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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member

    Skylar looked up at the very treehouse where her mother said she'd been conceived. It was a rickety shack that was nearly falling apart. It had belonged to her older sister, Sierra.


    "So," Savannah asked, "what do you think?"
    "About what?"
    "Seeing the treehouse where you were practically born."
    "Mom, you have to be kidding me. You and Dad did it ... in there ... and made me?"



    After Savannah's sojourn into town, she joined her husband at the top of the summit by the fire.


    They were later joined by Sierra, who'd just had a rather intriguing encounter with a lady who'd turned blue from eating a jelly bean.


    Recognized as the star of the Llamas professional sports team, Sierra signed an autograph for her.


    While eating her father's spaghetti dinner with the rest of the family, Sierra was unable to get the lady out of her mind.
    jpnbanner2_zpscb7d2475.jpg header_zps436f0053.jpg

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    NesoiancitizenNesoiancitizen Posts: 4,344 Member
    @venusdemilosims Great update! I wonder who that blue lady is.

    Ashley brought little Alexis home. It was some time before she could convince him to finally go to sleep.


    And Carson was finally potty trained!


    The day of Carson's birthday it was raining very heavily. That night lightning had struck the ground near the house three times! So I made sure everybody stayed inside.


    Des spent some quality time cuddling and caring for his new son...


    ...before it was time to have a birthday party for his first son! Happy birthday Carson!


    Say goodbye to cute cross-eyed toddler Carson, and hello to Carson the kid! His new trait is Genius, and his favorite color is pink so I added quite a lot of pink to his outfits.


    The kids' room got an update too now that Carson was old enough for a bed. He also got a desk and his very own pet ants. I just hope they don't escape and go running all over the place, lol!


    "Happy birthday Carson!" Des congratulated his son, pulling him in for a big hug.

    "Thanks, Dad!"


    Carson rolled the wish to learn how to write. I have a feeling he's going to grow up to be a writer. I'm excited for him to start his first day of school, and for Alexis to age up. That will happen in the next update. Right now I've been playing the Sims4 CaS demo more than the Sims3.
    Find me at Username: Nesoiancitizen
    I'm also on Duolingo as carlaquest
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    @venusdemilosims another great update

    @Nesoiancitizen arghhh I always type your nickname the wrong way so I have to restart typign haha, carson is so adorable as a kid.
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    SelvaxriSelvaxri Posts: 274 Member
    After a long weekend of work, i'm back to playing my Casanova game. His latest mistress had a pair of twin girls, bring his progeny count to 44. That'll leave some room for her teen daughter to have some kids when she becomes an adult. Speaking of which, both her children are teens so i gotta fudge in a townie before i can move in my latest- and possibly last mistress.
    But Fudging in a Townie to that household shouldn't be a problem-as my current live-in housemate, Latoya, has bugged out. She can't cancel wishes, and her wishes/opportunities screens are blank. She is currently stuck with four Wishes that'll take time to complete... so she shacked up with a co-worker, and i'll "move" her into his house and bring in another townie- possible a male maid- to keep the house in order and continue my legacy. :p
    Console Player- Don't have a PC to play yet.

    Simple Life
    Ghost Fling/ GF- Naughty Uncle
    Mommy Dearest
    Home Wrecker
    Reynoso Legacy
    Phantom Romance- Experimental game, failure.
    Unlikely Couple
    Random- Kozen, Clique
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    @venusdemilosims Jaenelle seems to have it a lot harder than the others. Nothing is worse than an ex boyfriend who continuously stalks you. It's not a fun thing, especially when he's about as insane as Mortimor and just won't leave Jaenelle alone. I do admire Kaydence, but she also needs to make time for fun as well. It's unhealthy to work ALL the time. Luckily, Terry is there to kind of keep a handle on things and make sure she doesn't do TOO much.
    Ooh, pancakes do sound good, even though I'm not big on them. I've been craving certain things lately, even though I'm clearly not pregnant, lol. If I didn't know Kaydence, I'd say she was bragging about her aunt, but she's not the type to brag, so I can't really accuse her of that. Lol, so even proper Kaydence doesn't mind dumpster diving every once in a while. I think the dormie set the kitchen on fire on purpose. You can totally tell by her expression. Glad it was put out. I've had fires kind of glitch and spread, no matter how many people were trying to put it out.

    @Nesoiancitizen Well, that's what I wanted you guys to think when I moved the family to St. Claire. But I also ended up moving some other sims from the last town over with Porter with them, and the Goth family was one of them. There are a lot of guys like Mortimor out there. It's really scary. Even though I'm the one setting up the plot, I am scared for Jaenelle.

    @TadOlson Great update!

    @venusdemilosims Yeah, it seems every time I'm doing an update, you're doing one as well, lol. Thanks, but it's spelled Kelsea. That is an actual legitimate spelling of the name, lol. You'll just have to wait and see what happens to Jaenelle. I really don't want to spoil anything.
    Wow, the family has bad luck when it comes to vacationing, don't they? First it's freezing in Hidden Springs, then the hotel in Isla Paradiso isn't ready, so they have to go back to Hidden Springs. I just love how Skylar doesn't even offer to help with the dishes. *rolls eyes* This family has a lot of issues, and I mean that without being offensive. Sierra was right though, someone had to lay it down thick.

    @Silverofdreams30 Nice update. :)

    @venusdemilosims Another nice update. :) It seems no matter how far they go, their celebrity status follows them, doesn't it?

    @Nesoiancitizen Very nice update. :) Carson turned out to be a little cutie.
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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    *sigh* my game keeps freezing after about half an hour of play so I now need to figure out why. I think it may be some CC I added the other day (because it's started since then), but IDK an I added a lot of CC. Darn babies, I got so much CC because of them. And I started downloading stuff I might want to use in Keenan and Alaina's wedding (I'm actually suspecting it's in that batch so it shouldn't be as bad, I hope). Anyway, I'll try to get to comments later but I'm running out of time for now (I've been reading I just don't have comment time right now. I woke up too late XD). I did want to show off my little cutie pies though (I mean Alaina and Keenan's little cutie pies), and how amazing this little family is. I often overshadow these moments, but I can't with these guys. They're just the most precious little family. I've only had to direct Alaina and Keenan to actually look after the babies once, and that was actually a game glitch where they couldn't help them and I didn't realize. They just are really good at looking after them and making them the happiest little babies in the sim world. So cuteness overload...

    This is my favourite

    I also like this, it's not uncommon for them to play with or feed the twins at the exact same time which is super adorable


    And sometimes they fight over who gets to play with whoever is awake. Well not so much fight, one just stands behind the other tapping their foot impatiently and waiting for their turn.

    I also really like these two.

