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Problems setting relationships in CAS


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    constanceconstance Posts: 1,379 Member
    I'm having this issue as well. It's really frustrating. I'm a legacy player, like, that's the reason why I play this game. Ugh. I give up on this game entirely until they fix it. I'm so frustrated. What a waste of $$
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    RubeeSimsRubeeSims Posts: 560 Member
    I have this problem too.
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    pguidapguida Posts: 7,481 Member
    edited September 2014
    Stormkeep wrote: »
    Have you tried using the console commands for editing relationships?

    They can be found in TwistedMexican's cheat list.

    The relevent bit to this thread is:
    These may be used to counter several bugs, including the infamous mother-daughter/sister and father-son/brother bug in which an offspring becomes a sibling, and also a bug resulting in relationships persisting after death.
    ****A recent patch (09/09/2014) has been made to fix incorrect relationship states between sims.
    WARNING: Some users have reported issues when using these relationship modifiers and then entering into build/buy mode or manage worlds mode. Testing is currently being done to confirm a correlation. Use at your own risk!

    First we need SimID's...

    testingcheats true
    sims.get_sim_id_by_name yoursimfirstname yoursimlastname

    This command will print a number at the end, similar to: 775464154248314888

    Make note of this number, it's your sim's unique id, I recommend making a copy somewhere if you'll be using these commands a lot.

    Then run the command again for the other sim you're wishing you edit relationships for:

    sims.get_sim_id_by_name targetsimfirstname targetsimlastname

    Make note of this sim's ID as well.

    Destroy a relationship:
    Now we destroy the relationship (because were a horrible person;)):

    relationship.destroy yoursimID targetsimID

    Add Relationship Bit
    (This lets you modify the type of relations between two sims. It also requires sim ID)

    relationship.add_bit yoursimID targetsimID relationshipBit

    NOTE: You can not REMOVE a bit, you'll have to override it with another. For example setting family_husband_wife will override family_brother_sister

    The available family relationshipBits are as follows:


    This is so complicated! Why is everything so difficult on TS4?
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    TrickTrick Posts: 1,538 Member
    pguida wrote: »
    This is so coplicated! Why is everything so difficult on TS4?

    In this case, because they didn't include tools for fixing bugs they hadn't found yet.

    If not for the relationship-breaking bug, there'd be no need for the complicated console commands. It's unfortunate the bug appeared, but it's hard to fault EA for not making it easy to fix the side effects of an unknown bug.
    Because Geeks Really Do Have More Fun
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    pguidapguida Posts: 7,481 Member
    Trick wrote: »
    pguida wrote: »
    This is so coplicated! Why is everything so difficult on TS4?

    In this case, because they didn't include tools for fixing bugs they hadn't found yet.

    If not for the relationship-breaking bug, there'd be no need for the complicated console commands. It's unfortunate the bug appeared, but it's hard to fault EA for not making it easy to fix the side effects of an unknown bug.

    They would have known it if they had tested it properly.

    The kind of bugs we are seeing show us they tested isolated features using models and did not spend the thousand of hours they should have having a team play the game.

    That was so evident during livestreams and interviews. Outside whatever they had worked on, all simgurus, mostly producers and not grunts, seem to have no idea how to play the game.

    We are BETA testing it now.
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    BonaBona Posts: 1 New Member
    That is just great ! I resetted all my family relations and now I can't set then back with the commands listed above, they are a family of unknowns LOL
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    albaniealbanie Posts: 584 Member
    I'm having this problem! Is there any fix at all because no patch did it for me :( it's just I need to reset my sims daughter back to daughter, instead of sister!!
    You never forget the face of the person who was your last hope - The Hunger Games.
    Banana! - Minions
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    ChefRudestChefRudest Posts: 6 New Member
    Yep, no fix. EA PlzFixKThx
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    MsPhyMsPhy Posts: 5,055 Member
    edited September 2014
    I have a large legacy family I remade for The Sims 4. The family consists of three YA siblings, their spouses and one sibling's teen son.<br />
    <br />
    In the CAS demo, I made all the YA and set their relationships fine with no problems but when I added the teenager to the household in CAS when I got the full game, I had issues setting his relationship with his father (his father's wife is not his biological mother). The father's relationship list on the side showed his son as being his son, but the son's showed his father as being a roommate and it would not change when I tried to set it to father.<br />
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    Eventually I gave up and moved the household into Oasis Springs. I looked at the relationship panel for the father and somehow, his son was showing up as his brother. I evicted the family, pulled my saved copy of them back out in CAS and tried to redo the relationships. This time, I couldn't set the father's relationship with his sisters. Same issue as before where I would click on Sister but it would stay as Roommate.<br />
    <br />
    I'm really frustrated because there's no way I can play a legacy challenge with relationship issues like this. Any help or suggestions would be most welcome. This is the first serious problem I've run into with the game. I've been playing almost 24/7 since September 2nd and it runs beautifully with no serious bugs but this one is serious and I just ran into the problem today.

