The latest update for The Sims 4 is now live. Click here to read the latest notes.
Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What's been happening in your game lately - feel free to chat and post pics (again)


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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    edited November 2013
    @TadOlsen: Great pictures! It seems to be coming along swimmingly. :)

    I created a new household earlier today. Felicia and Branden are a couple of roommates who graduated from college a few years ago and decided to move in together to share the rent on a rather large house. Branden is a bit of a heart-breaker. He's the type who will take a woman to bed and then kick her out the next day. He often clashes with Felicia who cares more about her plants than what is going on in Branden's love life. Felicia spends most of her time out in the garden with her plants and often drives Branden crazy with her Tofu meals since he's a huge meat lover. I can't wait to really get into this family because they are a lot different than anything I've ever played before.

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    LozzomaticLozzomatic Posts: 516 Member
    edited November 2013
    Zhalk: Nice update and I like the pictures! Very nice.

    Bleedingbanshe: I like Siobhan's reaction to the 'past'.

    Celiria: Poor Dani. It'll be interesting to see where this story goes.

    sealofthesims: Great news! Happy to see that things are more or less back on track. :)

    Nekoswagga: I like the pics. Nice sims too!

    sealofthesims: I know this sounds like a really dumb question, but are you of Chinese descent yourself? I know the answer to that is most likely 'yes' but I don't want to assume if I don't know. Again, dumb question.
    Aside from that nice update and Lol at Ning Shui getting his butt kicked by Min Wei!

    LunBeauty: Thank you. I think Supernatural is a decent EP. It may not be the best, but it does have a certain charm, and I like the Olde Worlde clothes and the theme. Shame that last time I played Moonlight Falls the game had a massive Glitch.

    TadOlson: Thank you, and I like your updates too!

    rednenemon: Movie Stuff is a bit of a let down, but I did obviously expect a more 'Costumey' look. I was just underwhelmed by the lack of facial hair for men and hair styles for little girls. Where are the bonnets? Still, enjoying it for what it's worth.

    TadOlsen: Nice update.

    LunBeauty: Nice sims. I like the picture.

    The Big Day!

    So, this is the day I've been waiting for, for a fair while. Christian will be wed, and generation five will be err...'created'.

    Christian calls up for a party, while the family have one last bonding session before Johann and his wife Sidney leave the household.

    The arch and seating arrangements are placed, with a nice wedding cake to top it off.

    Salina congratulates Christian on his wedding day, and gives him some parenting advice.
    Sal: "I remember when you were a baby, and almost every 5 minutes I had to change you! I have no idea what you ate to cause it but my word were you a little stinker!"
    Chris: "Mother, please stop!"

    Salina: "I don't mean to embarrass you, it's more of a warning than anything! Babies, although cute, are very messy!"
    Chris: "Thanks for the warning I guess."

    Constance and Sidney hanging out.

    Christian: "I adore the cake, mother! It looks very expensive! I'm so excited for this day! I feel like my life can only get better from here!"

    Constance: "Tag! You're it!"
    Sidney: "Oh..I! Okay, ONE game! But then we must hurry and change before the guests arrive!"

    One very quick change later, and Sidney's father and other guests arrive. *The game actually recognised their lineage, so he is properly named as her father*

    The bride to be arrives and I waste no time in starting the wedding.

    Christian: "You look almost as good as me! My dear, we can't keep them waiting any more. Let's begin our lives together!"

    Francisca: "Kind of an odd compliment, but yes! Let the occasion begin!"

    The wedding takes place and the crowd gather.

    Jan? Other way, dear!

    The exchanging of rings.

    Constance: "Oh,''s so....BAAAAWWWWW *Cries* Beautiful!"

    Constance: "How can I compete with that? Seriously? Bawww-haw haw...*Sniff*"


    Fran gets a new look, and despite her complaints, she looks lovely!
    She wants to be a Writer earning $4000 *or something like it*, per week and is 7-ish days from adulthood. Not too bad, I've had older than that. (horrid memories come flashing back)

    Christian: "Well, Mrs Muller! What say we 'test' the new bed out? Hmm?"
    Francisca: "If you insist, darling! Tee hee!"

    Christian: "A little privacy?"
    The Voice: "Sorry!"

    And so with the jingle playing, Fran will soon be the mother to generation 5!

    Sidney: "Come on now! That's it dad! Good boy!"

    Sidney: "FETCH IT!
    Pierce: "WOOF WOORF WOOF ARF!"
    First time I've done that in the Sims 3. Darn funny!

    Johann and Sidney move out at the end of the party.

