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What's been happening in your game lately - feel free to chat and post pics


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    exotickittenexotickitten Posts: 4,113 Member
    edited November 2012
    Happy Holidays! And Happy Birthday to any I missed, and Happy Late Thanksgiving.

    I do have internet back, but I'm so wrapped up in decorating for the Holidays and trying to budget for gifts that I haven't been able to get on much, and when I do, it's to work on a world in CAW. :lol:

    Anyway, just stopping in to let you all know I am alive. Waves frantically at all the Lady's and Gents! :mrgreen: Smooches and hugs!

    PS. JimmyGrimmy9 says hi too, he never posts here, but reads it daily, that is until his desk got moved to his room to make room for the tree (which means he lost his connection to the router). He is in massive withdrawals now. :lol: The two things he said he misses most: Pewdiepie and these forums. :wink:

    PS. My current non sims project is a new tree skirt. My old one I made when I was about 20. So it's about time for me to sew up a new one. Plus it was all modern and not very christmas-y. It was gold with a white strip on the edge and some green diamonds on the corners. I hate it now. XD The new one is going to be old fashioned, of different holiday fabrics. It's good, I haven't attempted to quilt in a while. I think my oldest was 2 the last time I made anything like this. :)
    & &
    -my nickname was taken on twitter :(
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited November 2012
    I don't quite get the attraction system either. It seems every sim my sims come across are attracted to them and vice versa. :? I mean, I don't mind it. It's easy enough to ignore. Afterall, it doesn't mean you need to act on it and I like all the gifts my sims are getting because of it. But it doesn't seem as special if all sims are attracted to each other. What's the point?

    Wow. Jake aged up SO good looking! :D
    Austen and Autumn aged up great too. And the triplets are little cuties. Love Alexah's look too :D
    The Easter egg hunt pictures were so sweet.
    Mmmm, great parting shots of Jake without his shirt! :D

    I'm not sure what I'll do with Brax. Originally, I hadn't intended him on having only one girlfriend. I thought he'd have a few in his life. But then he and his girlfriend ended up being so sweet together. I almost don't have the heart to break them up. So I'm just going to wait and see how she ages up :lol:
    Laurie flirted with him a bit, but then he started accusing her of being a vampire :roll: So I think his relationship is safe, for now. :P
    Oh, and I forgot to mention, Laurie is Eddie's daughter :D
    Oh yay! I've been missing Beau and Wogan! It's been so long since we've seen them :D

    Thanks :D Haha, yeah that would be awkward! She does look a little like Baylee though, so I understand the confusion. ;)

    Oh I'm so sorry to hear about your bird :( It's always hard losing much loved pets. I hope you're okay.
    Thanks. I think he'll be a good boy for now. Laurie wanted to flirt with him, but he just wanted to accuse her of being a vampire. :lol: I think his relationship is safe.

    Thanks :D Haha, yeah, I guess she was trying to help. The sims around town seem to be wearing some very questionable things in the snow :lol:
    Haha, oops, I guess Abigail needs a little more practice. Maybe she should practice outside. :lol: The new foal is adorable. :)

    Thank you. :D They were the cutest non-couple I ever had. Although I think they're the only non-couple I've ever had. :)

    Thank you :D I love Harper and Rachel too. They are constantly all over each other. She's the shy, smart, book-wormy type, and Harper is... not, :lol: so it seems to be a case of opposites attract :) I can't wait to see their girls grow up. (And any future kids they're bound to have if they carry on the way they have been ;))
    Oh, and I keep forgetting to mention, I got a pop up in my game saying Honour and Guy were in a relationship. :shock: That's just borderline freaky. Harper ends up with a girl with the same hair as Naomi, and Honour ends up with Guy... I took a screenshot, but I forgot to paste it into paint, so I lost it. I'll take another if they get engaged/married/have babies or break up.
    Good luck with the program. I hope you enjoy it! :D

    Hope you're enjoying SN. Looks like you're having fun with it :)

    Thank you! :D They are still one of my favourite couples :D

    Thank you. He's going to be a good boy for now. But only because I haven't decided what I'm going to do with him yet. He's a sweet sim, so I don't think he'd do anything naughty anyway ;)

    *Waves frantically* Hi!! I've missed seeing you around here! :D Hello to JimmyGrimmy9 too! :)
    Good luck with all your projects. The sims and non-sims ones alike. But especially with you CAW project. That must be a biggie :)
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    ZhalkZhalk Posts: 310 New Member
    edited November 2012
    Hello, everyon!</p><p>I'll have a nice little update posted tonight hopefully... I'm just kicking back and enjoying some Lego Lord of The Rings that recently came out on Steam so I'm a little occupied and can't write a story yet. Soon though!</p><p>P.S : Thanks EVERYONE who commented on the begining, I have read them all but my memory is horrible and I don't have much time to reply to them all, but thank you anyways
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    BuffyspikerBuffyspiker Posts: 2,865 Member
    edited November 2012
    Quincy snowboarding like a boss. He's obviously had practice at this.

