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State Of Decay ~ A Sims3 RP ~ Zombie Apocalypse

Survive. Stay Alive.

It happened fast. Crazy fast. A few dead bodies. No one thought much of it, why would they? People die every day. But this was different. They came back. No one knows how the infection got started, but you get bitten? You're stuffed. You die? You'll be back soon. The infection broke out in Sunset Valley and ended up travelling all over the Sim Towns. We know that much. It happened almost over night. Sunday, everyone was happy, going about their daily lives. Monday, three dead workers were found in an abandoned basement. Tuesday, more dead. Wednesday? They were all back. Shuffling around. Biting. Eating. Transferring the disease.

You've been on the run since it started. Only one week ago. The world is in ruins. Finally, you've found a place. It's safe. For now.

Welcome to the rp ((:
I hope this sounds interesting!
I was a big roleplayer on this site before the big smack down on rp's and now I'm back.

Okay, so this role play is set in Moonlight Falls. Your character finally found a "safe place" but it won't stay that way. Your character stumbled upon a small camp of other sims. Other survivors. And together, they must stay safe. They will face difficulties and have to run from place to place when the zombies start flooding in (probably on day three (in rp days)). The relationships you make - be they good or bad - will effect how well you will survive.


¬ Godmodding? NAH!

¬ Mary Sues and Gary Stues (perfect characters)? Nope. Not even.


¬ Try to use proper grammar and proper English to this best of your ability ((:

¬ If you read these put 'BANANANANANANANANANA' somewhere in your form.

¬ No rping until I accept you.

¬ WooHoo? Okay, but FF and seriously? I know we have to repopulate the world at some point, but ew. Who wants to be pregnant and do the "duck waddle" while trying to run from zombies?

¬ There will be character deaths. Your character isn't invincible. But, you can make another if yours dies.

¬ One character per player, just because of the type of rp it is.

¬ Be nice to other players! You can be horrible to the CHARACTERS but people are people. Don't be mean.

¬ Don't be overly dramatic.

¬ Use () {} [] (()) {{}} [[]] when OCC (out of character).

¬ Yes, your character can be a supernatural.

¬ Quit your whining about the looooong list of rules and have fun! ((:


Full Name:
Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70) :
What happened to their family?:
Bio (Optional) :
Appearance (sims picture/description) :

Full Name:
Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70 (Unless you're a vampire)) :
What happened to their family?:
Bio (Optional) :
Species (Sims3 Supernaturals only. No Zombies) :
Appearance (sims picture/description) :

When the Zombies Attack, will you fight? Or will you die?

I hope you guys like it ((:
Oh, and any questions/ideas, feel free to tell/ask me ((:


  • Options
    SnazzySimmerSnazzySimmer Posts: 1,968 Member
    edited April 2014
    Hints and Tips about Zombies and/or The RP:

    Nothing yet.
  • Options
    SnazzySimmerSnazzySimmer Posts: 1,968 Member
    edited April 2014

    x_MG_x's Character:

    Full Name: Alice Aran
    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70) : 34
    What happened to their family?: She used to have a son but he died shortly after the outbreak. Her husband and her brother all got bitten also shortly after the outbreak. However, she was able to remove their jaws and arms to keep them as "pet zombies" which she chained up and she take her around places as self-defense
    Bio (Optional) : She is a mysterious woman armed with a katana. She has two armless, jawless zombies in shackles who are her husband and her brother who she uses as self-defense
    Gender: Female
    Traits: Shy, Brave, and Nurturing
    Personality: She is very quiet as she only says stuff when she needs to. She is very much a and she is very skilled with her katana. She cares very much about children and she hates to see children died.
    Skills/Talents: Fighting with her Katana
    Weaknesses: Seeing children in danger
    Appearance (sims picture/description) :
    (Credit goes to ProwlerTylo for that picture)
    Other?: She is based on Michonne from the Walking Dead.