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    NesoiancitizenNesoiancitizen Posts: 4,344 Member
    @LunBeauty Thank you!

    @Silverofdreams30 Thank you!

    @dreamerz13 Awww, those kiddies are so adorable! o:)<3
    Find me at Username: Nesoiancitizen
    I'm also on Duolingo as carlaquest
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    @dreamerz13 The baby is so cute my baby look like a demon even though I downloaded cc skin for it might installed it wrong lol.
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    Here is the next update. This one also has quite a bit of drama in it, but a different sort of drama. Once you read this, you'll all probably really hate me and most likely not want to read my updates again because I kind of did something that I rarely ever do. Anyways, I wasn't sure how to divide up forty pictures into two updates, so it'll just be one long update, which I hope you guys don't mind.

    It was Sunday morning in the Clayton household. As usual, Matt and Celine were arguing, which was nothing new, but this argument seemed to be much more heated and intense.
    "I'm so sick of you always belittling me!" Celine flared. "Everything I do, you always find something wrong with it! You even do it to the kids, too! I don't know what's gotten into you?"
    If Celine was loud, Matt was even louder. "I shouldn't have to explain to you what's wrong! You should know that yourself! You are a witch after all!"
    "That doesn't mean I'm psychic!" Celine practically screamed.

    Celine then said something Matt thought he'd never hear her say. "You know what, Matt? We are through. I thought that together, we could save this marriage, but it's like you're not even trying anymore."
    Matt's expression did a complete one-eighty. "Y-You can't mean that, Celine. You're breaking up with me?"
    "Yes, I want you out of this house!" Celine cried, trying to keep her voice steady.

    "Okay, fine," Matt said bitterly. "It's over between us. I don't know what I ever saw in you. I would have been far better off if we hadn't gotten together. The only good thing that came of our relationship is the kids."
    "I'm surprised you say that because of the way you've been treating them," Celine shot back.

    As Celine turned around, Matt realized what had happened. For the first time in his adult life, he felt that huge lump in his throat that signified he was about to cry. When he spoke, it was, but a whisper.
    "Celine, please. Don't do this. I love you, I really do. Please don't force me to say good-bye."
    Celine bit down on her lower lip. She wanted to rush into Matt's arms, but she knew that if she did that, it would start all over again. No, it was for the best.
    "I-I'm sorry, Matt."
    Matt hung his head in defeat. "Can I at least say good-bye to Juniper?" he asked.
    Celine nodded once, not looking at him as he walked past her to go downstairs before she let out a loud sob that she had been holding in.

    Matt found his youngest daughter and her fiance downstairs. He took a deep breath, and swallowed that painful lump, but it proved difficult. For a moment, he watched Juniper without her knowing. She had grown into a beautiful young woman. He would never be able to express how proud he was of her, how proud he was of all his kids, despite the hard time he gave them.
    "Juniper?" he said approaching them.
    Juniper turned around to say good morning to her dad, but something was wrong, she could tell. "Dad? What's wrong?" She unconsciously stepped closer to Chris who was there beside her.
    "I'm so sorry, sweetie, but your mom and I have decided to separate," Matt said in a heavy voice.
    Juniper was silent for a moment as she processed what had been said, then she spoke in a small voice that threatened tears. "Separated? Y-You mean the two of you aren't together anymore."
    "We decided it would be for the best," Matt said, unable to put on a cheerful expression, or even pretend that everything was all right. Even though Celine was the one that broke up with him, he didn't want Juniper hating her mother, so he made it seem like it was mutual.
    Chris spoke up. "Listen, it's really not my place to say anything, but there has to be another way to work through this. The two of you could get marriage counseling, or something."
    Matt looked at Chris. At first, he hadn't really liked him, but he did turn out to be a good kid, and it was easy to see that he loved Juniper.
    "There isn't any other way. Before I leave, I want to give you a little bit of advice. Don't mess up like I did. Treat Juniper right and love her, be understanding, and don't react out of anger like I did." Matt then turned to his youngest child. "Juniper, sweetie, I'm so proud of you. You've grown into such a beautiful young woman with a good head on her shoulders, an even better head than I could ever have."
    But the only thing that Juniper heard was that her father was leaving. "You're leaving, Dad?" she asked in a small voice.
    "I'm sorry, sweetie. Your mom and I think it's best. Hey, please don't cry," he said when he saw that his daughter was about to cry. "I promise that you can come and see me once I get settled into my new place, and I'll be there for your wedding."

    Juniper said nothing. In fact she refused to even look at her father. Matt went to pull her into his arms, and hold her one last time like he did when she was a child, but she drew back, not wanting to be touched by him. With a sigh and a heavy heart, Matt walked past him as Juniper collapsed into sobs, crying for the first time since she had been a child. Like Matt, she wasn't the type to cry, but this news had been too much for her to handle.
    Matt turned to Chris, who also didn't look at him. He was only looking at his fiance. "Take care of her," he said.
    Chris only nodded as Matt went upstairs to pack his suitcase. He had enough money for a hotel room until he could get a new place squared away.

    Celine came downstairs about twenty minutes after Matt left to find Juniper sobbing in Chris's arms, while Chris stroked her back and ran his fingers tenderly through her hair. Celine sighed and hugged her arms around herself.
    "Chris? Why don't you and Juniper go down into the basement. I'd like to be alone for a while," Celine said in a shaky tone of voice.
    Chris nodded. "Sure." He looked down at his fiance. "Come on, Juniper." He took her hand and led her down into their room.

    It was only when they got into the basement that Juniper spoke again. "Chris, are we going to end up like that? Hating each other to the point where we can't even live together?"
    Chris cradled her face in his hands. "I promise you, Juniper. We are not going to end up like them."
    "How do you know?" Juniper asked.
    "Because, we're never going to stop trying. We'll work through our problems, rather than fighting all the time."
    "Do you promise?"

    Chris pulled her into his embrace. "I promise," he said holding her tight.
    Juniper said nothing. She only allowed Chris to hold her and comfort her. The words she said came flooding back to her. Why, oh why, had she wanted her parents to break-up? Maybe it was because she thought it would never happen. But now that it had, it hurt, oh did it hurt.

    At the kitchen table, where everyone once ate as a family, Celine sat with her head on the table, sobbing. She had lost the one person she had ever loved romantically. That promise they made a long time ago to always be together had been a lie. It was all a lie. She looked at her ring, which she hadn't taken off yet, but she knew she would have to soon, for it was a symbol for all she'd had and lost.
    *I hate when poses warp a certain anatomy of a sim's body. In this one, she looks a lot shorter than she really is, and apparently her fingers have been broken. But if you ignore those small details, the pose does symbolize how broken Celine is right now.*

    Juniper had finally stopped crying, and had managed to eat a small piece of toast that Chris had cooked for her. Now, she was ready to go give her siblings the news.
    "Are you sure you don't want to let your mom do it?" Chris asked uncertainly.
    "My mom is an emotional wreck right now. I doubt she'd even be able to get the words out," Juniper said bitterly as she pulled a piece of lint from her hooded sweater dress.

