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❤ Fine Lines ❤ 25/2/18 ❤ Ever After Part 8


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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    xJojox wrote: »
    oops/ deleted.

    You tease!
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    xJojoxxJojox Posts: 6,878 Member
    Lol did u jump all over that pammie? Im hoping to update very soon. Im so busy with packing up my house that i barely get tome to sit. Grrrr. I accidentally posted on this thread instead of my contest thread.
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    xJojox wrote: »
    Lol did u jump all over that pammie? Im hoping to update very soon. Im so busy with packing up my house that i barely get tome to sit. Grrrr. I accidentally posted on this thread instead of my contest thread.

    Ah, I see. It's hurry. You sound crazy busy! Have a stress free move!
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    xJojoxxJojox Posts: 6,878 Member
    The thing is ... not only am i moving me ... but i'm moving my nephew too ... :( i feel like just crying i feel so overwhelmed. I went to write twice today and i have NOTHING!!! I may have to sit at the piano for an hour tonight to kill writers block and relax a little.
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    xJojox wrote: »
    The thing is ... not only am i moving me ... but i'm moving my nephew too ... :( i feel like just crying i feel so overwhelmed. I went to write twice today and i have NOTHING!!! I may have to sit at the piano for an hour tonight to kill writers block and relax a little.

    There's nothing like stress to kill the muse. Yes, sounds like a great plan...Listening to music helps me. I'm sure playing is even better!
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    xJojoxxJojox Posts: 6,878 Member
    edited March 2017
    CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND ONE - Everything Is Changing...

    It had been 3 months since leaving Melbourne and I was busier than I had ever been. I met Draven that first day and got straight back into the studio recording a song and working on a few other ideas I had penned. My daily routine was literally wake up, go to the studio till it was nearly evening and then come home and work on more songs. This was up until Christmas when I flew back to Queensland to be with my dad and my brother over the festive period. I had heard from Justin every day asking how I was and what I was up to … and I was able to communicate with him as friends which was great. I didn’t dwell, over think or even long for him as much as I did last time we split. In fact splitting up the way we did was healthy for the both of us. Sean was still jet setting between cities but we did see each other every other weekend because he had not come back to Sydney yet on Business. I had spent roughly 9 weeks in the studio and my album was nearly complete. Sheena was due to come back to Australia next week and my nerves weren’t as full on as they used to be. In fact I gained more confidence playing, mixing and improvising my songs with my band that I wasn’t worried about stuffing them up.

    That particular day I came through Draven’s office,
    “Abby Greene what can I do for you?” he said casually as I sat down at his desk.
    “I’m done. I am ready…”
    “Okay well I will get the ball rolling with this. Right now you are managed by TRU records and they will arrange your affairs for now. But you may need to think about a manager. I know some really great people in the business that will get you doing what you dream about…” Draven mentioned.


    “Do you think Sean could be my manager?” I asked. Draven looked at me blankly.
    “Sean has been in Perth and Melbourne scouting for me on occasion. But the guy runs multi-million dollar hotels Abby I think he could manage anything…” he smiled.
    “I would really like to ask him further down the track after Sheena’s shows…”
    “Up to you. I will leave that in your hands… but for now you have a photo shoot tomorrow for your cover. I got to discuss some more of the fine print with you. You have a dinner date with Sheena the day after,” he finished.
    “Okay so I’m really excited about that…”
    “Look if you impress her, you could possibly guest start at more shows in different cities…” Draven said rubbing his hands together.
    “How did I get the gig anyway?” I wondered.
    “Luck. Pure luck. She has been touring with the same guest artist for about 4 months. The singer ended up pregnant and couldn't continue past the USA tour because she was too heavily pregnant to fly. So her manager rang us to get someone to fill in for the Australian shows since no one was available. TRU gave her a bunch of demos and she picked you Abby…”
    “She picked me?” I said completely gobsmacked. Draven nodded and I was completely taken aback feeling the most flattered I had ever been.
    “Yes. But anyway keep practising and get some sleep for your photos tomorrow. I want them copies to be awesome….” He said waving his hand over his head almost shooing me out. I walked back into the studio and took Kyle’s hand and shook it.
    “So were done, I’ll see you for rehearsal next week,” I smiled. After the countless days I had spent with Kyle in the studio we had gotten to know each other pretty well and I couldn’t imagine him not being a guitarist for me now.

