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for those responsible for the maintenance of the pages of EA: rephrase again my request for help


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    MartyP8MartyP8 Posts: 59 Member
    I know it isn't fair at all. No one has an explanation for us, no one can respond with a straight answer and then we could move on once for all. My studio is big, although i deleted almost 500 items. I still have access to upload. Is it a new rule they applied later on after they opened in 2009? Around late 2010, people started to have problem uploading.
    Could (EA) tell us, “Well it’s because we don’t have enough space and this is why you can no longer upload..... everyone would complain. Then, where is my money going?? You know?. They take money from us, and they put it places that me and you don’t even care. We are on this community to share our creations. This is why EA got so popular and is one of the most popular game in all time, because everyone enjoy this side.

    Even though EA is a huge platform, they have to respect limited spaces. They are using web space and there's limit for them too.!! Plus, this is a big company that needs to hide stuff from us. This is how big company works. There's many workers but no one knows what the left arm did or said. When there's lots of money involve, they don't say where all the money goes. They hire pions to work and they used pre-recorded answers to respond to us. Then they link us to read the forum!!!

    If the case would be to open another account, then it would be fair for them to tell the member “No problem, we will relocate your whole studio in your new account (bin). At least, this way you would not feel you are starting all over .
    I would be really sad to have to start all over. My name is known for MartyP8. Then if i start again, i would have to pick some other name, which is not fair. I worked hard for my name and i want to keep it. Even as good or as bad that this name as been tarnished. I just wish they could finally find a solution for us members. After all we are their food on their table.
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    DianamaDianama Posts: 151 Member
    edited August 2014
    Hello Marty,
    I fully agree on what you wrote.

    In fact, the largest dissent for EA and the fact that none of the operators EA knows how to give answers.
    three days ago I had the opportunity to chat with EA Support Advisor, the discussion was based on the problem of achieving quotas in study.
    the first answers that they gave me, I quickly realized of having to deal with incompetent people.
    after explaining my problem, I was asked to provide them dxdiag.log.
    the question that follows spontaneous was: what has this to do with the problem the quota of my study?
    as a second justification told me to wait, that asked the staff more competent, after a few minutes of waiting, has written: personnel expert said that this thing and very strange, and not ever happened, write in the forum, since only those who maintain the site can solve this problem, obviously you as you have seen I wrote in the forum, to no avail, this is the proof, that the right hand does not know what the left is doing!
    Post edited by Dianama on
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    MartyP8MartyP8 Posts: 59 Member
    I sincerely wish someone will see these posts and help to resolve this issue once and for all!!!
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    DianamaDianama Posts: 151 Member
    I hope so too, although I doubt that you have many answers, hope I am wrong.
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    Gabriella_itGabriella_it Posts: 105 Member
    Grazie Marty per le tue esaurienti risposte, finalmente qualcuno ci ha fatto chiarezza, e come da copione la soluzione dei nostri problemi viene dai membri di questo sito e non da chi di competenza...E'
    solo inefficienza o negare la realtà dei fatti per non svelare troppi segreti, e perdere punti d'immagine della Azienda?
    Sono propensa per la seconda ipotesi certamente è così!!

    Comunque, se questo può servire di consolazione, in ambito commerciale ciò che accade qui è un classico per tutte le grandi società, vendere il prodotto e lesinare assistenza o pezzi di ricambio (non è questo caso).

    Anche grandi aziende italiane operano in questo senso, se dovessero investire il denaro in assistenza, (ed altro), tutto il loro guadagno dove va a finire? Fornire questi servizi significherebbe assumere altro personale specializzato e comprese ulteriori attrezzature, tutto ciò avrebbe un costo notevole, quindi è meglio fare così, ignorare far finta di nulla,
    è tipica questa frase dal Centro Assistenza Clienti. " ... ma veramente è la prima persona che si lamenta".... assurdo !

    In finale cosa possiamo fare? tirarsi le ciambelle di salvataggio fra di noi oppure abbandonare tutto, non trovo alternative,

    saluti ^_^

    Thank you Marty for your comprehensive answers, finally someone made us clarity, and how to script the solution of our problems is by members of this site and not from those pertaining to ...IT'S
    only inefficiency or deny the reality of the facts in order not to reveal too many secrets and lose points on the image of the company?
    I am inclined to the latter certainly is!!

