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    AntiquaAntiqua Posts: 106 Member
    edited November 2021
    Great updates, @SoulGal7 and @mightysprite!
    oh my, Clarence has gotten old! Oh no!

    I've been away from the game and posting for some time, but I'll post an update today! And with that I'm all out of pre-played material and need to find some time to play a bit with Gita and her family again, before I can post another one. Time really flies both in Sims world and our real world.

    Edit: actually, I changed my mind! I've decided I'll post the last parts I have pre-played in two chapters. Keep the chapters shorter for now.
    How is the Haas family doing? Check out their struggles (and rules they have to follow) in this LP.
    And the Haas Family Tree, with some spoilers for the later chapters is made in the Plum Tree App.
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    AntiquaAntiqua Posts: 106 Member
    Gita. Chapter 12. All over the place
    Talking about hoping for some restful days…
    I may be an elder, but I still have two toddlers in my household.
    Amira, my sweetheart has been acting up a lot. She had a temper tantrum when I was trying to teach her about basic needs. We hugged it out, but I felt sad about it for a while afterwards. With everything I’ve been through to raise my family and teach Amira, it is just so disappointing to not be appreciated.
    The boys are doing well. They keep sitting in the kitchen and just chat-chat-chat. They do their homeworks, older boys helping the younger ones.

    I had not seen Kiana for a long time and Grant has rarely spoken of her in the past days. It made me think that maybe they’ve broken up, though Grant wasn’t acting particularly sad or emotional. I thought about talking with Grant about it but it was not necessary - I’m glad to admit that. We have been having some crazy days at home with all the fires and stuff, and perhaps Grant just wanted to keep things quiet.
    Anyway, the other day, when I finished working in the garden, I saw Grant and Kiana chatting on the front porch. They were acting really flirty and I felt almost embarrassed when I had to go past them to get inside. But surely I couldn’t just turn around and go back, that would have been even worse!
    When it got chilly outside in the evening, then they came inside, but it was visible that they wanted to be alone, and not hang around the whole family. Soon enough they had left the kitchen. I was going to have a nap when I noticed Grant and Kiana had retreated to my bedroom. Well, I let them have their privacy.

    I hope they will stay together, it would make my heart sing if Grant found someone who would care about him like he has cared about the whole family his whole life.

    The Haas Family Tree (made in the Plum Tree App).
    I'll be updating it as the story progresses, so ... possible spoilers for the next chapters ahead!!
    How is the Haas family doing? Check out their struggles (and rules they have to follow) in this LP.
    And the Haas Family Tree, with some spoilers for the later chapters is made in the Plum Tree App.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @Antiqua and @mightysprite - Loving your stories. I have played ahead, and just haven't had a chance to post some screenies in here. Hopefully will be able to do that soon.
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,061 Member
    Looking forward to reading it @SoulGal7
    I have a question @Antiqua - if a sim other than the heir is offered a job via phone call are they allowed to take it? There's still randomness since the calls come randomly. On the other hand those jobs start at mid level not entry level, so maybe it takes some challenge out.
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    AntiquaAntiqua Posts: 106 Member
    edited November 2021
    I have a question @Antiqua - if a sim other than the heir is offered a job via phone call are they allowed to take it? There's still randomness since the calls come randomly. On the other hand those jobs start at mid level not entry level, so maybe it takes some challenge out.

    The calls are random, yes, so are the offers. But would it be accepting any offer and always (incl. when the sim already has a job) or only the very first that pops up, or picking only an offer that seems pleasing.... Hmm
    One way to solve this would be rolling for it the very first time an offer pops up. If you roll YES, then you accept the offer and will roll for "yes" or "no" every time an offer pops up for this sim. So this sim is on a career-hopping journey pretty much. There's a chance, that sim will never be offered a job again, or they'll be able to decline all the offers and have a head start in a career, but there is always a risk, that just when the sim is about to reach the top of the career an offer pops up and the yes/no random answer says - yes, change the job :smile: .
    But if the first pop-up-offer rolls a NO, then all the future offers for the sim are automatically off the table.
    You'd have to keep record, to know which sims are career-hoppers and who are more stable in their career paths.
    How does that sound? Yey or ney?

