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The Drifter Challenge - House 002 - Rules


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    SimmingKimSimmingKim Posts: 94 Member
    BreeMiles wrote: »
    @SimmingKim they are also stored on her Blog for The Drifter Challenge


    Thanks! :)
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    chillyzgrrlchillyzgrrl Posts: 347 Member
    mojot89 wrote: »
    Quick question about twins...who is heir? I'm assuming it's the baby that was born first?

    @chr1ssymuah I asked the same question once, and Vi told me it was whichever twin you named first

    I've had twins since House 001. Having not seen that comment from Vi, I have been choosing whichever twin had the most skills by the time they hit YA. I figure it's a fair way to do it, since I'm not playing them or manipulating it.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited April 2020
    Opps, nevermind. Didn't mean to post yet. Please ignore this and look for the real post in a few minutes. o.O
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Hello fellow drifters! Some of you may know me from the House 01 thread. For everyone else, I recently completed House 01 with my Sim, Ella McDonough. She married Don Lothario and they had one daughter, Della. I posted updates about Ella's journey over there if you'd like to take a look. I'll be posting an Imgur slideshow of their house at some point there too.

    Anyway, Della's moved to the Crick Cabana lot now. She won't be getting a job. None of my drifters will unless it's required in the House rules. She had a few things in her pocket, but paid for them before doing any building as the rules allow. It wasn't much; a photo of Mom & Dad, a soccer ball she got for Winterfest, an element and a few seeds from her Mom's garden. I have a few screenshots I'd like to share of Della's progress so far. I'll put them in a spoiler though since there's 20. However, I did make them a bit smaller to make loading easier. :)
    Not long after Della paid for her pocket surplus, she bought herself a poo hoo bush and decided to do some fishing since she spent everything she'd already earned and the bills would be coming soon. She wasn't there long before Mom showed up to join her. Hi Ella! <3


    Daddy Don visited too, but Della didn't notice until it was almost too late. She had just enough time to run home and give him a hug before he said 'Goodbye' and left. Bummer...


    I'd done a little pre-scoping for potential spouses for Della while still playing in House 01 and found this guy. He's the Pizza Delivery 'boy.' I say boy because he was a YA then, but is now an adult. It's late Spring in this save so Della needs to get married and have a baby very soon! My plan is for the baby(ies) to age up to a toddler with at least a week of Summer left.

    Most of the wild plants in Granite Falls grow in the Summer. If she doesn't complete that part of the House challenge then, it'll be another year before she can try again. Well, unless she builds up enough handiness to get a weather machine to change the season. I'll worry about that later. Obviously I have Outdoor Retreat and will be completing the aspiration that came with the pack.

    I know the townie's name, but can't remember how it's spelled at the moment. Doesn't matter since I'll be changing it anyway. Look at him though. He needs a make-over too. o.O that hairstyle and especially the notorious eyeball ring has got to go! The clothes aren't too bad I guess.


    After some cloudgazing, flirting and taking his photo, Della asked Pizza boy to come home with her and they got busy right away. Dear God! Look at his PJs! Why does the game dress townies in such awful getups? They tried for a baby, but it failed! GAH!


    No worries they can try again, but after they get all the legalities out of the way first. "Pizza boy, will you marry me?" He said yes, of course! :)


    Annnnd, they're married. He moved in and I immediately went to manage worlds to give him a name I could pronounce and a much needed make-over.


    Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Royce McDonough! Jackpot! I ended up not having to do much of a make-over. All I did was give him a new hairstyle & color and got rid of the beard. Those PJs are much better in my opinion. He's actually pretty cute eh? :) Glad we snagged him early too since he has only 12 days before aging up to an elder.


    Time to try again for a baby....Fail! Again? GAH! Same thing happened to Ella when she tried for Della with Don. Must be something in the Lothario genes. lol


    Third time's a charm though. Ding Ding Ding! She's preggers! Finally! :)


    LOL Della's house is just one room so she told Royce the good news while still sitting on the toilet. I've never seen that happen before. So funny!


    Fun fact, Royce has the childish trait. When Della remodeled her tiny house after Royce moved in (no, we didn't use his money), she bought him a toy. He plays with that cute kitty ALL the time! :D


    He also likes to stand outside and watch thunderstorms. Unlike, you know, 'normal' Sims that freak out and run inside.


    Okay, who didn't see that coming? *raises hand* I thought for sure he'd get hit by lightening instead.


    Della loves her childish goofball (I forget what his third trait is) though and that's all that matters. Here they are enjoying their new couch. Della's baby bump is so small, can barely see it. Usually my Sims pop out immediately if they take a pregnancy test. Not Della.