    However, if this can serve as consolation, commercial what happens here is a classic for all large corporations, sell the product and skimp assistance or spare parts (this is not the case).

    Even large Italian companies operate in this sense, if they invest the money in health care, (and more), all their money where it ends? Provide these services would mean hiring more qualified personnel, including additional equipment, everything would cost considerable, so it's best to do so, ignore, pretend nothing,
    the phrase is from the customer service center. "... but really is the first person who complains" .... it's absurd!

    In the final, what can we do? get the doughnuts of saving between us or abandon everything, I don't find alternatives,

    Greetings ^_^
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    DianamaDianama Posts: 151 Member
    Hello Gabry,

    See my dear Gabriella, there are hundreds of people with knowledge and skills, who want to provide their expertise to help and contribute to the common good of this community, this is because we all have a hobby in common that unites us.

    I can not believe, to Support EA, what time it is, good morning, how are you, immediately is asked the dxdiag file !! The most serious thing and that since it puts us in touch with EA help, you are assigned a case number, which arrives by e-mail, this practice is included in the section of your Origin account and should be updated until the termination of problem, "which is not true!" in fact, as soon as you end the conversation with the assistance of EA, get an e-mail with a message of EA Help with this statement: dear customer thank you's etc. ... etc. its practice is successful and has been closed !!
    1 - these people are incapable?
    2 - EA does not perform checks on the ability of its staff?
    3 - there is one person responsible for all this, where users can call and report this fact?

    Vedi mia cara Gabriella, ci sono centinaia di persone, con conoscenza e capacità, che vogliono mettere a disposizione la loro esperienza per aiutare e concorrere al bene comune di questa comunità, questo perché tutti noi abbiamo un hobby in comune che ci unisce.

    Non posso credere, che se chiedi alla assistenza di EA, che ore sono, buongiorno, come state, immediatamente viene richiesto il file dxdiag!!
    La cosa più grave e che dal momento che ci mette in contatto con help EA, viene assegnato un numero di pratica, che arriva tramite e-mail, questa pratica viene inserita nella sezione del tuo account Origin e dovrebbe essere aggiornata fino alla risoluzione del problema, “cosa non vera!”
    Infatti, appena si termina la conversazione con l’assistenza EA, arriva una successiva e-mail, con un messaggio di EA Help, con questa dicitura: gentile cliente la ringraziamo della… etc. etc. la sua pratica è andata a buon fine ed è stata chiusa!!
    1 - queste persone sono incapaci?
    2 - EA non effettua i controlli sulle capacità del suo personale?
    3 – c’è una persona responsabile di tutto questo, dove gli utenti possono rivolgersi e denunciare questo stato di fatto?
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    DianamaDianama Posts: 151 Member
    Add other problems reported three years ago and still have not been resolved.
    This is a proof that you can do!
    As we all know, to download an article from the study, there are two options:
    1 - Add to the game
    2 - Save the file

    if we use the word, Save the file, the item is not installed, it generates this error: Installation failed, make sure that your game includes the latest software updates and try again.
    download the same item, with, Add to the game, it installs perfectly without generating any error.

    Personally I know what it depends on this problem and solved it for me, so I sent several e-mail several times EA HELP to indicate an easy solution to solve this problem, all this and the past and forgotten, after three years, this problem still exists.
    P.S. I see that there is still no answer to my problem, as it turned you try to do to pass this discussion, "like all the others who do not know how to give an answer" on the back burner ...


    Aggiungo altri problemi denunciati tre anni fa e che ancora oggi non sono stati risolti.
    Questa e una prova che voi tutti potete fare.
    Come tutti sappiamo, per scaricare un articolo dallo studio, ci sono due opzioni:
    1 - Aggiungi al gioco
    2 – Salva file
    Se, si usa la voce salva file, l’articolo scaricato dallo studio, non si installa, appare un messaggio che dice:
    Installazione fallita, assicurati che il tuo gioco comprenda gli ultimi aggiornamenti del software e riprova.
    Se per scaricare lo stesso articolo viene usata la voce aggiungi al gioco, questo non darà alcun errore e si installa perfettamente!

