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Rebuild | Renew: A Sims 4 Genetics + Building Challenge


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    amadazulsimamadazulsim Posts: 1,800 Member
    Update time

    Scarlet and Zyden are an item now.
    I guess in the long run things have worked themselves out.
    The Twins have aged up and are adorable.
    Sade has been working out to get that baby weight off. Zy of course helps motivate her.
    I think she is doing to much.
    The parents are working on helping the simmies learn all of their skills.
    So far the twins get along well. They aren't as close as I want them to be but at least they don't fight.
    I though this picture summed up how Sade feels about potty training.
    I also noticed that Zahara makes the same face as her mom.
    The twins are definitely the apple of dad Zy's eyes. He is forever sitting and talking with them.
    So here are some better pictures of Zahara and Zyaid.
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    amadazulsimamadazulsim Posts: 1,800 Member
    @EMSimmer30 All of the kiddos aged up nicely. Chester has such a strong face. I think little Hector is going to look a lot like him. I have to say the Harold is my favorite. It is hard to believe that you haven't choosen an heir out of all of those nice looking simmies. How many more nooboos will they be having?
    So cool that you have found your heir. She is so cute.

    @JordanNicoleJJ I see that Chubbs doesn't mind running with Lauren. I have to say one more time how cute he is. :) I love that Cam has more time to spend with Acer. Acer looks so happy to spend time with his dad. Wow that was a serious lightning strike in that picture. It was really close to the house. Awww little Mac is so cute with his little freckles. I had hopes that Cam wouldn't be his dad's clone. He is a cutie though. I would like to think that Cam won the chess match and the celebrity was the one who threw a tantrum. lol
    I say go for baby 4!

    @Kiwicantdie Everyone seemed to have so much fun in San Myshuno. Congratulations to Rory for finishing his Robot. I am glad that Optimus Prime has fit into the family so well. I am sure he will be very helpful. Rory and Violet are so cute as Elders. Marigold and Poppy look alike to me. The big difference seems to be the eyes. Rory seems to be enjoying his elder status. I just love this generation.

    @debjameswhite What is going on in your town. Everyone is getting fit. lol
    I was hoping Greysen was going to settle down with the hot nanny. Omg Nikki is married and had Greysen's baby! WOW! I didn't see that coming. I was wondering what happened to her six pack as she aged up.
    I can definitely relate to Lauren not being able to use the bathroom alone. Geesh motherhood. lol
    As I read your post all that comes to mind is boys will be boys. lmbo
    Harrison and Jools are so cute. I am glad that Jools didn't stay angry that long. They seem like a perfect fit.
    Oh my Elly isn't capitivated by Harrison. I am glad that he choose Jools in the long run.
    Hmmmm maybe your heirs are always the ones that catch on fire.
    I didn't see the triplets getting kicked out coming. Plot twist. I can't wait to see what happens.
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    Hey guys! I have had half typed comments saved in my drafts for days! I started typing up some comments on my husbands desktop while I was waiting for my charger to come, but then got sick, and didn't feel up to finishing. At first I was terrified because I thought I had the virus, but thankfully it was just strep throat. Never thought I'd be happy to have strep :joy: Anyway, my charger finally came and I should have some time to actually play tomorrow :mrgreen: Until then, comments! Please excuse if they seem a little erratic lol like I said, half of this was typed a week ago. Also, I hope you all are doing okay. I feel like we're living in a twilight zone right now...

    @JordanNicoleJJ - I'm so excited you're back!!! :heart: Your new founding couple is so great. I agree with you, Cameron was lookin' smokin' hot in CAS but in game he's got this adorable geeky vibe to him. Which I still think is hot :wink: And Lauren is gorgeous! Well done on making them. Your Willow Creek backstory is so similar to mine, I love it! I also love their adorable bungalow style house, it would fit perfectly in my neighborhood :love: Anyway, omg Chubbs is the cutest!!! I also think just having the name, Chubbs, makes him like 3000x's cuter for some reason :joy: He's equally adorable as a full grown dog as he was a puppy. I always like waiting for my sims to wanna try for a baby too. I'm glad Cameron and Lauren didn't wanna wait long. Chubb's Veterinarian was terrifying btw lol that pic of him in the flowers is the best. He literally looks like he's just soakin' up the sun and smiling lol I love him. Oh and petition for Cameron to wear glasses 24/7 :yum: Welcome baby Acer! What a cool name. Their new house looks great, and once again like I could easily steal it and put it in my neighborhood :heart: Cameron and my Trey are even in the same career path. Great minds think alike :wink: Oh and thank you so much for all the comments on my updates :heart: I loved reading them! I wish I had more time to comment right now.

    Comments pt. 2 :lol: Toddler Acer with his curly hair was the absolute cutest! I kinda love that he's got a random eye color. But omg Mac is so cute! Though I totally only think of Mac for It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia :lol: let's hope baby Mac grows up to be nothing like him. Anyway, child Acer is adorable, but sadly I agree he's 100% his Dad. The pics of him cleaning up and being a little scientist were too cute though. Awwww booooooo another boy :frowning: I feel your pain, but agree that trying for a girl again when you really don't want another kid is the wrong thing to do. Also omg your scenery shots are the stuff of dreams! :love: Seriously, if I knew how to edit I'd totally ask to steal them and make a signature lol omg haha the guy literally squealing in your pic with the celeb playing chess with Acer :joy: The Mac and Snuggs pics :heart: I think they're my favs. Mac and Snuggs for heir lol! Packard is a bit of a let down. Sorry little guy. :confused: Maybe he'll have an amazing personality as he ages?? Oh oh oh! I almost forgot! OMG that restaurant!!! Did you build it?? I LOVE it! Their date was so cute. :heart:

    @amadazulsim - I'm so glad you were able to start over again. I really love how you make sims, they all look so different, and are all so gorgeous. I mean Zy :love: I totally approve of him being a love interest lol. I really loved Chanel, and am sad she won't be in your updates anymore, but I'm glad her and Darrin will be living happily ever after on their own. I hope you'll show us their baby!

