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Much Ado About Fangs [COMPLETE 2/24]


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    TaraIris94TaraIris94 Posts: 552 Member
    @LadyLobster can't wait to read it! I love Penny's perspective :)
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    Time for a Penny chapter! Surely everything will be easy now that all those Misunderstandings are cleared up.

    Next up...well, you'll be able to guess after reading this chapter. ;)
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    WagonFruitWagonFruit Posts: 2,489 Member
    Sweet baby cheesus...I spent this entire chapter screaming quietly into the inside of my shirt.
    Oh Lysander. LYSANDER. You gone and done it now.
    Lysander’s eyes snapped open. “Oh, you’ll pay—” RAWR. YES. MAKE HER PAY, she's been a very, very naughty girl! >:)
    It's okay Bee, he's just pouting because you replaced him and dressed his baby sister like a street walker *patpat* he (probably) mostly didn't mean it!
    “Yeah. But you didn’t have to go all nuclear on her like that. You know she’s really, really thirsty for some butler D, right? I don’t get it, but I’m not gonna judge.”
    THIS. THIS LINE. Omg. Penny has such a way with words; she just gets right to the heart of the matter, doesn't she?
    Poor Penny, constantly having to remind everyone she's all growed up...ironic because she's probably the most growed up of them all :D
    Okay. Byron.
    Can I just say: those THREE boxes of tissues (and the lotion): OMG *dies* he's gonna need, like 5 now though (maybe 6!) with Penny walking around all foxy and laying all over him.
    And SO CUTE that he goes all darkform when he's, er RILED UP. Tee hee :D<3
    I love that she's coming around from finding him "weird in a possible ax-murderer kind of way" to "creepy in an adorable kind of way" :love:
    Aww, Byron! You got CUDDLES man! Eee (*sigh* there I go again) just keep those legs crossed boo, maybe she won't notice how extremely manly it just got in your pants.
    I have a sneaky feeling next chapter is going to make me pass out from delight :mrgreen:
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    edited March 2017
    Awwww... I LOVE them!

    Penny really appreciates Byron and I'm SOOOO happy! And I love how clueless Byron is. He thinks he's so ready for a woman but he's not. But Penny will guide him. Love!

    Lysander was the perfect overprotective brother. I love how he went after Bianca even though she didn't deserve it.

    Okay. I loved that chapter so much, I'm reading it again and dreaming about Benny nooboos! :love:
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    edited March 2017
    @WagonFruit Penny is truly a modern-day poet. >:) And Lysander really is a bit tightly wound...he's usually much better at controlling his temper, but when his baby sister is involved...!
    Penny is definitely the most 'growed up' of them all. ;) Even if she is the baby of the group--by centuries, in some cases.

    And yes, Byron will probablyyyy have to buy tissues in bulk from Costco or something. Byron's darkform isn't very manly, is it? But I think it's cute!

    He's going to have a loooooooooot of trouble hiding his...enthusiasm from Penny.

    @pammiechick I love them together too, I really do--and I love writing them together. Their conversations just flow so naturally in my brain when I put them in the same room, LOL. Penny has a bit more of a tender underbelly than she's willing to admit, but she's slooowly easing her way out of her full suit of armor. (Byron would probably be happy to help her out of it.)

    And of course she's going to have to help him too...a lot. And even if it adds conflict to their relationship, I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing if Lysander and Bianca fight--I liked showing Lysander losing his temper too, since sometimes you say the worst things to the people you care about the most, and at the worst times. They've both held too many things back over the years.
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    TaraIris94TaraIris94 Posts: 552 Member
    This chapter was everything I wanted it to be and more!
    Poor Bianca though- Lysander really upset her but I think it's for the best. Even if they aren't in a relationship (yet), they have to fight some time. Now they can talk things through since everything is out in the open.

    LOL at Penny being the only one who has any sense at all. So glad she's around to explain things to Lysander about what Bianca desires.

    Plot twist! I wouldn't have guessed that Bianca had already turned Thaddeus- I thought that if he was going to be turned, then it would have happened after the reunion with his daughter. Either way, it was a good way to tie him in.

    So I usually read these updates right away in the morning on my phone (small pictures and all) then I come back later to re-read while I'm my laptop that way I can get the full experiece. Getting to the point- I didn't see the three boxes of tissues and lotion bottle until my second read through and I think that was one of the funniest parts of the chapter. Byron's dark form has got to be the cutest thing. Of course he's in his dark form while in his coffin.

    Oooh Penny does have feelings for Byron! (At least is seems like it). Penny falling asleep on Byron's lap was probably my favorite part from the chapter. How sweet of her to cuddle with him.