    I went home about 8pm feeling kind of exhausted from the full day in the studio. I sat on my bed and flipped open my phone and checked my messages for the first time today.

    JUSTIN: You work too much. I need a chat buddy between lessons.
    ABBY: I’m home now. I’ve had a long day!
    JUSTIN: Do I get to be the first person to hear the album?
    ABBY: Well why don’t you come and hear it in person when I perform it next week!
    JUSTIN: I’m soooooo broke Abz. Can’t make it. I feel really bad though. Millian kinda made me feel heaps bad about not having a pram so I gave her a couple hundred bucks.
    ABBY: How is Millian?
    JUSTIN: Pregnant and whinges worse than last month.
    ABBY: I forgot how far she is…
    JUSTIN: Well I’ve been in Melbourne for about 4 months. I think she said something like 15 weeks or something a few days ago.
    ABBY: That went really quick.
    JUSTIN: I can’t believe your career is developing quickly too!
    ABBY: Maybe someone will film my performance next week and put me on you tube!
    JUSTIN: I can only hope, I miss your face.
    ABBY: We skyped yesterday, calm down.
    JUSTIN: Okay well I miss your singing. lol.
    ABBY: I need a shower … we’ll talk soon.

    I decided I would message Sean because it was currently Friday and I hoped that he would fly in because I hadn’t seen him for three weeks because he had spent Christmas in Perth.

    ABBY: So what are you up to this weekend?
    SEAN: Same old grind honey. Still here in Perth then I’m off to Melbourne for another two weeks.
    ABBY: Free for overnight flight?
    SEAN: Abby Greene are you offering me what I think your offering? Lol
    ABBY: Nope ;)
    SEAN: You cheeky little minx.
    ABBY: Okay well looks like it’s room service alone again tonight and drinking that wine you left in the fridge from last time. Did i mention ... ALONE.

    Sean didn’t reply back so I figured he just got busy or was taking another call. I jumped on the phone and rang room service holding up the menu and thinking about what I wanted. Suddenly my whole body filled with fear and I screamed so loudly that my voice echoed throughout the apartment.
    “Order me one too?” Sean said spinning me around to kiss me. I hung up the phone and put the phone down and jumped up into his arms.


    “You scared the living day lights out of me…” I said.
    “I wanted to surprise you…” I missed his voice. I was completely fascinated by his accent all the time. And because I hadn’t heard it in person for ages I wanted to just kiss him again.
    “I was beginning to think you forgot all about me…, and found some other girl to be friends with…” I frowned playfully.
    “I’ve had plenty of ‘friends’ but none like you Miss Greene…”


    “So I figured we could skip dinner?” I said making my way to my room removing my shirt. I smirked at him before I open my door and playfully disappeared behind it… I knew it would only be moments before he would follow me in.

    The following morning I went to my photo shoot with Sean. I was unsure how long he was going to be around, but I wasn’t going to miss a beat with him while I had him here. While I had been busy it was nice to get the company I had strived to have in the evenings. Not to mention Sean’s beautiful spirit and wit. I knew while he was here I wanted to ask him to manage me, but didn’t know how. I almost prepared myself to be turned down because Sean’s busy life would stand in the way of him doing it.

    I was with a hair stylist and makeup artist and Sean was standing nearby on the phone. I knew he was taking a business call, but I didn’t know whether it was a good time to ask. After finding me in Perth all those months ago … and announcing that he was in the music business I could only hope that he wanted it to be a part of his future. Finally I watched Sean get off the phone and rest his hand on the back of my seat,
    “I can’t wait to hear this album…” he said.
    “The album has a lot of pop music on it and a few ballads. There’s not as much piano as I would have liked … but they were all composed by me on the piano so there in here…” I said pointing to my heart. It felt important that I knew where they came from no matter how they were mixed.
    “You will have more freedom in your next record. Unfortunately all that fine print in the contract kind of tells you what to do. You will be your own artist soon enough… It’s hard when you have the company managing you…”
    “Well they have been great but I want to get my own manager. I was only talking about it with my dad yesterday…” I said excitedly.
    “Sounds like a good idea. Sheena’s concerts will be great exposure for you. It would be fantastic to see a manager pick up the slack and work something out…”
    “I would love for you to manage me…” I blurted. Sean smiled and wrinkled his nose slightly.


