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Ralton-on-Sea ~ A WIP

MissyHissyMissyHissy Posts: 2,022 Member
edited March 5 in Nominated Threads
I love working in CAW and I've been itching to get back into it after a two year hiatus. Ralton-on-Sea is the result. It's very much a WIP, since I started work on it a couple of weeks ago.

It's designed to be a town on the south coast of England. I've taken inspiration from Looe, Mevagissey and Charleston, all in Cornwall and close to where I live. There's a detailed backstory with a history of piracy and smuggling which will be developed more as the world grows. For now, I have a few screenshots taken this evening from EIG.

The Harbour. All buildings are currently shells. I'm intending to further decorate and landscape later, most likely in game since I usually use a lot of CC and I really don't want to cause problems in CAW if I can help it.




The harbour cottages will be NPC apartments, all except the double-fronted house in the middle which will actually be residential.

This area is in Westward Cove, which is home to the smuggling of Ralton.
Westward Cove was first discovered by Captain Francis 'Flintlock' Cutlass who sailed into the cove accidentally while avoiding cannon fire from Ralton Castle on the south coast. The cove is very secluded and Captain Cutlass discovered it to be not only out of range of the cannons but out of sight, making it the perfect location for unloading contraband. The cargo could then be transported at the nearby railway station without the authorities knowing anything about it.

This is the cave on Westward Beach. It's rumoured Captain Cutlass used to hide his cargo and treasures here before setting sail.
*All my mods can be found on The Daily Plumbob*MiAqoAE.png
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    Bettyboop55Bettyboop55 Posts: 2,646 Member
    Awesome <3 You have really captured the feel of a Cornish seaside town, particularly the harbour. Those cottages remind me very much of St Ives. I do hope Captain Cutlass turns out to have redeeming features and that his descendants still live in Ralton :)
    I no longer use Origin or My Page. You can find me on YouTube or Twitter as Bettyboop711000. You are welcome to contact me as I explore options for a PC sandbox life simulation game.
    Wherever I am friends call me Betty

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    tammyjo329tammyjo329 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I love your harbour. It looks awesome Missy :smiley:
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    HidehiHidehi Posts: 1,109 Member

    @MissyHissy , I definitely agree with Bettyboop55 and tammyjo329 ... your harbour area looks fabulous!!! :)
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    MissyHissyMissyHissy Posts: 2,022 Member
    @Bettyboop55 - Thank you very much! The cottages are replicas of cottages along the beachfront in Looe. I lived there for a few years and went to school there so it's a town I know very well and adore <3 Yes, Captain Cutlass will have descendants living in Ralton. I'll delve into his backstory a little more in the next post, probably over the weekend. Thanks for your lovely comment! :)

    @tammyjo329 - Thank you! It's the first time I've had a harbour work just as I've wanted it to. :)

    @Hidehi - Thank you very much! :)

    Hopefully more pictures to come over the weekend.
    *All my mods can be found on The Daily Plumbob*MiAqoAE.png
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    equuestequuest Posts: 718 Member
    I love the harbor! I want to create a tropical town in CAW, and I would love to create a harbor as well! If only I could figure out how to do it! :D
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    MissyHissyMissyHissy Posts: 2,022 Member
    @equuest Thank you! The harbour wasn't too difficult to do, really. I positioned the harbour walls where I wanted them and cut away the terrain. I then used the smallest brush size to tidy the terrain so nothing peeks through the wall. It's quite tedious but I think the final effect is worth it. I also recommend using the XYZ coordinates to position the walls exactly in line (also because I've raised the water level in this one to accommodate dive lots). It's probably an idea to use a blank map and experiment with it before trying it in an actual world. Love the sound of a tropical town though! <3

    Update time! I've been working on Ralton a bit more this weekend and the harbour is more or less done. There's probably going to be a few more small details to add at a later date, probably in SuperCAW. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome, of course :)

    I added some more details along the harbour. Again, this is very loosely based on Mevagissey, where there is car parking right along the harbour wall. I don't think I'd fancy parking my car there but each to their own :D

    These are designed to be apartments along the harbour. Once again, like the cottages, these will be largely NPC housing, with one functional unit. I'm aiming to cut down on overall NPC routing issues by having several areas with NPC housing. Like Bridgeport but without the elevators. Since the buildings on the waterfront will be shops, with cash registers, I'm hoping the cashiers will actually reside in these buildings and not have too far to go for work. Of course, this is Sims 3 so time will tell :smiley:

    Ralton Yacht Club. Currently only a shell, since my community lots are often CC heavy and I don't want any more CC than strictly necessary in here before I export. This building's exterior is based on the Royal Yacht Club in Falmouth.

