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Seasons Bug Thread


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    janvel831janvel831 Posts: 140 Member
    edited November 2012
    Hi Crin,
    For the most part, my game is going ok, except for the few annoying glitches that I have already reported and a few more that I have noticed.

    I also have the issue with the umbrellas.

    I can no longer harvest from the Omni Plant. I'm not sure if it is because of all the gift boxes that are now in my inventory or if it has something to do with the gardening station. Since removing the gatherer trait, I have had no problems with gardening at all until now. I have tried deleting the plant and planting new seeds, but that does not work. It matures, I can feed it, but I can not harvest from it.

    Also, my maids now change back into their every day clothes before leaving my house when they are done. I have two that come a male and a female. They both do the same thing. This has happened in Summer, so they are not changing into their Outdoor clothes. So far it is happening in Summer and Fall. My seasons are set to change every 28 days, so I have only played in those two seasons so far.

    I am not sure if this is a glitch, but now that it is fall it has been quite cold sometimes and my Sims do no change into their outdoor clothing when going outside. They also swim and play with water toys even when there is frost everywhere and the temp is 31 degrees. I did purchase the LTR immune to cold and immune to heat rewards and I think that this may be why this is happening.

    I am playing a vanilla game, no mods and only CC from the EA Store. I have the DVD and play in Moonlight Falls. I have all EP's and stuff packs except for Diesel, and Katy Perry Sweet Stuff.

    Thanks again for all of your help and all the time and effort you put into this thread, you are terrific and it is greatly appreciated.

    P.S. I didn't recognize you at first, but I like the new look :)
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    knazzerknazzer Posts: 3,382 Member
    edited November 2012
    EA really needs to look into the crashing issues all of us are having over in the Mac section, we are feeling ignored and desperatly trying to find fixes for our game.

    Also many of us mac users are experiencing issues with the Seasons Disc itself not being detected by certain Apple Macs. Is there new copy protection software conflicting with the firmware?
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    LadyceresLadyceres Posts: 16 New Member
    edited November 2012

    1. Are you using any Custom Content or mods ? Nope
    2. If you are using mods, are you using any of the 'big ones' like Awesome Mod or Twallan’s mods
    3. If you're not using mod, did you never use them or did you take them out for the EP (as you are supposed to do) Never used them
    4. Did you update the mods you put back with a compatible version ?
    5. Do you have Seasons or just the Patch ? Seasons
    6. Which Patch Level are you at ? Latest
    7. Did you start a new game or are you playing an existing ones ? New game
    8. Did you transfer an existing Sim over or are they new/Pre-Made ? New sim
    9. What town are you currently playing ? EA or Custom ? Twinbrook
    10. What is your Operating System (Mac, XP, Vista, Win 7) Mac 10.6.8
    11. Do you have the download or DVD Version of the game. DVD

    I created a brand new sim who is a firefighter. If it's raining AND she has an umbrella, she is unable to approach the fire engine for maintenance. She is able to fix the fire engine any other time. Some issue with the umbrella, I think, rather than the rain itself.

    Also possibly related to another report for "excessive rain", if the sim is exposed to the rain for even a second without the umbrella (taking it out or putting it away) they receive the "soaked" moodlet. It just seems a touch odd that the action of using/putting away the umbrella would be enough to cause this moodlet. Not really a bug as such, possibly just a quirk, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
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    PosterGirlPosterGirl Posts: 641 Member
    edited November 2012
    These are bugs I found while playing with a vanilla game before I put my mods in yesterday:

    1) Maids are acting bizarre. She will come over and clean the home but right before it's time to leave she changes into whats supposed to be swimwear (jeans and a bandeau top) and go swimming for no reason everytime she comes over. By the way, I've never seen the outfit she is wearing in CAS when she goes swimming. I can't get her to stop doing this. When I click on her, it only says "stop doing this," but when I click it, nothing happens. When she is not swimming, I can't have my sims interact with her at all unless she initiates conversation by herself.