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    WitcHazardWitcHazard Posts: 1,209 Member
    Lysander you're glad you're cute other wise I would have ripped your head of it I was Bianca. Monster Ha I'll show you a monster?

    Darn gone it Bianca I told you not to turn the old geezer he's creepy as all get out! But I'll let it slide since Lysander was a total 🐸🐸🐸🐸!

    Penny I'm glad someone can explain it to Lysander how Bianca feels cause clearly he ain't seeing it!

    Benny it so cute! I can't wait to see how Byron reacts to this!

    Bianca I know you're upset but don't do anything rash!

    Days want to be human again stole the show last chapter I can't wait to see how hat turns out!
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @TaraIris94 Awww, everything you wanted?! Are you sure you wouldn't have wanted a little bit more? >:) As for the rest:
    I agree with you on Bianca, definitely! It never feels good to have someone tear into you, but both she and Lysander really need to stop holding everything in.

    Penny for President of Byron's Apartment 2017, right? ;)

    I wasn't sure if it was obvious that she'd turned Thaddeus or not, so I'm glad it came as a surprise! He'll definitely turn up again at some point. Side note: Thaddeus likes turning up EVERYWHERE. Everywhere! He kept photobombing the fairy chapters, and then he showed up at the, uh, special shop in Bianca's last chapter. LEAVE ME ALONE, DAD. ...And what was he browsing for?

    I can't believe you read the chapters twice, thank you! Some of my sight gags are definitely more subtle than others. I don't think that one was very subtle, necessarily, but a larger screen definitely helps. ;)

    Unlike the rest of the lot, Penny isn't as open about her own feelings/every last thought in her head. So if she likes Byron--and how can she not?--it might take her a little bit to admit it outright. But she's more likely to just show him through her actions...and that's even after she lectures her big brother about being more open! Too bad Byron is so oblivious...

    @WitcHazard Hahaha, Lysander is lucky she didn't rip his head off. If it were Graham who'd insulted her...but then again, she doesn't feel the same about Graham as she does about Lysander, so the reactions would be very, very different. Lysander was kind of a plum--hopefully Bianca will find it in herself to forgive him. ;) We'll see if she does anything rash, though...

    And I can't wait to see how Byron reacts too... I'm glad you enjoyed Daya's chapter! I know she's very different from the rest of my characters, but I like her a lot.

    I was going to wait until Sunday to post the next chapter since I'll have family in town starting tonight, but I think I need to drop Lysander's chapter tomorrow morning when I get a chance. I rate it 4.5 out of 5 lobster thermidors, so watch out. ;)
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Just popping in here to say I've read this chapter FOUR is by far my favorite. I totally missed the tissues and lotion when I read it the first three times (I can't get enough of Benny). When those two have nooboos, I'm sure I'll read those chapters 50 times.
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @pammiechick FOUR times? That's incredible! <3 It makes me really happy to write a chapter that you loved so much, thank you! And I love finding out which chapters resonate with whom. (Or maybe The Cute resonates with everyone... ;) ) I had a feeling you might like it...just a tiny hunch! But I had no idea you'd like it so much. I kept wondering if the tissues were too much--but hey, if it takes rereadings to notice, that's fine with me!

    And every time I ask myself, "Is this too much?" I seem to end up saying YES and then including it anyway. (You'll notice this in Lysander's chapter tomorrow...)

    @cshaner I'm sorry you're still on vacation and won't be here for tomorrow's post! Come back soon! Lysander misses you. ;)

    I also want to thank @WagonFruit for lending me her simself for Nefarious Purposes. I bet you'll regret having her on the gallery now! But she suited the occasion perfectly. <3
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    It's...really early, which means it's time to post a chapter! Uh, small warning. I'm not sure what that warning should be, but you've been warned? Maybe don't read at work...!

    Many thanks/apologies to @WagonFruit once again for letting me (ab?)use her lovely simself that she left publicly available for anyone to download, okay.
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    edited March 2017
    Lol! @WagonFruit 's face was priceless when she wanted Bianca know...have another client. :joy:
    But my favorite scene was the ending!! Those two...sigh...

    Ahhh! What is Lysander going to do to Byron? I'm worried for him!

    So many lines were genius, but when Lysander accidentally watered her womanly garden, I lost it ! Nooboos on the way!!!
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    WagonFruitWagonFruit Posts: 2,489 Member
    Oh mei mei! You've outdone yourself! :love:
    And look at my simself corrupting virtuous almost 400 year old maidens! MOMMY IS SO PROUD.

