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How are you feeling about the sims 4 and its current state ?

NikkihNikkih Posts: 1,758 Member
edited August 2022 in The Sims 4 Game Feedback
How do you feel about the sims 4 as of now? Are you still enjoying your game ?, what's your good points and bad points of the game ? And what do you want for it's future ? What type of pack would you want to come ?
Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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    mustenimusteni Posts: 5,417 Member
    I'm currently undecided. For me it's usually easy to get interested in my sims and figure out things for them to do. I loved werewolves and played a lot after it, but then took a sort of break, have only played a little. I expect to get back into it at some point though. I play without mods, other than map replacements that I got recently. So overall I've been quite happy with it, but the wants and fears left me wanting for more. I would like them to at least have wants for pack traits, that's a minimum requirement. When it comes to new packs, I'm forever hoping for horses.
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,751 Member
    I do enjoy my game very much. However, I've noticed that recent updates seem to turn it into a game that decides things for us, instead of letting us decide for ourselves. I don't need the game to surprise me. I'm more into a sandbox game where *I* decide personalities and events, without the game trying to throw in too many "challenges".
    Examples might be "NPC (who you actually never met) is doing push ups in your hood while being in a bad mood, should she dislike exercising?". Wants/fears seem to put too many sims into the same formula, I've not patched yet but I'll hate to see all my sims wanting to listen to the stereo as I actually chose playing with music *off* years ago. Result will be that none of my sims will like any music style at all. Neighborhood stories can mostly be turned off, but it is utterly annoying whenever a sim calls to ask whether they should try for a baby or not = too stupid for words. Some of those new features can be toggled off, but not all. It's basically those that can not be toggled off that makes me worry that I won't enjoy my game as much.
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,108 Member
    Examples might be "NPC (who you actually never met) is doing push ups in your hood while being in a bad mood, should she dislike exercising?".

    This one was a bug that was fixed a couple of months after it started happening @Simmerville
    You can fix it by updating your game unless there is something else going on.
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    SheepilingSheepiling Posts: 582 Member
    Since I refuse to update my game until they fix all the bugs they just shipped out, the state of the Sims 4 for me is great! I just got the Lunar Phase update and am very pleased playing with my occult save~

    However, the state of the Sims 4's most recent update should never have happened. Only teens should be obsessed with phones, not everyone, siblings shouldn't be attracted to each other, the age glitch should not have been released, that should have been fixed in testing b4 the pack dropped, etc. :|

    My Wedding Stories was a disaster, but at least all of that pack's mess is confined to the pack itself. This should never have happened to an Expansion Pack. And for me it sucks because the stuff in High School Years and the base game update that came with it is all stuff I want, but I'm not willing to break my legacy to get it.

    For the future I'd really love to see an expansion focused on Children, Toddlers, and Babies (with a free base game baby overhaul). We finally got an EP with only teen content, so I'd really love to see an EP for just the younger lifestages and absolutely nothing for YA and older in it. Nothing but toys, treehouses, activities, etc. NEW stuff instead of just reskinning the base game activity tables. Parenthood is nice but it's mostly just content for the parents and how they raise their children. There's only 2 or 3 new toys for the kids themselves. We need content that's just for the small beans only. And the CAS in that pack should be only for children and younger as well, I don't want a single adult CAS item in a pack like that. :#

    I'm also still waiting on all the occults we've had in previous Sims games to be released. We're still missing Fairies, Genies, Zombies, Mummies, Imaginary Friends, REAL PlantSims (the temporary buff is not enough, I need the whole occult life state), Baby Dragons, and Unicorns (and horses). We also still need a revamp for mermaids (they don't even have their own urn/tomb and bassinet when all other occults do) and aliens could use a revamp too, they have such small content.
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    yoshi_dragur2012yoshi_dragur2012 Posts: 1,670 Member

    Has the latest patch update:
    1. finally fixed the aging and incest bugs?
    2. now letting my TS4 sim toddlers safely change their clothes in CAS without existing as an elder?
    3. now permitting the ability to play a 2 sim week semester at Uni? Or change the seasonal length to whatever number sim weeks you were able to?
    4. now safely allow adjustment of the sim lifespan global menu setting --- without the game turning all my hoods into sim ghost town families?
    5. allowing Neighborhood stories to work normally once again?
    6. stopped sim obsession with their phones--especially if they're werewolves in berserker mode, or some other occult sim life state??

