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Much Ado About Fangs [COMPLETE 2/24]


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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @WagonFruit Thank you for all the comments. <3
    Bee might as well get a leash for Lysander, LOL. Just to be prepared...

    I missed Byron and Bianca being together too! I care about the sibling/family dynamics in my story just as much as the romantic ones, if not more. She will mother him into his grave--and he's immortal, so he's stuck with it forever. Unless she's distracted by someone who requires more of her attention...?

    I think everyone in the entire apartment needs to wash their hands at this point, LOL. THOROUGHLY.

    She is sweet, in her own Penny way. <3 She's definitely going to have to take the reins sooner or later, or Byron will die of thirst.

    Lysander walked into the bathroom accidentally, okay? He's a gentleman...

    @MVWdeZT Yay for more Byron love! <3 And that's so nice of you to say about my screenshots! I take so, so, SO many. I think I take like a hundred per chapter now...It used to be closer to 30. I usually don't even use half of them, but I like having shots of all sorts of things from every angle, LOL. It's easier to match the narration when I have so many shots to choose from!
    If only Byron hadn't thrown away all those Count von Batstein costumes after Bianca made fun of him! And you're absolutely right--Bianca is just supervising Lysander's cleaning. Hopefully the couch is salvageable, or maybe they can give it away to Saul...
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    cshanercshaner Posts: 2,620 Member
    Haha Byron and Saul can both have Couch!

    Loved this chapter!!
    SimFluence - Where Sims Influence the Story
    Blood that Binds: A Vampire Coven Challenge Updated 04/22/2017
    Life Under Construction: A Drifter Challenge House 001 Completed 1/29/17 | Orphan Challenge: Harkins Family Completed 11/12/16
    Origin ID: cshaner07
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @cshaner Or maybe Couch will finally have a partner in crime--or crime-fighting? Forget Daya and Saul's crime procedural drama, now we'll get some Couch Scene Investigation: San Myshuno.
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    cshanercshaner Posts: 2,620 Member
    Or maybe they will find each other and fall in love and we can ship Manliest Couch and Vampire Couch!!

    Vampliest Couch is the ship name!!
    SimFluence - Where Sims Influence the Story
    Blood that Binds: A Vampire Coven Challenge Updated 04/22/2017
    Life Under Construction: A Drifter Challenge House 001 Completed 1/29/17 | Orphan Challenge: Harkins Family Completed 11/12/16
    Origin ID: cshaner07
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    Marmalade27Marmalade27 Posts: 625 Member
    I love Byron so much!! <3 He's too cute.
    I love all the pictures of Byron and Penny looking at each other! There's so much romantic tension between them. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time wondering if they were going to kiss! It's hilarious that Byron has an actual Vampire Card! B)

    Can't believe Count Von Batstein was Byron's first kiss! :D

    Penny was so chill about Byron erm...wetting her skirt! I loved her "I won’t hold it against you. Unless you want me to" line. I think she's flirting with Byron but he's so clueless! :)

    Lysander is a butler-ninja hybrid for sure! I almost died laughing at the photo of Lysander and Byron watching Penny sleep!!

    I wonder if these secret bathroom meetings will result in out-of-wedlock progeny? ;)
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    UmbralFlowerUmbralFlower Posts: 4,494 Member
    So much has happened, and I love all of it...
    minus Daya wanting to cure herself. I love her and don't want her to die ever. She's precious.
    ~*-*-*~ My SimLit: The Echoed Fragments || A Tale of Love and Fame ~*-*-*~
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @Marmalade27 Of course Byron has his Vampire Card! What vampire would be caught undead without it? ;)
    Hey, Byron thought about kissing her! He's just too chicken...and it's not like she even likes him, right?

    And Count von Batstein is an excellent kisser (according to Byron).

    If there's one thing you can call Byron Blackwell, it's clueless. ;)

    Byron almost (re?)died in that picture of him and Lysander watching Penny sleep...