    Sade and Zy being all awkward around each other was too cute. I loved seeing how snacky she was when she was pregnant. I'm envious, I was sick as could be lol. I felt so bad for poor Zyden watching Sade get engaged :disappointed: but she made the right choice in my opinion. Their outdoor snow wedding was really pretty too. I'm glad Zy and Zyden talked things out :heart: I love the twins names! It's very fitting since their Dad has a unique Z name too. And that pic of the twins sleeping while the parents slept is 1 in a million for sure! I'm happy for Scarlett and Zyden. I just hope Sade doesn't ruin what they've got by still messing around with him lol Anway the twins are too cute with their sunglasses! I loved seeing them skilling with Mom and Dad. Especially the pic of the twins on the couch with Zy :heart: Zahara is such a pretty little toddler, and Zyaid looks just like his Dad! I can't wait to see them age more. :smile:

    @debjameswhite - Don't worry, I'm not really gone :heart: you don't have to miss me :blush: omg Andromeda and Rory are making such beautiful girls in your game!!! If I don't pick Jordan to be my heir I totally wanna marry him off to one of them. Anyway, about your updates. Does Greysen not wanna see his blind date anymore? She's coming off a little stalkerish always being at the house lol but I can't blame her :lol: The triplet and their Mother's interaction was amusing lol Caiden swooping in to show them how it's done. omg I didn't really expect them to try for a girl, but of course I'm glad they did. They're just destined to have boys I guess :disappointed: The ever elusive Pablo and Vincent generation for you. I love the name Ryker though, and I'm sure he'll grow up to be just as great looking as his brothers :heart: Harrison's my fav though :wink:

    Awww Ryker riding on Kyle's back is so cute. The tiger comment was pretty funny too lol Harrison is so handsome :love: Oooooh look at Greysen and the nanny on their date! There's definitely chemistry there. Why does it feel so scandalous? lol maybe because tabloid nanny affairs have scarred me. Anyway the "mother's never pee alone" comment was spot on :lol: Anyway I love the pic of the 4 boys at the table doing homework together. Even if it wasn't the round table, you're lucky they all sat together. It's a feat to get my sims in the same room lol. I love how quickly Harrison and Jools hit it off! How weird about her hidden anger issues though lol. I'm glad that mood swing passed fast. Stargazing in the middle of the street is giving me "The Notebook" vibes. I like it :smile: I really loved how they had a definite connection and was super bummed to see she started showing up to dates angry... Elly is a cutie though, and it seems Harrison has no trouble with the ladies. omg Lawrence stepping in with the legal threat to the trespassing paparazzi was too funny :lol: "Ma'am, I know the law, and I am NOT afraid to use it against you!" OMG Greysen having a baby with the married Nanny! Ahhhh I called that bad vibe! Lawrence's legal skills are about to come in handy :lol: and then Harrison going up in flames :hushed: This update was wild. Emilia trying to help in the kitchen was cute lol even if it's totally not her scene. omg you tried for another baby once the triplets aged up!? :tired_face: I can't believe it's another boy! Did you check your MCC settings? Maybe it got mistakenly set to only boy offspring? :confused: That or Pablo and Vincent are just never meant to grace your game :disappointed: I really do love Harrison though. I'm just a little wary of Jools...

    @OJenn - *hugs* I completely understand how you feel. My husband is considered essential too, and while I'm grateful he's still able to work, I'm equally terrified for him and our family. My mother in-law (who lives with us) just came home from 6 months in the hospital+rehab and has a
    very compromised immune system, as does my Mother in Florida. Not to mention just the sheer fear as a parent for my children (a daughter with asthma, a young son), so I definitely understand what you're feeling. I hope your family is staying healthy and happy. :heart: I hope we're nearing the end of this soon.

    @Kiwicantdie - omg I totally feel like a complete jerk for accusing you of not naming Corey after a flower, only to find out you did! :lol: But seriously, I've never heard of a Corey flower or plant lol! A+ for effort! :joy: Anyway, Poppy is such a cute kid! And I can't tell you enough how much I love your sims. They're all so full of life, and you give them the best personalities. It's impossible to pick favorites with your sims. Vlad serving food in Willow Creek while on the run from Pablita and Jace is my new favorite head canon :joy: Ahhhh the picture of my fav Marigold hugging her baby brother :relaxed: Then that immediately being followed up with her being 100% over him is the funniest thing ever. Corey is really cute, but jeez!!! I did not think Rory and Violet would have such one sided genetics when it came to their kids. I believed you about Marigold being a clone but that comparison really solidified it. At least she's an angel? Where as Poppy is kinda the opposite lol always up to no good. But I love her, and she rocks that hairstyle btw! Lip gloss girl, Clara and Rory reuniting at the park totally brought back memories :cry: I'm so sad about them being elders! But you sending them off to old age with Rory finally finishing his robot was a great perk. Those pics were epic! Look at how happy Rory was! Optimus Prime #dead :joy: That's just perfect lol! I love the shot of your pretty green house in the rain and 100% support the decision to not bring Optimus out in the rain. And by the looks of it the kids should get inside fast too :flushed: Elder Vi and Rory while immortal Jodi looks on is too sad :bawling: I do love the way you've styled them. And the way teen Poppy looks too. I like that you kept her short bob haircut :smile: Oooh Forgotten Grotto! I haven't been there in years! Very cool to see it again.

    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    amadazulsimamadazulsim Posts: 1,800 Member
    @Heckstress17 I have to agree with you that the twins are soooo cute with their little glasses. They aren't even that much trouble. I will definitely keep updates on Candace and Darrin. You actually won't believe how many nooboos they have. I went to visit them and boy oh boy have they been busy.

