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Dangerous Stuff concept as a Game Pack [Update: Life Tragedies Mod]

CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
edited November 2019 in The Sims 4 Ideas Corner

The afterlife subject could be one aspect of it, but you could do more with a game pack.
I would like to see other things that make life risky and exciting for our sims and for ourselves.
My interest in the game perked up with the addition of Vampires, but I am still looking for my burglars.

I've always liked burglars in the game.
I prefer having my sims under some threat because it makes you care about their well being and you become more protective of them.
And you can find yourself in funny, hysterical situations in The Sims when bad luck strikes. And on top of that, it can set you on the path of drama. Ugh, Laundry, what was I thinking when I voted? We need that Dangerous Stuff Pack..., forget that, we need a Dangerous Game Pack.

This pack could bring us new features.
-Cemeteries (finally). All these risk taking or just simply unfortunate sims will find a final resting place for their body in the grave yard.
-A Thrill Seeker trait. There should be an opposite trait for sims who want to avoid risks and dangers.
-Enemies/Rivals for love interest/Scorned lovers who try to get payback in some way when your sim cause them drama.
-Taking risks to get ahead in your career which may get you advancement, perks, or money, or may get you fired.
Beware of evil coworkers, or making enemies of coworkers. They could undermine, or sabotage your efforts.
-Social dynamics for trait compatibility and especially incompatibilities
-Fears! What happens when your sim's fears occur?
-Choices that could possibly bear fruit, or come back to haunt you at a later date.
-Burglars and cops---cops will go after kleptomaniacs too if the kleptos get a reputation.
-Objects with extreme need fulfillment and skilling rates, but also dangers.
-A slight increase in game play difficulty to make game play a challenge. ( may be controversial) Perhaps introduce difficulty settings.
-Social cool off system: Sims in extreme drama will refuse to talk to each other. Either they avoid each other or they fight. Friendly socials should stop after a certain level in the drama.

Things like the wishing well, alien abduction, vampires, burglars, acts of God and SimGods, risky choices, bring excitement to the game.
Balance is important though. Not so much that you tire of it, but not so little that you get tired of waiting for something to happen. That is different for each simmer, but if you are buying a danger pack, then you want and expect these kind of events.



Oh Meadow, I have got to prepare you for an unapologetic, self-serving world.

I like adversity in my Sims game, and preparing my sims to handle it.
This adds to a more interesting game, but I still want Burglars, and drama making sims that respond to opportunities, or how they are treated in the world, especially over time.


Parenthood: The Gateway Pack To Drama and Danger.

LGR made a comment in his Parenthood review about character values not really having a big impact in adulthood. (7:11)
On this point, I believe Parenthood would be a perfect setup for a Drama and Danger game pack.

Those traits and values earned by sims could be put to the test in a Drama and Danger game packs
The D&D pack would have social situations and community venues where our sims handling of:

-Conflict Resolution,
-Emotional Control

Determine the outcome of those situations.
It's really a combination of character values, certain traits, current emotions, and related skills.

In Drama and Danger sims with a negative combination receive the brunt of the danger and drama while those with positive combinations are prepared for it. However, there should also be situations where sims with negative combinations can be successful.

What if you don't have Parenthood and your sims have no character values?
Well then your sims will get a default middle of the road character value rating.
Having the right combination of traits, skills, and emotional state will be much more important if you don't have Parenthood.

Parenthood would be the training ground for your sims to handle life's risks and uncertainties.
Drama and Danger would be the real world test.

So what would be some interesting social situation and community venues for our sims if such a pack were to happen?
Please post ideas.

[Update: 11/25/17]
I like setbacks and having the unexpected happen in my game, but they must be RARE occurrences.
Happening too much gets annoying fast.

That stuff should probably be tied to risky behavior.
IF you know a choice might bring about unwanted consequences, you are more accepting of the fallout because the reward is worth the risk. This way it's more in your hands than simulation randomness.

I would love this if EA put some depth into it like taking a sim's Values, skill level, career level, traits, and emotional state into consideration while calculating the risk/reward outcome.