    Fran: "Hey Step-dad...really? Okay...'dad'..look, I just called to say that any rumours you hear about me marrying Christian Muller are true. ...yes he's rich. Why are you so....of course, yes, money matters *only to you and mum*. Oh whatever. Look, I'm married, I MAY be pregnant, I just thought I'd tell you. Okay...Okay...YES! Bye!...and you too. *Boop* Good Sim-God...!"

    Johann and Sidney head off on their own adventure in wedded life. Hopefully they won't immediatly split up like his Aunt.

    Jan: "My boy! My wonderful boy! I'm so happy I can hardly speak!"
    Christian: "I know! I'm so elated! I'm scared, I'm happy and I love it!"
    Jan: "I want at least 3 grandkids from you! At most, 8!"
    Christian: "Well, I don't know about 8, but I'll at least try for 3!"

    Hooray! The legacy is back on track with Christian married and his wife pregnant! Now to get Connie aged up and out of the house!
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    edited November 2013
    @Celiria Great story so far. Poor Dani, she shouldn't be so independent. I understand her reasons for wanting to be, but sometimes you just have to admit you need help. I am glad Bianca and Tony have taken her under their wings. I just hope that Dani won't let her stubborn pride get in the way of their helping her.

    Too bad Dani's parents don't accept her. It is hard to have parents who you don't get along with. Sure makes Dani's life harder. I hope she makes it to college.

    @rednenemon Thanks. I am starting a blog so if you desire you can follow my stories I have been posting on here there. I will let you all know when the blog is up. I will still comment on your posts as well as I enjoyed them.

    @TadOlson love that community garden.

    @Celiria Glad you enjoyed the update. Sorry if my twists and turns hurt your head lol.

    @thesealofthesims Lol that Ning Shui, maybe he was adopted perchance? lol I know, I know, just kidding. See what you did Daniel being a rebel yourself back when. Just glad he settled down, so maybe there is hope for Ning Shui. Problem is I kind of hope he don't, as I just can't help liking him this way. lol I sure hope Min Wei did not knock some sense into him, lol. I think if Ning settled down he wouldn't be Ning. lol Glad Daniel can tag walls and get paid for it.

    Poor Sun I know Ning Shui being the way he is must be trying. I wonder if deep in her heart she wants him to change. I think that is what makes Ning Shui special. All her other kids Adam, Min Wei are pretty much good kids. Every family needs someone to keep them on their toes lol.

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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    edited November 2013
    Colorist40 wrote:
    @Celiria Great story so far. Poor Dani, she shouldn't be so independent. I understand her reasons for wanting to be, but sometimes you just have to admit you need help. I am glad Bianca and Tony have taken her under their wings. I just hope that Dani won't let her stubborn pride get in the way of their helping her.

    Too bad Dani's parents don't accept her. It is hard to have parents who you don't get along with. Sure makes Dani's life harder. I hope she makes it to college.

    @Celiria Glad you enjoyed the update. Sorry if my twists and turns hurt your head lol.

    Glad your enjoying. I can't respond much to what you said, like I usually like to, though as aspects of that stuff comes up in the upcoming chapters (which will hopefully go up over the next 3-4 days provided I can keep from getting distracted by less important things like class :P )

    And don't worry about my head hurting, its a good kind of pain :P It's kind of like whiplash for the mind, one minute your thinking one thing and the next your brain has been yanked straight to Canada, the sudden change hurts but wow will you look at that Moose :P (in less crazy phrasing, the shift hurts but it's fun to see something you didn't expect)
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    NekoswaggaNekoswagga Posts: 62
    edited November 2013
    @Lozzomatic- Thank you

    @sealofthesims- Awesome update in your story!

    @LunBeauty- Thank you and yes, I said to myself that Jacob and Mya were a good couple. I was so happy when Jacob finally gave it to Mya. I was like Yes!

    @TadOlsen- Awesome update and awesome pictures

    @Eveyone else that I missed- Nice pictures and updates! All of your stories and pictures are great and I hope to see more of them. Also a new update of my Legacy will be up today and more pictures will be up tonight.
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    edited November 2013
    Okay time for the next chapter of Run

    Chapter 9- Never say that


    Dani’s eyes drifted open.

    She sat up slowly unsure for a second of where she was. Then the events of last night rushed back to her.


    Her Parents visit


    Crying herself to sleep on Bianca and Tony’s couch


    And the girl that had haunted her dreams again. The dreams had finally been going away before her parents arrival had brought it back to the surface.

    Dani: *Mumbled to self* Ryn... I ran away, just leave me alone.

    As she sat there with her head in her hands she noticed Tony in the kitchen making breakfast.

    Tony: Morning. Are you feeling any better?

    Dani groaned.

    Dani: Yeah, sorry about that, I don’t know what came over me.

