not allow faceplastering for various reasons. Not only are you doing very little work when it comes to the amount of work in the other entries by your fellow contestants, but you are stealing from other people. What if someone took your recent edit and placed their sims face onto it, calling it "theirs"? And then won with that picture when the other contestants worked hard? Faceplastering is not only cheating, but it is art theft and can be a serious issue. Please respect your community, and the original creators, by avoiding this.
    12. YA – Young Adult sims. Most comps want your models to be only YA.
    13. Models – Your sims are your models! You, as a competitor, are an editor. Check the contestant guide for more info.
    14. Full/partial body – Meaning the body isn’t cut off in any way or must be done in a certain way. This is the most common type of modeling, usually being accompanied by the “high fashion” or “editorial” type.
    15. Extras – This means extra sims that aren’t your model. Applied to assignments (and possibly themes) only.
    16. Reserves (Reserving) – Saying “reserve” on a competition means you saved yourself a spot. See the contestant guide for more info.
    17. Mock(s) – A mock is a “test” assignment that the host set up. It allows you to see/get a feel for what the competition is going to be like. Normally a non-elimination round/assignment.
    18. Drop (dropping) – this means leaving/disappearing from a competition. A rule in comps, so if you don’t have the time don’t join, basically. While real life issues pop up all the time, please try to avoid dropping. See contestant guide for more info.
    19. Applications – something you submit (based on guidelines set by your host) that shows your model and allows you to enter a competition.
    20. Model wall – This showcases all of the current models who are participating. Mainly for lurkers/people watching the competition.
    21. Lurkers - people who watch the thread and keep up with the competition! They normally don't post, but they are there.
    22. Assignments/Rounds/Challenges – these are what you are given each round, with requirements that you must meet to get full scores. See contestant guide for more info.
    23. Resubmitting assignments – This means you made a mistake, noticed it too late, and try to switch out your image to get a better score. Some hosts allow it, others don't. It is usually not allowed, or limited, because this can be used to cheat.
    24. Deadlines – The date and time an assignment is due. Most judges will supply a timezone for you. Use the contestant/host guide for more information.
    25. Extensions – If you are running late with your assignment, due to real life problems or even a creativity block, you ask for an extension (usually a day or more, depending on the situation and judge). Majority of competitions limit you to a few extensions per person, so use your time wisely and avoid being late.
    26. Accepting late submissions – Means what it says. If something came up and you weren’t able to ask for an extension, you can still submit but points will be docked.
    27. Checking in – Checking in is when you tell the host that you saw the scores and new assignment. It lets them keep track of who is active as well, so make sure to at least add in a comment after viewing your scores!
    28. Scores/scoring rubric/score breakdown – This is what tells you how well you did, along with comments from the judges. A scoring rubric is what judges use as a reference for scoring, and a score breakdown explains what each scoring area means.
    29. Judges personal opinions/comments – Judges score based on what they know, what their tastes are, and what they have experienced. They give you tips and ideas for improving, so don’t be upset by your results and instead use this advice to improve.

    This sounds really complicated!
    I know most of you are overwhelmed at the amount of info, but this guide will always be here for you to refer too. So just keep coming back in bits if it is too much at once.

    Congrats on reading through all of that! But we still have a lot to go through!

    Please choose your next section.
    “I am a model” Part 1: Beginning your career
    “I am a model” Part 2: Further Questions
    “I am a host” Part 1: Format
    “I am a host” Part 2: Questions and Answers
    “I want to judge”
    Post edited by MizoreYukii on
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    edited August 2015
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    edited November 2016
    This is Part 1: Beginning your career.
    Read "What is modeling..." first!
    I applaud you for taking this leap! Modeling is extremely fun and a great experience.

    I want to model right now! Where do I start!?
    Hold your horses! While it can be exhilarating to just jump into a competition head first, doing so without knowledge can annoy your fellow contestants and hosts. Please read this guide fully to understand what I am talking about. Thank you. :heart:

    So what do we do first then?
    Read my “What is modeling and the terms associated with it (Plus FAQ)” first. The first guide will give you a basic idea of what you need to know, plus the terms I will be using in this guide. This guide is for more detailed information and what to expect as a contestant. However, if I didn’t cover something that isn’t stated in either guide, please contact me or post in this thread and I will fix it immediately.

    I read it, now what?
    First, decide if modeling is for you.

    Do not start modeling:
    1. If you are going to cry because you were booted off, or someone did better than you, etc. While it’s perfectly natural to be jealous or upset, letting it consume you to the point of not enjoying modeling anymore is extremely unhealthy. Don’t let it get to you!
    2. If you are going to be mean and immature. Big no no.
    3. If you don’t have the time to actively participate. Competitions run for a long time, even for several months (yes, several!), and take a lot of effort out of some. If you can’t stick to a deadline, will randomly disappear, or are busy a lot, don’t join or only join the amount of comps you think you can handle. So you school kids: join for the summer but take only a few/none during the school year! Stop joining comps a month(ish) before school starts.
    4. If you are unwilling to learn. Modeling is something that allows us to grow as a person and learn new things, like editing if you never have before. If you don’t like learning so you can improve, this is probably not something you should do.
    5. If you are a lazy person and refuse to meet deadlines, etc.

    Still want to model? Continue on!

    Second step?
    If you are ready to join a competition, you now need to look for one that interests you. Do not join a ton of competitions at once! You will start dropping comps because you didn't expect the amount of responsibility involved and because you do not have the time. Join one to two comps for now, then branch out. Only join comps that actually interest you as well. If you aren't interested by the comp, it will be boring for you which means you are more likely to drop.
    1. Check out all of the current competitions, even the ones running, to see which theme/type seems like something you would enjoy. Stalk a few threads, ask questions, watch what people are doing.
    2. Read the rules for all of the competitions you are interested in. If it has a schedule you can’t meet, requires CC/editing, or you don’t like the rules, etc., you are allowed to avoid it. Especially take a look at the mocks/first assignment. If you don’t like the mocks/first assignment, chances are you won’t like the rest of the competition. No one is forcing you to join any of these either, so choose what suits you.
    3. Once you have made a decision, type “reserve please” or just “reserve” in the commenting box, or even submit your application right then and there. This is especially important for competitions that only allow a certain amount of people in! If you decide later that you don’t want to participate, just say that you can’t/don’t want to participate and your spot will open up for others. Make sure this is the decision you want though! Once a spot is snatched, it’s pretty much gone forever. If a competition is already full, but hasn’t begun, just keep an eye out for it and it might have an open spot later due to someone leaving.
    4. When submitting your applications, do not put font, effects, borders, etc. onto the images. Your application shots should be clean of any of that, and be on a color background, or transparent, that is contrasting and easy to cut out. So do not use patterned backgrounds, rainbows, swirls, etc., or a yellow dress on a yellow background. Your application shots will be determined by your host, but usually it will consist of a headshot and full body shots. Full body shots should have all limbs, toes, fingers, and head inside the shot, which means nothing should be cut in your image. Headshots should be from the clavicle and up, and do not cut the head off in any way. For more information on shot types, please view my Modeling Terms and Understanding Requirements - Part 1 | Part 2 tutorial.

    Do you suggest I model with my Sims 3 or Sims 4 game (or Sims 2 if I can)?
    This doesn't apply if you only have one game! All three games have their pros and cons when it comes to modeling. Sims 3, for instance, has more CC and higher quality CC, plus we have the MOO cheat for moving sims, but loading can take a while among other things. Sims 4 is more active and still has room to improve in the modeling section, but we are greatly limited in several categories (including recolors for a specific theme). It really just depends on what you prefer. I'd recommend trying out both of your games, then make a decision.