    Edited: some typos, some wording
    Post edited by Antiqua on
    How is the Haas family doing? Check out their struggles (and rules they have to follow) in this LP.
    And the Haas Family Tree, with some spoilers for the later chapters is made in the Plum Tree App.
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    AntiquaAntiqua Posts: 106 Member
    Gita. Chapter 13. Growing up in a house of fire(s)
    The days of toddlers is finally over.
    Amira and Jose aged up.
    Jose is adventurous and want’s to hang out in the playground all the time. And my fussy little Amira has turned to a green fiend. While we had our disagreements when she was smaller, she claims to have happy memories.
    The twins like each other’s company, they’re always telling jokes and chatting about school and friends.

    We are still not free from all the fires. Both Jose and Amira grew up with so many stoves bursting in flames that they don’t even budge sometimes when there are flames in the kitchen again. They act more like they feel annoyed about it, than scared.

    I’m keeping my eyes on Amira. I want her to grow up to be a nice girl and a classy lady. We’ve been talking about having good manners, saying thank you and sorry. I’m glad to say she learns fast. I think our relationship has improved a lot since she grew out of her fussy demeanors.


    I myself caught fire today twice. And it was the same day as one of the strays passed away again. So much bad luck.

    Grim decided to stay for a while, after the reaping was done.
    Amira was able to put her lessons about good manners to practice and introduce herself to them. Grim was friendly with her and I think they got along well.

    Gil also joined them for a chat on the porch. He has shown some interest in paranormal stuff and he used the opportunity to chat with someone who probably knows a thing or two about spooky stuff.

    It was nice having Grim over, they look harsh but are rather friendly and nice. I have a feeling they might visit me soon again. And the next time they come around, I might not have a chance to hang out with them afterwards.

    The Haas Family Tree (made in the Plum Tree App).
    I'll be updating it as the story progresses, so ... possible spoilers for the next chapters ahead!!
    How is the Haas family doing? Check out their struggles (and rules they have to follow) in this LP.
    And the Haas Family Tree, with some spoilers for the later chapters is made in the Plum Tree App.
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,061 Member
    @Antiqua I like that. It allows sims to either ignore their friends' influence altogether, or choose to use it but then be bound by obligations and be required to follow the friends around sometimes.
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,061 Member
    @Antiqua I like how your family has become so well adjusted to fires and Grim 😂
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    AntiquaAntiqua Posts: 106 Member
    edited November 2021
    Gita. Chapter 14. Birthdays and visitors come in three's
    Greyson came home early today. He said that he was sent home because he’s too old for school. We checked the birth certificate and - indeed, he is too old to be a student.
    We forgot his birthday, as usual in this family. That’s one lousy family tradition, if you ask Greyson right now. I can’t blame him for thinking like that.
    He is adventurous and romantic, and, having been lactose intolerant most of his life, he’s aspiring to become a master chef, so he’ll never have to worry about having a nice lactose-free meal again. He also said he liked school, so he decided he’ll get a job as a teacher.

    We had some surprise visits this week.
    First, Herman came to see the kids.
    Jose and Amira had just gotten back from school and were tired, so they politely had a short chat and then went inside to take a nap. Herman stayed outside and was looking kind of sad. I felt bad for him, so I went outside and talked with him. He was as charming as ever and we had a nice time, reminiscing on some happier moments.

    Oh, by the way, I bought a sales table, in hopes to make some extra money selling all the dolls and fossils and crystals we’ve found in the neighborhood. I tried to have a yard sale but had no luck. No-one wanted to buy anything. I’ll try again some other day.

    The next day, we had our second visit of the week. Kiana.
    I saw Grant and her chatting in the garden, they stayed outside for quite a while. When they finally came inside, I saw it. Kiana looked different, she was walking different. There was no hiding it, so they had to admit it - Kiana’s expecting, Grant will be a father and I - a grandmother. My firstborn will have his own kid soon!
    Oh the joy!
    I asked if I may feel the baby, and there it was, a kick. She’s already in third trimester, can’t wait to hold the baby.