    Basically has the game been restored to its semi working state of glory aka before the Jul 28 HSY base game patch -- which serial killed joy my entire desire to play this game?

    No on 1? #DealBreakerConfirmed. Forget the rest of the list. And especially buying that eye gouging HSY EP off Steam

    IMO NO utility mods will ever properly fix anything in the game until the chronic issues in #1 are resolved.
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    PruThistlePruThistle Posts: 97 Member
    Right now I find it very annoying. Every time one of my sims strike up a conversation with another sim, that sim gets up and leaves the lot.
    When they go to order a drink at a bar, it's all of the sudden time for a shift change and the bartender leaves so my sim has to wait for another bartender to arrive before they can order a drink.
    During a dinner date, they eat so fast that they can't fulfill the "talk about food 3 times" task in the time allotted, and I always have to reset the chef when entering a restaurant, or the chef will just stand outside the venue and not prepare any meals.
    I am not crazy about the color palette used in the latest packs and yearn for a color wheel so I can color stuff myself without having to leave the game, start up another program, and spend hours fiddling with that instead of playing my game.
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    NikkihNikkih Posts: 1,758 Member
    I feel the sims 4 is world's away from how it was at launch, they have added tons, call this an unpopular opinion but I like the packs have calmed down and we're getting an base game update every month
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    KimmerKimmer Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited August 2022
    Not enjoying very much now because I can't play any of my saves except the ones that I've started after the aging bug. :/

    Also I don't like that the sexual orientation choices don't work on Social Bunny. I spent a lot of time adjusting the orientations for Sims, but everyone just seem to flirt with everyone regardless of the orientation, married Sims cheating on Social Bunny and everyone having romance bars with everyone.
    It's just a full on chaos and I normally love chaos on Sims 4, but not all the time, it can get boring if there's no balance at all.

    I don't need anything more on Sims 4, just bug fixes. I just want to play my favorite saves again.
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,751 Member
    Examples might be "NPC (who you actually never met) is doing push ups in your hood while being in a bad mood, should she dislike exercising?".

    This one was a bug that was fixed a couple of months after it started happening @Simmerville
    You can fix it by updating your game unless there is something else going on.

    I patched about a month ago (before the HSY patch) but still get these notifications. Did not check whether they are still for strangers though, but because I play 100+ households, I guess there will e plenty of these even if unplayed NPCs are no longer involved. It's not a huge problem, more like showing what direction this game takes.
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    haneulhaneul Posts: 1,954 Member
    I don't feel great. Like Sheepiling, I haven't updated my game yet. I have two computers that I can use and I thought I would update on my secondary computer to test things out, but the initial bugs were so bad I didn't even do that. :|

    Anyway, my game is fine (partly because it hasn't been updated) and I enjoy it. I'm optimistic that a lot of the remaining bugs will be sorted. Right now, I'm concerned about the Wants & Fears as I think they will disrupt my gameplay the most. I would like to see them expanded.
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    wahini2024wahini2024 Posts: 547 Member
    I still enjoy it. In order to enjoy it I admit I've had to mod a little and add in cc cas and bb to just get a change in look or scenery but it isn't heavily modded, i believe i have 3 that effect gameplay and 2 that tweak annoyances.. I don't think the game can expand much further beyond what it is without more update and patch issues, glitches and bugs so I'm a little skeptical about its stability

    I would love to see music/ bands be a thing and I'm not sure why get famous didn't include this but I would love to see more for musical sims and this career branch which... it's lacking. It's like more personality traits. I feel like I'm constantly making the same sims and those would be nice.
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    haisinhaisin Posts: 954 Member
    I feel like I'm not going to spend more money on it until I see wants and fears improved and more bug fixes.

    I haven't played my game after I unfortunately updated it with the HSY patch. I heard it could be better now, but I haven't had time to play now and don't want to spend my freetime testing whether my game works or not, so I guess I'm having a Sims 4 break. I enjoyed my game fine before this patch. I'm worried about the bugs and incomplete wants and fears.

    For the future I'm waiting for bug fixes, features that are already in the game (such as wants and fears, lifestyles etc) to be improved and fixed, overall pack integration and pack refreshes. The game could be much better if more effort was put in the already existing features.