    “You know… I was more passionate about music than hotels when I was your age. And hotels brought me a different kind of popularity to actually get into it. I had hoped that I could cross over at some point ... but it’s hard to walk away from a family business too…”
    “It’s okay I understand…” I nodded feeling disappointed.
    “I’m not saying no. I know I could really help you like I have been now. I’m going to have a couple important meetings and discuss my work load with my father. I can’t commit to anything yet, but I will definitely be a temporary fix for now…”
    “You sound like your torn…”
    “I love being with you … of course I want to do more,” Sean replied. It did sound like Sean wanted to really do it, but I felt like he was inescapably torn between what he was expected to do as opposed to what he wanted to do. Sean was in deep thought as he looked towards to floor while the stylist was curling my hair.
    “Are you afraid you’re going to disappoint someone? Because if that someone is me … it’s not worth it…” I said shaking my head.
    “No. I’m not worried about you. I just want to do what I want without feeling responsible for something else. I mean the music business has similar aspects and jet setting. I know I’d love it. But I can’t give up my job yet based upon the possibility that everything goes smoothly with your career. If I stepped down, I would need to be replaced … and it would be hard to walk back into my job again…” Sean said with worry in his voice.
    “Don’t have the talk with your dad until you see anything happening with my career…”
    “I want to be there for you. Every step of the way…”
    “You will…” I smiled.
    “Okay Miss Greene your ready…” the stylist intercepted. I smiled at Sean and blew him a kiss and walked over the white backdrop.


    All them at home selfies were going to have to pay off …

    I had never played model before, and I had to admit it was fun. After an hour I thought I was beginning to frown in my pictures because the amount of flashing from the cameras was insane,
    “C’mon Abby … get used of the flashing, you don’t even know anything about paparazzi yet!” The photographer said. The lights were nearly blinding.
    “Okay I think we got something we can work with…” the photographer said.
    “Do you mind if I take a look?” Sean perked up. I looked at Sean and he followed the photographer over to the computer. I stood nearby and heard him introduce himself as my manager. I couldn’t help but smile inside and just walk away knowing Sean had my back. I didn’t exactly know how I was going to pay him yet but I knew Draven had spoken of me earning money from the shows with Sheena. I wasn’t sure how much yet, but I definitely planned to give him most of it considering the amount of money he had saved me in the past months. My dad has been giving me money every single week, but I knew without Sean’s hotel none of this would be affordable.

    I was so lucky and sometimes I felt like I didn’t even know it.

    I watched Sean lean over the shoulder of the photographer and point to the screen several times smiling at me and then smiling at the computer. Finally I shook hands with the photographer and Sean ushered me outside to his car. We went home and decided to have a small celebration at home about the completion of my album. I was really pleased with myself and I was quite tipsy looking at Sean appreciatively.
    “Thank you Sean. You made this all possible…”
    “No. You’re the voice here. You did this. With or without me I know your dad would have helped you the same way I have,” Sean replied.
    “Either I just wanted you to know that I love…” I paused. I almost shocked myself and didn’t finish my sentence. I didn’t even know what I had planned to say.

    I loved Sean in a special way, but I was beginning to feel confused about it.

    “I know… what you mean.” He said giving me a hug from the side.
    “If you’re going to be with me every step of the way… do you want to be with me?” I said drunkenly. Sean’s mouth turned to the side and he fluttered his eyelids and went to say something but chose not to. I thought at first that maybe he thought he was about to break my heart or something. But it was really a question … not something I was even convinced that I wanted whole heartedly.
    “I don’t know…” he shrugged.
    “I guess there’s a thing about mixing business and pleasure right?”
    “Well I’ve already had plenty of pleasure. So I think that went completely out the window months ago. But I get it. I mean we’ve been doing this for months now. And it’s hard not to feel something more than we do…”


    “I just wanted to know really. It's been working fine for us for ages. And I like it… But I just wondered if things have changed for you?” I asked him. My feelings for Sean felt like a big crush. I had a fondness and likeness for him that made him the most beautiful person to me. And of course, I loved being between the sheets. That’s what made it all easy … because we had that.

    Why did I feel I wanted something more now?