    Chris leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek. "Okay, and don't worry. I'll be here with your mom. I'll see if I can get her out of the house."
    Juniper smiled. "Thank you," she said before kissing him again, then turning to leave.

    Juniper had called her siblings, and asked them to meet her at one of the parks in town. As she waited, she played around with her tablet, although she was just looking for something to do with her hands, and wasn't exactly looking at what she was doing.

    Everyone finally arrived. After the initial greetings, Jaenelle sat down next to Juniper, while August and Crispin stood. Once everyone was comfortable, Juniper gave them the news. Surprisingly, they didn't seem too surprised by it.
    "I can't say I didn't see this coming," Jaenelle said. "I'd say they're better off."
    "How can you say that?" Juniper asked, shocked at how little her sister seemed to care.
    "Listen, Junie," August said. "You said, yourself, that all they've been doing is fighting. This is for the best."
    Juniper looked to Crispin who was the eldest, and might have some words for wisdom. Instead, all he said was, "They're both grown. If they feel like this is the best thing, then maybe it is. Who knows, maybe this separation will bring us closer. I have a few friends with parents who are separated, and they get along great, now that they're not married."
    Juniper couldn't believe how no one, but her, seemed to care. She began to regret asking them to come down here to tell them. She would have been better off telling them over Skype. It would have saved her, and them, the gas money.

    The boys left. August apparently had to go to the store to pick up some food that Kaylynn was craving, while Crispin had to head to the bank to deposit a check before the bank closed, since it was Sunday and the bank closed at around noon. Jaenelle, on the other hand, had nothing to do since she wouldn't be looking at venues for her wedding until this afternoon, so Juniper and she went to the Winter Festival, which had just opened today. The festival in St. Claire was a lot smaller than the festival in Sunset Valley despite the sheer size of the town. Once the two of them had gotten some hot chocolate, they sat down at a nearby bench.
    "Can you believe that Crispin and August didn't seem to care?" Juniper asked incredulously as she took small sips of her hot chocolate, which burned her tongue. She grimaced.
    Jaenelle, however, didn't seem to be listening, causing Juniper to grow angry. "Really, Jaenelle? Can't you at least look at me?"
    Jaenelle turned her head to face Juniper. "What do you want me to say? I mean, I'm upset too, but I have better things to do than be all depressed over my parents. Besides, weren't you the one who was all like 'Oh, they should just break up and get it over with."
    "But I didn't think they'd actually do it!" Juniper snapped.
    Jaenelle shook her head. "Okay, look, I'm sorry. I realize it must be very hard on you. But maybe it is for the best. I mean, their relationship wasn't getting any better."
    Juniper didn't want to admit it, but her sister was right. "I guess."
    "And, who knows, maybe it's not permanent. They didn't mention anything about divorce, right?"
    "So, if it's really meant to be, they'll find a way to work it out."
    "But both of them were pretty much in tears!"
    Jaenelle cringed. "Wow, that bad, huh? Well, even if they don't get back together, it's not like it's the end of the world."

    Chris had managed to do what he promised Juniper, and had gotten Celine out of the house and took her to the gym. Usually when he was upset or angry about something, he found that working out usually helped to calm him down. It also seemed to be working for Celine as she wasn't crying anymore.
    "I thought that Matt and I would be together forever," Celine said as she worked out. "But apparently fate had something else in mind.
    "Sometimes life throws us curveballs," Chris said. "That doesn't mean you can just spend the rest of your life pining away over something you lost."
    Celine knew that Chris was right, but every time she looked at her ring, she felt like she wanted to cry all over again. She wondered if she had made a mistake in letting Matt go. Was this something she would regret for the rest of her life?

    By that afternoon, Jaenelle had left to go meet Elliot to look at wedding venues. She had asked Juniper if she wanted to go, but Juniper declined. Instead, Juniper sat in a secluded area of the park and worked on a few sketches to help calm her rampaging emotions that she was feeling right now.

    Everyone got home at around the same time that evening. Before they could all go off to do their separate things, Celine asked them to sit down, because she had something she wanted to say.
    "I know that a lot has happened, just today, and I'm sorry about that," Celine said remorsefully. "This house has been the shelter to many memories, both good and bad. I think that it's time that I pass on those memories to you."
    Juniper looked at Chris, who was just as confused as she was. "I don't understand, Mom," she said turning back to the woman who had raised her.
    "I'm saying that it's time for me to move out and leave this house to you. It's time for you to carry on the family legacy."
    "You really don't have to do that," Chris spoke up.
    Celine smiled. "I'm sorry, but I feel like it's for the best. This house holds too many memories of Matt and me. While I'll never forget what we had, I can't continue living here."
    Juniper opened her mouth to protest, but Celine stopped her. "Be happy. You get to raise your children in this house. Do whatever you want with it. Decorate it how you want, change the wallpaper, the furniture, anything you want."
    Chris and Juniper looked at each other. This seemed to be what Celine had wanted. "Where will you stay, Mom?" Juniper asked.
    "Oh, I'm going to stay with Mika for a little while, and help her out. She is pregnant again, you know. Then I'll see about getting my own apartment. Don't worry, I'll make sure to help you with any finance regarding this house, and send you fifty percent of my profits from my paintings each month," she said.

    Once good-byes had been said, Celine had packed herself a suitcase, then left. She would be back over the next few days to get the rest of her stuff, but for now, she would stay with Mika and Michael, along with their kids. Once Celine had left, Chris took Juniper into his arms.
    "Hey, don't worry. Everything will be all right. It's not like we'll never see your parents again. They're not moving far away," he said reassuringly.
    Juniper smiled, knowing that Chris was right. She liked to think of this as the start of a brand new chapter.

    It felt strange being here, just the two of them, in this large house. The second floor bedrooms had been emptied a long time ago, and were now waiting for brand new residents. Still, Celine was right. It was time for a new generation to make their mark on this house. While Juniper got stuff from the refrigerator to prepare dinner, Chris threw some clothes into the dryer. Now that there wasn't a lot of people living here, laundry would be much easier to do.
    *I did actually remove the furniture from the second floor bedrooms a long time ago. I do plan on giving the house a make-over bit by bit, but keeping the overall color scheme downstairs the same. *

    Dinner was soon ready, and the two of them sat down to hot steaming plates of cheesy goopy carbonara. Despite the tragedy that had happened, the two of them couldn't help, but feel excited to soon be starting a new family and, as Celine said, leaving their own mark on this home, which had witnessed so much over the years.