    So I have a doosey of an update.

    I sent the couples on a vacation. I missed having them all in one house. Now I am not so sure after you see what happened.
    It started off pretty normal. Everyone was just having a good time and catching up with one another. As you can see Scarlet is very pregnant.
    I even took the kiddos but they eventually were sent home.
    Sade was so surprised at how big her sister was.
    I sent Zy and Sade out for the night. They had a really good time.
    Eventually some of the others showed up for drinks.
    Poor Scarlet went home to have the baby. I was surprised that Zyden didn't go with her.
    Zyden was constantly around Sade. He was always hugging her.
    Zyden kept flirting with Sade especially since his wife wasn't there.
    He was always in a flirty mood.
    I was upset that Sade wasn't putting a stop to his advances.
    Zy had enough
    Before he had a moment to react, Zyden laid into him and started yelling at him.
    Zyden was overwhelmed. Zy didn't care though.
    Chanel interviened. She was so upset.
    Sade was sad. She didn't know she still had feelings for Zyden.
    So I was cooking and I get back to my game and I see Zyden and Sade in the bathroom together.
    Then this.
    Zy apologized to Sade and she forgave him.
    Zyden couldn't believe she choose him again.
    At this point I had enough drama and decided it was best to send everyone home.
    I wonder if she will ever tell Zy what happened.
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    edited April 2020
    @amadazulsim The twins are so cute with their little sunglasses. Poor Sade! I hope she's careful while she's working out! The potty training picture made me laugh! Two updates!! I'm so excited!! Wow! look at that baby bump! At first, it was nice to see everyone together again! It was fun to see them all having a good time at the bar together. I can't believe Zyden let Scarlet go home alone! Sade made the right choice it seems! Oh but Zyden...what a disappointment! How could he? His girl is having his baby and he's still trying to hookup with Sade? And Sade is acting just as badly. Poor Zy...but then he did this in the first place but stealing his brother's girlfriend. Why is Zy apologizing? hehe What a crazy update! I think it was best you sent them all home!!

    @Heckstress17 Aww you kept calling Caiden Lawrence and I loved it. I miss that man!

    One day the Nanny showed up with Greysen’s children and he found out he was a father. They both look too much like their father for anyone to even question it. I’m sure her husband wasn’t pleased!

    Greysen went on about not being able to believe she hadn’t told him sooner. Harrison was wishing he’d pick anywhere else to do his homework. (I was glad he was at the round table!)

    When it was finally time to go home, Nanny slipped out the door without the babies. “I’m way too old for this!”

    Harrison stepped up though. “Hi Hannah, even though you’re technically my Dad’s aunt…just call me Uncle Harrison…”

    Greysen would never say the news about the twins was “bad”, but when bad news came right after he had a breakdown.

    His good friend Reed had has lost his wife.

    Once everything had been taken care of, Greysen made sure to invite Reed over. He didn’t want his friend to be alone.

    Harrison once again stepping up. It’s nice to see my future heir is a natural.

    Considering his family, I’m not surprised.

    “Sweetie…I hope you’re not upset, because I’m really excited.”

    He actually clapped his hands over this one.

    Caiden received a note that was an attempt at blackmail. He wouldn’t throw the case just to hide the information though. There was some more media for awhile about his childhood, what happened to his parents and his siblings, his Grandfather was really the one at the center of it, but Greysen agreed with Caiden. They had nothing to hide.

    Harrison wanted to have a conversation with his Mom about Jools.

    Lauren didn’t realize how serious he was trying to be. “Look at this spoon!”


    She gave him a hug.

    Then they had a serious talk. The boy has a lot of stress.

    New Year’s came and as usual, the Wolfe house had a big family party.

    After talking to his Mom, Harrison finally had the nerve to tell Jools he wanted to take things to the next level. Look at his face! He’s Lauren’s son for sure!!

    Jools was so happy.

    Greysen spent the party upstairs with his son Cyrus. Everyone had a good time.

    Later, Caiden let Cyrus kick the ball around with him in the house.

    Then this news came and it shook the entire family.

    Greysen was devastated.

    So was Caiden.

    Harrison’s face while he tries to practice helped lighten the mood.

    Harrison helped distract Greysen with games of chess.

    Greysen also distracted himself by playing with the twins.
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    I'm about to load up my game :mrgreen: but first, comments!

    @debjameswhite - omg I can't believe I did that! I literally couldn't believe it. I went back and sure enough I was calling Caiden, Lawrence! I miss Lawrence :tired_face: but obviously his spirit is alive and well in his son :wink::heart: Anyway, hooray for another update! I really felt for Harrison sitting at the table with his great grandpa while that discussion was going on lol. I'm glad the twins will be staying with Greysen. If any elder can handle them, it's him! Oh no! You broke my heart with Severine's death :cry: I'm so glad Greysen was there for Reed. I've really loved how close they've remained over the years. And I love love love that Harrison is so good with the twins. By the way, I totally love his outfit and hair and I'm just like in love with Harrison. Okay that's all lol! Lauren looked so cute telling Caiden about the new baby :heart: and his reaction was adorable. Ooooh the blackmail threat about his childhood secrets... I keep wondering when all of that is gonna surface. lol @ Lauren being so aloof while Harrison was trying to talk to her about Jools. This pregnancy must be getting to her lol. Ahhh Harrison's excited face is totally his Mom's! Reeeeeeed! :bawling: RIP at least he's with Severine.

