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The North Tribe - An Amazon Challenge *Chapter 23: A Bar and a Tower*

Hi guys! I have recently started the amazon challenge, and I've actually gotten really into it! I thought I would start my own thread for my story, so I can post updates on my 'tribe' and also stop hogging the official amazon thread ;)

I'd already put a couple of updates on that thread, so I'll post them here to give a quick recap of what's been happening so far!
Post edited by MegandtheMoon on


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    MegandtheMoonMegandtheMoon Posts: 1,831 Member
    edited December 2014
    Chapter 1: Creating a Creator!

    This is my creator, Freya North.

    I imagined her as a sort of living Norse goddess, hence the name. I think she'll make a good leader!

    I've made a cute little wooden home, and I've used only black furniture for her. I had a thought that the creator should wear all black, so I thought I would carry that through into the décor.

    I have to admit, I've kinda broken the rules already :confused: Sorry! I added Zoe Patel as a fellow Amazonian, and then I 'recruited' J Huntingdon III before realising that both of these actions break the rules... I think it's going to be fun though. J has absolutely no idea what he's doing, and Zoe is too friendly and keeps trying to talk to him. No Zoe! Bad.
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    MegandtheMoonMegandtheMoon Posts: 1,831 Member
    edited December 2014
    Chapter 2: J gets off to a bad start!

    As I mentioned earlier, I added Zoe Patel and J Huntingdon III to my household before realising this was breaking the rules (woops). J got off to a shaky start, as he marched straight up to my creator Freya and tried to flirt with her. Bad J. To 'punish' him for speaking to her I moved him to his little hut and removed the door for 24 Sim hours, until he got the lonely moodlet. I actually felt quite bad, though, because he cried himself to sleep! :cry: However, I think it's been good for him, as the only entertainment he has in his hut is a bookshelf. I don't think J has ever read so much!


    I've decided to make Zoe a gatherer, so she has been busy collecting fruits/vegetables and fishing in the nearby river. She has also been cooking the meals for everyone using the produce she's collected, but she has a bit of learning to do. Freya got the uncomfortable moodlet because of 'poorly made food'.


    And finally, my creator Freya has been busy learning. She has big plans for her little tribe. She has been developing her handiness skills and hopes they can soon afford a crafting table so that she can make furniture and decorations for the tribe. She can also sell anything they don't want to use. She also loves going out and jogging around their neighbourhood, as they live in a very beautiful area. She tends to go for runs to clear her mind and help her plan for the future of her tribe.


    This is Freya's little hut. I plan to build more little huts for each new member. I've built Zoe a little one, but I couldn't afford to furnish it yet, and J has a tiny little hut towards the back of the lot which eventually he will share... :grin: I'm really enjoying this challenge so far!

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    MegandtheMoonMegandtheMoon Posts: 1,831 Member
    edited December 2014
    Chapter 3: Baby Bumps & Voodoo Dolls

    Hi guys! Here's another update on my amazon challenge family - I have to say I'm really loving this challenge! Since my last update a lot has happened...

    First of all, J found a mysterious doll that seemed to emit a strange energy. Having just spent a day locked in his hut he was feeling pretty angry towards tribe leader Freya, and so he bound this strange doll to her. To his delight he discovered he could use the doll to create some mischief in Freya's life. >:)


    Zoe decided it was time to try for a baby, and so she gravitated towards the only male in the tribe - J! They tried for a baby a few times unsuccessfully, and Zoe felt pretty upset. But after a few attempts, she got the happy news that she was expecting!


    Zoe gave birth to two beautiful twins - a boy and a girl, called Phoenix and Summer. I aged them up straight away to see what they looked like. Summer was feeling very upset at having a sibling she didn't want, which was ironic since she didn't really have a choice - being a twin and all.

    I've decided that I'd like colour to play an important part in this challenge. As I mentioned in my previous post I decided that the creator, Freya, should always wear black as a sign of her rank. And you may have noticed in my previous pictures that Zoe, my gatherer, wears mostly yellow. I thought it would be cool make all the children's outfits white - sort of like they have to earn their colours.

    Freya has been working away on her skills and has been fishing and upgrading the appliances in the main hut.


    Unknown to Zoe, Freya had also decided it was time to have a child and so to J she went - J was more than happy to help ;) Little was he to realise that his days were now numbered.

    While out fishing one day, Zoe hooked a cowplant seed which she gave straight to leader Freya. The tribe saved up their simoleons and opted to buy a planter so they could grow this curious seed! What grew from the soil both surprised and delighted them, particularly Freya. Being a genius, she could foresee the cowplant becoming very useful in the near future.


    Lo and behold, a few days later and just hours after the birth of his twins, J met his untimely demise with a hungry cowplant.


    I was actually quite sad to see J go, he'd been quite funny! However, it seems I am the only one. None of his tribe have even noticed he's gone - despite a newly built cemetery with a shiny new tombstone. So long J!
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    MegandtheMoonMegandtheMoon Posts: 1,831 Member
    edited January 2015
    Chapter 4: Endings & Beginnings

    So I finished up last time with the sad departing of the lovable J. I built a tiny little cemetery for him at the back of the tribe grounds.