    I’m scared of joining! Everyone just seems so good at this! Etc.
    Don’t be scared. Honestly, the only way to see if you like modeling and to improve in the first place is to join and learn from the competition itself. That, or secretly edit and see if you can improve by yourself. The most important thing to remember is that we are here to have fun. While yes, you should strive to improve and become the best model you can, you shouldn't focus so much on winning or stress yourself over editing.

    Why do they say no negativity of any kind, including insulting ourselves?
    Because a lot of people have low self-esteem, so are constantly negative about their works. Almost every person is guilty of this, whether they make it known to the public or not. They say no negativity to avoid everyone posting about how they feel and how they think they aren’t talented. No one wants to see a sad thread! D:

    My quality is really bad compared to everyone else! What did I do wrong!?
    Make sure you are setting your graphics settings the highest they can go (that doesn’t hurt your computer) when taking images. As soon as you are done taking pictures, turn the graphics back down. Remember though, you have to restart the game every time you change certain settings, so keep this in mind.

    For the Sims 3 games, install a HQ mod AND set your settings high.

    Do I have to make a new model for each competition?
    Nope! Use the same model if you want. Unless specifically stated in the rules of their comps, hosts can’t ban you from submitting an already used sim, but they will sometimes request you to submit a new sim.

    I found a Sim that someone else made and that I love. Can I use it for a competition?
    If you don't have permission, do not submit someone else's sim!! If it is a base sim, or a sim uploaded specifically for people to enjoy and use however they want, as stated clearly in the creator’s rules, then yes, you CAN use that sim. If it is a sim that has restrictions though, contact the creator! The last thing we need is drama because you were too lazy to contact the creator. If you aren’t sure if you can use the sim or not, contact the creator so you know.
    Make sure you SAY that it isn’t your sim. Do NOT take credit for a sim that you didn’t make, especially if you used a base and only changed the eyebrows or the lips. If you altered the base sim quite a bit, that means it is now your sim.
    What is a base sim? A base sim is a sim uploaded for the public to use to create sims from. In other words, they are a premade sim, just like base game sims or the randomizer, to create your future sims off of.

    The competition says to not change the eyes/skin/hair/sliders/something else? What do they mean?
    Some people try to change their models features as the competition goes on, like the color of the eyes, skin color and hair color, or even the body/face sliders so they look different. Some competitions will allow you to do it for certain assignments, but only if you change them back. It’s normally okay to change the hair color though because it is like they are wearing a wig or dying the hair. Changes, other than hair or a slight tan, can’t be permanent though. An example is changing the eyes so they might be wearing contacts, but they need to go back to the original color after the assignment. Or even giving her a robot/lizard skin for an assignment means you would change it back after the assignment.

    Does my model have to be gorgeous/sexy/cute, etc.?
    No! They can be plain and ordinary if you prefer. However, no purposefully ugly and/or deformed sims unless the competition says so. Remember that in the end these are still modeling and fashion competitions, meaning your sim needs to represent the idea of a model (which is not beauty, it's actually about uniqueness). They can, however, be skinny or curvy, or even heavy. There’s even a popular modeling comp from a Sims 3 host that encourages us to use curvy and plus sized sims!

    Only females are allowed!? I want to model with males instead!
    Most competitions allow male sims to participate, you just have to ask. Hosts usually forget to include this detail because modeling with a female sim is very common and most forget men even exist as an option when it comes to modeling. Some competitions will mention immediately that only females are allowed, or even only males. If this is the case, please look for another competition or ask the host if another cycle/season is coming out that includes males.

    The competition requires CC! I don’t want to download CC!/I don’t know how to download (or use) CC!
    Majority of competitions don’t require CC. If you don’t want to download any CC, don’t join the comp that requires it. If it’s only recommended, just work harder on making your sims look good so you aren’t left in the dust, and I don't mean beauty wise (unless it was a makeup assignment of course). Our high fashion competitions require gorgeous dresses, which the Sims games sorely lack. Because of this I do not recommend joining high fashion competitions, otherwise you may be eliminated within a few rounds.

    If you don’t know how to download/use CC, you are in a bit of a pickle! It is really simple though, but to learn how please go here. There are other guides as well, so look for those too.

    The competition requires editing! I can’t edit at all!
    Don’t fret! Sometimes you can get away with minor editing and not need to know how to do everything else, or no editing whatsoever. Some people can pull off amazing in game photos with zero editing. To begin learning how to edit though, I suggest finding a program first.

    For anyone new: I suggest Gimp. It is a free, but pretty powerful, program. There are also tutorials everywhere, just like Photoshop, so Google is your friend. If you like editing after a few months/competitions and want to continue with a more professional approach, I suggest getting Photoshop or other high quality editing programs.

    For people used to Gimp/whatever and now want a more powerful program: I suggest Photoshop or whatever you are interested in.

    If you can't afford Photoshop the other alternative, which you didn’t hear from me, is to look for an older and/or “free” version of Photoshop. Photoshop CS2 is free though, if you don’t mind reaaaally old products. You could also research other editing programs that are free, but I think Gimp might be the best free one.

    For editing guides, especially geared towards modeling, please go here.

    I found out what photoskinning, simmerizing, and faceplastering is! Can I do this?
    No, only photoskinning can be allowed in a competition. Even when the host says you can do faceplastering or simmerizing, or forgets to list it in the rules, it is still not allowed as it is a community rule.

    I found someone else’s picture that fits my assignment. Can I submit it?
    NO! If you are reading this and even considered this possibility, bop yourself on the head. This is stealing! Do not, in any way, steal another person’s picture, or copy it. You need to work hard as well, and be creative and make your own images. This is technically impossible anyways because of your model, who must remain the same and be used in all rounds.

    Wait, what is a drawing tablet? I’ve seen this mentioned before?
    A drawing tablet is exactly what it sounds like! You use it for drawing/editing better. It acts just like a pen and paper and can be quite useful. I suggest one only if you like editing/drawing, are willing to pay for one, and are just tired of using the mouse. Some people even use it as an alternative to a mouse in general, minus editing.

    The competition I wanted to join is full! Can I ask the host to kick someone?
    Absolutely not! Competitions have a certain number of competitors because competitions can go on for months at a time (due to one person being eliminated every week), or just because the host only wants a certain number. While you can ask a host if they will take extra people, you otherwise should respect the host and those already signed up and move on to a different comp. There’s always a chance that another Cycle will start anyways, so wait patiently!

    The competition I want to join has already started! Can I still submit an application?
    No! Competitions are based on signups and deadlines for a reason. If you miss the deadline to enter, you missed it! Sometimes, if it was by a day/time difference, you can ask the host to let you in, but if several weeks have passed already you cannot enter it. Please stop asking if you can join this or that competition if it clearly has been several weeks since it started.

    But someone was booted off! Doesn’t that mean I can join now?
    Again, no! Just because someone was booted doesn’t mean it is a free spot for you. Competitions allow only a certain amount of people and have deadlines. If it has started, and isn’t a free/open competition as stated in the rules, then it is not something you can just hop into.

    Please continue to scroll for the second part, or click the link.
    “I am a model” Part 2: Further Questions
    Post edited by MizoreYukii on
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    edited November 2016
    This is part 2: Further Questions
    Read "What is modeling..." and Part 1 first!
    “What is modeling and the terms associated with it (Plus FAQ)”
    “I am a model” Part 1: Beginning your career

    Now what? I said reserve, but I don’t know what to do!
    It is very important that you read all of the posts on the front page of the competition. You must understand the rules and requirements in order to participate.

