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Okay, I'm really bummed about this ugly, icky brown texture business

I know there has been some discussion about this but I'll be hanged if a search is bringing me to anything other than how to change the color of the sea and sky.

Here's the story. I am trying to slowly get a couple of houses built for Syera's Haberny world and for this I'm using Build Town. This first happened after I installed Ambitions (right now I'm down to base game, just the update installed).

Every stinking texture except the grass in Build Town has gone an ugly solid brown color. I've tried everything I can think of to fix this including resaving, reexporting and reinstalling a fresh Sims3Pack of Build Town.

I've updated my video drivers.

I've changed out textures I used in the world with other textures, reexported and reinstalled.

AuntieLynds said she was thinking this might be caused by default textures being replaced, but that's not the case since I didn't touch the default textures C-A-W loaded in this world at all. (Last time she mentioned this I wasn't sure but I installed C-A-W tonight and checked.)

I know this CAN happen when too many textures are used in a chunk but I don't even have eight textures TOTAL on this map, let alone more than eight per chunk.

The way this is now, in C-A-W everything looks fine. It looks perfect in EIG, even! Then I load the world in-game and everything is just puke brown.

I have absolutely no idea if this is happening in other worlds or not because I haven't had time to check.

Is it possible this could have something to do with a setting on my video card? I'm running an NVidia 9400 series card, nothing extremely fancy but also nothing extremely shabby. The game likes it well enough and it auto-sets most things at above average.

I don't know. Lately this game has caused me 100% stress and absolutely no enjoyment. It's just been one thing on top of another.

Oh, I almost forgot, need the pictures.


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    BSIReginaBSIRegina Posts: 5,110 Member
    edited August 2010
    Meh, forget editing, something pops up on my computer and I lose all of it.

    Anyway, this isn't happening for everyone, which is why I'm thinking it's something set wrong on my computer. It displays perfectly in Syera's game.
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    DOLLDRMS1DOLLDRMS1 Posts: 2,955 Member
    edited August 2010
    Didn't this happen with one section of Neverglade when Pyronium3 put up the first revision, or maybe it was the first map? He fixed it right away but I can't remember if he posted what he did to fix it.

    BTW, Good to see you!
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,589 Member
    edited August 2010
    Yes, Hi! :mrgreen:

    I read it but ... *don't hit me* did you try to remove that texture and use a new one?

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    BSIReginaBSIRegina Posts: 5,110 Member
    edited August 2010
    Thank you for the replies, ladies! And it's so good to see both of you too! I've had my head into so much CS3-related stuff the last while that I haven't had much time for anything else.

    BTW, Rflong7, I've noticed your distinct absence since the Portal Page had to be removed. *coughs* I'm working on getting everything back together but decided to do some nifty themes first because I'd been wanting to do some but hadn't got it done and installing them before re-installing the portal will be easier than the other way.

    Rflong, that's actually about four textures, which I wasn't realizing until later, but yes, I tried changing out the textures to no avail. In fact, this was the world I tried changing.

    Dlldrms, indeed he did, but all he had to do to fix it was re-export the world and voila!

    I spent a couple of hours this evening doing everything I could think of doing to try to fix it but nothing worked.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,589 Member
    edited August 2010
    Strange. I did have it happen to Longview on one test install- scared me witless- but I reinstalled it and it was fine.

    So, I got nothing.

    This is only in your game? All your other worlds with those textures work fine?

    *Cough* I know- I loved the portal page. I knew what was new, who was chatting and where...
    I go to the forum and it's one big page of lost. :( :shock:
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    DOLLDRMS1DOLLDRMS1 Posts: 2,955 Member
    edited August 2010
    Well, your problem gives me the chance to ask you guys to read something. Of course, it's on the site we can't link to, MATY.

    Look in The Pudding Factory for a thread called "Fix for missing WA terrain paints" by Goggalor.

    After you read it can you please tell me what this is all about? What missing terrain paints and could this be part of your problem, Regina?

    I've read the post several times but not having seen any other discussion of missing terrain paints, I'm not sure if this is a fix players need, or CAW users, or just who this is directed at. I feel like I walked into the middle of a discussion and am lost.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,589 Member
    edited August 2010
    My guess is some people are loosing their WA textures because of a patch:

    "...this only applies to the lots/worlds that are affected by the missing textures, all other lots/worlds can be shared as usual without the fix."