    No comment on the secret bathroom meetings. >:)

    @DreamsInPixels Aww, glad to see you here again!
    I don't want anyone to die, but if Daya thinks she'd be happier with a short life, who am I to stop her? I'm going to miss a lot of my characters when they're gone...
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    sweety_blondysweety_blondy Posts: 117 Member
    I love your story! Your cliff hangers really got to me - instead of just reading a little, I ended up reading the entire story this afternoon :joy: I laughed so hard, tears ran down my face!
    Please keep writing. I cannot wait for more!!!
    Origin id: LunaLycaon
    Simming since the beginning ;)
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @sweety_blondy Wow, that's quite a binge!! Thank you so much for reading all 38 chapters so far! And I'm glad my cliffhangers served their purpose... >:)

    I'll keep writing, I promise! And thank you, thank you for commenting, I really appreciate it. There should be a Bianca chapter tomorrow morning unless my roof caves in from the snow or I lose power or any other sort of snowstorm-related disaster. ;)

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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    Last time was Byron, so now comes Bianca! This is Bianca we're talking about here, so her chapter might not be the safest-for-workest.

    Not pictured: One of the Birdsong brothers breaking into Byron's apartment. I thought other vamps didn't break in if any vampires lived there...?
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    MarialeinMarialein Posts: 2,885 Member
    Oh come on Bianca , selling Brians stuff (or did she throw it way) is no good idea. Also let others have time in the bathroom too. That is not really nice of you. I mean where should Penny pee? Especially when the public toilets are the gate to the fairy world and Harry Potter. :D

    Curious about their parents now ...
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    MVWdeZTMVWdeZT Posts: 3,267 Member
    At last we hear something about the curse! Not what it is, of course, that would be too hasty.
    Bianca has been watching too many Cialis commercials -- bathtubs are really not that comfortable for her purposes. The coffin might be an improvement; at least it's a designated woo-hoo place. And I'm glad that Lysander has been cleaning it regularly.
    Farewell, Couch!
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    WagonFruitWagonFruit Posts: 2,489 Member
    Oh Bianca! You are still my spirit animal :D
    "I’d been methodically building up his endurance to proper vampire levels and demanding more and more of him over the past couple of weeks," even in boyfriend/🐸🐸🐸🐸 call land, Bianca still has she-demon levels of demands :D did you think for a moment it would be any other way? <3

    That shot of them in the mirror :love: *fansself*
    Yes yes yes Bee! Tell him to wear the uniform...and, and, he's not allowed to take it off :3 I'm right there with you girl modern city woman!

    I've developed a new (exciting) taste for Bianca/Penny girlfriend time; they're so cute together, and Penny seems to have a way of drawing Bianca out a little bit (in her Penny way). I hope there are many more Modern City Girlfriend Shopping Trips in their future; I'm sure Lysander's bo-bo hopes it too >:)
    "It kind of seems like you really, really want to be a mom. Or at least have weak, miniature people to boss around.” <3<3<3

    Ahh, they are just so cute together though...all their weird little hurdles and obstacles they place around each other in the middle of their strange little mating dance.
    “Miss Bianca,” I murmured. “We’re alone, Lysander. I’ll permit it.”
    “Indeed, Miss Bianca.” There was an edge to his voice that was quite foreign to me.
    AHHHHH. OH YOU TWO, STOPPIT! *falls over giggling*

    I also love her trying to talk Lysander around to Byron; she's right too, that relationship isn't going anywhere without Penny's say fact, probably not until Penny finally breaks down and jumps on him. Even then, he'll probably be all "Ha ha ha...what is this human game you are playing Penny?" :mrgreen:
    She looks like Liv Tyler with her hair down. <3
    I loved this! Eee...awkward bathroom fun time...
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    I bet Lysander is secretly happy the couch is gone. But is Penny ok with that? Where are they going to sit? On (in) Byron's coffin? Lol on the bathroom antics. Should have known Bianca would wear out Lysander. Hee! So enjoyable!
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @Marialein She probably tossed both TV and couch over the balcony. (Vampire strength has its uses!) Hopefully she hit a Birdsong brother or two. And Penny probably is pretty leery of public restrooms now, if she wasn't already...

