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Jensen's University Genetics Baby Game


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    VRStevensonVRStevenson Posts: 4,396 Member
    Their faces when they hear the doorbell is so cute, I agree! So odd the C*id is censored??'s a name that ya'll gave your own sim and it's censored on your forum, nice EA. XD

    Jason with no evil trait? I can't imagine! :0

    Eda and Hob are such cuties!

    Love Jackin and Meggy's toddler montage. It never gets old for me!

    Boy, I even opened up a notepad document to write my comments like the good old days. Takes me back! ha! When I signed in I got a notification about a 7 year badge on my account. XD
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @VRStevenson Thanks so much for coming here! :D I know you don't visit the forum anymore. Heck, it was a long time for me too. I got one of the anniversary badges too.

    This game is so much fun that everything in the house is getting neglected. I have to time my gaming sessions around my son's meals but otherwise can play as much as I want ;)

    IKR - it's impossible to think of Jason not being evil. If I were playing him, he would be but I want him to have a chance on his own and he is doing great. He has a couple of beautiful children already :D

    Notepad!!! Yeah, those were the days. This place is not like the old forum was but there are some lovely people here nonetheless. Heck, I am here ;)
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    VRStevensonVRStevenson Posts: 4,396 Member
    edited January 2017
    @Mikezumi Wherever you post, I will visit! I think I'm finally over the whole forum switch that borked all my threads I maintained so I might poke around here a little more. :P Tumblr is nice and pretty active, but I do like the forum format as well.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    awww thanks @VRStevenson *blushing* No point holding a grudge - the world moves on and so must we ;)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited January 2017
    Very short but interesting update, in that I have changed things up a little ;)
    Eddy has been moved in with C*id since he has a big house all to himself. They might clash a little but that's not my problem. I think they have different work schedules anyway. C*id has an office job and Eddy is in the music industry. He also has romance disabled so there are no half-siblings in town to deal with.

    Now this is where it gets interesting ;) Jensen's next uni visitor is Asala Karam ... a female! :o I figure Jensen needs some time to get his body back in shape after having 4 kids :p
    This better work the first time because I am sure neither Jensen nor I want to do this again ;)
    I moved Asala in like I did for Eddy. I don't need the extra challenge with the kids needing so much attention! I had Asala instigate the try for baby because I worried she might knock Jensen back as there had been and will not be any romantic interactions between them.
    Asala had a wish to meet someone new and, on the off chance she might be stuck in the house for a few days, I sent her to the park and she met Gunther Goth. I also wanted her away from Jensen as earlier I saw her heading toward him to "Criticize his family". She's lucky I didn't totally annihilate her on the spot!
    When the kids had finished their homework, I had Asala come back from the park as it was Eda's birthday. I should have left her there to starve! Look at her pointing and laughing at my Eda :rage:
    Eda looks quite awkward as a teen with really weird lips that I know she will grow into, hence no close up LOL
    We have confirmation! Let's hope she has a multiple birth so that Jensen can send her packing!
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    VRStevensonVRStevenson Posts: 4,396 Member
    lol Jenson doesn't even look excited in the elevator! XD Asala better watch it, she is treading a thin line!
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    My sims have a small fishing pond in the front yard. I love how townies will stop by to fish as it makes it easy for my sims to fulfill wishes to meet someone new. Jensen had such a wish when Benni Hennessey arrived to fish :)
    Meanwhile, back in the house ...
    She broke it while making inappropriate posts on the internet, so she can fix it. Pity pregnant sims can't die as I would love to see a good electrocution right now >:)
    Jensen rolled a wish to go to the park so I had him take Asala with him. While he was trying to talk to my beautiful Jason, Betty Starr (nee Simovitch) arrived with one of her kids. She was expecting another Starr too :) Silly Asala was trying to get to the laptop left on the table to make more inappropriate posts :/
    She finally got to the laptop but just as she settled down she rolled a wish for a massage so I sent her to the spa. She killed that computer too :|
    After Jensen said goodbye to Jason, I had to take one more pic of my beautiful sim <3
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    ChelleJoChelleJo Posts: 7,087 Member
    Wow! You are flat moving! I was so far behind, I can't recall all I wanted to comment on.

