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Much Ado About Fangs [COMPLETE 2/24]


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    WagonFruitWagonFruit Posts: 2,489 Member
    Oof, darlin' Lysander can clean my coffin any old time!

    So excited for Grahaaaaaaam. *does a little Graham dance* you note the Graham dance involves a peculiar amount of hip thrusting...
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    IT'S GRAHAM. (Why am I always tempted to write it like that?) This chapter is probably longer than it has any right to be, but Graham's gonna Graham.

    The real star of the show this time around is clearly a bowl full of dirt.
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    WagonFruitWagonFruit Posts: 2,489 Member
    Graham's gonna Graham.
    I couldn't have put it more eloquently if I tried! :D
    I <3 him missing Daya; sorry sweetcheeks, you're going to have to learn to get on without her!

    Eee, that green robe! Those bunny slippers! The glasses.; Graham Stroud, you are the cutest. And perhaps the craziest? LOL

    "Perhaps I might tug on a fairy’s wing and see how it spat and hissed."
    Isla Therapy! I love watching those two quip at each other...and that uniform. It did cross my mind to wonder if her uniform will suffer a similar fate to Bianca's uniform ;)
    Isla is so lovely; I've said it before, but it bears repeating that strong jaw, I hope her babies inherit it :mrgreen:
    She made a lot of good faces in this one too! *cuddles Isla*

    "She was playing in a bowl of dirt" LOL. I also love how her compares her to a farm animal; it's so interesting that at their first meeting, it seemed more like she had the power, but it's shifted now, and it feels more like the ball is in his court, but I wonder how long that will last? Idk, I like the back and forth, like a non-boring tennis match. <3

    Ahh, he's so grumpy about her criticism of his play. Graham, the play puts you to sleep for crying out loud; the fairy might have a point about a thing or two.

    "I’m her pride and joy, you see.” “Well, if that’s all she has to work with.”
    Oh you two! Just throw each other up against a wall already (AND MAKE ME SOME NOOBOOS).

    I'm stoked to meet his mother, eee!
    I do wonder though, what is in the pot? o:)

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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @WagonFruit What is in the pot? (I think it's a strawberry, actually--LOL. Well, in that shot, anyway.)
    Who knew he'd ever miss Daya? He didn't, that's for sure!

    I love putting Graham in glasses too, every chance I get! And no comment re: the uniform. ;)

    Most of the babies I generated for Isla for fun did inherit her jaw, so it's very likely! It's a heck of a jaw. I really should've taken more screens of her face, but Graham kept making it all about him. Typical.

    Their dynamic has definitely shifted. She was full of confidence back then, but now she's alone and displaced, more resigned than anything else. But if anyone can take the wind out of Graham's sails, it's Isla. ;) Like a non-boring tennis match indeed! (Is there such a thing? *hides*)

    Don't disrespect Graham's art! You just don't understand his artistic vision, okay?

    "Oh you two! Just throw each other up against a wall already (AND MAKE ME SOME NOOBOOS)." Agreed. <3

    And Graham can't wait to see his mother either. B)
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    cshanercshaner Posts: 2,620 Member
    And...I'm back. Miss me? :wink:

    So sorry Lysander had to trudge on without me
    in the best freaking way possible!! The lack of knickers for B was particularly thrill inducing! :naughty:

    As for Graham:
    Loved that he's dressed Isla very close to how B was dressed from his shop. So naughty!!

    Not exactly glad to be off vacation...but glad to be reading our stories again.
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @cshaner So, so much! Welcome back, and I hope you had a lovely vacation. <3 (Bianca and Lysander certainly did... >:) )
    Lysander would agree 100%. And Graham will always be Graham. <3

    I'm looking forward to you continuing your story, too! But I guess I'll give you some time to recover from your long trip... ;)
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    So, I'm confused...
    Did Graham make up the thing with his mother so he could play around with Isla?

    I was laughing all the way through with the banter. I think both of them could really fall for each other. They make an incredible pair! And Isla would be good for Graham. They'd have this love/hate relationship! :lol:
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    That's exactly what he did, LOL. The paper inside the envelope was blank, and he was full of plum. He just wants to pull on her wings and make her squirm.

    And I'm glad you enjoyed their banter! Out of everyone, they might be the only two that can actually handle each other.
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    Accidental FftM Emotion-Induced Death Count: 2

    The next chapter is Byron's, if that helps with the guesses...LOL.
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    edited March 2017
    Accidental FftM Emotion-Induced Death Count: 2

    The next chapter is Byron's, if that helps with the guesses...LOL.

    Lol! I just killed Jackson! But I didn't save...sometimes I hate that cheat!

    And yay for a Byron chapter! (Only I'm worried that Lysander and Penny met their! Yelling at each other! And then recovered...hee!)
    Post edited by pammiechick on
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    Marmalade27Marmalade27 Posts: 625 Member
    @LadyLobster Did he die of embarrassment?
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @pammiechick RIP Jackson! You can join one of your fathers. ;) I'm wondering if I should download a mod to stop the emotion-induced deaths. It's funny, but not very realistic--and very inconvenient when you have a scene set up and are taking a bunch of screenshots without saving...

    And @Marmalade27 nope, it wasn't embarrassment! >:)
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    @pammiechick RIP Jackson! You can join one of your fathers. ;) I'm wondering if I should download a mod to stop the emotion-induced deaths. It's funny, but not very realistic--and very inconvenient when you have a scene set up and are taking a bunch of screenshots without saving...