    In the excitement I forgot another set of birthdays. I really should get a calendar to have a better grasp of time.
    Kirk and Samir are teens now.
    Kirk has discovered his love for art, in addition to being an animal enthusiast. And he said he wants to have a family that will carry on his and my lineage, a lineage that will be successful, so I can be proud of my legacy.
    It turns out that Samir has been hiding behind his bookworm facade some hot tempers. It's a good thing he has realized that it would be best to balance his hot-headedness with some soul-searching to find his inner peace. He thinks about frequenting in the spa, and learning about yoga and mindfulness. I’m sure it’ll be good for him.

    Later in the evening I tried holding a yard sale again, but I’m no good at this. Even if people came over to the table, they bought nothing and left soon. So I told Grant to take over the yard sale for the evening and came inside to rest for a while.

    After a shower I felt better. Relaxed. Happy with my life.
    I don’t even mind the specters and fires and ghosts anymore. It’s part of our home and who we are as a family.
    There are so many things to look forward to. Grant and Kiana are having a baby, maybe they’ll get married soon. My kids are getting more and more independent, soon Jose and Amira will be teens.

    Oh, there’s another visit. How lovely!

    Grim came to visit mom. Mom left with Grim.
    We couldn’t stop them.

    She’s gone.

    We miss her.


    The Haas Family Tree (made in the Plum Tree App).
    I'll be updating it as the story progresses, so ... possible spoilers for the next chapters ahead!!
    How is the Haas family doing? Check out their struggles (and rules they have to follow) in this LP.
    And the Haas Family Tree, with some spoilers for the later chapters is made in the Plum Tree App.
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    AntiquaAntiqua Posts: 106 Member
    @mightysprite :) It is great how the family reacts almost automatically when a fire starts. They don't even run outside that much anymore. Just put out the fire and carry on. I really laughed when I saw the unfazes faces of the younger kids, having breakfast in a burning kitchen.
    How is the Haas family doing? Check out their struggles (and rules they have to follow) in this LP.
    And the Haas Family Tree, with some spoilers for the later chapters is made in the Plum Tree App.
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    AntiquaAntiqua Posts: 106 Member
    Chapter 2.1. Falling apart

    It’s hard without mom.
    I miss her.
    We miss her.
    The house is a mess.
    She took care of everything. And now we have to manage on our own.


    Dad came to help, but he was also sad. He was standing in the bathroom, talking with the mirror..
    Grant said he needed to talk with dad about something, so he went in the bathroom. I think he hoped that I wouldn’t hear. But I did hear. Grant raised his voice. He never does that. Did dad do something wrong? Or is it just because Grant is upset about mom.
    I feel sometimes like someone’s crushing my heart and I can’t breathe and then I want to hit something. Maybe Grant feels the same way?
    But most of the time I’m just sad.


    Mom liked harvestfest.
    We tried to celebrate it. For mom. Greyson made a grand breakfast and it was nice. I guess.

    There were gnomes. Mom said that gnomes like coffee and if they’re happy, they give us seed packets for the garden.
    I gave one of them coffee and it liked it.
    Jose gave one of them coffee and it liked it also.
    And Kirk gave some coffee to a gnome, who was also nice and friendly.
    Samir did something that made the gnome mad. I don’t know what. Maybe he gave it fruit cake. Mom said the gnomes don’t like fruit cake that much, but Samir always does things his way.
    The angry gnome broke our kitchen sink.

    It got especially angry with the adults.

    When Gil tried to plead with it, it hurt Gil. (Note: Gil aged up right after the end of last chapter)


    And when Greyson tried to plead with it, there was lightning and Greyson got hurt.


    And when Grant went to deal with the situation, he also got hurt.


    The harvestfest was lousy.
    I’m not sure I like harvestfest anymore.
    Not without mom.

