Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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Type of Player “Poll” (Choose from list.)

What type of player are you? I wish there was a “check all that apply” option for polls, but since there’s not, we’ll just do it as a regular post. Which of these apply to you?

___No Cheat Pete: You start with the assigned funds, work hard, and slowly build your sims’ lives up from very little to very well off.

___Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater: Your entire gameplay is built around cheats. You have a cheat guide bookmarked on your toolbar, but you don’t really need it because you’ve used them so much that you’ve memorized most of them anyway.

___Modaphobic: You play the game the way it was meant to be played, gosh darn it. Your mod folder is empty, and that’s the way you like it.

___Mod Addict: It started with a few pieces of cc. Well, there really isn’t enough [insert object name] in the game, so I’ll just download a few of those and be done, you told yourself. That was 6,000 downloads ago. Now you spend at least 50% of your game time downloading, and you might have to buy another hard drive just to store your sims stuff on.

___Skill Builder: You have the most highly skilled sims in virtual space. If you sent your sims to a job fair, they would take all the jobs and leave other people’s sims with nothing. Your sims’ spare time is spent productively—building skills. And when one skill is maxed, it’s on to the next one.

___Shut-In: You’ve given your sims everything they need at home, so why ever leave? Commercial lots are overrated. Sometimes you wish you didn’t have to go out either.

___Force the Game into Submission: You have so many grand ideas! Ancient Greece? Yes! Dystopian Future? Yes! Fairies and dragons and werewolves? Yes, yes, and yes! Who cares if the game isn’t set up for any of those things? You will make this game submit to your will and to your creative vision.

___Screenshot Sally: You’re all about capturing the moment forever. The tab key is your friend. The game is pointless if you don’t have a visual record of it. If it didn’t happen in a screenshot, it didn’t happen.

___Poser, in a Good Way: The in-game animations aren’t good enough for your perfectionist standards. You have a library of poses that aid you in perfectly depicting your sim’s personality and lifestyle. This play style often coexists with other play styles, such as Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater, Mod Addict, and Screenshot Sally.

___Literati: You’re a serious author. You know what an inciting incident is, and you can pronounce the word “onomatopoeia.” You breathe life into your sims through story. The Sims is not a game; it’s a means to express yourself creatively through the written word. You have a tattoo on your arm that says “Simlit.”

___Different Day, Same Sim: You’ve played the same sim(s) in different iterations since the day you bought The Sims 4. In fact, you recreated them from your game in Sims 3, which you recreated from Sims 2, which you recreated from Sims 1. Your sim means everything to you, and you’re never, never, never letting them go. Ever. Hello Sims my same sim.

___Spiderman: Your game is an intricate web of cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, exes, friends, enemies, club members, neighbors, coworkers, school chums, bar buddies, and more. You don’t play a household, you play a community. And you keep track of all the intricate threads of relationships with astonishing accuracy. Except when you don’t and accidentally marry first cousins. But hey, that’s totally legal in some parts of the world.

___Up to the Challenge: If there’s a challenge, you’ve played it. One hundred babies? Did it! Very Berry? Did it! Some obscure challenge only you and probably 10 other people have ever heard of? Did that, too. If only Sims challenges were a sport, your shelves would be lined with trophies.

___Architect: You want to play with your sims. You really do. But there’s just so much to get done first. There’s the house, the landscaping for the house, the friend’s house which you’ll be spending a lot of time at, the landscaping for the friend’s house, the business, the revamps of existing businesses, the new buildings that currently don’t exist in game but that you really really need before you can get started. Maybe in about 6 months you’ll be ready to start actually playing. Maybe.

___Sharin’ Sharon: Whether it’s builds, saves, challenges, or something else entirely, you love to make stuff to share with other people. For you, the Sims 4 online community is a lot of what makes the game fun, not just the game itself.

___Strict Rotational: You have a strict schedule, and you stick to it. You go to the next household at a specific time in a specific order and do not deviate. You like things to be organized. In the words of Dolores Umbridge, “[you] will have order.”

