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Illuminate the Night Sky ~ A Rainbowcy ~ ON HAITUS


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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
    this chapter made me both happy and sad. Happy because mint was able to stand up to her aunt. she is right if she ever wants to be able to stand on her own two feet she has to go off on her own. Sad because i know her saying that to her aunt had to sting really bad.

    Yep, Mint is learning to stand up for herself.

    But, yeah, she took it a little too far.
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
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    NightlockFallenNightlockFallen Posts: 4,789 Member
    edited July 2013
    Good job kid for standing up for yourself but...that last line was a bit too cruel if you ask me :C.

    Who doesn't have a mat in their bathroom? I would completely freeze without that thing o__o.

    I'm in the same boat as Mint, I have no clue how to cook. I mean, I could learn if I wanted to, but I have this intense fear of the stove (long story) and there is no way in hell you are getting me to ever, EVER touch that thing again.
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
    Good job kid for standing up for yourself but...that last line was a bit too cruel if you ask me :C.

    Who doesn't have a mat in their bathroom? I would completely freeze without that thing o__o.

    I'm in the same boat as Mint, I have no clue how to cook. I mean, I could learn if I wanted to, but I have this intense fear of the stove (long story) and there is no way in hell you are getting me to ever, EVER touch that thing again.

    Yeah, she got frustrated and carried away.

    Idk that's just kinda how I wrote it, but if you want I can give it meaning. Mint is unfamiliar and uncomfortable in somebody else's bathroom, so when she didn't see the mat she didn't want go ask where it was. (Because of my English class, I could give meaning to just about anything)

    My mom always pretends like she's gonna teach me how to cook, but she never does. Although I know how to make the basics. (Y'know, like quesadillas, cookies, bacon, eggs, various taco meats, etc)
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
    back to the top it goes.
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    KaylaBresisBrettKaylaBresisBrett Posts: 2,015 New Member
    edited July 2013
    I'm so glad Mint stood up for herself, its about time :) I really like Zinn and Reno's friendship...but still can't decide if I like her.
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
    I'm so glad Mint stood up for herself, its about time :) I really like Zinn and Reno's friendship...but still can't decide if I like her.

    Yep, it's about time she did.

    I try to write characters that are all... basically human. Not everything about them is good, but not everything is bad, either.
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    WriterGurl97WriterGurl97 Posts: 6,087 New Member
    edited July 2013
    I'm all caught up :)

    I'm loving Reno, for sure. He's a sweet heart. I also like Zinn, which I didn't think I would. I think it's because she's very real for me.

    Eagerly awaiting the next update <3
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
    I'm all caught up :)

    I'm loving Reno, for sure. He's a sweet heart. I also like Zinn, which I didn't think I would. I think it's because she's very real for me.

    Eagerly awaiting the next update <3


    Yeah, he's a really nice guy. I did the same thing with Zinn that I tried to do with Spectra (in Indi's gen of Shattered Light) I don't want the other female characters to be just horrible for no reason, I try really hard to make them just like real people, too. I want people to be able to see where they're coming from, and to see that they have their own personalities. I'm glad that it's working so well!

    Hopefully I can get it out in a couple of days. (I have a big set to build for the next chapter, and I'm dreading it. O__O Set-making is not my strong suit)
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
    The soonest I can make a chapter is tomorrow, so that's what I'm hoping for. But there's a chance it won't be until sunday. I'm not sure yet.
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    Rusty333PRusty333P Posts: 4,669 New Member
    edited July 2013
    Loved the last chapter. :)
    But now I need a new one. o_o

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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
    Rusty333P wrote:
    Loved the last chapter. :)
    But now I need a new one. o_o


    I'm procrastinating really bad because I have sets to build.


    Why did I do this to myself.
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    ArrowleafArrowleaf Posts: 3,871 Member
    edited July 2013
    I'm glad Mint seems to be making some strides in becoming a stronger and more independent woman. I just hope she keeps it up and cheers up soon, though I guess one cannot just cheer up when they're depressed but ya know what I mean. :]

    I can't wait to see what she'll discover at UoB
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
    Arrowleaf wrote:
    I'm glad Mint seems to be making some strides in becoming a stronger and more independent woman. I just hope she keeps it up and cheers up soon, though I guess one cannot just cheer up when they're depressed but ya know what I mean. :]

    I can't wait to see what she'll discover at UoB

    Yep, freedom from her adoptive family (and freedom from the memories that they bring) are helping her begin to grow as a person.