    “I feel something for you. You’re really special to me. Scares me a bit sometimes…”
    “Is there a reason?” I asked.
    “Well you’re not the only girl Abby…” Sean said frowning. I knew there was always that possibility of other girls in Sean’s life because he was always between different cities. I couldn’t be mad because I had Justin in Melbourne …but it felt like that tiny chance for us … was gone.
    “How many girls?” I asked.
    “Just two other girls in Perth and Adelaide. I don’t see them often... maybe a few times a year.” He said looking really guilty. It wasn’t as bad as it seemed which I was grateful for.
    “I guess now I know why you weren’t bothered by Justin …” I scoffed.
    “I just like freedom to come and go as I please and not tie myself to anything.”
    “What is it with men? Oh my god! Every man I meet doesn’t want to commit to me. Is there something wrong with me?” I said feeling frustrated.
    “No. But don’t be like that ... you’re a gorgeous girl Abby. It’s not about you at all really. It’s about how i want to lead my life...”
    “But were going to travel and be together all the time… doesn’t that change things?” I asked.
    “It should, but your still 17 Abby…” I don’t know why it bothered me immediately. I tried not to show it but I found myself shaking my head at him.
    “Doesn’t stop you from sleeping with me…” I said angered.
    “That’s different…” he said innocently.
    “You don’t have a problem committing yourself to that though do you? Are embarrassed of me?” I said placing my hands on my hips.


    “No…” Sean sighed. I could tell this was really confronting for him, and he gulped hard and seemed really worried all of a sudden. I slid off the bench and exited the front door. I took the elevator down and left the lobby quickly.

    I was good enough to sleep with, but not good enough to be with and i hated that.

    I walked down the main street and just kept walking while I felt my phone buzz in my pocket constantly for about 15 minutes. I knew I could talk to him and he would be beautifully sweet on the other end of the phone and apologise to me. But this felt like the first time Sean and I ever had any kind of disagreement. And to think it was over relationships!!! Maybe the idea of us actually being together was not meant to be if it was going to cause tension between us. I sat down at a café and ordered a piece of cake and a coffee and got on my phone to Rachel. When Rachel didn’t answer I texted Justin….

    ABBY: I hate feeling alone…
    JUSTIN: I feel alone everyday you’re not with me.
    ABBY: I had a bit of a disagreement with Sean. I feel like 🐸🐸🐸🐸.
    JUSTIN: What about?
    ABBY: I don’t feel important. I don’t know if I want to be that kind of friend anymore. I’m over it I suppose.
    JUSTIN: I’m still holding out for a miracle here.
    ABBY: I know you are. And hey in a perfect world… things might have been different.
    JUSTIN: I still love you. I’m always here.
    ABBY: ILU xx.

    I always wrote ILU to Justin, because every time I wrote it like that … it didn’t feel like I was actually saying it. I wanted to tell him I still loved him... But things would just start all over again and I liked what we currently had. But the possibility of having anything with Sean was gone. I found myself never wanting to talk about it again because I didn’t want to fight with him.

    Maybe I was better off cooling everything with him and finding someone else …
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    I see what you're doing. Trying to make me not want them to be together. Goodness, I forget how young she is. In the US, Sean would be committing statutory r*ape by sleeping with her. Abby needs to grow up before I'll root for a man with her. Even Justin. She's just acting a bit grown up for her tender age. Time jump soon?

    I think I'm ready for her to become a young adult and meet that next guy but not like when she's still 17...
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    NShippudenFanNShippudenFan Posts: 3,825 Member
    Wow really great chapter! Looks like things are getting more complicated between Abby and Sean! I love his new hair style, btw xD. And Abby looks great too! Haha.
    LOVER of all things cosplay, anime, cats, Shadowhunters, and Sims 4!

    Origin ID: Sims4Girl202

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    AudreyFldAudreyFld Posts: 6,695 Member
    Abby looks great. I wondered how it would be if she wanted more. Not so good. Well at least she and Justin are still talking. Glad about that! So - looks like another love interest at some point for her since her and Sean are not so great. Btw. I read the Wordpress version.. :)

    @pammiechick - I am ready for her to be an adult as well!
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    xJojoxxJojox Posts: 6,878 Member
    @pammiechick its her birthday VERY SOON. Its been nearly a year.
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    xJojoxxJojox Posts: 6,878 Member
    @everyone ... Justin chapter next. Sean chapter after that ... then back to Abby :)
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    xJojox wrote: »
    @everyone ... Justin chapter next. Sean chapter after that ... then back to Abby :)

    Waiting with EXCITEMENT!
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    xJojoxxJojox Posts: 6,878 Member
    edited April 2017
    snippets ... because i can ...:))
    “You say that because you weren’t the one who was rejected…” she said shaking her head at me.