___Casual Zigzag: You tried to be a rotational player, but that only lasted about 3 sim days, if that. Too many rules, man. You still play multiple households but in a random, who-do-I-feel-like-playing-today kind of way.

___Secret Sadist: You do terrible things to your sims and feel absolutely no remorse. The crazier and more chaotic your sims’ lives, the better. Your friends and coworkers all think you’re normal. Your online Simmer friends all know you’re not.

___Bored on the Boards: You play The Sims for 15 minutes then pop on the forum to post about how bored you are and ask for game ideas. You pick one of the ideas from the responses then play like that for 15 more minutes. Then you switch to another game and don’t play the sims for another 4 months. When you do start playing again, you play for about 15 minutes then pop on the forum to post about how bored you are.

Who did i miss? If you see something missing from the list, feel free to post your own description.
On EA forum Stories and Legacies board and on


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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,714 Member
    I'm a Modaphobic and Skill Builder.
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    duhboy2u2duhboy2u2 Posts: 3,290 Member
    I'd be modaholic skill Building architect who's always up to the challenge
    Loving yourself is the most simple and complicated thing you can do for you.
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    BoergeAarg61BoergeAarg61 Posts: 972 Member
    I am Casual Zigzag.
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    KimmerKimmer Posts: 2,401 Member
    edited November 2019
    I'm No Cheat Pete and Modaphobic.
    I never use cheats on Sims/Sim families I play and I never use mods.

    I've tried a rich family story game play with cheats, but I got bored with it pretty quickly. Cheats are just not my thing, I need goals and I also get more attached to Sims who have worked for their money and skills.

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    HoveraelHoverael Posts: 1,230 Member
    What type of player are you? I wish there was a “check all that apply” option for polls, but since there’s not, we’ll just do it as a regular post. Which of these apply to you?

    ___No Cheat Pete: You start with the assigned funds, work hard, and slowly build your sims’ lives up from very little to very well off.

    ___Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater: Your entire gameplay is built around cheats. You have a cheat guide bookmarked on your toolbar, but you don’t really need it because you’ve used them so much that you’ve memorized most of them anyway.

    ___Modaphobic: You play the game the way it was meant to be played, gosh darn it. Your mod folder is empty, and that’s the way you like it.

    ___Mod Addict: It started with a few pieces of cc. Well, there really isn’t enough [insert object name] in the game, so I’ll just download a few of those and be done, you told yourself. That was 6,000 downloads ago. Now you spend at least 50% of your game time downloading, and you might have to buy another hard drive just to store your sims stuff on.

    ___Skill Builder: You have the most highly skilled sims in virtual space. If you sent your sims to a job fair, they would take all the jobs and leave other people’s sims with nothing. Your sims’ spare time is spent productively—building skills. And when one skill is maxed, it’s on to the next one.

    ___Shut-In: You’ve given your sims everything they need at home, so why ever leave? Commercial lots are overrated. Sometimes you wish you didn’t have to go out either.

    ___Force the Game into Submission: You have so many grand ideas! Ancient Greece? Yes! Dystopian Future? Yes! Fairies and dragons and werewolves? Yes, yes, and yes! Who cares if the game isn’t set up for any of those things? You will make this game submit to your will and to your creative vision.

    ___Screenshot Sally: You’re all about capturing the moment forever. The tab key is your friend. The game is pointless if you don’t have a visual record of it. If it didn’t happen in a screenshot, it didn’t happen.

    ___Poser, in a Good Way: The in-game animations aren’t good enough for your perfectionist standards. You have a library of poses that aid you in perfectly depicting your sim’s personality and lifestyle. This play style often coexists with other play styles, such as Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater, Mod Addict, and Screenshot Sally.