    Some shots of the harbour now the building shells are all present.


    This is the path going up to Ralton Castle. The castle isn't there yet but will actually be the ruins of the castle when I'm ready to build it. The main reason I haven't yet is because this is going to be an actual tomb and I've only just finished building one in Westward Cove and I needed a little break first.

    An overhead shot of the harbour. This was actually taken yesterday, before I finished painting the terrain at the back.

    Whereas this was taken just now. Westward Cove is in the top right corner of the image. None of the buildings are there yet but there is a tomb hidden up there and there's a dive lot in the bay. The beach near the harbour won't have a lot on there because it was deemed too close to the castle for smugglers to work there. There is going to be another dive lot in that bay too.
    *All my mods can be found on The Daily Plumbob*MiAqoAE.png
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    Bettyboop55Bettyboop55 Posts: 2,646 Member
    Awesome <3 Your water looks a beautiful blue. Are you going to base your castle on Tintagel? The original certainly looks like it might have a few tombs within it.
    I no longer use Origin or My Page. You can find me on YouTube or Twitter as Bettyboop711000. You are welcome to contact me as I explore options for a PC sandbox life simulation game.
    Wherever I am friends call me Betty

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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    I had no idea so many simmers were busy building worlds, love this one as well. You really manage to capture the English atmosphere, it looks awesome.
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    tammyjo329tammyjo329 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Your harbour looks awesome! :D
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    I saw you post on the custom music thread and ran to look up ralton as I'm always looking for new worlds, see its a WIP but it looks great!
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    MissyHissyMissyHissy Posts: 2,022 Member
    @Bettyboop55 - Most likely, yes. I've got quite a few personal photos for reference and the location on this cliff would be perfect. I'm hoping to be able to use the pools to form links between the tombs in the town but who knows? I've never done it before but it doesn't look that hard. Could be quite fun. Especially as it's been several months since I did anything significant in Ralton, I can't remember the layout of the tomb I have built! :D
    @JoAnne65 - Thank you! :smile: I've been wanting a small, coastal English town for a long time. Glad the English atmosphere is obvious, thank you!
    @tammyjo329 - Thank you! I'm particularly pleased with it, it's the best I've ever done <3
    @GraceyManor - Thank you! I'm planning the smuggling part of town at the moment and I'm hoping to have some bigger updates in the not-so-distant future.

    As it is, only one tiny update today. Potato-ballad-sims on Tumblr released a European Steam train effect for CAW and since I've got plans for a train station for Ralton-On-Sea, I had to try it out!


    Looks good, doesn't it? Obviously the landscaping around it will improve but for starters, this looks excellent. Love steam trains <3
    *All my mods can be found on The Daily Plumbob*MiAqoAE.png
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    Bettyboop55Bettyboop55 Posts: 2,646 Member
    @MissyHissy love the idea of a working train. It looks a little like the Flying Scotsman and I think it will add considerable interest especially with a railway station too <3
    I no longer use Origin or My Page. You can find me on YouTube or Twitter as Bettyboop711000. You are welcome to contact me as I explore options for a PC sandbox life simulation game.
    Wherever I am friends call me Betty

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    MissyHissyMissyHissy Posts: 2,022 Member
    Thanks, @Bettyboop55 :) It does look like the Flying Scotsman, it's perfect <3

    A few more pictures today, mostly of the effects I've added. With the exception of one small area, I think the harbour is pretty much done.




    This area is the bit I'm a little stumped with:

    I haven't a clue what to do with it. I don't want it to be an eyesore but I'm stuck after that. I may just look around Google Maps for some inspiration for what to put here. Any thoughts are welcome though :)
    *All my mods can be found on The Daily Plumbob*MiAqoAE.png
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    Pan_NymiraPan_Nymira Posts: 45 Member
    Considering it's a harbour - and maybe the town has a past, too? - why not make an old bar or pub, where sailors used to stay inbetween travels, or maybe just after a long day's work? If you make it old, it could have a history, look old and rusty - maybe there's a lot of fights outside at nighttime?
    It could also be some old storage shacks or a warehouse - if you don't like the lot being "useless" (for other purposes than looks), maybe someone has turned the old warehouse into a nightclub?