    @amadazulsim - lol I knew as soon as you said you were sending everyone on vacation together it was gonna be trouble! But the good soap opera kind lol. I liked seeing Sade and Zy out for the night :heart: Scarlett going home to have the baby and Zyden flirting it up with Sade :worried: I don't know who I'm more disappointed in. I'm glad Zy stepped in, but it looks like Zyden came out on top of that argument. Chantel coming to play peace maker looks like it came a little too late lol. At least she tried! Zyden and Sad sneaking off to the bathroom together :joy: and then Sade apologizing to Zy and him forgiving her?! This family is wild! :naughty: I love it lol!
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    amadazulsimamadazulsim Posts: 1,800 Member
    @debjameswhite It was the best decision to send them home. I can only imagine what would have happened next.
    Oh wow the nanny left the twins with Greysen. That is crazy. Greysen was such a good friend to Reed. Harrison is such a great helper.
    Oh wow a new baby is on the way. I am glad that Caiden is happy about the new baby. Harrison looked like a wreck trying to talk to Jools. It wasa so cute. Oh No!! Reed too. I don't thin Greysen can take any more bad news.

    @Heckstress17 I do feel like this is some soap opera. I am trying not to interfere but they are out of control. :neutral:

    How is everyone doing? I hope you are all well.


    Things are somewhat back to normal. It is all about the nooboos.
    Sade is feeling extremly sad about everything that has happened. She just mopes around the house.
    Every time she goes around Zy and the kids she just gets sadder.
    She goes to see her sister. I think she was going to tell her everything. She didn't though.
    She did get to see and meet her nephew. He is a cutie.
    I think his name is Ethan.
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    amadazulsimamadazulsim Posts: 1,800 Member
    Update time again

    First up I just wanted to show you a picture of Chanel and Derriks Quads. Yes they had 4! They are cute. I don't know remember their names.

    Now back to the adventures of Sade.

    Sade was eating up a storm again.
    I noticed she was always looking in the mirror.
    She knew something was wrong. She just didn't want to come to terms with the fact that she may be pregnant.
    I caught Zy side eyeing her. I guess he is wondering when she is going to tell her she is pregnant.
    Zahara and Zyaid have aged up.
    Zahara was sad because they didn't have a party. She felt as if her birthday was forgotten.
    They basically spent the day cleaning.
    Dad had a surprise in store for the twins.
    Dad had planned a day at the local park for the family.
    The twins learned all about bees and even ended up getting some fresh honey.
    The rest of the day they spent it skating with dad.
    or falling with their dad.
    Well that is all for now.
    I will leave some better pictures of the twins.
    I think they are a good blend of each parent.
    Happy Simming All!
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    edited April 2020
    @amadazulsim I'm ok though life is definitely strange. My son moved out this weekend and I'm so sad...even while I'm incredibly happy and proud of him. My daughter on the other hand is taking social distancing very seriously and won't come home. So while I respect her decision and I'm proud of her, I'm sad there too. Missing my babies even while I'm totally proud of them growing up and spreading their wings. Working from continues to just feel strange...but anways, we have the sims! I hope you're doing well <3

    I want to say poor Sade...but I don't know if I can bring myself to feel bad for her! I do a little...It's sad though that she's so sad around her family. What a cutie Ethan is! oooo the quads are really cute! Oh Sade...sad about being pregnant and Zy looks sad too...Poor little kids! Cleaning on their birthday??? Awww! Good Dad planning a day for them at the park! The twins look promising!
    Callahan Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree
    Valentino Family Tree
    West Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree

    Chapter 17: Lauren and Caiden’s final Wolfe

    It was finally go time for Lauren and Caiden’s last foray into parenthood.

    On the same day, it was Greysen’s twins’ birthday!

    Jools came over to help celebrate. Her and Harrison just get closer and closer.

    She immediately started helping with clean up.

    I can’t believe that Greysen is still here to see more of his grandchildren being born. As spoiled earlier, they had another boy. They named him after Greysen’s good friend Reed.

    Like big brother Harrison, he’s absolutely adorable. ((Harrison is so lucky I had already chosen him as heir))

    Even though he comes on the heels of so many children, Reed definitely is getting attention.

    Harrison is a pro at showing flash cards!

    I was really excited that one of my spliced Strawberry/snapdragon plants finally produced a dragon fruit!

    Reed gets lots of attention from Mama.

    She was so focused on school and her career before she’s happy to have time with her little guy.

    Greysen is also giving his children all the attention he can. He knows he won’t be around for them forever and he wants to make sure they have a solid foundation, and good memories.

    Once they were tucked in, he joined his great grandson outside.

    The moment was ruined by the paparazzi.

    Once again, Greysen was fed up. He doesn’t care about his reputation anymore. Harrison went running inside to get Caiden.

    She left without any trouble though and Greysen put the fire out. The mood had been killed.

    Harrison has turned into quite the artist. He takes after Greysen quite a bit.

    I’m ending with this picture…how did this even happen?
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    amadazulsimamadazulsim Posts: 1,800 Member
    edited April 2020
    @debjameswhite I am glad that you are doing well. I definitely understand about your children finally spreading their wings. It is sad and happy at the same time. We have to trust that they have learned from the things we taught them and that they will be okay. Life is different right now. I just remain positive. I wish you peace and love.

    I have to agree with you that it is hard to feel sad for Sade. I think she just gets caught up in the attention that she gets. She seems to love whoever gives her the most attention.

    I think Jools is trying to show Harrison that she is relationship material. It is nice that Greysen is around to see his grandkids be born and grow up. I like that he is trying to instill those family values and memories with his grandchildren. Little Reed is a cutie. I love that they named him after Greysen's friend. That is a nice tribute. lol at the flying dirty dish.

    Another update.