    I'd especially love to see mermaid refresh (that gives mermaids more to do and special animations or features), kids (and toddlers) to be able to use magic/be touched by magic, games for kids and childish sims, swimmable waters in old worlds and like more to do and stuff to interact with outside lots in neighbourhoods.
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    AndyKAndyK Posts: 2 New Member
    I only discovered TS4 at the start of the pandemic, and have not played any previous Sims game. Right away, I got hooked and had soon bought all the packs. Since then, I've played TS4 more than any other game and have continued buying all the packs. Being able to build houses, style sims and create stories just really appealed to me, especially since I found the game when looking for interior design software. So I think that's why the extremely lacklustre so-called gameplay didn't bother me so much at first, but I've grown increasingly frustrated with how this game often feels like an animated, prettified, poorly structured spreadsheet. Pixel graphic games by single developers on Steam can do it better if you look only at the core gameplay mechanics.

    At this point, I really feel Maxis are forced to add to a game they are no longer interested in and that really can't support all the addons. Because TS4 has a large customer base ready to pay for content with minimal gameplay - an attractive proposal for EA as gameplay development is much more unpredictable. And yet still, the game breaks, over and over, because the foundation was clearly built to support an entirely different sort of game. With this recent update, I can no longer play as my game keeps resetting progress randomly. And what is a game where you can make no progress? Useless, that's what.
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    CatzillaCatzilla Posts: 1,181 Member
    What I really want next:

    I'm ready for a good sized music and bands pack.

    I'm still waiting for more clothing for male sims. I mean long pants that are not high waters or cropped in any way, no bell bottoms, flairs, droopy drawers or ripped up. I want slim leg, straight leg, dress slacks, jeans, casual dress. I want suits, causal dress, shirts tucked in. I want hip, elegant, casual dressy, casual and masculine styles without slobbiness.

    I'm so over bell bottoms, flairs, droopy drawers, cropped and high water pants, super low rise pants, half untucked shirts and those weird wide cropped sleeves for male and female sims. I'd also like to find tops and bottoms that go together, some of the color combos are hard to pair or don't match anything.
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,553 Member
    edited August 2022
    I'm just a bit underwhelmed by what they choose not to do for some of their packs.
    Like High School Years. I do feel the pack has added something useful to the teen life-stage to make teens feel more like teens, but these oversights?:

    -The game seems to prioritize random homeless townies over sims that live in the worlds.
    -You can't set school uniforms for everyday and active wear.
    -There is no jogging way-points that make use of the track behind the school.
    -The bleachers are not usable for hangout spots, and most of the school property is just set dressing.
    -You can't form groups and clubs at the school, not even during after school hours.
    -You can't cancel Wants without buying a potion, and so far, they seem to make the game more annoying than fun.
    -Sneak out feature only usable when invited out, and not integrated with Parenthood game play.
    -Career Day event has little to do with learning about possible careers for your sims, what they need for those careers, nor has integration with Discover University.
    -Small worlds, Copperdale could use another section with five more lots.
    -Also beautiful worlds that are just set dressing with nothing interesting happening in these between spaces.
    -Bugs, bugs, bugs

    Thankfully modders are stepping in with solutions.

    There are still a few more things I want for the game like Bands, a modeling career, Hotels/Casinos/B&B, Burglars, and Fairies,
    but I also want the game to end so I can fully mod it, and even make mods myself, without them being constantly broken by monthly patches.
    Post edited by CK213 on
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    Sara1010PSara1010P Posts: 899 Member
    I love the game, when it works. The recent deluge of bugs has dampened my desire to play it though. As for what I want next, not really sure. I have all I think of as must haves, so anything else is just icing on the cake, but if it continues with the massive bugs each time, I am ready for it to be done.
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    LiELFLiELF Posts: 6,539 Member
    I'm kind of devastated, actually. I have not updated the last patch, which had things I specifically asked for, because suddenly the devs decided that Sims needed to use their phones more obsessively. This will completely nuke my enjoyment of the game. I hated the phone use before and it literally had me on the edge of my patience as it was, but this bomb that was dropped has done it in for me and I'm really upset about it. I've wanted a way to turn phones off for almost 8 years now. I hate it in real life and I hate it in my game.