    Personalmente so da cosa dipende questo problema e per quanto mi riguarda lo risolto, per questo ho inviato più volte varie e-mail EA HELP, per indicare una facile soluzione per risolvere questo problema, anche queste passate nel dimenticatoio, senza mai rispondere e trovare la soluzione per tutti, la riprova è che ancora oggi, dopo tre anni, questo problema esiste ancora.

    Continuerò a scrivere in questa discussione, sperando che qualcuno risponda e risolva i problemi che ho riportato.

    P.S. Vedo che non c’è ancora alcuna risposta al mio problema, come volevasi dimostrare si tenta a fare passare questa discussione,” come tutte le altre a cui non sapete dare una risposta” nel dimenticatoio…
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    ChoccolateCookieChoccolateCookie Posts: 4 New Member
    Ciao diana..purtroppo è successo anche a me...... non so perché succede...secondo me perché alcuni segnalano le nostre creazioni
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    DianamaDianama Posts: 151 Member
    Ciao Cioccolato Cookie,

    Ciao Choccolate, :)
    No, no... ci sono altre persone hanno lo stesso problema delle quote limitate rispetto ad altri, e comunque sia, devono sempre dare spiegazioni, dire se un bug del sito ho una limitazione per alcuni.
    Non credo sia una questione di segnalazione, anche perché non si capisce il motivo del perché dovrebbero segnalarmi.
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    kreatorakreatora Posts: 557 Member
    edited August 2014
    I have a question. You have a great experience. Sometimes the installation is error-free but sim doesn't show in savedsim folder and doesn't exist in the game. Does anybody know what causes this? This happened to two my sims and and I had a lot of questions from disgruntled downloaders
    My ID Origin kreatora
    Hero on EA AHQ
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    DianamaDianama Posts: 151 Member
    edited August 2014
    HI Kreatora,
    oh yes, I know the problem and solved it for me, I solved this problem to others.
    I could talk for hours about this problem and I'm sure that would solve yours too.
    but at this moment and with this mood that has been created with EA do not intend to absolutely remove the chestnuts from the fire to these incompetent, giving the solution publicly and get all the credit for them.

    send the item that creates this problem and let you know what is the custom content that creates this problem.
    if you leave me a contact I can tell you the reason why you are creating the problem and how to solve it.

    P.S. I did a quick check in your study.
    I downloaded Roni, before installing I did a thorough check on the material that you used CC.
    the result is this: your Roni is riggettato installation for this CC that you used: hairtts8kmhair005,
    the solution:
    remove that hair cut or adjust the cutting of hair and utilize it again.

    Hi Creatora,
    to endorse my thesis, I allowed myself to fix Roni, can be found here:

    after installing and write in the forum if everything ok.
    Post edited by Dianama on
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    Gabriella_itGabriella_it Posts: 105 Member

    Some time ago I had a nagging problem, like so many other people in this community, some of my creations in particular sims, while resulting sent by launcher, not arriv­ing study, sometimes also happened with clothing, never solved ... and ... There are people who even today still have this problem, like others who are unable to send anything or lots, sims, clothes etc.

    Days ago I was reading in the Italian forum, I can't remember the name of the conversation, the TheModsims website, has resolved the unfortunate problem of lag caused Paradise Island dallespansione. ... well there are no words, what else to add?

    If this is the air that pulls what will happen with the sims4?

    Frankly I am tired of all these stories, issues that you carry out damage, return to my first words: it's like crashing into a tire wall, on the other hand if the EA does not care about keeping good customers will be worse for you, it will be a problem its not mine and not your ....

    Tempo fa avevo un fastidioso problema, come tanti altre persone di questa comunity, alcune mie creazioni in particolare sims, pur risultando inviate dal launcher, non arrivavano mai allo studio, a volte è accaduto anche con degli abiti, mai risolto..... ci sono persone che a tutt'oggi hanno ancora questo problema, come altre che non riescono ad inviare nulla nè lotti, sims, abbigliamento ecc...