    She glanced up at the clock on the wall

    11 am


    Dani: Oh god, I’m late for work.

    Bianca: Stop right there.

    Dani froze turning around to see Bianca standing in the doorway.

    Dani: But I have a shift at the restaurant, I have to hurry I’m already late.

    Bianca: You’re not going to be late. We canceled your shifts for this weekend.

    Dani: What!! No, I need to work. I can’t afford to slack off if I want to…

    Bianca: Dani just sit down and relax. Right now we need to talk.

    Dani grudgingly sat back down on the couch, Bianca sat next to her.


    Bianca: Look Dani, Tony and I know what you’ve been going through. You haven’t been eating well, you haven’t been sleeping well, and your hours at the restaurant have been ridiculous. Please tell us what’s wrong. We want to help.

    Dani: Nothings wrong. I’m fine.

    Bianca: Dani, I saw your fridge. Living off of yogurt and bread is not fine, and your bed doesn’t look like you’ve slept there for close to a week. Now please we are just trying to help you.

    Dani: I swear everything is okay. The yogurt is just temporary while I save up money and I am sleeping. I have just been busy with homework the last few nights and fell asleep at the table.

    Bianca: Dani I understand its tough trying to manage on your own, but you can’t keep going like that…


    Dani shot to her feet

    Dani: NOOO!!! I can do it, I’ll be fine, I’m okay… I…. I can’t stop… I need to keep going… I can’t let them be right.

    The words rushed out of Dani’s mouth as she started to panic.

    Bianca: Dani calm down. You can’t let who be right? What’s bothering you? Does it have something to do with your family?

    Tears started to slide down Dani’s cheeks.

    Dani: I just… I can’t give them the satisfaction. I ran away to escape, to make it on my own living my way. I… I have to survive… If I don’t… If I don’t….

    The pieces came together in Bianca’s mind

    Bianca: You’re afraid that if you can’t manage on your own you’ll have to go back and they’ll have been right.

    Dani nodded.

    Bianca: But Dani, if you keep this up you’re going to destroy yourself. The way your living isn’t healthy. If you don’t slow down you’re going to work yourself to death.

    Dani: That’s fine, as long as I….


    Bianca slapped her

    Bianca: Never, say that.

    Dani stared in surprise at the middle-aged woman who stood there hand still in the air from the hit and tears running down her face.

    Bianca: Never, say that. I understand wanting to work hard for your goals, but never say it’s okay to die for them. Nothing is worth that…. Nothing.

    Bianca’s tears started to come faster. She turned and walked out the front door.

    Tony turned the waffle iron he had been using off and left the bowl of batter sitting on the counter as he walked over to Dani.

    Dani: She doesn’t get it… I can’t… I can’t let them….


    Tony: Dani, I need to show you something.

    Dani looked at him

    Tony: We learned the story of your family last night. Now you need to learn about ours.

    And thats it for this update.

    As always I hope everyone is enjoying the story and happy simming.

    If you have missed any of the previous chapters or feel like re-reading them they can be found through my banner.
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    edited November 2013
    @Lozzomatic: Very nice wedding. It looks like it went fairly well. No one peed themselves. :p Nah, just kidding. But it does look beautiful.

    @Celiria: Poor Dani. I really feel sorry for her. :(

    And now an update as to what's going on in my game.

    Felicia doing what she loves best.


    Gotta eat your greens. :)


    These plants won't take care of themselves.


    Morning, noon, or night, Felicia's favorite place is her garden.


    Felicia: "There now, all tucked in nice and warm."


    She just looks so adorably confused. :lol: Don't you just want to hug her?

    And we can't forget our little stud muffing, Branden.


    Don't sims make the funniest faces when they work out? :p


    Gotta keep the fire truck in tip top shape.


    Branden: "You! Me! Woohoo! Now!"

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    ZhalkZhalk Posts: 310 New Member
    edited November 2013
    Joey [ Good morning, Ma'am, today is going to be a foggy one. I have washed your science jacket so you'll have to go without it today I'm afraid ]

    Naomi [ That is ok, Joey. Oh... Did you wash your suit too? ]

    [img] "width=800"[/img]

    Later that day :

    Naomi [ Now, Skip tell me what you see for this one ]

    Skip [ It's umm... I see a bandage, yes ]

    [img] "width=800"[/img]

    Naomi [ Perfect. Thank you, Skip ]

    [img] "width=800"[/img]

    Naomi [ Just one more thing before you go I... ]

    Before Naomi was able to complete her sentence, Skip had already reached up and connected with her, so she silently reached up and connected with Skip.

