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Kavanaugh Legacy


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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member

    Chapter 14

    Having so many children the bills were high and we did have some money issues but we always made sure the kids never knew we made it fun if the power got turned off we would say we were going camping indoors so we’d build forts and make tents the kids had a ball. If the water was turned off we would take the kids swimming in the creek. We wanted to make their childhood as happy as we could.

    Even though we were very busy with the kids and me constantly being pregnant we did manage to climb the career ladder getting a few promotions along the way. I very excited to tell you that I’m now an actual chef.

    Through the years the house was constantly getting upgraded, expanding and buying furniture, we still have the garden Alec planted when he first moved in its going brilliantly. The kids did have to share rooms but I do think that they enjoyed sharing rooms with each other, well maybe not all the time.
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member

    Chapter 15

    as the kids got older so did Alec and I unfortunately we are now officially adults with all the pregnancies my hips did expand quite a bit Alec says I still look like I did on the day we got married he’s such a liar but a very sexy liar.

    When the Twins were teens we got a surprise visit from someone I would have been very happy to have never seen again, Sergio.
    Me: Sergio what are you doing here

    Sergio: hay well um, I wanted to check how the baby was, is it in primary school yet

    Me: first of all I had twins a girl and a boy and they are teenagers now. Secondly I know why you are here your wife has finally divorced you she has realized you’re a cheating 🐸🐸🐸🐸, and now that you have no one, now you want to know the twins. Well guess what you aren’t getting anywhere near them, if I thought for a second that you actually wanted to get to know them I would let you. but your just lonely and as soon as you find your next girlfriend you will forget all about them and break their hearts and I won’t allow that. They have a father Alec, we don’t need or want you in our life now plum off before I call the cops and remember you have no legal rights you signed them away.

    Sergio: (leaves silently)

    Soon after I realized I couldn’t decide this it was the Twins decision if they wanted to meet their biological father or not. They have always known about Sergio there was no hiding that, being a legacy family everyone knew everything about us. I told Alec about it and he said it was best if I talked to them alone, he didn’t want to make them feel like they had to say no because he was there. He understood if they wanted to meet him.
    So as soon as the twins were home from school I took them for a walk so we could chat privately. I told them that Sergio had visited today and that I really didn’t handle it well. But that if they did want to get to know him they could Alec and I wouldn’t be upset, and it was there choice to get to know him or not they had to decide. By the end of our conversation they really didn’t want to know Sergio but just in case they ever changed their mind I wrote down his phone number for both of them. But later that evening I found both of the pieces of paper with Sergio’s phone numbers written down ripped up and thrown away. I don’t think they will ever go see him they have never wanted to know about him, they have always said that Alec was there father and no one else.

    Twins: we were glad that mum and dad gave us the choice to know Sergio or not, and not just decide themselves. But neither of us ever wanted to know him, what he did when he found out that mum was pregnant was cowardly. He has only ever cared about himself and wanting to see us is no different it’s just all about him. We didn’t want him in our lives, we have a dad Alec all Sergio is, is the 🐸🐸🐸🐸 donor nothing more.
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    NRoweNRowe Posts: 7,905 Member
    Still going strong. The beds are cute. Looks like you could have used some bunks! (I don't think we have them, yet, in TS4 right?)
    Happy Simming
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member
    oh yes bunks would have been so handy to have @NRowe
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member

    Chapter 16

    You would have noticed in the last update I said the twins were teenagers. So now I would like to introduce you to all of our children they have all age into teenager aren’t they all just the most gorgeous teenagers you have ever seen.

    Malachi traits: loves outdoors, outgoing aspiration: Joke start

    Marcella Traits: music lover, romantic Aspiration: Renaissance sim

    Autumn trait: insane, good Aspiration: Big happy family

    Rocco trait: genius, music lover Aspiration: Musical Genius

    Lara trait: creative, childish Aspiration: Painter extraordinaire

    Terrence trait: hot-headed, bro Aspiration: musical genius

    Jaden trait: art lover, romantic Aspiration: musical genius

    Valerie traits: neat, materialistic Aspiration: public enemy
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member

    Chapter 17

    Today I received a message from the legacy government.