    Ahh! Reed...and Mina! Those two crazy kids, I love how they work everywhere seedy in San Myshuno; guh, Reed really is a handsome little blighter isn't he?

    Poor out of his depth; he brought it upon himself though with that little tantrum last chapter THAT'S WHAT YOU GET LYSANDER, smexy time on a dirty strip club couch.

    Ahhh, Bianca, sweet, secretly-depraved Bianca "I ALREADY LOOKED UP SOME STUFF WE CAN DO" gotta love a woman who comes prepared?
    I love LOVE that he compares her to food...Lysander loves food, what higher compliment could he pay? :D

    And that 🐸🐸🐸🐸, ooo boy *fansself* I laughed so pants, BUT KEEP THE SHIRT ON, wouldn't want to be improper.

    AND, he calls her Miss Bianca the whole time *DIES*

    It's like they have their own weird, wonderful world going on, and they both know all the rules in this strange little world, and no one else would understand, but to them it's exactly how things should be. AND THAT'S LOVE RIGHT THAR. Okay, enough of me being mushy <3

    Omg slippage! LYSANDER WRONG HOLE. Haaaaa. Awe, but then they're all both "marriage?!" Those two are adorable; making it work <3
    And she shoves his face, omg, “That’s quite enough for tonight,” “…Yes, Miss Bianca.” You just KNOW he's going to call her Miss Bianca until the end of time, married or not (Ms. Bianca? Mrs. Bianca? MRS. LYONS??)

    Wagon's face though, when she walks in; why don't you look happier darling? That's a prime view right there :love:

    And then Lysander is all insecure, eee, so cute; don't worry bb, she loves you and that butler D.

    And then AND THEN he's got the nerve to be mad at poor Byron for giving Penny CLOTHES ON snuggles? LYSANDER. After you JUST deflowered his sister?? THESE MEN.
    My simself was delighted to be a part of the fun! Even though her hair clashed horribly with the wall paper, poor dear :mrgreen:
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    WitcHazardWitcHazard Posts: 1,209 Member
    There are no words to explain how I feel right now! All I can say is that officially Lysander is one hell of a butler! :D
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    WagonFruitWagonFruit Posts: 2,489 Member
    Isn't he though?
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @pammiechick I was laughing so hard at the expression on Madam Fruit's face--apparently she had to pee? Or maybe she was hungry, I forget! She was definitely uncomfortable, though. I didn't think a pragmatic, hardened businesswoman like her would necessarily have that expression, but when I saw it and got that screenshot...I had to use it. And
    your sweet Byron will probably be okay! Probably. ;) At least there could be nooboos on the way...?

    @Wagonfruit I'm going to have to call you Corruptionfruit now. Poor Bianca, falling prey to your dark influence!
    To have her First Woohoo in such an establishment?! Well, she didn't seem to mind...or notice that it wasn't the classiest place in the world.

    Lysander, on the other hand...well, he got what was coming to him!

    I love Reed and Mina popping up everywhere. Yes, they were at the shop just a little while earlier, but they have to take multiple shifts to help pay for their future nooboo, okay...?

    Of course Lysander kept his shirt on. He isn't an animal! "It's like they have their own weird, wonderful world going on, and they both know all the rules in this strange little world, and no one else would understand, but to them it's exactly how things should be." This describes them to a T. <3 He can always call her Lady Bianca if he has to!

    I'm sorry for SimWagon's facial expression. Maybe Bianca had something weird/impressive going on up front. Or maybe SimWagon really had to pee.

    Lysander can be more than a little hypocritical...
    WitcHazard wrote: »
    There are no words to explain how I feel right now! All I can say is that officially Lysander is one plum of a butler! :D

    Truer words were never spoken. >:)
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    edited March 2017
    NOOBOOS???You mean BENNY nooboos? Because that's my main focus. I'm panting...they DID IT while Lysander was having a short romp with Bianca???? I MUST KNOW! I MUST SEE!!!!! AHHhHHHHH!

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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @pammiechick (Reverse?) Benny spoilers:
    There wasn't any Benny woohoo yet, LOL! (Though you can try to tell Lysander that...) It's safe to put down those nooboo flares. Didn't mean to get your hopes up, so I'll make it clear right now! ;) Byron isn't that kind of girl manly man.

    I think it's easy to forget (even for me!) that even though we know Byron (possibly the best out of all the characters?) and we know Penny, they still barely know each other at this point. Byron has had a puppydog crush on her all this time, but there's still a lot more getting to know each other in their future. ;) And Penny will probably have fun tormenting him...