    Sade still hasn't told Zy that she is pregnant. I am pretty sure he knows.
    They really just carry on like nothing has changed.
    They both really focus on making sure the children are getting the proper help with their education.
    I am pretty sure she is in labor.
    She goes to the hospital. I sent Zy with her but guess who showed up instead. He didn't even stay.
    She had to have her babies by herself.
    Once home Zy didn't miss a beat and started helping out right away.
    Everyone is doing their part to pitch in.
    The hangout room seems to be the triplets room.
    The twins hang out together. They are so cute.
    I have to laugh at Sade because she is always cleaning. I think Zyaid is following her path.
    Sade went out one night and ran into Zyden.
    They were definitely in need of having a conversation about everything that has happened.
    Things got heated.
    She just wants him to leave her alone.
    With that the meal ended and some other guy started flirting with her.
    No sooner than Sade gets home. Guess who shows up.
    This can't be good.
    All Sade could say was Why!!!
    He doesn't know and I don't want him to know!
    Oh and the triplets are named Zoe
    Zack and Zuri.
    Post edited by amadazulsim on
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @everyone Guys, I miss you. <3@Heckstress17 @OJenn @JordanNicoleJJ @Kiwicantdie (i'd love to tag a bunch more but I will keep it at the current regulars for now) Just say hi :) I'll feel so much better :)

    @amadazulsim Oh my gosh I can't believe she had triplets! It's good that Zy is helping even if he didn't go to the hospital. He must be suspicious. The kids are cute with their baby siblings. It's always good to have a child who's neat...I wouldn't know. It's nice that Zyaid is following in Mom's footsteps. Looks like Sade is not going to be able to keep what ever secret she's trying to keep!

    Greysen didn’t sleep very often, but lately when he did he was having nightmares.

    Often it was about the big mansion in Willow Creek. There were so many rumors about who had purchased the old estate, but no one knew who it was.

    Greysen knew he was dreaming when he saw a mailbox in the hallway.

    He was drawn to a small room where he just cried and cried. The loss of his family had been devastating. The questions and speculation that had followed him and Caiden were overwhelming. The recent death of his friend Reed had brought everything back to the surface. He missed his Sasha.

    Finally he went back downstairs. He was so confused by the house. Had he just seen a ghost? She seemed so familiar.

    He found the kitchen, and he got himself a drink. He was so thirsty.

    Finally he found the library and he felt so at home there. It reminded him so much of his son Lawrence. He wanted to stay there forever but he heard something.

    He went to the door and opened it, but that was all he remembered.
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    Hey everyone! I've been lurking and writing comments as I have time. I've been annoyingly busy the past two weeks. They finally issued a stay-at-home order for my state, so I decided to move my Dungeons & Dragons group online, and I've been trying to get that all set up and figure out how to use the program we chose. I feel bad for them, because they're all pretty social people and it's the only connection to the "outside world" they have, so we've been playing 2-3 times a week (vs once a week like we used to), which means I spend most of my "off" days writing more content so we can play again. Hopefully I can get a little bit ahead this week so I can have some time to play sims this weekend or early next week. Now for some comments...

    @EMSimmer30 Congrats!!! All that hard work raising like a million teenage boys finally paid off and you got your girl :smiley:

    @Kiwicantdie I don't blame you at all - we all wanted better mixes this time around. This gen just refused to give us what we wanted :lol: So that's why I'm so torn - I think the family is "complete" as well, and I do really like Mac. I'm getting attached to him myself. I can't wait til they age up either! I'm ready to get this challenge going and bring in the gene pool mates :naughty:
    Yesss an update! Girl, you're doing way better than me at getting your sims out of the house :lol: I blame it on the toddlers - if everyone goes out and I leave them behind, they aren't gaining any skills, but if I take them with me, there's nothing for them to do! Also, I love San Myshuno, but I hate that everyone dresses in random townie outfits despite me going into manage worlds and giving everyone normal outfits!! Like just let them wear their normal clothes :tired_face: LOL @ Rory and Clara - odd sibling greeting, but anyone descended from Clover has to be a little odd :wink: AHHH THE SERVO!!! Oh man you're really making me want to do that career now. It's so cute!!! Wait - was it flying in one of those pics?? Do robots fly in this game? :lol: Rory and Violet are still looking good in their old age. I adult/elder makeovers - they make the game seem more real. Omg Poppy is a queen. I love her so much :love: Why couldn't she have just had slightly darker skin??? :bawling: I totally forgot about the grotto lol. I haven't been to any of the hidden locations in a long time, and I'm pretty sure my fam lives right next to that weird tree in Willow Creek :lol: It sure is gorgeous though :heart:

    @debjameswhite I think the random eye color is a glitch too. I don't know why I would have it though. I don't have any cc in my game right now and usually glitches like that are from my cc overloads lol. Oh well, they aren't my heir so I don't really care. And the storms - yes!! Here I was thinking it was just Brindleton Bay, because it reminds me of the pacific northwest and they have rain/storms all the time, but turns out Willow Creek fares no better.
    Is Greysen doing the serial romantic aspiration? He seems like he's gonna more romance-oriented in his older age. I HATE when the lightning ruins outdoor stuff!! My current house doesn't even have a backyard really, cause it'll get just destroyed by lightning anyway :tongue: Aww Harrison was a little awkward meeting Jools but I think its cute. LOL why is she so angry?? I mean, I'm glad Harrison knows how to put her in a better mood -- maybe they are meant for each other. Oh man, poor Lauren -- both of our Laurens have house fulls of boys! Oh good to know about Di's age - I didn't even think about that and I am considering using her this time! I'm glad Harrison settled on Jools though, they definitely hit it off right away and have a connection. Her mood swings are wild though :lol: OMG no wonder the paparazzi follows Greysen around with his wild life of romance! YES Harrison caught on fire! 100% heir confirmed :lol: Ooo I kinda ship Uncle Trevor and Emilia, I know he was just fangirling with the selfie thing but I think they make a cute couple :blush: OH NO not another boy!! least you know so you can move on with Harrison and Jools now! Wow, I did not expect Greysen to get stuck with the kids, but tbh he'll probably be a better father to them than she will anyway (or at least Harrison will -- father of the year right there, and he's not even a father yet lol). AHH and Caiden and Lauren are expecting again!! You love your big households lol. Oh no, it's so sad seeing Reed and Sev die...they're still so young in my game cause I just quite playing that save :lol: I love that they were so close to your family though.
    I'm sorry to hear you're feeling sad :frowning: It's great that your kids are so mature and responsible. I'm sure your daughter misses you. I know I miss my mom, but I have to take social distancing seriously for her - she's in the 'higher risk' age group AND has an autoimmune disease. And yes, there's always sims to keep us entertained!
    Look at Jools making herself feel at home, helping with the clean up and all :smirk: Awwww and they named the baby Reed! I love it! Oh my god he is SO adorable. It almost makes up for you not getting the girl you wanted...almost lol. does one get a plate stuck in the wall like that :lol::lol: I LOVED the "dream" update! Who was that ghost?? I need more!

