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Moodlet that made me bust out laughing!

I just read one of the new illness moodlets that says "There's a party inside (Sim's name)'s face with the sole intent of trashing the place." and started busting out laughing. I find that very good and it seems something Guru Grant would write because I think he does the patch notes and they always have great humor.

Anyone else have any funny moodlets/moments to share?


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    lovebypondsidelovebypondside Posts: 1,364 Member
    edited April 2015
    I always giggle at the "Cannot Unsee" moodlet that pops up when you walk in on another sim in the bathroom.

    I also love the, "Insult Someone's Face" anger whim. I always just imagine my sim being like, "I hate your stupid FACE!"


    Edit: *sigh* Sometimes that plum filter really kills comedy.
    Origin ID: byscreenside
    Twitter: @byscreenside
    Youtube: YT

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    ShadyLady_DQShadyLady_DQ Posts: 476 Member
    That is hilarious @alan650111, I should pay more attention to what the moodlets say in the future!
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    Ravager619Ravager619 Posts: 3,738 Member
    I forget what it's called, but you can now feel uncomfortable for four hours for using a public restroom. Just like in real life! ;)
    "That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, a real superhero." - Stan Lee
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    ZandalarZandalar Posts: 88 Member
    @alan650111 I really need to start paying attention to that stuff when I play the game... It's been so long since I bothered reading the moodlets because they were all more or less around the same lines.

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    Alysha1988Alysha1988 Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited April 2015
    One time my sim got abducted by aliens and he came back with an angry moodlet. I don't remember exactly what it said but the title of it was "Abducted?!", and I thought this was the funniest thing ever. Like I was legit laying in bed laughing about it later on that night when I was trying to sleep.

    Like... in order to be angry about something I would think the event would have to be within the perceived plausible realm of possibility. I mean, if I got abducted by aliens my first emotion would certainly not be anger. It's like my sim was thinking "darn those jerks... up to their old shenanigans again."

    Man I can't stop laughing again.... there's something wrong with me.
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    I like the new sibling moodlet when a Sim is upset over the birth of a new Sim. It's really cute.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    PebblycatPebblycat Posts: 861 Member
    I just had an embarrassment one that said something along the lines of "if you want to have more than one relationship perhaps you need to keep it a secret". My Sim was romancing a male Sim in front of two other male Sims she had previously romanced :o
    My Origin ID: Pebblycat
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    AnnLee87AnnLee87 Posts: 2,475 Member
    My Sim kept getting a very playful mood so I would send him to the mirror to calm down. It was bugging me because he has a new born and a huge garden. He was a busy Sim that did not have time to stand by the mirror to calm down. I did not want him to die a hysterical death but his mood was going to kill him. It was happening a lot. He was spending a lot of time by the mirror.

    I did not know what was causing his playfulness so I started looking at his moodlets and I found out he had the giggles. Then I noticed he had red stripes all over and giggles was a symptom of the illness he had. I bought medicine, had him drink it and the giggles went away. I am paying closer attention to moodlets from now on.
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    Prink34320Prink34320 Posts: 5,078 Member
    Some of my fave:

    After eating Flirty Heart Cookies - Something in those cookies revved (Sim Name)'s love engine.

    After eating a harvestable - That definitely tasted "natural". Could use some more flavour.

    After eating False Morel Mushroom - Who knew eating a mushroom could make one this uncomfortable?

    After cooking food - Competence in the kitchen has filled (Sim Name) with confidence. Well, maybe not filled. Splashed, let's say. Yeah. Splashed.

    After drinking a drink with low quality - A Foodie Sim only enjoys truly inspired drinks. This is not one of those.

    After drinking a Flirty drink - That drink has given (Sim Name) some warm and fuzzy feelings.

    After mastering Mixology Skill - Who's the master of mixing (drinks)? (Sim Name) is the master of mixing (drinks).

    When a Sim's bladder is very low - If (Sim Name) doesn't get to a Toilet VERY quickly, there's going to be a puddle problem!

    After peeing yourself - You had an accident for holding it too long! How embarrassing!

    When a Sim pees in the pool - Bathroom emergencies can be horrifically embarrassing... that is, unless you are already immersed in lukewarm liquid.

    After brushing your teeth - Your breath is so fresh right now! Still, try to refrain from breathing directly into other Sims' faces.

    After and during taking a bath - Oh you know, just going on aquatic adventures and saving the world.

    Failing prank calling someone - Even a small child wouldn't have fallen for such a derpy prank. For shame.

    After you pickpocket a Sim - There's nothing like the rush of sneaking up on a Sim and relieving them of their valuables.

    Bad woohoo 1 - That WooHoo wasn't satisfactory. Improvement needed!

