The final, special edition of the Friday Highlights has been posted here. Take a trip down memory lane with us.
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    fewlinesfewlines Posts: 1,488 Member
    edited September 2017
    these best friends claimed Tina's bed. (their room is right there beside the bathroom.) *shrug*
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    CharliecheesenurgersCharliecheesenurgers Posts: 3,673 Member
    Today my sim decided to throw a birthday party for her best friend. Well, I decorated the house for her ,and she made a cake. Long story short, her best friend caught on fire, and my sim was electrocuted! We had a funeral that day too....
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    JimG72JimG72 Posts: 1,161 Member
    edited September 2017
    This looks like a perfectly good spot to munch on some tacos....sure, why not:

    Post edited by JimG72 on
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    SimTrippySimTrippy Posts: 7,651 Member
    Today my sim decided to throw a birthday party for her best friend. Well, I decorated the house for her ,and she made a cake. Long story short, her best friend caught on fire, and my sim was electrocuted! We had a funeral that day too....

    Well that escalated quickly :/
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    OceanicSimmerOceanicSimmer Posts: 88 Member
    Today (or last night before I went to bed) my Sim was promoted about 5 times because I sat on there all day. She also met her new boyfriend and went to a party at the ruins. Not that exciting but whatever.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @ldmarko that works too :D
    @fewlines some friends heh.
    @Charliecheesenurgers well that's one way to go out with a bang.

    Okay so I have a ton of pics next time I'll only share from one save file but I do love my pics, taking them that is, sometimes I delete a bunch of extras wondering why I took them.
    He just showed up so I wonder if he was the cute sim she met ha.
    I left so he was out of bed but this made me laugh a little, Kendrick is in charge of the house so she doesn't really know how to deal with a toddler for so long.
    Not even a breakfast of cookies and milk can make her pout go away.
    I rarely make Kendrick wear his disguise but it's nice to see once in a while.
    Guess they had a party and my sims weren't invited, they're all jerks lol.
    She caught him before he could wake up his father from his nap.
    Had a lot of aging up to do so when Hazar was born I went around aging people up, Carlton must really question Ulrike as a mother, mostly if he really comes from her sometimes.
    Say what you will about Mike but he makes some cute kids, this is Kristian but Carlton was also cute.
    The twins are cute too, I also noticed that Bob and his daughters had been glitchy and forgot one another as well as some other sims, I can fix that but whatever.

    Now back to my legacy save.
    I just thought Kara looked pretty in this pic.
    This was cute until I heard singing, I had to zoom out and see who it was.
    Of course it was Karter, thought he might come out angry since I didn't even know he was there they were supposed to be going to the flea market. When he didn't I thought they should leave.
    I do love them, Akira let her leave and she went straight to Karter's house since they all work at the same place they have the same day off at the moment so she just had to get him to come home.
    "Hey Karter."

    "Hey...what's up?"

    "Well that depends, I'm at your place, where are you?"

    "...I'll be there in a minute."
    I noticed he seemed down but as he was downstairs, and I sent her after him and clicked on the bed it wasn't clear that he was in a down mood, but he agreed to meet her upstairs anyways. I had to jump into his house to see what was wrong with him.
    He actually had noticed that she was with Akira, he's got some mixed feelings going on didn't think he'd be the clingy emtional type...but it's cute.
    I had him get a hug and let her leave as she wanted to flirt and because of his mood things got awkward.

    "Are you gonna be okay?"

    "Yeah yeah I'm fine, just stayed up too late."

    "Well come see me later kay?"


    He wasn't going to say anything though, he used to think he didn't do emotional but curse her and that smile of hers he was now.
    He was better working out his feelings on his own.
    Back at her house I had her invite him over and he iniated the kiss guess he decided part of her was better than none at all.
    This amuses me this was his response to her talking about Akira, still bitter hmm?

    "Don't be like that he's our co-worker."

    "Yeah and?"

    "Whatever want to sleep over?"

    "...I guess."