[Update: 12/26/17]

Above I mentioned trait compatibility and incompatibility.
This is from what I noticed about TS3 and TS4.
CK213 wrote: »
Incompatible traits does not make for incompatible sims in TS4.
It just determines what traits your sims are not allowed to have.
You lose out on the built in drama and challenge of sims who have opposing traits.

Try it yourself and make a Snob/Neat/Ambitious sim and a Goofball/Slob/Lazy sim and see how wonderfully they get along.
The most you are going to get out of the Neat sim is a tense emotion to the messy environment the Slob has made, not the Slob herself.
The only way for them to not live well together is if you force them with mean socials.

I made a similar household in TS3 and the difference is night and day.


The conflict arises naturally without your help, but also has drama built into the socials when you have sims of opposing traits.
Asking the slob to actually clean up the place gets you drama.

It's pretty easy to imagine: "Heck no I am not cleaning up. I made us breakfast (burnt waffles), you clean it up."


[Update: 10/13/18]
Imagine the opposite of this:

That would be: Get Infamous
Not as a pack itself, but a feature of the Drama and Danger pack.
Just lift the fame mechanic and tune it to being infamous instead of famous.

Your sim could gain infamy perks that will allow them to be the center all drama in the world.
These sims could grow to be really despised in the community if you really go for it.
You would often see them in the Get To Work jail. And they would be common suspects in investigations.

These are the sims that you can declare a Nemis.
A true Nemesis that will have you entwined in a decent into drama if you go there.
They will stalk you like they do in The Sims 2 if you mix it up with them.

[Update: 10/23/18]
It looks like there is some built-in Infamy.

[Update: 10/27/19]Life Tragedies Mod

Apparently modders have taken drama into their own hands.
I am not linking to this in case EA has issues with the nature of this mod.
It does go above and beyond the drama I was considering, but I cannot deny that his mod is a boredom killer, from what I have seen. :D

Thread Theme Song.
Yeah, I am in an Into The Spiderverse mood.
Post edited by CK213 on


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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    edited April 2017
    Random thought crossed my mind just now. >:)
    The situation involves your sim getting into serious drama with an evil sim.

    What if one of your appliances breaks down and you call in a repair-person.
    You forgot all about those incidents where you humiliated the evil sim.

    You fail to notice that the repair-person that shows up is actually the evil sim in disguise and instead of completely repairing your appliance, they sabotage it. Your sim gets a really nasty shock from using the appliance that will leave them dazed for a long period of time, or in rare cases, kill them. You get a pop-up message from the evil sim in a repair uniform:

    Vengeance is mine! >:)

    So know the traits of other sims before you start some drama with them.
    And take a good look at service sims that show up at your door. :D
    Post edited by CK213 on
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    ZoreloraZorelora Posts: 54 Member
    Yesss! More unfortunate events! My sims life is too happy and at peace. I'm getting bored :p
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    catitude5catitude5 Posts: 2,537 Member
    I didn't see that survey, I would like any of the last three. I want activities they can do. I have no use for solar panels etc.
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    EvieSunshineEvieSunshine Posts: 133 Member
    I think our sims need some danger and difficulty. I voted for it but now that you say game pack, I completely agree. I would buy it without hesitation.
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    EvieSunshineEvieSunshine Posts: 133 Member
    I will say to my sims, "Out of the frying pan and into the fire my darlings!"
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    edited April 2017
    I think our sims need some danger and difficulty. I voted for it but now that you say game pack, I completely agree. I would buy it without hesitation.

    The Sims 4: Danger and Drama. :)
    I think I am angling to get some drama in there too.
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    SOB0589SOB0589 Posts: 3 New Member
    This definitely sounds good!!!
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    shelwassshelwass Posts: 1,168 Member
    Yes! I voted for this as my first or second choice, and I would LOVE to see it as a game pack!

    Burglars coming back are a must.

    Bring on more ways for Sims to die LOL. I'd like to see the return of diseases as a potential means of death. Maybe there could also be a poisonous plant that, if ingested, kills? It could even be introduced as another 'mystery' plant, like the ones in Granite Falls.

