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The Boys🚶🏾‍♂️🚶🏼‍♂️🚶🏽‍♂️🚶🏻‍♂️ But I already did something today! 😭 3/03


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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    Ji Ho and Jeb are so happy to be together again, they won’t part :3

    Ji Ho hopes Jeb has a good dream in his first night at their new home and that it comes true. He deserves it.

    Ji Ho’s and Jeb’s apartment. They are the only ones who share bed- and bathroom. The others only the bath.

    And Jeb dreamed... (he’s smiling ;))

    Saiwa and Jeb stepped through a strange portal on a long thorny path...

    And even though Saiwa tried anything to seduce Jeb...

    ...he just kissed him...

    ...and kept on walking along the path.

    And Saiwa followed Jeb.

    At the end of the path was The Guitar - in super size...
    (Even though Saiwa doesn’t seem to get what he wants, I consider this as a good dream. They are together at least :3 And there is hope.)
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    Vlad is the last of them who’s still awake.

    He’s on their balcony enjoying the view...
    Vlad is glad that Ji Ho is so comfortable around Jeb and that they like each other so much. Jeb and Luci can give Ji Ho what Vlad couldn’t...

    He could be sad about the photos that show Ji Ho with Luci, but he was just happy that there is a photo of him too :,) And the fur rug he gave Ji Ho as a secret present is lying in front of his bed. (TMI: Luci painted the picture of the llama and the freezerbunny and Vlad the heart.)

    Vlad eventually went back inside, took a shower and headed for his room.
    He is still alone in the apartment.

    Whatever it takes, he will always run along with Ji Ho.
    Right by his side. And protect him - at any cost.


    No woohoo’ing? (Or what is written there on the sign?)
    No worries - no one is woohoo’ing here -.- *sigh* I wish...
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    Vlad fell asleep and dreamed.
    (Their beds stand opposite of each other <3 And Vlad kept one of the photos Genji shot of Ji Ho in his whirlpool)

    He dreamed that he was back at the temple.

    Down in the sanctuary, where Ji Ho and him had tightened their bond.
    But there is another couple messing around in ‘their’ bed...

    Oh no - it’s Ji Ho and Luci!
    As if it wasn’t hard enough to endure for Vlad that Ji Ho loves Luci and not him - now he has his first dream in their new home about them... :,(

    Then Vlad saw Ji Ho and Luci walk over to the temple building.
    (Ji Ho is wearing his prom outfit)

    Where he was already waiting for them.

    And then Luci took their hands as if he wanted them to be together... and as if he gave them his blessing.
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    The screenshot above is from the login. It was so cute how Kiyoshi was matching the owls and the interior.

    Uh... and also after login - Ji Ho in the ice cold water of the temple!

    Jeb forever complaining about his clothes hahaha

    The way they look at each other!

    This is one of the reasons why I’m so excited to log in (almost) every day.
    I have a slight idea of the story and what’s about to happen - but it’s what they make of it.
    Their faces, their reactions.
    They are so so amazing to me and I love them so much <3

    Luci thinks Ji Ho is a thumbs-up-kisser ^^’

    Here they smile at each other when Luci gives them his blessing :3

    pssst...I’ll tell you a secret...
    Did you notice something odd about the second Vlad/Luci?
    It was Kiyoshi!
    We took him with us because I didn’t want to create an extra Luci/Vlad.
    (And Kiyoshi already had the same hair color as Vlad ;)

    It felt wrong for me. Luci and Vlad can’t exist apart from each other.
    This was only set up for the dream. Outside of the dream Vlad and Luci can never meet.

    When you scroll up again and look at Kiyoshi/Vlad’s poses - just like Vlad! Amazing! Especially in the pictures 2,3 and 5.
    Even though Vlad is a bit thinner than Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi did it so well - wow.
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    The owls and Kiyoshi are so cute, so Ji Ho took a photo of them.