    2) When I pause my game, save and exit... it's unpaused the next time I load the game.

    3) I just wanted to say the age reset bug is still up and running... It happens with tattoos, makeovers, and plastic surgery which is such a pain. I wish they would fix it already, this has been going on far to long.

    Sorry for edit.... forgot my specs

    Windows Vista 32 bit
    Intel 2.4 Dual Core
    HD Radeon 6670 DDR5 1GB (asus)
    *All options were set to high or ultra high by default upon playing
    *drivers for graphics card is updated

    1. Are you using any Custom Content or mods ?
    I wasn't at the time when I experienced these bugs. As of last night and today, I am using a mod.

    2. If you are using mods, are you using any of the 'big ones' like Awesome Mod or Twallan’s mods.

    3. If you're not using mod, did you never use them or did you take them out for the EP (as you are supposed to do)
    This was a fresh installation.

    4. Did you update the mods you put back with a compatible version ?
    Yes, they are updated.

    5. Do you have Seasons or just the Patch ?

    6. Which Patch Level are you at ?

    7. Did you start a new game or are you playing an existing ones ?
    Existing game

    8. Did you transfer an existing Sim over or are they new/Pre-Made ?
    This was an inborn game sim

    9. What town are you currently playing ? EA or Custom ?
    Sunset Valley

    10. What is your Operating System (Mac, XP, Vista, Win 7)
    Windows Vista 32-bit

    11. Do you have the download or DVD Version of the game.
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    sammiesammiedeansammiesammiedean Posts: 16
    edited November 2012
    crinrict wrote:

    @sammiesammiedean: I'll add that. Do you remember if you got the snow day message shortly before the bus came ?

    The message came about 1.5 hours sim-time prior to the bus on normal speed, since a couple of the sims were already awake.
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    xVeexVee Posts: 2,061 New Member
    edited November 2012
    xVee wrote:
    Hi Crinrict.

    So, I'm having an issue with the Chem Lab Table. I only ever get the option to "Discover Potion" but regardless of how many sim hours (and real time hours) I have them try, they never discover any. I have tried deleting it and buying it again. Moving my sims in and out. And, I have tried sims of all ages, and sims with all different logic points.

    I DID review your generations tab but the issue wasn't there. I came across a thread that mentioned something similar but the issue was with vampire's alone. I have tried it with fairy's and humans and it's a no-go.

    Note: I did not have this issue when only Generations was installed. Subsequently, I installed all the remaining EPs/SPs since then at the same time so I don't know which EP/SP that the issue began with.


    I found a rainbow gem and mailed it to the wellness place and they said everything was all good and I just needed to bring $4500 to them to get her imaginary friend to become real...

    But, regardless of which hour of the day I click on the bloom institute of wellness building, the option to bring it there does not work. (Usually the option is highlighted in yellow). Also, the active quest tells me that I need to bring the $4500 to them, but won't let me click anything. I don't know what to do.

    Questions you asked:
    1. Are you using any Custom Content or mods? No.
    6. Which Patch Level are you at? The latest that was released.
    7. Did you start a new game or are you playing an existing ones? Existing.
    8. Did you transfer an existing Sim over or are they new/Pre-Made? It's an existing save but I did create the sim from scratch and all the kids are born in-game.
    9. What town are you currently playing ? EA or Custom? EA - Moonlight Falls.
    10. What is your Operating System (Mac, XP, Vista, Win 7)? Vista.
    11. Do you have the download or DVD Version of the game? DVD version.


    I have every EP/SP and some store content.

    All of my games are added to DEP, otherwise it crashes. I've cleared my caches as well.

    I have a few pieces of cc, but I removed them and the issue was still happening. No mods.
    crinrict wrote:
    @xVee: Sounds familiar. It might be reported in the SN thread. Did you check there ? The IF issue was definitely reported in the SN bug thread. Is it a double or single rabbithole ? If it's a double, try replacing with two single one.
    xVee wrote:
    I reported it but an answer wasn't posted. Yes, I believe it is a double-rabbit hole. I'll have to figure out a way to split them up since I don't know how. I checked the library but the Bloom Building is the only Science building in Moonlight Falls.