    ___Literati: You’re a serious author. You know what an inciting incident is, and you can pronounce the word “onomatopoeia.” You breathe life into your sims through story. The Sims is not a game; it’s a means to express yourself creatively through the written word. You have a tattoo on your arm that says “Simlit.”

    ___Different Day, Same Sim: You’ve played the same sim(s) in different iterations since the day you bought The Sims 4. In fact, you recreated them from your game in Sims 3, which you recreated from Sims 2, which you recreated from Sims 1. Your sim means everything to you, and you’re never, never, never letting them go. Ever. Hello Sims my same sim.

    ___Spiderman: Your game is an intricate web of cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, exes, friends, enemies, club members, neighbors, coworkers, school chums, bar buddies, and more. You don’t play a household, you play a community. And you keep track of all the intricate threads of relationships with astonishing accuracy. Except when you don’t and accidentally marry first cousins. But hey, that’s totally legal in some parts of the world.

    ___Up to the Challenge: If there’s a challenge, you’ve played it. One hundred babies? Did it! Very Berry? Did it! Some obscure challenge only you and probably 10 other people have ever heard of? Did that, too. If only Sims challenges were a sport, your shelves would be lined with trophies.

    ___Architect: You want to play with your sims. You really do. But there’s just so much to get done first. There’s the house, the landscaping for the house, the friend’s house which you’ll be spending a lot of time at, the landscaping for the friend’s house, the business, the revamps of existing businesses, the new buildings that currently don’t exist in game but that you really really need before you can get started. Maybe in about 6 months you’ll be ready to start actually playing. Maybe.

    ___Sharin’ Sharon: Whether it’s builds, saves, challenges, or something else entirely, you love to make stuff to share with other people. For you, the Sims 4 online community is a lot of what makes the game fun, not just the game itself.

    ___Strict Rotational: You have a strict schedule, and you stick to it. You go to the next household at a specific time in a specific order and do not deviate. You like things to be organized. In the words of Dolores Umbridge, “[you] will have order.”

    ___Casual Zigzag: You tried to be a rotational player, but that only lasted about 3 sim days, if that. Too many rules, man. You still play multiple households but in a random, who-do-I-feel-like-playing-today kind of way.

    ___Secret Sadist: You do terrible things to your sims and feel absolutely no remorse. The crazier and more chaotic your sims’ lives, the better. Your friends and coworkers all think you’re normal. Your online Simmer friends all know you’re not.

    ___Bored on the Boards: You play The Sims for 15 minutes then pop on the forum to post about how bored you are and ask for game ideas. You pick one of the ideas from the responses then play like that for 15 more minutes. Then you switch to another game and don’t play the sims for another 4 months. When you do start playing again, you play for about 15 minutes then pop on the forum to post about how bored you are.

    Who did i miss? If you see something missing from the list, feel free to post your own description.

    Used to be Sharin' Sharon (?), i used to share a lot of households and lots during the first two months but i realised why continue if i'm ultimately going to get ignored by Maxis and never have all that effort noticed.

    I also used to be Bored on the Boards, not that i was actually bored so much as frustrated when asking questions and i all i got back was just sympathy and users going out probably ignoring me, some have never responded, so how can i get my questions answered to the best of the "community" when half of them have decided i'm not worth looking at.

    Also used to be modaphobic.. for about 300 hours before i discovered MC and others along the way that enhances the experience beyond this lack of autonomy running in the background by the game itself and having to play dozens of households and potentially hundreds later on to keep things moving along. same with not playing the safe hand held barbie doll settings.


    These days i'm a mod addict (?), cheater, cheater pumpkin eater (?), in odd cases a shut-in, different day, same sim with some sims, Spiderman, sometimes casual zigzag and other times strict rotational.

