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  • I don't believe so. This is the only way that I have found to make curved staircases.
  • The option for Sims 3 Style Camera showed up during the tutorial for me. I believe it's also in the options. I have it turned on and I do much prefer it.
  • Thank you Gurus, I've lost the last 3 days of my life to this game! Seriously though, I am so impressed with the new features of this game and the performance on my laptop is incredible. There is so much more STUFF in this game than there was in previous versions of this game. The amount of furniture alone is awesome. Love…
  • Mine's about 10-15 seconds for loading into a new area. But loading into CAS to change outfits or hairstyles is very short, maybe 5-10 seconds. And saving is very short as well, maybe 5-10 seconds to save the game (unlike Sims 3 where it took at least 2-3 minutes for me).
  • Beautiful church!
  • I made a tutorial. You can find it in my post here: In short: yes it is totally possible! There are a couple of limitations but it's actually pretty easy to do.
  • I assume you already tried to sledgehammer it?
  • I'm pretty sure that the potion of youth resets your sim back to the beginning of their current life stage, not an earlier stage.
  • Pinstar just posted the Legacy rules updated for Sims 4 here: "Once you have finished your founder, move them into any empty lot. Return to the world screen. Select your founder on their empty lot and pick “Move Family”. Locate a residential 50×50 lot…
  • Try surrounding the tiles with walls and then using the sledgehammer on the floor. Don't use ctrl+click, use the sledgehammer. See if that helps.
  • OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM (please copy and past into your entry post) Challenge #:1 Forum ID: Davlan Entry DL Links - Can be downloaded from my gallery. Origin ID: Davlan01 Sim: Lan Clark Office: Cloud 9 Designs Link to entry slideshow: Entry Details: I made a home office which is 2 buildings connected…
  • Oh man, I thought I was imagining things! Maybe it has something to do with their age too. Like, young adults gain less weight than adults?
  • You can add items to community lots without spending your own money. Just switch into build mode, add the fridge and oven, and bake yourself one at the party! I did the same thing as you did, lol. "Birthday cake...🐸🐸🐸🐸?!"
  • Eyedropper is still there, it's at the very top of the screen, next to the sledgehammer and the select tool.
  • Very informative post, thanks for your insight!
  • From what I've seen and read, the Sims 4 has the most content of any base Sims game that has been released to date. If you just look at the number of items in the base Sims 4 and the base Sims 3, you can see that the Sims 4 has a lot more. It also has a lot more features in the build mode and CAS. But, like I said, if you…
  • If you don't feel it's worth buying, don't buy it. However you imagine it to be in your mind is probably how it's going to feel in reality. If you're thinking "Oh I don't feel like it's worth it, but maybe I'll buy it anyway and it'll somehow blow me away" then you'll be disappointed. If you aren't excited about it, or…
  • Last week: "They aren't giving out review copies?! That's an outrage! They must be hiding something, I'm so nervous about the game. They need to give out early copies to reviewers!" This week: "OMG They're giving out early copies to reviewers?! This is so unfair!"
  • Doesn't the game need to be registered to an Origin account? I'm not sure you can buy the game used. Unless it was bought and returned but not installed.
  • It has nothing to do with the programming. When your screen is larger/better resolution, everything will seem smaller because you can fit more on your screen. With a smaller screen/lower resolution, everything seems bigger because you can't fit as much on the screen. They purposefully turned down the resolution during the…
  • They weren't a couple. The SimGuru playing moused over their relationship status and they were just acquaintances.
  • The fire today wasn't an accident, they spent the entire livestream trying to show a sim death because the players wanted to see it. It was completely and obviously on purpose. They deliberately bought an older stove and removed the fire extinguisher in order to cause a fire. Then they made the sim stand in the fire all…
    in DELETE Comment by Davlan August 2014
  • Yeah the moodlet below shows a blue fire, seems like you're right.
  • I think the babies are really cute! Better than the baby burrito that the Sims 3 ones were. Plus, it seems like there are more interactions with the Sims 4 babies than there were with the Sims 3 ones.
  • Oh god, no way. Toddlers were annoying anyway. You can adjust the heights of your sims! But sims of different heights can't interact.
  • I'm loving lots of stuff but build mode is what I'm most excited about. Adjustable foundation heights! Adjustable wall heights! Curved foundations! Curved fences! Houses don't need supports! Can move entire house or rooms around! Actually the last one is the best for me. When I made builds I NEVER planned ahead well enough…
  • I actually didn't realize that there were multiple styles of eyebrows in the pre-sets for an embarassingly long time... I did the same for eyelashes too. Didn't notice that the presets had different lengths.
  • I believe the developers have said that the "dying of hysteria" is actually very, very rare. Like, your sims aren't going to die every time they laugh at somebody. I imagine the "dying of embarassment" is likely going to be rare as well, your sims don't die every time they get embarassed. I assume that the SimGuru's were…
  • Actually I did this and the creator names showed up as myself AND the original creator. I didn't re-upload to the gallery (obviously I didn't want to take credit when all I did was change the clothes) but it was neat to see that the original creator's work was credited.
  • This. Lol.

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