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Illuminate the Night Sky ~ A Rainbowcy ~ ON HAITUS

Hey everyone, I suppose you're wondering what I'm doing right about now. Well, this is what my 'secret project' was. Yes. That's right. A second Rainbowcy!

You can call me Sho if you like. ^__^

Some of you may know me from my first rainbowcy, Shattered Light.

You can also find me on tumblr, Prisimatic, or on this Rainbowcy's blog Illuminate the Night Sky

Family Tree Here
*May contain spoilers, view at your own risk

Anyway, this is my second Rainbowcy: Illuminate the Night Sky ~ A Rainbowcy


It will be posted on a blog and here on the forums. You can read either, and comment either place. I hope to update this every other week, and Shattered Light on the opposite weeks. We'll see how that goes.

I will upload almost any character upon request, and I'll do my best to upload each heir when the time comes. Feel free to ask me for anybody you want uploaded (and tell me if you're okay with the exchange or if you'd prefer mediafire)

Recommended Reading:
Skip45's Too Much Color Too Little Time
Berrypie27's Splash of Color
Nightlockfallen's Until My Color Fades Away
Altheaquin's Noir Nights
Jessu's the Lumière Rainbowcy
TheUsernameFound's Colors of Amour
Writergurl97's The Rainbow Connection
Arrowleaf's Chasing Rainbows and Shades of the Poison Trees
Cupcake's Meringue Rainbowcy
Friendlyllama's Different
Rusty333P's Melted Rainbows
Babygirl80Plyr 's Lost in Wonderland

Writergurl97's Tough Love (sadly cancelled due to tech issues, but I recommend that you read what there is)
FrugalMay's Equinox
Arrowleaf's Ignited
Thedarkmuse's Wells Legacy


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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited August 2013
    Generation 1: Magic Mint Mirage

    Chapter 1: Broken Lives Forums | Blog
    Chapter 2: My Life as an Outcast Forums | Blog
    Chapter 3: Socialite Forums | Blog
    Chapter 4: A Plan That is Not a Plan Forums | Blog
    Chapter 5: The House of Sands Forums | Blog
    Chapter 6: Are You Running Away Forums | Blog
    Chapter 7: Safer Than Hitchhiking Forums | Blog
    Chapter 8: Everything Cuts Both Ways Forums | Blog
    Chapter 9: Family History Forums | Blog
    Chapter 10: Finding Family Forums | Blog
    Chapter 11: Not the Same Forums | Blog
    Chapter 12: Follow My Lead Forums | Blog
    Chapter 13: Settling Forums | Blog
    Chapter 14: Execution Forums | Blog
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited July 2013
    This is where I will post any extras, like fanart, bonus chapters, links to things that inspired me, etc.

    4th of July Special!
    Forums / Blog

    (go Here for pictures)
    Hug and Kiss
    Car Poses

    By Arrowleaf
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited May 2013
    You can post now!
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    ArrowleafArrowleaf Posts: 3,871 Member
    edited May 2013
    Wheee~! I am super duper excited. ^_^

    Yay for another rainbowcy!
    The Landon Legacy Wordpress // Forums|
    Chasing Rainbows: Wordpress // Forums
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited May 2013
    Arrowleaf wrote:
    Wheee~! I am super duper excited. ^_^

    Yay for another rainbowcy!


    Actually, you and, and your second rainbowcy, inspired me to actually do this. I had a bunch of ideas swirling around in my head that I didn't think I could fit into shattered light but I didn't know what to do with them, and then you made Shades of the Poison Tree, and I was like "oh yeah, that's what I should do."
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    NightlockFallenNightlockFallen Posts: 4,789 Member
    edited May 2013
    I'm excited for you to start this - like. Really excited. x3