    The next morning he left and she waited to go out with Akira.
    He was always happy to see her he tried to get a kiss too, which she was totally fine with.
    Little Lucas wasn't though lol.
    This very pretty hostess seems to be disappointed in my choices...ah well.
    I get the vibe she wanted me to get rid of Nancy instead of killing her I made her leave.
    Things went well, though either I don't have the exact settings I should have or I found a bug, now that's not a complaint but it really makes me laugh. According to mccc my Kara isn't pregnant but both Karter and Akira are, like her father before her her baby...other is doing most of the work I hope she'll have at least one baby ha.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    CharliecheesenurgersCharliecheesenurgers Posts: 3,673 Member
    @Charliecheesenurgers well that's one way to go out with a bang.

    Haha I thought the same thing! Loved your story too by the way!
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    BMSOBMSO Posts: 3,273 Member
    My sim self decided to give Grim a rose. Isn't sweet? She doesn't have any death flowers or would have given him one of them. xD
    Bmso85's emporium - mysims4studios

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    fewlinesfewlines Posts: 1,488 Member
    @RedDestiny92 right? waiting to see if they do it again. :D
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    LyricSimsz15LyricSimsz15 Posts: 13,136 Member
    In my legacy, i changed Delilah's aspiration to Curator and have actually been having her out, collecting stuff. She also got a penpal from Riverview, which is pretty cool.

    Here's Delilah!

    I Love her so much :D She looks annoyed cause she's tense from her custom Bipolar trait.
    Also this is unrelated, but...
    Why hello there.
    Just vibing...
    Check out my stories The Diversity Club and Lost Pride here on the forums!
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    @RedDestiny92 Yeah well, it looks nice but it was a pain to stage just right because despite making them embrace THEY JUST STOOD THERE WHILE THE FIREWORKS WERE GOING OFF AND ONLY FINALLY EMBRACED DURING THE LAST EXPLOSION! This is what I get for being artistic.

    Unfortunately Malcolm was at work when his baby girl was born....and he was too busy to come home I guess. But now he's here to take good care of baby Diamond....mainly because he had the day off while Cherish went to work (They coincidentally have alternate days off.)
    Grandma and Grandpa Landgraab came over to see the new baby, Mira looks way too happy to be called a Grandma when she still looks this young.
    I have this feeling that even though they know that their granddaughter is one quarter alien they still get a little surprised seeing her. Probably going "Oh I forgot she was blue."
    Meanwhile Harmony was getting a little flirty and was busy checking herself out in the mirror when she realized something. Her angsty teenage years were close to a decade ago. Maybe the moody goth look isn't too appropriate for an expecting mother.
    So now Harmony is back to the way she once was, a bright and colorful, cheerful (while sometimes moody) red headed woman. Also decided to let her hair flow freely because like I said, she's had that same style since she was like what? 5? Besides, going natural with the hair color right about now seems about...right. Because let's face it folks, hair dye isn't healthy for pregnant women.
    Also, even Malcolm got himself a little makeover. Even attempting to grow out a Landgraab beard. I mean heck, he's got Grandpa Baxter and his dad's beard genes, I'm sure he can grow something nice out.
    Unfortunately, Harmony came home early from work. Bad Harmony, you're supposed to be making money and being responsi-Oh snap you're in labor that's why.
    Unfortunately, Baby daddy isn't here at the moment. You know who is here though? Alien Sister in Law! She's mainly here so the ghost receptionist doesn't look like the weirdest thing here.
    But there was bad news for the family, as the doctor accidentally ripped out Harmony's heart. She didn't survive the procedure.
    Wait, false alarm. Turns out technology is so advanced that they just popped the heart back into Harmony's chest cavity and just like that she was back to full health! Oh hey and now she has a baby!
    Actually two babies, meet Victor and Elisha Scott (she gave them daddy's last name because she basically said "YOU'RE GOING TO MARRY ME AND YOU'RE GOING TO LIKE IT PUNK!")
    Hey, enough about baby talk and all that for a while, let's focus on Malcolm who is hacking a super computer right now! That sure is exciting and original.
    Good news, Malcolm got a boatload of money from successfully hacking the super computer! Bad news, the money he made will be spent on fixing his computer.
    Oh hey, Diamond is a toddler now!
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @Charliecheesenurgers the sims can still surprise us :smiley: oh I'm glad I have fun playing through it then sims sometimes just give me the right pose to work with.
    @BMSO he looks like he's hesitating to take it probably because the sim looks like a pretty flower nymph and he thinks it's her lifeforce...or not lol let my imagination run there.
    @fewlines maybe they won't just out of spite, sometimes when you try and get a pic or watch a sim in the act it's like they know you're watching and won't do it again for you. ha.
    @LyricSimsz15 Deliah is so pretty, I kind of like the llamacorn outfit heh.
    @DoodlyDoofus lol, that's just how sims are, one minute you're playing and it's fine then you have to prepare for a picture and no one wants to listen to you.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    KnoxhoodKnoxhood Posts: 266 Member
    A few things happened in my game today.