    I haven't heard of it but I don't go wandering as much as I used to.
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    BSIReginaBSIRegina Posts: 5,110 Member
    edited August 2010
    It's more a matter of just getting used to looking for new stuff but I agree, the forum page by itself is very drab and extremely uninviting. I mean for seriously and stuff, I am so sick of that design I could almost scream. I put up a test forum for working on themes. Send me a PM at CS3 and I'll give you a link so you can see what we have in the works. :D
    Look in The Pudding Factory for a thread called "Fix for missing WA terrain paints" by Goggalor.

    After you read it can you please tell me what this is all about? What missing terrain paints and could this be part of your problem, Regina?
    I've no idea, I will have to read that for sure but probably not tonight because it's late and I'm tired. Since it's not happening consistently, as on all computers, I don't know if it could be that or not. *shrugs* I will still read it, though, because even if it doesn't apply it might have some good ideas.

    The textures used in Build Town are mainly dull and uninteresting base game textures with one that I exported from the base game. That one is the dirt and since all the others are textures included in C-A-W that's the one I replaced to see if it might fix the problem, which it didn't.

    It just doesn't seem right that everything displays perfectly in C-A-W and EIG but goes wonky in the game.
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    ChriscmmChriscmm Posts: 106
    edited August 2010
    Before I start, I do not know any fix to this problem. This did indeed happen to me, but it was not permanent. It's weird it won't go away for you, but I hope you find a fix! Good luck! :S
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    drowssapdrowssap Posts: 2,007 Member
    edited August 2010
    i have this too in build town, but it doesn't bother me, apparently it has something to do with the 'texture' not finding it properly, like the address of it get mixed up, sorry i dont know the technical words but

    what i normally do, and it fixes it for me every time is .. opening up the world in CAW clicking on the texture which has the problem and going to edit, and either re-selecting the same texture or using a different one, but for some reason, there is one texture which always causes it, on of EA's brighter green ones, iv forgotten the name sorry,
    but after that it should just be a matter of 'save' and export

    :? hope this is of some help

    another idea, (sorry i just scrolled up and realised you've already tried that) right click on the texture 'export' and then delete it, then adding a new texture, clicking on the one you want, then right click import for the texture map sort of thing

    :oops: sorry about the technical words
    but if that doesn't do it then im really confused :(
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    BSIReginaBSIRegina Posts: 5,110 Member
    edited August 2010
    Drowssap, don't apologize for technical talk. After all, this is C-A-W we're talking about here and it's the discussion of technical details from which so many of us have learned what we have about this goofy piece of programming. :lol:

    I'm not happy about you having the same issue with it, but at the same time I am glad to hear someone besides me has run into this problem.

    Would the texture you're talking about causing it possibly be the grass_medium_detail image? Build Town uses that darker grass texture as an accent.

    I thought I would run through this morning and edit and re-select all of the textures and see what happens, in case it wasn't the dirt texture at all, and based on what you're saying perhaps it's that grass texture. If I can get this fixed I'll upload the updated version to BogSims and post back here as well.

    Thank you!!

    Update: Nope, replacing every single texture through Edit didn't fix it. I'll try one more thing then if that doesn't work I think I'm going to forget it for today. Lately just about all of my time has been eaten up by something to do with this ridiculous game.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    MrCrumplebottom1MrCrumplebottom1 Posts: 1,843 Member
    edited August 2010
    Hey, From your pictures I can see that its not a permanent thing, I have encountered this many times. Just shut down CAW Edit in world. Then Loads it back up, and its refreshed itself :) Sorry If its been mentioned! :)
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    JohnnywrJohnnywr Posts: 2,927 Member
    edited August 2010
    Regina, I also downloaded Build Town and I think you might be on to something regarding the fault being the medium_grass_detail texture. I was experiencing the weird texture glitch too but all would look okay in Edit Town view, but when I clicked on a lot to work on when it zoomed in the texture changed to the icky brown look you mentioned.

    It was like the grass looked okay until going into an actual lot to work on, then it turned from grass to weird brown texture.