    Now your children have grown up there will be a vote for who will be the next heir. You would remember this while you were filling out your form there was a requirement section in which you answered strict matriarchy which means only females may be heir and modern which means either adopted, your biological kids or a relative that is living with you may be heir. Know picking who will be the next heir will be left up to the community they will vote for which one of your girl will be heir. Another very important part is when the heir is chosen all your other children will move out once they reach their young adults birthday, but we will provide them with a moving fund.

    Oh what have I done I didn’t know those questions would affect such a big thing, I never actual thought about who would take over the house I never thought it would be like this. How do I tell everyone that the heir can only be female I’m sure the boys will be very angry not being able to be in the running. and the community will vote which one of my girls is the next heir, but maybe that’s better consider if I had to pick I just wouldn’t be able to choose out of witch of my girl to be heir. I can’t believe all my other kids must move out on their young adult birthday, I know that most of them would have moved out then but what if they wanted to stay. But there was nothing in the letter saying we couldn’t help them out, and they will get some cash to move I guess that’s something. This whole letter is just so upsetting I told Alec about the letter so we could decide how to tell the children.

    Me: I can’t believe it what have I done Alec, just because I ticked a box when I was young now the boys can’t have a chance to be the heir. How am I going to tell them they’re going to be devastated?

    Alec: calm down baby it will be alright, the boys will manage they might be upset at first but they will get over it. Here’s what we’re going to do we are going to sit everyone down and tell them together then we will deal with the aftermath how does that sound

    Me: you are the most amazing man I truly don’t deserve you

    Alec and I sat the kids down and explained everything to them some of their reaction didn’t go very well but it was understandable. All I could do was say I was so sorry I tried talking to the legacy council but they said nothing could be done to change it.

    Jaden: are you kidding me this is ridiculous I can’t believe you did this to us mum, how could you

    Rocco: I really don’t know what to say I just want to go and get some fresh air

    Malachi: stop it guys your making mum cry she didn’t know she made a mistake. (He got up hugged me and stood by my side. (My heart broke a little he was such a good boy, but the others had the right to be angry)

    Terrence: well I really didn’t want to be heir, not that it’s a bad thing I just want to go out on my own and explore
    Valerie: so the community is going to vote on us girls that’s so unfair they shouldn’t get to choose it’s not right

    Lara: it’s just unfair that the boys won’t get a chance to be in the vote (it’s so sweet of her to care about the boys)

    Marcella: well we’re really looking forward to it, and exciting to see how it turns out

    Autumn: I don’t know how I feel about all of this yet


    Marcella Traits: music lover, romantic Aspiration: Renaissance sim

    Autumn trait: insane, good Aspiration: Big happy family

    Lara trait: creative, childish Aspiration: Painter extraordinaire

    Valerie traits: neat, materialistic Aspiration: public enemy
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member
    I'll also be holding the vote on other areas. please vote for the next heir
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    NRoweNRowe Posts: 7,905 Member
    edited October 2016
    I vote Lara. Happy Simming.
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member

    Chapter 18

    After everyone had some time to think about everything they all seemed to settle down, of course they were still upset about it but we started acting like a family again. Which I was so thankful for I couldn’t stand them being angry at me, each in their own time came to me to talk it through and gave me a big hug(I just couldn’t live without them).
    And since we were all starting to get along again, Alec came up with a great idea a family holiday. It was a wonderful plan we would be able to spend time together do activities and bond again, it would be all about being together as a family. It would also keep the girl's minds off the vote since we arranged that the vacation to end just when the heir vote would be announced.


    We went camping at Granite falls, it was an incredible area the scenery was breath taking. We found a lovely clearing, we had to look for a rather big clearing since we needed to set up 6 tents. During our holiday we went fishing it wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it was a fantastic day we even caught enough fish to have for our dinner some of the kids were squealing when they tried to prepare the fish it was very funny. The night sky was full of stars we had never seen so many, many of the nights we spent lying on the grass and looking up. We talked, joked and told each other scary stories it was brilliant, we also sat round the fire roasting marshmallows. Also the locals taught as a great game called horseshoe the kids played for hours Alec and I even played a few rounds. It was so sad to go home but it was time, and the holiday had done what we needed it to do, the family had never been so close.

