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TS4 suggestion- unisex clothing option?


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    TheMomminatorTheMomminator Posts: 4,215 Member
    edited August 2013
    We can agree to disagree. I think we both made our points.
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    Fordee09Fordee09 Posts: 7,341 Member
    edited August 2013
    v12creator wrote:
    .The homosexuals have the right to defend their point of view.

    .But ppl that doesnt agree with it also have the right of defend their point of view.

    Its not a perfect system, nor there are perfect arguments,it never existed because humankind is not a perfect race. I dont agree with Homosexualims, your arguments matter nothing to me, but i dont want a homosexual do be killed or related stuff.If you want to change the world, plz, i dont think that yelling at the **** Game Forun will solve it,its just pointless.

    The thing is though;
    Why don't you agree with their way of life? It is the 21st Century. I think by now we should all be tolerant of people's views and lifestyle. But, alas that is not the case-- we Humans are one of the most complicated species on this planet.

    For some reason people just have a vendetta against people they don't even know personally. I'm not saying you have one of course, I was just wondering why you don't agree with it?
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    EuanSimEuanSim Posts: 2,345 Member
    edited August 2013
    I'd turn off the feature to save wardrobe loading times, but I guess they could add it.
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    FuzzlechanFuzzlechan Posts: 20 New Member
    edited August 2013
    v12creator wrote:
    .The homosexuals have the right to defend their point of view.

    .But ppl that doesnt agree with it also have the right of defend their point of view.

    Its not a perfect system, nor there are perfect arguments,it never existed because humankind is not a perfect race. I dont agree with Homosexualims, your arguments matter nothing to me, but i dont want a homosexual do be killed or related stuff.If you want to change the world, plz, i dont think that yelling at the **** Game Forun will solve it,its just pointless.

    I have a question for you. I apologize if it sounds like it's intended to spark an argument or anything of the sort; tone of voice isn't often translated well across a written medium. I intend only for it to be something to consider, and possibly give an answer to.

    If you don't agree with homosexuality, do you also disagree with a certain hair colour, or eye colour, or skin colour? Despite scientists not yet being sure if homosexuality is a trait which can be passed down in families, they HAVE confirmed that it's there since birth. It's something that you can't control.

    -just curious-
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    Cali_Pier92Cali_Pier92 Posts: 1,671 Member
    edited August 2013
    Fuzzlechan wrote:
    Despite scientists not yet being sure if homosexuality is a trait which can be passed down in families, they HAVE confirmed that it's there since birth. It's something that you can't control.
    AKA: We were BORN THIS WAY. Lady Gaga was right all along.
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,790 Member
    edited August 2013
    Fuzzlechan wrote:
    v12creator wrote:
    .The homosexuals have the right to defend their point of view.

    .But ppl that doesnt agree with it also have the right of defend their point of view.

    Its not a perfect system, nor there are perfect arguments,it never existed because humankind is not a perfect race. I dont agree with Homosexualims, your arguments matter nothing to me, but i dont want a homosexual do be killed or related stuff.If you want to change the world, plz, i dont think that yelling at the **** Game Forun will solve it,its just pointless.

    I have a question for you. I apologize if it sounds like it's intended to spark an argument or anything of the sort; tone of voice isn't often translated well across a written medium. I intend only for it to be something to consider, and possibly give an answer to.

    If you don't agree with homosexuality, do you also disagree with a certain hair colour, or eye colour, or skin colour? Despite scientists not yet being sure if homosexuality is a trait which can be passed down in families, they HAVE confirmed that it's there since birth. It's something that you can't control.

    -just curious-

    To make that question more about people who are redheads? Because at some point in the history (decades ago) redheads were treated as witches (aka 'evil'). I'm not against red heads or gay people. I'm a 'ginger' myself and am proud of it. I support gay marriage.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    NoeinNoein Posts: 495 Member
    edited August 2013
    I'm sooooo game for this. The more options the better I think.

    Sometimes I wish I could turn off a specific gender. Just imagine, I could make my own "Themyscira" like world.

    I'm just rambling now.
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    treelifetreelife Posts: 254
    edited August 2013
    I'm half-half for the suggestion. I kinda would like it but maybe a just a few outfits cause it would get annoying scrolling through pages and pages of clothes.

    As for the off topic conversation. You can disagree with someone (or aspects of their lifestyle) and still get along you know, that is part of being civilised. :)

    For example, one of my friends disagrees with marriage (something I hold dearly) but that doesn't mean we can't be good friends.
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    Pandagirl9449Pandagirl9449 Posts: 911 Member
    edited August 2013
    Noein wrote:
    I'm sooooo game for this. The more options the better I think.