    [img] "width=800"[/img]

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    bleedingbanshebleedingbanshe Posts: 146 Member
    edited November 2013
    Lozzomatic wrote:
    Bleedingbanshe: I like Siobhan's reaction to the 'past'.

    I know, right? I can't help but think that the bots made in the future will have a hefty time shock traveling to the "present", where their creator originally came from. As far as the plumbots from the future are concerned, the future is the present.

    Congrats to your sim Christian on his wedding! He's quite a looker if I do say so myself. Those kids of his are going to be handsome little devils ')

    Me: "Woohoo with you? But Branden, I'm not even the same species as you! And we're complete strangers!" XD
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    thesealofthesimsthesealofthesims Posts: 722 Member
    edited November 2013
    Ok, first the pics, now the comments.


    @Lozzomatic: No worries. I find that humor a bit funny too. If you've ever watched Shaun the Sheep, some of their best gags involve that kind of humor. Then again, they don't talk, so they have to do something. When I had River in the house, she wanted the same thing. Then I got her married, pregnant, and moved out. I just couldn't keep it up. Glad to know, I'm not the only one with that problem. Nice pics. I've heard of the elephant in the room, but never the horse. Great update.

    @Zhalk: I don't think it needs mentioning. With that skin tone, it's pretty apparent. Great pics.

    @Celiria: Yeah, clearly those reporters have never been parents. Then again, I've never been a parent, but I do know kids. She probably needed one, since Daniel didn't rub her back once while she was pregnant. Ouch, that's a real burn on Ning Shui...but true. Then again, he might just go on to do something great, if he doesn't get 7 to life first.

    @Nekoswagga: You're welcome.

    @Lozzomatic: Reminds me of when Daniel was dating Sun. He stepped on her toes quite a bit while they danced. Maybe that's why she goes barefoot all the time - toughen up her feet for the next time Daniel wants to dance. Yeah, that does look like pretty bad cooking. Great update.

    @Zhalk: I'm sure the humans will appreciate it.

    @bleedingbanshe: I guess neither of them heard the old saying about curiosity. I wouldn't go in that old ship. Will they have to send Siobhan...back to the future? :P

    @Celiria: That was a good update. I can believe that Dani had a mental breakdown, at least somewhat. I mean when you don't eat or sleep, the latter especially, the mind starts acting up. I've read stories that sleep deprivation is a big factor with the mind. One of my stories on involves something like that, and plus, someone can't be that strong all the time. Sooner or later, they'll break. Anyway, well done.

    @Nekoswagga: Great update, as always. Looks like college life is going well for them.


    @LunBeauty: I've no doubt he can do it, but the question is, what should he be doing? So far, he's making himself into Sunset Valley's most wanted. :P

    @TadOlson: So am I. So am I. You will see more, I'm sure. Good luck in putting things right in your game. :)

    @rednenemon: Sometimes it's so much easier with a coin. I don't think it's unheard of, but then again, I haven't been here long.

    @TadOlson: Nice pics as always. :)

    @Lozzomatic: Yeah, although I did like having the kids meet their uncle. Maybe I could invite Ho Sung Kim, but we'll see. I'm a little on edge about it. I wouldn't think of that as a dumb question. I can see how you might think that. No, I'm not of Chinese decent. Not even remotely Asian. I know a few words in Chinese, like their words for "thank you," "small," and "water." I also know lo mein, but that doesn't really count. :P Google Translate does the work for me. I wouldn't be able to get those little symbols in there otherwise. Anyway, Ning Shui had that comming. Actually, he has a lot comming. Great update and congrats on the wedding. :)

    @Colorist40: Right now, I'm thinking that would be Sun's dream. Alas, he's hers. :P Yeah, he does have that quality to him. You can't help but love him, even if you'd really like not to. I don't think he'll be really tame. Like Daniel, he still has that rebel side. But it'll probably be a little less when he gets married. Yeah, he's really messing with the whole inner peace thing. Then again, if Sun wanted tranquility, she shouldn't have had kids. I think she might want him to be a little more responsible, but I think that she doesn't mind a little bit of his kind of humor. Of course, when he gets arrested for it, it's hard to enjoy it. Well, Sun sure has someone to keep her on her toes. Although if Ning Shui doesn't watch it, her toes are going to be keeping him from sitting down. :P

    @Nekoswagga: Thank you. :)

    @Celiria: Looks like Dani isn't the only one with something in her closet. This should be very interesting.

    @LunBeauty: Great pics. Boy, that last line was direct and to the point. Although, I'm not sure that's what you want to hear over the phone.