    Giorni fa stavo leggendo nel forum italiano, non ricordo il nome della conversazione, che il sito TheModsims, ha risolto l'increscioso problema dei lag causati dallespansione Isola Paradiso....insomma non ci sono parole, che altro aggiungere?

    Se è questa l'aria che tira cosa accadrà con i sims4?

    Sinceramente io sono stanca di tutte queste storie, questioni che si portano avanti danni, ritorno alle mie prime parole: è come sbattere contro un muro di gomma, d'altronde se all'EA non interessa tenersi buoni i suoi clienti sarà peggio per lei, sarà un problema suo non mio e non vostro....

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    DianamaDianama Posts: 151 Member
    sono perfettamente d'accordo con te Gabriela,
    inoltre, trovo geniale da parte di EA, aver inserito nella confezione del gioco, la scritta: per qualsiasi problema basta scrivere nel forum, dove personale esperto risolverà i vostri problemi.
    da anni cerco questo personale esperto....mai trovato...

    I fully agree with you.
    Furthermore, I find it brilliant from EA, you have entered into the packaging of the game, the inscription: for any problem just write in the forum, where expert staff will solve your problems.
    I am looking for this for years experienced staff .... never found ...
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    kreatorakreatora Posts: 557 Member
    I am very grateful Dianama. <3 Thank you. I understand very well your feelings towards EA. And unfortunately none traditional phrase "hope everything will be fine" does not fit into this situation. We both know that will not be. This is EA - machine for making money.
    I will left you my e-mail but I can I wait for an explanation. I'm afraid that it will be something to do with Delphy's Dashboard and Delphy's Custard, with whom I had no desire to make friendship . : pulls the hair out of the head - I'm just a poor humanist ...
    My ID Origin kreatora
    Hero on EA AHQ
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    Gabriella_itGabriella_it Posts: 105 Member
    My dear Will, where art thou?
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    DianamaDianama Posts: 151 Member
    edited August 2014
    Hello Kreatora,
    thanks for the wonderful gif.

    has nothing to do with Delphy's Dashboard and Custard, I think that program and unreliable, personally I use other systems, which are much more challenging.
    my personal opinion and that, many items not pass in exchange because of filters that EA has made, all this for not to divulge too much custom content, purpose, and to prevent users from exchanging items, otherwise it would not make sense to have the EA Store ! I recall, at the beginning it was possible to share paintings with custom frames, now it is no longer possible.
    I apologize, because of my bad English, I read that you left your e-mail address where you left it?

    P.S. I hope your wonderful Roni has been able to install in your game.
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    DianamaDianama Posts: 151 Member
    anyone SimGuru remember this thread?
    and opened the 16th August, today is August 25th and there is not any response from the SimGuru, as you can see from what I wrote, I had reason to fear that everything would have passed into oblivion.
    I do not understand what is the reason why you do not answer, you are not able to give answers?
    of sucuro EA has lost a potential customer, if I will not get an answer to the problems I have outlined here, I'll never be a customer of EA!
    qualcuno delle SimGuru si ricorda di questa discussione?
    e stata aperta i 16 agosto, oggi è il 25 agosto e non c'è alcuna risposta da parte delle SimGuru, come si può vedere da quello che avevo scritto, avevo ragione di temere che tutto sarebbe passato nel dimenticatoio.
    non capisco qual'è la ragione del perchè non si risponde, non si è in grado di dare risposte?
    di sucuro EA ha perso un potenziale cliente, se non otterrò una risposta sui problemi che ho esposto qui, non sarò mai più un cliente di EA!