    Once you have reserved a spot you need to begin on your application. Check the closing date for signups so you know when your application is due. Read the requirements for your application! Most applications look like this though (copy and pasting the format then filling it out keeps you organized):

    Preferred Name: (What you want to be called. So a nickname.)
    Model Name: (What is your model called? Doing a first and last name is recommended)
    Description/Bio/Why you want to join: (This should be a rare occurrence and should only happen in certain competitions.)
    Headshot: (An image, close up and not cutting off parts of the head, of your models face. They usually list if certain makeup or hairdos is required, or even a certain background. Pay attention to the listed requirements!)
    Bodyshot: (A full bodyshot. So don’t cut off the feet, hands, or part of the head. Usually facing forward and in a model or neutral pose with a specific colored outfit. Again, pay attention to the requirements!)

    Example from the Trendsetter competition:
    Model Application Form
    Username / Preferred Name -
    Model's Name -
    Headshot on black background - ( No hair covering face )
    Full body shot on black background - ( Wearing light blue or white dress, white shoes )

    How do I pose my sims!?
    For Sims 3 you need poseplayer. It is from ModtheSims. Download it and then place it in game, and click on your sim and then select a pose.
    Sims 4 has CAS poses and a poseplayer. Poseplayer is located in Sims4Studio. Place it in game and click on your sim, then select a pose. CAS overrides traits, so you will need to go into Edit in CAS, slow down the rotation, select the proper trait, then take poses from there.
    More info to come.

    How do I take a picture of my sims in CAS/in the game!?
    Hit C on your keyboard.

    Waaaait! How do I post an image to the site!?
    First, you need to be a member! If you aren’t, I suggest posting like crazy (not spam, but actual posts) to become one. This restriction is just to ensure that bots and spammers don’t roam free. You also need to use a free picture hosting website. Be careful where you upload though, because some websites, like Photobucket, degrade the quality or resize images! My suggestion for you is to use professional websites, like Flickr, or some other website that has HQ images. Flickr also gives a lot of free space, 1 Terabyte specifically. Once you have uploaded, you need to find your “Share” section. On Flickr, it is a weird arrow, so click on it and select BBCCode, then the Size of the image you want (be careful about this, else you’ll get a tiny photo), then click on the text below for it to copy to your clipboard. Head to the thread of the comp, paste your photos in the right spot and formatting, and then hit submit. If you are using another service, explore the options and tutorials, or Google is your friend.

    How do I get a transparent/specific background?
    First tip is to not use colored walls and floors as your backdrop when taking pictures. They create shadows and make it harder to cut if you are doing a regular color selection, which means it makes it harder on the host or you when cutting. There are tutorials on how to get a studio set up, and get a transparent background, including the editing tutorials I have linked at the top of this thread.

    I want to submit an assignment/application that is small to give it a special effect/I just want to submit a small image!
    Don't do this! For some hosts you can actually lose points for submitting a small picture! This is because they can't see the details in your image very well. It is very important to make your image large and clear. If you are doing it for a special effect you need to provide the large image as well (either as a link or include the image in your post) so they can judge that one instead, while considering your small image and the effect it gives as well. If it is only because you used a small background, find another background!

    I submitted my application! Now what?
    Depending on how the host has set up, you should either have a first assignment or mock to submit. Sometimes hosts don’t put up mocks, but mocks are a way to taste what the competition is going to be. Anyways, read the requirements for your mock/first assignment and begin as soon as you can because the due date is usually a few days after the competition has closed. Don’t rush it either, especially if the host says it is an elimination round! Mocks/first assignments are normally not elimination rounds though.

    What is a model wall? Does it affect me?
    A model wall is a collective of all the models currently in the comp. It is used for lurkers to keep track of who is in the comp still, and it looks nice. It doesn’t really serve any other purpose, unless specified by the host.

    An example image is in the mock/assignment section. Do I copy it?
    Unless specifically stated so in the rules, you do not copy the example image. It is fine to get some ideas from it to understand the assignment, as that is the point, but do not copy it otherwise. Also, If you need more examples, Google is your friend!

    I'm terrible at editing. Can people help me?
    Absolutely not. Just like real life, this is cheating and unfair to everyone else, not to mention that it means you did no work. No matter how terrible you are at editing, cheating will never be okay. You cannot receive help from family members, friends, acquaintances/random people, the host, judges, etc. Even an intelligent and artistic computer is not allowed to help. Asking for advice, tips, ideas when lost, being linked tutorials or having tutorials written for you, etc. is okay though because in the end you will still be doing your own work.

    My mock/first assignment is done. Now what?
    You wait for the competition to begin and for the judges to score your work! Once the competition begins, you must be prepared and understand what is going on, which is covered next.

    The competition has begun. What should I expect/see?
    Once it has begun, you should expect to see the hosts post an announcement saying the scores are up later in the week. Scores are posted on the front page, for majority of comps, so head over to the first page and scroll down for your results. They are usually in order by who won, who came in second, etc. Try not to be saddened by low scores! Use the judges’ comments and critiques to improve yourself. Make sure to check in and tell the host that you saw the scores!

    After seeing your scores, the new assignment is usually posted as well. Head down to where the assignment is located and read the instructions. Begin your assignment and remember to keep track of the deadline/due date and requirements. Make sure your host has a specified day and time zone. (Please go here for a time zone converter). If you have questions about the assignment, ask the host. Do not ask the host/judges how your image looks though! They are not supposed to critique your stuff unless they are scoring the assignments, which should be done after everyone has submitted. They are only allowed general comments when you submit or ask, like “Beautiful!” Or “Great job!”. Anything further is unprofessional and unfair to the rest of the contestants.

    If you need extra time, don’t forget to ask for an extension (usually 24 hours in advance)! An extension gives you extra time to complete your assignment. There is usually a limit though so people can’t abuse it. If a host is nice enough to allow unlimited extensions, don’t abuse them!
    After you submit, they score your assignment and post the results. This cycle continues for the rest of the competition, unless it is a unique one that has different twists and turns, or challenges/sabotage. This is unlikely to happen though, so the routine should be easy enough to follow.

    What about scores? How do I understand them? What do they mean?
    A scoring rubric and scoring breakdown should be provided by your host, and these rubric and breakdowns list everything they are looking for when scoring. Remember to reread the breakdown and rubric so you aren't confused. If a host has not provided one please inform them that it is needed, otherwise you guys will be confused on scores (and some judges will be as well unless they ask in a PM).

    I noticed my assignment doesn’t have all of the requirements/I want to edit it some more, but I already submitted the assignment. Can I remove the image and edit it?
    Majority of competitions ban this (called resubmitting) for several reasons, mainly because it can be a form of cheating. Just imagine a real life competition...there are no redos in life, so be prepared to accept your fate! I highly recommend working on the assignment before the due date, then leaving it for a few days. Once you come back to look at the image it will be new to your eyes. This allows you to see errors and other things more easily. Also, check your requirements frequently. You should have memorized them by the time you have finished your edit, which means you can do a checklist to ensure you get full points in requirements.

    I missed the deadline by a few hours/a day! What do I do!?
    If your host says in the rules that late submissions are allowed, that means you are able to submit an assignment late! That doesn’t mean submit it 2 weeks later though, only by a day or two. Some hosts are also lenient and don’t mind you being a few hours late. Either way, ask them. Don’t abuse this feature though, because you can lose points on any assignments that are late, or you could be kicked for doing it.