    If I somehow replace the building, will that also fix the chem-lab table? No biggy if it doesn't since it's easier just to get the rainbow gem + $4500, but I was curious.

    I will let you know if it works so the fix can be posted for anyone else that comes across the same issue.

    Replacing the building(s) worked. Thank you very much. Now I can get those imaginary friends back. :)
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    JayFireflyJayFirefly Posts: 427 Member
    edited November 2012
    My memory capture button has dissapeared since installing Seasons. One of my friends said hers moved to a different area on the panel. Mines completely gone though.
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    TlammyTlammy Posts: 208
    edited November 2012
    My sims wont go to bed, take a shower, or go to work. This started happening when i entered spring. I cant even save the game or get them out of the house to put them back it. And my female sims disappear but are still selectable.

    1. Are you using any Custom Content or mods ? Both
    2. If you are using mods, are you using any of the 'big ones' like Awesome Mod or Twallan’s mods? Twallans
    3. If you're not using mod, did you never use them or did you take them out for the EP (as you are supposed to do) No
    4. Did you update the mods you put back with a compatible version ? No
    5. Do you have Seasons or just the Patch ? Season
    6. Which Patch Level are you at ? 1.42
    7. Did you start a new game or are you playing an existing ones ? Existing
    8. Did you transfer an existing Sim over or are they new/Pre-Made ? Existing
    9. What town are you currently playing ? EA or Custom ? EA
    10. What is your Operating System (Mac, XP, Vista, Win 7) XP
    11. Do you have the download or DVD Version of the game. Download.
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    crinrictcrinrict Posts: 18,775 Member
    edited November 2012
    @All with crashing/freeing issue:

    Read the info on the first page and if these don't help, please post in Technical or the AnswerHQ

    For freezing try to reset all your Sims in town with restsim *


    @caspinwall: Added the links to the first post

    @insainpunkrock8: Please answer the questions in the second post.

    1. Always or just occasionally ?
    2. Try having them go in the water again and if that does not help, reset them

    @devlinv1: Try the factory reset described on the first page


    1. I'll add you but I think everyone does
    2. What did you try to feed the Onmiplant ?
    3. Does it annoy you ?
    4. Mine don't always change but I guess the LTR should have something to do with that.

    @knazzer: I think EA is ignoring everyone equally. I really have no idea and saw your posts at the AnswerHQ. Has any of you contacted Customer Support ?

    @Ladyceres: Well they seem to put away there umbrellas for other interactions, so I'm putting on the bug list rather than the annoyance list.


    1. Can you fire her and get a new one ?
    2. Existing problem. This is happening since Showtime.
    3. Not surprised there. It's one of these long stand

    @sammiesammiedean: Thanks for the extra info

    @xVee: Glad it did

    @JayFirefly: it looks different now. It's next/unterneath the house up/wall button

    @Tlammy: Did you or didn't you update the mods ? Take everything out to make sure it's not a mod issue.
    Crinrict's Help Blogs -- Twitter
    Please do not send me PMs/post on my wall if you're looking for help. I can't attend to those. You can find me at AnswerHQ.
    How to report bugs at AnswersHQ
    AHQ Tutorial

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    little0601780little0601780 Posts: 13 New Member
    edited November 2012
    My sims don't go working on stylist career, the modeling station doesn`t works. Please, someone else have this problem? Forgive my English...