    @Zhalk: Great update. That's one way to bond, I guess.
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    CursedDiceCursedDice Posts: 978 Member
    edited November 2013
    TadOlson wrote:
    TadOlson passing through with a few comments and a little something I did recently in my game I'd love to share.
    Lozzomatic I love your pictures and the update.
    Colorist40 I hope you will at least post pictures and comment on those who do follow your work.I would comment on pictures even if I didn't follow the story to at least make sure they weren't being ignored.I hope you can give us links to your stories.
    bleedingbanshe Welcome and your game looks interesting with great pictures.
    CursedDice Welcome and those pictures look great.I think you should try repatching the game in case your patch corrupted during download.
    friendlyone20 I know how it feels to be put down by a bully who dosen't care about your feelings.I'd also try to write a conclusion to any Sims story I lost interest in or report that the game was corrupted and was getting too glitchy to continue.
    Nekoswagga You have great pictures.I also want you to know that we also comment on other posts and greet others as well as making our own posts.
    neanbeans Welcome back we missed you.Great picture.

    Here are the things I've done in my game today since I couldn't play properly today from being too tired.
    This one is a public garden with a pets fix:
    Here's Garden House with a pets fix:

    How do I do that?
    Forgot to add, I can't promise wishes or complete them, only cancel them and the others auto-promise themselves O_o
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    edited November 2013

    @Celiria: Yeah, clearly those reporters have never been parents. Then again, I've never been a parent, but I do know kids. She probably needed one, since Daniel didn't rub her back once while she was pregnant. Ouch, that's a real burn on Ning Shui...but true. Then again, he might just go on to do something great, if he doesn't get 7 to life first.

    @Celiria: That was a good update. I can believe that Dani had a mental breakdown, at least somewhat. I mean when you don't eat or sleep, the latter especially, the mind starts acting up. I've read stories that sleep deprivation is a big factor with the mind. One of my stories on involves something like that, and plus, someone can't be that strong all the time. Sooner or later, they'll break. Anyway, well done.

    @Celiria: Looks like Dani isn't the only one with something in her closet. This should be very interesting.

    Glad you enjoyed. I'm also glad the mental breakdown came off as believable. I've had them before so I tried to write it based off personal experience but its been a while since they last happened so I wasn't sure if it would come across well or not.
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    ddsims3worldddsims3world Posts: 4,519 Member
    edited November 2013
    @Lozzomatic, I never played GTA online but I did notice how it was like SimCity w/ their own type of failure on day one. But looks like gamers did have fun w/ the mode though. GTA V is better than GTA IV for the most part. I'm sure the PC version would come out eventually since it wouldn't make sense when there are players do play on the PC. Very nice updates! Good ol' snow & sims do like to be in a old century get up outfits & hair that fits w/ their house too. Haha the zombie do know how to deal w/ paparazzi's in the right way.

    @thesealofthesims, Building a chinese or asian theme house can be bit challenging when not having enough materials to make it look official. I do feel your pain when the game crash when building a house. As I rarely encounter that! I only do have few slowdown when doing 3 stories lot as well highly decorated lot. That's why I can't do better looking mansion, hotel or apartment w/ a better landscape which would require a better computer on my end. Your welcome! That's good to hear about Aria future goals. I have taken things I learned from decorations & layout from Sims to mobile games. Very nice updates! That's quite helpful for Ning to help out w/ the family by doing some cleaning up the mess w/ the laundry machines & be w/ the child too. Daniel looks like he has been getting good luck w/ his street art in public to not get arrested. Ning does look like he wanted to get his frustrated attitude & spread it to his sister by wanted to do a spar.

    @Celiria, Thanks! Building does have it's challenges & takes a lot of practice & time just to make the house look right for your taste. Very nice update!

    @TadOlson, Very nice updates!


    Well I got good news & bad news:

    Good news first:

    I got 2 new houses up for exchange since I almost to have them up for this month.
    (Solar Hyatt)
    (Enchanted W)


    Michelle update:


    This teen do like the sandbox really much.


    Yay now we got the first kid (Miraj) to make a sandcastle.....



    only for (Godzilla) Michelle to come on by to destroy it. She had to look at other sims to see if they would snitch or notice it.


    Yep she enjoyed it once again!



    They do notice each other, but do Miraj already figure out that Michelle destroy his sandcastle? Well she wouldn't be telling him though.


    Bad news:

    I have decided to spend much less time in this thread since I'm ready to move on for now to either work on more projects or something else that grabs my attention.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    edited November 2013
    To anyone who is interested I got my first blog up about the hulin family. Now just a word of warning, there is a lot more reading than I would put on here lol, because I wanted to expand the backgrounds of each Hulin family member making them more real in a way. Also for anyone who hasn't been following it will help catch them up on the goings on. I would welcome any constructive criticism and I also would like any opinion on if before updating new info if I should do a recap even though I included the pertinent facts in their backgrounds. I want newbies to be able to easily catch up and follow along. So any opinions would be welcome.