    Oh! I've never seen that painting before. I love it! To be honest, I don't think I've explored painting in Sims 3 all that much. Meggy was so adorable as a toddler and she looked like she fell asleep on the potty in that one picture. I giggled pretty good over that. So cute!

    All of Jensen's kids are turning out so adorable! I am now totally expecting a total annihilation on Asala.. hehehe :D:D
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @ChelleJo Thanks for the lovely comment :)
    I use a painting replacement mod - it's a must in my game as I have so many kids and adults painting through the generations and I get sick of seeing the same pics over and over, with only filtering to make them different to reflect the traits. This mod has over 1,000 (perhaps over 1,500) paintings to replace the EA pics which are just the same handful of pics rehashed with filters. Level and traits also influence which paintings they do so if you play a diverse range of sims, you can see some amazing pieces of art :)
    Yes, Asala is fast growing on my nerves >:)
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    ChelleJoChelleJo Posts: 7,087 Member
    @Mikezumi Do you happen to know that mods name?
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited January 2017
    @ChelleJo You can find the mod here

    It's Hob's birthday!
    I was going to use the hair he had as toddler and child but I think I like the one he chose on aging up :)
    His nose is a touch on the short side but he has a charm I cannot deny :D
    Beware Asala. This Sim God keeps score >:)
    Prom is coming up in a couple of days and I didn't want Hob to be alone. I looked for all available teens (there aren't many yet but will be by the time the twins grow up) when I noticed that Jason had a son only one day older than Hob. I sent Hob to be beach to intercept him before he started fishing as his tag indicated. My mods produce a small percentage of bi sims (I don't mean undecided like EA's system where the numbers are at 0 for each gender, but really bi, like 10000 each way). Marlon Adams was one such sim :) Hob's settings were neutral but Marlon's beauty tipped the balance ;)
    I got a pop up that Eda had finished a painting. I knew the rest of the family were occupied but I quickly checked back home to make sure that Asala was not upsetting her in any way. I found this instead. Because Asala can turn quickly, I let them finish this interaction then had Eda do something else.
    Back at the beach I found the boys autonomously watching the stars <3
    Can you guess what trait Hob inherited from Jensen? ;)
    One more parting shot before Hob headed home for the night <3
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Although it is true I give my boys preferential treatment, I don't forget the girls. I forgot to post this pic in an earlier update because I was too busy concentrating on Asala's pregnancy. Eda also has a date for the prom :) I can't remember his name but he is a cutie :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    I planned that pregnancy badly! I didn't realize the baby was due on Saturday morning and I had all the kids at home. The two children were rolling wishes left, right and centre that I was trying to fill. Even worse, was the teens. Both were having mood swings and rolling wishes to do with their new boyfriends. While I was making all the kids happy, I come back to find Asala criticizing Jensen's family :o Jensen's family is MY family too :rage: The ice under her skates is getting thinner by the second!
    I had Jensen throw a few mean interactions right back at her. Needless to say they were no longer friends by the time I had finished with them. I took away all negative moodlets from Jensen and sent him to skinny dip in the spa. At least he was happy :) I left the bad moodlets for Asala - Suffer Witch! (or word that rhymes with it)
    While Jensen was chilling in the spa, Asala went into labor. I made sure the other family members were well away from her because I don't want anyone interacting with her in any way!
    Welcome twin boys :D Herry (Genius, Virtuoso) and Larkin (Disciplined, Brave)