    That's it for this update! It's now time for Chris and Juniper to take the reins. Now that Matt and Celine have moved out, I will not be directly controlling them anymore. Anything that happens to them now will be because of Story Progression. I do not control their fate any longer. So, anything that happens to them now, is not my doing. I hope you all enjoyed this! :)
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    @dreamerz13 Aww, so cute! :) I'm loving the little things you can download to make infants more realistic. Don't worry, I've been downloading a lot of stuff lately too, mostly bedroom sets, and nursery sets. My game is getting pretty clogged up too, lol.
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    NesoiancitizenNesoiancitizen Posts: 4,344 Member
    @LunBeauty Wow, I didn't think Matt and Celine would break up! I didn't even notice any problems between them. I was saddened, but I was also mad at the sons for seeming so emotionless about it, like they were trying to be all macho and not get upset like their sisters :/ . I do hope that even if Matt and Celine never get back together, that they can at least be friends.
    Find me at Username: Nesoiancitizen
    I'm also on Duolingo as carlaquest
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    Nory_05Nory_05 Posts: 355 Member
    edited May 2015
    @LunBeauty oh yay, finally proposal :) Mortimer is a real creep, boo! J should just stop obsessing about church.
    Also Eliot's sister is really pretty! Divorce not so cool, but sometimes it's for the best...

    @venusdemilosims mysterious blue lady? Interesting... maybe she was just cold :D

    @dreamerz13 aw, that sim baby in the last pic is totally cute. I think having hair fluff helps make them less alien...

    @Nesoiancitizen the kid's room looks cool! Love the colours. I'm always afraid of colours and end up with boring dark rooms... * sigh *

    My sim stories:
    Regrets (Finished)
    Abbie's Diary (Finished)

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    @LunBeauty wow they broke up, it was a good update though lots of drama

    I dont have another update unti ltomorrow, but I have a sneak peak of sthing can you guess who this is all grown up haha, this wont come until later updates though.


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    SelvaxriSelvaxri Posts: 274 Member
    An expanded and over-embellished update-

    Mika awoke, bones creaking, headed to the kitchen to make breakfast; surprised not to see his housemate, Latoya, tending to their little orchard.
    With the French Toast finished, he called to her- in case she was sleeping or working out elsewhere in the house. But no response. Finishing his plate, he was curious as to what happened to Latoya, exploring her room- he found a letter.
    "Dear Mika,
    I've decided to leave, due to circumstances I'll explain later. Sorry not to tell you in person, but this was a now or never decision.
    Long story short, when you told me you were planning on settling down with your latest girlfriend now that she was with child left me wondering my place in your household.
    At work that night, i was locked in the freezer, and the executive chef rescued me. Attempts to warm me up, warmed him up too- if you know what i mean- and it lead to a one-night stand while you were at your girlfriend's place- being with your new twins. We decided to keep this romantic intervention low key until we decided what it was leading to- if anything.
    What it lead to, was bouts of nausea, a knot in my stomach and bloating. A doctor confirmed, I was pregnant. Talking it over with the father, i learned that he was your son. I knew you had girlfriends before i moved in, but how many? How many children did you have with these mistresses?!
    I read that letter your previous mistress's fiance left you, and I asked around myself. I am appalled that you sired so many children out of wedlock, and relieved that you decided not to include me in that list.
    With this child that carries your blood, should be raised outside your influence.
    Farewell Mika, good luck and best wishes with your wedding.
    PS: The father is [child of second mistress]."

    Calling up his son, they met up at the restaurant he and Latoya had worked at, and he indeed confirmed Latoya's story.
    With a sigh, they parted ways and staring into space, Mika was called by a familiar though aged voice. The voice of his first mistress and boss when first joined the sports team. She retired as he rose to fame.
    She explained, with their daughter moved out, and her sister living in a retirement community, she was going to sell her parent's house and move in with her sister.
    With an empty bedroom, Mika made a counter offer- why didn't see and her sister move in with him? [He didn't want to tell her that of all the mistresses he's had, she was the one that had survived the longest- granted, she only bore one child of his; the others atleast three.]
    Meeting at his place, they promptly agreed to move in. The apple orchard in back could be expanded to a more suitable garden to suit their vegetarian diets.
    Though, sadly, the little orchard didn't last long without Latoya's Green Thumb, despite both Mika, Cookie (his first mistress), & Sunshine (the sister that could have been a mistress) efforts. Mika took this as a sign that his own time was short.
    Calling over Georgia, a little wining and dining, he popped the question- to which she was ecstatic. She leapt into his elderly arms, and kissed him passionately. Stumbling, they eventually found thier way into his bedroom where the implied intimacy occured. After, they discussed when to hold the wedding- in two days.

    With the time before the wedding, Mika decided to reconcil with the few remaining former lovers he's had- one, the newly wed couple across the street definitely showed the age of raising four children with a former lover; another, one who'd borne him several children took the news "let's just be friends" to hostile lengths- with her youth still intact, he didn't doubt her threats but calmed her down to the point of purely verbal violence in the form of a tongue lashing.

    The day of the wedding came, and to Mika's dismay- the last tree of the little orchard died- offering a single apple amongst its brittle branches.
    Mika waited patiently until the wedding started. Several of his daughters and his soon to be step-children were invited, Cookie and Sunshine living at the house were invited by default.
    Sadly, as the first guests started arriving, there came a scream from the kitchen- Cookie, had an ethereal glow about her, as she begged a grim figure for another chance... "One week," it whispered in the voice of the dead.
    With the party dead silent, Cookie reminded everyone she had lived a splendid life and now wasn't the time to mourn her passing, but to celebrate the union of two... Which caused Mika to look about the crowd for his wife-to-be. Not seeing her, he called "I'm busy" she curtly responded.
    Every hour, he called "I'm busy" was her only response. Until the party ended. "We had a great time! Shame about the wedding." the guests commented.
    Sitting on the couch, dejected, wondering where his fiance was and why she didn't attend their own wedding, sent thoughts reeling in his head.

    A cool, yet oddly warm, hand caressed his check. It was Cookie's ghost. She sat next to him, took his face in her hands and kissed him. "I know this was supposed to be your special day, but my time is short. You were my first love, and gave me a daughter. Before I go, make me feel alive one last time."
    In the bedroom, after making love to the ethereal form of his former lover, Mika pondered- did she die in his stead? Was this wedding doomed to fail? The heavens responded- by tearing the world asunder.
    This was not a good sign.