    1. Are you using any Custom Content or mods ? no, only content of Store
    2. If you are using mods, are you using any of the 'big ones' like Awesome Mod or Twallan’s mods? -
    3. If you're not using mod, did you never use them or did you take them out for the EP (as you are supposed to do) Never
    4. Did you update the mods you put back with a compatible version ? -
    5. Do you have Seasons or just the Patch ? Season
    6. Which Patch Level are you at ? 1.42
    7. Did you start a new game or are you playing an existing ones ? Existing
    8. Did you transfer an existing Sim over or are they new/Pre-Made ? Existing
    9. What town are you currently playing ? EA or Custom ? EA
    10. What is your Operating System (Mac, XP, Vista, Win 7) win 7
    11. Do you have the download or DVD Version of the game. Download )only Season - another packs, DVD.
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    RusalkaRusalka Posts: 510 New Member
    edited November 2012

    @Rusalka: Do you have any mods at all ? I've added you but need to make sure it's on vanilla game

    Yes, vanilla game entirely reinstalled from base game up when I got Seasons. No Mods at all.
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    edited November 2012
    I have previously written: "ever since i downloaded seasons, my sims dissappear when traveling. no picture nothing. i have tried deleting the travelDB.package, and unistalling world adventure and reinstalling it again." I have tried the link you have posted and nothing is working i even tried the switching to an Egyptian house hold coming home but then my sim i took on vacation was completely missing .

    I do have a few others issues as well and i'm seeing that they are pretty common. The leaves never disappear after they fall, Family member's a calling asking for dates, my married sims show they are married under relationships, but where it says they have partner and when asked about partner they have none. every sim day my sims receive at least 30 gifts that are bribes for dates. in the mail, and i can't seem to get rid of the omni plant. These as i can see are very common issues, i do have a few more but i was just wondering are most of these going to be fixed in the next patch? Also are the going to make it so supernatural sims can skate?

    1. Are you using any Custom Content or mods ? Yes just CC tho, but I've tested the game after removing them and it still happens.
    2. If you are using mods, are you using any of the 'big ones' like Awesome Mod or Twallan’s mods? No.
    3. If you're not using mod, did you never use them or did you take them out for the EP (as you are supposed to do) I have never used mods just CC
    4. Did you update the mods you put back with a compatible version ? no mods
    5. Do you have Seasons or just the Patch ? Both
    6. Which Patch Level are you at ? the last patch i updated added blueprint mode. on the launcher it says Version:
    7. Did you start a new game or are you playing an existing ones ? Playing an existing one
    8. Did you transfer an existing Sim over or are they new/Pre-Made ? Existing They were Born-In-Game
    9. What town are you currently playing ? EA or Custom ? EA, Moonlight Falls
    10. What is your Operating System (Mac, XP, Vista, Win 7) Windows 7
    11. Do you have the download or DVD Version of the game. Downloaded

    Lagging/Freezing or any other issues of more technical nature? YEs i have been noticing lagging and freezing but i'm pretty sure it's my video card

    - What EPs do you own: All of them
    - Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2390t
    RAM: 8gb DDR3
    Graphics Card: Radeon(TM) HD 6450 graphics with 512MB DDR3 memory
    Operating System: Windows 7
    - Do you have a 32 or 64 bit Operating System ? 64 Bit
    - Do you use any Store Premium Content ? If so Which ones ? yes, black jack table, slot machines, the sauna, cocoa foutain, deep fryer, ice cream machine, tree of prosperity and a few others
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    RubysimRubysim Posts: 5,811 Member
    edited November 2012
    I now also have the graduation problem, I have just noticed I have two of the same lot, could this have caused the problem?? Would starting a new world fix the problem??
    Gallery ID - Rubysim
    Pictures of my sims will be on my page :)
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    RickatlRickatl Posts: 115 New Member
    edited November 2012
    The car and limo build up bug is worse than ever now. The amount of cars created and left abandoned (or inventories) in the game is going up by thousands. The limos build up in background as well. If you use overwatch to check the extra cars created in a day, the number is in the thousands and builds up over time creating a game full of stutter and lag. I play without mods but use overwatch to check for issues every now and then. It typcially will find 30-50 cars to remove from those left on lots and in inventories. With the latest patch and Seasons it is finding several thousand. I can't imagine how people with average computers make it more than a few days in the game without it coming to a halt because of 3000-4000 cars and limos left in background and memory.
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    catalina_45catalina_45 Posts: 359 Member
    edited November 2012
    I patched my supernatural to 1.42 and.... in CAS I can choose traits, but Lifetime Wish is missing. I get gray hearts instead of the gold emblems, and if I click any of the slots where the choices should be I get a blank list.
    I can't move anybody into a house or lot without getting the map view with no controls.