    And Vlad painted the owls ^^’
    And then Kiyoshi had to pose with the painting so Ji Ho could take another photo! Kiyoshi looks just as confused as the owls ^^`

    And then... lol

    Poor Kiysoshi omg ^w^’
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    Sai and Jack woke up first from their dreams and they seem happy so far.
    (In the top left corner in the pic above is a foto of 16 yo chubby Jack with Noxeema after they had been rescued from the lab ;)

    Sai’s and Jack’s apartment and hangout of the boys. They each have their own room but they keep their doors open so Sai can be there for Jack if he needs him.

    Then the bond woke up Vlad because Ji Ho is crying.

    He can hear him anyway (as always...). Since their rooms are next to each other.

    Jeb: “Ji Ho...”
    Ji Ho can’t stop crying...

    Sai and Jack came over. It’s time for breakfast and to get ready for their first day of school here.
    Ji Ho eventually calmed down. Enough to tell them what happened.

    Ji Ho: “... and Luci kissed me. Then he took me over to the temple and ‘gave’ me to Vlad! Is he about to finally leave? I thought I was fine about our relationship - but I’m not. I can’t bear if Luci leaves me and never comes back!”

    On the other side of the wall - Vlad was shocked. Ji Ho seemed to have had the same dream as him! How is this possible? Through the Bond?

    Vlad thought he was fine about Ji Ho and Luci - and that Ji Ho never could love him. But he was not. To hear that Ji Ho was so upset to be with him, hurt him more then he could have imagined.

    Jack: “Ji Ho. It isn’t said that these dreams come true. Look, I dreamt of my Armadillo in supersize. This will never come true. See?”
    Saiwa: “Right. And I dreamt of the Guitar, a lava path and pink trees! Just crazy dreams. Nothing more.”
    Jack: “By the way. Did you know that, during the last Ice Age, there were Armadillos called Glyptodon. They were 10 foot long and weighed one ton!” (hahaha Jack!)

    Ji Ho calmed down eventually but Jeb was shocked - Giigs seemed to have had the same dream as him! How was this possible?
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    They dressed for school and met in the staircase.
    (They wear school uniforms! aouwww
    omg and Vlad is sad because Ji Ho is sad!)

    From below they hear music playing ö.Ö’

    Girls just wanna have fun - Cyndi Lauper

    Is there someone else in the building?
    They went downstairs.

    Saiwa: “Noxee? What are you doing here?”

    Noxeema: “Churros - for breakfast! Hahaha. You didn’t think they’d leave you unattendend, did you?
    And how could I deny watch over my little pumpkins in this gorgeous castle! I’m a queen - this is the perfect place for me!
    And! I brought the massage table!”

    She's a Killer Queen
    Gunpowder, gelatine
    Dynamite with a laser beam
    Guaranteed to blow your mind
    Killer Queen - Queen

    Vlad is so happy to see Minerva (the cat) ;)
    He doesn’t seem to know that she is Ms Coombes, their teacher.
    But their affection for each other is still mutual <3

    It seems Jack is not the only one who had an instant crush on Noxeema :3
    And Ji Ho seems jealous!

    (Even if you know the linked ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’ song/MV, I recommend to watch this version because it’s a special mix from the movie!
    I can’t get over how amazing Wesley Snipes as Noxeema is ^^’)
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    Noxeema (who meets Jeb for the first time) to Saiwa: “Oh my... you told me he is hot. But - wow - you’re a lucky boy!”
    Jeb: ?
    Saiwa: “OMG Noxee!!!”
    (but Jeb seems happy to hear that ;)

    Noxeema: “You all look a bit tired - didn’t you sleep well?”
    Saiwa: “Oh - we had some weird dreams...”

    Noxeema: “I tell you what - I don’t need a dream. I have a plan!
    I’m gonna tell you what it is.
    My plan is to bring you two little lost doves together again!”
    (gogogo Noxee!)