    @amadazulsim Ahh the twins are such cuties!! And Zy looks like such a good father. Things definitely worked out for the best! I can't wait to see the tods aged up, I'm sure they're gonna be gorgeous!
    The lightning strike in my last update scared me to death - the storm was really raging, everything went bright white for a second, and it seemed like the house shook (or maybe it was just the thunder). Then I went to get a pic of the storm and realized how close it was hitting to the house...yikes :flushed: Ooo family vacation - I'm sure there won't be any drama there :wink: Oh man, I knew something was going to happen. I know I should be mad at Sade too, but Zyden you had your chance and now you have a new woman, back off! I'm glad Sade and Zy worked things out. Hm, looks like the secrets are wearing on Sade...I wonder if she'll just let it go or tell everyone, especially with this pregnancy? I love your park - the bees in the greenhouse is a great idea! And the twins aged up nicely. Hard to tell who they take after yet, but they do seem like good mixes for now! OH NO triplets!! Annnd I'm guessing Zyden's the dad by the looks of his hospital visit... :grimace: Oh man I can't wait to see how this unfolds.

    @Heckstress17 Yay, you're back too!! I'm sorry to hear you got sick, but at least it was just strep (yeah, never though I'd say that either :lol: ). I've mildly felt sick off and on, but they aren't testing here unless you have severe symptoms, and even then they test for strep and flu first (just the flu test cost me $250 with insurance when I actually had the flu in Dec or Jan). I don't think our hospital is charging for covid tests, but they're definitely charging for every other test they possibly can, which seems really shady :unamused: I agree, it definitely feels like we're living in an episode of the Twilight Zone or Black Mirror right now...
    I'm so glad you like my little family and all of my builds, it's always a huge compliment coming from you cause I always like your family and builds way more than mine :lol: I was originally gonna have Cam do the robotics career (cause Cameron from Love is Blind works in AI/robotics), but I didn't want to go through the university stuff again and I feel like that's part of the career. Tech guru was the next best thing, and playing video games for a living makes it way easier to keep his fun up -- one less sim to worry about being tense all the time :lol: So I've never watched It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and had to look up who Mac is lol. I don't know about his personality but I'd be fine if he grew up looking like him :smirk::lol: I went with 'computer' names this generation. If I had a girl I was going to name her Dell, but I also know a Dell in real life which makes it kinda weird lol. It took me awhile but I've come to terms with having a boy heir this generation. And yeah I did build that restaurant! I based it on Tiana's restaurant from the disney Princess and the Frog:
    I'll put it up on the gallery the next time I'm in-game! Feel free to change anything you want. I'm not happy with the interior, but have no idea how to fix it :lol: I might give it another shot and try to make it look more like the movie:
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    SimmingKimSimmingKim Posts: 94 Member
    You all have beautiful families. I want to play too.
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    SimmingKimSimmingKim Posts: 94 Member
    I made a couple and started building a home in Oasis. Luka and Poppy Mays have random traits. I can't share pictures yet but I think they make for a cute couple.

    I ran out of funds while building their home and did not get very far with it yet. I will give them both a money-making job or task so they can have more than a kitchen to enjoy.
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    @SimmingKim Welcome to the forum and the challenge! I can't wait to see your founders and starter house :smile:
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    SimmingKimSimmingKim Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks! They both have the erratic trait. He is in the Lawyer career and she is in Education for now. I want to send her to University.
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @JordanNicoleJJ Hooray for lovely comments and I really wanted you to see baby Reed and how important your family was to mine, but more than anything else, I'm happy to hear from you. I'm glad you're doing well. <3

    @SimmingKim Welcome! I will keep liking your comments to get you boosted up! I remember what it was like when I was in your shoes in this thread. I'm so happy you're going to join us. You'll have a great time here. I can't wait to see your family.
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    SimmingKimSimmingKim Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks! :) I'd like to say how incredible I think your signature is. I wish I were half as talented. For my couple, Poppy is pregnant and she and Luka have gotten promotions at work already. They now have a bed, toilet and shower.

    Poppy is light skinned with blond hair and brown eyebrows and green-ish eyes. She's got freckles too!
    Luka is darker skinned with black hair and brown eyes. His hair is medium-short length.
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    carlimactcarlimact Posts: 766 Member
    Hello all!
    I've got some sad news. My laptop's fan died, and with our current situation, it doesn't look like it'll be fixed anytime soon. However! I got a new laptop! doesn't have any of my files, which I fear are lost forever. Thus, I'm going to resurrect Dalton and Regina and do this all over again. xD The Greenberg's will never die on my watch. I hope everyone will look forward to my update whenever that may be. :)
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    SimmingKimSimmingKim Posts: 94 Member
    That's horrible that your laptop fan died and you lost your files. I look forward to your update. Hi :smile:
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    SimmingKimSimmingKim Posts: 94 Member
    Poppy and Luka had twin boys! Landon and Gunner are still infants.
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    edited April 2020
    @carlimact Sorry to hear about your computer, but it sounds like you'll be back up and running soon. Glad to hear you're doing OK. I'm glad you checked in.