    Brax went snowboarding too. He wasn't quite as good. He wiped out pretty soon after. :lol:

    Fineas fell through his chair and hurt his head. Yeah, I don't understand male logic either :roll:

    Selene teaching Carter to walk

    Brax made an army of good and evil snowmen in the yard.

    And I caught Harper walking around town with his little girl. Adorable.
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    Sunflower227Sunflower227 Posts: 3,644 Member
    edited December 2012
    Hi everyone! :D

    I'm back on page 712. I will try to attempt to catch up...I have 3 hours of therapy today so it may take me some time. :-) Past 2 days have been rough so I haven't played but I did play a little this morning!

    I hope everyone is doing well! :D

    Buffy- Just wanted to say I am so happy your Dad came through his surgery well. I know he has a long road to recovery still, but I am hoping the worst is behind him and he can only improve from here! I will continue to keep him in my thoughts and prayers!

    Mikezumi- So happy to hear you are able to make a trip to see your Mother during Christmas break. Sad your son is not able to make it with you. I am sure it means so much to you and you Mom to be able to spend that time together!

    skm- I see you've popped in a few times! Thanks for letting us all know you are ok....we do worry! I hope things calm down for you soon. Life's ups and downs are not always easy to deal with...I will be thinking of you and your family!

    I know this is a sims forums, but I really do feel a genuine care and concern to my close simming friends and think this place is wonderful for not only sharing pictures and game experience, but also to support one another. Just want to thank you all and say have a wonderful simming day! :mrgreen:

    And to keep is sims related, I finally caught this little bug.ger after I don't know how many times at the claw machine! Does't he look happy? I've named him "Boo". :lol:
    <a href="; title="Screenshot by Sunflower227, on Flickr"><img src="; width="800" height="448" alt="Screenshot"></a>
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Sunflower227Sunflower227 Posts: 3,644 Member
    edited November 2012
    Invisiposts make Quincy go bald. :lol:
    <a href="; title="Screenshot by Sunflower227, on Flickr"><img src="; width="800" height="452" alt="Screenshot"></a>
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    Sunflower227Sunflower227 Posts: 3,644 Member
    edited November 2012
    Whaaaaaat? ANOTHER invisi??
    <a href="; title="Screenshot-19 by Sunflower227, on Flickr"><img src="; width="800" height="452" alt="Screenshot-19"></a>
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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    edited November 2012
    I see Quincy everywhere haha. Nice looking guy tho.
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    Dark_Tig3rDark_Tig3r Posts: 549 Member
    edited November 2012
    2fast2furious: Thank you for both comments

    invisibleQuail: Meav looks great!
    and love her house. it's so beautiful
    couldn't tell you how to get more supernatural's into town sorry

    PolkaDotSim13: Thank you

    TheNay83: lol at the caption. Love his hair

    Zafireria: Welcome back
    sorry about your graphics card but at least the game is still running

    exotickitten: Happy Holidays to you too! Glad your coming around but still enjoying the holidays. Good luck on your sewing endeavor

    BuffySpiker: goes to show you never know what those sims are going to do.
    And thanks, that was her first attempt so yeah.
    nice pic of Quincy snowboarding and at least Brax attempted it.
    lol nice glitch
    aww more mom and baby photos. Carter looks happy.
    adorable little girl Harper.
    I'm only living the life to which I've grown accustomed.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2012
    Thank you :D Steal away! I like family portraits as they are a concise record of the family I am playing. I do like screenshots as well, but there's something about being able to condense a generation down to a handful of photos that I like :D
    I also prefer dark-haired sims, but it seems my game is throwing a lot of blondes into my family :roll: Not that I really mind, but I nearly always start out with a dark-haired sim :D

    Thank you :D
    Looks like Abigail still needs to practice a bit ;)
    The foal is adorable :D