    The conversation above is referring to the quote of Noxeema in the Movie:

    Noxeema Jackson: [to Clara]
    ‘Ms. Vida seems to think that I don't have a dream. Well, honey, I'm not Martin Luther King. I don't need a dream. I have a plan. You know I'm gonna tell you what it is, because instinctively I knew I could trust you, being as you're not a big talker and everything. My plan is that while in Hollywood I will be approached by an imminent producer, at The Ivy no doubt, to star in the lush film version of the Life of Ms. Dorothy Dandridge. Yes that noble blacktress, who never played domestic help. And then who's career was crushed by the white Hollywood machine.’
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    I love to see them all together at the table <3

    Noxeema is making additional plans...
    Now that Saiwa and her finally live together, they can bring their ‘Strawberry Cake Fashion’ online shop to the next level!


    The kitchen without the chaos. Even the doctor from the STaCKS paid a visit ;)

    The usual chaos ö.Ö’
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    A rainbow over Mount Komorebi! A bit crooked, but i consider this as a good omen!
    Kiyoshi woke up from his radio alarm. It’s gonna be a painful day for him.

    And even though he dreamt of Jack and that they kissed, it makes him miss Jack even more.
    And what kind of strange thing even was that in his dream?
    (Kiyoshi had the same dream as Jack!)

    We barely get to see Kiyoshi this tense Ö.ö He doesn’t even notice the new photo on his wall ;)
    (TMI: He can’t have any photos of Jack in his room because the council raids the temple and their rooms on a regular base since they survived their execution. The Council does not know that Jack and Kiyoshi are together (no one knows it). Jack and the others would be in danger if the Council finds out that it had been Jack and Sai who escaped from the lab and hang around with Vlad, who is on their radar for reasons we still don’t know.)

    They left the temple after a last meditation.

    Dtui: “I’m so sorry I can’t spare you from this. It must be so hard for you to return to this place. I wish I could have done more for you.”
    Kiyoshi: “We don’t have a choice anyway. And you did everything you could for me, Dtui. You even gave up your old life. I could not ask for more. Thanks for everything.”

    They are back at the Council’s High Court - where Kiyoshi and Dtui should have been executed two years ago for freeing Jack and Saiwa and betraying the Council...
    The areal looks a bit different now.
    There is a fountain where the pyre was, and benches...

    Even though they both survived - 17 year old Kiyoshi Ito, raised in the beliefs of the Council, had died here.
    And the Kiyoshi we know now had risen from the ashes of the pyre his own father has lit.
    (Btw, the building is inspired by a series, do you maybe recognize it? It was all a bit darker in the series though.)
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member
    edited February 16
    Kiyoshi went into the former Court Building -

    which is now his new school and home! ... ö.Ö’

    The founder of the school bought the whole complex cheap when the Council lost so many supporters after the Broadcast.
    (the Boys still don’t know anything about Kiyoshi’s Story)

    They are so happy to see Kiyoshi again!
    But Jack just let out a choked squeal and ran outside. Saiwa is following him.

    Saiwa has enough of Jack’s silly behavior.
    It affects their whole group of friends - in a negative way.

    Saiwa: “This is enough now! You must give up your obsession with Kiyoshi for your own good!
    There is your Alpha out there who loves you enough to risk choosing you for his pack!
    That made him an outcast just like you! And you must feel something for him too - otherwise he couldn’t have defeated you!
    Come to your senses!”
    (None of his friends knows that Kiyoshi became Jacks Alpha at the Cattle Market.)

    Jack: “Stop right now! I have a plan and it will end very soon!”

    Jack has a plan... Sai sighs. But what can he do...
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    The Boys' new school (and the former Council’s High Court) - the ‘Belgraves Institute’ - is ‘slightly’ ^^’ inspired by the ‘Nevermore Academy’ from the series ‘Wednesday’.

    But only the exterior. The whole interior is my imagination.

    Scenes at Nevermore were filmed at Cantacuzino Castle in the Carpathians/Romania.
    Fun Fact: also located in Romania is Bran Castle, the Home of Dracula :3

    We are lucky with rainbows these days. Everything will be fine - one day ;)
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    Mr Morlind: “Moving to this new school comes with a few changes.
    The activities of the supernaturals reached a high peak on winter solstice
    (Editor’s Note: The Council does not know what exactly happened this night),
    so we have to keep them under control to avoid further incindences.
    Especially Vlad Tepesz!