    I didn't take my usual aging up pics because the household was hectic. I will have pics of the toddlers very soon when their training commences.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    This is Larkin who has Asala's hair colour.
    And this is Herry and he got Jensen's hair colour. I only hope I can keep their names straight in my head as I post future updates :p
    Because I am busy with the toddlers, I am letting the kids run wild. Marlon (Hob's bf) and Zac (Eda's bf) are visiting for the day. Whenever I check in on Marlon and Hob I can see there are no problems and just leave them to it ;)
    Eda and Zac on the other hand might need a little help from time to time. It seems that Zac has the Avant Garde trait and that is probably at the root of the little feather ruffling I found when I checked on them. I figure Eda can put up with since her dad C*id was also a bit critical and she handled him just fine :p
    At one point Zac ran off to play with the sprinkler. He didn't get too far because Meggy and Jackin both rushed him for a chat. I must have been neglecting them and they wanted to fill their social needs on the first available sim ;)
    And now for a brief intermission before we get back to toddler training ;)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited January 2017
    Jensen's house is one I have used over and over for many years now. It is the house that is on the corner next to the Wainrights. I can't remember its name now. The copy I have saved to my library has been gutted so there is lots of room for toddler training, parties and just for more space all around. I normally bulldoze the original house and place my new copy in the same spot but this time I have placed the house on the large lot near the Landgraab and Alto mansions. Jensen and Meggy went to Connor Frio's party and I was pleasantly surprised to see they live in the original version of the house. It also helped me to remember how awkward it was to move around in. You can see 2 of Connor and Lilika's kids in the foreground :) Lilika is a Japanese inspired sim I made a while back.
    Connor cooking for his guests :)
    The central garden which I removed for space.
    Since the family were busy I sent Asala to feed the chickens and harvest the eggs. I didn't realize Morty was there.
    I'd forgotton Asala was a daredevil until I saw her do this.
    Having teens in the house is great. They take a lot of pressure off Jensen with the toddlers :) The teens also roll lots of wishes about the toddlers so two birds with one stone ;)
    Jensen was taking one of the twins to the spring rider and of course he whipped out the stroller when he got to the door but something went wrong when he bumped into Hob in the doorway :o
    Prom Night!
    Eda lost Zac somewhere on the way to the limo. Although he wasn't physically there, the pop-ups told me that they had great fun :p
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    skm36skm36 Posts: 2,754 Member
    edited January 2017

    Peeks in and, Hi Mikezumi!

    I came on the forum to see whats happening as I sometimes do and saw you were back to posting here. I know I disappeared from Facebook without a word but, life became very, very complicated and then, well....anyways, there is no excuse.
    I have read Jensen's University Genetics Baby Game. I hope you don't mind, if I make a few comments on it, as I know I disappeared from the group and it has been quite a while. :(

    First, I really have had a very good chuckle on Jensen's adventure so far. :D It reminded me of days gone by, on the old forum.

    So, here we go. What a way for Jensen to start his first day of classes at the University pulling the lever of doom and passing out. What a way to make a first impression! :p Jensen makes the school cheer look sexy hot! Way to go C*id! Putting Jensen's head through a wall. :o:rage: Ha! C*id playing hard to get. Doesn't he realize the the sim god has plans for him. :smiley: High five for making an A!

    Yea! The first baby daddy to contribute to the genetic pool! :smirk::smiley: C*id can be as hotheaded as he wants, Jensen knows how to melt C*id's temper into a puddle on the ground. :wink: Congrats, on the first baby being on the way. Awww... C*id has a romantic side to him. <3

    Smell! What smell? All I smell are pancakes! :wink: Well, if the woohoo wasn't to C*id's liking, then he just needs to take a chill pill and relax! Jensen did everything to be romantic! Yep! the fault is definitely with C*id! B):wink: Congrats on baby Eda! :) She is super adorable! <3

    And in, enters the hottie Jason! <3 I still have him in my library and a few of my old saves. :smile:

    Awww...C*id is finally showing some fatherly love to his daughter. <3 Congrats on the next pregnancy. Eda aged up into such a pretty little girl. I really love her green eyes with her blue hair. Congrats on Hob being born. He is super adorable! <3

    I never get tired of seeing the expressions the toddlers make, when going potty. It just makes me chuckle while at the same time I'm thinking awww! Eda is sure rocking the look in the princess costume, she looks adorable. I took one look at Eddy Mullis and thought immediately, that he looked a lot like Adam Lambert. He has such a bad boy look to him, makes you want to just lock him in a closet and keep him forever. :wink: sweet is that! Jensen and Eddy have chemistry. Hob aged up into such a cutie pie! <3 Congrats, on pregnancy 3!