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    CharliimaiCharliimai Posts: 1,773 Member
    I vote for Autumn :-)

    Read my Legacy story's or atttempt one of my Sims 4 challenges.
    Charlii Mai's Blogs and Challenges

    Read All of my Latest stories all in one place.
    RainbowPlumbob (Wordpress)

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    CharliimaiCharliimai Posts: 1,773 Member
    Great story too. Bookmarked for updates :-)

    Read my Legacy story's or atttempt one of my Sims 4 challenges.
    Charlii Mai's Blogs and Challenges

    Read All of my Latest stories all in one place.
    RainbowPlumbob (Wordpress)

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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member
    oh I'm so impatient I want to start posting and writing again, so I'll be closing the vote soon (couple of days) i hope we can get atleast one more person to vote. a big thanks to everyone who has voted and is reading my legacy
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    amethystmoon1996amethystmoon1996 Posts: 55 Member
    @MissCharlie - Hi! I am voting for Autumn! I love the name and even though she is a bit insane, I love the fact that she wants a big family. :) Thank you for letting me participate in the voting, can't wait to see who will be the next heir.
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member
    so annoying Photobucket is down can't upload any photos, I have totalled all the votes from all the different sites and as soon as Photobucket is working again I will announce who the heir is I will have lots of chapters coming out, it's so exciting who the heir is
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member

    Generation 2
    Chapter 1

    So I’m heir now it doesn’t feel any different yet, I’m actually still quiet shocked I was the one voted to be heir I was sure it would have been one of my sisters. Now I’m really starting to freaking out that everyone will know what I’m doing and watching my every move. Mum told me I must be careful some people will befriend me just because I’m a legacy heir and want to use me, and when I make a mistake everyone will know you’ll never have a secret from the community. Also I will be in charge of the family funds, the house and of course raising the next generation, but only when I turn into a young adult which is really not that far off. Which is a huge responsibility I’m starting to feel a lot of weight on my shoulders, I just hope I don’t mess up to much I really want to make mum and dad proud, and the community so they know they made the right choice voting for me.

    Well since I’m heir now I guess I have to tell you what’s been going on (it’s weird telling everyone about everything but there’s something also nice and relaxing about it). Twins Malachi and Marcella have aged up to young adults, Malachi got his final trait neat and Marcella got the family orientated trait. They are moving out together they were so excited to be getting out on their own. Even know they are both back over here every second day. Soon after the twins birthday it was autumn’s young adult birthday she got the foodie trait when she moved out she decided to

    To end my very first instalment I’ll tell you about these two men. I have decided to start looking for a future husband, and I have met two men which I really like and are so sweet and very hot. We have started a study group that way I can get to know both of them, in a social low-pressure environment. Benjamin (blond hair) he loves the outdoors and is a music lover, Noah (black hair) is a genius and a good man. Our study group has been going on for a while, I love it we meet at a local café grab a coffee and help each other out with our homework. The only problem is I really like both of these and I don’t know which one I like more, maybe if I spend some alone time with each of them I will know. But right now I’m just very confused.
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member

    Chapter 2

    Mum has really been working hard she says since she’s not pregnant and all of us are older she has so much free time, she doesn’t know what to do with it all. She’s reached level 10 in both cooking and gourmet cooking, also she’s gotten two more promotions in her career.