    I can’t continue with the competition anymore. What do I do?
    This is considered dropping. If it is for real life reasons, you are allowed to leave a competition. However, leaving just because you don’t want to continue is generally frowned upon. Try to see yourself through the competition, but if you really can’t stand it anymore, just inform the host that you can’t participate anymore. Remember though, don’t join a lot of comps if you are a busy person!

    I left the competition but now I want to join again. Can I come back?
    For majority of competitions, no. Once you leave/abandon the competition you are not allowed to participate anymore. Especially if you left during Assignment 1 or something and wanted to come back during Assignment 6 or something. Just like real life, this is not possible, so don’t bother asking as it is also unfair to everyone else competing. Judges should not be allowing this to happen either. If, however, you left during Assignment 1, but realize you still want to participate and the comp is still on Assignment 1, then you may be lucky and allowed back in. Either way, don’t leave unless you’re absolutely sure.

    Someone in the competition is being rude/mean to me?
    Contact the host and have them deal with the problem, or ask this person politely to stop.

    Someone is better than me at modeling/editing!? Can I be mean to them?
    No. Ask people for pointers rather than being mean to them. They may or may not help you.

    Someone won even though their image was terrible compared to mine!
    Judges choose and rank by what they think fit the assignment criteria better. Even though you think your image is a thousand times better than everyone else’s, chances are that the judge doesn’t think so. This is a reality that people must face when joining these competitions. I do not recommend being overconfident, as the results may crush you in the end.

    It seems like the judges/host are being biased/The scores seem biased?
    Make sure you have reliable proof and that you aren’t claiming this just because you are terrible at modeling. Contact the host and discuss the situation with them, though. If they deny it and continue despite having proof, are rude about it, etc., you should probably leave the competition and inform others. Other than that, there isn’t much you can do other than avoid the host and their competitions. Do not accuse hosts of doing this without proper evidence though, as cheating is a serious offence in this community.

    What do you get when you win the competition?
    It depends on the host, but usually what you win is a signature (so you can show everyone), some banners, avis (avatars, or the picture under your name basically), or something else, like CC. It’s not much, but learning and participating is usually enough for some people, including the thrill of winning.

    I didn’t win!/I got kicked out early! I am so mad!
    Again, being upset is natural, but please don’t stress yourself over it. Read your scores and understand why you were kicked out/didn’t win and figure out where you need to improve. Modeling is a learning process, just like real life.

    Want to be a host too? Continue on!
    Otherwise, choose your destination:
    Back to the top/first post
    “What is modeling and the terms associated with it (Plus FAQ)”
    “I am a model” Part 1: Beginning your career
    “I am a model” Part 2: Further Questions
    “I am a host” Part 1: Format
    “I am a host” Part 2: Questions and Answers
    “I want to judge”
    Post edited by MizoreYukii on
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    edited September 2016
    This is part 1: Formatting
    Read "What is modeling..." first!
    Congratulations on starting your first competition! This is probably the longest section out of them all, so try to pay attention for as long as you can. I will try to be quick and specific.

    BEFORE WE BEGIN: Make sure you read “What is modeling and the terms associated with it (Plus FAQ)”! I know a lot of you are new, so don’t skirt around that guide just because you are running/in a competition already and think you’re fine.

    Note: Please remember that this guide is here to teach you and help you make your own decisions based off of the format given. It is not meant to scare you off from hosting, or force you into setting up a competition exactly the same way.

    First off, here are some links that give you more information and different views on hosting a modeling competition. I suggest you read these along with my post, as it helps you understand what I am talking about:;jsessionid=CE805C09126B2ABE7807033B0E229759.015060#5223358 (You need an account to see images in this thread)

    For those of you who are new to hosting, let me tell you that hosting a competition takes a lot of work! You need to be active for your contestants, answer their questions in a timely manner, keep a schedule for your competition going, judge reliably and unbiased, etc. If you don’t think you can handle this, do not start a competition. This may seem unfair to some, but being a flaky host means that people will not trust you for anything else to do with modeling, and you are wasting their time with a competition that won’t make it far and is probably an unfair one too. It’s one thing to have to stop the competition because there was a real life issue, it’s another to stop the competition just because you’re lazy and don’t want to bother with it anymore. If you’re the last type of person, don’t enter, nor host, a competition please.

    I want to host my first competition! What should I do?
    Did you read the “What is modeling and the terms associated with it (Plus FAQ)” first? If you didn’t, read it now. I am using almost every term stated there in this post. Once you have read it, consider your skills and yourself as a person, then read this list:

    Do not become a host:
    1. If you have never modeled before. Meaning you don’t know how to score a picture and give proper feedback on it. You are not required to know how to edit or model to be a host, however: knowing how to edit and model makes you a better judge and host overall. If you have never done either before, how can people take you seriously when you have no idea how to write feedback? And “Ohh! Pretty! I like your clouds!” isn’t feedback. Feedback is telling someone what is wrong with their picture, what is good about it, and how to improve. I suggest you try modeling first to actually know what you are doing and to get an idea of how competitions work. It is only fair to the people joining your competition, so please think about them first before making a decision. Remember, this is only a suggestion.
    2. If you can’t handle people. If people annoy you easily, or you think everyone is an idiot, don’t host. You will hate it, they will hate you, and everyone is mad in the end. Just don’t do it if you aren’t a people person. If you can withhold the anger and rude comments though, go for it, but be professional.
    3. If you are biased. Don’t host if you are going to give your friend great scores and give someone you don’t low scores. This isn’t a popularity or friendship contest. These competitions are based on skill and creativity, not "who is my best friend" or "who I hate most".
    4. If you are constantly busy, school is coming up, etc. Hosting takes just as much, if not more, effort and time than modeling. Don’t start a comp if life is running you 24/7 and you know you don’t have the time.
    5. If you will be rude and mean to people. No one wants a mean host.
    6. If you are lazy. If you are lazy and refuse to cooperate with deadlines and people, don’t bother joining our community in general.

    If you fit the hosting guidelines, please keep reading.

    I fit the criteria for being a host! Yay! Now what?
    Now you need to decide on a theme and type. A theme is not exactly required, but in reality every comp has a theme, regardless if it’s “just another fashion competition”. So decide on what you want to do and what you expect from your models. Do you want a competition based on candy, music, fantasy, dark things, supernatural, etc.? Or maybe you want to have a competition centered around teenagers or children (but nothing inappropriate), or even males only! Be unique and avoid copying people though. It is okay to be inspired by other competitions and their themes, but do not copy their competition word for word, or only do a small change. You need to make it your own competition.
    If the host has been gone for months/years and it looks like they aren’t coming back, you can take their idea, credit them (this means you list their name when you discuss what your comp is), and run with it, but only if this is the case.

    Also, do NOT start a cycle/season whatever of someone else's competition unless you have their permission! This is considered stealing otherwise and is very rude to the host!

    Wait, what if I have trouble writing/spelling/English is not my main language?
    It is okay to be awful at the English language, but you need to make sure people can understand you and your rules. Do not rush making your competition. Take your time and write things out properly. If you are struggling, ask your friends or the community to help! The last thing we want is for your competition to be avoided due to people struggling to understand what you mean.

    Someone stole my competition!
    Did you make it first, or did they? Some competitions seem alike in themes, however, if the competition they made looks exactly like yours, down to the assignments and wording, then you need to tell them to stop. If they continue, please contact a SimGuru or report them, but I am unsure of what the authorities can do for you. Either way, keep calm and deal with it in a civil manner.