    Hmm, maybe his third trait is neat. Aren't they the only Sims that will mop puddles outside?


    Aw, I guess it could be romantic too since Royce is always following Della around wanting to do romantic stuff. I seriously need to check exactly what it is. Anyway, Della's baby bump is HUGE now. I love that dress from DU, it looks so comfy.


    They had some simoleans saved, but not enough to build a nursery, so Della traveled to Sylvan Glade. She brought Royce there too later since two fishing is better than one. More fish & stuff! Turns out he's actually better at fishing than Della so that worked out well.


    Soon after it was time for Della to head over to the hospital. Royce came along too, but was too busy running around doing the impending Daddy freak out to participate in the birth. Yuki Behr did the delivery. She's not a Dr. though, she's an RN.

    "Uh, opps! I guess you're getting a C-Section. Hope you don't mind. ehehe"



    Adam, born first so he'll be the Gen 3 heir on the left, and Ian, the spare on the right. The nursery wasn't much bigger than what you see here, but it's since been enlarged.


    Fast forward through 3 days of dirty diapers, breast feeding and God-awful wailing and here's the boys as toddlers! They're SO cute! They both have Daddy's eye color, Adam has Della's haircolor and I think Daddy's mouth & eyes. Ian has Royce's haircolor and I think Della's mouth. Not sure about who has who's skin color yet. Adam might possibly have Della's though and vice versa. *shrugs* Adam has the Angelic trait and Ian is a Charmer.


    That's as far as I've gotten so far. They need a bit more funds to buy a tent for Della and rental fees before going to Granite Falls. They'll work on that the rest of this week and then go on vacation the start of the last week of Summer. Together. o.O Never, ever taken toddlers to Granite Falls so this should be interesting. lol Wish me (er, Della & Royce) luck! Thanks for reading to whoever got this far. I love this challenge! <3
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    SimmingKimSimmingKim Posts: 94 Member
    @Karababy52 That was a great update!
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    KariseKarise Posts: 1,198 Member
    @Karababy52 Great update. Congrats on snagging pizza guy. The twins are really cute.
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    BreeMilesBreeMiles Posts: 8,913 Member
    Oh, I got the pizza guy too @Karababy52, but he wasn't the same one in my game, love reading your story!
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    @SimmingKim @Karise @BreeMiles Thanks everyone for reading and posting your sweet comments! Ooo, you're doing the Drifter challenge too Bree? Pretty cool you got the Pizza guy too. I'll have to check out your blog. Are you still in House 02 or farther along in the challenge?
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited April 2020
    Hi everyone! :)

    I have another update to post soon, just need to organize the screenshots. However, I have a couple important questions of which depending on the answers might result in a need to restart House 02. I hope not, but que sera sera I guess.

    First of all, the family traveled to Granite Falls so Della could start on her aspiration requirement. When they arrived, there was a thunderstorm happening. They were scheduled to be there four days though, so I figured she'd just start the next day. However, I looked at the calendar and the forecast was for thunderstorms every day during their trip. o.O

    I didn't want to just send them home, because it was the second week of Summer and their trip was for the last four days. All the plants grow in the Summer, some in Fall & Spring. Della has only level 2 in handiness so I couldn't just have her change the weather. At that point in time, they couldn't afford the weather machine anyway. So I turned off rain & thunderstorms for the duration of their trip and turned it back on when they went back home. Was that breaking any rules?

    My other question involves the missing urns of her parents who have both died. I know it's not necessary to have the urns for my Sims in this challenge. I really, really wanted to build a McDonough family cemetery though and place all the urns there as a memorial to the family. When Ella died, I decided to wait until I got the message about strengthening her ties and then Della would travel back home and retrieve her urn. I didn't get that though until after Don just recently died too. Della went to the house, but their urns aren't there! o.O

    I did some research and found that sometimes the urns are in the household inventory if there isn't room on the lot for the urns. Checked that in build mode from manage worlds, empty. Moved in a temporary Sim to look again, nothing, they're just gone for some reason. Last resort was to move in Don's ghost and look in his personal inventory. I guess sometimes the urns get put there too. Nope, nothing. No urn. There's one more thing I can try that some say works. Bulldoze the house. I guess if there are any urns perhaps hidden on the lot, they'll automatically be put in the ghosts personal inventory.

    If that doesn't work there's only one more very last resort that I'd rather not do if possible. Move in Ella's ghost too, bring them both back to life and then have them die again to get their urns. Della and the boys were devastated when they died the first time though. I really don't want to put them through that again if I don't have to do it.