    Like the founder of our hometown Copperdale, Jasper Prescott, always said: ‘Keep you friends close - but your enemies closer’.

    Therefore these creatures will be kept here at this school night and day so we can have an eye on them.”

    “Luckily we can welcome Kiyoshi Ito back into our rows. We were able to remove him from the influence of that evil witch and he left the temple! He will befriend and spy them and report to Principal Prescott. By the way, where is Molly Prescott this morning?”
    (Editor’s Note: This about Kiyoshi is obviously a lie! And maybe not the only one. The Council must be very desperate to resort to such means... Or Kiyoshi’s father had lied, to get out of the tight spot...)

    “Scrutinize them. And report any valueable information to me or Principal Prescott until we find a way to eliminate their powers - or them.
    The founder of this school neither avoided cost nor effort to lead our tedious quest to a final sucess - contribute your part!”
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    Principal Prescott: “We request humility, obedience and gratefulness from you here. With these generous scholarships the noble founder of this school enables you knowledge and a home. Not common for creatures like you.
    Contribute your part - and behave!”

    Ms Coombes (after the Principal left):
    “Welcome to your new school and home! With the sucessful completion of your projects all of you prooved your abilities to get through this.
    You heard Principal Prescott. This won’t be easy. Please stay calm with the importance of our mission in mind.
    We were trying to negotiate about this school ever after the late founder bought the building and determined it’s new purpose in his last will and testament.
    The Council just agreed after they had been shaken up from the event on winter solstice.
    (Editor’s Note: That must have been when they visited Tartosa.)
    We need to find out what they know, what they plan and if - and why - they tried to steal Vlad’s body.”

    “Anyway - I’m glad you are all doing so well again. Of course I tried to stay up to date through Social Bunny and the Strawberry Cake Blog - the Simtimates Collection was quite interesting to see - I almost choked on my tea! ;)
    Omg she really saw it! And if she saw it, the others saw it too hahaha. Poor Vlad.

    Lunch break.
    Ji Ho had spilled some mayonnaise on his uniform, so he changed clothes.
    But Duane wont let him get away with this... They are already lurking in the boys classroom - to find something to report...

    Duane to his classmate and Mr Lum: “These creatures will never become part of our community... can’t even follow the easiest rules!”

    Another canditate for Vlad’s To-Kill list... He just holds himself back for Ms Coombes and their mission.

    Ms Coombes: “Urks - my back. This is going to be a long day. Vlad, please show Kiyoshi his new room and give him his school uniform after classes. Ji Ho - you should wear yours too - to avoid trouble.”
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    The students at the Belgraves Institute are divided in Day Class and Night Class.
    Day Class attends school only during the day and leaves after classes.
    Night Class (our Boys) stay over night, attend additional classes in the evening hours and live here.
    They are also the only ones who have to wear a school uniform (clearly to stigmatize... so that even the dumbest day class muggle can target them.)
    Plus - the Day Class likes to add that they are ‘creatures of the night’ and therefore deserve this name.
    But Morgan, who has a crush on Vlad since the beginning, thinks Night Class is so cool... Jenny, who walks right behind Morgan, doesn’t approve.

    The Day Class/Night Class trope is inspired by the legendary Manga\Anime ‘Vampire Knight’.

    Soundtrack on youtube: Still Doll - Kanon Wakeshima
    (which is also the first ending of the ‘Vampire Knight’ Anime)

    Sebastian already approached Vlad...
    They really are determined and don’t loose any time ö.Ö’

    And then... Jenny made a clear statement what they think about Night Class.
    Lucky you that Vlad doesn’t see you!
    How can they even do this? Or are they a secret werewolf? ö.Ö’
    (Does anyone know their original name? In my game they are still named Jenny - like before I changed the language to english. But I can’t find anything about them in the net under this name.
    Editor's Note from the future: After one year I still have no idea what happened here, I never saw another Sim ever do this. I even added her to our household to find out, she is female and no werewolf. I use no mods, cc or poses.)
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    There’s Kiyoshi. Vlad is going to show him his room and their dorm.
    On their way, Kiyoshi stopped by the fountain. The place where the pyre was.
    His whole life - his whole world even - had changed on that day.
    It will be hard for him to be reminded of his painful past every day -
    but now he has his friends by his side.