    Tigerblu11's Character:

    Full Name: Emilie Taylor
    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70) : 20
    What happened to their family?: Her parents and sister were brutally murdered on her birthday by zombies, and she fled her home town because of it.
    Bio (Optional):Emilie was happy, her birthday having arrived. But, as she blew out the candels, the zombies broke in. Now, running form her past, she must find sanity.
    Gender: Female
    Personality: She is over-emotional from their death, but loved them. She hates water and is neurotic.
    Traits: Light Sleeper, Neurotic, Over-Emotional, Hydrophobic, Family Orientated
    Skills/Talents: None at the moment
    Weaknesses: Water and her family
    Appearance (sims picture/description) : Screenshot-743_zpsbeaff7a2.jpg?t=1397205234
    Other?: She has no shoes? Oh and she is originally from Riverview.

    AiHaou's Character:
    Full Name: Arure Kakson
    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70 (Unless you're a vampire)) : 94 [Appears to be 19 years old]
    What happened to their family?: Old age.
    Bio (Optional) : Arure was born in the 1920’s. Her family wasn’t rich or anything, but she had a lot of things. When she was nineteen she was bitten by a vampire. Eventually her entire family died from old age, leaving her to carry on on her own.
    Species (Sims3 Supernaturals only. No Zombies) : Vampire
    Gender: F
    Traits: Family Oriented, Flirty, Animal Lover, Night Owl, Neurotic
    Personality: Introvert
    Skills/Talents: None yet
    Weaknesses: Sunlight
    Appearance (sims picture/description) : Screenshot-7_zps3bbd4170.jpg

    Other?: She is based off of the Underworld Vampires.

    In the game my character will have kids, but unless something happens to her, they won't be making an appearance in this thread.

    Smarties101's Character:

    Full Name: Oliver Murray
    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70): 36
    What happened to their family?: Oliver isn't really sure what has happened to them since he hasn't talked to them in years. However, he has a suspicion that they may not be alive any more- his suspicion is correct. They are now zombies unfortunately.
    Bio (Optional): Oliver was born into a family who didn't really care for anyone but themselves. Oliver had to grow up and depend on himself for everything; security, love and friendship. When he became a teenager he fell in love with a girl called Ally. Ally was a special girl, however, since Oliver wasn't so good socially they eventually broke up. Oliver then focused on his studies and finally became a University Lecturer in Business. Oliver likes his job but doesn't really like the students in the class as he thinks they lack ambition.
    Gender: Male
    Traits: Brave, Genius, Friendly.
    Personality: Oliver has some great ideas but has very big trust issues.
    Skills/Talents: Tech Wizard- can sort out anything technology wise. That's it.
    Weaknesses: Trust issues.
    Appearance (sims picture/description): YktSmTx.jpg
    Other?: Nope xD Oh wait... BANANANANANANANANANA!

    M13Vulpecula's Character:

    Full Name: Dennis Langley

    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70) : 31

    What happened to their family?: Since he fell out of the stork's cloth when he was being delivered to his parents, he was found and he grew up in an orphanage. But there is a good chance that he has children who actually might still be alive (more details later).

    Bio (Optional) : Dennis grew up as an ordinary Werewolf orphan in an ordinary orphanage. He wasn't the most popular one, but he wasn't the outcast either. After he grew up, Dennis' technical skills and good brains caused the science lab to offer him a job as an assistent for experiments from a reputable inventor. Besides his job the girls always found him (and his clumsy intelligence in a handsome package) very attractive, often woohooing him one night, only to be gone the next morning to be never seen again. On the day the apocalypse began, an experiment was being tested when the zombies broke in, causing a whole fight only to be survived by Dennis.

    Species (Sims3 Supernaturals only. No Zombies) : Werewolf

    Gender: Male

    Traits: Genius, Handy, Clumsy, Vegetarian, Easily Impressed.

    Personality: As a Werewolf, Dennis has VERY good senses (unfortunately he isn't of the brawns), so he is constantly in Werewolf-form to be alert. You never know when the zombies come... Despite being 'only' an assistent, Dennis quite knows how to create some handy tools himself as well. When it comes to group dynamics, Dennis tries to be nice for the sake of keeping the group together - it's a matter of death or life out there!