    The more I saw her and her bulging belly, it was hard not to feel something.

    “You’re lucky you’re shirtless right now... Otherwise I’d totally say no…”

    Oh no. A crying pregnant woman. That was worse than an actual crying woman.

    “Or maybe you could just come and stay with me.” I winked.

    I questioned my own morals for a moment and shook my head at myself feeling so stupld.

    Omg i'm two ahead... :) YEY! I'ma write more tomorrow. Bedtime yawnnnn.
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    AudreyFldAudreyFld Posts: 6,695 Member
    Ohhhh. I do t know how I feel about these snippets! :/ Makes me worry!
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm happy for the snippet!

    Here's where I'm at...

    My heart of hearts wants Sean/Abby and I've grown away from Justin. And if Justin gets together with baby mama, I'm all for it. But I know that won't happen. Abby will meet and fall hard for another guy who will be a dirtbag and dump her then Justin, after things don't work out with Millian, will come back to Abby...that's my thoughts. Not sure...anything can happen at this point.
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    Marmalade27Marmalade27 Posts: 625 Member
    I hope that
    when Justin says "it was hard not to feel something" he means that he is starting to have warm, fatherly feelings towards the growing baby, not that he is falling for Millian...

    Honestly I prefer Sean's original hairstyle. He looked more angelic. It's probably not a good idea for him to be Abby's manager since their personal relationship is getting so complicated.
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    NShippudenFanNShippudenFan Posts: 3,825 Member
    I feel like Sean's new hair makes him look younger ;). Interested to see where everything goes!
    LOVER of all things cosplay, anime, cats, Shadowhunters, and Sims 4!

    Origin ID: Sims4Girl202

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    xJojoxxJojox Posts: 6,878 Member
    I changed seans hair... because my partner watched me making pictures one day and said 'whose the girl' lol.... i was like WHAT? it's a dude!!!
    He saw that it was a guy the second look, but i figured i might just do a change for a little bit to see if it could grow on people. The original sean had the spiky hair before his old hair style was released (the same week) when sean was due to come into fine lines.

    @pammiechick - The ultimate Justin fan gone ... oh no what have i done! Audrey may have to take over the Justin fanclub LOL :)
    @Marmalade27 - Maybe so.... :)

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    AudreyFldAudreyFld Posts: 6,695 Member
    xJojox wrote: »
    I changed seans hair... because my partner watched me making pictures one day and said 'whose the girl' lol.... i was like WHAT? it's a dude!!!
    He saw that it was a guy the second look, but i figured i might just do a change for a little bit to see if it could grow on people. The original sean had the plum hair before his old hair style was released (the same week) when sean was due to come into fine lines.

    @pammiechick - The ultimate Justin fan gone ... oh no what have i done! Audrey may have to take over the Justin fanclub LOL :)
    @Marmalade27 - Maybe so.... :)

    I will definitely lead the Justin fanclub! I am totally on board with @Marmalade27 and her idea hidden behind the spoiler....
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    edited April 2017
    It's how you write it, babe. So I will go over the Justin side when you make it so. I have no doubt you will get me there when necessary. ;)
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    xJojoxxJojox Posts: 6,878 Member
    When Sean and Abby got together i MEANT to make him very likeable. But i always meant to have Justin love Abby in a way no one ever could.
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    AudreyFldAudreyFld Posts: 6,695 Member
    xJojox wrote: »
    When Sean and Abby got together i MEANT to make him very likeable. But i always meant to have Justin love Abby in a way no one ever could.

    He was likeable all right, so much that it felt like Abby was falling for him in spite of pretending she wasn't. Then when the stuff happened with Justin, she turned to Sean and he said - you aren't the only one - Her age is definitely a part of it, but that last bit, 'old enough to sleep with but not old enough to be with'. That hurt. Justin on the other hand, is simply Justin. What you see is what you get - and she gets it all - not just the part he wants to share like Sean.

    Yes - Justin fanclub here.
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    xJojoxxJojox Posts: 6,878 Member
    edited April 2017
    Definitely not afraid to hide all his bad points. His mean, his heartless, his desperate flaws.
    He's lucky that he has so many other good ones too...
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Love your avi, btw...miss the long hair...
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    xJojoxxJojox Posts: 6,878 Member
    I'll grow it back soon guys. Promise.
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