    Saiwa: “Well done - keep your distance to Kiyoshi. You’ll get over him.”

    A little later this evening.
    Ji Ho: “Ah - you two are here. Good!” said and left again...

    ... just to return a few minutes later with Vlad

    Jeb and Kiyoshi: ???
    (Since Jeb and Kiyoshi had left the Tavern before Yamachan’s Party, they are not common with the whole ‘charging the bond’ thing ;)
    Haha Jeb thinks Vlad is sexy and changes in flirt mode ^^’

    They seem to wish they had this kind of bond with their mates too ;)

    Finally: Vlad’s and Kiyoshi’s apartment.

    And the whole first floor (floor over ground floor ;)
    We moved the Institute successful from Windenburg to Copperdale. We are able to call over Noxee and the others (even Minerva, the cat!) and stay there.
    Game just reloads every school morning.
    Now I can replace it in Windenburg again with my ‘Verdantis - a magical realm’ lot.
    64x64 lots are rare in this game...
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    Saiwa: “Omg Noxee! Why do you call me in when you’re naked!”

    Noxeema: “Oh come on! You’ve seen me in less than that!”
    Saiwa: “Uhm... - GODS NO! ...haha I bet you say that to all the boys ;P ”
    Noxee laughs: “Not in a while ;)

    Saiwa: “But when did you find the time to decorate your room? You just arrived this morning.”
    Noxeema: “The technique is called: ‘Operation Decorator Storm’!”
    (Scene from the movie on youtube -> here )

    'Now the world is ready for you
    And the wonders you can do
    Make a hawk a dove
    Stop a war with love
    Make a liar tell the truth

    Wonder Woman!
    Get us out from under, Wonder Woman'

    Wonder Woman Theme (1976)


    Noxee: “But why are you here anyway?”
    Saiwa: “Oh - almost forgot! There’s a 70′s party for the students to ‘get to know each other better’... yeah, so we need some clothes and your advice.”
    Noxee: “Sure, send them up to the store in the attic...”

    Noxeema: “I’ll throw myself something over then... better now?”

    Saiwa: “Not really...”

    Saiwa: “... your manties are quite nice, though, where did you get them?”
    Noxeema: “I’m glad you noticed them!
    (Editor’s note: it was impossible to NOT notice them......)
    I ordered them for the shop and just tried them on. Grab yourself a pair too.”
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    Saiwa: “Noxee prepared outfits for you. You can go upstais and try them on. No need to overdress. You know how the others looked last time... And we’re only there to spy them and get information anyway. Just go with the theme.”

    Noxeema: “Hey boys! Uh ... and - who - is - this!?”
    (She meets Kiyoshi for the first time ^^’)

    Kiyoshi: “Good afternoon Ma’am...”
    (hahaha Kiyoshi get’s a dose of his own medicine. Noxee has the same effect on him as on Jack and Jeb before ;)

    Noxeema: “Another incredible handsome newcomer! The lucky guy you’ll lay your hands on... What about our sweet Jack here? You two would make a dashing couple!”
    Jack: “No way a guy like Kiyoshi would want to be seen with a mangled wolf like me. Everyone is crazy about him.”
    Noxeema: “Oh I wouldn’t be so sure. I think I have a plan!”
    (Oh no... not again...)

    They eventually managed to get their outfits and dressed for the party.
    Jack wears the same outfit as for the Prom and the Sabotage Chapter.
    A good choice - one outfit for all ocassions haha

    All eyes on Kiyoshi.
    (They are so cute. How they look at him. He just walks down the stairs ^^’)

    They are on their way to the party.