    Managed to get the butler to quit LOL!

    Emma and Sarah also had their first Halloween party for the year:


    EA ID: Knoxhood
    PC Specs: Corsair 760T Black Case, Intel core i7 6700K CPU, Asus ROG Maximus VIII Hero Mobo, MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Founders Edition, 64GB DDR4 Geil 2400MHz RAM, 2x 240GB HyperX Savage & Samsung 850 EVO SSDs, 9TB WD Red HDDs, ID-COOLING FrostFlow 240L Red LED CPU cooling,750W PSU.
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    BMSOBMSO Posts: 3,273 Member
    So I'm still doing the geek thing with my sim and managed to get her to meet some very interesting sims from around the sim verse and just so happens that today she ran into Who she thought was Sebastian Michaelis from Black Butler only to find out he is really an alien named Lucien from the distant future.

    First contact: "Oh it's Sebas..Wait a minute he is glowing green?!"

    Behold Lucien's true nature. He doesn't seem so bad except he chose the wrong disguise.

    That grin looks a little creepy but he's really a nice guy so meh?

    Bmso85's emporium - mysims4studios

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    MarktnMarktn Posts: 554 Member
    I’ve been bored with all the venues, gyms, spas, bars, restaurants so I found some great new ones and some great remodels on the gallery and it has really refreshed my game! It finally dawned on me that even in RL those kind of places get bought or updated from time to time. A small change made a huge difference!
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    MonirosimsMonirosims Posts: 5 New Member
    Well, recently, I had to move computers. So I uploaded my family to my gallery from the original computer, and downloaded them on the new one. I cleaned out quite a bit of CC and then I started playing the game. The family still had the CC I originally put on them. So anyway, the mom had went to the gym and wanted to run on the treadmill. So I let her go and was looking around the lot at the NPCs.

    Only when I panned back to the mom, she was on the treadmill, but she was suddenly BALD and running in her underwear! I was doing an Let's Play and I was recording, so you can imagine my shock when I saw her lmao Turns out I kept their everyday outfits when I was clearing out my CC, but I forgot I deleted some of their other outfit presets, like athletic LOL!
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    agustdagustd Posts: 946 Member
    @DoodlyDoofus Cherish is such a beautiful alien! They all tend to look same-ish, but she's very unique in the best way possible. Is she available on the gallery?

    @Marktn I know right? I always get inspired to play when I place new cool lots for my sims to visit. Gallery is such a blessing. All venues get old super quickly with how little lots we currently have in game so I feel the need to replace them all the time.

    @LyricSimsz15 Hope you get to collect them all! They look awesome displayed on the cork board. Never managed to do that unfortunately :'(

    Great pictures everyone! I'm glad to see this thread move so quickly <3 Especially now that I barely get any time to play. Hopefully by the time we hit 100 pages I can join in the fun with an actual, longer update.
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    tinahjalmartinahjalmar Posts: 1,595 Member
    Last night before bed. I made a new save file: I moved her into Windenburg, and couldn't decide where to move her into; so I evicted the Partihaus, (pretending that they got evicted cause they forgot to pay bills)
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    FurSimsOfficialFurSimsOfficial Posts: 2,362 Member
    I am planning to build nice houses and apartments to upload on my website, but for some reason i have lost the spirit of building due not playing waaaay to long :p
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    agustd wrote: »
    @DoodlyDoofus Cherish is such a beautiful alien! They all tend to look same-ish, but she's very unique in the best way possible. Is she available on the gallery?