    Skills/Talents: Technical, intelligent, strong senses.

    Weaknesses: Clumsiness, being overrated when it comes to strength.

    Appearance (sims picture/description) :
    Wolf form

    Exchange link

    Other?: If you don't have a character yet or die during the RP, you can always try to create a character who actually is Dennis' child...


    Yumi's Character:

    Full Name: Sepiroth Anramath Silencia
    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70) : 21
    What happened to their family?: who knows for sure? Sepiroth lost conntact with his family many years ago.. for personal reasons..
    Bio (Optional) : Sepiroth's a man of mystery, his past may be revealed as things go on..
    Gender: male
    Traits: broading, never nude,genius, loner, unstable
    Personality: Sephy doesn't make friends and prefers to be alone in his thoughts, he's far from being the life of the party and often stands in the shadows. he's very aloof and seems pretty much emotionless, while bright and quite intelligant he never shows it. it's pretty clear that he's.. unstable to say the least.
    Skills/Talents: he has a really nice operatic singing voice and is good with a gun, he's also very observant..
    Weaknesses: he hates small spaces and water, and sleeps very little.. which in some ways is good, but tends to be a negitive thing as well.. he's not a team player and won't go out of his way to help others, unless he deems it logical to do so. he also considers emotion to be illogical, therefore he has no compassion for others..
    Appearance (sims picture/description) :

    Sepiroth's very pale, tall and thin.. he's also easly mistaken for a female..


    HayloHusky's Character:

    Full Name: Dr. Timothy Price
    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70) : 53
    What happened to their family?: Tim's wife is missing, presumably dead, and his son, and his son's family, is in Sunset Valley either in danger or deceased.
    Bio: Tim is a well trained medical personnel, though no one is quite sure what part of the hospital he was from. He claims he's a doctor, even using it as a title, but everyone isn't so convinced. Tim lived with his wife in Moonlight falls, who spends her days working around the home and trying to find a job. When the outbreak first hit Sunset Valley, he got a call from his son who was in danger. When it hit Moonlight Falls, without warning, he cowardly fled the hospital until he found somewhere safe.
    Gender: Male
    Traits: Brooding, Genius, Hot-headed, Good, Handy
    Personality: Tim is a leader. Though he likes to sit back and help when needed. He's smart but not so good at the physical activity. He's friendly, but certain things manage to tick Tim off more than they should and he becomes quite the hassle.
    Skills/Talents: He's able to treat or help with minor injuries and illnesses, though he's not really the most qualified doctor in existence.
    Weaknesses: In order to save his life, he won't save yours. He also has a habit of running when things get tough and being a coward. Fairly bad at physical activity.
    Appearance: 1l31.jpg
    Other?: Banana?... Close enough :3 Hahaha...

    Nome_Indecisi's Character:

    Full Name: Terra Wills
    Age: 19
    What happened to their family?: After the outbreak first happened, Terra's father, her only living relative left, left their home to find out what was happening and to offer his help. After the three days, Terra's father did not return home. Prompting Terra to leave to find other people.
    Bio: Before the outbreak, Terra was training with her father for basic training in the military. Growing up as an army brat, Terra is used to a strict life and order. Despite growing up this way, Terra has a combative mouth and will go head to head with anyone. Friend or not; Not afraid to get rough and dirty Terra gladly does any job or task set out for her no matter what. Terra is not used to being girly as she did not have a mother figure in her life to teach her certain things. Which resulted in her not making many female friends while growing up.
    Gender: Female
    Traits: Brave, ambitious, night owl, handy, hot headed
    Personality:Terra is generally friendly, though she can get serious when it comes to situations that need her attention. She has a thing for arguing, even when she is wrong; finding a way to make her self sound right in the end. She can become very sarcastic and snappy when she is backed into a corner, in a bad mood, or if she does not like someone.
    Skills/Talents: She has experience with handling handguns and hand to hand combat
    Weaknesses: Lacking empathy for others at times as well as not being able to know when to stop arguing
    Appearance (sims picture/description) : 13788766683_f9f803c882.jpg

