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What Happened In Your Game Today?


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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,153 Member
    @sunblond Yes the sixties, it would have been nice to play a hippie, but if I would have played the Kommune 1 then it wouldn't be forum friendly and I would have to create a blog for that, which I would not really have wanted to do. Also my family play wasn't the right place for that.


    For this exciting year with many important things happened, I surprisingly did only a handful pictures. This is because, the University play is a little bit boring, if you do this for the third time. Behind all this studying you have bearly time for something other time consuming activities.
    A big topic was of course the moon landing. Willy Brandt became chancellor and said goodbye to the Hallstein-Doctrine and started a new relationship to the eastern countries (Ostpolitik). The Berlin Television Tower was opened which is still today the highest build in my hometown and very popular to tourists. Homosexuality between wasn't forbidden to adults anymore. And at last, Germany had got their first female Ambassador Ellinor von Puttkamer. Times are truly changing!

    The political disagreement got worse between Lotte and Erika. I don't know why, but the insane trait let Erika yell, insult and other mean interaction Lotte very often.


    She was so angry and needed to calm down.


    But Christmas they celebrate together.


    Erika try to meditate too, and somethimes she is able to levitate but fell down very often.


    One the last day in 1969 Mathilde Clarkson died. It was time to let her go. Originally she died on christmas day off screen, but I quit without saving, so I could make a last picture of her.

    Rest in Peace Mathilde.


    From the siblings of the second generation only Hedwig is still alive.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited August 2021
    I just found out that there are 83 harvestables in total. Well, Jack has a lot of collecting to do.
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    We're gonna pretend I've been writing Simlit this way for the last 2 years I haven't been excuse my rustiness ^^'

    Another bright, lovely morning in Willow Creek. As the day was going to inevitably be long and busy, full of diplomacy and official paperwork, with a portion of the afternoon set aside to hear the peoples' concerns, Ezio spent some time that morning focusing inward.

    Mental clarity and serenity were surprisingly useful in his particular line of work. And he owed it to those of Willow Creek to keep his head on straight and make as rational of a decision at any given time as possible.
    He didn't remember inviting anyone over, so the knock on the door was an unexpected outcome. Ezio had gone and come back from work by now, and was spending his time reading in relative silence. Unfortunately, he lived alone as of now, but Ezio was never lonely.

    "Yes, can I help you?" he asked, trying to sound as inviting as possible.

    "Oh," the visitor, a young woman a bit younger than him perhaps, answered, flushing pink. "You appear to be the monarch, I didn't know you'd moved here- I was just- you're new here so- uh... welcome to Willow Creek and I'm going to go get swallowed by the earth now." She raised a hand to hide her face, and then turned and left.

    And Ezio, despite himself, turned around. "Wait, please stay," he said.

    She stopped, and turned to face him.

    "Ah... thank you," Ezio said. "For the welcome and for staying. I guess you already know my name, so, might I have yours?"

    "Cassandra," she answered, still a little nervous, but less so.

    "Cassandra," he repeated. "I like that name. It's a pleasure to meet you, Cassandra."

    "Don't tell anyone," he said, smiling and leaning over towards her. "But I don't actually have an adviser anymore."

    "Really?" Cassandra asked. She'd come by here and there, and spent some time talking to him, over the last few weeks. He might have said she was his only friend. Morgyn was usually too busy to spend time with him these days, so maybe she was.

    "Really," Ezio said, nodding. "The last one died, and I'd hired a new one, but he never came by. Do you think maybe he got lost?"

    "No way," Cassandra said.

    "You didn't know this was where I lived at first, maybe he had no idea either," Ezio said.

    "That's why you call ahead, goodness," she said.

    Ezio smiled. "Yeah, I guess you're right," he said. "Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you become my adviser."

    "What??" Cassandra asked, half shrieking.

    "Why not?"

    "I'm not adviser material!" she answered, completely shocked. Well, maybe it seemed out of left-field to her. Ezio had been considering it for a while now, however.

    "You'll do just fine," Ezio said. "I like your hair curly like that, but do you have any business shirts or something? Don't have to wear skirts if you don't want to, just some nice slacks or something."

    "Uh... I mostly wear ripped jeans and plaid, er your grace?" she said.

    "Come on, still just Ezio," he said. "Sounds like we're going shopping!"

    On occasion, his mother found the time to visit for tea. She was always a welcome presence, if a confusing one. Ezio was never sure how to behave around her. When you were royalty, things became muddled. He was the monarch of Willow Creek, and she was his mother. Ezio typically attempted not to think about it, for that was a level of complication that could go die in a fire.

    "Have you given any thought to a new adviser?" she asked.

    Ezio looked up from his tea. "I have," he said simply.

    "Did you select a new one?" Tess asked.

    "I have," Ezio answered.

    "I suppose you don't want to tell me, then?" she asked. "That's alright. I just want to make sure you have one. Ezio no one can handle all the responsibilities that go into running a country. It's a whole country, full of people from different walks of life. It's okay to need help."

    "I know," Ezio answered, taking a drink of his tea. "I don't need much help right now, that's all. And I do have a new adviser. She'll be starting tomorrow."

    "Good," Tess said. "I worry about you, you know that. Your twin's a little more outgoing than you, but you seem to have adapted alright."

    Ezio sighed. Yes, Morgyn was more outgoing, definitely a people person. Ezio wasn't as much, but he made it work, somehow. "I know mother," he said. "But if you worry too much you're going to start prematurely ageing."

    Tess laughed. "Oh, we've got spells for that."

    "You know eventually you're going to have to get married," Morgyn said. "You need heirs and stuff. Technically mom and I could inherit the crown but mom'll be gone before us and I won't last much longer than you."

    Ezio was not fond of times when Morgyn brought that up. Ezio had plenty of other problems to deal with, finding love wasn't anywhere on the list. There were too many other things to be concerned with, realistically, too many other things that went into running a country.

    But then, he supposed getting married was on the list of things that were part of running and serving a country, anyway. Just another piece of his monarch duties.