    I know I said I'd try to make the chapter this weekend, but I've discovered that weekends during the summer are actually terrible because that's when my parents don't work so that's when they make me do a bunch of crap I don't have any time to make chapters.

    But hopefully you guys will get to see what happens at UoB tomorrow!
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    NightlockFallenNightlockFallen Posts: 4,789 Member
    edited July 2013
    I'm looking forward to your next update ^_^
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
    I'm looking forward to your next update ^_^

    You're in luck, then. I'm uploading the pictures right now!
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
    Chapter 9: Family History


    Lying in the dark, wrapped as tightly as I could be in Zinn's blankets, I attempted to go to sleep. I wanted to go to sleep quickly, and without struggle, because I wanted the next day to come faster, but my unconscious mind had other plans for me. From the second I closed my eyes I was plagued by nightmares.

    Every time I closed my eyes, even for just a second, I saw a face of some kind. Vicious eyes, and a sick, pointed smile came at me through the dark. Within a minute, I always found myself started awake, with sweaty palms and a racing heart, which prevented me from relaxing again for the next few minutes. It was like my brain was shocked awake. Almost like the falling type of feeling that you get when you go to sleep too fast, the one that feels like you forgot about the last step at the bottom of the stairs. It would jar my brain awake, and send me into even more of a panic. Once I calmed myself, I would close my eyes again, only to see the monster again in my dreams, but with brighter, deadlier eyes, sharper teeth, and colder, less human skin. My heart, which was raging completely out of control, only seemed to excite the night-creature more, which, in turn, caused me to be more frightened. When the creature’s tongue swept around it’s mouth, and it’s eyes locked onto mine, and I felt like I was done for. Dead. Captured. I felt like a deer in the headlights, only the headlights were the creature’s glowing occipital orbs.


    It came to the point that I gave up even trying to sleep. I didn't want to risk experiencing the nightmare again, and I was not longer anywhere near the realm of sleep. I was so far from being tired that I could have gotten out of bed and started the day right then at... 2:38 am. That was never a good sign.

    I decided that I wasn't going to be comfortable in a strange bed, in a strange house, in a strange city, so I pushed my comforter off of myself and sat up in bed. They were not the slow, sluggish kind of movements that were usually made at 2 in the morning, they were quick and startled. I wouldn't exactly have called them "swift" or "graceful" because my arms were shaking and my grip was nowhere near steady. I stood from the bed, letting the cool, dry, night air brush against my clammy skin. I ignored the pain in my ankle as I walked without both the wrap and the high-top shoes to hold it tight, but my brain was not set to focus on finding my ankle-gear. I wanted to go find Reno; someone familiar, someone nice. Someone. Another berry to be in the same room with, because, if there was anything I'd learned in the past couple of days, it made an unimaginable difference for there to be another living presence there with me.

    The moon was darker than it had been in the past few days, as the waning became noticeable, and there was not much light to help guide me out of my room and down the hall to the living room, where I knew Reno would be sleeping.


    I heard his quiet breaths sounding through the living room as I walked down the hall. I limped more than I walked because of my ankle, which was reminding me with every step how much I needed those fortifications, but I was trying to be quiet. All it took was one step on a creaky floorboard, and a rather loud noise to match my cringe, to make Reno react. In truth, it was just a really loud, sudden snore, but I feared that I'd woken him up. I darted to the couch, closing the gap between us quickly, and with much stinging in my foot. It took biting down on my lip to keep a whimper from coming out, but even so I know that there was a sharp breath in there somewhere.

    Reno shifted around on the couch, turning until he was facing me. I was kneeling on the ground, holding my ankle tight with both hands, breathing heavily but quietly in pain when he looked at me. He blinked a few times, focusing and refocusing on me, before he was sure enough of my actual presence to speak.