    Yep- wife didn't show up to wedding, housemate died at said wedding, and then there was an earthquake that night.
    Console Player- Don't have a PC to play yet.

    Simple Life
    Ghost Fling/ GF- Naughty Uncle
    Mommy Dearest
    Home Wrecker
    Reynoso Legacy
    Phantom Romance- Experimental game, failure.
    Unlikely Couple
    Random- Kozen, Clique
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited May 2015
    @LunBeauty Wow Matt and Celine broke up? I generally don't break up my couples either but I hoped that somehow they would work through their issues and stay together. Divorce is painful, no matter who it happens to or how it happens. But if two people find that they no longer have anything in common, then it might be best that they go their separate ways.
    Yep little miss prim and proper Kaydence is capable of getting her hands dirty, lol. She actually enjoys gardening and fishing, never mind that she does it in heels, lol. I do think she inherited that part from her pop-star mom.
    I think part of the reason why Kaydence is the way she is is because of the way she grew up, basically having to be the adult in her household between her party-girl mom and playboy dad. Then, when her parents split, she basically had to take care of her dad, at times handling his finances, his schedule, etc. She basically had no proper childhood.
    I'm not offended at all, I wanted you guys to draw that conclusion. I said that in my preface to the last update :) They've got so many issues, Skylar doesn't even crack the top 5, lol.
    @dreamerz13 Cuteness overload indeed! So adorable! Looks like Alaina and Keenan will make great parents! Hope the family cycle doesn't continue with them and they could live a happy life without all the dysfunction.
    @Nesoiancitizen What a cutie Carson is! Can't wait to see how his life unfolds. I have tried Sims 4, there are things I like, but more things I don't like. Can't really get into it, though.
    @Silverofdreams30 Wow Adrier turned out to be a handsome lad!


    A little bit of an explanation here before the actual update begins... The trip that Savannah and her family has taken has brought simmering issues to the forefront, and so far none of these issues have been named Skylar. Skylar's older sisters, Sage and Sierra, harbor a lot of resentment towards their mother for her laser focus on her career during their formative years. Their dad admirably tried to pick up the slack, but the fact remains that for most of their childhood and adolescence, mom was for one reason or another unavailable for long periods of time. This should be a cautionary tale for Kaydence, who seems destined to follow in her footsteps just as Savannah herself followed in her aunt Maggie's.


    On their last day in Hidden Springs, Skylar beat everyone out of bed, later to be joined by Andy.


    At the breakfast table, the two of them reminisced about going on fishing trips up in the mountains when they lived here. Skylar, of course, was too young to go at the time, but he went with the older kids.


    After breakfast, Skylar sneaked out to the Rosehip Cafe (downloaded) across town to take in a Simfest. (I actually wanted her to perform in the Simfest but apparently as a visitor she couldn't)


    Also on their last day, Andy and Savannah's oldest biological son, Andrew Jr. (AJ), and his wife, Alexandra, a member of the prominent Vanderburg royal family, paid them a special visit.
    Alexandra arrived on her Arabian horse, Jasmine (named after one of the leads in Aladdin). Before joining the military she'd been a competitive equestrian.
    When the Jolinas were last in Hidden Springs, AJ and Alexandra were walking down the aisle. The pair had met while they were both cadets at the military academy here, and had an instant connection. After being separated by Alexandra's mother, Queen Catarina, Alexandra took a trip to Sunset Valley, partly as a business trip to discuss rocket funding, but mostly to seek out AJ.


    While AJ played catchup with his younger sister Sage and their dad...


    Little Sawyer piped Sierra with questions about her athletic career.


    Later, Sierra was getting along swimmingly with her sister-in-law, even doing the school cheer with her. She had originally objected to Alexandra marrying her brother AJ because Alexandra is a princess.


    The two chatted excitedly about the college sports teams.


    Alexandra impressed Sierra with her knowledge of baseball statistics, knowledge she'd acquired from watching games at the stadium with her father, the late Prince Renauld, who was an avid sports fan.


    After sports, the topic turned to computers and technology.



    Back at the coffeehouse, Skylar caught the performances of a local acrobat and a pink-haired singer.



    Now, where was Savannah when all this was going on? Upstairs watching television, flipping channels. One particular show caught her eye. It was an episode of 'As the Sims Turn' - and there was an actress who looked very familiar to her, even though she was wearing a costume. That actress was her brother's daughter, her niece Kaydence. Kaydence's character was shamelessly making romantic interludes at another character's boyfriend and being confronted by that other character.

    The irony of that was not lost on Savannah. Life imitating art, Savannah thought as she finally decided to join the rest of her family.
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    edited May 2015
    @MMitchell93 -I did that to match the seasons to lifestages and alertered the length of pregnancies in Retuner so mine last 30 days which allows me to switch families during a pregnancy and the long lifespan allows me to rotate between families in town and still get to enjoy the families as they evolve.
    @Silverofdreams30 -I hope you enjoy your game.I'm shutting down moon phases for the summer.Thanks for the comment.Great update!
    @InfraGreen -Hi there!
    @venusdemilosims -I based things on the lengths of the seasons and made pregnancies match my lifespan.Great updates!
    @Nesoiancitizen -Great update!The boys look very cute and Carson has school.
    @Selvaxri -Great updates!
    @LunBeauty -Thanks for the comment.Great update!I might have a few marriages later on in my legacy that don't work out and get broken up though I'll have to make it happen if it's a part of that family's story.
    @dreamerz13 -Great pictures!I hope your issue is just a save because that could be just the town needing to be reset.I only add a little CC in at a time and test it to see if it's messed up.I download a lot of CC myself and my game is loaded with it though it runs very fast and dosen't freeze.
    I've got a small uppate and have to play more for a real update.
    Here's a special sneak peek at Evermore.
    Here's the Ivanovitch family who are my active family at the time.
    Here's the Jankowsky family and I just peeked in on them.
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    @Nesoiancitizen No one ever expects the big break-up. Trust me, there were a lot of problems between the two of them. The sons do care, but what can they do about it? They have their own lives to worry about, plus their parents are mature people, most of the time. They figure it's probably for the best.

    @Nory_05 Thanks for the comment. :) Jaenelle is obsessing over the church because she's done things in the past that they might not approve of, and Elliot wanted to get married in the Catholic Church, which is very strict with its morals. Luckily, Elliot decided to bend and will get married wherever Jaenelle wants to get married, even if it's not in the church. I think she's pretty too. :) Divorce is never fun, but sometimes it's necessary.

