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So can we have a proper teenage life stage now pls?

TOLKIENTOLKIEN Posts: 1,594 Member
edited January 2017 in The Sims 4 Ideas Corner
Toddlers have arrived and everybody is in love as they present not only a unique life stage; but one many feel an importance to family dynamic.

Toddlers have, if nothing else shown how each life stage is not equal and now truly how broken the teenager life stage is (as a simple cookie cutter of the adult life stage).

No this is not a height issue, because regardless if you were taller then your mother at 14 - you still LOOKED, behaved and dressed like a teenager. The teenagers in the Sims 4 DO NOT act, look or have unique animations or interactions (besides do homework) that define them as anything else other then a young adult life stage.

But teenagers are NOT young adults, not only by legal definition but by mental development and social interaction.

As a life stage itself there are so many unique elements to it and for example why so many people hated being in highschool vs adulthood. Or relive their teenage years as glory days. Yet none of those elements are present for Sim teenagers to experience. With the addition of emotions I truly do see a lost opportunity here for the Maxis team to explore the teenage life stage for the Sims 4.

Plus outside of CAS I'm hard pressed to tell teenagers apart from adults and (while YES) a shorter height would help here - more then anything I feel unique interactions, animations, social cues and emotional based animations would do more to make them stand out.

While I understand that the Sims 4 team wanted to save on resources and the idea of cross sharing clothes makes sense, teenagers I believe SHOULD have unique clothing options too (at least that represent some clothing unique to their life stage). Take a basic school uniform, if I dress a Sims 4 teen in it and a Sims 4 adult - they look near identical - thats fine but you don't see adults walking down the street in school uniforms - unlike teenagers. So locking a unique outfit or uniform to a life stage does make sense and no is not some kind of "restriction" either (plus cheats could unlock them too) anymore then unique outfits for toddlers or children are.

Outside of that I feel unique interactions, behaviors and animations (beyond pranks - but things like playing with the fridge door in Sims 2) that make teenagers as UNIQUE in the sims 4 as toddlers - well I'd like to see that happen now pls.

Please make teenagers great again! :wink:
Post edited by TOLKIEN on


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    JRBearJRBear Posts: 190 Member
    I think a few tweaks/additions would make the teen stage a bit more special.

    After school activities would definitely help! If they did a University pack, perhaps teens could have special things to do there. They need something that's just for their stage. (Other than the temp jobs) (also, why can't adults have temp jobs?)
    Things like theater, debate, sports...

    I'd like special parties or prom... you think they could do these as a "festival" type thing at university? If we figure the university campus as a world that can be used by different sims/ages...
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    isaiahzayisaiahzay Posts: 295 Member
    I agree, teenagers were okay for the base game but as its expanding (and especially seeing how well toddlers were done) they could really use a minor revamp (pun semi-intended)
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    TOLKIENTOLKIEN Posts: 1,594 Member
    edited January 2017
    JRBear wrote: »
    I think a few tweaks/additions would make the teen stage a bit more special.

    After school activities would definitely help! If they did a University pack, perhaps teens could have special things to do there. They need something that's just for their stage. (Other than the temp jobs) (also, why can't adults have temp jobs?)
    Things like theater, debate, sports...

    I'd like special parties or prom... you think they could do these as a "festival" type thing at university? If we figure the university campus as a world that can be used by different sims/ages...

    I'm expecting some form of university from the Maxis team an while yes a "game pack" would make sense, I'd much prefer to see a expansion pack that includes two new neighborhoods - a university campus and a elementary school/high school/daycare neighborhood (since often they are placed close together at least in my area). Schools outside of university have been a big request for some time and it would be a shame not to see them finally explored now.

    Outside of that, I could also see a seasons/generations type expansion combination working that not only included further teenager events, interactions, ect but ones that tie into various seasons like prom.

    That being said I'd like to so some basic defining elements added (via a patch or two) to the base game for teenagers, for ALL sim players to enjoy. An expansion or game pack should not be required to define teenagers as a unique life stage, anymore then if they had sold toddlers as an expansion (if you follow).