    I decided I would go on a date with both of the boys separately, then I would make my final decision on which one. My first date was with Noah, he took me to the old quarter inn it was a very romantic spot and looked very expensive. Which worried me I didn’t know how to use all the cutlery, where to sit and how to pronounce the menu. As the date went along Noah wasn’t acting like himself he was being very snobby and very rude to the staff. I didn’t enjoy one moment of the evening I really just wanted it to end, I think maybe Noah was very nervous and just trying to impress me but expensive things aren’t what impress me. When I got back home I was so thankful it was over. My next date was with Benjamin, I just hoped it goes better than the last one. He took me to the shrieking llama, which was a great spot it was just a hang out so it had a really relaxing vibe to it. He got us some drinks (non-alcoholic of course) we sat down and listened to the music, they had a great band playing. After a while he asked if I would like to dance which of course I did, he had some brilliant dance moves. The rest of the night we told each other all about our self’s, I felt a real connection with him. At the end of the night I just didn’t want to go home, but of course I had to. but I know now that Benjamin is the right man for me, there’s defiantly something about Noah but Benjamin’s the one I’m going to marry, not that he know it yet.
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member

    Chapter 3

    I have been spending my every waking moment with Benjamin, oh gosh I’m starting to really fall in love with him. On weekend we went to the bluffs for a swim, it was an amazing pond and we were completely alone. We swam and goofed around for hours, just before it was time to go we decided to hop out and dry off a little. The sun was setting and in that moment I couldn’t help myself I looked up at him stepped closer and kissed him, he kissed me back my. My very first kiss, our very first kiss. My heart was pounding we stood there just staring at each other, after a while he asked me to be his girlfriend I couldn’t stop smiling I was so thrilled of course I said yes.

    Since Benjamin is now my boyfriend I decided to take him home, and introduce him to the family. Mum said she thought he was really cute and definitely marriage material (cringe-worthy mum stop) and dad seem to really like him he did say if he ever hurt me he would severely hurt him (which is just dad being overprotective, which I love about him). But Jaden was the one that was really taken with him, he talked to Benjamin for the whole afternoon. And since that day I have had to share half of Benjamin’s time with Jaden, they have become best friend going on fishing and camping trips. I’m really glad that Jaden has accepted Benjamin into the family, but maybe just a bit too much for my liking.
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member

    Chapter 4

    Benjamin and I were going for a walk around the ancient ruins I had something really important to ask him I wanted us to wear promise rings, I know it’s dorky but I loved Benjamin. And seeing how well he got on with my family just made me fall deeper in love with him, I wanted to be with him forever. I just really hoped he felt the same way about me, I’m so nervous to ask him.

    Me: um Benjie I have something I want to ask you um ah oh I don’t know
    Benjamin: what is it babe ask me anything
    Me: I wanted to ask if you would wear a promise ring with me, oh no don’t worry it’s dorky just forget it please don’t worry about it really
    Benjamin: wait no it isn’t I love you and I want everyone to know we are together of course I want to wear promise rings together

    On a different note Rocco has turned into a young adult, his final trait is hot headed. He’s moving out and getting a big fixer upper house, he wants to do it up and get it ready so when Terrance and Jaden turn into young adults they can join him. It’s going to be a massive man cave, I don’t think I want to go into their house since there not very good at cleaning up after themselves. But what’s really worrying me is my young adults birthday is next, it approaching very quickly.

    Talking about birthdays mum and dad have aged up to elders, they still love each other as much as they did on the day they wed. I hope to have this type of relationship with Benjie I love him so much and I can only pray he loves me as much. This was the first time being heir I had a big decision to make for the family, whether or not mum and dad would retire. I thought long and hard about this decision, if mum and dad retired we could end up being very tight on money or they could keep working and we would end up with a really nice sum in the bank. It was such a hard choice I just wanted them to choice, but they told me that this was an heir’s choice and I’m the heir. So after a couple of night tossing and turning I had finally decided, mum and dad had worked hard from working on their careers to raising us kids, and making sure we had enough food and a place to sleep. They deserved to retire and spend some time by them self’s and together. What’s really funny is after they said it was my choice as heir if they retired, it still took some convincing them. They said they wanted to keep working so when I aged up there would be plenty of money for me and their future grandchildren. At the end they said it was my choice and they would retire. After they said that I started feeling bad for my decision, being heir really isn’t as easy as I thought it would be right know it’s really confusing and frustrating. I also think mum and dad are really eager for me to start a family as soon as I age up, when I start having kids I’m sure they will be thrilled to be retired so they get to be home with their grandchildren.
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    NRoweNRowe Posts: 7,905 Member
    Yay Lara. Happy Simming
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member