    Maybe i should of created one called ___Other, please explain? :tongue:
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    I've got...
    • Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater (aside from my main, who I make it a point of pride to never use money, skill, or career cheats for. Other cheats, sure! Money and skills, nah)
    • Mod Addict (currently sorting through 7,000+ buy CC items)
    • Skill Builder (for my main)
    • Screenshot Sally (I hit C so often I sometimes take screenshots of stuff I wasn't intending to because. Muscle memory)
    • Poser (so often)
    • Literati (I haven't actually written Simlit yet but that's because I'm finishing off a fic in another fandom first)
    • Different Day, Same Sim ('sup Jamie)
    • Architect (more interior designer than architect tbh)
    • Casual Zigzag (just play whoever I feel like)
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    GlacierSnowGlacierSnow Posts: 2,401 Member
    This list of descriptions made me laugh so hard! :joy: Thank you for making my day!

    I am first and foremost a "literati" and a "screenshot Sally". I was those things before I ever even knew The Sims games existed.

    Being those things, it was inevitable that I would ultimately succumb to life as a "force the game into submission" player. Which in turn drove me to "cheater cheater pumpkin eater", "mod addict", "architect" and "poser". :lol:
    Seventeen & Maldusk Forum thread link
    My name on AHQ (and the upcoming sims forum) is "GlacierSnowGhost".
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    invisiblgirlinvisiblgirl Posts: 1,709 Member
    ___Skill Builder: You have the most highly skilled sims in virtual space. If you sent your sims to a job fair, they would take all the jobs and leave other people’s sims with nothing. Your sims’ spare time is spent productively—building skills. And when one skill is maxed, it’s on to the next one.

    ___Shut-In: You’ve given your sims everything they need at home, so why ever leave? Commercial lots are overrated. Sometimes you wish you didn’t have to go out either.

    My Sims are a combination of the two. Mostly, I try to avoid any place where there will be NPC Sims and above all, avoid meeting them, because they will stalk my Sims' phones for the rest of their lives and beyond.
    I just want things to match. :'(
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    McFizzleShizzleMcFizzleShizzle Posts: 1,632 Member
    Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater as i constantly boost needs and funds so that I can be Skill Builder and what’s the point in doing all those activities unless I’m being Screenshot Sally!
    Origin ID: McFizzleShizzle
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    telemwilltelemwill Posts: 1,761 Member
    Casual zigzag and Spider-Man both kinda fit. I would say I am a casual modder too. I have more than a handful, but still easily manageable.
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    ChampandGirlieChampandGirlie Posts: 2,482 Member
    Er, I just do my own thing.

    I guess I'm Literati, Spider because I'm playing a community more than individuals (no one has married a cousin), I'm flexible with cheats because I'll sometimes use them to differentiate sims or to simulate things that aren't in the game like child support or inheritance or dividends from investments. I feel no shame about it. My sims do build skills but that's not my focus. I don't play with mods at this time.

    I'm rotational but I'm not strict about the schedule. I wouldn't call it casual though because it is pretty complex and I tend to generally follow an order. I don't let them age dramatically out of alignment. A YA isn't going to become an elder before someone from a parent's generation. I've also made myself play households when I wasn't in the mood due to keeping the rotation. I will ultimately cut down on some of those but sometimes they get more interesting as you play them.