    “Mint?" He mumbled, "Wha-- What are you doing? What time is it?" He reached out and placed his hand on top of my head, "Are you okay?" I nodded, but then I realized that really wasn't true, and that I could tell Reno.

    “No..." I admitted, "I can't sleep. I keep... I keep having nightmares." I took my hands from my leg, but I didn't have anywhere else to put them. They fell loosely to my sides, my knuckles reaching the floor and knocking against it. I ignored the pain of the floorboards hitting my bony hands, but that wasn’t hard. It fight right in with all of the other pain that I was ignoring. It had it’s own little niche. Hand pain, to match head pain, foot pain, back pain, and heart pain. What was one more little bit?


    "Come here." Reno told me, holding his arms open wide, "Come on up, Mint." He smiled at me, with sleepy eyes. I tried to stutter a reply, but nothing came out, the words were all caught in my throat. "What're you waiting for?" He slurred. His hand slid down to the back of my head, sending a shiver down my spine. A coldness traveled with the shiver, and I realized that the air in the apartment was not heated at all, and that the humid warmth that was leftover from my bed was gone, replaced by a slightly damp chill.

    Finally I accepted, pushing up from the ground and crawling on top of him. His arms fell on top of my back, linking over my spine. I flinched at the pressure in my shoulder, and he readjusted without saying a word. My subtle movements were enough to let him know what he had done, even at 2 in the morning, and even in the dark.

    And when I closed my eyes all I saw was the calming darkness of the insides of my eyelids.



    I woke up to the smell of Reno, the sound of his breathing and his heart beating, and the feel of his chest below my chest and his hands above my back. It would have been odd enough just to wake up in a strange house, but to wake up in the arms of a strange man was a complete shock to my system. Once my eyes popped open, and I registered what I was doing, I couldn’t stop myself from jumping up off of him, and startling Reno awake in the process.


    My face was burning as I backed away from the couch, and Reno, who was just barely starting to wake up, now that I’d moved off of him. I wanted to run back to my room before he saw me, or hide, or even just fall to the ground in embarrassment, but I didn’t do any of those things. I just stood in front of him, watching as he blinked a few times to adjust to the light, yawned, stretched, and sat up. He glanced up at me, with sleep still in his eyes, and smiled the sloppiest, just-woke-up smile.

    “Hey, Mint, something--” He yawned again, “--wrong?” He shoved his hand into his hair, ruffling it up a little bit, and getting rid of his bed head... er... couch head... “How’d you sleep?”

    “Um... goo--fine.” I squeaked, “Sorry I came and bothered you...” I added, wondering if he even remember that I’d come and slept on top of him. Before I could stop myself, my mouth started to spout out useless word after useless word, “You got the couch, the least I could have done was let you get a good sleep here on your own. I should have just sucked it up, I mean, it wasn’t that bad. Geez, I’m so sorry for bothering you, especially after everything you’ve done for me. Maybe I should just head out to UoB and get out of your wa--”

    “Slow down, Mint.” Reno slurred, “We’re not ready to go yet. We gotta eat breakfast. You gotta get dressed. I’m gonna drive you there today, you just gotta be patient.” He stood up from the couch, pressing his fists against his spine and popping his back with a series of large cracks. He blinked a few times, focusing his vision on me and smiling, “Okay?”


    I stood where I was as Reno stretched again, and then walked out of the living room. Following him with just my eyes, I pressed a cool hand to my cheek, which was burning still. I took a few deep breaths, and tried to focus on something--anything--other than the way that we had spent the night. It obviously hadn’t affected Reno in any way, he didn’t seem to be acting awkwardly or strangely in the least, but I was practically drowning in embarrassment. It must have just been a difference in personalities, and what we were used to.