    I have a theme and type. What do I do now?
    Come up with: a name, rules, requirements, scoring rubric, applications, prizes, how many judges and models you want, how long assignments will run and how many (number should match up with models), when sign ups close, number of extensions per model, color themes and banners, a description of what your competition is, and begin your thread for your competition, etc. Make sure to put “Do not Post yet” as the title, or something like it, to tell people not to post, otherwise they will post and then you have to start the thread all over again. If you did everything beforehand though and are just copying and pasting, it probably doesn’t matter, but do it to be cautious.

    Decide immediately on who and what is allowed in your competition. So your rules should state whether you want YA female and/or males, teens or children, whether CC is allowed or not (then recommended/required/don’t care), if editing is allowed (then recommended/required/don’t care/simple/laidback competition), etc.

    Signups should be open for two weeks or more. Assignments should be 5-7 days or longer, unless you are aiming for quickness, then you can do it shorter (make sure this is ON the thread, IN the rules, and stated clearly!).

    You should also decide on how long extensions can be and how many per person. You don’t even have to have a limit, but bad people will abuse this so it is mainly a caution.

    You also need to come up with the mock and assignment themes and all of the requirements and details needed for people to turn in the photo. Try to post a mock or first Assignment, as this allows people to see even further what your competition is about. Some people join solely based on mocks and first Assignments, as the type of mock and first Assignment will encourage or discourage the right people. Remember, the mock is available before people sign up! They can't tell if they like the competition if the mock only appears after they turned in their application!

    You don't really need a prize. Prizes are mainly for show and tell and so they have something to remember the competition by. Prizes can range from signatures (or banners), avatars, gifs, CC (don't give out CC that wasn't made for the competition/isn't yours), a Sim, being a guest judge next cycle, contract with a Sims modeling magazine (actual published ones around the internet), etc. Be creative!

    Your thread format should resemble the format listed below, and if you want it even more organized you can add more posts, etc to your thread to make more sections. You can also change it up to suit yourself or the competition better.

    Check these example threads to see what I mean. The examples are very important in understanding what I am talking about. Title/first post:
    1. Banner – Your first banner with the name of your comp should be placed first. This catches the attention. (Banners can also be used for each section, so a Rules banner for example.) Make sure people can read the font!
    2. Description/prizes – What is your comp about? What are you trying to accomplish? Any new twists (if this is a season/cycle 2/3/4/etc. list your changes and why this season is different)?
    3. Rules/requirements – list everything that people need to know for signing up. If it isn’t listed, people assume or have to ask questions, so state exactly what you want. Keep it short and simple, unless it is a new rule that isn’t even included here. Come up with rules and requirements that fit your competition! Remember that faceplastering is not allowed as a general community rule, but photoskinning is up to you (remember that photomanipulation is the proper term for using objects and clothes, not photoskinning).
      This is an example of rules and requirements from Flawless:
      No negativity of any kind is allowed - this includes belittling yourself
      Editing is allowed and highly recommended
      NO face-plastering or photo-skinning
      You are allowed to draw your own clothing or objects
      Only 2 extensions per person per cycle - yes I will be keeping track
      Only 2 days MAX extensions are allowed - you must ask for one at
      least 24 hours in advanced
      Assignments last 10 days - that's lots of time, which means I may choose not
      to extend it for you
      Deadlines are set at Pacific Standard Times - adjust accordingly
      Please don't drop - if you are too busy or think you will drop, DON'T SIGN UP!
      Have fun and be creative
    4. Applications – List the application format and information after your rules. (Also can include a judge application if you want it here.) People should be able to copy and paste your format so they can fill in the information. Unless it is a Miss (State, Universe, Country, etc.)/roleplaying/storytelling/(insert similar name) competition, do not ask your models to submit a bio, “why I want to join”, or description. If you are asking just because other hosts do it, please don't. It is okay to ask people, if and only if you are genuinely interested, why they want to join your competition, who is their model, etc. Some people just make models and don’t give them a personality and others really don't want to make a bio, so unless you absolutely, positively, must know or it is helpful to the competition, don’t make them do it. Happy competitors equal happy host.
      This is an example from Flawless (slightly edited for this guide) of a model application (make your own so it fits the competition!):
      MODEL SIGN UP (Or Application):
      Model Name:
      *Shoulders Up
      *Bare Shoulders
      *Black or Transparent Background

      *Full Bodyshot
      *Short Red Dress
      *Please, please, please use a background that contrasts with ALL aspects of your model (hair, skin, clothing, shoes) or use a transparent background (meaning you edited out the background yourself)
    5. The models – aka the model wall. So headshots and bodyshots should be neatly organized, resized, and fit together nicely in their own, separate image (or organized). So headshots are in one image or organized, and bodyshots are one image or organized. This area should also include a “Reserved”, “Model submitted” and “Mock/or Assignment submitted”. This allows you to keep track of who has signed up, submitted a model, and who did the first assignment. Once the competition begins, change it to “Hasn’t checked in”, “Checked in”, and “Assignment submitted”.
    6. The Judges – aka the judge wall. This should have a judge application (or you post it under your model application) and incorporate all of your judges, including yourself! So get to picture taking of your best model. There should be headshots included as well as names. Either the names be on the images or below/above the images.
    This is an example from Flawless of a judge application (with my input/edit of course):
    Username/Preferred name: (Place your username or the name you wish to be called by)
    Availability: (How often you are available/what time zone you are in)
    Email or PM? (The new forums allow messaging, aka PM. Choose which is best for you)
    Experience: (Do you have experience as a judge, host, or competitor? Maybe all three?)
    Headshot: (What image you want to be placed on the wall)
    Second post:
    1. Assignments – This is where you list your assignments, including mocks. This should include a description of the assignment, the requirements, an example (real or sim image, or multiple), and your deadline/due date. Be as descriptive and clear as possible to avoid confusion!
    2. (Extra section for specific comps only) – This is where you list your challenges/sabotages/extra credit, etc. So something your models need to do other than the assignment or goes with the assignment.
    3. Scoring – this lists the scoring information and how scoring will be done. Allows people to see what to aim for. Come up with your own scoring rubric that fits your competition and list what you are looking for!
      Scoring examples from multiple threads (Done as images to save space/organize better): From Senior High Cycle 3: The UC - Flawless - Trendsetter Cycle 1
    4. Entries/submissions – This is where you list all of the images people submitted for the current assignment. Make sure you list their name and their models name (if they chose something that sets them apart for that specific comp, like a style, color, species, or music, etc. list it as well for remembering), then place the picture below it. Use spaces to avoid smushing images together.
    Third post:
    1. Results/Scores – this is where you list who received first place, second place, third place, etc., plus all of the judges comments and exact scoring. Comments and scores go under that specific image only! Be careful when posting, as comments and scores may be mixed up.
    2. Who is eliminated/won extra stuff – list who was eliminated and if it is a specific comp, whatever else was needed.

    Fourth/extra posts: this is where other stuff goes. This is up to your judgement what you put here. If you decide to expand and organize your posts better, do the same format as above, just in different posts instead of one giant one for each section.
    Again, check the examples or this won’t make any sense! You have been warned!

    I want to display past assignments! Where do I put them!?
    People commonly place the images in the same area as the Results and Entries area. This is always an eyesore because it is very, very, unorganized with no clear indication of which assignment is current. I suggest, instead of putting it there, that you make a new post under your Results section and label it as “Past Results/or Submissions” and also clearly label the assignment sections. This makes the page load longer/slower though, so you could instead do a “Past Winners” section and only list past winners. Another idea is to post the images in a giant album so people can scroll through it. If you do this, label everything, including who made it and what assignment.