    A few days have passed since his death, but sadly the tribe are yet to notice or acknowledge it. However, this glitch actually works out quite well for this game, since it is the rules of the tribe that the males cannot live past young adult stage. So it really does tie in nicely that no-one reacted to his death.

    Freya went into labour and gave birth to... you guessed it - twins!! (Twin glitch anyone? ;)) Once again it was a boy and a girl, called Joaquim and Anya. As I did with the previous babies, I immediately aged the twins up to see what they would look like. Both twins seem to have a good share of their parents genetics - I can really see the resemblance to both Freya and J.

    This is Anya - the heir to the tribe. She is an art lover.


    And this is Joaquim - he's athletic like his Dad.


    As I mentioned in my previous post, I really want colour to play a part in this challenge to help define each member's role. I originally wanted the children to wear white, but I thought I should give Anya some distinction amongst the other tribe children. She is the heir after all! So I decided to dress her in black also.

    J's ghost took quite a while to spawn. I had a thought that maybe he was in the huff about his death ;) But eventually he appeared. He's actually been very helpful around the tribe. I'm thinking of renaming him Casper.


    The children had yet to interact with him, and Anya and Joaquim had never actually met J so I took this photo of the first meeting between Joaquim and his Dad. It was quite emotional! I imagined J was feeling sad about not being able to hug is son properly :'( *Sobs*


    And this last picture is just to show the additions I've made to the tribe buildings. We now have a secondary hut - with two storeys! Oh, the luxury. :grin:

    Post edited by MegandtheMoon on
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    aspires001aspires001 Posts: 345 Member
    Love!! <3<3 I'm going to bookmark this. Can't wait for the next update.
    Love Thy Neighbors: A Neighborhood Rotation Story
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    MegandtheMoonMegandtheMoon Posts: 1,831 Member
    Thank you so much @aspires001! This is the first time I've ever done anything like this, so you saying such nice things about it really means a lot to me. <3:cookie:
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    UmbralFlowerUmbralFlower Posts: 4,494 Member
    I love this! I'm totally bookmarking this.
    ~*-*-*~ My SimLit: The Echoed Fragments || A Tale of Love and Fame ~*-*-*~
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    MegandtheMoonMegandtheMoon Posts: 1,831 Member
    Thank you so much @Candace92! You've made my day :cookie:<3
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    MegandtheMoonMegandtheMoon Posts: 1,831 Member
    edited January 2015
    Chapter 5: Changes Galore!
    Plus, Reader's - I need your help!

    Hi everyone! Here's another little update on my amazon story!

    Again, there have been a lot of changes in the tribe! First of all, there were a lot of birthdays. Zoe and Freya both aged up into adults - they decided to share a birthday cake to reduce costs.


    Both Phoenix and Summer were due to age up next, so I decided to try and get a family photo before they all aged up. :) Even with autonomy off this was pretty difficult! None of them could stay still long enough for me to get a clear shot, so apologies for the slight blurriness.


    J still pops by now and again, but quite sporadically. I like it when he does though. He always cleans.


    Zoe is now a level ten fisher-woman, and is the tribe's breadwinner. I spent some time just trying to save up funds, and after about a week the tribe had saved 10,000 simoleons! To celebrate, I spent all of it >:) But, in exchange they now have another building - the learning hut! It has an easel, bonsai tree and woodwork table, and I also created a little mezzanine level to be a reading area.


    Freya was delighted with the woodwork table, and is now close competition for Zoe in the money-making department.


    Soon after this upgrade Phoenix and Summer aged up, followed a few days later by Joaquim and Anya. It was at this point I suddenly realised my problem...

    At the beginning of my story I'd made both Freya and Zoe try for baby with J. I obviously didn't think this through (silly Meg), as I now have four half-siblings that cannot co-create with each other. *face palm*

    Now I have a dilemma. The rules state that only two slaves are allowed in the tribe at the one time. Sadly, this means one of the boys will need to be 'sacrificed' so that an outsider can be recruited - for the good of the tribe!

    I'm honestly struggling to decide who should go. So, I thought you could all help me! :) Here are the boys, now teens.



    Who should I sacrifice to the glorious cowplant? Please help, I can't decide on my own!

    Post edited by MegandtheMoon on
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    aspires001aspires001 Posts: 345 Member
    I like Joaquim. He's good looking. The next recruit could help pass those good genes on into the tribe.
    Love Thy Neighbors: A Neighborhood Rotation Story
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    nettlejuicenettlejuice Posts: 144 Member
    Great legacy so far, poor J. I vote for Phoenix.
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    fullspiralfullspiral Posts: 14,717 Member
    Good stuff! I think Phoenix should go because he is the child of Zoe, and Freya's boy should hold more clout in the tribe.
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    aspires001aspires001 Posts: 345 Member
    fullspiral wrote: »
    Good stuff! I think Phoenix should go because he is the child of Zoe, and Freya's boy should hold more clout in the tribe.

    This too. ;)
    Love Thy Neighbors: A Neighborhood Rotation Story
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    lovejess2lovejess2 Posts: 3,049 Member
    edited January 2015
    It's great see how much you're enjoying this challenge the topic was so quite for a while I thought no one was interested. But I've been reading your story and I love it so good can't wait to see what happens next.