    Also when I try to play a premade, I get stuck at the map view with no controls and no way to zoom in.

    Note edit: I found the error.... subject closed.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
    Words are soul's image
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    reinmagreinmag Posts: 684 New Member
    edited November 2012
    Rickatl wrote:
    The car and limo build up bug is worse than ever now. The amount of cars created and left abandoned (or inventories) in the game is going up by thousands. The limos build up in background as well. If you use overwatch to check the extra cars created in a day, the number is in the thousands and builds up over time creating a game full of stutter and lag. I play without mods but use overwatch to check for issues every now and then. It typcially will find 30-50 cars to remove from those left on lots and in inventories. With the latest patch and Seasons it is finding several thousand. I can't imagine how people with average computers make it more than a few days in the game without it coming to a halt because of 3000-4000 cars and limos left in background and memory.

    I had to add a no limos mod to help, but now, in a larger city (simskey's Paris), it's going back up again to it still picking up 6000 a day. The new overwatch quietly clears them hourly, but the longer I play, the worse this is getting.

    BTW, in two days, even with overwatch before no limos mod by Nonanema, I had nearly 40,000
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    7frog7frog77frog7frog7 Posts: 538 Member
    edited November 2012
    I call this bug the "101 Proprietors Glitch". I went to the coffee shop that had been placed in Sunset Valley. It had 33 proprietors in total. Hmm...

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    CorwimCorwim Posts: 3,218 Member
    edited November 2012
    Corwim wrote:
    3. I thought I read somewhere that after installing Seasons the ice cream van would not show up at your house every day anymore, for hours on end, but annoyingly it still does.
    crinrict wrote:
    - I thought they said it will not show up anymore at 3 in the morning. Does yours never leave ?

    Sorry for the late reply (have been having trouble getting on the forum and website), I checked, and you're right, the ice cream van doesn't appear at night anymore, only during the day, and it leaves after a few hours (stays at my house from 3pm-5pm). Still not happy with this :wink: , but as that is how they probably intended it to be, it's not a bug.
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    franklear1980franklear1980 Posts: 972 Member
    edited November 2012
    This may have been posted elsewheres in the thread, but the "propose marriage", "have private wedding" are no longer there, and the wedding arches are no longer working since I patched up. I have run the game with no mods, and no custom content and still have the same problem. I finally had to get the Master Controller and force marry my couple. Other than that, the game runs fine.
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    EatCheesEatChees Posts: 1,378 Member
    edited November 2012
    Sims freeze or get stuck while doing any kind of skating, mostly at random and when telling a sim to spin.
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    ewilson1114ewilson1114 Posts: 2,513 Member
    edited November 2012
    1. Are you using any Custom Content or mods ? Yes, I have both CC and several mods (Mostly Nraas)
    2. If you are using mods, are you using any of the 'big ones' like Awesome Mod or Twallan’s mods Yes I use Twallan's mods.
    3. If you're not using mod, did you never use them or did you take them out for the EP (as you are supposed to do) I took them out when patching and installing, and only put back in updated versions. I also cleaned the cache files.
    4. Did you update the mods you put back with a compatible version ? Yes, and I have continued to check the Nraas website to make sure I have the very latest versions of the mods.
    5. Do you have Seasons or just the Patch ? Seasons
    6. Which Patch Level are you at ? 1.42
    7. Did you start a new game or are you playing an existing ones ? New game
    8. Did you transfer an existing Sim over or are they new/Pre-Made ? New Sims
    9. What town are you currently playing ? EA or Custom ? EA (Hidden Springs)
    10. What is your Operating System (Mac, XP, Vista, Win 7) Windows 7 64-bit
    11. Do you have the download or DVD Version of the game. Download from Origin