    Guess putting up the link would help lol. Here it is

    Anybody know how to make this a clickable link in my siggie?
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    edited November 2013
    @Zhalk: Nerds at their finest. So cute! X3

    @bleedingbanshe: :lol: It's funny because one of the girls who messaged him on the online dating was a vampire. I think that counts as a different species. But Branden gets what he wants.

    @thesealofthesims: No, no it's not, lol. But Branden is a straightforward kind of guy, lol.

    @ddsims3world: What is up with adults and teens and the sandbox? I swear you get more of those in there than kids. :lol: And the look on Michelle's face in that last picture. She's like, "Yeah, I destroyed your sandcastle. Whatchu gonna do about it?"
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    NekoswaggaNekoswagga Posts: 62
    edited November 2013
    Back with another update on My Legacy! So, Mya graduted college with a Degree in Business and she passed with a A. When she got back home, she moved in with her lover, Jacob Black and they got married. She then went up to a level 3 in rebel.

    Juice Kegger Fun :)

    Learning a social skill for the first time. Blogging out app showed a few times. Heh.

    Me checking my social groups and watching videos on the web.
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    bleedingbanshebleedingbanshe Posts: 146 Member
    edited November 2013
    LunBeauty wrote:
    @bleedingbanshe: :lol: It's funny because one of the girls who messaged him on the online dating was a vampire. I think that counts as a different species. But Branden gets what he wants.

    With that pretty face I would assume so XD
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    edited November 2013
    TadOlson stopping by with comments and another picture from my game yesterday.

    LunBeauty Great updates!
    Lozzomatic That's a great story and with great pictures.
    Celiria That story looks like it's going well and Dani looks like she's had trouble with parents unable to accept her as she was.
    Zhalk Great update!
    ddsims3world I like seeing your updates and hope you will at least stop by sometimes.
    Nekoswagga I love those pictures and the update.

    Here are a few pictures from my game I couldn't show yesterday.
    I won't be able to bring a real game update today after waking up sick and feeling lousy.
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    thesealofthesimsthesealofthesims Posts: 722 Member
    edited November 2013
    @CursedDice: Sounds like you've got a tough time with your game, and I'm sorry you're having so many problems. I mean I thought what happened to me was weird, but that takes the cake.

    @Celiria: Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope I didn't offend or anything. But still, you can't beat experience to put yourself in someone else's shoes.

    @ddsims3world: I'm sure, although I never got far enough to make it look fake. :P Thanks. I'm glad you liked them. Well, when City Hall commissions it, I guess it'd be pretty hard to get arrested. Yeah, he did look like he wanted to get something out. Turned out, he got the snot beat out of him. Great pics. Sorry to hear that, but I understand. People move on to bigger things, even bigger than Sims. Good luck to you.

    @Colorist40: I checked out your blog. Really nice. I mean, I've never done anything like that, so I find it impressive that you've done it. I think the layout is good, easy to read and follow. I do think recaps would be a good idea. I mean, even though it's all there in the background information, with all the twists and drama you have, it might be a good idea to offer some refreshers. ;) I wish I knew how to do that, but I don't even know.

    @LunBeauty: Doesn't get more straightforward than that. :P

    @Nekoswagga: Congrats on the wedding. Yeah, it's all fun and games until you get dropped, although it's pretty funny if they do get dropped. :P Great pics.

    @TadOlson: I know how that feels, feeling lousy. I wake up to 3 months of it during the fall. But anyway, those were good pics, as always.

    Hopefully, I'll have time to get some new pics in soon. :)
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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    edited November 2013
    @Nekoswagga: They're still so cute! I'd love to see a close up of Jacob, though.

    @TadOlsen: It looks great. :) and thanks.

    Now for some updates of my own. Be warned, it's a lot.


    This guy showed up at their house. He's one of the guys Felicia met while online dating. He's quite a looker. ^_^




    Isn't he cute? X3


    Invisible flames!


    Oh yeah! Look at that determination!

    Brandon: "This is my sexy face!" ;)_


    She's totally feeling his muscles. I would too. >.> <.<



    Who doesn't like a massage from a hot guy?


    It ain't a party until you pee your pants.


    Felicia: "No one saw that right?"


    Apparently they did.


    Felicia: "Don't look at me!"


    Kicking *** in your undies. Doesn't get any better than that.


    This chick doesn't let peeing her pants get her down!


    Gotta have that sexy getting out of the pool shot.


    Branden, stop checking out Felicia and help **********


    Yes, help right after the fire is gone. -_-


    Dude, no one invited you! D:


    She stayed way after the party ended till 3 in the morning. Can you say creeper?