    Maybe the game pack could also include extreme sports for sims? Things that can give them a big thrill, moodlet wise, but also have a greater-than-average risk of them having an accident? Probably in some sort of a comical way--it is the Sims, after all. ;)

    And I agree with the opening poster about cemeteries. I miss having Sim graveyards....
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    Hadron1776Hadron1776 Posts: 330 Member
    IMO it's not so much that we need more ways for a sim to die, but that it needs to be easier to die in the ways sims already can. But this would be great!
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    dreamprisonerdreamprisoner Posts: 1,221 Member
    I adore this idea. It can introduce and re-introduce all of the edge back into the Sims. The first Sims Pack that celebrates its deviancy!
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    phantasmkissphantasmkiss Posts: 1,520 Member
    I like this idea. My sims all die of old age! I know they can die of various emotions, but it's really easy to make them take a nap and save their lives. In the Sims 3, I was horrified when my legacy heir was crushed by a vending machine on her first day at University, but it sure made the game more interesting. I sent her father to university just to pick up her urn and spent a while trying to have her revived!
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    Nour S.Nour S. Posts: 4 New Member
    LOVED THE IDEA, more action to the game, i always thought that sims4 lacks danger, and danger would add more story for our sims
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    ledetteledette Posts: 26 Member
    What if sims could kidnap other sims and demand a ransom for their safe return. If the ransom is not paid the kidnapper could let the sim go our give them a permanent dirt nap.
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    SparklePlumleySparklePlumley Posts: 1,061 Member
    I missed the opportunity to vote unfortunately. Life demanded I take a small break from TS. If I had voted Dangerous would have been my Number 1!
    When I got the chance to play TS again, I checked up on the latest Sims news. The voting had just ended. After reading through the choices, I was very surprised that the Eco pack had won. I thought for sure the Dangerous, Wedding, or Arcade would've won. I have seen many people requesting those things and for the problems to be fixed with ghosts and sims not staying seated in weddings. I have seen the requests for laundry too, but I didn't think they outnumbered the cemetery and wedding requests. At the very least I thought the builder community would jump all over the small space stuff. Don't get me wrong I like the direction the Eco SP is taking. I love the art style, and with the new GP, laundry will fit right in. I just thought players would have wanted something more added to the game then just laundry and solar panels.
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    OldeseadoggeOldeseadogge Posts: 5,043 Member
    How about an adventurer career as in Sims2, or the chemistry set table from Sims1? Just living in Veronaville could be an adventure depending on whether you were part of one of the 2 clans there.
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    Reallysoawkward23Reallysoawkward23 Posts: 175 Member
    I don't see this as a really cohesive theme for a pack, which is why I didn't rank it as highly during the stuff pack voting. I think all of these ideas could be integrated into other packs and that they should definitely do so. Hopefully they note our interest in fears, more ways to die, cemeteries and funerals, and more risk- including burglars and break-ins. I just don't know how they could market a pack with features like this or what kind of objects or clothing they could include. I guess if they did make this a game pack I'd like more funeral appropriate clothing (especially for women, we don't really have a lot of modest black dresses). They could also add some of the grungy, messy type of clothing and furniture a lot of people have asked for so that we could create less perfect/upscale homes. In general I'd like more darkness, less utopia for my sims. Not necessarily a huge amount of danger or anything like that- just more social problems like actual poverty and consequences like getting arrested for stealing.
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    RamblineRoseRamblineRose Posts: 814 Member
    Yes, this is the pack I voted for and your ideas sound delicious
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    damagedlostbrokendamagedlostbroken Posts: 293 Member
    All of this, so much, YES!!! I voted for the Dangerous Stuff as my number one, even though I knew it wouldn't win. Which is sad, I loved the excitement that my Sim may get crushed by a meteor! And the burglars, oh man that music was soooo creepy!! I love all that is dark and scary, and I agree we need at least a little of it back in the Sims. I would LOVE to have cemeteries back as well. I do like the Eco pack so far, (I was one of the people that liked my Sims doing laundry!), but I really wanted the Dangerous Stuff to win first place. Soooooo, looks like that could be the next game pack? :D
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    Parenthood: The Gateway Pack To Drama and Danger

    LGR made a comment in his Parenthood review about character values not really having a big impact in adulthood. (7:11)
    On this point, I believe Parenthood would be a perfect setup for a Drama and Danger game pack.

