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  • I had to delete grills. My yard being filled with de-stressing potions (some NAP makes all the sims do them) was annoying but then we had guests start three fires in as many days... No more grills it is :/
  • My sims tend to be fairly old by the time they are at the top of their careers (if they even get there) so I usually let them keep working for a bit and then they can retire and spend rest of their time playing with grandkids.
  • In my game I had only Rock Your Body in effect when I noticed one of my guests harvesting my garden so I don't really think it's NAP related issue. The thieving sim also doesn't have the Freegan trait but she is Green Fiend... in addition to being genius slob. Usually the dad in my family does harvesting very early in the…
  • I have this, my sims mostly seem happy about it though, apparently it's liberating :D But they definitely do not live off the grid and have bills paid and everything.
  • I own them all and have none disabled although I don't use some of them much. But the ones I'm not that interested in I haven't bought myself so no regrets there, they are great for christmas etc. present wishes. I do not play with occults so Vampires is probably the least used pack I have but since Sims is pretty good…
  • I don't find it challenging but for me this isn't really supposed to be that kind of game anyway.
  • I usually also give them keys so they can visit whenever they want, it's nice to keep in touch and since I have MCC I also like seeing who they marry, if they get kids and stuff like that. Though it is sometimes bit weird when one of their relatives shows up in the middle of the night to eat all their food and play with…
  • I don't want my sims fighting so I always delete it
  • One family, one save mostly. Lifespan is set somewhere between normal and long so even if I sometimes start to get a bit bored with some of the sims soon enough I'll always have new generation to play with. I have played some other households in the same save file when I've needed/wanted to do something that I don't want…
  • I don't play occults so of course I'd kind of like them to use their time doing something else. But I know lots of people like them and there will probably be more of them anyways so... *shrug*
    in Hybrids? Comment by ambara August 2019
  • 1 Don’t like to write 2 Don’t like to read 3 Like to read . . 9 Usually don't go
  • I almost always play realistic & family-focused
  • I use plum tree, it's easy and works well enough for my purposes. I'd probably just make do with the game's tree if it didn't cull people. I'd be fine with just picture and a name (even if it's not entirely ideal) because I'm lazy like that. But it's completely useless the way it is now - one of my current young adults…
  • - not taking the closest option available, ie. they walk through the house to wash dishes when there is a sink in the room they are at, go to the furthest bathroom available in a house with several of them etc. - sims randomly waking up in the middle of the night - sims joining conversations and not being able to tell them…
  • My sims are pretty much hermits too, though they do occasionally go out. Like when it's the event that everything is free. I don't want to ruin their holiday 😉 I would maybe like them to go out a bit more but can't stand how badly the sims handle being left on their own and it's not convenient to always bring the whole…
  • I usually accept it but one of my sims died (toddler told her a killer joke) before she had reproduced and would have left me without anyone to continue that family so I didn't save. Later in the game she got hysterical and died again. That time I let her stay dead since that time she had a son. I guess that's just how she…
  • Usually my kids are fat when they grow up, I find especially toddlers hard to feed in a way that they don't gain weight. So once they grow into a teen I usually make them exercise some of the weight off, after that they can keep the shape I want with just watching what they eat.
  • I google baby name list or something and pick one that I like
  • Bug fixes would be awesome. Also performance improvements if possible.
  • You might be right, it's just that my game already lags a lot, like the last time I played the whole family was way late from work/school because they just kept standing around twiddling their thumbs even more then usual instead of doing their mandatory morning chores ☹️ It's so annoying so I'm trying to do everything I…
  • I'd love to play one in theory but I don't really use cc, I'm worried it'll make the game slower and clunkier then it already is, and I definitely don't want to overhaul entire neighborhoods so can't do it.
  • @HillyBeth Looks really good 🙂 My Salim only had one child, a boy also. Leonel He married Nina but their wedding was just a spur of the moment thing at a romance festival, not planned at all The Love Guru said they were destined to be together for all eternity so they decided to make it official there and then. But the…
  • I've never played with vampires and never had evil sim. I don't really care about either but *maybe* I'll make a vampire one day. Though I understand they are still pretty buggy so that doesn't exactly increase my interest in them. Evil sim is highly unlikely, I've played since TS1 and all my sims have been more or less…
  • My "legacy" sim Sana married Salim Benali It was one of my favourite weddings I've had in my game, even though not everything went according to plan. But I guess that's normal 😄 Sana's little niece wanted to watch closer and just would not sit on the benches no matter what the adults said Because Sana & Salim were both…
  • In TS4 I've been playing one family line for several generations. The hardest part is picking which child in every generation I want to move forward with but eventually I've been able to pick one (...sometimes two...) who will either move to another house and the old family must fend for themselves or the chosen one will…
  • I never use them on my main families but sometimes I create new families just to play them for a little while (sometimes it's nice to get a break from usual sims) or test some new feature and then I will use it. But in long-term play I think having all the money in the world is boring. Which is why I also like to…
  • TS2 because they are quite clean and I like that there is some "empty space", where as the sims in TS4 are kinda crowded. Also the colours are too wild for me in the new TS4. I don't usually like stuff that has lots of things going on so TS3 is my least favourite.
  • Forgotten Hollow because it's too... vampiric :D Don't play vampires so I don't play FH. Magnolia Promenade would be close second. that one is just kind of pointless.
  • Usually when I've played sims I prefer them to not be too wealthy, it can get a bit boring otherwise. But atm my legacy type of family are millionaires, live in a large mansion where they have "everything" and are getting richer by the day. I don't have a problem with this because there is so much other stuff to focus on…
  • I mostly play one household but occasionally have another (or two at max but that's rare), either grown-up children from the main family who have moved on their own but I still aren't completely finished with or people I'm getting ready to marry to one of my main sims.
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