    Bad woohoo 2 - That WooHoo didn't go so well. How Embarrassing!

    Riding the Rocket Ship - There's nothing like your first time in space... but subsequent times are still pretty fantastic!

    When bragging to someone about woohoo errr 'conquests' - A real WooHoo master doesn't kiss and tell... unless there's someone willing to listen, that is.

    When walking into Sims woohooing or in the bathroom - You walked in on something you were never meant to see.

    Sims who are insane and angry - Blursh! Meshaloob! Blursh!

    Sims who are insane and flirty - The voices are talking in the language of love.

    Sims who are insane and happy - Whipna Choba-Dog? Whipna Choba-Dog!!

    Sims who are insane and sad - Sometimes wild, mad thoughts enter one's head. This is one of those times.

    After insane Sims flirt with themselves in the mirror - Ready for a romantic adventure after flirting with yourself in the mirror.

    After working out for Lazy Sims - Lazy Sims hate activity. Even picking up the remote results in overexertion.

    When Bros are around Bros - It's always a good time when there are other bros in your broximity!

    When wearing the Flirty Cow Hat - Bulls beware! This cow's udderly fabulous.

    Bad school day - Dropped a tray in front of everyone in the cafeteria today. How embarrassing.

    Outcome for one of the Criminal Career chance cards - Drat! That bag was filled with poo. That's just foul.

    Being voodooed 1 - You have the oddest sensation of being groped by phantom fingers, leaving you feeling exposed and uneasy.

    Being voodooed 2 - There are times you feel more "amorous" than others, and then there's the sudden, sizzling urge you're sensing right now.

    When you cheat to get a moodlet - You cheated to get this moodlet.
    Live your life to the fullest, don't wait for a miracle to happen, be the miracle to make things happen.
    Sometimes your creativity is limited where you use it most, but you can use those limitations to inspire new forms of creativity you may never have thought of beforehand.
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,745 Member
    Haha. I don't pay as much attention to those moodlets as I obviously should!
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    lovebypondsidelovebypondside Posts: 1,364 Member
    I just noticed last night that one of my sims got a Sad moodlet after mourning that said, "Life is short. Make it longer in the game options menu!" :D (paraphrased)
    Origin ID: byscreenside
    Twitter: @byscreenside
    Youtube: YT

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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,741 Member
    I always like reading any new moodlets that I see! They're very cute and funny.
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    jotodd328jotodd328 Posts: 45 Member
    I never actually bother to read them but I will be from now on, they sound very sweet and funny! I love finding out new things thanks to the forum :blush:
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    EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,375 Member
    Alysha1988 wrote: »
    One time my sim got abducted by aliens and he came back with an angry moodlet. I don't remember exactly what it said but the title of it was "Abducted?!", and I thought this was the funniest thing ever. Like I was legit laying in bed laughing about it later on that night when I was trying to sleep.

    Like... in order to be angry about something I would think the event would have to be within the perceived plausible realm of possibility. I mean, if I got abducted by aliens my first emotion would certainly not be anger. It's like my sim was thinking "darn those jerks... up to their old shenanigans again."

    Man I can't stop laughing again.... there's something wrong with me.

    So what would be your first emotion, then? I know if someone dared snatch me from anywhere without asking, I´d be angry as hell. No matter what city, country, planet or plane of existance that someone came from. It´s an hostile act and the moment it happens it is real, with no room left or clinging to what I might have believed or not believed beforehand.
    I would, however, not act on that anger, but observe my situation instead... a dose of healthy fear keeps you alive longer.
    So it would probably be Angry+2 and a dominant Tense+5 for me.

    Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
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    ferret9005ferret9005 Posts: 1,361 Member
    Interesting. I guess I need to pay attention.
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    Alysha1988Alysha1988 Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited April 2015
    Alysha1988 wrote: »
    One time my sim got abducted by aliens and he came back with an angry moodlet. I don't remember exactly what it said but the title of it was "Abducted?!", and I thought this was the funniest thing ever. Like I was legit laying in bed laughing about it later on that night when I was trying to sleep.

    Like... in order to be angry about something I would think the event would have to be within the perceived plausible realm of possibility. I mean, if I got abducted by aliens my first emotion would certainly not be anger. It's like my sim was thinking "darn those jerks... up to their old shenanigans again."

    Man I can't stop laughing again.... there's something wrong with me.

    So what would be your first emotion, then? I know if someone dared snatch me from anywhere without asking, I´d be angry as hell. No matter what city, country, planet or plane of existance that someone came from. It´s an hostile act and the moment it happens it is real, with no room left or clinging to what I might have believed or not believed beforehand.
    I would, however, not act on that anger, but observe my situation instead... a dose of healthy fear keeps you alive longer.
    So it would probably be Angry+2 and a dominant Tense+5 for me.