    I draw from a lot of different elements. I might get into adding saves with other themes or playstyles. I've done too much with my main save to abandon it though.
    Champ and Girlie are dogs.
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    mustenimusteni Posts: 5,417 Member
    I think these ones fit me the best:
    • Modaphobic Not really a phobic but I play without mods.
    • Screenshot Sally YES YES YES, this is me so much :joy: Also if I took screenshots and the game crashed, I still have the screenshots, so it did happen even if I have to play it again. One of my sim couples had their first kiss twice.
    • Spiderman this is my goal, to play the whole community!
    • Casual Zigzag I do consider myself rotational player even if I don't use a strict schedule. I make sure certain sims age at the same time etc.
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    SimmingalSimmingal Posts: 9,125 Member
    edited November 2019
    Skill Builder: You have the most highly skilled sims in virtual space. when one skill is maxed, it’s on to the next one.
    every. single. time. especially the creative skills
    Shut-In: You’ve given your sims everything they need at home, so why ever leave?
    I mean I try to take my sims out at times but then I have the problem of
    Architect: You want to play with your sims. You really do. But there’s just so much to get done first.
    and just decide to keep my sims at home so I only have to keep building homes that are most fun to build xD
    Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater: Your entire gameplay is built around cheats.
    you’ve used them so much that you’ve memorized most of them anyway.
    I try to not in gameplay but my grand building plans often result to many cheats to get them done at once
    Screenshot Sally: You’re all about capturing the moment forever.
    yeah I have huge folders of screenshots not sure what I'll ever use them for tho
    Different Day, Same Sim: You’ve played the same sim(s) in different iterations
    I mean in a way it is always same sim I start my legacies with that is like my ''ideal sim''
    that sort of looks like me but like if I was barbie doll and had no flaws
    Secret Sadist: You do terrible things to your sims and feel absolutely no remorse.
    The crazier and more chaotic your sims’ lives, the better.
    yeah that is just like, me. I'm always plotting how to make my sims lives miserable
    gotta love good old tragedies and soap operas
    being happy is overrated
    ⭐️ AHQ Champion 🦇 Vlad Advocate 🐉 Team Dragons
    🏡 Gallery 📖 Stories 🌍 World Project 🥔 MOD/CC Free
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    EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,369 Member
    Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater
    Unable to play a two-storey house without cheat-teleporting.

    Mod Addict
    Update mods first, patch then (if at all).

    Force the Game into Submission
    University? Got bored of that two years ago already. Robots? The story in my primary save revolves around them.
    I'm actually buying the new pack for the functional bikes, which I cannot "fake".

    Screenshot Sally
    So many memories! And oftentimes when I lookt at my sims screenshots I also remember what went on irl around the time I took them. It's simply a very good feeling.

    Different Day, Same Sim
    So, how exactly will Daniel and Gavin get together in this save...? And how will the Renegades react to being navy cadets in this one...?

    "You're engaged to the guy who said that to my grandson at the Christmas Faire 2016? And you think you can still get a job in this town?!"

    Sharin’ Sharon
    I NEED to show my tumblr followers (of which maybe five even care) the craziness/adorableness/carmic justice that just happened in my game! Nevermind that I have like a hundred storyposts still queued up and am running the queue at eight per day already.

    Casual Zigzag
    I try to argue it's not really all that casual, but "for story reasons", lol.
    Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
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    SindocatSindocat Posts: 5,622 Member
    Shut-in, with a side of Casual Zig-Zag.

    Once I get my home how I like it, my Sims can do just about anything they need to there. And I love to hop between my Founders, Heir and Spare households to see what the whole family circle is up to. Tonight, we have a birthday for Chance, to ready him for University!
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    izecsonizecson Posts: 2,875 Member
    None of the above
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    KoteykaKoteyka Posts: 537 Member
    edited November 2019
    Wow, I never knew so much would apply to me! :p

    Mod Addict: yep, definitely. Although I try to minimalize how many mods I use (rather unsuccessfully) but CC is completely way out of hand. My mods folder weighs 12,8 GB and counting...

    Screenshot Sally, Poser, in a Good Way, Literati: all of these - so me. Stories taken in screenshots with the help of custom poses when the plot has something the game fails to provide - literally the only reason I play the sims.
    By the way I love how all of these were standing in a row because for me neither of these can go without the other. :)

    Sharin’ Sharon: Oh yes. First of all, if I don't share my work I feel like it was a complete waste of time. Why write a book if you wont publish it? Why draw a picture if you wont at least show it to your parents?
    Especially with gaming. Because why play a game if you could be doing something more important instead? But sharing with other peoples gives it a purpose. Meaning. :)
    Secondly, I love getting other people's thoughts on any of my work. I'm practically craving for reviews and opinions. It's weird because I'm also very shy. It's always the dilemma of "what if they hate it" and "ughh, but I want to know what they think".