    Like many people, I play The Sims to escape real life. I like to create my own weird world, full of Occults and Gods and strange people and a mix of eras and timelines. I rarely use any of the tech gameplay, and computers are usually locked up, only put in game for brief use or not used at all. But I could never do that with phones because the game wasn't designed with options for it. It was always a race to cancel a phone action before a Sim could gain a new phone-related skill and it was frustrating. But I dealt with it because I love the Occults so much and they have been my favorite of any of the Sims series. But all these years later, after getting so much awesome content that I love, after just dropping Werewolves that I was ridiculously excited for and only got to play twice, the game has become something I don't want to play. I just don't want phone tech like that. I don't care how trivial that might sound to some people, it absolutely bothers me. Even if limited to teens, it would bother me, I love playing teens. And I haven't use mods in years because I barely have time to play my game as it is, I don't have time to take them out and update every single month. Plus, mods can be unreliable.

    So my game just sits there, not updated, and I don't even know if I want to play offline because the Gallery is one of my favorite things. I can't build very well and I usually browse for the awesome builds other people make, to put in my game. At this point, I'm just trying to decide if I'm done for good or not. Sims 4 has finally chosen its path and its players and that's just not me.
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    CiralindeCiralinde Posts: 81 Member
    The post-HSY apocalypse shocked me. It's been widely reported on by various news outlets as well. And it makes me wonder how things are at office right now. It really shouldn't have happened, like Sheepiling wrote. It's the first expansion pack I haven't bought and also the first time I rendered the game unplayable.

    Bugs have always been a part of games. They can be annoying, very funny - they can be exploits - they can lead to speedruns. I don't mind bugs generally speaking. To emphasize it again, its part and parcel of enjoying a game - modern or old. But this is something else...
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    maggiemae8135maggiemae8135 Posts: 790 Member
    I am also feeling very discouraged and disappointed. I was very excited about the new gameplay and looking forward to trying it. Unfortunately, I did update my game, so am very afraid of playing now and ruining my saves. I only went in to my build save to finish a lot, so am hoping the bug didn't affect the game saves I actually play. I agree @ LiELF with your opinion about phone use. I was already annoyed with how obsessed Sims were with their phones and am not looking forward to seeing how bad it is now in game. It was hard enough before to make sure your sim followed through with actions because they get sidetracked by computer, phone, etc all the time and drop the action you give them. Becomes more difficult if playing more than one sim. I still want to play, and I want to be able to continue with my current gameplay and a new game to try out the new pack. But I am so worried my saves with be ruined as others have been with all the bugs. Hopefully they will fix them soon so we can all play again and maybe be able to enjoy it. My fingers are crossed that they will fix it soon, but I am worried about how future packs will be now, as this it the second time a pack was released with game breaking bugs. Don't think I will be buying a pack as soon as released anymore.
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    MareahMareah Posts: 792 Member
    I was having fun playing my storylines before the last two updates. I stopped playing in live mood and moved into building. The last patch is said to have fixed some major bugs so i guess i am ready to jump back into playing with my sims again. As for future content, i would love to see them add some sort of world editor. It is not about adding more lots for me, i just want to edit the surrounding areas without mods. That would be a big game changer.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,233 Member
    I have mixed feelings. I love the game most of the time, but I also want to scream in frustration with it at times. I love my stories and the sims in them. I love the game for giving me the tools and the connection to those things, but I curse it at times for holding me back from really telling the story the way I want to. I'm relieved that after a near miss with disaster because of this patch debacle my main save appears to have survived, magic intact. I'm also upset that others aren't going to be so lucky and are going to lose saves that have been years in the making. It's sad we have to go through all of this.

    On the positive side, I really love the Werewolves pack. It shows that great content for this game is possible. The CAS items in that pack are on a whole other level, and they showed some of the creative flair we've been wanting. The quality of CAS items on the whole recently has been superb, but it's often lovely carbon copies of styles that have been done to death, crop tops, high water pants, etc. If only they would take that wonderful modeling skill and use it to make other types of clothing. I would also love to see them throw out all of the old makeup in CAS and turn those skills loose making gorgeous makeup. I still use cc for all makeup unless I'm creating a sim to upload to the gallery, and I really do apologize to them before I save because of how horrible the Maxis makeup is. Same can be said for heels and boots. The sneakers and gym shoes that have come with Throwback Fit Kit, Incheon Arrivals, Midnight Chic and others are so good I've pretty much tossed out all of my cc sneakers. I still have some so I don't always repeat the same item too often. Give us some good heels and a variety of boots. High heels, mid heels, strappy sandals, thigh high boots, knee highs, ankle boots, the whole shebang. They've shown they can make great shoes with the sneakers, do it with the rest now.