    SnazzySimmer's Character:

    Full Name: Clementine "Clem/Clemmy" Stephenson.
    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70) : 23
    What happened to their family?: Her mother killed herself when Clem was still young. This drove her to a state of over protection for her father, her last remaining family member. He died of heart failure two weeks before the outbreak.
    Bio (Optional) : Clementine's mother killed herself when Clem was young. Ever since, Clem has been over protective of people she loves. After her father's death, Clementine became distant. She packed up and left Appaloosa Plains - her home of 23 years - and drove here, to Moonlight Falls.
    Gender: Female.
    Traits: Hot-headed, Loves the outdoors, Athletic, Bookworm, Genius.
    Personality: Clemmy is quick to anger with a big mouth. She has a strong sense of leadership.
    Skills/Talents: She's agile and fast, this gives her an advantage over the zombies.
    Weaknesses: Killing is not on her priority list. Even the killing of zombies.
    Appearance (sims picture/description) : Clementine is short and petite. She has curly oak-brown hair and dark brown eyes. Tanned.
    Other?: ***********'S AM I ACCEPTED? Yup.

    Post edited by Unknown User on
  • Options
    SnazzySimmerSnazzySimmer Posts: 1,968 Member
    edited April 2014
    (Done and open, I believe)!
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    Tigerblu11Tigerblu11 Posts: 3,920 Member
    edited April 2014
    Sounds interesting...

    I'll consider joining, I think I know the perfect storyline if I do so.
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    x_MG_xx_MG_x Posts: 21,308 Member
    edited April 2014
    Username: x_MG_x
    Full Name: Alice Aran
    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70) : 34
    What happened to their family?: She used to have a son but he died shortly after the outbreak. Her husband and her brother all got bitten also shortly after the outbreak. However, she was able to remove their jaws and arms to keep them as "pet zombies" which she chained up and she take her around places as self-defense
    Bio (Optional) : She is a mysterious woman armed with a katana. She has two armless, jawless zombies in shackles who are her husband and her brother who she uses as self-defense
    Gender: Female
    Traits: Shy, Brave, and Nurturing
    Personality: She is very quiet as she only says stuff when she needs to. She is very much a and she is very skilled with her katana. She cares very much about children and she hates to see children died.
    Skills/Talents: Fighting with her Katana
    Weaknesses: Seeing children in danger
    Appearance (sims picture/description) :
    (Credit goes to ProwlerTylo for that picture)
    Other?: She is based on Michonne from the Walking Dead.

    Edit- I totally forgot to say BANANANANANANANANANA!.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
    BTW, call me Jake.
  • Options
    Tigerblu11Tigerblu11 Posts: 3,920 Member
    edited April 2014
    I'm here and ready with a sim.

    Username: Tigerblu11
    Full Name: Emilie Taylor
    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70) : 20
    What happened to their family?: Her parents and sister were brutally murdered on her birthday by zombies, and she fled her home town because of it.
    Bio (Optional):Emilie was happy, her birthday having arrived. But, as she blew out the candels, the zombies broke in. Now, running form her past, she must find sanity.
    Gender: Female
    Personality: She is over-emotional from their death, but loved them. She hates water and is neurotic.
    Traits: Light Sleeper, Neurotic, Over-Emotional, Hydrophobic, Family Orientated
    Skills/Talents: None at the moment
    Weaknesses: Water and her family
    Appearance (sims picture/description) : Screenshot-743_zpsbeaff7a2.jpg?t=1397205234
    Other?: She has no shoes? Oh and she is originally from Riverview
  • Options
    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    edited April 2014

    Username: AiHaou
    Full Name: Arure Kakson
    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70 (Unless you're a vampire)) : 94 [Appears to be 19 years old]
    What happened to their family?: Old age.
    Bio (Optional) : Arure was born in the 1920’s. Her family wasn’t rich or anything, but she had a lot of things. When she was nineteen she was bitten by a vampire. Eventually her entire family died from old age, leaving her to carry on on her own.
    Species (Sims3 Supernaturals only. No Zombies) : Vampire
    Gender: F
    Traits: Family Oriented, Flirty, Animal Lover, Night Owl, Neurotic
    Personality: Introvert
    Skills/Talents: None yet
    Weaknesses: Sunlight
    Appearance (sims picture/description) : Screenshot-7_zps3bbd4170.jpg

    Other?: She is based off of the Underworld Vampires.