    Sometimes I wish I could turn off a specific gender. Just imagine, I could make my own "Themyscira" like world.

    I'm just rambling now.

    Er mer gerd! Then I can truly make wonder woman O.O and maxima..eeek
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    NarcissaNarcissa Posts: 811 Member
    edited August 2013
    Also, your argument on freedom of speech has one problem: Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences for what you say. Technically, saying all women should be killed is freedom of speech; that doesn't stop it from having negative consequences any more than walking into a biker bar and accusing all bikers of being sissies lacks consequences. You are free to say what you like... but you must also accept the consequences of what you say. Most freedom of speech advocates do not understand that concept.

    Consequences such as...? I don't know where you come from, but where I live you aren't going to be hauled off to jail for saying "Homesexuals are an abomination" on the Internet. The only consequences are that people aren't going to like you, and you might hurt some feelings, which isn't illegal.

    If you walk into a biker bar and yell "You guys are wusses!", of course there will be consequences. They might get a little violent with you. But does that mean you totally deserved it and they should be allowed to hurt you? No! Crime is still crime and victim blaming is not cool.

    I don't agree with a lot of the beliefs coming from certain religions, but I still respect their freedom to believe whatever they want. As long as they don't try to legally oppress people, I could really care less. When it comes to LGBT tolerance I really don't understand why people try to force others to 100% accept other sexual orientations and genders.

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    manii24manii24 Posts: 674 New Member
    edited August 2013
    This would be a fantastic idea! I've actually always wanted for this to be true.

    I know the meshes are designed for a specific gender, but you can already see the meshes being deformed and adjusting to the sim's body when you change the sliders (either bigger or smaller). Same could work if you were to wear clothes designed for males, in female sims. The mesh could deformed to embrace the female body, same way it deforms to embrace the male body. This would require for the mesh to be already unisex; meaning, it wouldn't have any specific shape. Look at it as clothing in real life. A shirt in real life is just a shirt, and it will stretch and accommodate to the person's body. Does that make any sense? Just because a certain piece of clothing is in the men's section, doesn't mean a woman is not allowed to purchase it(and vice versa).

    Crossdressing is a controversial topic for a lot of people, which is why I think it should be an option you would have to enable, in order to mix and match between wardrobes for your sims.

    I'm a transgender in real life. I consider myself to be gender-neutral a lot of the time. I love androgyny; every aspect of it. I'm not the girliest girl, let alone the manliest boy. You would catch me one day being girly in appearance, but other times looking like a tomboy. Same way you would see me wearing a dress and acting tomboyish, or wearing long shorts, baggy shirt, and be the girliest girl ever(in attitude). Clothes don't define me; my personally does. And I don't see why it should be any different in the sims. It just puts more annoying limitations to the game, then there already are.

    On a side note: It would also be really nice if we could make our female sims completely flat chested, and have a slider for the cleavage baked shadow so we could completely get rid of it. It would work the same as the muscle sliders we currently have. It's kinda silly to see my flat chested female sims with cleavage. I mean, nothing is there, the baked shadow looks out of place. But that's besides the point :P
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    manii24manii24 Posts: 674 New Member
    edited August 2013
    Pepperbutt wrote:
    Wolfaura wrote:
    We should have more options. Males should be able to wear dresses if they want to. And a feminist could protest to girly clothes and wish to wear a tux for a change.

    Iam a straight girly girl myself but I hate narrow minded people and believe in life you should treat people how you wish to be treated no matter their religion, race, sexual preferances etc.

    Same, and I think things like that could easily tie in with things other people want- I know I've seen someone else ask about a girly trait since they hated how their sim was such a tomboy at times, and how some people want alpha females / males, etc. I know some other people want pageants and really, really preppy sims, so I wouldn't mind seeing that all tied in.


    I definitely agree with you, to a hundred percent. The sims personalities and body language are really what makes them - them. I hate to see my tomboy sims act girly, same way I hate to see me girly boys act manly. I think we should have the option to choose between animations sets.

    I actually made a thread about this. Feel free to check it out!
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    CoreyCanadianCoreyCanadian Posts: 5,701 Member
    edited August 2013
    I am totally down for this! I sometimes make my male sims wear makeup and dress up as women, but it is hard to do.

    I would love to have male and female clothing available for both. There are some oversized shirts for females I wish my male sims had since it would be so cool to have! Just like how maybe a sweater or jacket a guy has I might want for my females. I am all for unisex clothing! Sims is about being creative and I think this would be a good way to move forward and give our Sims some more character :mrgreen:
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    TanyaRubiroseTanyaRubirose Posts: 11,033 Member
    edited August 2013
    Narcissa wrote:
    Also, your argument on freedom of speech has one problem: Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences for what you say. Technically, saying all women should be killed is freedom of speech; that doesn't stop it from having negative consequences any more than walking into a biker bar and accusing all bikers of being sissies lacks consequences. You are free to say what you like... but you must also accept the consequences of what you say. Most freedom of speech advocates do not understand that concept.