    Thank you :D Amanda's girls got their daddy's eyes, I believe. Amanda has Morty's nose, but I don't think either girl got it.
    Drystan was always such a happy sim and I was quite sad to see him looking so long-faced when I switched households. I then noticed the mourning moodlet :(

    Congrats on getting seasons :D I hope you have fun with it and that you will share pics of your sims with us :D

    The house is coming along nicely :D Sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the moment! You are very creative with the Sims and I love seeing what you come up with :D

    Thank you for the lovely comments :D
    Yes, Guy is immortal :XD: Morty, Guy, Eddie and Bert are the immortals in this save. Surprisingly, I am going to let my simself die in this game. It will be a first. Of course it won't be so bad because I am not playing her. She just aged up to elder and she looks nothing like me. My elder simself looks a lot like me because my son helped me to make her. When I made my young simself she also looked like me in my younger days, but because aging changes a sim a lot, not so much so when she gets old.
    That's right - I remember you liked Alberic :mrgreen:
    I was craving something sweet before bed last night - I was strong and had a handful of raw almonds instead ;)

    I would have missed my sims terribly if I didn't play for that long :shock:
    Congrats on getting Supernatural!
    Meav looks lovely :D Both her boyfriend and house look great ... look forward to seeing what they get up to :D

    Thanks for the lovely comments :D

    Borage looks cute :D

    Don't worry about catching up - you are always so good about it :D
    Sorry about your graphic card problem :( I imagine my would not be suitable for some of the later EPs.

    Thank you :D

    *hugs* I missed you girl! Glad you have internet back :D
    Say hi to JimmyGrimmy9 for me :D My son would have a cow if he could not watch pewdiepie :roll: When I kick him off the computer I find him watching youtube on the PS3 :?
    Old fashioned is always nice - at least for an old fart like me. Have fun making your tree skirt :D
    My mother has not been well and I am making a quick trip home to her. I will be leaving my son for the first time and I am very sad :(

    How many children does Eddie have? I am so excited that he has had babies in your game :D
    Thank you :D I also miss, not so much Beau and Wogan, but Dragan and the other kids. Beau and Wogan got a lot of playing time so I don't feel so bad about having left them for a while.
    Quincy does look impressive on his snowboard!
    Fineas going through the chair :XD: I love glitches!
    Carter is still adorable and the snowman army is impressive :D
    Harper and his daughter! Too cute :mrgreen:
    I hope your father continues to get better. I still have you in my thoughts and prayers *hugs*

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2012
    Thank you *hugs* I am alright now, but I imagine as it gets closer I will be miserable. At least crying doesn't kill you! ... I hope ;)
    I do want to see my mother very badly, though, because I might not get another chance. She could rally, of course, and go on for ages as most of her family did but when a person loses the will to live there's not much anyone can do about it. I just have to hope that seeing me and having a promise that next year my son and I will be there for a whole summer gives her reason.
    Boo is adorable :D
    Quincy still looks sexy bald ... go figure!
    Fin's expression :XD:

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2012
    The last two pics are the most recent. They show his third wife :D

    Mortimer Goth's family - Recap

    Morty married an older woman, Patricia. Gunther and Cornelia had two daughters courtesy of SP, Emeline (teen) and Lauren (child)
    Morty and Patricia had a daughter, Amanda. Emeline aged up to YA and Lauren to teen.
    Morty and Patricia then had a son, Ariel. Amanda is now a child.
    Cornelia and Gunther passed away. Emeline married Nate Raas and moved out. Morty's sister, Lauren, is still single and living with him. Patricia is now an elder, Amanda a teen, and Ariel a child.
    Ariel is now a teen
    Amanda and Ariel are both YA. Amanda married Zack. Although Amanda had moved out, I moved her and Zack back into the house long enough for me take a family portrait ;)
    I got a pop-up that Ariel had married. His wife, Charmaine is the daughter of Thornton and Morgana Wolff. Morty's wife Patricia has passed on and his sister, Lauren is still single and living at home.
    Got a pop-up that Morty had married. He married Cheryl Wolff, the sister of Charmaine who married his son Ariel :shock: Ariel and Charmaine had a daughter, Marina.
    Morty and Cheryl had a daughter, Oona. Morty's sister, Lauren, married Gary, son of Guy
    Gary and Lauren got a house of their own. Oona is now a child
    Morty and Cheryl had another daughter, Mira. Oona is still a child.
    Cheryl is now an elder, Oona is now a teen and Mira is a toddler.
    Mira is now a child
    Cheryl is quite a few days over 90 days. Oona will soon be a young adult and Mira is now a teen.
    Oona is now a young adult.
    Mira grew up, married and moved out (I missed that stage, but will make up for it by showing her family when she has one).
    Morty had a shotgun marriage to Paulette (daughter of Carisa who was Guy's first child). Oona is holding Morty and Paulette's son, Henry.
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    angldiorangldior Posts: 4,379 Member
    edited November 2012
    I'm still around I just have to much on my mind right now to actually sit down and read all the updates. I will get around to it soon. I hope everyone is doing well. Ciao :D
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    2Fast2Furious2Fast2Furious Posts: 2,879 Member
    edited November 2012
    Andre: "Is this your boy?"
    Charlie: "Never mess with vampires with teeth like these!"
    Quincy: *whispers*"Charlie...please stop"