    This works. It takes a little typing and writing down, but it works well. I used it to make ties between the Landgraabs and Johnny Zest. I got it backwards first, so if you get it backwards, just do it the other way. Note that you have to do it for both Sims you are making the relationship between.

    Edit: Doh. I should have read the whole thread. But anyway, it DOES work. You just have to be very precise. The Sim ID numbers are LONG.
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    KourtniePGKourtniePG Posts: 13 New Member
    I'm having the relationship problem also. I had a baby child she aged up to a child then all of a sudden she's my sister, but the father is still her father.. I tried to use create a Sim to edit the relationship, but for some reason it will not let meme with mom and daughter, even if I do the cas cheat. But it will let me edit relationships within the father. Its really irritating.. I haven't played the Sims since the issue.
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    Ashleigh825Ashleigh825 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I haven't experienced this issue since the patch and hopefully it doesn't reappear for me. To those complaining about The Sims 4 being a crummy game in this thread, sorry, but you're just wrong. This is the only major bug I have encountered since I started playing on release day and there was a patch out that fixed it in less than a week. Considering how every patch for The Sims 3 just broke the game even more, I'd say that's pretty darn good.

    I'll never play Sims 3 again now that I've got a smooth-running game with better AI and very few bugs. This game was worth every penny I spent on it and I'm so glad The Sims 4 is nothing like The Sims 3 because The Sims 3 was a terrible game that failed at everything.
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    MariesaliasMariesalias Posts: 1,954 Member
    My problem seems to be that I have Don Lothario in a family with Dina and Nina Caliente, along with two children, one with Dina as a mother and the other with Nina as their mother. Both have Don as their father...or did when I created them in CAS. However when I move them into a house, the relationships get all messed up.

    I've tried resetting the relationships in a few different ways, and it works up to a point. The problem is that the game won't let me have the children have different mothers while Don is father to them both, even though his relationship with the mothers s room mate and not spouse. Nothing I do seems to let the children have the same father and different mothers. I am not sure if this is an oversight or a bug, but it is very frustrating!
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    rkchickrkchick Posts: 11 New Member
    Ok so I've been playing since sept. Haven't had any issues with glitches that cheats won't fix. Until today... doing a legacy family (fist I've played through to gen two ha ha) but any was. My heir got herself a bf well he aged up so I put him in the fam and put him back to teen, got the bf/gf back on well today I get on after patching and it says they are just friends. Their pink bar is maxed out and so is the friend bar. But no I teraction to become bf gf again... and they are promised to eachother. So I go into cas to fix it and it says I can't change pre existing sims... any word on how to fix this?
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    EmberDahlEmberDahl Posts: 332 Member
    edited February 2015
    Ok I think I have solved this problem @rkchick @‌mariesalias @albanie
    This new patch has given me the right rsole today, from constantly crashing, to code being shown instead of text- to faceless invisible family members in peoples family tree that showed no identity (probably a result of all that culling of sims) to this family swap business.
    - Anyway, this is the long winded way I finally got it to work. After much trial and error, the most successful way is to take the family you are having problems with and separate them into individuals- if you have a child, use the testingcheats - cas.fulleditmode cheats and age them up for the short term, so they can be split from the family. Now this is done- go back to manage these newly separate sims in cas- then save them out to your library. Do this with all the members in turn.
    Once this is done, delete all but one of these sims from your game. Now just play the one remaining sim on their lot as normal- if you haven't already, put the testingcheats true - cas.fulleditmode back on. shift and click the remaining sim that you are playing with, and select edit in cas. Now from the create sim icon at the bottom, choose the import from library option, and bring each separated member back into the household- change the age back on any characters you have changed. Now starting with the mother/father you should be able to change their relationships to what they should be. Then save and play

    Unfortunately you will have to reintroduce all these sims to each other again- but they do at least keep their traits. I just cheated the friendship/romances back to get them to how they were before- pain in the backside if they were very social before, but at least it worked. I have had to do this with 10 households now, and although time consuming, it has got rid of the invisible icons, and put things back to how they were.