    Well if I was abducted by some strange species from another planet that I didn't even know existed until them and went through god knows what during the abduction before being returned to my home... no anger would definitely not be it. If it was other humans that'd be a different story since I know humans exist... but the dominant emotion would probably still be tense/fear. I think the dazed moodlet they sometimes get after being abducted makes a lot more sense than angry since dazed is more like "whoah what the heck just happened" rather than anger which is more like "ugh just another day with my crap neighbors the aliens".

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    mysle86mysle86 Posts: 20 Member
    I know this is an old thread, so I hope it's okay I'm reviving it. Just saw the noodles after playing with the cat with the laser pointer and started laughing; man, cats are so distractible! Just shine a light on the floor and -- hey, is that a text message.

    So realistic :smiley:
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    Stina1701AStina1701A Posts: 1,185 Member
    Alysha1988 wrote: »
    One time my sim got abducted by aliens and he came back with an angry moodlet. I don't remember exactly what it said but the title of it was "Abducted?!", and I thought this was the funniest thing ever. Like I was legit laying in bed laughing about it later on that night when I was trying to sleep.

    Like... in order to be angry about something I would think the event would have to be within the perceived plausible realm of possibility. I mean, if I got abducted by aliens my first emotion would certainly not be anger. It's like my sim was thinking "darn those jerks... up to their old shenanigans again."

    Man I can't stop laughing again.... there's something wrong with me.

    So what would be your first emotion, then? I know if someone dared snatch me from anywhere without asking, I´d be angry as plum. No matter what city, country, planet or plane of existance that someone came from. It´s an hostile act and the moment it happens it is real, with no room left or clinging to what I might have believed or not believed beforehand.
    I would, however, not act on that anger, but observe my situation instead... a dose of healthy fear keeps you alive longer.
    So it would probably be Angry+2 and a dominant Tense+5 for me.

    Dude! Like, TRAUMATISED!! :anguished::lol:
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    aujinehaujineh Posts: 454 Member
    I always giggle at the "Cannot Unsee" moodlet that pops up when you walk in on another sim in the bathroom.

    I also love the, "Insult Someone's Face" anger whim. I always just imagine my sim being like, "I hate your plum FACE!"


    Edit: *sigh* Sometimes that plum filter really kills comedy.

    Me too I always chuckle at the 'cannot unsee' moodlet.

    I also get a kick out of the 'what the what?' when your sim is reading a skill book above their level

    Also the only happy bladder moodlet when your sim is 'secretly relieved' in the pool

    In fact all the humor in this game is half the reason I play
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    PugLove888PugLove888 Posts: 674 Member
    Prink34320 wrote: »
    Some of my fave:

    ... Sims who are insane and angry - Blursh! Meshaloob! Blursh!

    Sims who are insane and flirty - The voices are talking in the language of love.

    Sims who are insane and happy - Whipna Choba-Dog? Whipna Choba-Dog!!

    Sims who are insane and sad - Sometimes wild, mad thoughts enter one's head. This is one of those times.


    @Prink34320 , I've seen a longer one the insane+happy mood:
    "Ooh Be Gah!! Whipna Choba-Dog? Whipna Choba-Dog!"
    Also, I've seen different ones with insane+sad/angry/flirty moods:
    Angry: "Flarn!"
    Sad: "Shmoo! Shmoo! Shmoo!"
    Flirty: "Elicanto Whirly"

    Thanks for writing all of these down for us! <3

    Home is where your Pugs are! <3
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    aujinehaujineh Posts: 454 Member
    PugLove888 wrote: »

    Flirty: "Elicanto Whirly"

    Thanks for writing all of these down for us! <3

    I always get a kick out of that one
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    mysle86mysle86 Posts: 20 Member
    The smelly pet moodlet "what have they done to you.. it's not your fault.."
    Laughed when I saw it, but now the "smelly cat" song is stuck in my head....
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    SkyeChimesSkyeChimes Posts: 376 Member
    The energized moodlet from singing karaoke poorly moodlet is hilarious it says "nailed it!" Lol
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    PugLove888PugLove888 Posts: 674 Member
    mysle86 wrote: »
    The smelly pet moodlet "what have they done to you.. it's not your fault.."
    Laughed when I saw it, but now the "smelly cat" song is stuck in my head....

    @mysle86 , me too! :D<3
    Home is where your Pugs are! <3
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    ElleysimsElleysims Posts: 133 Member
    When you go out to eat for breakfast, there is a moodlet that is, (name) believes that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! So why does he/she have to cook it him/herself. Makes me laugh since that is how I feel about cooking.
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