    What if I want to do the current everything-in-one, scrunched image, with hard to see words, for my comp?
    Don’t. It looks awful and is unprofessional looking. If you want to be known as a good host you have to actually work like a host, and that includes setting up a nice, neatly organized, thread (plus other things). Even if you don’t know how to make banners, you at least need to try or ask the community for help. Do some research, and don’t use or any other free website that puts free advertisement on the image.

    How should I do my model wall and judge wall? Should I even do one?
    You are not required to, but it helps lurkers. Check the example threads for ideas. For editing help, ask in the thread or other people.

    Scroll down for part 2, or click the link.
    “I am a host” Part 2: Questions and Answers
    Post edited by MizoreYukii on
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    edited November 2016
    This is part 2: Questions and Answers
    Read "What is modeling..." and Part 1 first!
    “What is modeling and the terms associated with it (Plus FAQ)”
    “I am a host” Part 1: Format

    Alright, that’s all set up. Now what do I do?
    Double check to make sure everything is organized neatly and makes sense. This includes due dates and how long assignments will run. Now, open your thread by typing in your new title and post in your thread that signups are open and wait for people to flock in. It’s okay if it’s not immediate. Give it a few days for people to notice it, answer everyone’s questions, and try to keep the thread active so it stays in the front. Don’t spam though. I don’t think bumps are outlawed yet, but use caution if you bump it. Keep track of applicants with your “Reserved” and “Submitted” sections as well.

    What happens if my competition isn’t getting much interest!?
    If the sign up date has approached and gone, and you still only have a few models out of the number you need, you probably need to rethink the contest or shut it down and continue with another idea. There’s not much you can do to generate more interest.

    Why are people saying reserve!?
    If you had read the “What modeling is…” guide, you would know. READ IT!
    But basically, it means they are reserving a spot. If you only have a certain amount of spots, that reserve counts as a spot. If they don’t submit on/after the due date and they haven’t contacted you, feel free to kick them and open the spot back up for other people. Remember to record people in your Reserve section!

    Before we move on, what do people expect me to do as a host?
    They expect you to be nice, helpful, organized, active, and for you to be passionate about your competition. If you don’t care about it, they won’t either. They also expect you to know how to judge and how to judge fairly, as discussed before.
    Keep track of your models and who has done what with your “Checked in” sections. Also update the Entries/Submission pages frequently.

    Someone keeps asking questions that you already covered in this thread!
    Please link them to the contestant guide then. Basic information for contests is covered. Anything related specifically to your contest though should be answered by you only.

    Someone I hate posted an application!
    Everyone, unless they have been deemed a troll/overly rude person by the community, should be allowed in your competition. If they did something really awful to you, like hacked your account or something, then you could try to ban them from your comps. Try not to hold grudges though, as you will most likely encounter this person over and over again, regardless of role.

    Someone made a sim that I really dislike the look of!
    Refusing someone based on their taste in sims is rude. Some people view beauty in different ways, so be fair and try to ignore whatever is bothering you about the sim.

    Someone is photoskinning/face plastering! What do I do?
    If this is already in your rules (add it if it’s not), remind them that this is not allowed and to redo their application/submission without the photoskinning/faceplastering. If they continue to do it you will have to ban them from continuing. (I know I said no resubmissions allowed later in this thread, but photoskinning and faceplastering should not be allowed.)

    Someone submitted an application/headshot/bodyshot with bad quality! What do I do!? I don’t want to be mean/cause drama!
    If the photo is not up to your standards, contact the person privately or gently tell them in the thread that they need to resubmit and up the quality of their images. If they refuse or try to claim they can’t, this is either true or they just don’t know how and/or don’t want to. Give them suggestions and help to the best of your abilities.

    Someone submitted an assignment/application that is small!
    Inform them that a larger image needs to be provided as well. Small images make it hard to score.

    Someone submitted an image for an Assignment that has bad quality! What do I do!?
    Commenting or critiquing outside of scoring is considered cheating/favoritism. If the person submitted a bad Assignment photo, oh well. Judge them as normal, do not go easy on them just because you feel bad. They have to deal with the bad scores, learn from their mistakes, and be more careful next time.

    Can I have them resubmit the photo for the Assignment, even if it's against my rules?
    No, not unless you allow everyone else to do this as well. Unless you made a mistake in writing the requirements and stuff, you should not be allowing people to resubmit if it is in your rules. It is important to be fair at all times to all competitors, even if you don’t like them or they are your best friend.

    I can’t say anything when people submit Assignments?
    You can say “Ohhh! Pretty!” or “Very good!” or “Nice!” etc. when people submit, but you can’t go “You missed the black border” or “The quality is terrible!” or “This has nothing to do with the assignment!” This is unprofessional and should be avoided at all times, even during laidback/simple competitions.

    Someone submitted a model/assignment that is clearly someone else’s!
    Model: Ask that person if they have permission from the creator, and make sure they send you a link from where they got it from. If you recognize the sim though, it’s probably because you’ve already seen it anyways, so there’s probably no need for the link. If one of your models claim someone else submitted a sim that isn’t their own though, please ask for a link for this sim and ask the submitter to come forward and explain themselves.

    Assignment: Generally, this is impossible due to the different models everyone uses. However, it can happen if someone is determined enough. If this does happen, this person will probably continue to steal, but give them at least a second chance if they seem like they are willing to change their ways. Have them resubmit a completely new image, tell them to never do it again, and watch this person. Always use Google Image Search to test if they are stealing again. If it happens again, ban them from the competition and inform other hosts to be wary of this person.

    Someone asked for an extension. What should I do?
    Your rules should state your view on this already, so if you allow extensions and they haven’t gone past their limit, give them one! If this person has been requesting multiple extensions though, you need to cut them off. No one should be abusing this feature.

    Someone submitted late!
    Your rules should state your opinion on this already. Just go by your rules and you should be fine.

    So what happens during scoring/critiquing?
    Scoring should not take longer than a week (7 days), not even 5 days if you can manage it. Scoring and critiquing should be done privately between the judges. You should avoid scoring ahead of time or as people submit, because if resubmitting is allowed the person may change the image after you've already finished. Also, this is to avoid conflicts in scoring and to give everyone a fair chance, as you may be in a better mood the day you did the first half of the scores than the current day (meaning you may be more harsh). You (and the other judges) should not be telling anyone their scores ahead of time either, so they should only know when everyone’s scores have been posted as well. Scoring should be unbiased and should not be done based on whether or not you like a person or hold grudges.

    Also, when writing feedback you should be telling them what you liked and didn’t like, how and where they can improve.

    What do I do about eliminations? Do I have to eliminate people? How many can I eliminate?
    Generally, lowest score/rank for that Assignment means that person is eliminated, unless you stated that the assignment was non-elimination beforehand. You can’t just pick randomly who is eliminated, so base it on scores only (unless your competition is based on something else). Your competition doesn’t have to have elimination, but be aware that if you have a ton of models it will be difficult to manage, so this should only apply to storytelling or free/open competitions. Also, sometimes your assignments can have double/triple/etc. eliminations, but this should only be done if you have a surplus of models compared to your assignments. An example is 8 Assignments and 20 models. You would eliminate 2 or three models every Assignment/round to cut down on models. You could also have an elimination every other Assignment or so. An example is if you have 10 Assignments and only 6 models. You wouldn’t be eliminating a model each week if you had that many assignments.