    I've said many times, and I'll say it again, I'd love to have an active singing career and bands. I'd love to have a full jazz band with a singer out front. Standup comics, models, too. How is it with a fame system we only have one career that is synonymous with fame? While you're at it how about releasing some new gigs for actors. The same handful of roles over and over.
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    mrs_starkeymrs_starkey Posts: 189 Member
    edited August 2022
    LiELF wrote: »
    I'm kind of devastated, actually. I have not updated the last patch, which had things I specifically asked for, because suddenly the devs decided that Sims needed to use their phones more obsessively. This will completely nuke my enjoyment of the game. I hated the phone use before and it literally had me on the edge of my patience as it was, but this bomb that was dropped has done it in for me and I'm really upset about it. I've wanted a way to turn phones off for almost 8 years now. I hate it in real life and I hate it in my game.

    Like many people, I play The Sims to escape real life. I like to create my own weird world, full of Occults and Gods and strange people and a mix of eras and timelines. I rarely use any of the tech gameplay, and computers are usually locked up, only put in game for brief use or not used at all. But I could never do that with phones because the game wasn't designed with options for it. It was always a race to cancel a phone action before a Sim could gain a new phone-related skill and it was frustrating. But I dealt with it because I love the Occults so much and they have been my favorite of any of the Sims series. But all these years later, after getting so much awesome content that I love, after just dropping Werewolves that I was ridiculously excited for and only got to play twice, the game has become something I don't want to play. I just don't want phone tech like that. I don't care how trivial that might sound to some people, it absolutely bothers me. Even if limited to teens, it would bother me, I love playing teens. And I haven't use mods in years because I barely have time to play my game as it is, I don't have time to take them out and update every single month. Plus, mods can be unreliable.

    So my game just sits there, not updated, and I don't even know if I want to play offline because the Gallery is one of my favorite things. I can't build very well and I usually browse for the awesome builds other people make, to put in my game. At this point, I'm just trying to decide if I'm done for good or not. Sims 4 has finally chosen its path and its players and that's just not me.

    I play so often offline because I often skip a patch or two, and I can totally use the gallery. :)

    You start your game offline. Then go into the gallery. By default you are disconnected to the gallery because you are playing offline. So you have to click on the gallery, then a popup will come up asking if you want to connect with the gallery. All you have to do is connect. I always have to cancel the first try and connect again because the first try never works for me. (Don't be afraid, because the game won't patch automatically ingame, if you connect to the gallery. In order to patch you have to exit the game and press "update".)

    After connecting you can normally browse the gallery and download everything you want. The only exception is, you can't download anything that was put on the gallery with a patch you don't have, so basically the newest things.

    But everything until then works perfectly fine. :)
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    Nate_Whiplash1Nate_Whiplash1 Posts: 4,154 Member
    Overall, I'm pretty bored with it. Once I realized that all sims basically have the same personality and act the same, it took most of the fun out of it for me. The enhancements they have tried to add to the game have not been enough--this isn't something they can fix with an update (such as likes/preferences, whims, etc), this is code deeply written into the base game itself that they would have to overhaul. They're not going to do that.
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    LogisitcsLogisitcs Posts: 1,156 Member
    EA needs to hit pause on releasing new packs (I think CAS kits are fine as they are just glorified CC) and spend a year integrating cross pack functionality and expanding on some the packs features that they have forgotten about.

    Clubs are one of the most used feature and EA has abandoned it. I have to use a mod to expand club activities to use the other packs.
    Wants & Fears need to be pulled from all packs.
    Lifestyles need to be expanded.
    Fame needs to be looked at in terms of the other careers. My All Star athlete should be as famous as the actress sim, but he's not.
    Simstagram and Social Bunny need to be linked like how Instagram and Facebook are linked.
    Social Bunny needs expansion with more posts/emotions. Why can't we post about pets??
    More afterschool activities based on the packs ie. Research and Debate Club, Robotics Club (granted this can be remedied using the club system, but you need a mod to expand the activities).
    Please for the love of ***** can we copy and paste makeup between outfits!
    This is all I can think of at the top of my head but there's just so much more!

    They also need to fix bugs. I avoid restaurants because they don't work well.

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