    Kiyoshi looks at Jack and remembers the Prom. He had asked Ji Ho if he can go there with Jack.
    Jack hadn’t known Kiyoshi then, but Kiyoshi Jack for two years (he saw Jack at the lab).
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    Jeb: “This does not look like a 70s Party at all...”
    Vlad: “At least the music is good.”
    It’s D.I.S.C.O. from Ottawan
    (the video is worth a watch, Annette Eltice is a fantastic dancer!)


    She is disco
    She is disco

    She is D, disastrious
    She is I, impossible
    She is S, super special
    She is C, crazy, crazy
    She is O, oh, oh, oh

    Jeb: “Oh! Noxeema is over there and she apparently brought two of her friends. At least a few others are dressed like us!”
    Meanwhile the Day Class can’t hide their disgust for the ‘Creatures of the Night’...

    They are not just any friends of Noxee...
    It’s Ji Ho!

    And Saiwa!
    (How cute and beautiful they are <3)
    Noxeema: “Oh look, the Boys are finally here!”
    Saiwa is a bit nervous if Jeb would like his outfit. (Even though he said at the tavern, Saiwa looked hot when Jeb slept over at the Space Bar after Vlad’s death. And Jeb clearly liked what he saw when he accidently saw Saiwa in the bathroom.)

    Kiyoshi: “They told us this was supposed a 70s party...”
    Sebastian: “Kiyoshi... ’Seven Tees’! - The shirts we capture from the team that lost. We collect 7 shirts -> means 7 wins = we throw a party. Oh my Kiyoshi... and you even are in the football team!”
    Kiyoshi: “And therefore you don’t wear a shirt? Because you messed up last time and we lost?”
    Sebastian: “Exactly!”
    (Oh... Sebastian didn’t wear a shirt at the Prom too... He seems very passionate about his team ö.Ö’ It adds another level of fun/tragedy because Sebastian is in the Cheerleader Team! Did he distract his own team with his special moves so they lost? o.o’)

    Jeb eventually recognized Saiwa and is paralyzed... (Is this a good sign or not?)

    The guy in the first pic below doesn't wear a shirt under his jacket too...
    The fashion murderer team...
    But in general all were dressed better than at the Prom.
    (except for Jack ;))
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member

    We had a poll for their outfits. And surprisingly, Jack won!

    (TMI: I did not forget the number between 3 and 5. It is a bad omen in Japan (and many other asian countries), because it sounds like the word for 'death'.
    We really try to avoid this number. For example: I never buy f..r things of a kind in the super market. And I rather explain it here than to add this number we do not speak of hahaha omg.
    Why I started this story with f..r sims? - I don't know!
    But see! Therefore they have all these troubles all the time!
    Anyway - I'm glad they are six now ^^')
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    Since they are on a mission to spy the Day Class and Kiyoshi is a double agent as it seems (at least I hope so!), he started to dance with Sebastian to show the Day Class he is not overly involved with the ‘Creatures’...

    Kiyoshi and Sebastian danced to
    There’s Something Going On by Frida
    from ABBA (It’s Phil Collins on the drums! He also produced the Album.)

    I can see that it won't be long
    You grow cold when you keep holding on
    You know you've changed and your words, they lie
    That's something you can't deny

    I know a good thing must come to an end
    But it's hard to take losing a friend
    I know what you think and what's in your mind
    So darling, look, why pretend?

    I know there's something going on
    I know it won't be long
    It won't be long before you're gone


    Jack isn’t quite sure what to do and walked around a bit.
    He was just standing behind the poster wall when he overheard Morgan and Yuki.
    Yuki: “I really hope Kiyoshi finds out what’s so important about this Vlad and we’ll get rid of those Creatures soon!”
    Morgan: “Maybe we can convince Vlad to tell us and he gets get a lenient sentence?” (She has a crush on Vlad since the beginning of this story... hopeless)

    Kiyoshi! Jack knew it since he found out Kiyoshi worked at the Lab and tortured them!
    Jack needs to act. He needs to protect his friends from Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi must die! But Kiyoshi is Jacks Alpha now...
    ... and fated mate (what Jack doesn’t even know)... what a kerfuffle.