    Also found out why it was crashing so severely when I first started doing this- I was getting flooded by randomly generated townies again (I removed my mods because of the patch) so when I put that restrict townie mod, it suddenly stopped crashing which stopped much salty language I can tell you.
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    rkchickrkchick Posts: 11 New Member
    I shall try that right now. I was actually about to try the id thing to see if that worked or not. And it just makes me sad, I've had no issues yet besides this. And it just literally happened today. That's what I get for playing to elder which I've never reached because usually play on epic and get bored and play different familys ha ha. Thanks so much!
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    EmberDahlEmberDahl Posts: 332 Member
    I tried the id thing and it was having none of it @rkchick It would let me set wife/husband but not any other relative setting
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    rkchickrkchick Posts: 11 New Member
    edited February 2015
    Gayy well I'm aging them up right meow so if I can't get the whole move em out to work I guess they don't really HAVE to be married. But it would be nice
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    rkchickrkchick Posts: 11 New Member
    edited February 2015
    Well randomly even tho they are not in a relationship at all it just let me propose so I guess that takes care of that. I appriciate your help!!
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    EmberDahlEmberDahl Posts: 332 Member
    edited February 2015
    With the seperate and re import method I used- it seemed to remember the marriage bit anyway so I didn't have to alter that bit, it was just the son/ mother etc part that I had to change. It worked on 10 lots of different relationships without giving me any any unselectable options- hopefully the same will happen for you
    the kids clothing seemed to be remembered too when I aged them back down which was nice.
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    AshleyGalaxy11AshleyGalaxy11 Posts: 4 New Member
    I made a family that had 2 twin boys with 1 sister but when they turned into teenagers, I see one of the twins flirting with the sister! I was like what the heck?! And then I checked and that they were just 'Roomates'.. HOW did they turn into roomates!? I need help! :(
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    Plazy_OctopugsPlazy_Octopugs Posts: 5 New Member
    Hi I'm having this problem I think?? I didn't read all the way through so it may of been answered. So I'm doing a Greek Mythology legacy thing. I'm having Gaia (first generation) and Uranus (first generation) have Titan children which if you know involves eventual incest (certainly to get to the main third generation like Zeus). I don't have the incest mod so with the first two children (Tethys and Oceanus if you were wondering) I tried changing their relationship in cas from brother/sister to roommates but nothing happens?? I don't know if it's because they were born in world not made in cas or? If someone could help me solve this problem that be great. Also I used the cheat cas.fulledit mode so that's not the problem, and they were twins if that makes any difference.
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    luthienrisingluthienrising Posts: 37,632 Member
    Hi I'm having this problem I think?? I didn't read all the way through so it may of been answered. So I'm doing a Greek Mythology legacy thing. I'm having Gaia (first generation) and Uranus (first generation) have Titan children which if you know involves eventual incest (certainly to get to the main third generation like Zeus). I don't have the incest mod so with the first two children (Tethys and Oceanus if you were wondering) I tried changing their relationship in cas from brother/sister to roommates but nothing happens?? I don't know if it's because they were born in world not made in cas or? If someone could help me solve this problem that be great. Also I used the cheat cas.fulledit mode so that's not the problem, and they were twins if that makes any difference.

    You can't change siblings to roommates unless you delete their relationships with their parents.
    EA CREATOR NETWORK MEMBER — Want to be notified of patches, new Broken Mods threads, and urgent Sims 4 news? Follow me at
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    Plazy_OctopugsPlazy_Octopugs Posts: 5 New Member
    Hi I'm having this problem I think?? I didn't read all the way through so it may of been answered. So I'm doing a Greek Mythology legacy thing. I'm having Gaia (first generation) and Uranus (first generation) have Titan children which if you know involves eventual incest (certainly to get to the main third generation like Zeus). I don't have the incest mod so with the first two children (Tethys and Oceanus if you were wondering) I tried changing their relationship in cas from brother/sister to roommates but nothing happens?? I don't know if it's because they were born in world not made in cas or? If someone could help me solve this problem that be great. Also I used the cheat cas.fulledit mode so that's not the problem, and they were twins if that makes any difference.

    You can't change siblings to roommates unless you delete their relationships with their parents.

    Yea I can't destroy the relationship between the Mom or Dad. It won't let me. I guess I could use the destroy relationships mod but then I'd have to do it every time someone has a kid each generation. HMM
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    dogbunnydogbunny Posts: 5 New Member
    Reviving this thread as I've just run into this issue as well -- have a gallery household (father + 3 daughters, and an unrelated father + son) originally with the correct relationships, and then suddenly two of the daughters broke off and became roommates to everyone else (while remaining sisters with each other).

    Gave TwistedMexican's cheat a try and had absolutely no response from the game. In addition, when I try to edit the two sisters' relationship with each other, both "Sister" and "Roommate" appear as valid options in the dropdown but clicking "Roommate" does absolutely nothing. They stay sisters no matter what I do. The "relationship.destroy" cheat doesn't work on them either.
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    TahjSummerWoodsTahjSummerWoods Posts: 2 New Member
    GUYS PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CHECK AND SEE IF YOUR SIMS ARE THE SAME AGE!!! This just solved my issue. I made the family from the bates motel and Norma's (The mom) son Dylan was switched from being her son to her roommate. I quickly grew frustrated that's how I ended up here Lol. After about 20 minutes of scrolling, I remembered when I created the family I saw these little orange triangular exclamation points next to Norma and Dylan's name but I didn't think anything of it, and I kept creating them. I made Norma a young adult, and also just about everyone else in the house expect Norman who I put as a teenager. Not realizing she can't have a kid the same age as her :( moral of the story lol, double check everything before you jump into the game <3
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