    The Haas Family Tree (made in the Plum Tree App).
    I'll be updating it as the story progresses, so ... possible spoilers for the next chapters ahead!!
    How is the Haas family doing? Check out their struggles (and rules they have to follow) in this LP.
    And the Haas Family Tree, with some spoilers for the later chapters is made in the Plum Tree App.
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    AntiquaAntiqua Posts: 106 Member
    edited November 2021
    Chapter 2.2. Big brother in the spotlight
    Grant visits Kiana a lot.

    He takes care of Bradford. Bradford is my nephew. Grant is his dad. :smile:

    Or maybe he goes there because he is in love with Kiana.

    I think they both are in love.

    They went out on a date at the beach.

    When the date was over, he proposed.

    Grant wanted a nice wedding. He said it would be expensive. But we were in luck. The oversized crops were ready and sold for enough…

    ... to pay for a wedding.
    It was pretty. Kiana was like a princess in her white dress. And I wore my pretty dress for the first time since mom got it for me.

    There was music and cake. Grant and Kiana shared the first piece.

    I could stay up late. Everybody else was tired, but not me. I had fun.

    A lady made the cake. A caterer.
    I saw her do some weird crafts. I don’t remember what it was. Cross stitch? Needle point? I don't know. The name sounded silly.

    Grant said he will be living with Kiana and Bradford now.

    That’s stupid.
    He could live at home.
    But he said there isn’t enough room for all nine of us. And that it's important for him to be a good dad. I think he will be a great dad. But he’s also my brother. I will miss having him around.
    He said he’ll visit. And that I can visit as often as I want.

    He said he is happy.
    I feel happy for him being happy.
    So maybe it’s ok.

    The Haas Family Tree (made in the Plum Tree App).
    I'll be updating it as the story progresses, so ... possible spoilers for the next chapters ahead!!
    How is the Haas family doing? Check out their struggles (and rules they have to follow) in this LP.
    And the Haas Family Tree, with some spoilers for the later chapters is made in the Plum Tree App.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @Antiqua -
    Oh my gosh! Gita is gone! sad. Generation 1 is over. I will miss Gita, she was a good soul and a wonderful founder for her Generation. Farewell Gita.

    I really have to get those screenshots up. Hoping to have time this weekend. Have a great day/night. :)
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,061 Member
    @Antiqua Amira's voice is so sweet <3

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    AntiquaAntiqua Posts: 106 Member
    @SoulGal7 I'll be missing her too, she had a god run. Looking forward to your next chapters!

    @mightysprite Thank you! I think she is a sweet girl and I'm hoping I nailed her voice.
    Gita's passing was totally unexpected. It should not have been such a surprise but three birthdays pretty much back to back felt so uplifting and I was waiting Gil to age up, so the camera panning over to Gita's bedroom was a true twist for me.
    Next chapters are mostly in Amira's point of view, but I'm trying to mix it up with putting the spotlight on the boys a bit more, until she grows up to YA. I hope you'll enjoy it.
    How is the Haas family doing? Check out their struggles (and rules they have to follow) in this LP.
    And the Haas Family Tree, with some spoilers for the later chapters is made in the Plum Tree App.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    Chapter 15: Finchwick Fair and Trent and Trevor's birthdays

    I can't tell you how excited I was that today was the Finchwick Oversized Crop Competition. Finally, after nurturing my pumpkin for this event, the day was actually here. There was also a best pie contest, and after much convincing by me, Susumu decided to enter one of his delicious apple pies.



    While I worked in the garden, Susumu took the opportunity to give Eli the "woohoo talk". I guess Susumu had noticed the looks between Eli and Sofia, and felt it was time for this discussion.

    Susumu told me afterwards that Eli had told him that he already knew about "that" because he had a class on it in school. Susumu told me later that it had been a rather awkward conversation, but, even so, he was glad he had done it.


    The morning flew by and suddenly it was time to head to the Finchwick Fair. Everyone came along, except Bridgitte and Belinda, who wanted to go to Scouts to complete more badgework. Susumu and Eli helped me carry the pumpkin to the van, and when we arrived, there were carts to transport items from your vehicle to the fairgrounds. We were so thankful for that, as my pumpkin was quite heavy.


    After filling out some entry forms, I submitted my pumpkin. So far, my pumpkin was the only entry.