    @Marktn I know right? I always get inspired to play when I place new cool lots for my sims to visit. Gallery is such a blessing. All venues get old super quickly with how little lots we currently have in game so I feel the need to replace them all the time.

    @LyricSimsz15 Hope you get to collect them all! They look awesome displayed on the cork board. Never managed to do that unfortunately :'(

    Great pictures everyone! I'm glad to see this thread move so quickly <3 Especially now that I barely get any time to play. Hopefully by the time we hit 100 pages I can join in the fun with an actual, longer update.

    I could always make her available in the gallery right now if people want her. I'm just surprised she turned out this well considering her mother was the Feng daughter and the Feng children almost never....come out good. But I've always liked Cherish since she always takes the best pictures.
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    ldmarkoldmarko Posts: 5,487 Member
    Added a bathroom to the basement, keeping with the general theme of the rest of the house.


    I haven't decided how or whether to redecorate the Straud mansion, there's really not much you can do with an old mansion parked in the middle of a graveyard, but the carpeting clashes with everything & is driving me crazy. I rotated to the next family before quitting, so I got plenty of time to think about it.

    Back to game play.

    Polina wants to be a musician just like her mom, so she practices the piano while Augusta looks on proudly.


    The rest of the family was upstairs dancing to the stereo, but independent little Deborah was happy to play by herself in the ball pit.


    Both parents had to work that night, so Augusta cooked the kids' dinner ahead of time.



    Nile wasn't feeling well, so he turned in early, only to be awakened by Avery who had another nightmare.

    "Maybe I shouldn't have told him about the coffins we found down here when we first moved in."


    But that short rest made him feel well enough to finish his extra credit & keep his mom company while she ate a late supper.


    A mood swing kept Kody from doing his homework the night before, so he had to hurry up & finish it before school started.


    That was Friday, so after school, the boys decided to go blow off some steam at the gym. I haven't established a teen hangout yet, but the gym is one place where they always seem to show up & sure enough they did.



    They mostly stood around & watched Stacie's dad workout. I'm sure he loved that.


    Gallery ID: LDM2
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    Simtown15Simtown15 Posts: 3,952 Member
    agustd wrote: »
    @DoodlyDoofus Cherish is such a beautiful alien! They all tend to look same-ish, but she's very unique in the best way possible. Is she available on the gallery?

    @Marktn I know right? I always get inspired to play when I place new cool lots for my sims to visit. Gallery is such a blessing. All venues get old super quickly with how little lots we currently have in game so I feel the need to replace them all the time.

    @LyricSimsz15 Hope you get to collect them all! They look awesome displayed on the cork board. Never managed to do that unfortunately :'(

    Great pictures everyone! I'm glad to see this thread move so quickly <3 Especially now that I barely get any time to play. Hopefully by the time we hit 100 pages I can join in the fun with an actual, longer update.

    I could always make her available in the gallery right now if people want her. I'm just surprised she turned out this well considering her mother was the Feng daughter and the Feng children almost never....come out good. But I've always liked Cherish since she always takes the best pictures.
    That would be nice. How would I find her?
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    LyricSimsz15LyricSimsz15 Posts: 13,136 Member
    @RedDestiny92 Thanks! Also, the llamacorn outfit wasn't Delilah's or anyone from her family. It unlocked when i downloaded a sim so naturally i gave him the outfit for his athletic wear XD

    @agustd Wait, the corkboard has a use? :D
    Just vibing...
    Check out my stories The Diversity Club and Lost Pride here on the forums!
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    Eduardx123Eduardx123 Posts: 1,039 Member

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    fewlinesfewlines Posts: 1,488 Member
    edited October 2017
    @RedDestiny92, exactly! so far they have kept to their own beds. another housemate did sleep on her bed, but on their own.

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