    Secret Sadist: although I was never amused by drowning my sim or starving them to death I must admit I constantly throw some drama at them... sometimes probably too much... :D

    When I first started playing I wasn't any of these player types. I didn't know about mods, storytelling, sharing and my sims lived happy perfect lives. But there is one player type I always was, am and will be. And it is... drumroll...

    The Obsessive Perfectionist! Constantly pausing to give out interactions for all of my sims so no one was randomly standing around or doing his own thing? Controlling every move my sims make? Getting irritated every time something doesn't go according to plan? Resetting my sims instead on cancelling interactions because they take too long and we're on schedule? Yep, that's me! :D I'm getting better, but nowhere near playing with free will on at all times.
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    DevilNDisguiseDevilNDisguise Posts: 2,225 Member
    Oh gosh, I'm a lot of these. :D

    - Mod Addict: I try to avoid CC; I only really have eyelashes, body hair, and a skin. But... mods. I'm probably in the hundreds with those, and most of them benefit me into having more control or simply making things more realistic or visually pleasing. Without MCCC and UI Cheats, I'd probably ragequit the game in an instant. :D

    - Force The Game Into Submission: The game has plenty of restrictions, I will acknowledge. But I still manage to make it do what I want. It helps to have a creative mind and a mod addiction.

    - Screenshot Sally: Last time I checked how many screenshots I had for a single save (I keep them organized by year and save-name in a separate folder) I was close to 10,000, I believe. That was months ago.

    - Literati: Playing into my creativity, I love writing stories. When I'm not feeling having to dedicate to the strictness of my own books that I write, I take to TS4 and play out my Sims storylines.

    - Spiderman: My main save, which I've been playing since GT was released, is huge and full of generations of my original Sims. Basically everyone I play is a decendent of someone or other. I play with ageing off because I rotate and I want to make sure everyone gets my full attention here and there; there are over 40 households that I rotate between, so everyone would be dead by now if I let them age. :D I actually have a document on my laptop that has everyone organized and in order of who was born first and in what "year", so I can keep track of when I need to age them up, who was born in what generation, who they were born to, etc.

    - Secret Sadist: Now, I'm not the kind of Simmer who will outright trap my Sims in their pool or lock them in an empty room to die slowly. But... I love drama in my game. As I've already established too, I have a very large save with plenty of Sims and stories to play out, so of course I can't make them all happy and cheery. That would just make things boring. So my Sims definitely do not live perfect lives; many of them will struggle to get by in life, suffer heartbreak, experience painful situations, and so forth. I'm a sucker, though, and love my Sims, so I usually at least give them happily-ever-afters. Mostly.
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    popstarsleypopstarsley Posts: 1,086 Member
    Definitely a Spiderchick and Skill Builder!
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    RevenwynRevenwyn Posts: 317 Member
    Mod Addict, Different Day, Same Sim, Shut-In, Literati

    I'm not really a compulsive cheater but I will put needs on static on occasion to get my sims straightened out every so often. Like if it's 3 AM and they haven't gone to bed and they work at 9... yeah, needs on static until 7 AM. Or if they have babies/toddlers. Once the kid ages to child, needs are back on. I do not use money cheats.

    I also don't play with my active household aging except for the kids/teens.

    I am just now trying my first challenge. It's modified from the original a bit because of a lot of game content since it was put up. But I'm trying to stick to the rules as faithfully as possible.
    Like my T-shirt? Get it here: Revenwyn's Sims

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    citysimmercitysimmer Posts: 5,950 Member
    Mod Addict, Spiderman, Casual Zig Zag, Sharin' Sharon (on tumblr)

    I love using mods and rotational play to create big webs of sims with soap opera style relationship drama. Sometimed I write about them too, but I usually don't share the stuff I write, just screenshots with some dialogue. Going between households with little to no schedule keeps me from getting bored.
    Proud black simmer 🖤