    That sounded dreadful.

    "I know," Ezio said. "I've only just gotten past choosing a royal adviser, give me some more time before you start pestering me about heirs." Besides, he was pretty sure that was his adviser's job, not his twin's. Then again, Morgyn wouldn't be Morgyn any other way.

    "If I didn't pester you, you'd pretend it didn't need to happen," Morgyn replied.

    The sad thing was, Morgyn was probably right.

    "So, how's working for the monarch going?" Bella asked. It was the first time she'd been by to talk to Cassandra since she'd started working at Magnolia Palace, as they called it these days.

    Cassandra smiled placidly as she always did. "Just fine," she said. "Mostly it's a bunch of talking to people. I think I've talked to more people in the last few days than I have my entire life. I also think I need to learn foreign languages. Lots of foreign dignitaries speak a different language."

    "I'm kind of jealous," Bella said. "I've always wanted to live in a palace."

    Cassandra made a wry expression. "Well, it's not much of a palace right now," she said. "But maybe someday in the future you can work in the palace doing something."

    "Oh, you think so?" Bella asked. "That'd be nice."

    Cassandra smiled, but sighed a little. Now that she worked for the monarch, it seemed everyone remembered her name suddenly.

    She wasn't used to the weight of these earrings just yet. Who wore earrings this large, anyway? Maybe Ezio did. Cassandra had honestly never asked about it.

    As usual, first thing in the morning he was out in the garden tending to his plants. Cassandra had to wonder why the monarch needed a garden, but perhaps it was for the supplemental income or something. She didn't know how much he used for his own needs, but his palace wasn't exactly grand...

    "Oh, good morning Cassie," he said, noticing her standing around to one side.

    "Good morning your grace," she said, a rather bright smile on her face.

    He gave her that look he usually did when she used a formal address. "Just Ezio," he said. She was reminded, then, that every time he repeated it, it was with the same patience as always. He certainly was a very kind person. "How are you?" he asked.

    "I'm okay," she answered. "Bugs in the garden?"

    Ezio had reached for a canister of spray. "Yeah, trying to eat my carrot plants," he said.

    "If I may, you don't really need to keep plants, you know?" she asked. "So why do you?"

    "I didn't know anything about gardening and farming," he answered. "Figured I'd plant some things and find out. Best way to learn is by doing, right?"

    He made it sound like that answered everything. And really, maybe it did. Taking the time to learn something new just to understand his farmers, that sounded like him alright.

    "Everyone's pretty worried about you," Alexander said. "You live in a palace now and stuff. Nobody knows what kind of person the monarch is."

    "He's a nice person," Cassandra said, sounding a little defensive, "and a generous ruler."

    Alexander giggled. "Sounds like you like him," he said.

    Yeah... it kind of did, didn't it? "You're changing the subject," she said. It was best not to have these kinds of conversations with a kid anyway, but maybe he was right. Maybe she did like him. And if she did, what did that mean exactly? Maybe she wasn't ready to figure that out. "The point is there's nothing to be concerned about."

    "Maybe, maybe not," Alex said. "But sometimes people still worry anyway. So... what kind of plants are those in the back yard?"

    Cassie smiled. "Do you want to see them?" He always was into nerdy things like plants and bugs.

    "Can I?" he asked, his eyes hopeful.

    Cassie nodded, and turned to lead him back there. Ezio was off talking to some dignitary or another, so he couldn't do it himself, but she was sure he wouldn't mind.

    "Well well, I forgot this rinky 🐸🐸🐸🐸 place has a monarch," the hostess said, squinting at him. "You're either real good at looking like him, or you are him, and either way doesn't matter to me sweetie."

    "Table for two, please," Ezio answered smoothly.

    Cassandra had to look up at him, completely taken off-guard by his ability to sound totally uninterested and somehow still polite. She, on the other hand, was a little bit miffed.

    He'd asked her out. It was probably just as friends, or because she was his adviser, and stuff, not because- he hadn't ever mentioned- mm, she'd best stop thinking too hard about it.

    "Sure thing hon," the hostess answered, tapping the screen at the little podium she was stationed at. She then led Ezio to his seat. Cassandra figured out where hers was on her own. She might've heard something about a phone number as she sat down, but when she looked up, the hostess had gone back to her post.

    "What was that?" Cassandra asked.

    Ezio smiled, settling down in his seat. "What was what?"

    Er. "Never mind..."

    "Those earrings look really good on you," Ezio said quietly, flipping through the menu. His grey eyes occasionally flicked up to look at her, but for the most part, he seemed not to like looking at her for long.

    Cassandra pursed her lips. That was strange behaviour from him, but he was a strange person in general anyway. "You think so?" she asked. "I was thinking they might be too sparkly for a business lunch."

    Ezio snorted softly. "You're not on a business lunch," he said simply. "And they look good. They've been sitting in a box for the last few decades. Since my great grandmother got them from Norway. Seemed like a shame to let diamonds just sit around in a box."

    For a moment, Cassandra was silent, and then she flushed pink. "Oh. ... are you sure I should be wearing these?" Real diamond? From Norway? Formerly his great grandmother's? And what was not on a business lunch supposed to mean, exactly? Maybe she should ask, but Cassandra didn't think she could.

    Ezio looked up at her over the menu and smiled. "I'd rather they were on no one else," he said. And Cassandra couldn't see a reason not to believe him.

    They'd returned to Magnolia Palace, talking about perhaps random things that came to mind, and gone to sleep. But the next morning, Cassandra was still confused. She woke up, got dressed, had breakfast. Ezio woke up some time later, and came out into the living room.

    "Good morning, Cassie," Ezio greeted, as cheerful as always. "Oh, could you move my three o'clock to four? I'd like to have tea with my mother."

    "Oh, um, yes, of course," Cassandra answered, somehow suddenly flustered by his appearance. Of course he was here, he lived here. That seemed like such a strange thing to suddenly be so aware of, but then... maybe Alexander was right after all. She knew he might be.