    Reno opened the fridge, pulling out a gallon of milk. Lifting it like it was empty, he looked at me and asked if I wanted cereal. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak yet, and he turned to grab two bowls out of the cabinets. It took him a minute to find them, but he had no problem opening every cabinet door in Zinn’s kitchen in the process. He also had to problem digging through all of her food to find the cereal, which was a boring, bland kind. I was used to eating Willow’s sugary kid cereal, because, despite Vulcan’s best protests, Christine thought it would be better for me to choose my own food. The brown-gray squares on the front of the box did not look appetizing, and the word ‘Wheat’ really sealed the deal. But I would have to just stomach it, since I was staying in somebody else’s house.

    Reno poured me a bowl, and told me to ‘Say when’ for the milk. I didn’t object to his preparing of my cereal, even though I wanted to, because I thought it would be best for me to wet my throat before attempting to speak again.


    We sat down at the bar, on the same stools from the night before, and we ate our cereal in silence. I wanted to start a conversation, to fill the emptiness in the air, but I didn’t have anything to say. I couldn’t think of a single word to come out of my mouth. So I just scooped spoonful after spoonful of nasty, bland cereal into my mouth. Reno did the same. Only he sat up when he did it, and I had brought my face close to the bowl, so that I wouldn’t get any milk on Zinn’s clothes. Our posture was very telling. Reno was so much more easy going and confident than I was, so he sat up straight while I hunched over.

    Zinn, looking as composed and perfect as ever, walked into the kitchen and stood right in front of us. She didn’t get anything to eat, and I assumed that she was the kind of girl who usually didn’t eat breakfast. “Have a nice sleep?” She asked, placing her hands flat on the counter. She was talking mostly to Reno, but her glare did slip over to me for a second.

    “Yep.” Reno piped, between mouthfuls. Then Zinn looked to me, waiting for me to say the same thing.

    “Mhmm.” I agreed. She may have been being nice at the moment, but our introduction was not lost on me, and I had every intention of keeping my nightmares a secret from her. Ideally, I would have also kept them a secret from Reno, but two-in-the-morning me had had other ideas. Ideas that I could not take back, no matter how much I wanted to.


    Zinn lowered her elbows to the counter, leaning her face in and looking right at me. Her eyes scanned my head for a minute. I felt so self-conscious that I had to set down my spoon and just hold still until she had finished. I couldn’t help but think she was judging me. Harshly. I swallowed once, and flinched a little, and then she broke her gaze away. Her eyes shifted over to Reno, who was still happily working away at his cereal.

    Zinn shifted her gaze back to me, right as I finally became comfortable enough to shove another spoonful of flakes in my mouth. “What would you think about make-up?” She asked, tilting her head to the side in interest, examining me again, “I think my roommate left some green stuff here when she left. She was about the same complexion as you. And I could do wonders with that hair. It’s a shame you just wear it limp and loose all the time.” It was kind of an insult, but I chose not to be offended by it. It was possible that Zinn meant well, and if that were the case, I didn’t want to get on her bad side by making a deal out of it. If it weren’t the case, then I didn’t want to acknowledge her burn.

    She waited patiently for me to answer, keeping her head tilted like a confused dog, and staring me right in the face. I couldn’t eat anymore with her looking at me like that, I couldn’t focus on anything but the pink of her face, the look in her eyes, the black mascara that coated and lengthened her eyelashes. I could look like that, too, if I let her help me. I wanted to look like that.


    “Okay.” I finally said, pushing my, still half full, bowl of cereal away from me. “Let’s do it.” Scraping the legs of the stool across the ground, I stood up. I reached for my bowl, so that I could empty it in the sink and rinse it out, but Reno got to it first. My fingers brushed against his as his hand grabbed the rim, and I pulled back immediately, my mind flooding with images of our night on the couch.

    “I’ve got this.” He assured me, standing up himself and taking the two dishes into the kitchen. “You ladies have fun.”

    Zinn walked me down the hall to the bathroom. She led me there full of confidence and poise, two traits I wish I could have--or even fake. I hoped that the make-up would help me be more confident, especially since I remember feeling a lot better about myself when my aunt did my make-up. I wanted to feel like that again; and I wanted to walk like Zinn.