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    BrennachanBrennachan Posts: 2,055 Member
    I have gotten this message before and if I delete pictures from my media pages -- screenshots (keeping them under 800 or so) I can then upload more to my studio. I am not tech savvy, so that's the limit of my advice.
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    DianamaDianama Posts: 151 Member
    Hello Brennachan, :)
    thank you for your intervention.
    in my study I do not have screenshots, videos and pictures, there are only Sim.
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    MartyP8MartyP8 Posts: 59 Member
    I still can't believe that none of the SimGurus can answer this question. This is ridiculous!! At least find a solution for those who are deprived to upload. Maybe the solution would be to transfer a studio into a new page? This is truly sad that we can't have any kind of help on this matter!! Or at least have a SimGuru come here, and just give us their thoughts. Dianama, you are not the only one going through this problem, so why nobody till this day were able to provide some kind of answer? That sadden me deeply!!
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    DianamaDianama Posts: 151 Member
    edited August 2014
    Hello Marty,

    I always have to thank you for the assistance and interest of the discussion, highlighting that this problem is not just one person, but of so many other people.

    I was expecting this kind of attitude from staff of EA.
    Now you understand why I studded the forum topic and are now Been accused of spam and abuse! while someone had the courage to disagree with me, say that the poor SimGuru have too much work, and soon it would be arrived a reply.
    are still waiting for that answer.
    thank you

    Hello Marty,
    devo sempre ringraziare voi per gli interventi e l'interesse della discussione, facendo emergere che questo problema non è solo di una persona, ma di molte atre persone.

    mi aspettavo questo tipo di atteggiamento da questo personalei EA.
    Adesso capisci il perchè ho tempestato di il forum di topic e sono subito stata accusata di spam e di abuse! mentre qualcuno ha avuto il coraggio di essere in disaccordo con me, affermando che le SimGuru hanno troppo lavoro, e presto sarebbe arrivata una risposta.
    sono ancora in attesa di quella risposta.
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    MartyP8MartyP8 Posts: 59 Member
    I am totally annoyed that people can't stand in harmony and show their understanding to others in need. I do not know why they are calling this (spam). It is easy for people to click that button, but if they had this problem themselves they would be the first one to ask for help. I do not even have this problem, but i know if i had i would ask for help.

    I totally understand you. I don't care who is my friend or not, we are doing the same thing here, we all have something in common, is the love for the game.

    By the way, those reaction buttons are ridiculous!!!, because (Although, this statement should be in another subject or category on the forum lol) We never had any help on the sims 3 community, when we clicked that "Report button". No one was there to help people who got harassed or copied, so why did they have to add those buttons here. Just to cause another kind of problems. Every time i upload something new on my page, i get someone who click the disagree button. I can understand different opinion, but if you can't share the reason why you disagree with something, keep your fingers in your pocket, you don't need to click "disagree" you make it look like you are just doing it to hurt.

    Anyway, just to tell you where EA puts their priority. Buttons to annoy people is way more fun than helping people in real need!!!
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    DianamaDianama Posts: 151 Member
    edited August 2014
    I couldn't have said it better or add more ..
    Thank you.
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    DianamaDianama Posts: 151 Member
    still no answer?
    really disheartening ....
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    DianamaDianama Posts: 151 Member
    This letter was sent to the following addresses:

    At the direction of General Electronic Arts Italy
    country manager Maurice Finocchiaro
    Public Relations Manager Luciana Stella Boscaratto
    EA Customer Experience assistance sim 3

    Dear Customer Experience,

    The problem that I encountered, it has nothing to do with my computer, it is obvious that the problem is a setting, "made ​​by mistake" that was done in my studio, "by those who have the responsibility of do the maintenance of the site "to prohibit the sending of other articles, I guess you should know, that in these days," due to the release of Sims 4 "and have created a new website, creating a mess on the old site, in fact this message type, "you have reached your quota" and appeared to coincide the opening of the new site.

    If you had had the foresight to read the topic that I have sent to the address on the first letter:

    you would have noticed that this common problem and there are other cases, studies useless for the same reason and that you have never given a solution.

    That said, "I would not stir a controversy," you have to think, which is not always the other person in front of you is one big stupid.

    The pseudo solution that you sent me, with the final solution, if that does not work, should I uninstall everything and install it again, would solve nothing, that's because other people have found themselves with the same problem and have uninstalled and installed the game and nothing has changed, and personally, I find this system to provide assistance by real incompetent.

    This problem can be solved only by the staff that makes the maintenance of the site, it has nothing to do with my computer and can not be solved by re-installing the game, demonstrated by the fact, that if I were to open a new account, "recording a new game "that there would be no problem, as you can see all your theories, gates here, do this, and if that does not work uninstall the game and install it again, go down the drain.