    It was just what I could think of off the top of my head - hope it's helpful! Good luck! ^.^
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    MissyHissyMissyHissy Posts: 2,022 Member
    edited July 2019
    It is helpful, @Pan_Nymira because it got my brain ticking in the right direction. I've got a few pubs dotted around the world (well, I will have when I've placed the lots for them!) but a restaurant isn't something I've got planned here yet. One of the villages I've visited a lot has a restaurant in an old smuggling haunt (the town has a rich smuggling history) and that kind of thing would be perfect here; restaurant and bar.
    Thank you! <3
    *All my mods can be found on The Daily Plumbob*MiAqoAE.png
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    Bettyboop55Bettyboop55 Posts: 2,646 Member
    The Smugglers Fish and Chip bar ? Very British :) Or perhaps a ramshackle wooden chandlery ? it's looks fantastic and so very West Country <3 Your attention to detail has produced a lovely finish :)
    I no longer use Origin or My Page. You can find me on YouTube or Twitter as Bettyboop711000. You are welcome to contact me as I explore options for a PC sandbox life simulation game.
    Wherever I am friends call me Betty

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    MissyHissyMissyHissy Posts: 2,022 Member
    @Bettyboop55 Thank you very much! The building I'm basing the new restaurant on is called Smugglers Cott, so you're halfway right! :D

    So this is the shell of the restaurant:

    No details until I export but I think that looks better than the empty space it was. However I am adding some more details, this time in Westward:

    This is something that's actually quite common in Cornwall; using old rowing boats as planters with flowers in them. There are two up near my old secondary school and they look beautiful, especially in the tourist season.
    I also got building in Westward and I've started on Westward Avenue:


    I also exported today to test out wind turbines for a friend and had a little playthrough to see how things are looking. This twit turned up shortfly after arrival:

    "Excuse me, madam, but you're parked on a double yellow line!"

    I go over to Westward Cove and what do I find in the cave?

    Does anyone know if it's at all possible to get rid of the weather stone yet?

    Finally, a shot of Ralton Lighthouse at night. As this beam's been done with the fog emitter, it only shows when you're close to the lot but I can live with that:
    *All my mods can be found on The Daily Plumbob*MiAqoAE.png
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    Bettyboop55Bettyboop55 Posts: 2,646 Member
    @MissyHissy awesome :) Am loving it all and it makes me want another trip to Cornwall.
    I no longer use Origin or My Page. You can find me on YouTube or Twitter as Bettyboop711000. You are welcome to contact me as I explore options for a PC sandbox life simulation game.
    Wherever I am friends call me Betty

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    KhemKat19KhemKat19 Posts: 129 Member
    Your harbor looks amazing, and I'm in love with that restaurant shell! The slanted wall by the stairs is such a cool feature. And the flowers in the old boat are a lovely idea!
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    artenissimmer55artenissimmer55 Posts: 40 Member
    Your world is truly amazing so far! The harbor is very beautiful and everything you've made does remind me of pictures I've seen of England - which admittedly isn't much, but still. Also, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one annoyed at the University mascots and the weather stones! ;)
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    MissyHissyMissyHissy Posts: 2,022 Member
    @Bettyboop55 ~ Thank you! :)
    @KhemKat19 ~ Thank you! The boat idea comes from the Looe area of Cornwall. They have been doing that for many years and it always looks so beautiful. The slanted wall by the stairs of the restaurant was done with constrainfloorelevation <3
    @artenissimmer55 ~ Thank you! Yes, the mascots and weather stone are hideous, aren't they? :s Thankfully, I can get rid of both with mods by the look of it.

    I've got some screenshots of the dive lot I've made in Westward Cove. For some reason, I thought I'd posted these here since I made this a while ago but obviously not :D






    The history of Westward Cove is full of smugglers and pirates and so the bay, naturally, contains some shipwrecks from the old smuggling days.
    *All my mods can be found on The Daily Plumbob*MiAqoAE.png
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    HidehiHidehi Posts: 1,109 Member

    Love everything you have created so far @MissyHissy !!! <3

    Smuggler's Cott looks great, the Royal Mail post box in Westward Ave is a fabulous detail!!! ... and the dive spot will be a fun place to explore :)
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    chojrakchojrak Posts: 188 Member
    edited August 2019
    I like textures you used in town, grey/white brick and stones really make a climat in this world. I can almost smell cold salty breeze when I look at the pictures. :wink:

    Not really into idea of coral reef in diving lot in this climat zone, but I have to admit you perfectly organised this lot when it comes to space.
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    KhemKat19KhemKat19 Posts: 129 Member
    Your dive lot is so pretty! I love scuba diving with my simmies! It's such a fun thing in TS3 <3
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    Bettyboop55Bettyboop55 Posts: 2,646 Member
    What a great dive lot. It is going to be great fun for your sims to explore :) I notice you have included an octopus spawner. Please tell me you are not going to include a shark spawner. I lost a very dear sim on her first dive to a very greedy shark :D
    I no longer use Origin or My Page. You can find me on YouTube or Twitter as Bettyboop711000. You are welcome to contact me as I explore options for a PC sandbox life simulation game.
    Wherever I am friends call me Betty

    Sim enim est vita

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