    Zinn dragged a stool into the bathroom, and had me sit down on top of it, facing her. She pulled out an incredibly huge collection of green make-up--telling me it was ‘Just what Apple left here’--and she asked me to hold still. What she told me was liquid foundation felt cold and sticky against my skin. I hoped that I wouldn’t feel like I had mud on my face all day, because I didn’t think I could handle that, and I didn’t think it would make me feel any better about myself. I was too afraid to make a move, and cause her to screw up what she was doing, to ask her if the feeling would go away.

    In the end, hoped that I looked better than I felt, because I did not feel pretty. My eyelashes felt wet. My lips felt sticky, and the gloss that she used tasted terrible. A dusting of powder foundation didn’t help ease the wetness of my skin. I turned her down when she offered to pluck my eyebrows, because her description of it sounded terrible and painful. Who knew beauty was so uncomfortable? It hadn’t been so bad when my aunt had done it, but maybe she hadn’t laid it on so thick. I felt like Zinn had caked me with an entire extra face on top of my own, but when I went to check her work she stopped me--telling me that I couldn’t look until she was finished; and that included my hair.

    I sat patiently, barely making a whimper, as she brushed out my hair, quite painfully. I sat and endured yank after yank, as the bristles on her brush caught on my unkempt locks, pulling at each knot until my eyes were watering. I was afraid that my mascara was running, and I was thinking that it probably would have been a good idea for Zinn to do with hair first, but it was her call, so if she messed it up then it was her fault. Then she whipped out the flat iron, and I didn’t know what to expect from that.


    After what seemed like forever, Zinn finished, and she took me out into the living room to display her artistic achievement. She still hadn’t let me see it, which meant that I was going into the situation blind. Reno was going to see it before I had a chance to judge it for myself, and decide whether or not I felt presentable--or comfortable. I wanted to shield my face and turn around, but Zinn had me by the shoulders with a death grip, and she just kept pushing me down the hall.

    I watched my feet, trying not to trip over them as we walked down the hall. Zinn was moving a little bit faster than I would have liked, and each step sent a small jolt of pain up my ankle, but I didn’t make a noise. Eventually I resorted to limping, which I had been trying to avoid at all cost, but it was inevitable at that point. I couldn’t just pretend the pain away, no matter how hard I pretended. At least if I focused on that, instead of my nervous energy, I could keep myself composed to some degree.

    “Reno. Come look.” Zinn called, waving Reno over from the kitchen. I wanted to shy away behind her, or into my bedroom, but it was too late; he was already coming. I steeled myself to stand still, and to stand up straight, and I even tried to smile as he approached us. “Spin.” Zinn instructed me. So I did. I carefully turned a 360 and ended up face-to-face with Reno.

    “Lookin’ good.” He said, nodding and smiling. “You ready to go to UoB, yet?”

    “I.. I still need to see what I look like.” I admitted, “Zinn wouldn’t let me look in the mirror.” I stepped backwards, almost tripping over Zinn, but catching myself at the last second. Reno told me to go quickly, so I limped as fast as I could back to the bathroom to see Zinn’s handiwork. I was pleased with what I found staring back at me in the mirror. A composed-looking, smooth skinned, bold-eyed, green girl. With light, fluffy hair, instead of the usual rag that hung from my head. Zinn really did work wonders on me.


    I limped back out to the living room, willing Reno and Zinn to look away and let me walk in peace, but they didn’t. Reno’s brown furrowed in concern as I came closer to him, and failed to mask my uncomfort. “Are you gonna be okay for walking around the campus?” He asked, holding out an arm to me, so that I could steady myself. I pushed it away and nodded solemnly. “You sure?”

    “Yes. I’m sure.” I responded, clenching my jaw and holding back a frustrated snap. I knew what I was up for, and what I wasn’t up for. I had absolutely no intention of putting off this visit any longer, I wanted to go and learn about my dad, and nothing was going to stop me. Not a twisted ankle, not a bruised shoulder, not a scraped forehead. I could have tripped down a flight of stairs on our way out of the building, and I still would have gone to UoB. I was determined.