    Ezio shifted his weight. "Are you okay?" he asked.

    "What? Oh, I'm fine," she said. "Just thinking."

    "Anything I can help with?" he asked.

    Cassie tilted her head, and then smiled slightly. "I... am still a little confused," she said, "about last night."

    "What about it?" he asked.

    He didn't seem annoyed, so Cassandra pressed on. "We didn't really discuss much of anything official," she said. "I'm sure it was for a reason, um, maybe you forgot what you meant to-"

    "I didn't forget anything," Ezio said.


    Ezio sighed for a moment, then shifted, and hesitantly kissed her, and suddenly Cassandra understood what that was all about.

    "Oh," she said, as Ezio went back where he'd been before.

    "Oh?" Ezio repeated. "Is that a good oh or a bad one?"

    "That's a good oh," she said.

    "Oh," Ezio said, his smile answering the question of whether it was good or bad on its own.

    "You're doing okay, right?" Mortimer asked.

    It was the fifth time someone had asked her that in the last few weeks. Like they couldn't imagine her being so happy, and maybe it was a little strange for her. Cassandra had always been the gloomy eldest child of the Goth family, as mysterious and strange as they were, but she was a nice person at least, just weird.

    That much still hadn't changed. She continued to be weird. Just, now she was a happier kind of weird. The kind of weird that had somehow managed to catch the eye of the monarch of Willow Creek. No, of Ezio. He kept insisting he was just Ezio, anyway.

    "I'm fine," Cassandra said. "It's a little hectic dealing with negotiations with people and management, it's a lot of sending messages and remembering dates and times, but it's not unpleasant of a challenge."

    "And he's nice to you?" Mortimer asked.

    "Of course he is," Cassandra said. He was kind to everyone. "I honestly don't regret moving here. I think it was a good decision. And you know, Ezio and I, we might get a little closer than just my being his adviser."

    "Ah, what a beautiful love story that'd be," Mortimer said. "It's almost out of a fairy tale!"

    Yes, it was.

    "I know you're independent, and headstrong, and you'll do what you want," Tess said, "but I did want to warn you that the media is starting to find it a little suspicious Cassandra's moved in with you. Are you planning on making an official announcement anytime soon?"

    Ezio raised an eyebrow, tilting his head back. Not really, no. What he did in his personal life honestly wasn't any business of the media's, but he knew better. The media sharks were incessant in their pursuit of the next big story, and for some reason people just ate it up when some royal or another ended up dating someone, particularly if that someone was his adviser...

    It was like a mixture of jealousy and joy, you just had to know what was going on. Ezio used to be something of a hot commodity back in the day when he was younger and had more time... he still got hit on a lot, but it was less frequent now that he was typically in official situations.

    "That's a no, isn't it?" Tess asked, but she seemed to know the answer already and sighed. "I'm just saying, your life would be a lot easier if she didn't live with you."

    "She's my adviser," Ezio said. "I do need her nearby, right?"

    "Oh you're hopeless media bait," Tess said.

    Ezio laughed quietly. "I've always been media bait, mother. ... provided they can get me to hold still long enough to take pictures of me. It's not often they do. But hey, they try. Listen, we'll make an announcement about it when we're ready to, that's the best I can promise you. In the meantime, I guess the media has a lot to write about."

    Tess snorted. "You're terrible," she said. "They're so busy chasing you and Cassandra around for nothing now."

    "Of course," Ezio said. "But while they're focused on Cassandra and I, they're missing a few other things, like negotiations with the King of Windenburg on trade tax."

    "Is that getting anywhere?" Tess asked.

    "Maybe," Ezio said. "You'll have to wait and see like everyone else."

    "Now you are really terrible, keeping things from your mom," Tess said.

    Ezio just smiled. He had a feeling she'd say that.

    "You're still coming out here every morning, huh?" Cassandra asked.

    Ezio looked up at her from the garden and smiled. "Yes," he said. "But I've hired a servant. They should be coming by this afternoon, to take care of the garden and make meals when we're both occupied."

    "Oh," Cassandra said, sounding a little disappointed.

    "You are displeased?" he asked.

    "No," Cassie said quickly. "I'd just gotten used to making the meals, that's all."

    "I know," Ezio said gently. "Unfortunately, our workload is going to pick up, and soon we'll be hosting banquets. You can't make enough food for hundreds of guests by yourself at any rate."

    "That's true," Cassandra said.

    "Hey, chin up," Ezio said, reaching over and gently running a finger along her jaw. "You can bake my birthday cake if you're up for it."

    Cassandra's eyes lit up. "I'd love to!" she said. "What flavour?"

    "Surprise me, love," he said, and then glanced at his watch. "I have to go, I'm meeting the Mayor of San Myshuno." He leaned over and kissed her cheek, and then headed off.

    Cassandra was happy though. That he cared enough to offer something like that just because he thought she'd want to.

    As she sat in the living room, or what passed for one, playing with her phone and reading a book, the door opened. Cassandra looked up in surprise, finding equally surprised miscoloured eyes looking back at her.

    "Oh, I wasn't expecting anyone... the door was open..." the woman said.

    "It's okay," Cassandra said, setting her book and phone down. "You must be the newly hired servant Ezio mentioned."

    "I am," the woman replied, closing the door behind her. "My name's Anissa."

    "It's lovely to meet you," Cassandra said. "His grace isn't very busy hosting huge banquets here or anything, as of yet, but the help around the house will be very helpful to him, so thank you for accepting."

    "It's a pleasure," Anissa answered. "I enjoy cooking, wanted to be a professional chef myself, but my family doesn't have the funds to put me through university. The monarch offered to pay my tuition for me, and my sisters if they want to go, so I'm going to do my best to be useful."

    "Don't overwork yourself," Cassandra said. "You're still human."

    "Spellcaster, really," Anissa replied with a smirk. "And I might know a thing or two about some potions that can keep you running for days on end."

    "That sounds dangerous..." Cassandra answered.