    Susumu came over and gave me a kiss for luck and then headed back to the van to get his apple pie entry. I hadn't realized that we would be direct competitors with each other, as I thought that there would be a separate category for pies. But Susumu just brushed it off and said that it would only increase our chances of winning. He was so sweet.


    Of course, I might be a bit biased, but I thought that Susumu's pie was the best entry there. Of course, it was the only entry at the moment...but still...

    The mayor was judging the entries and so we went over to meet her. We soon found out all about the history of the Finchwick Fair.



    Ella chatted with some of the locals and I noticed how young Rahul Chopra, was gazing at Ella. Perhaps it was time for me to have that "woohoo talk" with Ella as well.


    And then suddenly, other competitors showed up and where my entry had looked like a sure winner before, now, with these new entries, I just wasn't sure. I watched the judging and was quite nervous. And then, I was called over by the mayor who announced that I had won 1st place at the fair. I was thrilled! And Susumu got a participation award.






    Of course, Susumu gave me a rather memorable victory kiss as well.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Afterwards, we all headed home to celebrate Trevor and Trent's birthday. Today, they were aging up to children. The last of the toddlers. Where had the time gone?


    Susumu made a marvelous birthday cake, without causing any fires, and everyone was ready to celebrate.


    I picked up Trevor and helped him blow out the candles. {Trevor rolled the Insider Trait.]


    Then it was time for Trent, and we re-lit the candles.


    When I saw Susumu holding Trent to blow out the birthday candles, I think I might have shed a tear. My babies were growing up. [Trent rolled the Squeamish trait.}


    And look how adorable they are. Trevor wears glasses, and Trent has a headful of hair as blonde as Susumu's.


    And, of course, there were gifts! Susumu knew this would be a rather memorable moment and had splurged a bit on the gifts.



    Afterwards, Trent even helped clean up the dishes all on his own. It had been a rather exciting day for everyone.



    After we all headed to bed, Trent and Trevor snuck out of the house and headed to the playground area and played pirates. It seemed as if this was becoming a bit of a tradition in the family when the kids aged up to children.
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    AntiquaAntiqua Posts: 106 Member
    @SoulGal7 Love the look of the family, a nice mix of redheads and blondes.
    Congratulations for the fair win!
    How is the Haas family doing? Check out their struggles (and rules they have to follow) in this LP.
    And the Haas Family Tree, with some spoilers for the later chapters is made in the Plum Tree App.
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,061 Member
    edited November 2021
    This stinks.

    Becca has graduated. She went looking for full-time jobs to replace her part-time job, and, well, here's a career change for you:

    Becca hasn't been able to tell anyone what her career is. She has been lying about it instead. She cut her hair and got one or two more business-y items of clothing. So far no one has asked her too many questions about the dark glasses and sneakers she leaves the house in, or the odd nighttime hours for this new "office." She hates the lies, however.

    She has to get into really good shape for, uh, this new office job. She's also keeping Bruh company, as he wants to bulk up a little to impress the girls.

    And then... it happened. In the middle of a storm. Lightning struck twice in almost the same place: once created a mysterious crystal, and the other was Grim

    (You can see Clarence falling down through the kitchen window.)

    Becca prepared to manage everything by herself. After two pregnancies, and being an active sim, she has more time left. She said goodbye

    Julia came over to console Becca.

    Tina Tinker isn't a very emotionally available friend, but she shows her concern by repairing items.

    And then Julia died.

    And Becca tucked in her boys alone for the first time.

    The bill collectors keep calling for Becca's student loans. She had to decide whether to pay the loan or allow Bruh the money to apply to university. She went for Bruh's university fee. Can't let the present struggle hamstring our son's future. Times are hard.

    Bruh took over the garden. He had some ideas for increasing the garden's financial yield by planting more begonias this summer and fall. He doesn't much like gardening itself.

    He does like fixing things. He would really like to be able to cook food at home. He's working on getting cooking to work off the grid.

    And Bruh and Clark remember Dad together.

    Sometimes he makes it easy for them.

    He visits Becca too.

    Though it's not the same.