    Andre: "You asking for a challenge boy?!"

    Andre: "Aren't they pretty?"
    Charlie: "Your so girly!"

    Charlie: "Are you sureeee your not a vampire?"
    Andre: "Far from it"

    Guy: "Dragan is crazy, don't talk to him"

    Honour: "Crazy?"

    Guy: "He does this freaky flirtatious thing, than booom! he sucks your blood!"

    Rufus: "He is so jealous"

    Harper: "So I keep hearing rumors that Dragan is really taken by you"

    Honour: "Yupp..."

    Honour: "Do you hear any rumors about Guy?"

    Dragan: "She is so thinking about me"

    Aster is so beautiful...

    Dragan: "Kiss me?"

    Honour: "Is this your freaky flirtatious thing?"

    Dragan: "It's a freaking zombie!"
    Megan: "Keep climbing! I'm too young to die!"

    Harper... how many times are you going to wear that stinking robe?

    Charlie: My b.utt is going to look so good..."

    I love this deer...
    I don't know why
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    Simmelina1Simmelina1 Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited November 2012
    Looks like I have a lot of commenting to do today. :shock:

    p 711
    Mikezumi Thanks. You will probably see what I bought on sale in my screenshots.

    Michael702808 Must be an annoying bug.

    peterskywalker Nice update. You created some unique sims. Like your vampire family.

    Grneydbandit0 That was a good buy. The babyswing is very useful.

    KoumoriDiru Excited to see KD's baby.

    p 712
    asterravos Great photo of the lighthouse. Sims look great after your makover.

    Sims3Lvr88 Congrats with baby Rachel Poley. She's cute.

    Zerbu Sorry to hear that.

    angldior Very nice & funny update.

    ddsims3world Bella & Mortimer poster looks great.

    thedoglover Thanks.

    Sunflower227 Good luck with your procedure. Looks like you met some doctors, practicing their rules strictly. Sometimes I wish doctors & hospitals would look at long time effect & threatmeants, instead of following their rulebook. Might have been much cheaper for us all.

    p 713
    Jongarakun Thanks. Paddington Kusmi's house is crowded. It was late in the evening. They were just about to eat before bedtime. My pc is on high setting. Glad you like Isabella. Created her mum Sophia in June. The blue skin comes with the game.

    mramsey1140 Hope your cat will be over the heat soon. Great looking sims & pets.

    asterravos Thanks.

    p 714
    mramsey1140 She looks great. I don't change my sims clothes often either.

    jbfairybird Hope you feel better soon. Nice updates.

    thedoglover Nice update of your sims playing in the snow. Thanks.

    p 715
    VRStevenson Thanks. You will probably see some of it, when I play Sekemoto. Hopefully the next couple of days.

    Sunflower227 Hope you will have the procedure you want before Christmas Eve.

    ddsims3world Congrats to Michelle. She's a very skilled sim.

    JenZ4HeavenZ Is your iceskating sim a genie? My genie float like that. Nice update.

    Dark_Tig3r Thanks. I enjoy playing that family. Also have a family named Sekemoto, I created when Sims 3 came out.

    p 716
    Amj1995 Noone died in the fire. When I left them, all the sims in the household were asleep. Thanks. Leilani was given to another family. Hope we will see her in the future. Congrats with twins to Naomi. Audrina is beautiful.

    Michael702808 Looks like your sims had a very relaxed leisure day. Both houses look nice. Good job, if you created them.

    friendlyone20 Thanks. Pinky & Cosmo look cute together. Lacey look a little scary in the first photo of her.