    I'm not saying that prom, ect be base game - simply that unique interactions or animations, even emotional cues be added that make teenagers unique as a life stage for all. The rest like prom, ect could certainly come from expansions or gamepacks and I think many would agree.
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    SimmerSophie96SimmerSophie96 Posts: 253 Member
    I think it would be amazing if they brought back prom and graduation events for teenagers, and also i loved when my sims would miss school and get in trouble and be grounded, it brings more realism to the game. Also it would be cool to have teen parties again and your sims could get in trouble if there parents found out. which is another amazing thing i miss is when your parents sims would go on random vacations and your teen could let lose.
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    SilentKittySilentKitty Posts: 4,665 Member
    I am all for giving teens new separate actions that only they can do. I do not want restrictions in clothing, that is something I disagree with. I wish to dress my sims freely, not with filters and rules in place. But more interactions for teenagers would fun.
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    TOLKIENTOLKIEN Posts: 1,594 Member
    edited January 2017
    I am all for giving teens new separate actions that only they can do. I do not want restrictions in clothing, that is something I disagree with. I wish to dress my sims freely, not with filters and rules in place. But more interactions for teenagers would fun.

    Again you could unlock clothing for adults via even if its just a filter in CAS - I'm simply saying that especially for neighborhood sims unique clothing options would help tell teenagers apart from adults. While clothing choices do speak to the maturity of the individual or simply style - there are unique clothes LIKE school uniforms that take on a whole other meaning too between adults vs teenagers.

    In my experience you see an adult female dressed in a highschool girl uniform has nothing to do with school pride for example lol. Either its a way to get attention, something for the bedroom or its halloween.

    In complete contrast my girlfriend back in high school HATED her uniform for many reasons AND the attention it brought her from adults on top of that. I certainly didn't see it as anything else but a way of conformity AT that age either if I had to wear one.

    More then anything it would help DEFINE a teenager if they had unique filtered clothing, because even if you completely disagree with "restrictions" you can't tell me that you haven't confused teens with adults in the sims 4 because they literally look the same. Clothing filters would simply help make them stand out.

    Like when you see a sim dressed in a unique teen outfit then you know - oh thats a teen. Instead of trying to hit on them until you realize certain interactions aren't available because they aren't adults. Regardless filters would allow players like you to "remove" said restrictions if telling sims apart isn't an issue for you.

    Its all about options. No two players play the Sims the same I get that, but the game could use more visual ques besides interactions to tell teenagers apart from adults and clothing would be an easy one.
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    thesims267284thesims267284 Posts: 21 Member
    All I think needs doing is adding acne back again and changing the height lower. No need for any changes to clothes.
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    TOLKIENTOLKIEN Posts: 1,594 Member
    All I think needs doing is adding acne back again and changing the height lower. No need for any changes to clothes.

    Maxis has already said they won't touch height because doing so would require all new animations and they don't have said resources/budget to do that. Regardless of the "clothing issue' I truly feel its interactions, animations and teenager "life events" (like prom, ect) that would really make teens stand out in their current form. Otherwise honestly it doesn't feel any different then playing an adult and changing the height really doesn't define being a teenager especially when some are 6'2 in real life.
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    filipomelfilipomel Posts: 1,694 Member
    edited January 2017
    I feel like they would expand upon the teens in a Generations like expansion pack, any new physical change to teens would obviously be put in a free patch, but I feel like teens should have teen aspirations instead of fully fledged adult aspirations, I say this because as a teenager myself, I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do until pretty recently, just for some reference, I'm graduating high school soon, adult aspirations really reflect what a sim wants to do in life, that's why I feel like teen aspirations should be more broad, wild, and less linear than adult aspirations that typically have one set/unique goal, depending on the type of teen you make, you can give them an Experimental Aspiration, Teachers Pet Aspiration, Rebellious Aspiration, etc. they could give some really unique gameplay just for teens with teen aspirations guiding the player.