    What if someone complains that they were eliminated?
    Explain to them in more detail on why, but people should not be complaining. They need to be respectful and move on.

    What happens after the very first Asssignment/mock?
    You will do this for every round, but delete the previous assignment and replace it with the new one. This should be done the same day you post the scores. Make sure your models have checked in, seen the scores and the new assignment. Keep track of everyone and update accordingly.

    What is a judge, exactly?
    A judge is someone who helps you score and critique the assignments in your modeling competition. They don’t have any other roles or abilities unless you have given them a role and permission. They can also be Guest Judges, like you see on TV, so judges don’t have to be permanent either.

    What if I don’t want to judge my own competition? Can I just hire other judges?
    Yes, you can. While this is not suggested, it is possible to do. Just make sure you are talking to the other judges and making sure everything is fair and correct.

    How many judges can I have?
    As many as you want! However, I don’t suggest going over 2 extra judges. The more judges you have, the slower scoring is. You models want the scores, very badly, and don’t want to wait 2 weeks for someone to finish. There is also the fact that judges can disappear and be missing for several weeks/months. If this happens, I suggest bringing in a guest judge or to score without them and move on. If they come back, great! If they don’t, oh well. But don’t hold up the competition because of them.

    Someone applied to be a judge, but I don’t want to hire them…Help?
    First off, try to only make decisions based on whether or not they have the proper experience to judge (unless they are a troll/banned member of the community). Do not choose people based on “I like this person better” or “I hate this person, so no”. It’s unfair to the people who are applying. If you absolutely must have your friends judging for you though, contact them before hand, make sure at least one of you has experience, and make sure to state in the thread that you are not taking any other judges. Either way, if you really don’t want that person you should let them down gently.

    My judge(s)/models are being mean to someone/everyone. What do I do?
    Judges and models should not be mean to anyone in the competition, regardless of who it is. Unless someone started something, everyone should be nice to each other, and even then being civil is important. If someone is causing problems tell them to leave, and if they refuse to listen/leave try to grab a SimGuru.

    My judge(s) is(are) being biased/lazy/disappearing a lot.
    If a judge is doing those things, they need to be kicked from the competition after it happens a few times. Those issues continuing mean they are unreliable and not fit to judge.

    My models are dropping or disappearing!?
    Some things happen that force people to leave, or even disappear completely. There’s nothing you can do about it. Just say “Thank you for participating” if they leave and focus on your other models. If it ruins your schedule, adjust it to fit with the new number of models.

    One of my models came back! Can I let them back into the competition?
    Absolutely not. If they disappeared during Assignment 1, and came back before Assignment 1 finished, then maybe (ask other judges/or models for opinions). But if they left during Assignment 1 and came back during Assignment 6, no! That is extremely unfair to everyone else participating! It doesn’t matter if they are your best friend/relative, do not let anyone back in if the Assignment they left during has closed. Free/Open competitions obviously don't count for this.

    Why are some of these rules so strict?
    Because our competitions are to be fair for everyone in the community. Not only that, but they are meant to be like real life competitions, but way more laidback and less of a huge gamble. We just want everyone to have fun and enjoy themselves, not worry about whether a host is being fair, or if someone just faceplastered, etc.

    Want to be a judge rather than a host? Scroll down!
    Otherwise, choose your destination:
    Back to the top/first post
    “What is modeling and the terms associated with it (Plus FAQ)”
    “I am a model” Part 1: Beginning your career
    “I am a model” Part 2: Further Questions
    “I am a host” Part 1: Format
    “I am a host” Part 2: Questions and Answers
    “I want to judge”
    Post edited by MizoreYukii on
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    edited October 2015
    Good for you for making this decision. Read the “What is modeling and the terms associated with it (Plus FAQ)” first, because I am using terms from there.

    Some things have been copied, pasted, and edited from the host section.

    What is a judge, exactly?
    A judge is someone who helps a host score and critique the assignments in a modeling competition. They rarely have any other "powers" or responsibilities, however, sometimes a host may allow a judge to be a kind of co-host, allowing them to post updates and answer any questions others may have. This rarely happens though (and usually only among friends), so please do not expect it to happen to you when signing up.

    I’m not really interested in modeling/hosting. Can I judge instead?
    Yes and no. It is best to check out the list below before making a decision.

    Do not become a judge:
    1. If you have never modeled/edited before. Not having experience means you don’t know how to score a picture and give proper feedback on it. Very few hosts don’t care if you don’t know how to edit or model, but the majority of them do, as well as the competitors, so knowing how to do both will get you more chances to become a judge in competitions. In other words: knowing how to edit and model makes you a better judge overall, especially if you want to be accepted. If you have not done editing or modeling before, no one will take you seriously as a judge. This may seem terrible to a newcomer, but it is the truth in the modeling community. We models need proper feedback and want to grow in skills, but without a proper judge we can go nowhere. And “Ohh! Pretty! I like your clouds!” isn’t feedback by the way. Feedback is telling someone what is wrong with their picture, what is good about it, and how to improve modeling and editing wise. I highly suggest you try modeling first to gain experience before applying as a judge.
    2. If you can’t handle people. If you can keep it together though, go ahead. Most judges don’t do anything other than score, so contact with people is minimal!
    3. If you are biased. Don’t judge if you are going to give your friend great scores and give someone you don’t low scores. This isn’t a popularity or friendship contest. These competitions are based on skill and creativity, not "who is my best friend" or "who I hate most".
    4. If you are constantly busy, school is coming up, etc. Scoring takes some time, and the more models there are the more difficult it is. If you're like me and like to rewrite a sentence over and over again, don't take on too many judging positions!
    5. If you will be rude and mean to people. No one wants a mean judge, but we do want honest judges.
    6. If you are lazy. If you are lazy and refuse to cooperate with deadlines and people, don’t bother becoming a judge.

    I fit the judging criteria. Now what?
    Copy and paste the judge application that your host has provided and fill out the information along with your headshot. You may or may not be accepted depending on what the judge is looking for.
    Most applications look like this:
    Username/Preferred name: (Place your username or the name you wish to be called by)
    Availability: (How often you are available/what time zone you are in)
    Email or PM? (The new forums allow messaging, aka PM. Choose which is best for you)
    Experience: (Do you have experience as a judge, host, or competitor? Maybe all three?)
    Headshot: (What image you want to be placed on the wall)

    I was accepted, now what?
    You wait until everyone has submitted and then begin scoring the assignments and writing feedback based on the provided scoring rubric. When you are finished you send the scores and feedback to the host over email or PM. Don’t post feedback on the thread when people submit assignments though. Save that for the actual judging, as doing so beforehand is unfair. Judging/scoring beforehand is not recommended unless you have a busy schedule. And don’t tell people their scores, even if they beg. Also, when writing feedback you should be telling them what you liked and didn’t like, how and where they can improve.

    I feel like the host/models is(are) rude to me. What do I do?
    Talk to them about it first. If it continues, stop participating. If it gets worse, to the point of bullying, please contact a SimGuru.

    So all I do is judge?
    Yes. It isn't really a glamorous role, but it helps the host and evens out the playing field for scores.