    "Probably," Anissa said. "So, you don't look like a maid..."

    "No," Cassie said. "I'm his adviser. I live here with him."

    "Oh, right, there was a news thing about that some time ago," Anissa said. "Well, I'll try not to get in your way then."

    "Don't worry too much," Cassie said. "Most of my work is online these days. So just go around me."

    Anissa laughed. "Okay."

    "You know, I liked your hair curly," Ezio said one day, reaching over and running his fingers through her hair. It was, as usual now, straightened and missing its purple streaks.

    Cassie smiled. "I know," she said. "But straightening it makes it much less difficult to keep from being unruly."

    "It's allowed to be unruly if it wants to," Ezio said.

    Cassie snorted. "I decided it's not," she said. I'll leave it curly at the weekends if you want."

    "I'd like that," Ezio answered.

    "The servant girl and I spend a lot of time talking," she said.

    "Oh?" Ezio asked.

    "She's a nice girl," Cassie said. "Full of interesting stories about farms and chickens."

    "Do you want a farm and chickens?" Ezio asked.

    Cassandra giggled. "No, silly, what kind of a question is that?"

    "How about me?"

    "... what?"

    "Do you- my girl would friend-" Ezio stopped, drew a breath in, and then looked back up at her. His expression was so serious, his eyes intense, it was hard to look away. "Would you be my girlfriend?"

    For a moment, Cassandra wasn't sure if she'd heard that right. But for whatever reason, this wonderful dork had already decided she was the one he wanted, it'd seem. Why her? Well, maybe because, most were unaware, but Ezio was pretty weird under the public exterior.

    She smiled. "Yeah," she said.

    "Yeah?" he asked.

    "Yeah," she said again, nodding this time.

    Almost without warning, he reached out, pulled her close, and kissed her hand, and Cassandra thought that was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done before.

    "I'm sorry, but I think I should fire you now, though," he said, murmurs against her hand.

    And Cassandra burst into laughter at the ridiculousness of it all.

    Ezio: Daaang girl I hate it when you leave but I love watching you walk away !

    They both slipped and fell on this mud puddle like 300x looool

    Finally got that call!

    Sergio was their chef at their date restaurant and man he did not look happy about it. Listen boyo, you have never actually gotten Ezio, stop acting like a jilted lover.

    So the servant upgraded all the plumbing... and the toilet exploded...

    And almost killed the future queen but Ezio saved her phew.

    Apparently his crown can't use the silver swatches because it causes this glitch. lol

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    kkira555kkira555 Posts: 102 Member
    @Keidra do you use some kind of royalty mod? you mention a monarchy like a lot.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    I found the name of the treat. It's Midnight Treats or Obsidian Treats. It will have a warning to not feed it to hens or roosters. These treats turn chickens into Evil Chickens that can kill sims.
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    I do happen to have one, but you don't really need it tbh.

    Evil chickens will also fight off foxes, vampires and the Grim Reaper if you ask for their help, sooo, trade offs. Or just don't make it mad, really. Everyone that's gotten their Sims killed by a chicken so far that I know of had to be trying to make it happen.

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    ironknight35ironknight35 Posts: 3,751 Member
    The only thing that really happened in my game today was my Sim Brittany became a model and got offered some money to appear on a magazine! She's broke so that helped a lot. Here is one of the photos she took for the magazine. :)
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    I forgot that since Mutant!Grom was finally killed in my household, I got his inventory. Which means we're just going to hang up this selfie Grom took of himself posing with a gun on Batuu. He was such a swell guy.
    After watching Mario and Sonya enjoying each other's company, Chief Manslaughter realized something.
    He's alone now.
    Maybe he should pump those guns and surely he'll find himself a new post apocalyptic wif-Oh wait, that's his exercise getup? You know, let's have him change out of that and keep him away from the workout machines so we don't have to see this again.
    I think Blanca's just now realizing that Juniper's a toddler now. She's at a loss for words of how cute she is.
    Speaking of Juniper, she's just going to go wander around this dangerous camp.....Yeah not smart, but hey, you try childproofing an apocalypse camp.
    Knock knock, losers.
    Oh, losers was right. It's nothing more than a couple of guys discussing bonsai trees. Lame. This party isn't cool enough for you, Juniper.
    So after Sonya's Mutant Hunt, looks like we're having some prime rib! Mutant rib!
    Blanca: "And you guys mocked me for carrying a knife everywhere. Who's laughing now?"
    Don't know why we're giving steak to a 2 year old, but sure, go ahead. Watch out for the bone, kiddo.
    Meanwhile, Sonya enjoyed her invisible steak.
    Sonya: "Exquisite."
    Oh looks like Juniper is making a mess of the mess hall! Isn't that funny? Because it's a mess hall and she's making a mess!
    Oh Sonya does not look thrilled about Juniper messing up the place.
    Anakin: "Well on the bright side at least you wouldn't kill a kid, right?.........Right?"
    And now Sonya has emotional baggage.
    Well Blanca has waited years to finally play with her own child.
    So today she's an airplane.
    Sonya's Angry Room is still trashed.
    Sonya: "Okay, don't think I can repair the damage, but at least my portrait is still here. I think I can make this work."
    Sonya: "...................It's just not the same."
    Meanwhile, Octavia's just across the street.....cheering for everyone. Yeah! Woo hoo, cheers for the survivors!
    Man, a real shame that most of that offscreen battle had to happen in the sleeping quarters.
    But at least the Bloodgod's minions didn't destroy their booze. That's REALLY important in surviving in the apocalypse.
    Then Juniper decided that the outside needed to be messy too.
    Blanca: "Just let the kid have her moment. She's not going to have a great life living here that's for sure."
    So of course the citizens of Camp Murder did the one thing that they do every time they have a free night. Dance around the fire until the sun rises!
    There we go, a proper fire dance. Pay attention, Mario.
    Anakin: "Isn't this a great way to forget about our problems? Uhh Blanca, I'm pretty sure you just stabbed my wrist."
    Blanca: "Oh sorry sweetie."
    Darrell: "Hey guys, the IRS is sending us some VERY threatening letters. We need to pay our bills, they said they'd leave us alone if we just pay ten thousand simoleons."
    Manslaughter: "Hey guys, check out my new dance!"
    Anakin: "This is a great time to throw the last ten thousand simoleons I had before the world was destroyed!"
    Darrell: "ANAKIN WHY?!"
    Anakin: "Burn money, BURN!!!"
    Get yourself a woman who looks at you like Blanca looks at Anakin after he spits in the economy's face.
    Manslaughter: "Wait, you had THAT MUCH money but still lived above a bowling alley!?"
    Darrell: "Well I mean, I'm a Landgraab anyways. We never paid our taxes and we did just fine."
    Oh looks guys, Bleezeborg is going to attempt the fire dance!
    And he failed.
    Blanca: "Whoa everyone, look at that new dance Bleezeborg just came up with! Everyone do the Bleezeborg!"
    Bleezeborg: "I'm not dancing, I'm burning to death!!!"
    That's when Juniper wanted to hug her dad. Just watch out for those spikes on his shoulder's.
    Sonya: "Isn't this romantic?"
    Mario: "I'm pretty sure Blanca just accidentally stabbed The Chief."
    Sonya: "Again, isn't this romantic?"
    Oh and then Blanca accidentally stabbed herself. That knife is more trouble than she thinks.
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    Dust_Bunny2010Dust_Bunny2010 Posts: 163 Member
    Hello, and I'd like to thank those who gave me kind and encouraging words despite my long absence. :)