    Creeper2_zpse97e2b3f.jpg about no?




    Seriously? They're good friends and she still rejects him for a heat of the moment kiss. :(


    Gah! She's too cute! X3


    Look at where her hand is. I'm not even gonna touch that one.
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    LozzomaticLozzomatic Posts: 516 Member
    edited November 2013
    sealofthesims: Thanks, and I do a similar thing regarding using google during gameplay to ensure I have a 'accurate' timeline for the family. I also learn a few things from it, like when the first outhouse was invented or some of the style of the time.

    ddsims3world: GTA online didn't have the best of openings, but I sort of expected it really. After all, they could only test so much, and some of the bugs would only be seen through actual gameplay. Plus considering how big a franchise it has been for well over a decade, and the hype it had, the servers were doomed to be pushed to the brink. SimCity was just... a dumb move. They should have had the Online gameplay as an OPTION. Not something you had no choice in. 'Oh but it's social, you can see how your friends are doing.' What if you want a little gameplay on your own? What if your internet isn't that great? I'm rambling, sorry. Nice update, and I hope to see you soon!

    Nekoswagga: Nice update. Sims in my game are obsessed with that keg!

    TadOlson: Thank you I like your updates too. Get well soon!

    (A brief explanation for those who are new to my legacy, it's historical themed, with each sim day representing a year. It started in 1650 *I think*, and it is currently 1744. I 'paused' the years passing due to glitches and bugs which almost destroyed the family.)

    Fransisca wakes up feeling very ill. Morning sickness to be more exact.

    Breakfast is the left over wedding cake from the day before.

    Johann and Sidney moved to this lovely place. *and are now flat broke, oh dear!*

    Christian sets to work on the family crops, preparing to take over from his father once he has passed on.

    The family gain a seesaw as a birthday present for Constance, who will age up today.

    Christian magically improves the outhouse to never break.

    While Connie enjoys her last day as a child, going for a dip on a warm summer's day.

    Francisca: "Oh, I can't believe I married such a handsome man!"

    Zombie: "Aww, darn it! I missed the party! RRAAAAAUUURRRgggghhh!"
    Yep, it's a full moon, everybody get inside!

    A split second after the zombie popped up, Fran popped OUT! Yep, first little bump of the pregnancy!

    Connie ages up at last.

    Make over time!

    I'm going to have to leave it there, as I have to go on a trip out soon, but I'll be back shortly.
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    edited November 2013

    @Celiria: Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope I didn't offend or anything. But still, you can't beat experience to put yourself in someone else's shoes.

    No worries. As said it was a while back. Besides in a way I am slightly glad it happened. Its unpleasant when it happens but you often learn the best life lessons when things go wrong.

    And you are right, experience is great for putting yourself in someone else's shoes. As the old saying goes, "Write what you know."
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    edited November 2013
    Time for the next update for Run

    Chapter 10- Dreams and Sacrifices

    Tony guided her up to the second floor of his house. Dani had never been up there before. Usually the only time she came over was when they were working on homework and they did that at the kitchen table.


    Tony led her to an easel, next to which hung a photo.

    Tony: Dani this is my father.

    Tony: Nine years ago my Mom and Dad moved to Sunset Valley. They left behind all their friends, my Dad quit his job, they moved me to a new school. All for a dream, Bianca’s.


    Tony: My Mom always loved to cook and dreamed of owning her own restaurant. My Dad worked at a radio station but loved to paint in his spare time. For my Mom’s dream he took all his savings and sold all his paintings to move us here and buy a local restaurant. But things didn’t start out well.

    Tony: My parents knew nothing about running a restaurant. Mom just knew how to cook. They would work long hours every day trying to keep that place running, barely keeping it afloat. For my Dad it became almost a bigger thing than it was for Mom. He wouldn’t let her dream die, he couldn’t let it die.

    Tony: It got to the point where he gave everything to that place. He spent every waking minute there. Mom would come home at night because she had to take care of me but he was always there, always keeping things running, at times even working part time jobs on the side just to keep it from going under.


    Tony: My Mom knows what it means to be willing to sacrifice anything for a dream. She knows because she felt that way once. She was willing to give anything to reach her dream. But she didn't know then what that dream would cost. In the end she saw the true meaning of sacrificing anything first hand.


    Tony: She went in one morning expecting to find him sleeping at one of the tables as he often did after especially long nights. Instead she found him lying on the ground outside having collapsed from exhaustion. She rushed him to the hospital but it was too late.