    Along the lines of teen aspirations I also believe that elders should have elder aspirations, because that's the time of their life where they're settling down, already have a family, and just wanna live the rest of their lives peacefully, or crazily, depending on the sim you make of course. Some elderly aspirations could include something like Party Like it's 1999 Aspiration, See the Legacy Aspiration, Ambitious Worker Aspiration, etc. With the recent toddlers, I'm optimistic about some kind of Generations expansion pack.
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    SimmerSophie96SimmerSophie96 Posts: 253 Member
    I think that all we need now is pre teens in which we get all the fun that previous teens got in sims 2 and 3.
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    MonaveilMonaveil Posts: 652 Member
    I agree that so much could/should be done to improve the teenage life stage. I don't mind their height because most teens I know in real life are as tall as I am or taller. I think they could have some teen specific activities and perhaps clothing but I think that clothing would be hard to do. I started playing a teen challenge several months ago and was disappointed to find that playing a teen is not very different from playing a young adult. The ability to socialize with other teenagers is very limited and pretty much relegated to late night loitering at parks late or strolling near commercial areas.
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    ZafireriaZafireria Posts: 3,640 Member
    I think that all we need now is pre teens in which we get all the fun that previous teens got in sims 2 and 3.
    Not sure how much of an coding issue this idea would be, but instead of creating a whole new lifestage, they could add it to the children. So like with the toddlers and their walking skills, you could have a growth skill, each point growths them a big more or something.
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    candy8candy8 Posts: 3,815 Member
    I wish they would bring back boarding schools, I am not really into teens I guess because they don't really add to the game much.
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    LynarielaLynariela Posts: 3,297 Member
    I'd love to see teenagers be more fleshed-out and have more dimensions. And I've been wanting a pre-teen life stage for a very long time. I used to play TS3 with a custom lifespan (my own tuning mod) that was a lot more realistic while still working within the idea of watching my sims age. When I would edit the age lengths, it always baffled me how my toddler went from age 3 to an approximate age 9 until they were suddenly 16. Playing a 9 year old who overnight wants to talk prom broke a bit of realism for me (yes, even in a game with vampires or aliens!). While still enjoyable, I vividly recall being the awkward 11-13 year old (13's barely a teenager, so I consider it still pre-teen), the trying-to-fit-in, the voice changing, the first crush where the most you do is dance 2 feet apart at a school dance and even that is enough to babble like a fool, etc.

    I can, however, see why those awkward social encounters that I experienced as a pre-teen could be difficult to convey. I am not the least bit disappointed with toddlers so far, so if this is the quality that's in store, I would love to see Maxis/EA give it a good thought.
    Twitter, Twitch, and Gallery ID - Lynariela
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    LiseyLisey Posts: 195 Member

    This was my only real complaint with the game - about to die from happiness!!!

