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Forum is too bright, causing eye strain, headaches (previously titled: I tried ...)

amjoieamjoie Posts: 3,517 Member
Hi everyone!

I tried the new site. And I'm very pleased that we can have TS3 avatars. VERY pleased. I really like that drafts are saved, too.

But I can't stay on the site for more than about 10 minutes before I have a really nasty headache that builds in intensity the longer I read (it is starting, even as I type this post). The white is too white, the black block print is too black on the too white background, and the lime green is like a slap in the face. It's just too much of ... too much, I guess. Whatever it is, I feel like running away, screaming. The headache is debilitating. And it takes a while to go away, after I get off the site. I have enough pain in my life, without that.

So, this isn't going to work, for me. But I did try, like a few of you asked me to. (I still hope to fix the links on the Know Your Game thread, if I can, a little at a time. But if it hurts too bad, I'll have to call it a day.)

I'll leave you one of my favorite sims, from my favorite world, as my avatar, so it isn't just that big plumbob. Other than that, it looks like I'm back to napping. Sorry I can't be part of your tomorrows. :( (hugs)

Post edited by amjoie on


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    MolliesDolliesMolliesDollies Posts: 525 Member
    Now a proud member of the Own the Store Club!!!
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    Tiki5872Tiki5872 Posts: 3,115 Member
    Ah amjoie! :'( I do agree, the lime green is a little "too much"! I am so sorry that you won't be with us in our tomorrows!! Maybe you can pop in once in awhile?!
    Origin ID: Tiki5872
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    ScrapdashScrapdash Posts: 1,237 Member
    Oh I was so pleased to see your name appear! But totally agree, I'm not loving the look to this place either, just too stuck in my ways I suppose. It's not somewhere I think I'll use everyday like before.
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    SimMommy05SimMommy05 Posts: 2,574 Member
    I have to turn down the brightness on my monitor in order to use the forums here, especially if the sun is shining through the window by my computer at the time I'm on the forums. It makes it easier to withstand the forums. Of course I have to remember to turn it back up before doing anything else or everything else will be too dark.

    I hate to see you go, I like seeing your posts, but I completely understand that a forum is not worth bearing the pain of a migraine.

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    miklcmiklc Posts: 3,116 Member
    This is very sad to hear amjoie, you are a big help in the community and I have often benefited from your posts. I do hope you are able to pop by every now and then, I love your avatar by the way! I do like some of the changes they've made like the notification system which will be quite useful if you're waiting on a particular response but I agree the lime green is slightly over the top. Hope to see you around in the near future
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    EveebellaEveebella Posts: 832 Member
    I agree the white is just to white, I wish they would tone it down, I to have to limited time spent here as well as you because it does hurt my eyes, guess they don't want this old gamer here LOL

    Eveebella :p
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    belakissesbelakisses Posts: 250 Member
    Sorry, hugs and hope they change the color tones, it is hard on the eyes. :(
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    deltagirl1326deltagirl1326 Posts: 468 Member
    Just like the Sims 4 and probably everything Sims they will put out in the future, this site is optimized for tablet or portable use. They're leaving the PC gamer behind and with this, I feel like they're trying to force out those of us still lingering and hoping EA boots the "everything online and mobile" cultists! :D
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    Mistletoe143Mistletoe143 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Love you, amjoie. God bless you and BIG hug! *hugs*
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    DijanaMenatasDijanaMenatas Posts: 624 Member
    I hate this new site. The bright green is burning into my retinas, the sims up the top look dumb, I miss my old avatar.

    Okay, I just had to get that out of my system, I think Im turning into an old lady who doesnt like new things. With that said, I probably won't be around much now beyond checking a few threads (not that I post much as it is). Like with you amjoie, I'm getting massive headaches just trying to look at this site and find myself squinting the entire time :/
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    philkewleyphilkewley Posts: 552 Member
    Initially I was pleased that the optimized forums were quicker, but the colours and bold text are from a time gone by and they're turning me away too.
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    dizzydee_kdizzydee_k Posts: 475 Member
    Amjoie, I'm glad it's not just me. It's way tooooo bright (I feel I should be wearing sunglasses) and it doesn't play well with my screen reader. I'm hoping they'll fix these problems as they continue to roll out the new forum features.

    I was able to have the color temperature of my monitor adjusted and that has helped a bit, but I don't know if that's even possible on every monitor.
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    Katty0Katty0 Posts: 3,907 Member
    If you have windows 8 there is an app called f.lux that will allow you to dim the screen more and add a red wash. It makes the site MUCH MUCH easier to read, and doesn't trigger my migraines with it.

    hope that will allow you to stay!
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    simsinmysleepsimsinmysleep Posts: 651 Member
    edited August 2014
    This may be more trouble than you want to deal with, but if you use Firefox as your browser, there's an add-on you can get that will allow you to block a specific image (It's called Image Blocker -- Then, if you right click in the green portion of your screen and select 'View Background Image', you can get the url of the image ( to block. I'm a lime-green loving freak, lol, so I haven't tried this myself and can't promise that it'll work, but I have used image blockers in the past with no problems. Might be worth a try. :)

    ETA: I sat down with my morning coffee and decided to give the image blocker add-on a try and I'm sorry to report, it doesn't work for this purpose. You can block the big green background image at its url location, but it does nothing to block it HERE, which is where you need it.
    Post edited by simsinmysleep on
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    sofie981sofie981 Posts: 486 Member
    edited August 2014
    I'm so sorry that you get a migrane from this forum, and do agree it's way to bright. I just wanted to share this new trick i found out. I saved my avatar-picture on the old forum onto my comp and just chose it as my avatar on this forum 8D Yay i beat the rules and refuses to play by the new rules. This way we can all keep our beloved avatars ;)
    I just wish we could go back on the old forum and stay there cause i truly think this forum is a bad joke compared to the old one. Take care sweetie ;)
    PS i have made smilies by typing and with chosing from the smilie-icon and for some reason they refuse to get posted, and have also had words taken out and replaced by PLUM, words that are ordinary and plain so something is off. I wish that they change their mind and let us go back to the old forum, but i don't belive in the wishes anymore after seeing what they have done to ts4 :(