    Here's a very basic profile of this new sim.

    My Library description:
    (Note: A twelfth (thirteenth? fourteenth?) generation "spare of a spare" from an old Legacy Challenge playthrough back in TS2.) A spare heiress of the renowned Keller family of Arbordale, Nikoline escaped her family's clutches having long realized the futility of the competition for heirship. She long loathed her family for the abuse they put her through, though her cousins Louis, Luise, and Anneliese were exempt from her anger and saw them as fellow victims of their family's rigidity. She's looking for her missing cousin, Luise, and refuses to believe her dead.

    Likes: Blue, Red, Arts and Crafts, Games, Cuisine (except French)
    Dislikes: the French

    In-Game Traits: ???, ???, ??? (Have fun figuring it out. ;) )


    The days passed, and Nikoline felt despair slowly eat at her. She didn't know where she was, the technology she saw around her was severely outdated compared to the ones back home, and there were no records about her missing cousin; in fact, there were no records of her other cousins or relatives at all, and modesty aside, most individuals of her family were quite well-known and highly praised at their fields and feats. Nothing on the military database, nothing on magazines and online publications, nothing even on really old tech and media like newspapers.

    Something was wrong.


    However, she knew she couldn't go on like this. For one thing, she was running out of money. She had to find a job.


    'No...I can't. I can't survive in that kind of atmosphere. I can't take orders well and would be dishonorably discharged before the first year.'


    Flashbacks of being forced to attend "personality development classes and seminars" for her own good briefly flashed in her mind. Slight tremors escaped her hand while she was moving the mouse.

    ' I can't do this. I'm not good with dealing with people. He would squeeze my arm and scold me when we went back home from parties because I wasn't interested in talking with the other kids and would just stack peas on my plate. He always hated that and said I'd never succeed in life if I can't even network and make connections. He was right...but I just can't. The lesser people I talk to, the better.'


    'This may not be so bad. I still have to deal with people, but I'd be in a kitchen most of the time instead of out there on the floor. Plus, I like making things, including food. Okay...looks like I have a job for now.'

    It was common sense that if one can't find any facts when looking for information, the next best thing would be to follow rumors and scuttlebutt, and where better to find those things than a bar?

    Unfortunately, the locals seemed to know nothing, only that this bar was where the crème de la crème of the land spent their pastime when they weren't being eccentric in their own homes.


    Apparently, they were the Goths and Landgraabs, two of the most renowned and traditional families in the entire country. 'Now where have I heard their names before? Would it be safe to approach them?'


    By the time Nikoline worked up her courage though, her stamina's depleted, and she was forced to take a seat just to end up passing out for hours.
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    BMSOBMSO Posts: 3,273 Member
    Metior_Ice wrote: »
    BMSO wrote: »
    Metior_Ice wrote: »
    BMSO wrote: »
    When a Saiyan irritates an evil Rooster. (Shallot mods are mine they are still WIP.)
    Eyes by TS4anime Skin by Uriel
    "Oh no you don..."

    "Woah!" (Who knew evil roosters were so strong?)

    @BMSO I thought you fed the rooster that thing you aren't supposed to feed them for a second.

    @Metior_Ice Seriously? xDD Nah, JK

    @BMSO There is a food you can feed chickens that the game tells you not to feed them. Jack got it as a gift from wild birds.

    @Metior_Ice Nah, I just gave them the midnight treat but apparently the all just like scaring the evil roosters and chickens.
    Bmso85's emporium - mysims4studios

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    Lulu29Lulu29 Posts: 171 Member
    My new Sim had just won the lottery when I almost didn't bother playing, because my Sims never win. Today happily proved me wrong though. :) Unfortunately I don't have a screenshot of it.
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    highfivehannahhighfivehannah Posts: 18 Member
    I can't post screenshots just yet but Johnny fell in love with Summer today. This has never happened for me, he usually refuses past the best friend stage, so it was a deal!
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,068 Member
    city love in city lights

    You guys, does Bess Sterling have some kind of hidden trait that makes her the absolute master at dumpster diving? She got the expensive Schmapple fridge, a TV, and a couple of other big ticket items on one dumpster diving session. The warning that "it might not be in great condition" came up, but the items weren't even broken. Well, that helped her pay the bills in the fancy new digs with Penny, especially since Penny is at the bottom of the ladder in her new career styling for Smogue.