    @Silverofdreams Thanks for the comment. Drama is what I'm here for. :)

    @venusdemilosims I usually don't break up couples either, unless I feel there is a good reason. I'm doing a lot of different things with this family, and really going for plot, even if a lot of the plots don't make any sense. I hated doing it, but they were getting nowhere with their marriage. Plus you know, it's time for Juniper to take the reins as matriarch and for Chris to be the patriarch.
    Lol, it always seems like someone doesn't like someone else in this family. You can tell Skylar doesn't even care about her dad's reminiscing. I do like the sunglasses look that Skylar is sporting, kind of like the celebrities do these days. I'm glad we got to see a bit of Alexandra. I really like her. :) The pink haired singer is very pretty. :) Lol, Savannah has the right idea. It looks like Kaydence did well with her acting. :)

    @TadOlson Great update!
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    This isn't an update, but really more of a rant. So, when I sent Matt and Celine away to live on their own, I decided not to mess with any of the Sim Options for them in Story Progression. I wanted to give them the freedom to do whatever they wanted since I will not be directly controlling them, anymore. In other words, I won't be playing their households. Anyways, the next day when I was playing Eileen and Crispin's household, I got this message saying that Celine has been getting romantic with Parker Langerak, who is Kaylynn's older brother! Apparently, it didn't take her long to get over Matt, which is really sad. Plus Parker's like in his early twenties, very close to her kids' age. I know I could have used Story Progression to control some of the happenings, but like I said, if I'm not directly controlling the sims and don't plan on playing their households anymore, I just like to let them do whatever. It's really sad though. Even if Matt was a dirtbag, it's like Celine is pretty much saying she never loved him to begin with. That gets me more than the fact that she's dating someone young enough to be her son. In fact, I'm kind of mad at her right now. I know it would make a good plot, like Matt could find out that she's dating this guy so soon after they broke up, and get really, really mad at her. I mean, Matt has been good this entire time. The only new thing in his life is a little puppy that he got. I kind of feel bad for him, now.

    Anyways, I'll have some updates tomorrow. They're pretty much fillers because I'm planning something pretty big.
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited May 2015
    @LunBeauty Ewww that's kind of gross... to get involved with your son's wife's brother.... sorry but it's a little bit creepy. Not to mention it seems like a rebound relationship... and you know those don't last, lol. Silly sims will get with anything that moves if you let them. I actually expected Matt to get with someone else first, not Celine, lol.
    I'm not even surprised anymore by what story progression does. In my game it hooked Madison (yes that one, as in Kaydence's bio mom) with Imsety, as in her ex Sebastian's adopted nephew. I was creeped out by that even if Imsety isn't related by blood, so I broke them up and shipped her out of Sunset Valley before she went through the family, lol.
    Skylar, the youngest daughter, is a bit of a diva. She doesn't officially have the trait but boy does she act like she does. Kaydence, it's hard to believe, is actually a couple of simdays younger than Skylar.

    My niece (real life) is graduating high school tomorrow... and I'll be very busy with that the next couple days. So I decided to go ahead and post this today.


    While the family vacation raged on, Kaydence was living on caffeine, two hours of sleep a night, and battling a slight cold.


    She was also getting a workout running across campus to her classes.


    She made use of the computer lab in the dormitory and decided to play some computer chess - a game she'd been taught to play by, you guessed it, her Aunt Savannah.


    Suddenly Kaydence got a text - it was from Sierra.


    "Hey!" Kaydence was excited to hear from her. "What's up?"
    "We're in Hidden Springs - covered in snow and ice," Sierra laughed.
    "What are you guys doing up there?"
    Sierra laughed again. "Dad's idea. He wanted us to have a family vacation." She changed the subject. "So, how's college?"
    "Great, so far," Kaydence replied, "except the professor didn't show up for the lecture, and of course I have to dodge the crowds trying to go through the doorways."
    "Oh, and I suspect one of my roommates deliberately tried to set the kitchen on fire."
    "Wow." Sierra paused for a moment. "Listen, I called because while I was up here I encountered a blue lady. Apparently she'd eaten a jelly bean and turned that color."
    Kaydence was intrigued. "Jelly beans that make sims change color?"
    "Yeah. She was blue. I thought she was just cold until she glowed. You don't think that bean was laced with your color-change dew right?"
    "I don't know. I've never heard of color-changing jelly beans before," Kaydence laughed. "That's something I'd definitely have to look into. You guys stay safe up there. Be careful!"


    Of course, Sierra went snowboarding after hanging up with Kaydence.



    Meanwhile back at the chateau Savannah was baking a pumpkin pie and was serving it to the family.


    The topic of conversation was Savannah's fantasy novel, The Lost Dragon Egg.


    Andy and Savannah were now eating with all five of their biological children, under the same roof they once shared.


    After the meal, once again Skylar refused to help with the dishes, this time it was Savannah she said no to, not Sage.


    Savannah still found time, though, to challenge her oldest biological son to a button-mashing contest. She won.


    Sawyer clearly looks up to his big brother and missed having him around since he moved to Hidden Springs with his new wife.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    edited May 2015
    @TadOlson Thank you nice update, yeah I prob take a lil lbreak during summer to need to redo an essay for my uni course over summer, but I will still throw in a post or two.

    @venusdemilosims Great updates what level of signing is skylar? Yeah he ended up quite good looking.

    @LunBeauty Drama is always good soemtiems haha

    Here is my next update and I have gone a bit ahead of time here.


    This is Spring the youngest kid in the family, she was born in spring so got her name fro mthat.


    She enjoy sitting on the floor haha


    Adriers birthday come up, for his gift I gave another redecoration of room.


    Autumn got herself a boyfriend which she will be going to the prom to.


    Since Spring is the last kid this time Kelly wanted to spend alot of time with her.


    And also teaching her to walk

    That is all for now

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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    @venusdemilosims It's very, very gross. I'm praying that it doesn't last, and that they break up. Really, I'm more upset over the fact that she seems to have gotten over Matt so quickly. But Story Progression is good at messing up relationships. It's causing Mika to continuously cheat on Michael, plus she just had another baby boy named Guillermo. I'm going to change the name because I don't like it, lol.
    Congratulations on your niece graduating. :) Geez, Kaydence, slow it down, would ya? Lol. It looks like the family is having a bit of fun in Hidden Springs, despite all the snow. You know, if Skylar refuses to help with the dishes one more time, I'm inclined to rip out those fake hair extensions of hers. Sawyer is too cute. :)

    @Silverofdreams30 Spring is so adorable! I love her to bits. :) Nice update.
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    I have two updates that I uploaded last night, but was too tired to post. They're both fillers, and pretty boring, but I'm building up to something pretty big. :) The first one is a Crispin and Eileen update, which is fairly short, followed by a two part August and Kaylynn update.