    Meanwhile, Bruh and Clark continue to grow up. Bruh wants to be a bestselling writer. Clark wants to be a whiz kid. They've been going to the library in the afternoons to write and study. Bruh is writing a series of children's books about a character called Attack Kitty, who may or may not be based on their own attack cat Horchata.

    Clark made a best friend, Major Jameson, at the library.

    But his most epic chess match was against Bruh. I wished the crowd (and fainting) here was due to the chess, but I'm pretty sure there's a celebrity in that crowd instead.

    Bruh met Katie Jameson at school. She is Major's big sister. Bruh decided not to invite her over right away. He wanted a chance for them to get to know each other before she was presented with his home (and attack cat).

    They enjoyed some serene moments behind the library.

    Flirting on a summer night in Willow Creek as the steamboat passes by will almost make you forget all your problems.

    Horchata died as well. FYI ghost cats can still attack.

    As the begonia income began to come in, we improved the living room, and created a little corner to remember Clarence by. His guitar is there, as well as the crystal that was created by the lightning strike at the moment of his death. It grants a Focused aura. In a way, he's helping out the next generation.

    What Clarence left to his family:
    A house
    A small garden
    Several cats, two of whom are now ghosts
    Each other.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited November 2021
    Chapter 16: More Birthdays: Bridgette, Belinda & Cece

    It seemed as if this whole weekend was filled with birthdays, and today was no exception. Today was the day that Bridgette and Belinda aged up to teens. And, it was also my own birthday.

    First off, Ella completed the last Scout badge she needed to become a Llamacorn Scout. She decided to let her Scoutmaster know that she would be resigning from Scouts. Ella wasn't sure what she wanted to do next, but had thought about volunteering in the community more. In fact, she had signed up to volunteer at a soup kitchen. Ella thought she did rather well.

    Since there were so many birthdays today, we decided to celebrate Bridgette and Belinda's birthday in the morning, and Susumu wanted to celebrate my birthday later in the day. Bridgette and Belinda were trying so hard to get some of their aspirations done. Belinda had headed over to the playground with Trent and Bridgette was there as well. When Susumu had finished the cake, we called them, but they were not outside.


    By the time they heard us and started to run back to the house, there wasn't enough time, and it happened again. Bridgette and Belinda aged up to teens on the sidewalk with no birthday cake. Again!

    Wow! Great gifts for Bridgette and Belinda.


    And here they are! Bridgette and Belinda as teens. [I kept the hair they aged up in and just changed their outfits in CAS.]

    With Susumu's promotion and my winning at the Fair, Susumu decided to buy something for the house. A chess table. And the kids seemed to enjoy playing chess.


    In fact, Ella invited a friend over, Kiyoshi Ito, and she and Kiyoshi were one of the first to play.



    Susumu recognized Kiyoshi from the Summer Day Holiday at Desert Bloom Park in Oasis Springs, and went over and spoke with him briefly about chess. Kiyoshi was intent on showing Ella a hyper accelerated dragon opening move. I smiled when I saw Ella and Kiyoshi at the chess table, and remembered how Susumu and I had played chess together on our very first date at the park.


    Although, I am not sure if Kiyoshi was only thinking about chess, as Kiyoshi seemed to be looking at Ella quite a bit during his visit.



    Belinda wanted to try out her yoga mat right away and did some simple yoga poses.


    While Bridgette couldn't wait to try out that gaming mat. It was a wonderful day, and everyone was having a good time.


    I even practiced my violin a bit, and it looks like Trevor might have taken a shine to the violin, too.


    Ella did some painting...


    And Eli worked on a school project. It was a bit cool out, but regardless of the weather, Susumu helped Eli.


    And Eli's reputation was getting better.

    It was then time for my birthday, and Susumu had told me he had special plans to take me out for my birthday after I blew out my candles and opened my gift. I was rather excited and dressed with care.





    And it's official. I am now an adult.


    Susumu had bought himself a new suit, and he looked so suave, especially when he took my hand and kissed it and told me I looked so beautiful. Susumu was such a romantic sometimes.