    In the game my character will have kids, but unless something happens to her, they won't be making an appearance in this thread.
  • Options
    Smarties101Smarties101 Posts: 1,984 Member
    edited April 2014
    Username: Smarties101
    Full Name: Oliver Murray
    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70): 36
    What happened to their family?: Oliver isn't really sure what has happened to them since he hasn't talked to them in years. However, he has a suspicion that they may not be alive any more- his suspicion is correct. They are now zombies unfortunately.
    Bio (Optional): Oliver was born into a family who didn't really care for anyone but themselves. Oliver had to grow up and depend on himself for everything; security, love and friendship. When he became a teenager he fell in love with a girl called Ally. Ally was a special girl, however, since Oliver wasn't so good socially they eventually broke up. Oliver then focused on his studies and finally became a University Lecturer in Business. Oliver likes his job but doesn't really like the students in the class as he thinks they lack ambition.
    Gender: Male
    Traits: Brave, Genius, Friendly.
    Personality: Oliver has some great ideas but has very big trust issues.
    Skills/Talents: Tech Wizard- can sort out anything technology wise. That's it.
    Weaknesses: Trust issues.
    Appearance (sims picture/description): YktSmTx.jpg
    Other?: Nope xD Oh wait... BANANANANANANANANANA!
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    DJKanine9DJKanine9 Posts: 487 Member
    edited April 2014
    Username: DJKanine9
    Name: Alia Starlet
    Age: 7
    What happened to their family?: Infected
    Bio: Alia was 6 by the time the infection came. It was so fast, as the zombies broke into her family's shelter. She watched as her mother and father battled the zombies, urging her sister and herself to run, but all she could do was watch as her parents were bitten and turned into foul, flesh-eating creatures. She and her older sister, Lilly, ran away as fast as possible from the mob. But, little did they both know, Lilly had been bitten too. After a few minutes Lilly suffered the same fate as their parents and Alia kept running for a year until she found the camp.
    Gender: Female
    Traits: Coward, Green Thumb, Animal Lover
    Personality: Despite her fears, Alia is a natural at handling all types of animals and loves nature.
    Skills/Talents: Handling animals, growing food and medicinal herbs.
    Weaknesses: Zombies, animal death, zombies eating plants. :P lol
    Appearance: Short brown hair, fairly light skin, green eyes, ripped yellow shirt and jeans, hair is in a ponytail.
    Other: Nope
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    M13VulpeculaM13Vulpecula Posts: 19,846 Member
    edited April 2014
    Username: M13Vulpecula

    Full Name: Dennis Langley

    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70) : 31

    What happened to their family?: Since he fell out of the stork's cloth when he was being delivered to his parents, he was found and he grew up in an orphanage. But there is a good chance that he has children who actually might still be alive (more details later).

    Bio (Optional) : Dennis grew up as an ordinary Werewolf orphan in an ordinary orphanage. He wasn't the most popular one, but he wasn't the outcast either. After he grew up, Dennis' technical skills and good brains caused the science lab to offer him a job as an assistent for experiments from a reputable inventor. Besides his job the girls always found him (and his clumsy intelligence in a handsome package) very attractive, often woohooing him one night, only to be gone the next morning to be never seen again. On the day the apocalypse began, an experiment was being tested when the zombies broke in, causing a whole fight only to be survived by Dennis.

    Species (Sims3 Supernaturals only. No Zombies) : Werewolf

    Gender: Male

    Traits: Genius, Handy, Clumsy, Vegetarian, Easily Impressed.