    @SimmingKim You are truly a member of our group if you have been hit with the multiple curse already! Congratulations on the twins! I really can't wait to see them but you're almost 1/2 way there to being able to show pictures!! Oh! Thank you for your comments on my signature! I do need to switch it soon but I'm glad you like it. I bet you could do something similar if you wanted :)
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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    edited April 2020
    Hi all <3 I hope you and your family&friends are all doing well. I also want to wish you Happy Easter in advance. Please celebrate in the safety of your homes and don't attend mass celebrations if possible, it's not safe :grimace:
    I'm sorry for disappearing yet again: I'm 100% fine, I just had a ton of homework and assignments to do for uni now that online lessons are up and running almost every day. This incoming summer session I'm going to have the most exams I ever had in my whole life all crunched together in the span of a couple of weeks, so... wish me good luck :'(
    As you can imagine, I didn't have any time to play lately, but I think I still have a few more pics left from my last gaming session to post, so maybe I'll post them later.
    (aaaaaaaaaaaand of course I lost all the replies that I had typed already due to power shutting off in my entire house :bawling: bear with me, I'm trying to re-reply to the best of my ability) (I hate losing everything when I'm almost done typing :bawling: )

    I'll try to catch up to your updates, now <3

    @debjameswhite I should have asked you sooner, but: you, like, have/had a household full of super good looking male sims :joy: do you mind sharing some of Lauren&Caiden's kids? I have two girls to marry off this gen and I really didn't want them to default to mccc's evil doings :joy:
    I love your makeovers of the female gene pool! And I'm also all on board with the Greysen/Nanny romance <3 I wasn't expecting that pregnancy tho! What a surprise! Lauren should get the medal for "most male kiddos ever", I swear :joy: I love how Harrison and Jool seem to click right away and have no problem hanging out. Lol Jool has such a character, her being angry definitely makes her stand out from the rest :joy: (I think it might be a teen phase?) them cloud gazing in the middle of the street definitely gave me anxiety, functional cars or not. They had such a cute date. OMG paparazzi really have no shame, right?? I still remember how annoying they were with the triplets, I don't know how you manage to handle them with such patience. I'm surprised it took you this long for your heir to almost burn alive :joy: here I was, counting the days when that was going to happen :joy: OMG Emilia! <3 it's always so nice seeing your sims' parties, 'cause they're always so many sims. I definitely loved seeing all them Austins alive and well in your game <3 - I can't believe Lauren got pregnant with another baby boy :joy: that's... tragic, and yet so hilarious :joy: here's the game literally telling you "there's no escape, Harrison's the one!"
    Greysen little twins are adorable <3 I wasn't expecting them to stay in the family, tho. I legit 100% understand Greysen's mental breakdown. I'm so sad about Severine and Reed :bawling: it's been ages since they've been gone in my game and I still miss them. I can't even think about the possibility of Greysen dropping dead at this point, I'm too weak. Look at Harrison, tho <3 he's going to be such a good dad! (I can't wait??? you're one lucky girl, Jool) lol his failed conversation with mom about Jool cracked me up :joy: (Lauren's face when she goes "spoon!" is going to stick with me forever :joy: #bestmomever) OMG I almost cried. They have a tiny Reed in the house now! He's really adorable and I'm sure he would have made a good pick for heir if Harrison wasn't already the chosen one.
    I wasn't expecting the "Dark Dreams" update! That was very creative! <3 I can't wait to see what's going to happen next!

    @amadazulsim boy have I missed a lot :joy: Scarlet and Zyden are soooo cute, I'm glad that things seem to have worked out. That first pic of the twins with sunglasses on is beyond adorable <3 it's also super cute that they get along so well with dad Zy. I love that they're different looking for being twinsies! Identical twins are so rare, I never had them in game yet.
    It's so nice that you sent all the couples on a vacation! I almost never touch Selvadorada and it's a shame 'cause I love that tiny world so much. Just-- maybe it's not the best being super pregnant like Scarlet and being stuck in a vacation world :joy: OMG THE DRAMA! So that's why Zyden didn't get back home to see his baby being born :grimace: that's definitely not the best moment to realize you might have feeling for an ex of some sort, right Sade? :joy: what a "relaxing" vacation :joy: yeah Sade might have chosen Zy once again but at this point there's too much flip-flopping going on, I'm no longer trusting her feelings 100% :joy: also: that cc toddler bed is so cute for a second it made me consider downloading cc furniture. It's soooo good! Anyway, back to the sims: I don't trust Sade's sad face anymore :joy: but to be fair, I understand her feeling sad and confused now more than ever. I bet she's more and more confused about her own feelings. (Oh wow QUADS? :joy: good lord, Chanel and Derriks really hit the jackpot :joy: they're all super cute, tho!)- of course Sade's pregnant :joy: she just couldn't catch a break, ammaright? Btw, the twins aged up into such cute kiddos <3 it's really nice that you gave the park a corner for plants and bees, such a cool idea! When Zyden showed up at the hospital and Zy left I kinda knew what was up :grimace: triplets???? Oh my lord, I can't even process that :joy: I'm still triggered from the time my sims had triplets. They all looked like they were defaulting to such a nice big happy family, tho <3 seeing the twins excited about being big brother/sister was adorable. ---- why in the world would Zyden walk around the neighborhood fully naked tho???? :joy: I can't. These two are in so much trouble.