    I have a sim couple that I created after installing Seasons that are both witches. The male witch has maxed the skating skill out but when I click on the ice rink, the option to spin wasn't there at all. My sister has a save file on my computer and her sims were able to spin so it isn't a game-wide issue.
    Knowing that other supernaturals can't actually skate but instead do their special run on the rink, I suspected the inability to spin might be related to his supernatural status. I used MC to change him to a human and now he can spin. Not sure if witches being unable to spin is intentional or not.
    I haven't tested without mods but I can do so if you think I should.
    I have Register, ErrorTrap, Traveler, Master Controller, Hybrid, Overwatch, and MC Cheats.
    I posted this on Nraas' chatterbox as well and another person has said they are having the same issue.
    I'd also like to point out that the Sims can AUTONOMOUSLY spin but I can't direct them to do so.
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    crinrictcrinrict Posts: 18,775 Member
    edited November 2012
    @little0601780: Could you describe what happens ? Do they jump ? Have you tried replacing the station ?

    @Rusalka: Ok. Thanks

    @ACEANDLADY: I don't have any other solutions than the ones listed. Sorry.

    I have no info on the patch. I don't work for EA and they never give out ETA arrival but most probably only very few things will be patched as always. Since the SN thing is a feature, they are not going to patch that.

    @Rubysim: You have two city halls ? No idea if that causes an issue. Only way to find out is to delete one and see if the issue persists

    @Rickatl, reinmag: Yeah. Saw that Twallan said the Limo bug was back (again!). Not sure what to do about it. I can't make the people use OW.

    @catalina_45: Could you elaborate for others what the cause was ?

    @7frog7frog7: An existing issue. Only solution I have for this is putting Overwatch in.

    @Corwim: Well, there are a few features we don't like but EA is not going to do anything about it so the only solution is a mod (yeah, I know)

    @franklear1980: Do you have seasons ? What does no longer working mean ? Please also answer the questions in the second post.

    @EatChees: Any mods in your game ? I'll add

    @ewilson1114: I'll add that. I assume witches skate like humans (meaning no special extra feature thingy) ?

    --- Calling it a night. Adding done in the morning ---

    Good night everyone.

    Crinrict's Help Blogs -- Twitter
    Please do not send me PMs/post on my wall if you're looking for help. I can't attend to those. You can find me at AnswerHQ.
    How to report bugs at AnswersHQ
    AHQ Tutorial

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    ewilson1114ewilson1114 Posts: 2,513 Member
    edited November 2012
    Yes, witches skate normally besides their lack of spinning!
    Good night, hope you sleep well.
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    Nomad20Nomad20 Posts: 124 Member
    edited November 2012
    Thanks for this thread, and I really hope you manage to fix some of these.

    I had an issue which I didn't see when I read through the list, except as maybe "sims get stuck very easily now". Not sure if it's the same issue, but when I que sims to interact with each other (doesn't matter which interaction), they have a very hard time going through with it. They just stand there at opposite sides of the room without moving towards each other or doing anything at all. They don't shout in frustration or cancel the action. They just stand there, with the interaction waiting...

    The only way I can get sims to interact normally is if I get them really close together before giving them an interaction. They have to already be in range for the actions to trigger.

    Note that there isn't anything in the way; it can be a completely empty space between them.

    --- While I have mods (Twallans) installed, I moved them out of the mods folder, deleted my cashes and started a new game to make absolutely sure that they are not the cause. I also did not have them installed when I installed either seasons or the patch, as ordered, and I made sure that they are up to date before putting them back in. I have seasons and am fully patched to 1.42. I also have every other expansion, but no stuff packs.

    Thanks for any help. I read the first posts very carefully to make sure this wasn't already reported, but if I missed it, I am sorry :cry:
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    catloverplayercatloverplayer Posts: 93,552 Member
    edited November 2012
    Crin the rain and snow can also happen with stars in the sky and no clouds at night.

    Also it doesn't seem I can put food in my sims inventory anymore example hotdogs.

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