    It`s good to see you again Regina, hope you manage to work something out. I have to say, this is all very worrying.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,589 Member
    edited August 2010
    Hey, From your pictures I can see that its not a permanent thing, I have encountered this many times. Just shut down CAW Edit in world. Then Loads it back up, and its refreshed itself :) Sorry If its been mentioned! :)


    She said it looks right in CAW and EIG but once she exports and installs it in game this happens. :)
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    drowssapdrowssap Posts: 2,007 Member
    edited August 2010
    grass_clover is the one i get the issue on mostly in my worlds,

    this is really strange how its not working though, the only other thing i can think off its exporting all the heightmaps, and texture maps, and re-doing the loads, iv done this alot with my own world, but for different reasons, mostly the smashed graphics effect,

    only thing i can think is perhaps the world has become corrupted and some how duplicating the world with the whole exporting business should resolve it *hopefully*

    let us know if you upload a new version of buildtown :oops: i use it quite alot for my buildings it was brown for me in the exact same places as it is in you screen shots, before the ambitions update, however map view shows it all fine, i just ignored it and rotated the house on an angle that the brown cant be seen if i need a screenshot

    i hope you get this working! good luck
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    BSIReginaBSIRegina Posts: 5,110 Member
    edited August 2010
    Oh my, that smashed graphics thing is absolutely awful, isn't it? So you found a way to fix that even?

    I just tried something I was really hoping would work, and that was making sure all of the textures were in the base Source Textures directory instead of subs. That didn't fix it either.

    That seems odd that it was like that for you before the Ambitions update. I never had any trouble with it until after installing Ambitions.

    I'm giving up on it for the moment. The longer I work at it the more irritated I'm getting.

    I sure do appreciate your input, though.
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    drowssapdrowssap Posts: 2,007 Member
    edited August 2010
    well i didnt so much find a fix as i did a very awkward work around, what i did was export the heightmap, and all the paint layers and organize them into a file, so every time i worked on it i would export everything, because once i start 'fresh' and import everything back in theres no problem, its only once its saved and closed the problem begins, so iv sort of been working on the theory that i will build all the lots and export them to the library and spend a very long day importing all the files backtogether, and so long as in export the .world file to the sims game without closing CAW once in that day it works fine ...
    not exactly an ideal work around though,

    i had it when i first downloaded it, but if that grass_clover texture was used im not surprised, i get a lot of trouble with that in my game

    iv noticed there seems to be two types of "brown" texure issue that happens, one happens to a single texture, and the other happens to all the textures with in x amount of boundary boxes, normally when that one happens CAW will crash, but that only seems to happen if i dont save all day long, you can tell i do alot of guesswork, some of it pays off though :mrgreen:

    take a break from CAW for a while and perhaps you'll get some ideas throughout the day,

    iv been trying to reverse the 'packaged' file part of so i can get the objects, im working under the theory that somewhere in the packaged file is the information for the object's (traintracks) iv found a lot of interesting things, no good progress so far though,

    good luck on getting this working, i really dont understand why this is being so stubborn for you :shock:
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    BSIReginaBSIRegina Posts: 5,110 Member
    edited August 2010
    For some reason the other day I missed a lot of posts! :oops:
    Just shut down CAW Edit in world. Then Loads it back up, and its refreshed itself

    She said it looks right in CAW and EIG but once she exports and installs it in game this happens.
    Yep, it looks perfectly normal in C-A-W and EIG.
    I was experiencing the weird texture glitch too but all would look okay in Edit Town view, but when I clicked on a lot to work on when it zoomed in the texture changed to the icky brown look you mentioned.
    That's my experience as well. Overhead it looks fine then when I get zoomed in it's all wonky.
    It`s good to see you again Regina, hope you manage to work something out. I have to say, this is all very worrying.
    It's good to see you too, Johnny! I miss everyone here, miss working on my world, miss playing my game, etc. I am just so tired of all this stuff not working the way it should! I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling my game to see if I could get a couple of problems fixed. Right now only have the base game and cumulative patches installed, so can't even really play the game. I need to get this problem in Build Town fixed and the only thing I can think to do is to try deleting each texture, one at a time, then doing a save-as, export the world and install it to my game. That's just a whole lot of work for something that shouldn't be happening in the first place.
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