    Luckily, I didn’t meet that kind of fate. I managed to make it all the way to the car without a fumble or another scratch. I admit to using Reno’s shoulder for support during the elevator ride, but that was only because I still wasn’t used to the motion--and it was worse going down than up. It was like I was falling, and I was afraid that the elevator cables were going to snap. Reno stayed quiet and calm, helping me calm myself. I appreciated that he didn’t try to quell my fears by telling me that they were ridiculous. Or saying the infamous ‘Don’t worry.’ That was not a helpful solution, but his composure was.



    The drive to UoB was short, and before I knew it Reno was parking, and pulling my door open so I could get out. He parked as close as he could do the campus, but even that we were halfway across the parking lot. Class must have been in session, because there were cars everywhere. Each car I saw symbolized a normal kid, living a normal life, doing the normal thing. There was a point in my life when one of those cars could have represented me, but that was long gone. Instead, I was a runaway orphan, limping across the parking lot with a man I barely knew, the learn about the parents I barely knew anymore.

    I pushed that thought aside, focusing on the building that Reno was leading me to. A large brick building, with bigger windows than any of the other structures on campus. Past the glare from the sun, I could see people sitting inside and working. Typing away at laptops, scribbling in journals, sitting around in circles and talking. Reno stepped forward and held the door open for me, letting me step inside before him. Not a single person looked up at us.

    Reno came up behind me, “This is the science building. Last night I... well... I researched your dad a little, and figured out that he worked here. It’s a good starting point, right?” He spoke quietly, his voice soft and pleasant. I got the feeling that he expected me to feel weird or violated because he researched my parents, but in reality I was glad that he did it; I wasn’t going to do it myself. He pointed me in the direction of one of the professor’s offices, “It said that he worked with Dr. Luxor Gold. I was thinking we could try to talk to him.” I nodded, and walked with Reno over to the door. The sign on the outside said that he had office hours during this time, but I was still afraid to go in. If Reno hadn’t been there, I probably would have turned around right then and fled the building.


    But Reno was there. When I tried to turn around, his arms blocked me, gently. He spun me to face the door again. When I didn’t make a move to open it, he knocked on it. He held me in place as he heard the man behind the door call to us ‘Just a minute’ and shuffle some papers around. My heart rate picked up in anticipation of seeing this man who my dad worked with. I wondered what it would be like. Would he see some of my father in me? Would he ask me about my parents? Would he turn me away?

    My thoughts were silenced by the creaking of the door, and the entrance of an aged yellow man, whose eyes shot straight to me. When his mouth opened I expected to hear my father’s name, but instead it was just a puff of air, and then he closed his mouth again. “How can I help you?” He asked, begrudgingly, then added,“If you’re looking for space on the research team you should have come yesterday. It’s filled up already.”

    When I didn’t speak, Reno took the initiative, “Actually, no. That’s not what we’re here for.” He told the man. I felt his fingers lightly at my back, urging me to speak, but I stayed silent. He continued, “We’re not students--”

    “Then I don’t have time.” The professor stated, blankly, and made the motion to close the door. It was stopped by Reno’s foot. “I really don’t have time for this. Office hours are to help my students.” He sighed. He pushed Reno’s foot out of the door and tried to close it again.

    “Wait!” I piped. “Did you know my father? San Felix Mirage?” His name felt like a needle coming up my throat, but I forced it out anyway. I needed this from him. I needed to find out about my parents. I could not let this opportunity pass me by, because if I let it go once, I was never going to get another chance. I couldn’t let it slip between my fingers.


    He swung the door open, and allowed Reno and I to enter his office. It was fairly neat, which surprised me, and I didn’t find anything useful as I scanned his desk, hoping to find something out about him. Reno and I stopped about halfway through the room, but the man continued on, ending up by the window. “Dr. Mirage.” He said, slowly, staring out into space through the window. He clasped his hands behind his back as he spoke. “I worked with him for several years before-- before--” He struggled with the concept of the disappearance, “--well, you know.” He finally settled on avoiding the subject. “You must be Magic Mint. He talked about you in excess. Work was the most important thing in the world to him--that is, until you came along. Ah, I remember the day, the nervous wreck he was. I--” He turned to face us. “I do apologize I get carried away sometimes. I offer you my greatest condolences for you loss.”