    Bess got the phone call about the inheritance. She got excited and said Money, give now! And they said she had 7 days to get married. She didn't tell Penny about the inheritance. Penny wondered to herself why Bess was so eager to move up the wedding date all of a sudden?
    They had a beautiful ceremony. Bella Goth photobombed the wedding photo. I did not mind.

    Dance battle between Bess and Diego at the reception. Diego is great, but I think Bess won at shaking that thing

    Bess's ex Jules called in the middle of the wedding asking her to come hang out. Bess told Jules he was being creepy and weird and hung up on him. They caught up the next day at the flea market though. Jules was feeling sad. Bess assured him they would always be bros together.

    Bess was happy to spend the inheritance money, or a lot of it anyway, furnishing the huge apartment.
    Penny asked, "Where did all this come from?"
    Bess replied, "Wedding presents from all our friends and relations."
    Penny asked, "How come there aren't any cards? And how come they put so much effort into gifts for your fizzing and fabrication workshop?"

    Oh, and they decided to adopt a baby boy. I was all excited to give him the last name Sterling-Pizzazz. I mean, what a great combination is that? But the game ran out of room at Sterling-Pizza. Which does not have quite the same ring. So, now his first name is Sterling. Sterling Pizzazz. I didn't post a photo but I assure you he is an adorable dark-skinned simbaby and both his moms adore him.

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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,569 Member
    @Becka28 Ooo Rohan and Quin had a baby, She's adorable, and her outfits are cute. Rohan really looks like he's holding his anger. OOoo 3rd trimester, new little one soon :D
    @Metior_Ice Jack talking with Rosado looks fun, I forget there dolphins. Awesome that he has his own farm, and has some harvestable, gardening can be tough sometimes

    Neyla as usual took care of things around the farm. She started off her morning by milking the cow. It was going fine until her father came along. He told her he hopes she'll continue to help her brother with the farm when he's gone. T4t78mF.png
    She didn't like her father chose to let Ben be in control of the farm. She'd tell him she was tired of hearing him say Ben would be in charge, he knew how lazy and ignorant Ben is.q0UWo3U.png She told him, Ben isn't even around right now to help. He's probably at the local bar getting drinks. dsMMHCM.png Nando ignored her and left, as she was heading back inside Ben was exiting. He heard what he was telling their father and told her to mind her own business. Q6pYTVw.png She retaliated however saying he doesn't know anything about the farm, he doesn't look after the animals or do anything to help. He yawned saying it can't be too hard to take care of, the farm practically takes care of itself. Wbyiow1.png He did leave her with a warning. Their sister Barbara would soon move out with her husband when she gets married, and when their father passes away and leaves him in charge, Neyla would be lucky if she still has a roof over her head. M66tn0h.png Ben headed to the local bar right after. He enjoyed getting drinks over there, but he mostly enjoyed flirting with other girls. ROF6HB9.png After a while he was going to take a walk around town, and as he was exiting someone bumped into him. He pushed them back telling them to watch where they're walking. d1FUlim.png He tried to throw his drink at them but as he going to throw it, it fell splat on the floor. He didn't realize the bartender gave him a frozen drink. eMWUYEz.png He tried not to be embarrassed and took a look at the guy. He told him he'd leave him off the hook for now since he's never seen him around before, must be new. Him and his father aren't exactly fond of new people in town. He didn't forget to mention however, he's the next heir to family farm, and he's a bigshot around town. H9bBHQc.png
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited August 2021
    @BlueSeaWaves I'm really not liking Ben. I must've missed something because I don't know why he's so mean.

    I just found out that, to grow four of every harvestable that doesn't take a full plot, you need at least 84 plots. To grow the new oversized crops, you need even more plots.

    With so many harvestables, two sims is almost enough with one/fourth of the plots filled. I may end up having a few merbabies and extend the pink tail family line a little, just to help manage things.

    On a more interesting note, one sprinkler uses around 200 units of water, and I discovered that the natural well lot trait and 6 or 7 dew collectors only produce, at most while in the rain, 50 units of water. There aren't enough tiles to run a large farm with sprinklers.

    My only alternative is to grow the crop seasonally by removing the roof that gives it shelter. Unfortunately, this would cut substantially into the income, but Jack would be able to instantly water everything by calling a rainstorm.

    It's a tough choice. Make fewer Simoleons but have an easier time tending a garden without sprinklers, or turn on the utilities and and the sprinklers.

    I might turn on the utilities because Jack manipulating the weather daily seems like too much. People might realize he's actually a supernatural being.

    Edit: Jack's children will be half-merfolk without the signature pink tail. They will need to eat and use the bathroom because they are half-mers, but they will be able to pass on the pink tail gene. Half-merfolk won't die from old age in my game.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited August 2021
    So, Jack gave Cecilia a Mermaid's Kiss and sang her his Charmer's Lullaby. Jack was prepared to devote everything to her.

    Cecilia, during their date on love day, flirted with a guy who might've been an ex. Even though Jack looks happy breaking up with her, he's got a festering anger buried under flirty emotions. Cecilia even gave back his rose, Jack's love day gift to her, as a love day gift. This act of giving back his gift came with a note that he was her everything.

    The only reason he's not outright angry is because the emotion is overpowered by a successful proposal during their date before Cecilia instantly started cheating in front of Jack. Cecilia looked like she wasn't having anymore of the cheating, but how can she be trusted again.

    Edit: Almost all of this was autonomous. Maybe Cecilia is just a flirt. She is a premade and this could be a premade quirk. I guess she had the non-committal trait for a reason. I removed her non-committal trait with a retraiting potion. Anyways, their relationship is done. I had hoped for there to be something between them. Jack resisted a lot of attempts on him too. You can't blame him for turning down the guy trying to hit on him. He's not gay, and I don't want to make all my sims gay. I'm sorry, but I just don't. I don't have a lot of romantic relationships in my game anyways.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited August 2021
    Actually, on a separate but related note, the people in Henford-on-Bagley have a lot of quirks when it comes to romance. Like, there's an unusual amount of awkward flirting between sims. There are a lot of embarrassed and flirty townies. I wish I saw it sooner before I invested so much time in Jack and Cecilia's relationship.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    I rekindled their romance, but I'm on the fence about getting them back together. Anyways, there are two make sims that always show up when I try to do anything romantic with they. They even visit the house, and they will not leave my sims in peace. I've never had sims so persistent that they go to the home lot to interfere in a relationship!