    For a quick fix to this problem, one need only talk to one of SimGuru, also to the staff that makes the maintenance of the site to reset my account.
    Over the years, I've opened dozens practical assistance at the EA Support, and one of these was ever resolved, I think it is time that those responsible know that all SimGuru and the same assistance is useless and only one filter that is losing thousands purchases of EA after this bad experience, give me one reason why I should buy Sims 4?

    P.S. to avoid that my request had to go into oblivion, I can tell you how to address that this letter will be sent to the manager mentioned above, Maurice Finocchiaro country manager of EA, the Directorate General of Eletronics Arts.

    Kind regards.
    questa lettera e stata inviata ai seguenti indirizzi:
    Alla direzione Generale Electronic Arts Italia
    country manager Maurizio Finocchiaro
    Responsabile Relazioni Pubbliche Luciana Stella Boscaratto
    Customer Experience assistenza EA sim 3

    Giusto per dire che non sono una sprovveduta, prima di iniziare vorrei fare una piccola premessa:
    In famiglia abbiamo una piccola azienda dove viene fatta, sia, l’assistenza software, che assemblaggio di nuovi computer.
    Chiusa premessa.

    Gentile Customer Experience,

    Rispondo alla sua email, Il problema da me riscontrato, non ha nulla a che vedere con il mio computer, appare ovvio, che il problema dipende da un settaggio,” fatto per errore” che è stato effettuato nel mio studio,” da parte di chi ha la responsabilità di fare la manutenzione del sito” per vietare l’invio di altri articoli, immagino dovreste sapere, che in questi giorni, “a causa dell’uscita di Sims 4” e stato creato un nuovo sito, creando uno scompiglio sul sito vecchio, infatti questo tipo messaggio,” hai raggiunto la tua quota” e apparso in concomitanza dell’apertura del nuovo sito.

    Se aveste avuto l’accortezza di leggere il topic all’indirizzo che vi ho inviato sulla prima lettera:

    vi sareste accorti che questo problema e comune, ci sono altri casi, di studi inutilizzabili per lo stesso motivo e il quale non avete mai dato una soluzione.

    Detto ciò, “non vorrei suscitare una polemica” dovete pensare, che non sempre l’interlocutore che avete davanti sia uno grosso stupido.

    La pseudo soluzione che mi avete inviato, con la soluzione finale, che se non dovesse funzionare dovrei disinstallare tutto e installare di nuovo, non risolverebbe nulla, questo perché altre persone si sono trovati con il mio stesso problema e hanno disinstallato e installato il gioco e non è cambiato nulla e personalmente, trovo questo sistema di prestare assistenza da veri incompetenti.

    Questo problema, può essere risolto solo dal personale che fa la manutenzione del sito, non ha nulla a che vedere con il mio computer e non si risolve installando di nuovo il gioco, lo dimostra il fatto, che se dovessi aprire un nuovo account,” registrando un nuovo gioco” questo problema non ci sarebbe, come vedete tutte le vostre teorie, di cancelli qui, faccia questo, e se non dovesse funzionare disinstalli il gioco e lo installi di nuovo, vanno a farsi friggere.

    Per una soluzione rapida a questo problema, basterebbe comunicare ad una delle SimGuru, anche al personale che fa la manutenzione del sito di resettare il mio account.
    Negli anni Ho aperto decine pratiche presso l’assistenza EA Help, mai una di queste e stata risolta, credo che sia ora che i responsabili sappiano, che tutte le SimGuru e la stessa assistenza non serve a nulla e solo un filtro che fa perdere migliaia di acquisti dei prodotti EA, dopo questa cattiva esperienza, datemi un solo motivo del perché dovrei comprare Sims 4?

    P.S. ad evitare che anche questa mia richiesta dovesse andare nel dimenticatoio, Vi comunico come da indirizzi, che questa lettera sarà inviata ai responsabile sopra citati, Maurizio Finocchiaro country manager di EA, alla direzione Generale di Eletronics Arts.

    Cordiali Saluti.
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