    So, after all that here's my questions about this. Did I break any rules by inviting Don's ghost and perhaps Ella's ghost to move in with Della? Is it breaking any rules to do whatever I can to get an urn for them? Do y'all have any other suggestions on how I can get their urns? Am I being too fussy about getting the urns and perhaps should just let it go? What do you guys do about urns for Drifters that have passed away? Uhg, it just REALLY bothers me their urns aren't at the house. I thought we had an update in a patch that would make it so urns for housed Sims would be at their house when they died. That doesn't seem to be the case though in my game.

    I'm torn what I should do and still keep within the rules or if I've already broke them or if in this case it's okay to bend them to get the urns. Let me know. Oh, and I play a totally vanilla game. Nothing against Mods/CC. I used a TON in TS2. I'd just rather wait until TS4 is complete before using any. Thanks so much for any help y'all can give me. :)
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,821 Member
    @PinkWorld, Caroline is so cute! I loved the trip they went on. So sad about Aleki. Nice to see they returned to Granite Falls. lol at Caroline's face while talking to her aunt. Congrats on completing house 1!
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,821 Member
    edited April 2020
    @Karababy52 wow he looks great after the makeover. You took some cute screenshots. Congrats on the twins! They looks adorable

    I am not sure if turning off rain and thunderstorms is breaking the rules, but I dont think so.

    I have never tried to get the urns, so can't help you with that. I never strenghten the ghosts

    Your game is against you so no moving in the ghosts is not breaking the rules. It's just a work arround so are fine and are not breaking any rules.
    BTW you can move in ghosts if you want to, i don't think that's against the rules
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    @illusie Thanks so much for your comments and helping to answer my questions. :)

    I figured since it's not against the rules to change aspirations or change lot traits, changing the weather effects would be acceptable too. Glad to hear you somewhat agree.

    I ended up inviting their ghosts to move in, then brought them back to life with a trait cheat. I'll just wait now until they die again naturally to get their urns. I was going to use a cheat so they'd die again immediately, but I just couldn't do it. I'm a softie I guess. lol Learned my lesson though for future Drifter houses so hopefully I won't have to go through this again. :)
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    fruhurricanefruhurricane Posts: 2,204 Member
    edited May 2020
    I'm about to start House 002!

    My drifter is Primrose Rainbow.

    Being born as the first child of Eyelet and Daphne, Primrose is promised as the first Drifter of Waffle Creek. As soon as she turns 18, she is shipped off to a completely empty town with the mission to checking out its liveability and starting up a new world.

    Unlike her mother, Primrose never chose to be a Drifter. She’s not quite sure what to think about her mission, but at least it’s an adventure.

    Primrose’s traits: Slob, Jealous, Music-Lover

    Outdoor Enthusiast

    You can follow my Drifter Challenge on my Wordpress.
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    fruhurricanefruhurricane Posts: 2,204 Member
    I've posted my first update. I'm starting out in winter and it's way harder than the House 001 start!

    House 002-1: A Cold Start
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    KariseKarise Posts: 1,198 Member
    @fruhurricane It's never easy starting in winter (I've done it before) but Primrose is doing well. Have you tried going to Sylvan Glade?
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    BreeMilesBreeMiles Posts: 8,913 Member
    Karababy52 wrote: »
    @SimmingKim @Karise @BreeMiles Thanks everyone for reading and posting your sweet comments! Ooo, you're doing the Drifter challenge too Bree? Pretty cool you got the Pizza guy too. I'll have to check out your blog. Are you still in House 02 or farther along in the challenge?

    Yes, I'm still in house 2, I'm doing it privately and haven't gotten it posted anywhere!
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,821 Member
    @fruhurricane, Primrose is beautiful. Starting in winter is not easy, but your sim is doing alright. The pizza guy is handsome.
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    House 002 was a lot of fun!

    Marc Flex, son of Daisy and Marcus Flex
    STORY (53 chapters)

    Gallery Link
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,821 Member
    edited May 2020
    @adwilson, congrats on completing house 2!! <3 I've read the story before and enjoyed reading it
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    Thank you very much @illusie <3
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    KariseKarise Posts: 1,198 Member
    @ADWilson Congrats on completing house 2. Good luck for house 3.
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    Thank you very much @Karise <3
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    Wild Everfang begins house 2.

    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    illusieillusie Posts: 13,821 Member
    Cute picture of her!
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    KariseKarise Posts: 1,198 Member
    @Mionax Good luck to Wild Everfang. Did she change her hair?

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