    Edit Offcourse they removed my smilies again arrgh
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    MmdrgntobldrgnMmdrgntobldrgn Posts: 6,680 Member
    I will miss you, we can always hope that they can/will adjust the white & lime green. I will treasure all of the wonderful advise you've provided to the rest of us.
    Peace, GranMama Dragon
    Exploring life through imagination & satire since 1969.
    Save Game Often
    repair & clear caches Often
    S3 Studio
    S3 blog Story, lists of empty lots by world
    S2/3/4 Randomnes
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    AmaraRenaAmaraRena Posts: 6,533 Member
    While I, too, am appreciating the bigger letters and the ease of putting up whatever you want for an avi I think we're all pretty united in loathing the garish brightness of everything else here. But I am very glad you made an appreance and I hope you'll peek in just long enough to check in with us now and again! Miss you! ((HUGZ))
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    strangeseraphstrangeseraph Posts: 369 Member
    edited August 2014

    I have the same problem with the eyestrain. We can make a thread to alert the Sims team about this problem with the forum. A medical problem such as eyestrain and headaches is something they DO want to hear! They have to respond to a medical condition!

    Doop Dee Doop
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    simsinmysleepsimsinmysleep Posts: 651 Member
    I thought of something else you can try if you use Firefox as your browser, but this method isn't perfect either (it's super easy to undo though, so it's worth a try to see if it works for you). At the top menu bar, go to:

    Tools > Options > Content > Colors
    Uncheck the box next to "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above"
    Click on the white box by background and choose a soft color that's easy on your eyes. Hit 'okay'. It will do away with the bright green background and the super white text area. Things will look very different, but everything's still there. The little images for 'Notifications', 'Inbox', etc. next to your user ID at the top of the page are gone, but when you put your mouse over the empty squares, it tells you what's there.

    The drawback is that it will change background colors/images on every site, not just this one, of course, but changing it back is as simple as going back in and putting a check by "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above". I tried it for a while and visited a bunch of my bookmarked sites, and I have to say, it was more soothing to my eyes!
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    amjoieamjoie Posts: 3,517 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Well, there seems to be a general consensus that the site is hard on the eyes and way too bright, so I am not alone in this discomfort, although mine may be more severe. I hope the website team becomes aware of the problem before they lose vast numbers of people who would have otherwise enjoyed the forum.

    @ahholladay: I tried your method of changing the site colors/print style, and it does definitely help with eye strain. Unfortunately, it also removes the ability to edit replies on this forum. Since I edit almost as much as I reply, that ends up being a deal-breaker situation. Not to mention the havoc the changes create on other sites, like my home page, which becomes almost unreadable. And that means I would be constantly having to check and uncheck things in the Firefox's preference window, on my Mac, where I do my browsing. I don't see changing default colors/print style as a long term solution, because it adds more clicking/repetitive motion and irritation for my wrist. Knowing I can reduce eye strain for an occasional forum check is handy. But I don't think it would make daily participation a possibility, for me. So I'm right back where I started. :(

    But I did try your method (it helped me avoid a headache while I replied here, and made changes to the tutorial links in my "Know Your Game" thread), so I thank you for your helpful suggestion. (hugs)
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    MmdrgntobldrgnMmdrgntobldrgn Posts: 6,680 Member

    not sure if you've considered posting places besides here, a fair number of us will follow blogs whether at wordpress or blogspot, additionally instead of just bookmarking I copied the bulk of this to a word doc for personal use ..... I think the final count was something like 74/75 pages if you wanted to there is a decent indie site called smashwords that allows free self publishing of word docs to e-reading format for free or for profit

    myself I'm semi broke at the moment, but if I weren't I would tip to a donation jar for all of your wonderful help and advice
    Peace, GranMama Dragon
    Exploring life through imagination & satire since 1969.
    Save Game Often
    repair & clear caches Often
    S3 Studio
    S3 blog Story, lists of empty lots by world
    S2/3/4 Randomnes
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    Elf67Elf67 Posts: 1,198 Member
    I use an ipad and trust me, it's just as bad as on a computer. For me, the font ends up too tiny. But on the plus side, because of this, I have to zoom the page so much the horrid lime green isn't visible ! This bad color/font/contrast combo reminds me of IOS 7, with the exception I can read SOME of the posts. It looks like Disneyland threw up!
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    TRajahTRajah Posts: 2,403 Member
    I agree, I can't spend much time on these forums, either. And I'm an experienced forum-goer on several different sites! I do hope they fix that. Give us an option for styles.
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    strangeseraphstrangeseraph Posts: 369 Member
    TRajah wrote: »
    I agree, I can't spend much time on these forums, either. And I'm an experienced forum-goer on several different sites! I do hope they fix that. Give us an option for styles.

    I agree, a lot of forum software gives admins the option of adding multiple themes that users can choose from. But this forum software has disappointment in so many ways.


    Doop Dee Doop
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    AmaraRenaAmaraRena Posts: 6,533 Member
    Thank you amjoie for changing the title of your post in order to alert the powers that be here to the problem their retina scorching website is causing for many of us. I would have thought by now, with the current state of technology, that ignorant choices like this were a thing of the past. As an eye care professional I have to say to whoever designed this site: You are a terrible person. Fix it!
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