    @Heckstress17 I'm glad that you're doing well <3 I'm also glad that your charger has finally arrived! Twilight zone is definitely the best description for the situation we're living right now. All my exams are going to be online 'cause we can't physically go back to class till September, so all my poor professors are freaking out. I, on the other hand, I'm living for it :joy:
    One-sided genetics is the worst, especially when we're doing a genetic challenge :confused: ... I hope the next gen is going to be a bit better.

    @JordanNicoleJJ it's amazing that you have a Dungeons & Dragons group! <3 - I get how super social people feel about this quarantine, many of my friends are literally losing their minds. I hope you can keep yours occupied with fun&games :blush:
    I know, townie/festival outfits are the worst thing ever. There are times when I lose hours just editing all the townies in game, and it's so stressful 'cause it's just wasted energy, they're all going to end up messed up anyway and I'm throwing away time I could have used actually playing my sims. Yup, Servos can fly if you give them the option, it works the same way for the mecha suit/armor you can build <3 ... I wish I was able to build that too with Rory, but it's legit too time-consuming and the grind for the materials is too much for normal life span. You either start with a teen sim or you're never going to end up finishing it.

    @SimmingKim welcome! <3 I can't wait for you to be able to post pics here <3<3<3

    @carlimact I'm so sorry to hear about your pc :bawling: just know that I'll definitely be waiting for your next update, whenever that might be! :blush:
    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    Not-very-Eastery Update! :joy:

    In my mind, I hoped to have a cute spring update to share this weekend, but as I told you before, unfortunately, I didn't have any time to play. On top of that, last time I played my sims got into the colder season of all. But they went on vacation to Granite Falls, at least.
    After all the hard work that Rory put into building Optimus Prime, I felt like they all deserved some time together in the woods, enjoying the little things and having fun in their cabin.

    ... the weather wasn't of the same idea :joy:
    By the time they arrived in Granite Falls, it was storming real bad.


    R: "What the heck is this?? I had been reassured that it was snowing here!" + general panic. Starting your long-awaited one and only vacation with the sky pouring on you is not the best thing ever, right? It definitely didn't help with the kids' mood.


    My poor Poppy is forever broken when it comes to storms. Every time it happens, her arms snap like that.
    Not even one minute since they had arrived, Corey was already prepared to pack his bags :joy:


    I wanted to have them stay in a nice cabin, but I wasn't in the mood for building so I only revamped/redecorated the whole interior with some minor changes to the rooms. The end result looked cozy enough.


    C: "UGH. Can I go home already????"


    Not a nice weather to explore the woods, for sure.


    Here's the kids' bedroom.


    And Rory&Violet's.


    The very next morning, the storm had already passed and the sky was clear. There was just a little drizzle, but it was much better and it made the woods feel even more alive. Marigold woke up first and went for a walk to enjoy the silence.


    She even lighted up a fire + made sure to update all social media :joy: #famvacation #blessed


    When the rain stopped altogether, I brainstormed to figure out what kind of activity she could do other than reading books and go on long walks, and then I realized she might actually be that kind of sweet/peaceful sim that enjoys yoga. The setting was perfect to get started with it, after all.


    ... she just had some trouble figuring out what she was supposed to do :joy:



    Poppy decided that she was going to find a hobby too, so she picked up the guitar.


    ... as for Corey, well, he still had a lot of work to do with the Scouts.


    Not that he was taking it seriously.


    It felt really weird having an old Rory with nothing to do at hand, so I kept him occupied with a little bit of work. Not too much, tho, I didn't want it to feel like a grind after all he's done through the years.


    That same night, the first snow finally arrived in Granite Falls.


    Corey autonomously woke up super early to walk outside and go look at the first snow. It was so cute to see.



    Finally! That's what this vacation needed!


    The temperature dropped so fast it was insane. The lake was frozen in a matter of hours.


    Marigold, who had just started doing yoga, was forced to short five-minute sessions just to make sure she didn't freeze to death.


    Corey and Rory built snowmen together <3



    And they had some cute dad-son alone time with card games.


    Unfortunately, Corey couldn't compete with his genius dad and lost all the time:joy: he didn't take it well either.


    The kids spent some time together playing with the snow. Snowball fight!


    ... Poppy was flat on the ground most of the time :joy:


    And Corey took enough hits on the face to make my nose bleed just by looking at it happen again and again.



    ... in the end, they didn't have as much fun as I had hoped for.


    Their parents had much more fun for sure, even if Violet kept having a little bit of temperature.


    Rory was the one who enjoyed it the most <3 he looked so carefree and happy playing in the snow :bawling:


    When the kids were out, Rory and Violet also didn't waste time being cute together.


    For them or their feelings, age was just a number.



    They even had the energy to have some fun in bed, just like the old times. MCCC couldn't do a thing to me this time around, Violet's ovaries had closed business loooooong ago :mrgreen:


    Risky, but none of the kids woke up throughout that.


    Corey got used to waking up at dawn and go in the woods to catch some bugs. If anybody could tell me why in the world bees were out in the snow, in the middle of winter, I would really appreciate it :joy:


    Those things bite! :sweat_smile:


    He also made friends with the forester, which really seemed like a nice guy.


    But of course Corey had to let him know who was truly in charge :joy:this child has an evil side, I assure you



    The days started to get boring soon and besides grinding hobbies I felt like they had nothing to do.


    Anyway, it was most definitely relaxing.


    ... sort of :joy:
    At one point Poppy started venting so much about her teen boredom that I legit 100% believe she summed a fire.


    P: "Why can't we just go home already?????"


    ... wish granted, Poppy :joy: that was it :joy:


    I'm going to end this long/boring update with a few scenery pics that almost brought tears to my eyes.
    This game can be gorgeous.



    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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    SimmingKimSimmingKim Posts: 94 Member
    @Kiwicantdie Rory and Violet are adorble. Rory is a little scamp. He's cute. I hope everyone survived that crazy fire.

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