    And @Marmalade27 nope, it wasn't embarrassment! >:)

    Do they have that mod because I would definitely get it!!
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @pammiechick They do and I downloaded it here because I'm not dealing with that nonsense anymore, LOL.
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    @pammiechick They do and I downloaded it here because I'm not dealing with that nonsense anymore, LOL.

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    Marmalade27Marmalade27 Posts: 625 Member
    edited March 2017
    I was just rereading ch.36, and I noticed in the scene when
    WagonFruit pulls back the curtain, someone familiar is standing in the background smiling and looking at Bianca and Lysander! I checked ch.5 to see if my suspicions were correct, and I think it's one of the Birdsong brothers (the one dressed in the long robe with longish brown hair)! Did you put him there on purpose or did he just randomly show up at the club? Haha. Maybe he will tell Byron that he saw his sister naked!
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @pammiechick No problem! May it save Jackson and all his brethren in the future. ;)

    Hahaha, you spotted correctly! In the earlier scenes in the club, all three of the brothers are sitting with each other near Mina, who's on the stage. And actually all 3 brothers are right behind WagonFruit, but you can only see part of the middle one's face/legs and the long-haired one. It was definitely on purpose and I'm so glad someone noticed. ;)
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    Marmalade27Marmalade27 Posts: 625 Member
    @LadyLobster Oooh, I'm excited to see
    how Byron will react if the Birdsong brothers tell him what they saw! >:)
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @Marmalade27 I wonder whose reaction would be more interesting: Byron's or Graham's. >:) Ah, neighbors!
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    edited March 2017
    Byron's here (a bit earlier than I expected)! Will he survive the chapter...?

    Not pictured: Thaddeus strolling by the apartment. Because he is a stalker, I swear.
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Poor, poor Byron.
    What a cute exchange...and Bianca and Lysander's "moments" in the bathroom...haha! Penny for sure has caught on to what they're doing in there. I loved how Penny goes on the attack and Byron doesn't have a clue or pulls back without knowing he is. Loved it!
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    MVWdeZTMVWdeZT Posts: 3,267 Member
    All caught up, and there's so much stuff here to comment on that I don't know where to start. In "Penny" I noticed the boxes of tissue first thing, and I love that the sight of Penny in her outfit would get Byron "riled up." It's too bad that our vampires don't automatically go into dark form when in a very flirty mood, but that's the way it goes. And I love that Penny is quite comfortable with Byron, but then she's a modern city woman. I'm a little worried, though, that he's going to go from being bossed around by his sister to being bossed by his wife.

    Then Lysander and Bianca...and she actually has ideas from her "anthropological research." The whole chapter is just pure genius.

    As for Graham and Isla --
    Is Graham going to be watering her womanly garden, too? And just what is in that pot? Oh, and I'm looking forward to meeting Graham's mother.

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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @pammiechick Penny knows, 100%. Poor, poor Byron indeed...

    @MVWdeZT Ha, I was busy (and so were Lysander and Bianca, LOL) while you were gone! You had a lot to catch up on. I'd love to see vampires turn into their darkform when flirty, or at least have the option for some of them. ;) I don't think you have to worry too much about Byron being bossed around by Penny, though he probably would try too hard to please her and do everything she wanted. I think that's something she might push back on, actually--but their relationship dynamic will definitely have its obstacles, and they're just in the early stages right now.

    No comment re: Graham and Isla. ;)
    And what's in the pot?! I'm looking forward to introducing Graham's mother. >:)
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    WagonFruitWagonFruit Posts: 2,489 Member
    Eee, I loved this chapter SO MUCH. Like, the muchest.
    First of all, poor Byron with all that warm soft Penny between his legs...only to have her brother walk right after he experiences true Saul levels of manliness. B)

    I love how Bianca is already talking to Lysander like a boyfriend (husband?); that's right Bee, you take charge of this nonsense.

    Bianca sighed. “Byron, what have I repeatedly told you about touching guests inappropriately?”
    Ahh! I love that Bianca/Byron are back together; sibling relationships are so much fun, and B&B are especially adorable! <3
    I not-so-secretly adore how she mothers him just a little bit ;)

    “I fail to see any bloo—oh. Master. Byron.
    There. RIGHT THERE. I nearly lost my plum. Okay, I totally lost my plum. And then Bianca calling him out. And using his pants as a napkin for Byron's manly juices aaahhh! :love:

    “They totally plummed,” Penny said. God I love Penny. She's so sweet to Byron, in her Penny way. Lead him to the water, girl woman, he'll eventually figure out how quench his thirst ;)
    I wondered if it would make her puke for real if I kissed her. ONLY BYRON. <3

    Vampire card. Count von Batstein kissing. NINJA BUTLER. I think my cheeks hurt from laughing. Penny so gets it. She is knowing of all the things. *hugs Penny for be the AWESOMEST*

    LOL at Bianca/Lysander and their bathroom adventures. <3
    Ahh! I really can't wait to get inside Bianca's head. Or maybe that would scandalize even me >:)
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    MVWdeZTMVWdeZT Posts: 3,267 Member
    I love Byron. What more can I say?

    And you are so good at matching screenshots with narration that I'm really jealous. Like when Byron and Penny are sitting at the table, and he says that it's easier to talk to her then, and we know exactly why it's easier because we just saw her in her "pajamas".
    And I'd love to see Count von Batstein dressed up as Hermione. As for Bianca and Lysander, it's obvious that he goes in there to clean the bathtub and Bianca stays to see that he does the job properly. Speaking of cleaning, I'm sure Lysander will get that couch clean in no time.
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