    I was frozen. I didn’t expect this man to know so much about my father, “I-- I-- thank you.” I stuttered, “So, you knew my dad well?” It was a stupid question, but it was all I had. I didn’t want to just say nothing, despite the fact that my brain was clogged and I had nothing of value to say.

    “That’s right.” The man nodded solemnly, “We were working together on a research project when... it happened... but we’d worked a lot together throughout the years. I was assigned to take him under my wing when he started working here.” He explained. “I’ve just realized that I never formally introduced myself to you--” He stuck out his hand, which I took gingerly, “Dr. Luxor Gold.” After pulling his hand away from me, he stuck it in his pocket, “Anyway, I’ll be happy to answer any of your questions.”

    I was scared to ask anything. I was scared that something I would say would trigger Dr. Gold, or shut him down. I was also afraid that I might say something and trigger myself, and I really didn’t want to cry in front of him, or Reno. “Okay... um...” I racked my brain for something that I really did want to know about my dad, but I hadn’t been prepared to get information so easily. “What... what was the last project you were working on with my dad?”


    Dr. Gold stepped forward, and sat down at his desk. “Oh my, that was a long time ago.” He said, softly, “The last project was... unless I am mistaken, it was tracing back Felix’ roots. It was not an official research assignment, it was just something he asked me to help with. Of course, if you asked the University, two of their most esteemed professors were not both working on a personal project. No, officially, it was just your father. The disappointing thing is that there are websites to do this on nowadays, whereas Felix spent hours and hours gathering family records.” He laid his elbows on the table and laced his fingers together. “We got back pretty far, though I’m afraid that the records were lost some time after his-- after his disappearance. The server was old, and nobody else worked on the project after that. I’m sorry. I wish that I could show you his work.”

    “That’s... okay.” I stammered, “Do you remember anything about the project? Maybe a place that I could start my own research?” It was a long shot, but I thought that if I could study my family history--just like my dad did--I could feel closer to him.

    “I don’t remember much. I’m sorry.” He sighed, “I wish I could help you more. I really do.” He looked up at me, “Although, there was one thing. Felix complained to me for days about it, and I spent a lot of time trying to figure it out. There were some of your relatives a couple of generations back, I believe it was two generations back from Felix--so that’s three generations back from you, with no death dates. I spent days searching through every database and family history book, but could not find a single thing. I’m sure you could find something, though, with one of those genealogy websites.”

    I nodded, “Okay. Thank you. I really appreciate your help.” I told him, smiling at my new information, “I’ll probably be back.” I felt the ends of my fingers beginning to quiver with excitement, and I figured that was my cue to get out of there. I backed right into Reno’s hand, and grabbed it with both of mine, “Reno and I have lunch to get to.” I laughed.

    “It was nice to finally meet you Magic Mint.” Dr. Gold smiled, “After hearing so many good things about you. Your father would be proud.”



    Reno had to escort me out of the building after talking to Dr. Gold. After talking about my parents--and hearing that my father would be proud--my equilibrium didn’t seem to want to work. And my ankle certainly didn’t want to cooperate. It was all I could do not to look drunk as Reno took me by the arm and led me to the fresh air. I took a few deep breaths just outside of the science building before we even attempted to do anything else, and Reno stood patiently and waited for me to regain myself. He didn’t say a single word the whole time.

    “Thank you.” I croaked, when my breath finally came back to me, “I couldn’t have done this without you. I don’t know why you helped me, but... you really helped me.” I couldn’t keep from smiling like an idiot, replying Dr. Gold’s words in my head over and over. I never wanted to forget what that sentence sounded like. You father would be proud.

    “No problem.” Reno told me. “You ready to get lunch?” He asked, holding out an arm as I leaned away from the wall. I took it, even though I didn’t need it, locking my elbow inside of his. “You know, it’s a little early for lunch. D’you wanna walk around a bit first?” He led me in the direction of an open, grassy hill, right in the sun.