    Grneydbandit0 Congrats with deepfryer. My sims love theirs.

    Dark_Tig3r Nice update. Like your house.

    Mikezumi Thanks.

    p 717
    ddsims3world Liam & grimmy living together? Excited to hear how that will turn out.

    mramsey1140 Arizona is a beautiful teen. Very nice update.

    Ginger_Ningja Hello! Hope you get Seasons soon.

    fryfrkhlly Anna is adorable. Christopher aged up nice. Nice spring festival photos of Christopher & Emmaline.

    brightpaw Maybe Josiah need to hire a maid. Nice update.

    friendlyone20 Hope your house is as good as your dream was.

    p 718
    mramsey1140 Interesting to see townie makovers.

    Jongarakun Nice update.

    Zerbu Vulcan has a very nice little house. Nice update from the festivals.

    p 719
    VRStevenson Alexah looks so happy on that horse. Vinna abducted, poor sim. Funny photoboot photos. I see you have some evil sims in your house. Congrats with triplets.

    Buffyspiker Nice snowphotos of your sims. So romantic with Fin & Shae watching stars together.

    ddsims3world Nice Elaine update. She will move into a very nice home. Look forward to see her luxury house.

    friendlyone20 You created a very nice house. Original swimmingpool shape.

    Zhalk Derik looks great.

    p 720
    VRStevenson No, not a fire in the birthday cake. Unlucky with a meteor strike the same night. Good noone died. Vinessa & Vincent aged up nice. Vinna & Jason got 10 good looking children. Sad to see Jason move out.

    Morganvil225 Excited to see the new babies.

    Michael702808 Always wanted to visit Disneyland. Have fun.

    tblue Congrats with baby Noah & the wedding.

    PolkaDotSim13 Thanks.

    Buffyspiker Understand, it must have been awful to get such a phonecall in the middle of the night. Good he got his surgery so fast. Hope he will feel better soon.

    p 721
    Zerbu Nice update. Hope Vulcan found a rare seed.

    Mikezumi Nice familyupdate.

    2Fast2Furious Thanks.
    Origin id: Simmelina
    The life of my sims. Elina & Don.

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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    edited November 2012
    @2fast, LOL those pics were funny. I first saw Dragan and Quincy in Sharona's story. It was pretty funny. Too bad Quincy had to go and die XD
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    PolkaDotSim13PolkaDotSim13 Posts: 33
    edited November 2012
    It was a normal rainy autumn day in Sunset Valley...

    Sienna decided to meet up with a friend

    Caleb had some typical autumn fun!


    Lauren decided to stay home, because she caught a cold


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    HuckleberryHen90HuckleberryHen90 Posts: 474 Member
    edited November 2012
    I didn't miss too many posts between last night and this morning...yay! :D

    Pg. 736
    @Dark_Tig3r – Thank you for the kind words. I enjoyed your update. What did you end up naming the foal? :)
    @VRStevenson – I hope so. If he does have any grandkids make sure to post pictures! :wink:

    Pg. 737
    @ddsims3world – I think it looks great so far. I bet Elaine will love it! :D
    @2Fast2Furious – You’re welcome. :)
    @InvisibleQuail – I have yet to play with a witch, but they look insanely fun. :D
    @tblue – You’re welcome :P
    @exotickitten – Hey there! It’s been a while. Your new project sounds like an awesome idea…a Sims tree skirt would be amazing. I hope you stop by again soon! :)
    @Buffyspiker – Thank you for the sweet words. I am doing fine right now. My boyfriend and brother both decided that to cheer me up they would play Sims for the first time. It was hilarious! We were all sitting in the same room and they couldn’t manage to make enough money to pay the bills. It was great spending time with my brother...ever since I moved out of my parent’s house I don’t get to see him as often. It’s amazing how such a small, nice gesture could make such a terrible situation a cheerful one as well. I laughed at the picture of Fineas sitting IN the chair. The caption was hilarious. Also, I love the army of evil snowmen. Harper with his little girl…too precious! :mrgreen:

    Pg. 738
    @Sunflower227 – I hope your therapy goes well. I’ve been missing your big update the past few days. I hope you start feeling better soon. Boo is sooo cute! Also, I love the invisipost filler pictures. Bald Quincy is kind of funny looking, but he still has those adorable eyes. :D
    @Mikezumi – You’re welcome. I don’t think my family portraits will be as great as yours, but I think I’m going to give it a shot! Morty’s family is also so great looking. That boy has some fine genes. :wink:
    @2Fast2Furious – I loved your update. Your captions always make me laugh…I especially love the one of Rufus. Also, I love the deer too. They just look so happy and adorable. :mrgreen:
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    HuckleberryHen90HuckleberryHen90 Posts: 474 Member
    edited November 2012
    Caleb had some typical autumn fun!