    He took me to the karaoke bar, and it was so wonderful to be there with Susumu again. He gave me a red rose and told me that I was far more beautiful than any rose he had ever seen.


    There was a karaoke contest, and Susumu said I should enter and I thought why not.

    My score was pretty good, but I told Susumu that he had to go next.


    And there is my crooner husband belting out a jazz number. Of course, I was his #1 fan.

    And he won! We were $500 simoleons richer.


    He stood at the microphone and called me up to sing a duet with him. I have to admit, that even after all these years, and 6 children later, I was still in love with him.


    Afterwards we headed to the bar and Susumu ordered some fancy drinks! They were on fire!


    He toasted me and we chatted for awhile...


    ...and then it was time to go.


    Of course, the night didn't end there...because, well...our private time started when we got home.
    Post edited by SoulGal7 on
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @mightysprite -
    You are so right. It stinks! But first, congrats to Becca for completing uni. Of course, she seems to be managing in this new career she has, although she doesn't much like it. And then...the stinky part...poor Clarence has now passed on, and has left Becca to care for the kids alone. The wonderful founder, Clarence, was struck down by lightning. And then Becca's friend Julia Wright passes as well. Oh my gosh! And the attack cat, too. Geez! So much sadness here. Okay, well, maybe they are not sad about the cat. Glad they are getting some better income from the garden. And the good news is that Bruh has met someone. It looks like they had a nice time together roller skating. It is nice that they did a little corner to remember Clarence by. Good-bye Clarence, you will be missed, because, as Becca knows, things are just not the same...even when you visit as a ghost.
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    AntiquaAntiqua Posts: 106 Member
    Chapter 2.3. A proper birthday
    Graham said that he will be the head of the family, now that Grant moved out. He said it was because he was the eldest and he had to take care of us. Gil agreed. Kirk and Samir didn’t care. They said they had more important stuff to do. Me and Jose had no vote on it. So I guess Graham was really in charge.
    He said we had to do our homework. On a Saturday. We didn’t want to do it. We had the whole weekend, what’s the rush. He said that it’s a reasonable thing to do. And if we finish our homework fast, then he’d have a surprise for us.
    So we sat in our bedroom and did our homework, while Graham stayed in the kitchen.

    We had just finished our homeworks when we heard a loud thud!
    Jose rushed to the kitchen. Graham had passed out. That was a surprise, yes, but not what we were expecting.

    He woke up soon and was embarrased about passing out.
    And then he showed us - a cake. He wanted to finish it before going to bed, just to make sure.
    Graham said the last day of autumn - that's today! - was our birthday and he wanted to be sure we would have a proper birthday with a cake.
    Jose could be the first one to blow out the candles.
    What a mix! He has always been adventurous. Now he says he hates children. And he has no plans on committing to one girl, he wants to experience everything life has to offer.
    He thinks it’ll be easy. That he’s good looking and the girls won’t be able to resist him. Not really something I want to hear from my brother.

    Then it was my turn to blow out the candles. It was tricky, I had to try twice before I could do it.
    That’s me. That’s the first picture of me since I’m not a child anymore.

    Samir spoke so highly of spas and wellness that I thought I’d have a go. I got a free spa membership and all.

    Samir said that it’s not fair that I’m copying him, that Inner Peace was his thing. I assured him that we both will benefit from it and there’s plenty of room for both of us in the wide world of wellness. I’m not sure he agrees with me fully but at least he stopped complaining about it.

    I did my first homework for the high school the same day. It was the second homework that Saturday. A bit much but I kind of believe Graham is right and doing the homework early is better.

    After I finished I had a lovely chat with the boys in the kitchen. They had still not finished their homeworks and seemed a bit bummed that I have the rest of the weekend for myself. I’m still the youngest but I’m also their only sister. It felt nice to be in the spotlight. I told some funny stories and they listened.

    Grant came to congratulate us for our birthday. It turned out that he had left his keys when he moved out, so he couldn’t just walk in. He had to wait by the door. That’s no good! Grant is always welcome. I gave him the key back and now he can always just come by whenever he feels like it.

    He is still part of our family, no matter that he lives elsewhere.

