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UPDATE 9-2-20 Has your Sims 3 game been affected by the recent pixilation issues?


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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    @puzzlezaddict So, I went and checked the 24th of July (and dates around it) in the reliability monitor since that's the day I posted here about my game looking good again. There was a .NET framework update on the 23rd, so it very well could have been such an update that caused the problem before and fixed it now.

    As for what to look for, the biggest thing for me was how skin looked. At this problem's worst, a sim's skin (especially CC skin) looked very pixelated and blotchy. I call it pixel vomit, because honestly it's a pretty good description, as it looks so much like cartoon vomit with the colorful chunks. :lol: On page 13 of this thread, I posted pics of my game with the splotches, a pic showing how switching to my "HQ" GraphicRules pretty much fixed it, and not that further down I posted a pic of my game non-HQ and just after I would've gotten this update. So it very well could've been the .NET update.

    Actually, it's worth noting that I updated to Windows 10 Version 2004 and my game looked the same and didn't look better until my computer installed more updates. I didn't think to check what they were at the time, but checking back the timeline certainly matches up.
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    @KevinL5275 Your sim looks good! She's not brightly lit up and I don't see any pixilation. Is it there on close up?

    I can't remember the exact order but when I first installed 2004 on my laptop everything looked really good, maybe after another update, can't remember. But when I put my desktop back on the internet and installed all the updates the pixilation in faces and clothes was still there. The shiny green wood was better, still a little sheen but not so green, and horses are definitely better. However, now I have these awful shadows. Here are pictures that I took last night.





    I have two updates that are waiting to install
    1) 2020-08 Cululative update for .NET ramework 3.5 and 4.8 for Windows 10 version 2004 for x64 (KB4569745)
    2) 2020-08 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 2004 for x64 based Systems (KB4566782).

    It is too late to get rid of these are they are already downloaded. So all I can do is install and hope for the best. But I'm getting ready to take this computer off the internet again if this one makes it even worse. Hoping it will get better like Emily's.
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    @puzzlezaddict I think this is the update that caused the latest weird shadows but not sure. I hadn't played in awhile.
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    puzzlezaddictpuzzlezaddict Posts: 1,877 Member
    My game has been affected but it doesn't bother me
    @ZeeGee I don't thing those two updates should have any effect on the game. The first is for Windows Maps (which we're all totally going to use instead of Google Maps, thanks Microsoft), and I think the second one is for Cortana. TS3 wouldn't call the resources of either one, and if either had updated a runtime or something, not that they should, that would have been listed as a separate entry.

    Did you restart and play after the previous updates? .NET updates and feature updates always require a restart after installing, but other updates can let you keep using your computer but not take effect until the next restart.
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    edited August 2020
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    I found this NET update on 8/4


    Okay that's all that's on there except for a NET update when I originally installed 2004. There's nothing before that. I'm going to install those latest two things and have a look at my game.
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    MsDaisyMsDaisy Posts: 22 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    After updating my laptop the game is even worse. I've tried everything and nothing worked... I think i will just give up 🤷🏼‍♀️
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    InfraGreenInfraGreen Posts: 6,693 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    @MsDaisy do you have any screenshots of this?
    A thousand bared teeth, a thousand bowed heads

    outrun / blog / tunglr
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    MsDaisyMsDaisy Posts: 22 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    @InfraGreen I'm a new member, i can't post screenshots
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    @MsDaisy Never give up, never surrender! You mean give up trying to fix it? I’ll DM you so you can send me links to the pics and I’ll post them for you.
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    InfraGreenInfraGreen Posts: 6,693 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    MsDaisy wrote: »
    @InfraGreen I'm a new member, i can't post screenshots

    Upload them to Imgur and link to the album WITHOUT the https:// portion. Or accrue those points, I gave you a few likes to help. :)
    A thousand bared teeth, a thousand bowed heads

    outrun / blog / tunglr
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    Here's the link to @MsDaisy pics :worried:
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    InfraGreenInfraGreen Posts: 6,693 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    That is much worse than I ever saw...@MsDaisy what graphics card do you have? Are there updates to the card available? Just to eliminate those as possibilities.
    A thousand bared teeth, a thousand bowed heads

    outrun / blog / tunglr
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    MsDaisyMsDaisy Posts: 22 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    @InfraGreen I have a fully updated GeForce MX110 (I know that is not a very good card but my gaming pc is broken so I have to play in my laptop)
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    edited August 2020
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    @InfraGreen That is what my game looks like too and I have a gaming desktop, well able to handle sims 3, all settings on highest.
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    MsDaisyMsDaisy Posts: 22 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    Has anyone seen how ghosts are now??? They are full of weird shadows and black spots.
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    @MsDaisy Here are a couple of pics of ghosts in my game. Don't know if this is normal cause I don't play with ghosts?
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    MsDaisyMsDaisy Posts: 22 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    @ZeeGee they look kinda blurry but mines are HUNDRED TIMES worse
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    I have an idea. There are so many variations of these pictures in the game because of lighting and skin tones. Those of us having issues, boot up the base game of Sunset Valley and get pics of townies right as it boots up. I'm going to get pics of the Goths, the Andrews (darker skin tones) and the Harts. Then I'm going to forward to later in the afternoon and get the same pics. Take the pics right where they stand when you boot up. If you turn free will off in options, and testingcheatsenabled true on, then shift click on the mailbox and select 'make needs static' they'll stay in one place. Until the next day when they have to go to work or school. :P I'm going to work on this and try to get some pics posted for comparisons.
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    MsDaisyMsDaisy Posts: 22 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    I'm going to try it
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    @MsDaisy Here's your ghost:
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    MsDaisyMsDaisy Posts: 22 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset (screenshots of the Keatons and the Goths at 8 AM, 6 PM and 10PM (and one of the sky because why not)
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    @MsDaisy Congrats on becoming a member! Our games look pretty similar. I'll try to get my pics uploaded tomorrow.
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    InfraGreenInfraGreen Posts: 6,693 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    @MsDaisy: I think the black spots are just part of that ghost overlay (death by transmutation or whatever it's called) I grabbed someone else's picture of the same townie from 2012, when we thought Windows 8 would save us all (hah!). (credit)


    For what it's worth ghosts look fine in my game even if other things do not...

    @ZeeGee: hey I'm sorry if I seemed dismissive of people's problems. Bad at keeping up with the thread + thinking my graphics were fixed would do that. Here's some horrible skin artifacts taken yesterday as penance: (Imgur link so you can zoom in)

    Playing tech support is fun until it isn't. I wish I had something better to say. :-\
    A thousand bared teeth, a thousand bowed heads

    outrun / blog / tunglr
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    SuzyCue72SuzyCue72 Posts: 526 Member
    The cheap fridge still looks terrible
    ZeeGee wrote: »
    We did eventually figure out that the horrible fridge is a problem with the game


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    MsDaisyMsDaisy Posts: 22 Member
    My game has been affected and I'm upset
    @SuzyCue72 He has feelings too...

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