    I don't think I could let jack have a family under those conditions.
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    Simily4Simily4 Posts: 61 Member
    I finally uploaded my latest sim, Seo-Joon Hak, who I gave a backstory on the stop. Simple but I like him, very much!
    • Name: Seo-Joon Hak
    • Traits: Music Lover, Outgoing, Proper
    • Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity (+ Gregarious trait) Musical Genius (+ Muser trait)
    • Likes: Purple, Pop Music, Dancing, Media Production, Singing, Modern Décor
    • Dislikes: Brown, METAL MUSIC, Farmhouse Décor
    Seo-Joon Hak started at humble beginnings when he was young, where he would perform on the street with his guitar that was given to him by his father, accompanied by his beautiful voice, to which he would cover songs or sing the ones he wrote himself. He aspires to become a successful musician and move to the big city that is San Myshuno, and maybe he will. One day. #Simily4 #SeoJoonHak #Korean #handsome #talented
    Check him out! Seo-Joon Hak on The Sims™ 4 Gallery
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    After a wild bonfire party, Anakin tucked Juniper in for the night.
    Night's not over yet, not when Sonya finally starts slamming down drinks.
    Anakin: "Hey babe, how about you and I find a nearby bush and do awful things in there."
    Blanca: "Can I bring the knife?"
    Anakin: "It will no doubt hurt me, but go ahead!"
    Several hours later, Anakin and Blanca finally crawl into bed next to the kiddo. At least one person there will get a full night's sleep.
    That next morning, everyone woke up with neutral expressions except for Anakin. Why's that?
    Anakin: "Ah yes, I'm still ripped."
    If I looked like that I'd be happy to wake up every morning.
    But he still needs to maintain that physique.
    Blanca's ripped too, but you don't get to see it as well since this is a T-Rated game.
    Later that day, Darrell and Bleezborg decided to make a salad together....As you can see I finally updated the game.
    Sonya: "What are you nerds doing in here?"
    Darrell: "Sonya please stop fusing with the furniture here. You know that freaks me out."
    Sonya: "This freaks you out huh? Well what if I do THIS instead?"
    Darrell: "This doesn't make things better!"
    After his workout, Anakin decided it was right for him to spend time with his daughter....................................................Or.
    Anakin: "Hey Chief, I'm going out for a jog in the wasteland. If I don't survive make sure Sonya stays away from my kid. She'll just corrupt little Juniper."
    Five seconds later.
    Sonya: "Come on little one, Aunt Sonya's going to corrupt you."
    Sonya: "Yes, now throttle that rubber ducky like it's your enemy! Spill its blood in my honor!"
    Sonya: "Great job!"
    Blanca: "I love it when someone else takes care of your kids."
    Manslaughter: "Hey guys just wanted to check up on you and-What the?"
    Darrell: "This isn't what it looks like."
    Bleezborg: "This is actually exactly what it looks like, I give a mean foot massage."
    Manslaughter: "That's nice, care to give me one after you're done here?"
    Anakin decided that after all this talk about foot massages, there needs to be some masculinity in this room!
    So of course, wood carving is pretty masculine.
    Manslaughter: "Blanca, what's stressing you out so much?"
    Blanca: "Maybe it's the fact that even when I'm getting a massage you have a gun to the back of my head."
    Behold, Anakin has finished his project. A bathtub.
    Not many places with privacy here. So it'll just go here.
    Also, there's still no such thing as plumbing, so they'll just nuclear irradiated mud.
    Meanwhile, Juniper wanted to see what her Uncle Mario's up to!
    Crying for a bunch of people he never met. Yeah this is what Uncle Mario usually does.
    Meanwhile, Elle the Daughter of Satan came to visit once again and of course Sonya wants to talk to her since she's like her BFF....and like, she's one of the few people that have anything in common with her.
    Darrell: "I was trying to get her number...."
    Later, Juniper wanted Blanca to read her a story.
    Blanca: "Oh wait, forgot we don't have books anymore."
    Much later, Blanca and Sonya wanted to have a lightsaber duel for some reason.
    Sonya: "This is either your best idea, or stupidest idea."
    Blanca: "Shut up and fight me!"
    Sonya: "Good strike."
    Blanca: "Anakin and I practiced in the fallout shelter a lot."
    Sonya: "Oh yeah I can see that."
    Sonya: "DEATH STRIKE!"
    Blanca: "Ha, you don't get scars like this on your face and not know how to block a death strike!"
    Then for some reason, Juniper wanted to see Blanca fight.
    Blanca: "Juniper, this isn't the place for a toddler!"
    Sonya: "AGH, MY LUNG!"
    I just gotta say though, watching this fight from the perspective of a toddler......Looks pretty cool.
    God, this kid doesn't stand a chance of growing up with a peaceful life.
    Blanca: "Hey good fight."
    Sonya: "You too."
    Sonya: "Just be lucky that my lung will grow back or I'd be REAL angry."
    Little Juniper's gotta hug her warrior mother that's for sure.
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    Simily4Simily4 Posts: 61 Member
    edited August 2021
    Finished my second and last sim for today. Might upload him tomorrow to the Gallery.
    • Name: Lonán Ferrer
    • Traits: Active, Ambitious, Bro
    • Aspiration: Friends of the World (+ Gregarious trait)
    • Likes: Black, DJ Booth Music, Bowling, Dancing, Fitness, Snowboarding, Island Décor
    • Dislikes: Pink, Lullabies Radio Music, Pipe Organ, Violin, Mid Century Décor
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    ArcaArca Posts: 194 Member
    Nothing has happened...
    When I made my sim to draw a picture at home, 2 girls from my other household just passed by his house



    The girl with brown hair is Gunther Munch's daughter, the other is an alien girl
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @sarabeth2984 Dantes girlfriend (no – fiancé) is lovely. Hope they are happy.
    @KatNip I love your cottage build and how well your aesthetics blended to make its style. I wish I had someone who was as interested in Sims as I was and wanted to play with me.
    @DarkAngel1994 I am not sure I have said it before but Aurora is beautiful.