    I love these two pictures. The colors of fall leaves are so pretty! :mrgreen::D
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    Fairy_HappyFairy_Happy Posts: 8,913 Member
    edited November 2012
    vrstevenson: Love the invisipost filler. Three cakes. Hopefully none caught on fire. Alexah Austen aged up nicely. Jake also aged up handsome. Autumn aged up pretty. Geez! Everyone in your game aged up! :shock:
    And they aged up really nicely.

    Crooked Cookie: Love the update on Milton and Cassandra. Poor Anais. KIssing in the rain. How romantic.

    Mikezumi: OMG love Beau and Wogan shirtless. So hot. If only they were real *sigh*
    Alberic is cute and love the portraits.

    vrstevenson: Wow Tamisyn, you make sure no one picks on you lol. Tyler looks like he is having fun.

    Dark tig3r: Poor Jason. Cute horse.

    ddsims3world: Nice house.

    2fast: I have Oreos. I just bought them yesterday at Stater Bros. for $2.49 each.

    InvisibleQuail: Magice is pretty. Love the hair color.

    TheNay: Adorable picture.

    Buffyspiker: Carter is so cute. Quincy looks good snowboarding. Love the army of Snowmen. Don't you jut love the funny glitches in this game. Cute pictures of Harper and his daughter.

    sunflower: Boo is cute. Love the invisipost fillers. They made me lol

    Mikezumi: Nice portraits.

    2fast: love the exchange between Charlie and Andre. Aster is beautiful. LOL at Dragan 'kiss me' while his eyes glow purple. and Rufus randomly in the background.

    PolkaDot: Love Caleb playing in the leaves. Poor Lauren. Hopefully she will get over her cold soon so she can join in on the fun.

    I'm going to play a little later. I have to clean my room. :?
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2012
    I hope the therapy is not too painful *hugs*
    Glad you got to play some this morning :D

    I hope nothing too heavy is weighing on your mind ... it seems that quite a few of us are having at difficult time at present *hugs*

    I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see Andre interacting with Quincy and Charlie :D
    Guy is taking way too long to make a move! Dragan might beat him to the punch!
    Aster is gorgeous :D
    The picture of the deer is adorable :mrgreen:

    Thanks for the nice comments :D

    Your Fall update is lovely :D Adore the kitty on Lauren's sweater :D

    Thank you :D I look forward to seeing how your family portraits turn out. I am sure you will do fine :D

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2012
    Thanks so much :D I don't mind looking at shirtless sims myself ;)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited November 2012
    While Eddie and Bert were visiting The Local Watering Hole, their granddaughter, Irene, died :(
    Irene was the daughter of Blais and Jo and the mother of Leila.
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    KoumoriDiruKoumoriDiru Posts: 6,681 Member
    edited November 2012
    Thank you :)

    The ghost gnome is adorable!! Bailey caught one in my game but I don't want ghosts appearing everywhere so it's staying in her inventory.

    No updates from me yet, will play at the weekend cos I have 3 days off :mrgreen: So excited and tired!!
    Awesome updates everyone. Everyone's pictures are so cool! I stand at work wishing to be at home playing Sims :lol: Someone bought Seasons today and had a long conversation about it with them, making me miss it more.

    Anyways, have a fantastic evening everyone :D
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    Sunflower227Sunflower227 Posts: 3,644 Member
    edited November 2012
    Mikezumi wrote:
    While Eddie and Bert were visiting The Local Watering Hole, their granddaughter, Irene, died :(
    Irene was the daughter of Blais and Jo and the mother of Leila.
    Aaaww, so sad- Eddie ditched the piano to rush to his granddaughter's aide. R.I.P Irene!

    The ghost gnomes make ghosts appear? :shock:

    Thank you for you nice words of encouragement everyone!

    I am looking forward to playing more tonight- but kind of scared because both Daisy and Youssef have full life bars--hand me the tissues now! :cry:
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