    I really hope that you don't mind waiting a bit longer for me to catch up - I'm working at a craft fair today, and I'm going to try to finish pre-writing Bliss' gen so her chapters won't take me so long to update. :3
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    jbfairybirdjbfairybird Posts: 3,923 New Member
    edited May 2013
    A Second Rainbowcy huh? I'm bookmarking.
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    ArielleAArielleA Posts: 3,068 Member
    edited May 2013
    I'm mildly offended that I'm not a recommended read. :lol:

    But I'm willing to forgive you... :P
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited May 2013
    I'm excited for you to start this - like. Really excited. x3

    I really hope that you don't mind waiting a bit longer for me to catch up - I'm working at a craft fair today, and I'm going to try to finish pre-writing Bliss' gen so her chapters won't take me so long to update. :3

    Me too! :D

    I really don't mind. A bit of time will helps get me in the swing of things over here. Plus, I need time to write Phlox anyway.
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited May 2013
    A Second Rainbowcy huh? I'm bookmarking.

    Thanks. ^__^
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited May 2013
    ArielleA wrote:
    I'm mildly offended that I'm not a recommended read. :lol:

    But I'm willing to forgive you... :P

    Sorry, I just copied that straight from Shattered Light, and I don't update it very often. >__<

    But I'm on my iPod right now, and for some reason I can't get it to make links in posts.
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    Rusty333PRusty333P Posts: 4,669 New Member
    edited May 2013
    I hope you can keep up with two!
    Unlike me. My other one has pretty much been abandoned. Eh, I'll finish it someday.

    I'm excited for thisssss :D
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    ArielleAArielleA Posts: 3,068 Member
    edited May 2013
    I'm practically shaking to see who the founder/foundress will be! Are you sticking with the same color scheme, or are you going to mix it up for this one?
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited May 2013
    Rusty333P wrote:
    I hope you can keep up with two!
    Unlike me. My other one has pretty much been abandoned. Eh, I'll finish it someday.

    I'm excited for thisssss :D

    I hope so, too. I tried another legacy once and quickly abandoned it (but that was because nobody read it DD)

    Me too. I wish I could get the first chapter out today, but I'm doing this field trip counseling thing next week and I have to do a bunch of stuff to prepare. But next weekend I'll definitely do it! Sorry to keep you all waiting.
  • Options
    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited May 2013
    ArielleA wrote:
    I'm practically shaking to see who the founder/foundress will be! Are you sticking with the same color scheme, or are you going to mix it up for this one?

    I'll give you a hint: you've seen her on tumblr. (Along with her parents and herself as a child)

    No, I'm starting with a color and then deciding the color order as I go. The "prejudice against plain berries" thing didn't work for the story I had, but I figured that I might want to use it later. Plus, I figure that if I don't go in rainbow order it'll be easier for me to keep the spouse a mystery.
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited May 2013

    I should just tell you, I guess, that she's the founder.

    Magic Mint Mirage
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    ArielleAArielleA Posts: 3,068 Member
    edited May 2013
    Oooo, she's pretty! ^_^
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    Nestea7Nestea7 Posts: 3,906 Member
    edited May 2013
    So I just found this. lol. I can't wait for this to start. And Magic is soooo pretty. :D

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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited May 2013
    I'm gonna work on the chapter today, but I have no guarantees about when it'll be out. Because I was camping/helping out with a science field trip all week, and I got home today, and then I have to spend all weekend with my mom's family. >__< I'm really gonna try to get the chapter out, though.
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited May 2013
    Just checking something.
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited June 2013
    Chapter 1: Broken Lives


    When I was little girl I lived with my little family, in our little house, in a little town. In my 8 short years I had everything in my small world figured out. All the kids I knew, all the teachers I knew, all the neighbors I knew. They were everything. I liked being 8, I loved it, really. I was old enough that my parents let me stay up watching cartoons until 9:00, but young enough that I was still a kid. Somehow I just knew that was what I wanted. I don’t know where I got the concept of responsibility, but I sure knew what it was, and I sure didn’t want any. Sometimes, I wished that I could just be 8 forever.