    Chapter 5

    Oh gosh I’m so nervous, scared and freaking out, but I’m also very excited. I have turned into a young adult and I’m now officially the 2nd generation heir. I can’t believe it I know I have already been making big decisions for the family, and everyone knows I’m the heir but it just feels different know that it is official. Today I received the first household bill which was addressed to me, I know it ridiculous to get excited over a bill but it had my name on it, mine. Oh and my last trait is childish I don’t know where that trait came from, well actually I don’t know where any of my traits come from. My other siblings got one or two trait from mum or dad but not me, and all my traits start with c I guess I’m just special that way Haha (I promise I didn’t cheat). Since mum and dad retired I really need to get a job straight away, and there was a position available in the painter career which is right up my alley. Of course to begin with I’m just going to be just cleaning up, which is such a bore but you have to start somewhere. They did say if I showed potential with my painting skill there would be a position painting for me. So right now I’m really focusing on painting as much as I possibly can.

    Ahhh!!!! I can’t believe this, I’m so happy and excited it unbelievable, ok ok I’ve calmed down a bit let me explain myself. Late in the evening Benjie took me to the bluffs, it was where we had our first ever kiss. I was very worried though Benjie was acting very weird and nervous, then it hit me he was going to break up with me. He didn’t love me anymore, I was just a teenage thing or maybe he couldn’t handle the legacy thing. My heart was starting to break, I was going to cry. But then I couldn’t believe what Benjie was doing, he got down on one knee. He wasn’t breaking up with me he was proposing, I now was crying but not out of sadness but out of joy. Of course I said yes, he was everything I ever wanted in a man I loved him with my whole heart I knew he was the one. I found out later that Benjie had already told Jaden he was the first to know, like I said they are best friends they tell each other everything (which is so sweet, they both hate it when I say that) after talking to Jaden and getting his blessing, Benjie asked mum and dad for their blessing to marry me which they both said yes. I can’t believe they could keep it a secret but now that I know, they were acting weird the last couple of days.
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member
    this generation updates will be coming out quickly I have so much already written I was up late last night I'm just so excited to be writing again but most generations won't be written so quickly
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    NRoweNRowe Posts: 7,905 Member
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member

    Chapter 6

    Since becoming heir I’m now in charge of the finances and surprisingly mum and dad had a good little sum saved in the bank. Oh that sounds bad like I thought they didn’t work hard, that’s not what I think at all. What I mean is mum and dad started with nothing but a block of land they had to build a house from nothing. Raise and provided for 8 children, I didn’t think it would be physically possible for them to do all that and have a little savings as well. Anyway with the savings and bulldozing our house I managed to build a very nice two-story brick house for the family. It has 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms so far anyway (there will hopefully be more renovations to come in the future). We kept all our old furniture the only new furniture we could afford was a double bed (for me and Benjie when we get married) and another bathroom which there can never be too many of, trust me. Though we couldn’t afford to paint the wall or put down nice floors, you can’t get everything. Oh and as you will see in the pics we have a spot for dads garden, I want to make sure every generation keeps dads garden going and make sure it never dies or if they want to add to it.

    Benjie and I decided we would have our wedding at the Bluffs it just felt right there, it’s where we shared our first kiss, got engaged and now we would be married at the bluffs. A local carpenter made our wedding arch for us it was incredibly crafted, it was better than how I imagined it would be. I even went down to the local council to get a permit for it to stay at the bluffs forever. It would be a legacy icon, so everyone would know the love between Benjie and I. also other couples in love would be able to declare their love for each other there as well. Once everything was organized it was Benjie and I’s wedding day. Benjie was dressed in an amazing tux, I went for an old fashion styled wedding gown it was the most beautiful thing I have ever owned. We only invited family, it was great having all my family together again at my wedding (I think it was the first time we have all be in one place together since the twins moved out). It wasn’t a long ceremony but it was a beautiful one we declared our love for each other said our vows then we were pronounced husband and wife, and got to have our first kiss as husband and wife.
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