    P.S I added a new four week rule where you can add a new tribe member every four weeks so you can do that if you want more females to help.
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    MegandtheMoonMegandtheMoon Posts: 1,831 Member
    Aww thank you @lovejess2 :) Its great fun, I'm so glad you took the time to post about it on these boards. It's the first challenge that's ever appealed to me.

    Thank you for letting me know about the new rule! That's good to know, especially since I think there are going to be some changes within the tribe soon. ;)
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    AmazingamphyAmazingamphy Posts: 1,733 Member
    Bookmarked this for when I get the time to do it! :)
    Gone from this place and never coming back. P5 is good
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    Shadow08Sims3Shadow08Sims3 Posts: 711 Member
    It is very intreseting
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    MegandtheMoonMegandtheMoon Posts: 1,831 Member
    Thanks so much guys! It means a lot :grin:
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    Shadow08Sims3Shadow08Sims3 Posts: 711 Member
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    fullspiralfullspiral Posts: 14,717 Member
    Soooooo? Have you decided yet?
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    MegandtheMoonMegandtheMoon Posts: 1,831 Member
    fullspiral wrote: »
    Soooooo? Have you decided yet?

    Yes :'( Lol. I'm going with the majority vote. In a real tribe the son of the leader would most likely be held in higher regard than other slaves. I also like the idea of a hierarchy amongst the slaves, I might play around with this theme more in the future :grin:

    So, sadly this means Phoenix is on his way out... I'm going to try and give him an exit story before he goes though ;)
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    fullspiralfullspiral Posts: 14,717 Member
    Looking forward to it!
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    MegandtheMoonMegandtheMoon Posts: 1,831 Member
    edited January 2015
    Chapter 6: The Cowplant Loves Rule Breakers

    I realised last time that I didn't really show you Anya - and I should have! She is the future heir, after all. She plays a very important part in this tribe, and here she is.


    Anya is an art lover and a genius, aaaand... she's left-handed!!


    I remember SimGuruGrant (at least, I think it was him) mentioning that Sims could be a lefty or a righty, but this is the first lefty I've seen! It's fitting that our lefty is our heir, it sort of singles her out - in a good way.

    Meanwhile, back at the tribe Phoenix met a girl ;) Her name is Alexandra Gray, and she's a snob and a foodie. Phoenix saw her as she was walking by the river, and bam! Love at first sight.


    Of course, falling in love isn't such a good thing within this tribe. Especially if you are a guy. So Phoenix and Alexandra met mostly at night, keeping their blossoming relationship a secret.

    Summer got herself a part-time job at the local Simbucks. Boy, does she hate the early starts. But she loves contributing to the tribe, even if it's only in a small way.

    Freya nearly gave me a heart attack - whilst I was hovering around Phoenix and Alexandra, trying to make sure they weren't spotted, I noticed Freya's mood had suddenly gone into the red. Wondering why, I clicked on her only to see her being spat out unceremoniously by the cowplant!!

    *Note to self: take better care of creator*

    She really gave me quite a fright, and I have no doubt she gave herself one too. For the next two days she gave the cowplant a wide-berth (no joke! She really did give it a wide berth if she had to walk past it, it was very funny).

    For the past few days, Phoenix had had a feeling that his time may be coming to an end. Perhaps it was the way the cowplant would watch him as he raced into the woods to meet Alexandra, but he could just sense that time was running out. However, instead of worrying, he confessed all of his feelings to Alexandra and even gave her a promise ring.


    Unbeknownst to them, Zoe had witnessed this romantic exchange between the two and she was furious. She confronted Phoenix.


    Zoe, being the dedicated and loyal tribeswoman that she is, reported this news to Freya but she already knew what the outcome would be.


    And at sunset the following evening, with Alexandra by his side, Phoenix stood before the cowplant unafraid (and kinda hungry) and accepted the slice of cake that was offered so temptingly before him.


    So there it is! I hope you liked Phoenix's last story! Thank you so much for helping me decide who should be offered to the cowplant - it wasn't an easy decision.

    So now, we have a vacancy in the North Tribe.... I thought it would be cool if I used someone's creation from the gallery to replace Phoenix! Do you have a male Sim who would be well suited to cleaning, fishing and general hard work? Be warned: he won't live very long! If you'd like one of your Sim's to be considered feel free to post pics or links of him here :) He needs to be either teen or YA age, and it would be great if you could tell me a little about him.

    Thanks so much for reading!
    Post edited by MegandtheMoon on
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    fullspiralfullspiral Posts: 14,717 Member
    Poor Phoenix. But it's what was needed for the tribe to carry on. :D
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    MegandtheMoonMegandtheMoon Posts: 1,831 Member
    fullspiral wrote: »
    Poor Phoenix. But it's what was needed for the tribe to carry on. :D

    Yup it had to be done, but I didn't want to let him go! Lol. When I saw the cowplant spit out that cake, my heart sank :'( But I'm glad he experienced a little romance before he died. I wouldn't expect anything less from the son of J Huntington III ;)
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