    The Haas Family Tree (made in the Plum Tree App).
    I'll be updating it as the story progresses, so ... possible spoilers for the next chapters ahead!!
    How is the Haas family doing? Check out their struggles (and rules they have to follow) in this LP.
    And the Haas Family Tree, with some spoilers for the later chapters is made in the Plum Tree App.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @Antiqua -
    Oh my gosh! How did I miss the chapter where Grant got married? Congrats to the both of them. So happy they had enough simoleons to have a wonderful wedding. What a wonderful family he has already. And now he has moved out, too. Amira is a wonderful narrator of what is happening to her family. And so now Graham is in charge, but it seems like some of the kids don't like his having them do homework on a weekend. Do your homework and I have a surprise for you afterwards. I cracked up when I saw Graham had passed out on the floor! Funny! Oh, and then it was Jose and Amira's birthday...with a cake! Bravo to Graham for baking that cake, and not setting the house on fire. And...getting the cake out on their actual birthday! And Amira looks so nice as a teen. Nice thought to give Grant a key to the house so he can visit anytime.
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    AntiquaAntiqua Posts: 106 Member
    edited November 2021
    That green dress is beautiful! Cece is stunning. And I like her hair.
    Happy birthday to Cece and Bridgette and Belinda! The kids grow up so fast.
    Kiyoshi and Ella seem to be growing they friendship nicely. Of course Kiyoshi can't take his eyes off Ella, she's a beauty.

    Post edited by Antiqua on
    How is the Haas family doing? Check out their struggles (and rules they have to follow) in this LP.
    And the Haas Family Tree, with some spoilers for the later chapters is made in the Plum Tree App.
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    AntiquaAntiqua Posts: 106 Member
    Chapter 2.4. Skills and jobs - do they match?
    I would like to talk about my brother Gil today. So we all can have a moment to appreciate his efforts.
    He’s been working really hard, building the medium skill to become a paranormal investigator. We have too much paranormal activity in our house. We are hoping hat Gil might be able to rid us of this unpleasant feature. He already has reached top of the skill and purchased a paranormal investigator license. It only takes a bit more practice and a lucky roll for the right job.

    Then it was time to get a job.
    Gil went job hunting and came home rather bummed.
    The job offer he received was not what he hoped for. Now he’s stuck in a salaryperson job. He sat on the porch for a moment. I think he needed to think about what he will be doing next.

    There’s nothing like a nice seance to keep the passion alive.

    He decided that someone has to keep the specters happy and calm the overall aura of the house. Just the fact that he got job as a salary person will not force him to abandon his hobby.

    Guidry likes popping up when Gil is doing his seances.

    One time someone else popped up during a session - a sceleton-lady. Dressed as a maid. I felt uneasy in her presence but Guidry and Gil enjoyed her company.

    Miss Bonehilda is very friendly with Gil. They are cloudgazing and chatting a lot. And she cleans the dishes when she’s here. Just to help, said Gil.

    And not just that.
    It seems that they were really in to each other. Apparently Gil had his first kiss with her.

    One day when I came home from school Gil was doing his usual seance on the porch...

    .... while Bonehilda was sleeping in the master bedroom.

    Gil blushed a bit when I mentioned it to him. I don’t know what’s going on between them but it feels weird. Is Gil building a romantic relationship with a sceleton maid?!

    How is the Haas family doing? Check out their struggles (and rules they have to follow) in this LP.
    And the Haas Family Tree, with some spoilers for the later chapters is made in the Plum Tree App.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @Antiqua -
    Thank you for the comment on Cece's dress and hair. She has gained some weight and I thought that the dress she had worn for Susumu's birthday was too young for her now, and this one seemed perfect. And I think her hair looks cute, too. And now on to your story...Gil and Bonehilda are in love! lol I don't have the paranormal pack, so don't know what you can and can't do here, but I think it Bonehilda sleeping in the master bed that perhaps Gil and Bonehilda had woohoo'd. lol But Gil, I don't think Bonehilda can have any nooboos. Anyway, it's a rather interesting development for Gil.
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