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Once and for All: Are You Buying?~~A Neutral Poll~~


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    ashley247ashley247 Posts: 74 Member
    edited August 2014
    I was set on not buying the game until I realized that I felt the same way before Sims 3 released and I ended up still enjoying the game as time went on. I had a hard time adjusting to the Sims 3 after playing Sims 2. I didn't start enjoying it until more expansions were released and I got used to the open world play style. I think this is what will happen with me for the Sims 4 too. So I am still going to get the game and enjoy it for what it is. I just pre-ordered the premium edition today and look forward to seeing what expansions and updates they put out to make the game even better over time.
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    McWolfMcWolf Posts: 392 Member
    edited August 2014
    I pre-ordered it the other day and I "think" I will stick with it and buy it.

    I say "think" because, it's the first Sims game aside from various of TS3's later EPs that has left me uninspired, unexcited and even depressed about the release of the game.

    I used to be all frantic about upcoming releases. I was devastated when TS3 was delayed for only a few months. Heck I was devastated when the only shop that sold PC games in my town didn't have The Sims 2 Free Time in on its release day.

    This one however - is just completely lackluster with everything they've removed. The new features like CAS and build mode upgrades look cool but are completely belittled by the downgrades of everything else in the game.

    I find it extremely insulting that EA keep going on about "emotions" and "weird gameplay" and that it is to improve gameplay, when all they've really done is remove everything that added to gameplay in previous installments. I just don't understand it. I really don't.

    I didn't enjoy The Sims 3 as much as I did The Sims 2. It could have been handled better, but it was far more ambitious than The Sims 4.

    If there's a Sims 5, it's emotions that'll be getting the chop if they're wanting to put this game back on track.

    This makes me angry just writing this!

    I get used to the idea of playing TS2-style, but then all the things like object-babies, no toddlers, teens being the same height, lack of careers, only like 12 houses per neighbourhood - ugh. It's all so depressing.
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    FamousmelodyFamousmelody Posts: 118 Member
    edited August 2014
    Yes, I'm still gonna buy it! I still want my toddlers but overall I think this game has potential and I'm not going to know if its good or not if I don't actually play it!
    I'm Just a down to earth Gal from New Zealand !
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    kama674kama674 Posts: 1,618 Member
    edited August 2014
    No, I'm not buying. Th game is too limited and simply not worth the asking price.
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    YazFoxxyYazFoxxy Posts: 1,219 Member
    edited August 2014
    Nah, I ain't buying it.. :/
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    AnabelleLeeAnabelleLee Posts: 182 Member
    edited August 2014
    It is a gift. If it is bad then I just will not get anymore Sims 4 content.
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    Lilia1971Lilia1971 Posts: 392 Member
    edited August 2014
    No. Not buying
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    Blue_Moon_LoverBlue_Moon_Lover Posts: 503 Member
    edited August 2014
    No, not buying.
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    temestemes Posts: 175 Member
    edited August 2014
    I'm buying it. I'm very random Sims player, and for some reason I like the idea of smaller "closed" world more than the overwhelming big world of Sims 3.

    Usually I spend more time building than playing, and the new features in build mode look really good. I always play with adults without aging, so I don't care about toddlers, babies or kids. I love the new cartoonish look much more than the graphic style of Sims 3.
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    Elf67Elf67 Posts: 1,198 Member
    edited August 2014
    Nope, not buying. Sims 4 is a complete joke as well as a major ripoff!
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    misgavmisgav Posts: 249 New Member
    edited August 2014
    No, i dont even look forward for this game in the future.
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    Goth583Goth583 Posts: 1,206 Member
    edited August 2014
    Yes, and counting down to release day! - Check out my current TS4 Legacy!
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    alexspoom13alexspoom13 Posts: 7,439 Member
    edited August 2014
    The poll is currently 47% yes and 46% no. :shock:
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    ashcrash19ashcrash19 Posts: 4,423 Member
    edited August 2014
    I voted undecided. While the overall art of the world/sims I like without having to really mod, the multi-tasking, and diversity of the sims is appealing, there are too many factors that are iffy for me.

    I think, for the first time in my Sim buying history, that I will wait for reviews (especially LGR's) before purchasing. As sad and hard as that is for me to type, it's just not worth "blowing" like $60 bucks on this game.