    My dad was a scientist. I was never quite sure what he did, but I knew that he worked at the University 45 minutes from my house. I knew he did something about genes. I knew that he used to work late during the school year. He’d come in at 1:00, when I was supposed to be asleep in bed. I’d hear his car pull into the driveway, and the front door close, no matter how hard he tried to be silent. He’d come into my room, and sit in the chair next to my bed, while I would pretend to still be asleep. He would just sit, with his hands over his mouth, and then he would get up and go to bed.

    During the summer he worked less. He had time off, and he’d take my mom and I on vacation, and swimming at the beach, and he’d put me on his lap so I could steer the car while he worked the petals. When I told my friends, they were all jealous that I got to drive.

    I still don’t know how.


    My mom was an artist. She stayed home with me on the weekends, and drove me to and from school every day. She covered the walls of our house with her paintings, the ones that she was too attached to and wouldn’t sell. She taught me to paint when I was 4, and I loved it. She kept all the papers that I smeared with color, forming indecipherable blobs. I was never as good as she was, but she always said that I’d get better as I got older. I could never get the puffiness down for the clouds, or the edges of the leaves to be as sharp as she got them, but she told me my paintings were beautiful anyway.

    But her skills weren’t limited to painting. She sewed my Spooky Day costumes every year, and they were absolutely perfect. It didn’t matter what character I asked for, she could sew it, and it would look exactly right. Never a single stitch out of place. She wanted to try other things, as well, to expand her resume. She always told me that she wanted to try sculpting.

    She never did.


    Cosmic fit perfectly into my plan for life. He lived down the street from me, and we’d played together forever. I didn’t remember ever meeting him, he was just always there. His dad worked with my dad, I guess, and so naturally our families just melded together. I always imagined it lasting until the end of time, Cosmic and I. I thought that we were going to get married, and have 2.5 kids, and fit into the mold of a normal family. I thought that he was going to grow up to be a scientist, like his dad and mine, and he thought so, too. He’d be a genealogist, and study jeans just like my dad. At least, that’s what I thought my dad studied. Later I realized that it was genes, not jeans. But I wish it had been jeans, because nothing bad ever happens involving jeans.

    Cosmic agreed with my plan, from the moment I told him in our kindergarten class, and he continued to agree with me, until he couldn’t anymore. While he was in my first grade class, and my second grade class, and my third grade class. And that was it.


    It never occurred to me how strange it was for a scientist and an artist to be together. Science and Art are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum, and the personalities of the people who do them are totally different. But my parents always made it work, always. Growing up I thought that’s just how it was for everyone, science and art. Opposite attract, right? They never spent a minute apart, if they didn’t have to. They never argued for more than a few minutes at a time. I wanted a relationship like theirs when I grew up, that much I was sure off. That was what I thought Cosmic could give me.


    One winter, about a month before my birthday, I walked in on my mom crying in the bathroom. I heard her sobbing from all the way across the house, and I wandered to her. I’d never seen her cry before, and it scared me. I remember tugging on her sleeve, and that was when she noticed me. I remember asking her what was wrong, but I don’t remember what it sounded like when I asked her. Thinking back to it, it’s all muffled. She told me that she was happy--crying because she was happy. I didn’t believe her. She didn’t tell me why she was crying until the next day, after my dad was home.

    They told me I was going to have a little sibling.

    I never met them.


    I remember the day before my birthday, and I was so excited to be 9. Nine. It sounded so much nicer than eight, so much prettier. Plus, it was easier to spell. Nine. No hidden letters trying to trick me into spelling my own age wrong.

    I went out to the back yard to sit on the swingset, knowing that I’d get more toys, and I wanted to use the swings while I would enjoy them. They deserved that. I kicked the dust around, even though my feet barely touched the ground from the swing. My hands gripped the rope tightly, despite the fact that I wasn’t even swinging, just sitting. It was a force of habit. My dad had always told me to hold on as tight as I could.