    Personality: As a Werewolf, Dennis has VERY good senses (unfortunately he isn't of the brawns), so he is constantly in Werewolf-form to be alert. You never know when the zombies come... Despite being 'only' an assistent, Dennis quite knows how to create some handy tools himself as well. When it comes to group dynamics, Dennis tries to be nice for the sake of keeping the group together - it's a matter of death or life out there!

    Skills/Talents: Technical, intelligent, strong senses.

    Weaknesses: Clumsiness, being overrated when it comes to strength.

    Appearance (sims picture/description) :
    Wolf form

    Exchange link

    Other?: If you don't have a character yet or die during the RP, you can always try to create a character who actually is Dennis' child...

  • Options
    abbyc97abbyc97 Posts: 1,550 Member
    edited April 2014
    (Reserve application form here, I have to make a character at some point today)
  • Options
    DJKanine9DJKanine9 Posts: 487 Member
    edited April 2014
  • Options
    x_MG_xx_MG_x Posts: 21,308 Member
    edited April 2014
    (Just a quick question, how long has the outbreak been out by the start of the outbreak?)
    BTW, call me Jake.
  • Options
    M13VulpeculaM13Vulpecula Posts: 19,846 Member
    edited April 2014
    x_MG_x wrote:
    (Just a quick question, how long has the outbreak been out by the start of the outbreak?)
    You've been on the run since it started. Only one week ago. The world is in ruins.
  • Options
    Nome_IndecisiNome_Indecisi Posts: 1 New Member
    edited April 2014
    Full Name: Terra Wills
    Age: 19
    What happened to their family?: After the outbreak first happened, Terra's father, her only living relative left, left their home to find out what was happening and to offer his help. After the three days, Terra's father did not return home. Prompting Terra to leave to find other people.
    Bio: Before the outbreak, Terra was training with her father for basic training in the military. Growing up as an army brat, Terra is used to a strict life and order. Despite growing up this way, Terra has a combative mouth and will go head to head with anyone. Friend or not; Not afraid to get rough and dirty Terra gladly does any job or task set out for her no matter what. Terra is not used to being girly as she did not have a mother figure in her life to teach her certain things. Which resulted in her not making many female friends while growing up.
    Gender: Female
    Traits: Brave, ambitious, night owl, handy, hot headed
    Personality:Terra is generally friendly, though she can get serious when it comes to situations that need her attention. She has a thing for arguing, even when she is wrong; finding a way to make her self sound right in the end. She can become very sarcastic and snappy when she is backed into a corner, in a bad mood, or if she does not like someone.
    Skills/Talents: She has experience with handling handguns and hand to hand combat
    Weaknesses: Lacking empathy for others at times as well as not being able to know when to stop arguing
    Appearance (sims picture/description) : <a href="; title="Terra by dcthomas8, on Flickr"><img src="; width="500" height="281" alt="Terra"></a>
  • Options
    HayloHuskyHayloHusky Posts: 14,700 Member
    edited April 2014
    Username: HayloHusky (Haylo :3)
    Full Name: Dr. Timothy Price
    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70) : 53
    What happened to their family?: Tim's wife is missing, presumably dead, and his son, and his son's family, is in Sunset Valley either in danger or deceased.
    Bio: Tim is a well trained medical personnel, though no one is quite sure what part of the hospital he was from. He claims he's a doctor, even using it as a title, but everyone isn't so convinced. Tim lived with his wife in Moonlight falls, who spends her days working around the home and trying to find a job. When the outbreak first hit Sunset Valley, he got a call from his son who was in danger. When it hit Moonlight Falls, without warning, he cowardly fled the hospital until he found somewhere safe.
    Gender: Male
    Traits: Brooding, Genius, Hot-headed, Good, Handy
    Personality: Tim is a leader. Though he likes to sit back and help when needed. He's smart but not so good at the physical activity. He's friendly, but certain things manage to tick Tim off more than they should and he becomes quite the hassle.
    Skills/Talents: He's able to treat or help with minor injuries and illnesses, though he's not really the most qualified doctor in existence.
    Weaknesses: In order to save his life, he won't save yours. He also has a habit of running when things get tough and being a coward. Fairly bad at physical activity.
    Appearance: 1l31.jpg
    Other?: Banana?... Close enough :3 Hahaha...
    Post edited by Unknown User on
  • Options
    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    edited April 2014
    This is going to be interesting.
  • Options
    HayloHuskyHayloHusky Posts: 14,700 Member
    edited April 2014
  • Options
    Tigerblu11Tigerblu11 Posts: 3,920 Member
    edited April 2014
    I hope it will. Theres a lot of interesting characters. I can't wait.
  • Options
    a_niles06a_niles06 Posts: 3,019 Member
    edited April 2014
    Ooohh...this looks fun and interesting....I'm currently going through the tedious process of re-installing all my games (cause the universe hates me) but if I can get it up and running tonight I'll make a character :)