    Vlad went to the dancefloor. A chance to be near Ji Ho subtly.

    He was mesmerized by Ji Ho and he couldn’t get enough from seeing him in this outfit.
    But Morgan came between them and danced with Vlad.
    She is on a mission too ö.ö’

    The song they danced to was Let The Music Play from Shannon

    We started dancing and love put us into a groove
    As soon as we started to move.
    The music played while our bodies displayed through the dance,
    Then love picked us out for romance.
    I thought it was clear the plan was we would share,
    This feeling just between ourselves.
    But when the music changed, the plan was re-arranged
    He went to dance with someone else.
    We started dancing and love put us into a groove
    But now he's with somebody new - what does love want me to do?


    Vlad felt uncomfortable with her on the dancefloor between him and Ji Ho and so they went to sit and talk. It was a good opportunity to find out more about the plans of the Council, Vlad let Morgan do the talking. (She has a crush on Vlad since the beginning of the story).
    Morgan: “Since Kiyoshi returned - don’t you want to take the chance to come back too? I heard your mentor was almost successful with making you suitable for society again... you could live a normal life and serve the Council!”
    Vlad listened to her babbling for a while and eventually went back to the dancefloor. Morgan just kept on sitting there swooning over Vlad. She is so happy that he finally noticed her and what a good listener he is and so handsome...

    Let the music play he won't get away,
    Just keep the groove and then he'll come back to you again, let it play.
    Let the music play he won't get away,
    This groove he can't ignore, he won't leave you anymore, no, no, no.

    He tried pretending a dance is just a dance, but I see
    He's dancing his way back to me.
    Guess he's discovered we are truly lovers,
    Magic from the very start, 'cause love just kept me groovin',
    And he felt me movin' even though we danced apart.
    So we started dancing and love put us into the groove
    As soon as we started to move, as soon as we started to move.


    And Vlad was dancing his way back to Ji Ho.
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member
    edited February 18

    The Principal calls them all together to hold a speech about their victorious 🏈 team and there was also a vote for the 👑🃏 royalties.
    (TMI: because i set it as prom to have them all together and I would’t have mentioned it at all - if hadn’t happened what happened lol)

    Background music: Murder On The Dancefloor by Sophie Ellis-Bextor

    Oh I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
    About your kind
    And so, and so, and so, and so, and so, and so, and so
    I'll have to play

    If you think you're getting away
    I will prove you wrong
    I'll take you all the way
    Boy, just come along
    Hear me when I say

    It's murder on the dance floor
    But you'd better not kill the groove
    Hey, hey
    It's murder on the dance floor
    But you'd better not steal the moves
    DJ, gonna burn this 🐸🐸🐸🐸 house right down

    Principal: “And the royalties are...”
    Molly: “Me ME ME!!!”

    Principal: “Woo Ji Hoo as Queen and Jack Callahan as Jester!”
    (the same couple as at the prom almost a half year ago and none of us voted! So what are the criteria from which the game decides who wins 🎲?
    How can it be it’s the same two sims than last time? Even the members and size of the household is different ... 👩‍💻❓)

    Their 🍋 sour faces! Priceless!

    Molly is so so upset! Her mother is the Principal and again she is not the queen!

    Ji Ho seems also convinced there is something foul...

    If looks could kill 🔪

    She can’t even hold back in front of the others and argues with her mother!
    (It really happened like this, I made so many screenshots with her being so angry omg. It amazes me as always :)
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    It was so loud and confusing for Vlad, who likes to be alone.
    And inmidst all this madness, Vlad tripped over the border and had a vision again.
    It was a vision of Leander and Ji Ho - again...
    They were dancing and Ji Ho was looking at Vlad.
    (When Vlad was blind, the Doctor said he could even see better once he had healed. Did he mean Vlad could have visions even if he can see again?)