    Love seeing Hob playing a astronaut, he looks like he is having a blast. Hob is just to cute going for a joy ride on the couch. I really love the pic with Eda holding the butterfly. It looks like it is sitting on her nose. <3 Congrats on the twins Jackin and Meggy, they are super adorable! <3 Aww...Eda and Hob get to visit with their daddy before the movie. :smiley:

    :joy: Eddy's expression when Jensen blew him a kiss. Love all the pic's of the kids, just having fun and just being kids. :smiley:

    What a gorgeous painting! So adorable seeing the two dads playing with the twins on the spring riders. Uh, oops! It looks like Jensen and Eddy want to go against the sim god and get engaged. :smirk:B) No worries though, with a few clicks of master controller and the sims world will be set to rights again. :mrgreen:

    Jackin and Meggy aged up into such cuties! Wait! What! Whoa! A girl! A girl, for Jensen! Okay Mikezumi, did you fall on your head? Do you have a fever? Did a kangaroo smack you in your head? Poor, poor Jensen, he looks like he is going to the gallows in the elevator. Eda is very pretty! Congrats on pregnancy 4. :smile: And there is the beautiful Jason! <3 Hob is a hottie teenager and is on his way to melting hearts. <3 Asala is skating on thin ice! :angry: Burn her! Burn her by fire! >:):wink: Aww...Hob has a boyfriend. <3 That is wonderful, that everyone has a date for prom.

    Congrats on the birth of the twin boys Herry and Larkin. Oh my gosh, they are, adorable! Hob and Marlon make such a cute couple. :heart_eyes:
    Lilika is very pretty. I love how she looks so exotic. I agree, teens are a great help with the little ones, when you have a large household. My how dapper the boys look all decked out for prom! :heart_eyes: Eda looks lovely in her prom gown as she rushes to catch up with her brother's. :D

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    ChelleJoChelleJo Posts: 7,087 Member
    I’ve now started pronouncing Asala’s name differently… I only added an extra letter… >:) Honestly, I’m kinda looking forward to her facing the wrath of you.

    Hob’s grew up good! I like that hair on him. Him and Marlon make a very cute couple. I look forward to the prom pictures! :)

    Oh my Goodness but Larkin and Herry look very similar as toddlers. Cute little buggers!

    Eda’s gonna have one strong backbone from all these men giving her attitude. :D

    I swear, toddlers on the potty remind me of the Rock (with that really arched eyebrow). :D

    Uh, Jensen… maybe not the most effective way to stroll with a tot…

    The teens look very handsome/beautiful in their fancy clothes for prom.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @skm36 It's okay :) I understand how life can get in the way of social media relationships. My own life has been topsy-turvy since moving back to Australia and for a little while before that. It is still a little complicated but I have been able to start simming again in the last couple of months. I am just happy to see you here *hugs* It's almost like the old days as VRStevenson and Krista have also popped in to say hi, although we are still in touch regularly on Facebook.

    Thank you for reading it all and for the lovely comments :) This is such a fun save :D
    I must have fallen on my head because I would never have brought Asala into the household if I had known how difficult she was! LOL
    Thanks again *hugs*

    @ChelleJo I like the way you think! I will add the extra letter to her name in my head from now on too!
    Thanks for the lovely comments :) I must wander over to your thread to look for updates :D
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    skm36skm36 Posts: 2,754 Member

    @Mikezumi I am very happy you have been able to sim again and share your lovely sims with everyone here. I remember the difficulties you went through and I am happy you are back in Australia surrounded by family. *Hugs Back* Things are still complicated and the battle rages on, with the same stuff as before that we have had to deal with. Although, it may just all come to a head this coming year. I am so ready for it to be over and done with. I didn't see VRStevenson's and Krista's comments as I was focused on reading Jensen's story. Flips back through comments to read their comments. Yes, definitely a wonderful sight to see old forum names on the same thread again.