    *cough* Sorry I'm a little slow on news around here...(usually play in offline mode, updating right now)
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    ChadSims2ChadSims2 Posts: 5,094 Member
    Zafireria wrote: »
    I think that all we need now is pre teens in which we get all the fun that previous teens got in sims 2 and 3.
    Not sure how much of an coding issue this idea would be, but instead of creating a whole new lifestage, they could add it to the children. So like with the toddlers and their walking skills, you could have a growth skill, each point growths them a big more or something.
    Slow growth is a horrible idea as nice as it would be to have they would have to make new animations for every stage of growth. Focusing on 1 life stage adding in preteens is the way to go to fix this game last huge height jump from small child to adult sized teen.
    Sims 4 went from "You Rule" to "One of the stories we want you to tell"
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    ZafireriaZafireria Posts: 3,640 Member
    ChadSims2 wrote: »
    Zafireria wrote: »
    I think that all we need now is pre teens in which we get all the fun that previous teens got in sims 2 and 3.
    Not sure how much of an coding issue this idea would be, but instead of creating a whole new lifestage, they could add it to the children. So like with the toddlers and their walking skills, you could have a growth skill, each point growths them a big more or something.
    Slow growth is a horrible idea as nice as it would be to have they would have to make new animations for every stage of growth. Focusing on 1 life stage adding in preteens is the way to go to fix this game last huge height jump from small child to adult sized teen.
    Hmm, I have seen mods that adds heights to the sims and they had most of the funny looking animation fixed. So I wouldn't say making new animation is needed but yeah. Perhaps adding the lifestage separate might make it more clean. Depends on how you do it.
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    JestinaJestina Posts: 1,609 Member
    They did try to solve it in three with all the rebellious wishes teens got. That just got annoying after awhile though. Off to boarding school with you.
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    CorvinowCorvinow Posts: 73 Member
    I would love to see curfew back, is not ok to have teens (and even kids) at dance clubs until morning. I know thats what all teen wants but come on, there should be some basic rules.
    Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw If you've a ready mind, where those of wit and learning will always find their kind
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    PotterheadSimPotterheadSim Posts: 320 Member
    This could be fixed easily with a generations type game pack. Prom and al that stuff would be cool and teens could actually be fun to play.
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    JestinaJestina Posts: 1,609 Member
    I did find it a little odd that you can now play a single teen starting out. So it's basically just an extension of the young adult stage and not really a teenager.
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    Krisha880Krisha880 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I really want pre-teens! The gap is too big between children and teenagers, so pre-teens would be perfect!
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    Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
    I considered these mature teens bring back prom and graduation and learning to drive have after school activities but also have raging parties when parents are out and pull pranks like in Sims 3 and from Sims 2 prepare for a scholarship if we get university.
    Preteens if added would be like how Sims 2 teens have acne be more aware about appearance, like in Sims 3 have moodswings or temper tantrum, get grounded, pull pranks, have celeb crushes on a popstar "borrow" older sisters/brothers things still play voidcritters with kids or fuss with them.
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    SilentKittySilentKitty Posts: 4,665 Member
    TOLKIEN wrote: »
    I am all for giving teens new separate actions that only they can do. I do not want restrictions in clothing, that is something I disagree with. I wish to dress my sims freely, not with filters and rules in place. But more interactions for teenagers would fun.

    Again you could unlock clothing for adults via even if its just a filter in CAS - I'm simply saying that especially for neighborhood sims unique clothing options would help tell teenagers apart from adults. While clothing choices do speak to the maturity of the individual or simply style - there are unique clothes LIKE school uniforms that take on a whole other meaning too between adults vs teenagers.

    In my experience you see an adult female dressed in a highschool girl uniform has nothing to do with school pride for example lol. Either its a way to get attention, something for the bedroom or its halloween.

    In complete contrast my girlfriend back in high school HATED her uniform for many reasons AND the attention it brought her from adults on top of that. I certainly didn't see it as anything else but a way of conformity AT that age either if I had to wear one.

    More then anything it would help DEFINE a teenager if they had unique filtered clothing, because even if you completely disagree with "restrictions" you can't tell me that you haven't confused teens with adults in the sims 4 because they literally look the same. Clothing filters would simply help make them stand out.

    Like when you see a sim dressed in a unique teen outfit then you know - oh thats a teen. Instead of trying to hit on them until you realize certain interactions aren't available because they aren't adults. Regardless filters would allow players like you to "remove" said restrictions if telling sims apart isn't an issue for you.

    Its all about options. No two players play the Sims the same I get that, but the game could use more visual ques besides interactions to tell teenagers apart from adults and clothing would be an easy one.

    I dress my sims myself, I know who the townies are. I would not want filters or rules for clothing. At all. I prefer it as it is right now, if you do not wish for YA's to wear specific items you can remove them. The only thing would be like the "career-clothes" if your child or teen attends a special school.

    Curfew only if it is optional to implement, I have far to much fun with my kids and teens to lock them away. Then if I decide that some family doesn't let the kids out then I can arrange that. I would the preset be that kids behave as they do now so my kids have friends out when they go to the park in the evening.

    More interactions for teens? YES!!

    More rules and restrictions? No thank you, that is just constricting and not how I want to play.
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    CupcakeWitchCupcakeWitch Posts: 542 Member
    edited January 2017
    I miss curfew.. all sims teen and children, should get reprimanded for being out late
    Krisha880 wrote: »
    I really want pre-teens! The gap is too big between children and teenagers, so pre-teens would be perfect!
    I agree. The teens in the game look 16-19.. they seem ready to graduate so I'm all for prom and graduation. They basically are a few years behind Young Adults. But I would like a stage that could represent preteens or the early stages of adolescence. A teen life stage cut in half

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