    I saw Cosmic’s dad’s car pull up on the other side of the house, and I could feel my face light up. He was the only person I’d wanted to invite to my birthday party, but my parents told me that I should have a big party, with all my friends from school. I didn’t want that, I just wanted Cosmic. They decided that I would have a big party, like they wanted, and it would be on my birthday, but the day before I was allowed to hang out with just Cosmic, like I wanted.

    As soon as the car pulled in I jumped off the swing set, and tore towards the house. I could hear them coming in, Cosmic and his dad, but not his mom. His mom had left, but I didn’t realize it until later. She’d gone off to Briocheport, which was 45 minutes away, while he and his dad stayed in our little town, on the outskirts of the city.


    But I never really went inside. I never really stepped foot in that house ever again. When I reached the door Cosmic’s dad was coming out. He told me not to go in yet, that there was going to be a surprise for me, and he turned me back around. He led me away from the house, to the other side of the swing set, where he told me to close my eyes, cover my ears, and count to 100. He told me that it would all be ready by the time I was finished.

    My excitement was overwhelming. I sat down on the ground, with my back against the metal pole, almost shaking with anticipation. At first I counted too fast, and I made it all the way to 50 before I realized that I had to slow down. I didn’t want to go too fast, and the accidentally ruin the surprise. I slowed my counting to a near glacial pace.


    At one point I heard a noise. It was high-pitched noise, and I only heard a little bit through the muffle of my hands. I couldn’t tell if it was a scream of terror, or a sheik of joy, because I just barely heard it. Besides, I wasn’t sure I knew anything about emotions anymore, after I’d seen my mom crying tears of joy. I had thought I’d had it figured out, but I didn’t. I pulled my hands off my head, hoping to hear it again, and be able to identify it, but it didn’t come again.

    I began to count again, though I couldn’t remember if I had been at 78 or 87. I wanted to go inside, so I went with 87. And, besides, by the time I decided, I would have gone 10 seconds anyway. I counted. 88...
    Excitement got the better of me again, and as I counted through the 90’s I started to speed up. 91...
    94... 95... 96... 97..98.99.100

    I jumped up from where I was sitting, and ran to the house, as fast as I could possibly go. I threw the back door open in front of me, not caring if it hit the side of the house, even though my mom hated when I did that. I did make sure it closed behind me, because that was something that I could definitely get in trouble for, even on my almost-birthday.


    When I got inside I went straight for the living room, since that was the logical place for them to be, but they weren’t there. I don’t know what I was expecting, them sitting in a circle waiting to yell “SURPRISE!” My family could do much better than that. They would hide, obviously, that’s why they needed so much time. I tried to think of a place that they would hide... my room.

    I spun towards the hallway, and darted to my door, pushing it open gently. I heard the hinges squeak as I swung it, but no other sounds. Not a single one. Not a laugh. Not a cough. Not even a breath. I just thought they were good at hiding. I flicked the light on, and there was nobody there. I felt a little disappointed, but at the same time excited to go and find them for real.


    I checked my parents room, the laundry room, the guest room, all the bathrooms. I checked everywhere I could think of, but I had no luck. That was when I began to get frustrated, and my heart began to race. Those memories aren’t muffled at all, they’re crystal clear, and sometimes they play in my head when I sleep. Even when I just close my eyes, they’re there. On a loop. Ready to play.

    First I said, “Where are you guys?” With no response.

    Then I said, “Come on, give me a hint!” Met with silence.

    After that was, “Found you!” Because I hoped that I could trick them into coming out.

    And finally, “This isn’t funny, you guys!” Because I was really sick of it. I just wanted to eat, and open my presents, and hang out with Cosmic.


    I wandered back outside to the swings, and sat down. I counted to 100 again, pulling out a handful of grass with every number. I needed something to occupy my mind, and my hands, somewhere to direct my nervous jitters. When I reached 100 for the second time I went back in. I wished that my parents would realize that I couldn’t find them, and just come out. I wished that Cosmic would make a little peep by accident, and alert me to their secret spot. I had no such luck.