    Babies being attached to cribs I can handle, and I thought not having toddlers wasn't the end of the world, but after seeing the animation of baby to child--literally jumping out of the crib--I'm even more concerned.

    I'm not sure if it was ever made official that this game used to be for multiplayer/online, but it certainly seems that way.

    /endrant :roll:
    "Not All Who Wander Are Lost"-Tolkien
    Origin ID: simaddict1990
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    mrsnava82mrsnava82 Posts: 664 Member
    edited August 2014
    Right I don't know any more, I was all for buying it, but I'm pretty upset at not getting a demo, pretty much if I don't get one, I'm not buying it. :wink: and then with all the things that have been removed that I've seen about babies being objects, don't care much of no toddlers and no pools. So right now just pretty much on the fence about it.
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    KFrithKFrith Posts: 181 Member
    edited August 2014
    I am buying it
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    Biotic_WarlockBiotic_Warlock Posts: 11,063 Member
    edited August 2014
    This is my genuine response.
    Gallery ID: Biotic_Warlock
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    sweetface44sweetface44 Posts: 2,958 Member
    edited August 2014
    buying what?
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    windweaverwindweaver Posts: 7,375 Member
    edited August 2014
    I cancelled my pre-orders again. It just looks too much like a facebook game. there are too many cuts. and I just don't like what they've done with the family game play. It should have been delayed a good year or more.

    anyway, I'm real sorry about my feelings. Not for EA or any of you guys, but for myself. I am so disappointed and I was going to get it. But can't take what campers have shown us. :cry:
    My Origin Name is: Cynconzola8
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    GegeGege Posts: 2,548 Member
    edited August 2014
    Yes, bought and paid for.
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    LordZefLordZef Posts: 50 Member
    edited August 2014
    Moodbeamy wrote:
    Yup. I'm really impressed with how fleshed out all the features that we do have are. I'll post here what I posted to SimsVip last night:

    'It’s REALLY refreshing to come here and read all the positive opinions on the game. The official forums seem to be sinking from the negativity. YES, they’ve axed A LOT. HOWEVER; as they’ve already said, this is a solid foundation; it’s paving the way for everything else to come later. That sounds unfair right? You know, bad old EA cheating us AGAIN! Well actually… no. Not quite. Not only have they laid the foundation for all these aspects to return, they’ve fleshed everything else out to the max. Everything that HAS been included has been done to the highest level of quality; not skimping. And, with features which they knew they wouldn’t have time to get to 100%, instead of including something half baked and generating tonnes of complaints, they’ve axed it so that they can include it later in it’s entirety; the way they would want it to be. Yes, that’s caused complaints, but all those complaints will be null and void when they do finally add these aspects back into the game. TS4 is looking to be the most FUN base game yet. Which is more important than anything else, because, at the end of the day, it is juat a game.'

    I firmly believe that TS4 will be the best base game by far. And hey, if it's not, it can't be worse than TS3.

    Must be an EA employer. lol
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    BreeSashaBreeSasha Posts: 644 Member
    edited August 2014
    I am buying the game, I already preordered the premium edition plus the prima guide too. I want this game because I know it's like a Sims 2.5, it's going to be better than the Sims 2 but it doesn't have all of the features of The Sims 3 like open worlds and pools. I don't care about the pool (never used it in all the time I had The Sims 3), I don't miss toddlers (they were a nightmare to raise up and teach the skills to), and I don't miss babies being portable outside of the crib (all the parents did is lay them down around the house). As I play The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection and The Sims 3, I notice these types of things. I just want a newer sim game to play that is less annoying than The Sims 3. I've been aggrevated with The Sims 3 for years at least 1-2 years. I stopped really playing the game after Generations because my game just started lagging more and more.
    Check out my Youtube channel where I create life simulation gaming videos including content about the Sims 4! MellowGamerChick YT
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    Princess_CarlyPrincess_Carly Posts: 128 Member
    edited August 2014
    Yes I'm buying. Actually really excited to play and wish September 4th would hurry up!
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    stylsimstylsim Posts: 222 Member
    edited August 2014
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    GreenEyedTigressGreenEyedTigress Posts: 23 New Member
    edited August 2014
    No. I had been "on the fence" for a long time, but now, after seeing the videos, screenshots, reading the new info., I'm definitely not buying. Price does not equal quality for this game (in my opinion). I'd rather deal with Sims 3 glitches and crashes, or even just not play at all.
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