    I have really enjoyed reading about Jensen and look forward to reading more. *Hugs*
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    After the kids had left for school and the morning chores had been done, I let Arsala (Aussie and British readers might understand the play on words here. For US readers replace the "r" with an extra "s". Thanks to @ChelleJo for this idea) and Jensen have free rein. As soon as Jensen came out of the kid's room where he had been enrolling Hob in an after school activity, Arsala pounced on him with a criticism of his family :rage:
    Jensen is too nice to retaliate, so I gave him a little nudge ;)
    After a couple of nudges, Jensen was happy to keep the ball rolling by himself *proud mama moment* :D
    What's this? ;)
    Man up Jensen! You want this as much as I do! :p
    It would seem that Arsala died of starvation but I like to think she was poisoned by her own toxic personality ;)
    Arsala took her death very well. Since she's always criticizing Jensen's family she's probably glad to be out of it :p
    After his reap, Grim ran off so I followed him to see where he was going. He played with the sprinklers for a good sim hour. Reaping must be hard work ;)
    The Circle of Life ... I have a new gnome baby :D
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @skm36 Thank you :) I hope your woes, which I remember well, do come to an end soon. It's already been going on way too long *hugs*
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Life goes on as if nothing has changed :)
    All negative moodlets removed (only 2 of the kids got mourning moodlets) and the family carries on with a blissful life :D
    I am not completely heartless - I have left Arsala's headstone in the backyard and if she wants to visit her kids she is welcome. I can always reset her back to the otherworld if she upsets anyone ;)
    Time for the twins to have their birthday :) First up is Herry
    He looks excited about his birthday :)
    And then it is Larkin's turn
    Who doesn't seem as excited as his brother ;) I went looking for Herry after Larkin aged up and found him making beds - he rolled Perfectionist and I let him keep it.
    The boys have their first non-baby talk chat and both roll wishes to be best friends and to have a pillow fight :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Herry rolled a wish to learn the painting skill. He also rolled a wish to take a class. I ain't gonna pay for a class when he already has latent painting skills from toddler books. As soon as he stepped up to the easel, his first wish was granted. The second wish was scrapped LOL
    Larkin rolled a wish to learn the fishing skill. They have a small fishing pond in the front yard and I simply change out the spawners depending on my sims' wishes. For beginners I use the common lake spawner.
    Given the large living area my sims have, they seem to gather into the one nook I have, making pic taking challenging ;)
    This is the view I mostly play in and the reason I nearly always play in this house. It is single storey and very open and affords me a good view of what everyone is doing. I only zoom in when I want to take pics or see something interesting.
    Since I got notice of an upcoming formal and Eda and Hob rolled wishes to go, I sent them out to visit their boyfriends.
    Marlon is the son of Jason (the sim watching them) and Hailey Shepherd (not home). Jason kept staring at the boys and every now and then would put his hand to his mouth and gasp. I checked his tag in map view and it said "watching". I think he isn't ready for his eldest son to grow up ;)
    Eda visited Zac at the same time. Both have successfully secured prom dates ... not that I had any doubt :p
    When I finished setting Eda up, I went back to Hob and found him watching the stars. I just adore these boys together <3
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    skm36skm36 Posts: 2,754 Member
    edited January 2017
    @Mikezumi Yes! Way, way, to long! :(

    Happy to see that after a few nudges Jensen stood up to Assala and gave her back a dose of her own medicine. Ha! Bye, bye Assala and good riddance!! She was being chummy to Grimmy because, she didn't want to get sent down below and burn for eternity. :wink: Oh, look! How the gnomes come out to play and celebrate with Assala's demise. :smiley:
    Wow! Goes to show you how toxic Assala was if only two of the kids got negative moodlets. They all look so peaceful and happy now that she is gone though. :smile:

    Herry and Larkin are just to cute and what a wonderful way to start, with them playing blocks together. That's very generous of you to let Assala stick around, after the way she talked about the family every chance she got. I don't think she deserves to be kept on the property but, that is just me, I would of put her in the graveyard, you know that saying, Out of sight, out of mind. >:):wink:
    Herry and Larkin aged up into such cutie pooties! Aw.... they want to be best friends. Pillow fight!! Whap! That is for taking my bottle when we were toddler's. Pow! That is for hogging the peg box. :smiley:

    I do the exact same thing. I always manage to fit a pond on the lot. But, I cram all the fish in together, I'm just to lazy, to keep swapping out the fish for different levels. Interesting, how you play zoomed out. I stay zoomed in, where I can see a area of at least a few rooms at a time and I also play with the walls half up, when I play.
    Jason being the watchful and protective father, watching the boys like a hawk. I think this is so sweet. <3 Hob and Marlon make such a cute couple. Do I hear wedding bells in the future?

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