    My eyes were starting to sting with tears of frustration, and a little bit fear. I didn’t like being separated from my parents. I was hardly ever away from them, unless I was at Cosmic’s house, but then I had him with me. I didn’t understand why they would be gone, why I couldn’t find them. With every futile search more and more of my body filled with terror.


    The next time I went into the living room I noticed something I hadn’t before. There were two presents on the table. There was a picture frame that had been knocked over, and when I picked it up and set it straight it was a family photo, of the three of us. The glass was a little bit cracked on the front, something my mom would never let happen to her precious pictures. There was a big gash, a scratch mark, on my mom’s favorite wooden table. She wouldn’t let that happen either. And the furniture, it was all slightly moved. Not like it had been reorganized, just like it had been knocked to the side, run into, pushed.


    And that’s when I realized that something was very, very wrong. I ran over to the phone, and dialed 9-1-1. My vision was spinning so badly that I could barely see the numbers of the telephone. I remember talking to the nice lady on the other side, saying that I couldn’t find my parents, that they’d been gone for nearly an hour--which I didn’t know for sure was true, but it sounded bad enough that they’d know I wasn’t just a scared little kid. Though I was--scared that is--but I wasn’t just scared.

    Then I called my aunt--well, she’s was actually my mom’s best friend, but she was the closest thing I had to an aunt, since both of my parents were only children. My voice broke while talking to her, but I didn’t cry. I didn’t shed a single tear. Not yet.


    My aunt Christine came before the police did. Her car pulled up, and she ran inside to find me. She was crying already, even before she knew what had happened--the situation that is--we never knew what had happened. She held me until the police came, and she was quiet. She didn’t ask me questions, she didn’t ask me to talk about it, she just held me.

    I could feel the speed of her heart as she pressed my head into her neck. I felt her tears spilling onto the top of my head. Her grip was tight, but not painful. It was comforting.


    When the police finally came it was a friendly young guy. He asked me questions, but he didn’t push me. He asked things like “Did they mention going to the store?” and “Did they have anything to pick up for you party?” To which I said no. He asked “Did you see them leave?” and “Did you hear them leave?” Which I also answered no.

    Then he moved on to my aunt, and he asked her about my parents lives, personal stuff. Stuff he didn’t ask me about, stuff I wouldn’t know about. Friends? Enemies? Co-workers they’d beat out for a promotion? Christine tried to keep herself together, but she didn’t do very well. She could barely speak a word without breaking out in a whole new flush of tears.


    By the end of the day they filed my parents, Cosmic, and Cosmic’s dad as missing berries. My aunt took me to her house. The police officers said they’d “Do everything we can.”

    And at the age of 8, I, Magic Mint Mirage, became an Orphan.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    ArielleAArielleA Posts: 3,068 Member
    edited May 2013
    Whoa, that is one hell of a start! I'm on the edge of my seat! At first I assumed that Cosmic's dad was going to go nuts and kill everyone, but they all disappeared? That'! I'm definitely intrigued! :shock:

    Excellent first chapter! :mrgreen:
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited May 2013
    ArielleA wrote:
    Whoa, that is one hell of a start! I'm on the edge of my seat! At first I assumed that Cosmic's dad was going to go nuts and kill everyone, but they all disappeared? That'! I'm definitely intrigued! :shock:

    Excellent first chapter! :mrgreen:

    Thanks! I've been working on the writing for more than a month now. It was really hard for me to wait so long to start the pictures. Yup, they all disappeared. You'll just have to wait and see how/why. :D
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    shogunfishshogunfish Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited May 2013
    Bump for the morning.
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    NightlockFallenNightlockFallen Posts: 4,789 Member
    edited May 2013

    I LOVE IT.

    I feel so bad for her - just. Everybody she loved disappeared on her. What a way to start out a generation.

    What a horrendous surprise.
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