    Tony: Lack of sleep, not eating properly, over work. It all took its toll. You think it’s okay to die if it’s for your goal? You’re wrong. My Mom experienced that. For her dream, she lost her husband. I lost my father.


    Tony: The funny thing about dreams is that they never die. As long as you maintain the desire your dream will be there, always waiting for you to reach it. No matter how many set-backs, no matter how many failures, no matter how many delays, as long as you are willing to try again your dream will still be there waiting to be reached.

    Tony: My Mom’s dream didn’t die. After his death it took her 3 more years before Bianca’s finally gained a consistent following. But it wasn’t from constant effort. It was from bursts of etrying and never giving up. My Mom had to take care of me so she couldn’t dedicate herself entirely to the restaurant. It was hard and it was slow but over time she still managed. She kept the desire alive and never gave up and she made it. To finish what they had started and to provide the life they had always wanted for me. But to this day she would give it all up, she would leave behind her entire dream, just to have him back. Just to look into his eyes again. A dream is important, and a good dream is worth having, but it’s not worth dying for. It’s not worth losing someone for.


    Tony: When you die your dreams die with you, when you die you lose the ability to continue towards that dream, but most of all when you die those that care about you lose something even greater than a dream. They lose a friend, they lose a sister, they lose a husband…. they lose a father. No dream is worth your life. Those close to you won’t look at your grave and think about how great it was that you fought to the end for your dream. They will just wish that just for a day, for an hour, for a minute, for at least a second that they could have you back with them.

    Tony: You may feel like you are alone in this fight of yours to be who you want to be, but you’re not. You ran away from your family yes but you aren’t alone. My Mom and I are here for you. We care about you. We want your dreams to come true, but not at that cost. I’m not saying you need to give up and go home. Keep pushing towards your dream. But don’t do so recklessly. Take time to rest, take time to live. Your dream will still be there afterwards. As long as you survive your dream will still be there for you to continue towards.


    Dani: But what if I can’t make it? What if I let up and it causes me to fail, to miss a bill payment, to not be able to afford food, to not be able to afford college.

    Tony: Then my Mom and I will be here to help you back to your feet. A set-back doesn’t mean failure. If you can’t afford food then you can eat with us, if you can’t make a payment on your home you can stay with us as long as you need, if you can’t afford college then you just keep working over time until you can.

    Tony: It’s not money, or food, or a house, or even college that will prove your point over your parents. It’s your desire and your conviction. As long as you are willing to stand by your choice, through the good and the bad, as long as you hold onto your desire to live your way, and maintain the belief that your choice was worth it. Then you have won and your parents can’t say anything against you.

    Dani wrapped her arms around Tony hugging him close. Tears seeping from her eyes.


    Dani: Thank you

    Tony: No Dani, don’t thank me. This is partly my fault. I was the one who allowed you to work the ridiculous hours, I was the one who never realized the stress you were going through. I stood back and let you follow the same path my father did without realizing it. Without thinking about it. I should have seen the similarities, I should have helped you sooner… if I had then…

    Dani hugged him closer

    Dani: If you had we might have avoided this? If you had then things would have worked out better? Don’t worry about the ifs. It doesn’t matter now what you could have done, what matters is what you did do. And you and your Mother were there for me. Both when my parents were visiting and when I collapsed. Things may not have been perfect but you were still there. That’s what matters. Not how you could have done things differently or what might have happened. What matters is that you were there when I needed you. The two of you stood up when many would have stayed back and left me to destroy myself. Thank you.

    Dani let go of Tony


    Dani: Any idea where your Mom is? I need to thank her as well, and apologize.

    Tony: She is likely where she always goes when she’s upset. Sitting outside Bianca’s.

    Dani nodded and left to talk to Bianca.

    And thats it for this chapter.

    As always I hope everyone is enjoying the story and happy simming.

    If you have missed any of the previous chapters or feel like re-reading them you can find them through my banner as well as a link to my previous story.
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    NekoswaggaNekoswagga Posts: 62
    edited November 2013
    @Lozzomatic- I know right, its like every time my sims have to do something else, like shower or whatever, they go straight to the keg stand and I'm like come now. :P

    @Celiria- Nice update, Glad to see it.

    @LunBeauty- I will get a close up picture of Jacob for you to see.

    @thesealofthesims- Thank you.

    @TadOlson- Awesome pictures again! :)

    @ddsims3world- I did not get to tell you, but love your updates.

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    Baby_Girl_FiBaby_Girl_Fi Posts: 408 Member
    edited November 2013
    This guy came to pick up his kids from daycare..

    I'm a little concerned about his outfit.

    If he was a real parent at a real daycare, I think he'd be prevented from picking his kids up.

    I don't know where this outfit comes from, it's nothing I've seen before. :shock:

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