    Those traits and values earned by sims could be put to the test in a Drama and Danger game packs
    The D&D pack would have social situations and community venues where our sims handling of:

    -Conflict Resolution,
    -Emotional Control

    Determine the outcome of those situations.
    It's really a combination of character values, certain traits, current emotions, and related skills.

    In Drama and Danger sims with a negative combination receive the brunt of the danger and drama while those with positive combinations are prepared for it. However, there should also be situations where sims with negative combinations can be successful.

    What if you don't have Parenthood and your sims have no character values?

    Well then your sims will get a default middle of the road character value rating.
    Having the right combination of traits, skills, and emotional state will be much more important if you don't have Parenthood.

    Parenthood would be the training ground for your sims to handle life's risks and uncertainties.
    Drama and Danger would be the real world test.

    So what would be some interesting social situation and community venues for our sims if such a pack were to happen?
    Please post ideas.
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    BrownGamerGurl1BrownGamerGurl1 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I would not be buying the dangeous pack, because im more into the idea of my sims living the idealistic life in the ideal world, I wish that I lived in. But I would totally support this cool game pack idea.
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    dancenow13dancenow13 Posts: 160 Member
    I really wanted this pack! Please SimGurus!
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    catitude5catitude5 Posts: 2,537 Member
    I have a criminal I'm playing, he is truly evil, but he has no gun. I want shoot outs.
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    edited November 2017
    I am bring this over from a discussion in the general forum.
    A simmer wants more life changing events in the game:
    Finbar659 wrote: »
    Do you just ever want your Sims lives to flip upside down unexpectedly as I find The Sims 4 all too easy as it's easy to avoid getting fired unlike our real lives we always have something unexpected such as exam failures, family drama or unexpected pregnancies which comes to beautiful surprises etc

    I would love to have that Sims 2 career chance card back where you could likely get fired or lose $5,000 to increase the difficulty or luckily get a big $100,000 bonus.

    Generally I think it would be best to turn something unexpectedly in a Sims way like the alien pregnancy so the real players don't get too affected by this as its not a realism event.

    As they are Sims after all, not humans - they are weird unreal creatures with silly languages.

    Like those silly illness you get in the get to work EP - we could get those in our Sims so they can go to the hospitals as patience.

    My comment:
    CK213 wrote: »
    I like setbacks and having the unexpected happen in my game, but they must be RARE occurrences.
    Happening too much gets annoying fast.

    That stuff should probably be tied to risky behavior.
    IF you know a choice might bring about unwanted consequences, you are more accepting of the fallout because the reward is worth the risk. This way it's more in your hands than simulation randomness.

    I would love this if EA put some depth into it like taking a sim's Values, skill level, career level, traits, and emotional state into consideration while calculating the risk/reward outcome.

    ...and that little idea is going into my Drama and Danger Game Pack suggestion. :D
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    Pamtastic72Pamtastic72 Posts: 4,545 Member
    I am 100% on board with the OP! Legacies are too easy because you're virtually guaranteed to make it to 10 generations without any obstacle. This is supposed to be a life simulation, whose life goes almost entirely without adverse events? I've been playing since the year the game released and only had 1 sim ever die of anything other than old age. That one sim died of fire during my asylum challenge before I knew exactly how to prevent it. It would be nice to have a little grit in the game, and some negative happenstance to keep us on our toes.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,930 Member
    I voted for the Dangerous SP, but I like the idea of making it a GP BETTER. I really like this idea. We do need the edginess back. Now, I do my best to make my little Simmies happy, but I have always done that. But, there should also be that vague worry in the back of the player's brain that their Sim could have a most unfortunate event occur, too. Just a small adrenalin rush. I know the very first time I saw a car run over my Sims' child, who was happily riding his bike down the middle of the street in Sims3, I was horrified. Of course, nothing happened at all. Neither the car or the kid on the bike rolled off the road and into a tree. The kid didn't fall, bike and all and have to get themself up and return home again. Nor did the driver have that moment of shock. Did I just hit something? :open_mouth: This could lead to all kinds of hilarity, in the long run. Both driver and bike rider develop a massive fear of their vehicle of choice. Suffice it to say, we need something to shake up the status quo. Were they to create such a pack I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
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