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    Jasonschick80Jasonschick80 Posts: 686 Member
    Im a Cheater, Cheater Pumpkin Eater whose very Sadistic to my Same Sims and I could probably stand to join a group for Modaholics 😀
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    So_MoneySo_Money Posts: 2,536 Member
    No Cheat Pete
    Different Day, Same Sim

    Sort of a Literati because I like to tell stories, but I don’t actually write them down.
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    RouensimsRouensims Posts: 4,858 Member
    edited November 2019
    No Cheat Pete: You start with the assigned funds, work hard, and slowly build your sims’ lives up from very little to very well off.

    Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater: Your entire gameplay is built around cheats. You have a cheat guide bookmarked on your toolbar, but you don’t really need it because you’ve used them so much that you’ve memorized most of them anyway.
    Sometimes. :)

    Modaphobic: You play the game the way it was meant to be played, gosh darn it. Your mod folder is empty, and that’s the way you like it.
    Never! I love custom content! I am cautious with some of the larger mods, though.

    Mod Addict: It started with a few pieces of cc. Well, there really isn’t enough [insert object name] in the game, so I’ll just download a few of those and be done, you told yourself. That was 6,000 downloads ago. Now you spend at least 50% of your game time downloading, and you might have to buy another hard drive just to store your sims stuff on.
    This definitely applies, although it didn't start with only a few pieces, but one of many giant CC hauls.

    Skill Builder: You have the most highly skilled sims in virtual space. If you sent your sims to a job fair, they would take all the jobs and leave other people’s sims with nothing. Your sims’ spare time is spent productively—building skills. And when one skill is maxed, it’s on to the next one.
    I do spend a lot of time building skills, but it has to make sense for a particular character. I don't just max out everything unless it fits their personality.

    Shut-In: You’ve given your sims everything they need at home, so why ever leave? Commercial lots are overrated. Sometimes you wish you didn’t have to go out either.
    Me: yes. :) My Sims spend a lot of time at home, but do go out to parks, museums, libraries, etc. at times.

    Force the Game into Submission: You have so many grand ideas! Ancient Greece? Yes! Dystopian Future? Yes! Fairies and dragons and werewolves? Yes, yes, and yes! Who cares if the game isn’t set up for any of those things? You will make this game submit to your will and to your creative vision.
    Yes, some of this one too.

    Screenshot Sally: You’re all about capturing the moment forever. The tab key is your friend. The game is pointless if you don’t have a visual record of it. If it didn’t happen in a screenshot, it didn’t happen.
    Not so much. I take some pictures, but it's not my raison d'etre.

    Poser, in a Good Way: The in-game animations aren’t good enough for your perfectionist standards. You have a library of poses that aid you in perfectly depicting your sim’s personality and lifestyle. This play style often coexists with other play styles, such as Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater, Mod Addict, and Screenshot Sally.
    Nope! I've never explored custom poses at all.

    Literati: You’re a serious author. You know what an inciting incident is, and you can pronounce the word “onomatopoeia.” You breathe life into your sims through story. The Sims is not a game; it’s a means to express yourself creatively through the written word. You have a tattoo on your arm that says “Simlit."
    I'm not sure how to respond to this one. I've written a book, but I haven't published it. Is that serious enough? The Sims is a means to express creative stories, but I don't write about my Sims. It all lives in my head.

    Different Day, Same Sim: You’ve played the same sim(s) in different iterations since the day you bought The Sims 4. In fact, you recreated them from your game in Sims 3, which you recreated from Sims 2, which you recreated from Sims 1. Your sim means everything to you, and you’re never, never, never letting them go. Ever. Hello Sims my same sim.
    Nope. Although I am so attached to my current Sims that they may follow me to Sims 5.