    Also, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! But the next chapter isn't Byron's but Graham's. >:)
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    Marmalade27Marmalade27 Posts: 625 Member
    Haha I love this chapter. How do you come up with all the absurd situations your characters get into?? :D
    The Bianca/Lysander ship has finally the most unexpected location.
    I love how they're already talking about marriage. I hope there will really be a wedding! :)
    And I can't wait to see if Lysander is going to beat up Byron for cuddling with his little sister. Maybe Lysander will realize why Byron needed to clean his coffin the other day...
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @Marmalade27 Ahaha, my process for coming up with my "absurd situations" seems to be "okay, what is the worst thing I can do to these people that is also hilarious" and then I narrow things down from there. ;)
    You'd think Bianca Blackwell would have a very classy First Woohoo, perhaps on her chaise covered in rose petals, but no. Not when I have anything to do with it.

    A wedding would be nice, wouldn't it? Unless it was a disaster. >:) With the Blackwells, you never know...

    And I think Lysander is going to make a lot of connections re: Byron and his sister very, very shortly...

    Thank you for reading and commenting! I was kind of terrified about posting this chapter, LOL.
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    @pammiechick (Reverse?) Benny spoilers:
    There wasn't any Benny woohoo yet, LOL! (Though you can try to tell Lysander that...) It's safe to put down those nooboo flares. Didn't mean to get your hopes up, so I'll make it clear right now! ;) Byron isn't that kind of girl manly man.

    I think it's easy to forget (even for me!) that even though we know Byron (possibly the best out of all the characters?) and we know Penny, they still barely know each other at this point. Byron has had a puppydog crush on her all this time, but there's still a lot more getting to know each other in their future. ;) And Penny will probably have fun tormenting him...

    Also, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! But the next chapter isn't Byron's but Graham's. >:)

    Oh... :neutral: Sorry for my freak out...yeah I knew it'd be a little fast. Not too disappointed. And I like any chapters. Graham is a good one!
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    Marmalade27Marmalade27 Posts: 625 Member
    @Marmalade27 Ahaha, my process for coming up with my "absurd situations" seems to be "okay, what is the worst thing I can do to these people that is also hilarious" and then I narrow things down from there. ;)
    You'd think Bianca Blackwell would have a very classy First Woohoo, perhaps on her chaise covered in rose petals, but no. Not when I have anything to do with it.

    A wedding would be nice, wouldn't it? Unless it was a disaster. >:) With the Blackwells, you never know...

    And I think Lysander is going to make a lot of connections re: Byron and his sister very, very shortly...

    Thank you for reading and commenting! I was kind of terrified about posting this chapter, LOL.

    Haha why were you terrified??

    Lysander is always such a gentleman even when going to a
    strip club
    . I loved this part: "as I made my way toward the entrance, silently apologizing to the young women who were so publicly defiled when my eyes accidentally grazed their images. What if they had elder brothers who thought only of their safety and happiness?"

    In Penny's chapter I was surprised she didn't notice the three boxes of tissues and the lotion by the coffin. I noticed them as soon as I saw the picture haha. Or was she pretending not to know what Byron was really doing in there?
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @pammiechick OMG, don't ever apologize for your Benny enthusiasm! I love it. I just didn't want to sorely disappoint the one (?) person who was never tempted to jump ship by a blue, speedo-clad backside on the horizon. ;) Even I want Benny nooboos so badly. I've had to stop myself from generating them in CAS just to see what they look like, LOL. I want their first nooboo to be "real"!

    @Marmalade27 Ahaha, I wasn't sure how this chapter would go over, or if it was too risqué. (@WagonFruit was kind enough to inform me on WP that it wasn't risqué enough, but she plans to make up for that in her own Amazon story. <3 ) I regret nothing! Though I wonder if Lysander and Bianca will...

    Lysander is a gentleman. Or at least he tries to be. ;) And oh, I'm sure Penny noticed. She just doesn't comment on stuff as overtly as say, Byron or Bianca do. She keeps a lot of thoughts to herself, and she didn't want to embarrass poor Byron. >:)
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    WagonFruitWagonFruit Posts: 2,489 Member
    I stand by my assessment of the risqué levels >:)

    No one is shocked.

    Mmm, blue, speedo-clad backsides...s'cuze me, I need to use Byron's coffin for a few mins...
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    LadyLobsterLadyLobster Posts: 4,133 Member
    @WagonFruit Lysander has plenty of coffin-cleaning expertise to share with you if you need it. o:)

    I will actually have a Graham chapter ready for tomorrow morning! I think it's been a while since he's had a chapter, but I always like going back to him.
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