    We're all done! If you read every single post in this thread (and didn't just skim over stuff), congratulations! You're the perfect listener and deserve a cookie. >^o^> :cookie:

    If you haven't read from the very beginning and want to learn another role, please click on your section.
    Back to the top/first post
    “What is modeling and the terms associated with it (Plus FAQ)”
    “I am a model” Part 1: Beginning your career
    “I am a model” Part 2: Further Questions
    “I am a host” Part 1: Format
    “I am a host” Part 2: Questions and Answers
    Post edited by MizoreYukii on
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    edited June 2015
    All done! You may now post.

    I noticed someone liked my stuff while I was busy! Who was that? :lol:
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    EliavahEliavah Posts: 2,270 Member
    All done! You may now post.

    I noticed someone liked my stuff while I was busy! Who was that? :lol:
    That was me! I cheated and looked before you finished c: ( I already know this stuff )
    But this is absolutely lovely , hun.
    I really love that you took the time to make this! It's very informative and on point <3
  • Options
    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    Eliavah wrote: »
    All done! You may now post.

    I noticed someone liked my stuff while I was busy! Who was that? :lol:
    That was me! I cheated and looked before you finished c: ( I already know this stuff )
    But this is absolutely lovely , hun.
    I really love that you took the time to make this! It's very informative and on point <3
    OHHH! Haha! I was like "Whaaat? Did no one read my warning? That poor confused soul! O_O" :heart:

    Thank you so much! It took me several days to put it together. So much back and forth between threads and loooots of editing to make sure nothing came out wrong and was as accurate as possible. >_<
    I reaaaaally hope this helps people. I want the Sims 4 modeling community to improve, and also introduce others to the Sims 3 one so that both sides aren't so lonely anymore.

    Now to see if anyone actually reads it. :lol:
  • Options
    EliavahEliavah Posts: 2,270 Member
    OHHH! Haha! I was like "Whaaat? Did no one read my warning? That poor confused soul! O_O" :heart:

    Thank you so much! It took me several days to put it together. So much back and forth between threads and loooots of editing to make sure nothing came out wrong and was as accurate as possible. >_<
    I reaaaaally hope this helps people. I want the Sims 4 modeling community to improve, and also introduce others to the Sims 3 one so that both sides aren't so lonely anymore.

    Now to see if anyone actually reads it. :lol:
    Haha I'm sorry~
    And I notice, at first I thought it was gonna be a competition so I was like :O
    But yeah, this is just as good!
    I agree, they should merge the modeling threads, and I also agree I want the modeling community to improve. Bob's comp is a start though <3

  • Options
    Mhamilton0911Mhamilton0911 Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited June 2015
    Mizzie! This is excellent! I just went through and read it all and I think you covered everything. Super informative, I wish this was here when I started modeling! Very proud of you and I hope this helps a lot people!

    Edited to add,
    look, I have 'siggy's' to show a few of my comp wins, for example to the newbies.
  • Options
    cheerio517cheerio517 Posts: 817 Member
    edited June 2015
    This is great! I want to see more good competitions for TS4. You should include a link to the comp archives on unbound, a lot of talented people who have disappeared since then have amazing work on there, and some hosts even reuse assignments so you can get more examples. Also, Bliss's hosting guide has some more info on making banners, etc.
  • Options
    KHS12KHS12 Posts: 3,023 Member
    Wow, great job @MizoreYukii !! I bet this took you forever to make.
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    Eliavah wrote: »
    OHHH! Haha! I was like "Whaaat? Did no one read my warning? That poor confused soul! O_O" :heart:

    Thank you so much! It took me several days to put it together. So much back and forth between threads and loooots of editing to make sure nothing came out wrong and was as accurate as possible. >_<
    I reaaaaally hope this helps people. I want the Sims 4 modeling community to improve, and also introduce others to the Sims 3 one so that both sides aren't so lonely anymore.

    Now to see if anyone actually reads it. :lol:
    Haha I'm sorry~
    And I notice, at first I thought it was gonna be a competition so I was like :O
    But yeah, this is just as good!
    I agree, they should merge the modeling threads, and I also agree I want the modeling community to improve. Bob's comp is a start though <3

    It's okay. :P No harm was done!
    I have like, one idea for a modeling comp, but I don't think Sims 4 could pull it off (which makes me sad). Either way, I don't think I am going to start one any time soon. :lol: I want to work on my editing some more and I don't want any more stuff on my plate.

    I want a giant modeling forum so bad.....*People probably think I'm crazy*
    Mizzie! This is excellent! I just went through and read it all and I think you covered everything. Super informative, I wish this was here when I started modeling! Very proud of you and I hope this helps a lot people!

    Edited to add,
    look, I have 'siggy's' to show a few of my comp wins, for example to the newbies.

    Ahhhh! Ty <3
    I wish there was one too when I first started! It never occurred to me that there wasn't a modeling guide until a few days ago. It was an epiphany, basically, and I realized that if I wanted everyone to do better I had to take the extra step to help them. It was a painful process (lots of headaches lately due to my new glasses) but I made it!
    cheerio517 wrote: »
    This is great! I want to see more good competitions for TS4. You should include a link to the comp archives on unbound, a lot of talented people who have disappeared since then have amazing work on there, and some hosts even reuse assignments so you can get more examples. Also, Bliss's hosting guide has some more info on making banners, etc.
    Ohhh! You're right! I just wish that signing up wasn't a requirement to see the pictures though. It may put people off, but I'll definitely put this on the to-do list. Need to figure out how to put that together though without making it too long, as I feel the current length is off-putting enough. Hmmmm. :c
    KHS12 wrote: »
    Wow, great job @MizoreYukii !! I bet this took you forever to make.
    For several days and almost nonstop since I submitted my Cotton Candy assignment. xD I worked on it the moment I woke up and until I went to bed. I didn't want what was currently going on in the threads to continue anymore, and because I have assignments due soon, so I went as fast as I could. :sweat_smile:
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    edited June 2015
    I think I might make an example gif of someone's signature and post it in the prize sections, as well as some more questions/answers regarding basic editing. I think I have enough posts that I could pull it off. I don't want to start another editing guide list though, mainly because there is one already, and because there are so many ways to do things that it almost seems impossible to list them all. :lol: If people want me too, I might try it. No guarantees though. :pensive:

    I also realized I forgot something, but I suddenly can't remember it. :tired_face:
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    edited June 2015

    Unfortunately, the post I just made went to comment heaven, aka the dreaded "Your comment will appear after being approved" glitch (or if it's not a glitch it needs to be figured out).

    It was an entire update post to inform people, who have already read the thread, what has been updated and changed.....I am so sorry that it went poof!
    My reaction: :grey_question::confounded::cold_sweat::scream::bawling::rage::bawling:

    If it's been fixed and eventually appears, yay! If not, here's a pathetic summary of my awesome post. :cry:

    Update Summary:
    Open post: changed first sentence under the banner a bit
    FAQ: Added a term and updated a term.
    Model Part 2: Discussed what score rubrics and breakdowns were.
    Host Part 1: Changed the "Other Host Guide Links" sentences a bit
    Host Part 2: Made an error when placing the example Model Application and moved it to the correct location now. I am sorry about that!
    Judge: Updated the "I was accepted, now what?" post with a better description.
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    RiversRivers Posts: 486 Member
    this is perfect :love: thank you @MizoreYukii for the great effort you put into every post, it will help many, certainly a newbie like me too lol
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    Something I forgot to include last night (it was in my update post though...) was that I realized I didn't make a "How to edit threads" guide. I forgot that some people don't know how to manipulate colors and stuff. xD
    Rivers wrote: »
    this is perfect :love: thank you @MizoreYukii for the great effort you put into every post, it will help many, certainly a newbie like me too lol

    You're welcome! <3
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