    Spiderman: Your game is an intricate web of cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, exes, friends, enemies, club members, neighbors, coworkers, school chums, bar buddies, and more. You don’t play a household, you play a community. And you keep track of all the intricate threads of relationships with astonishing accuracy. Except when you don’t and accidentally marry first cousins. But hey, that’s totally legal in some parts of the world.
    Definitely! Except I remember it all, so no cousin marrying here!

    Up to the Challenge: If there’s a challenge, you’ve played it. One hundred babies? Did it! Very Berry? Did it! Some obscure challenge only you and probably 10 other people have ever heard of? Did that, too. If only Sims challenges were a sport, your shelves would be lined with trophies.
    I've had no interest in playing other people's challenges so far. I create my own, but it's more about story than sport.

    Architect: You want to play with your sims. You really do. But there’s just so much to get done first. There’s the house, the landscaping for the house, the friend’s house which you’ll be spending a lot of time at, the landscaping for the friend’s house, the business, the revamps of existing businesses, the new buildings that currently don’t exist in game but that you really really need before you can get started. Maybe in about 6 months you’ll be ready to start actually playing. Maybe.
    I enjoy building, playing, and creating Sims. I want it all!

    Sharin’ Sharon: Whether it’s builds, saves, challenges, or something else entirely, you love to make stuff to share with other people. For you, the Sims 4 online community is a lot of what makes the game fun, not just the game itself.
    I've shared a few things.

    Strict Rotational: You have a strict schedule, and you stick to it. You go to the next household at a specific time in a specific order and do not deviate. You like things to be organized. In the words of Dolores Umbridge, “[you] will have order.”
    Nope, never.

    Casual Zigzag: You tried to be a rotational player, but that only lasted about 3 sim days, if that. Too many rules, man. You still play multiple households but in a random, who-do-I-feel-like-playing-today kind of way.
    Yes, definitely this, although I never even tried to follow rotation rules.

    Secret Sadist: You do terrible things to your sims and feel absolutely no remorse. The crazier and more chaotic your sims’ lives, the better. Your friends and coworkers all think you’re normal. Your online Simmer friends all know you’re not.
    Never! My game would be super boring to most people. I keep everyone happy.

    Bored on the Boards: You play The Sims for 15 minutes then pop on the forum to post about how bored you are and ask for game ideas. You pick one of the ideas from the responses then play like that for 15 more minutes. Then you switch to another game and don’t play the sims for another 4 months. When you do start playing again, you play for about 15 minutes then pop on the forum to post about how bored you are.
    Definitely not! I love my game, and my own ideas are way more fun for me than anyone else's!

    Ooh Be Gah!! Whipna Choba-Dog? Whipna Choba-Dog!! :smiley:
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    Paigeisin5Paigeisin5 Posts: 2,140 Member
    Mod Addict: Guilty. But I have learned to live with less CC now than I did in the past. I've been using the get four new items, delete four old items method for CC. Game fixing mods and irritation nukers are the only mods I use other than MCCC and the UICheats Extensions.

    Spiderman.: Yep, I am all about having generations of Sims flung across all the worlds.

    Skill Builder: Well, once a Sim has reached the top of his career it makes sense to max out all skills. Just in case a Zombie Apocalypse, or a giant meteor event should happen. Always be prepared!

    Architect: I try to be one. But I would never upload a lot to the Gallery. It'd be too sad to see it sit there with zero downloads.

    Casual Zig Zag: With a dash of micromanagement thrown in just to keep things from falling into total chaos.

    Bored on the Boards? Nope. Not a fan of the challenges. There's only one challenge for me when it comes to my game: Finding time to play!!

    Secret Sadist: Never. Rule breakers, cheaters, chronic kleptos, and fugitives from the Fashion Police are all sent into the Witness Protection Program. I have never deliberately killed a Sim. Although I did want to watch Marcus Flex drop dead while jogging in a blizzard. I thought that might be fun to watch but it never happened.

    Different Day, Same Sim: Nope. Every new save is created for a new Sim, or group of Sims.

    Love this discussion, by the way. <3

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