    @MVWdeZT LOL, Bianca's inspiration and expectations rarely align with reality, but she does what she wants (and forces Lysander to go along with it, ha). RIP Couch, we hardly knew ye. Though ye probably knew Byron a little too well.

    She's a she-demon in every aspect of her unlife. ;) And I miss Lysander's butler uniform too! You and Bianca aren't alone. <3

    I really love putting Bianca and Penny together, LOL. There are so many places for them to shop together--only some of them R-rated!

    What Bianca hoped for/expected from a union with Lysander definitely was very different from what she got...but I don't think she minds too much at this point. ;) But it's a very strange mating dance, you're right! And they're the only ones who know all the steps.

    Lysander should really, really be more afraid of Penny than Byron, LOL. Especially since she likes rebelling to get under his skin...

    @pammiechick Lysander will shed no tears over Couch's disappearance. And Penny and Byron will have to sit elsewhere! Maybe on the bed...?
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    cshanercshaner Posts: 2,620 Member
    All of what @WagonFruit said!!!
    And @MVWdeZT too "Farewell Couch!!"

    Sorry being lazy today as I really should be getting ready for work. ❤️
    SimFluence - Where Sims Influence the Story
    Blood that Binds: A Vampire Coven Challenge Updated 04/22/2017
    Life Under Construction: A Drifter Challenge House 001 Completed 1/29/17 | Orphan Challenge: Harkins Family Completed 11/12/16
    Origin ID: cshaner07
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    From the next chapter (no, he's not supposed to be in the chapter):

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    WagonFruitWagonFruit Posts: 2,489 Member
    He just wants to be INCLUDED.
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    Marmalade27Marmalade27 Posts: 625 Member
    I love how Bianca refers to the Birdsong brothers as the "Birdbrain" brothers!

    Can't believe Bianca wanted Byron to
    throw out Count Von Batstein!! I think Byron should keep him. As seen in Byron's dream, Count Von Batstein would look great in the nursery of any future Benny children. ;)

    I'm intrigued by the family secret. But I'm a little bit confused? When Penny said, “You’re gonna have to tell him someday, you know", did she mean Byron or Lysander?
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @WagonFruit He shows up EVERYWHERE. Everywhere!!!! I still wanna know what he was buying at Graham's shop...

    And ooh, @Marmalade27, that's a good question, sorry if it wasn't clear--Penny was talking about Byron. And Bianca just doesn't appreciate Count von Batstein like we do... :'(
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    @WagonFruit He shows up EVERYWHERE. Everywhere!!!! I still wanna know what he was buying at Graham's shop...

    And ooh, @Marmalade27, that's a good question, sorry if it wasn't clear--Penny was talking about Byron. And Bianca just doesn't appreciate Count von Batstein like we do... :'(

    I've noticed lately that if my sim has a high romantic relationship with the sim I'm playing, they'll show up where we are ALWAYS.
    Winter is EVERYWHERE, trying to get in shots and is being a nuisance...ha!
    I wonder if it's a glitch. Never noticed it before.
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @pammiechick Ha, that might be it! Bianca has a tiiiiny sliver of a pink bar with Thaddeus, yet he's always calling her and showing up wherever she goes too. Maybe he's secretly in love with her after all~
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    The next chapter will be up tomorrow morning! I don't know if I've said whose it is yet, so maybe I'll leave it a surprise. But Thaddeus will not be in it, no matter how badly he wants to be. Sorry, Thaddeus!
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    Good morning (and whatever your time of choice happens to be)! Here's a new chapter:

    Not pictured: Thaddeus. AGAIN.
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    WitcHazardWitcHazard Posts: 1,209 Member
    Man Ilsa can't catch a break. But Darius said children which means nooboos so I'm game for anything! Graham don't ever change!
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