  • Options
    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    edited April 2014
    a_niles06 wrote:
    Ooohh...this looks fun and interesting....I'm currently going through the tedious process of re-installing all my games (cause the universe hates me) but if I can get it up and running tonight I'll make a character :)

    My game hates me too. I'm going to have get a new computer for them.

  • Options
    HayloHuskyHayloHusky Posts: 14,700 Member
    edited April 2014
    Yeah my game hates me too... Recently chucked a tantrum... Had to do a lot to it to fix it :roll: Lucky I didn't have to reinstall.

    I really wanna start :3 it's been forever since I've RP'd :roll:
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    DJKanine9DJKanine9 Posts: 487 Member
    edited April 2014
    ( When do you think Snazzy will be online?)
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    YumishiYumishi Posts: 20,954
    edited April 2014
    (hi! is it okay if I join? :] )

    Full Name: Sepiroth Anramath Silencia
    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70) : 21
    What happened to their family?: who knows for sure? Sepiroth lost conntact with his family many years ago.. for personal reasons..
    Bio (Optional) : Sepiroth's a man of mystery, his past may be revealed as things go on..
    Gender: male
    Traits: broading, never nude,genius, loner, unstable
    Personality: Sephy doesn't make friends and prefers to be alone in his thoughts, he's far from being the life of the party and often stands in the shadows. he's very aloof and seems pretty much emotionless, while bright and quite intelligant he never shows it. it's pretty clear that he's.. unstable to say the least.
    Skills/Talents: he has a really nice operatic singing voice and is good with a gun, he's also very observant..
    Weaknesses: he hates small spaces and water, and sleeps very little.. which in some ways is good, but tends to be a negitive thing as well.. he's not a team player and won't go out of his way to help others, unless he deems it logical to do so. he also considers emotion to be illogical, therefore he has no compassion for others..
    Appearance (sims picture/description) :


    Sepiroth's very pale, tall and thin.. he's also easly mistaken for a female..

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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    edited April 2014
    Yumishi wrote:
    (hi! is it okay if I join? :] )

    Full Name: Sepiroth Anramath Silencia
    Age (Anywhere between 7 and 70) : 21
    What happened to their family?: who knows for sure? Sepiroth lost conntact with his family many years ago.. for personal reasons..
    Bio (Optional) : Sepiroth's a man of mystery, his past may be revealed as things go on..
    Gender: male
    Traits: broading, never nude,genius, loner, unstable
    Personality: Sephy doesn't make friends and prefers to be alone in his thoughts, he's far from being the life of the party and often stands in the shadows. he's very aloof and seems pretty much emotionless, while bright and quite intelligant he never shows it. it's pretty clear that he's.. unstable to say the least.
    Skills/Talents: he has a really nice operatic singing voice and is good with a gun, he's also very observant..
    Weaknesses: he hates small spaces and water, and sleeps very little.. which in some ways is good, but tends to be a negitive thing as well.. he's not a team player and won't go out of his way to help others, unless he deems it logical to do so. he also considers emotion to be illogical, therefore he has no compassion for others..
    Appearance (sims picture/description) :


    Sepiroth's very pale, tall and thin.. he's also easly mistaken for a female..


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