    It was around seven in the morning. Crispin was sitting down at the small dining room table with an open notebook and a cup of coffee, which he hadn't even taken a sip from yet, and was growing colder by the minute. Inside the notebook was different notes, and figurations on what they owed on bills, as well as bills they owed.
    Eileen came into the kitchen, poured herself a bowl of cereal, and sat down across from her husband. "You really should stop looking at that," she said as she stirred her cereal around, mixing it with the chopped up strawberries. "It's only going to get you stressed out."
    Crispin looked up at her. "Do you know that our light bill is due Thursday? If we don't pay it, our lights will be shut off. The home phone has already been shut off, as well as the internet."
    "Aren't you close to a promotion, though?" Eileen asked.
    Crispin sighed. "Well, if I am, it better hurry up and come soon, and before Thursday. If the lights are shut off, I don't know when we're going to be able to pay it. Then there's your job."
    Eileen frowned. "What about it?"
    "You only work like three days a week, and eve though you just got a raise not too long ago, it's still not enough."
    Eileen opened her mouth to argue, but Crispin was right. "I've asked for more hours, but they refuse to give it to me. Apparently it wouldn't be fair to the other employees, but from what I've seen, they work five days a week and get paid a lot more."
    "A lot of jobs do that. There's always that one employee they screw over for no reason at all. You need to be firm with them and let them know that you have the same rights as the rest of the employees, or that you'll walk."
    "But if being firm with them doesn't help, and I do end up having to quit or get fired, what will happen to you?"
    Crispin gave a smile that didn't exactly reach his eyes. "Well, if that happens, I can put a good word in with the chief and you could come work with me."
    Eileen gave him a look. "You sure you want your nagging wife following you around at work and getting on your nerves?" she said teasingly.
    Crispin reached over and plucked a strawberry from Eileen's cereal before popping it into his mouth. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

    Crispin managed to swallow down half of his coffee, plus forced down a bowl of cereal before he showered and got dressed. He then sat down with his tablet to figure out just how much of a raise he would have to get in order to pay the bills. Just because he didn't have internet, didn't mean he couldn't use the calculator feature.

    After breakfast, Eileen showered once Crispin was done, got dressed, then headed over to Kaylynn's house. Even though Kaylynn was only almost eleven weeks along, she was starting to gain just a little bit of weight. It did look good on her, though.
    "How long until you can determine the gender?" Eileen asked as she sipped the tea, which Kaylynn had prepared.
    "About seven to nine more weeks," she said. Kaylynn was almost three months along, and she was already starting to gain a tiny bump, although it was barely noticeable. "How are things with you and Crispin?" Kaylynn asked as she stirred more sugar into her tea, and offered Eileen some, but she politely declined.
    "Our marriage is going great. It's financial problems we're having," Eileen said with a sigh.
    Kaylynn lowered her cup, which she was about to take a sip from. "Oh? What's wrong?"
    "Well, our home phone and internet was cut off, and our lights will be cut off Thursday if we don't pay that bill."
    Kaylynn cringed. "That's not good."
    Eileen tucked a loose strand of hair back into her messy ponytail. "I know. I don't know what to do. How to August and you manage to pay your bills?"
    Kaylynn scratched her cheek before answering. "Um...well...August makes a little money on the side selling his inventions, plus while I am on maternity leave, I do get a paycheck once a week since I do have paid time off. We're also looking into getting a gem cutting machine, so once we do get one of those, I can cut gems and sell them for a decent amount."
    Eileen appeared to be thinking. "And that stuff really works? You're able to to pay your bills and make sure you have food?"
    Kaylynn nodded. "Sometimes it's better than having an actual job. You could even take up painting to make money."
    Eileen scrunched her nose. "I can't even draw a decent circle."
    "You could always give some stuff to the consignment shop. They pay you like fifty percent of the profits," Kaylynn suggested. "Surely you have some old things that you don't want anymore."
    "I do," Eileen said, clearly in thought. "I have a lot of things I could put up for sale."
    "See!" Kaylynn said proudly ."Aren't you glad you decided to pay me a visit?"
    Eileen chuckled. "Maybe I won't have to quit my job and work with Crispin."

    Since Eileen had taken the truck, Crispin had asked one of his co-workers if they could swing by his house to give him a ride. Luckily, his co-worker always came this way while going to work, so he didn't mind stopping. The co-worker kept up a bit of small talk, which Crispin ambiably kept up with, although the only thing on his mind right now was the financial issue.

    Someone was already working on the fire engine when Crispin got to work, so he went upstairs to maintain the fire alarm, which badly needed it. He also spent some time upgrading it as well so that it would respond faster in an emergency

    Crispin spent his break laughing and talking with some of his fellow firemen, including Bella Bachelor, who, while she did work at the hospital, was also a volunteer firefighter in her spare time.

    Because Bella knew nothing about upgrading, Crispin took it upon himself to upgrade the fire engine and improve the horsepower. It was hard work, but the chief apparently noticed how much Crispin was doing, and called him into his office to congratulate him and promote him to Captain of one of the platoons. He now made $840 per week, a big improvement on what he used to make. He definitely couldn't wait to tell Eileen.
    *I wanted to set up a little scene in the small office with Crispin and one of the other fire fighters posing at the chief, but the only other person there was Bella, and she's only a volunteer. So, just imagine that Crispin was called into the office to receive the good news. :) *

    Eileen ended up at one of the local bars downtown. She had ordered a glass of beer, but had only taken one sip from it so far. The bar was fairly empty besides the bartenders, two girls who were in their early twenties that were texting on their cell phones and giggling at internet videos, and one other guy who kept trying to flirt with the bartenders, but as he was overweight, he was way out of their league for they were those Barbie doll types who would never, ever even look at a guy like him. Eileen felt kind of bad for him, but she chose not to get involved, despite the fact that she wanted to smack the two bartending Barbies for being so snooty and stuck-up.
    *I know girls like this, and I hate them. Although, it makes you wonder, if they are sooo gorgeous, why are they working in a bar instead of doing something valuable with their time? The answer is, they're lazy. Working behind a bar takes no effort at all, and you still get tipped if you're pretty enough.*

    A co-worker from the place Eileen worked at came into the bar. Eileen was glad to see someone she knew, and asked him if he wanted to play a game of pool. He agreed to.
    "Yeah, so the divorce is final," Jared said as he lined up his pool stick and hit the cueball, sinking about three balls at once. "She just signed the papers yesterday."
    Eileen cringed. "Ouch. You sure you want to divorce her? The two of you have been together for a little more than twenty years."
    "She cheated on me. Do you think I want to be with a woman like that?"
    Eileen could see his point.