    As sad as it was, I had forgotten how good the sun felt on exposed skin. It was better warmth than you could get from a blanket, or even a fire. It felt natural and soothing, and calming, too. Reno and I sat down together. Sitting there with him, I didn’t give into my habit of pulling up all of the grass around me. I was quiet and still, and I didn’t feel any sort of nervous jitters. I didn’t feel weighed down by anything, or anyone.

    When the classes ended, and the students came swarming out of the buildings like flies, I didn’t feel scared or lost, seeing all of those unknown faces. I didn’t feel out of place, like I had all through school. I felt completely normal. Usual. Nondescript. But, comparatively, normal was good.


    Reno laid back on the grass. He didn’t say a word as he lowered backwards, he simply leaned back and sighed. After a moment, I joined him. The grass felt soft, and well kept, on my back and against my head. I looked up at the clear blue sky, not able to find a single cloud anywhere. This was what my life was supposed to be like. Lying out in the grass with a guy I... I liked. I liked him. I felt my face smile, involuntarily, and I was glad that Reno couldn’t see it. I tried to quell it, to calm my facial muscles, but they weren’t listening to me. I kept smiling.

    My let my hand relax, and I felt my fingers brush against the side of Reno’s hand. I considering pulling my hand away quickly, and awkwardly, but after a second Reno’s hand was still there; and so was mine. I let my hand go a little more, to the point where my finger was firmly against the side of his hand.


    I closed my eyes, comfortable with the feeling of our hands touching, and the warmth of the sunlight pouring all over us. For a minute I felt completely at peace. Completely normal. Like maybe I could forget about everything that had happened to me, and just live in the moment forever. That was enough for me.

    But then there was a buzzing. Reno pulled away, and sat up, fishing through his pockets for his phone. “Sorry.” He muttered to me, pulling it out and flipping it open. He still had a smile on his face for the first three seconds of conversation, but then it fell.

    I wanted to ask what was wrong, but I didn’t dare. I didn’t know if I knew Reno that well.

    “We need to go back to Zinn’s.”
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    NightlockFallenNightlockFallen Posts: 4,789 Member
    edited July 2013
    I'm not sure if it was your intent, but when Reno was like "come here" I got kind of creeped out. Like. Alarms were going off in my head creeped out.

    No death dates, ey?
    Hmmm.... >:]

    But ohmg that picture above the last one. They look so cute there and just ;__;. But I'm still skeptical 'cause. I trust 'em alarms. Do you remember where you got that pose? I don't need it...but I want it XD

    By the way, she looks super pretty with that makeover thing that Zinn did :o
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
    I'm not sure if it was your intent, but when Reno was like "come here" I got kind of creeped out. Like. Alarms were going off in my head creeped out.

    No death dates, ey?
    Hmmm.... >:]

    But ohmg that picture above the last one. They look so cute there and just ;__;. But I'm still skeptical 'cause. I trust 'em alarms. Do you remember where you got that pose? I don't need it...but I want it XD

    By the way, she looks super pretty with that makeover thing that Zinn did :o

    XD Naw, it wasn't supposed to be creepy. It was supposed to sound... not exactly normal, but it was because it's like 3 in the morning and he's half asleep. XD

    That's right, no death dates... I wonder what that could mean...?

    <3 Yeah, it was pretty adorable. idk why we're whispering, but yeah. I got it Here

    It's amazing what some make-up and (especially) a new hair can do for a sim.
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    ArielleAArielleA Posts: 3,068 Member
    edited July 2013
    Stop squishing my Reno/Zinn, Cosmint ships! ;_;
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited July 2013
    mint is really coming into her own. i'm so happy for her.
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
    ArielleA wrote:
    Stop squishing my Reno/Zinn, Cosmint ships! ;_;

    Sorry! Cosmint, that's a good ship name. I guess we'll just have to see if it floats or sinks.
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
    mint is really coming into her own. i'm so happy for her.

    Yep, she's doing pretty good now that she can stretch her wings.
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
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    KaylaBresisBrettKaylaBresisBrett Posts: 2,015 New Member
    edited July 2013
    No death dates....I'm having suspicions and they are not good..I'm also worried about what that phone call was about. I don't know why but whenever there's a phone call picture in a story I'm like this is can never be good lol :)
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