    DJ Ozma - Lie Lie Lie was playing in the background.
    (This song was the ending of the first Naruto Shippuden Movie
    / partially translated from Japanese / not by me)

    Good-bye my love
    Never mind, we've got good Vibes,
    today we will also repeat what we were doing in the town of Eden,
    One dive
    A ridiculous, endless Midnight
    My life, someday My wife
    The sad ruins of my feigned innocent dreams
    (these are the sad remains of my shattered dreams)
    Our fragile, naïve Archives
    There's no sense in this, there's reason for this

    Oh... something is missing, something is missing, now that you're not here
    Oh... it's just not enough, it's just not enough, now that you're not here

    Oh... you just cried (cried) cried (cried) cried (cried)
    Cry Cry Cry
    I am a Liar (Liar)
    Lie-La-La Lie-La-La Lie Lie Lie

    omg Ji Ho!
    (TMI: None of my Sims ever danced like this before! This should have been only one screenshot of them dancing and now it became a whole post...)

    TMI 2: I just reviewed the posts with Leander and Ji Ho and in this post, months ago, Leander kind of spoiled he will meet Ji Ho at a party again! This game!
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member

    Vlad’s Vision - Part 2

    Vlad couldn’t hold back when he saw Leander say something to Ji Ho and Ji Ho nodded.
    Vlad: “I told you to keep your hands off him!”
    Leander: “And I told you, you owe me for saving your soul.
    So - what are you willing to sacrifice for Ji Ho?”

    Vlad: “Everything. And you know that. I even gave my life for him - willingly.”
    Leander: “Your friends too?”
    Vlad (without hesitation): “Everything.”

    (Editor’s Note: Clearly the total opposite of Jack.
    For Jack: Friends > Love. For Vlad: Love > Friends (and everything else.
    Even though Ji Ho doesn’t even love him. But Ji Ho loves Luci, who is a part of him.)

    The Music had changed to Simon and Garfunkel’s ‘The Sound Of Silence’

    Hello darkness, my old friend
    I've come to talk with you again
    Because a vision softly creeping
    Left its seeds while I was sleeping
    And the vision that was planted in my brain
    Still remains
    Within the sound of silence

    Leander: “Everything - that’s a word. Don’t you forget it. You will soon be challenged.”
    Vlad: “I won’t play your games!”

    And then Wesley showed up!
    Wesley: “Oh give up already and play along! It gets tiring!”

    Wesley: “Resistance is futile. Look at me. He’ll get what he wants anyway - he’s still too powerful!”
    Vlad: “And he’s still dead!”
    Wesley: “What makes you so sure?”

    And then Ji Ho walked away and the vision ended.
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member


    Haha and Molly is still arguing with her mother!
    Principal: “Please behave, Bumble! I told you we have to make them feel comfortable so they let their guards down!”

    The Vision had pushed Vlad over his limits again. It’s hard enough for a loner like Vlad to be around so many people and then even in such a stressful enviornment.
    Their Bond was screaming and Ji Ho went outside with Vlad to charge the Bond a bit. Strange that Ji Ho neither hesitated nor wondered why the Bond needs to be charged even though they charged it just a few hours ago. Did he see the vision through the Bond? Did he hear what Leander had said to him?

    Dancing is a bit more intimate than the massage to charge the Bond, because they have to face each other, but it’s gotta do until they can go back home.

    They can hear the music from inside.
    It’s Rhythm Is A Dancer from SNAP

    Rhythm is a dancer
    It's a soul's companion
    You can feel it everywhere
    Lift your hands and voices
    Free your mind and join us
    You can feel it in the air

    Oh-oh, it's a passion
    Oh-oh, you can feel it in the air
    Oh-oh, it's a passion
    Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh

    Noxee kept watch. Vlad and Ji Ho shouldn’t be seen together since the Council is after Vlad for some reason and eager to know what happened at Winter Solstice (when they had tightened their bond).
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