    "So, what are you going to do now?" Eileen asked. "Who gets what?" She knew she was being nosy, but Jared didn't seem to mind talking about it.
    "We're splitting everything up pretty evenly," Jared replied. "She's getting the beachhouse in Sunlit Tides. It did belong to her grandma, so it's only right. I'm getting the house, here. She's keeping her vehicle, I'm keeping mine. Any money that she's made, herself over the years that has been put away in the bank, she's getting."
    "So, basically she's getting anything that rightfully belongs to her, and your keeping your stuff?"
    Jared nodded. "Yup."

    It was soon almost time for Crispin to get home, so Eileen said good-bye to Jared before hurrying home to get dinner started. The only thing they really had to cook was mac n cheese. But because Eileen wasn't watching it, the noodles ended up burning slightly. Still, since there wasn't another box, Eileen had to serve it the way it was. Then again, Crispin would eat anything if he was hungry enough.

    Crispin came in, humming very happily as he washed his hands, then sat down. He began to immediately scarf down his burnt dinner, not caring that it tasted like charcoal on a grill.
    "Someone's very chipper," Eileen said looking up from her uneaten dinner at Crispin.
    "Mmhm," Crispin said, not revealing anything else.
    Eileen could see that, whatever it was, it was really good news. She couldn't wait for him to get done eating so he would tell her.

    After dinner, as Eileen was washing out the pot, Crispin snuck up behind her, and twirled her around, not caring that dish soap flung onto the cabinets and counter, as he dropped her down for a dip kiss. Eileen squealed and clung to his shirt to hold on and keep from falling.
    "Crispin! What's going on?" she asked, playfully demanding.

    "I got a promotion today. I was promoted to Captain of Platoon B," Crispin announced proudly.
    Eileen squealed happily, then practically knocked her husband over as she kissed him passionately. "That's wonderful! I also received some advice from Kaylynn today. August and she have been selling some stuff on the side in order to make extra money. I figured, we could do that as well."
    "We should celebrate," Crispin said, wiggling his eyebrows seductively.
    "Oh? What did you have in mind?"

    The couple ended up slow dancing in the living room to a slow song on playing on the cheap boombox. Despite the ugly green wallpaper behind them, and the fact that they barely had any room to move in this tiny den, it really was a perfect moment, especially when Crispin pulled Eileen in for a kiss.

    That's it for this update! I'm going to go eat first, but then I'll be back to post my two part Kaylynn and August update. :)
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    Hi everyone :)

    Good news finals/school semester are finally over and my sanity has returned to normal (at least as close to normal as I ever am, but I'm at least not having the desire to beat my skull against walls in frustration anymore so that's something :p )

    More good news, along with returning I have time to play sims again and as such will start posting updates for a new story.

    So yay :D

    And thanks again to those who were understanding about my need to take time away from the forum three to four months ago.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    @LunBeauty Great updates short comment from me now as its late soon bedtime haha.

    @Celiria hi and welcome back

    I have a few left over screens before I move on with autumns prom photos, it is mainly Spring playing with Adrier before he aged up.




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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    I have been reading updates but I'm just not up to commenting. I'm one-handed right now as my left arm, elbow to wrist, is in a lot of pain. I have some sort of muscle or joint problems in it or something I swear. One armed typing gets to be a pain though so I don't feel up to it for the length of like 3 pages of comments. I'll see if I can maybe do at least a few comments later though. I do have a couple updates though done already or really close to before my arm decided to be difficult. So I'll post one of those now. It's not the most eventful update and it's pretty short but it has some interesting news anyway. Also, got my game fixed, dunno what was wrong there were a couple possibilities I tried at once :). Updates may be all over for a couple updates though, as things just got lost or messed up in the freezes and crashes. Anyway.

    Alaina called her mom as soon as her and Keenan got home and got the twins settled again. She couldn’t wait to share the good news. It wasn’t her mom that answered the phone but a guy who’s voice Alaina didn’t recognize. She didn’t know who it would be anyway since there were no guys living in the house aside from the butler but it didn’t sound like him. Sometimes her dad visited to see Adeline and Gabriella, but it definitely wasn’t her dad’s voice. Alaina’s siblings didn’t visit often either, and it didn’t sound like any of their voices either. “Hello”

    “Um… hi. Is my mom there? Uh… Jess.”

    “You must be Alaina.”

    “Uh… yeah” Seriously who was this guy, she wondered, he obviously knew about her why didn’t she know about him?

    “Just a minute I’ll get her.”


    Her mom answered a minute or two later “Hello dear.”

    “Who was that? Did you get a new butler?”

    “Uh… well… that’s my new boyfriend, Micheal.”

    “Oh” Alaina wasn’t really sure how to respond. Though on some level she knew it would never happened she’d always hoped her parents would eventually get back together. She knew her dad still felt a lot of guilt and regret and didn’t believe he’d ever repeat his mistake. And they’d had so many years of happiness together it was hard to believe they could just let it all go. But she did want her mom to be happy. “Well that’s great mom. When did this happen?”

    (Man, I stumbled upon Jess and Trent's wedding photos earlier and wanted to cry. I'm still not over the breakup. :'( )

    “A couple weeks ago.”

    “And you didn’t tell me?” Alaina had to admit that did sting a bit, she didn’t know why her mom felt the need to hide it.

    “I’m sorry. I just didn’t know how you’d take it, and I didn’t want to make a fuss over it until it became more serious. No point upsetting anybody over a couple dates.”

    “I just want you to be happy. You can tell me.”

    “I know. I’m sorry.”

    “It’s fine, I guess. Anyway, mom, I just wanted to call because I have exciting news… I’m engaged!”

    “Congrats dear. Of course the only thing surprising about this is that it took so long, I honestly expected you’d come home from university engaged not pregnant. Anyway I’m happy for you. You’ve found yourself a nice young man, and I’m sure you’ll have a long and happy marriage.”

    “Thanks, mom.”

    “Anyway dear. I can’t stay on, but congrats. I’ll talk to you soon. We should arrange coffee or something soon.”

    “Sounds good mom. Talk to you later, love you.”

    “Love you too.”

    After hanging up with her mom Alaina and Keenan went to celebrate their engagement, in the bedroom of course.
    Yeah, I caught you two trying to make another baby. No babies. You just had two, wait a bit guys. At least until after the wedding because I’m already planning it and I’m not having a baby messing things up.
    (seriously, I discovered autonomous try for baby was on even though it was supposed to be off. These two were anxious to make another baby. Alaina actually got pregnant, but I had to end the pregnancy as it was bugged and oe of the potential freeze causes. Now try for baby is off again. So no baby any time soon.)

    I'll see about introducing Jess' new boyfriend in the next update or two. :mrgreen: He needed (and still needs) some serious help with his appearance. Ugly pudding face guy with ugly clothes and hair, not acceptable. XD

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