    @mightysprite I am enjoying hearing about Lily ad Victor – these are two premades who don’t get the starring role that often. I have had the pack with butlers forever but I have never used them I will have to try when I have a sim that suits butlers.
    @BMSO I love the facial expressions when the evil rooster attacks!
    @BlueSeaWaves – I felt you about the over 800 comments since your last post. I feel overwhelmed whenever I come back in so much happens. I love the Trowel family. Neyla is drop dead gorgeous (I get a slight sense of Sophia Loren from her). And the sim’s face when Agnes hit Ben with her handbag – priceless. Its nice to see NPCs understanding what’s going on around them.

    @Metior_Ice – Ekram is just genuinely awful. I am really happy MCC set Eleanor free and she married a lovely kind man. BRRRRRR Henford-on-Bagley does not look like a pleasant place for a merfolk to live and swim in! Poor Jack.

    @pendragon1980 I always wondered what would happen if my sim plagiarised and now I know!

    @Dust_Bunny2010 lovely to see you back on the forums. I always love your writing style. I am going to enjoy Nikoline’s story.

    @Simily4 I love both your sims - cant decide if I like Lonan or See-Joon better.

    NSB Orange Generation - Tiger's story
    previous update

    The sad vampire ghost still cries and haunts Tiger's bedroom. He and Tiger initially can't stand each other.
    But eventually, they notice they have a lot in common and vent about how unfair life (or in Broderick's case - undead death) is.
    Broderick loves listening to Tiger's plans for the future but he is a good sim and gets sad when Tiger shares his criminal mastermind dreams.
    Tiger is nearing his birthday and is planning where to live as he does not what to move in with Mirabelle when she marries Camden. He has put a deposit on a needs TLC apartment and needs some furniture. Dad Larry suggests the fleamarket. Belle decides to come along as well.

    Festival and aspirations
    Tiger is in a great mood.
    Until Mirabelle decides to join the outing.. (Tiger buys the tasteful? lamp because it comes in orange - his one decorating stipulation)
    Tiger doesn't fancy playing happy families at the lunch table with Mirabelle and Larry...
    This poor man at the end of the table was weeping loudly (why? I'll never know. Who is he? He seemed to be generated by the game just for the festival and wasn't enjying it at all). Tiger decided to take out his repressed rage on him. Afterall he still needs a few enemies for his aspiration.
    He turns out to be a feisty little guy.
    He is really upset when Tiger implies his mother is a llama. After all he doesnt seem to remember having a mother -
    or a childhood or... (existential crisis incoming)
    Tiger has a lot of repressed rage to let out
    Tiger messes up the slushie in the face move so it becomes the slushie on the floor move
    Oh the mortification

    Festival Fun
    Because they are out in public, Mirabelle actually acknowledges Ginger exists and makes funny faces at him to distract him fromTiger's fight.
    Ginger, sadly, really wants his mother's love and attention and laps it up.
    Mirabelle gets distracted by Efraim Dreamer so Larry tries to entertain Ginger (not sure what their relationship is, if any, the son of your ex wife could be your ex step son???)
    It doesn't take long for Tiger to notice and join in.
    This shot kind of makes me sad because it makes me wonder what a happy life they would have had if Mirabelle had left Tiger with Larry.
    Tiger wants to spend some time with Belle. He catches her being flirty with a random sim. After living with Mirabelle, faithfulness is VERY important to Tiger.
    He wants to know what she thinks she is doing..
    Belle (who is erratic and hot tempered) does not take kindly to being questioned by Tiger)
    She tells him he doesn't own her and to back off and let her be
    Tiger's inner childhood traumas go to war and his disgust for cheaters is beaten down by his attraction to Belle's angry aggressive side.
    So they enjoy the rest of the festival.

    Tiger's Birthday
    Soon it was Tiger's day to age up to young adult. Of course he was catering the whole thing including cooking his own cake.
    Mirabelle was out and Ginger and Tiger were just enjoying their own company.
    Tiger realises he doesn't want to leave Ginger to Mirabelle's neglectful care and tells Ginger that he can come and live in his apartment with him. (Tiger knows Mirabelle wont argue and probably wouoldn't even notice it has happened). Ginger is elated.
    Larry comes around to help Tiger prepare for his party, Tiger explains his plan to Larry
    Larry worries about Tiger taking on the responsibility of raising a child
    Tiger laughs at this as it wont be any different from how life is already - in fact it will be less children as the twins will live with Mirabelle.
    And then its time to become a young adult

    Everyone celebrate...
    He gets a birthday kiss from Belle while the twins continue to show attitude (if I was Mirabelle's child I probably would be sick of public displays of affection too). The girl with the black hair is his cousin (Pluots daughter).
    His final trait glutton - kicks in and takes hold hard!
    Mirabelle slinks in super late (and mega pregnant)
    Tiger may want to be evil but he is bad at it - all his faily and friends love him
    Even these two - they always make my favourite facial expressions.
    Uncle Pluot assures Larry that he has taken Tiger under his wing and he has a guaranteed job in his organisation (Larry thinks Pluot is a regular business man not a criminal).
    Tiger has many plans he is eager to put in action..
    Tiger convinces Belle to stay the night..this is a big step for Tiger. Because of Mirabelle and her love life, Tiger was quite conservative and he and Belle never even messed around as teenagers - just kissed.

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    Simily4Simily4 Posts: 61 Member
    @Becka28 Haha! Me, too. And I love the update of your two sims, Tiger and the ghostly vampire sim. Those two are really at it. :D

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