    Consequences such as...? I don't know where you come from, but where I live you aren't going to be hauled off to jail for saying "Homesexuals are an abomination" on the Internet. The only consequences are that people aren't going to like you, and you might hurt some feelings, which isn't illegal.

    If you walk into a biker bar and yell "You guys are wusses!", of course there will be consequences. They might get a little violent with you. But does that mean you totally deserved it and they should be allowed to hurt you? No! Crime is still crime and victim blaming is not cool.

    I don't agree with a lot of the beliefs coming from certain religions, but I still respect their freedom to believe whatever they want. As long as they don't try to legally oppress people, I could really care less. When it comes to LGBT tolerance I really don't understand why people try to force others to 100% accept other sexual orientations and genders.


    Actually, there are some areas where you can go to jail for saying it. And it's not about beliefs; it's about actions. It's about asking people to act like decent human beings to each other.

    As for why some beliefs can be bad: Ask the victims of the Holocaust about a certain belief about them. About how an honestly-held belief caused so much death and destruction. Ask them about the millions that died. Then try to defend the idea that beliefs should be respected, even if you disagree with them, and tell me what reply you get.

    Human history is filled with billions of deaths just because of honestly-held beliefs and the lengths people went through to act upon those beliefs. There are entire graveyards devoted to the victims of the honestly-held belief of others. Visit those sometime and then tell me that you can respect certain beliefs.

    When people stop honestly believing themselves superior, stop honestly believing their beliefs should be forced on others, and stop honestly believing that people who are different should die... then all beliefs can be respected. Until then, all you are doing is defending murderers, genocides, and tyrants.
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    NoeinNoein Posts: 495 Member
    edited August 2013
    Noein wrote:
    I'm sooooo game for this. The more options the better I think.

    Sometimes I wish I could turn off a specific gender. Just imagine, I could make my own "Themyscira" like world.

    I'm just rambling now.

    Er mer gerd! Then I can truly make wonder woman O.O and maxima..eeek

    Yes! and here I thought I was crazy for thinking such things...Superhero fans unite!
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,790 Member
    edited August 2013
    As for why some beliefs can be bad: Ask the victims of the Holocaust about a certain belief about them. About how an honestly-held belief caused so much death and destruction. Ask them about the millions that died. Then try to defend the idea that beliefs should be respected, even if you disagree with them, and tell me what reply you get.

    Here's a example of something which is critized:

    Few Jews existed in Berlin that my local paper the Toronto Star did an article about the Jewish person or something and its a man or woman(real persons) sits in a glassed box in a museum and is asked questions by non-jewish people.
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    Robert123971Robert123971 Posts: 378 New Member
    edited August 2013
    I approve of this! I've been trying to approach making transgendered sims from all sorts of categories (drag queens, cross dressers, transsexual, etc.) but I always have to use female models and I get a little annoyed. I don't think it would be hard to implement the feature, only it would take up quite a bit of space in CAS if not organized.
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    manii24manii24 Posts: 674 New Member
    edited August 2013
    Okay. Guess I just don't care for unisex clothing lol. But since people do then maybe Ea can add that option in. Good luck. O_O

    That's actually the problem with most of the bad things that are happening worldwide. People have no consideration for how other people would feel. They only act upon what's good for them, regardless of how it would turn out to other people. It's easy being part of the majority; you have a lot of people with your same mindset. But it isn't easy to be part of a minority, there's always going to be the hatred and "my beliefs are above yours" situation. People tend to do that because they're scared to step out and fight for what they really believe in. They know they're safe being part of the majority, since more people will agree with them. They just hide behind the silly societal norms and ethics.

    Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you are any of that. It's just that, a person can't see something it hasn't been shown to them. You can interpret that whatever way you wish. And I thank you for supporting this idea. If something doesn't hurt you, then I don't see why you should be opposed to it, know what I'm saying?
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    Pandagirl9449Pandagirl9449 Posts: 911 Member
    edited August 2013
    manii24 wrote:
    Okay. Guess I just don't care for unisex clothing lol. But since people do then maybe Ea can add that option in. Good luck. O_O

    That's actually the problem with most of the bad things that are happening worldwide. People have no consideration for how other people would feel. They only act upon what's good for them, regardless of how it would turn out to other people. It's easy being part of the majority; you have a lot of people with your same mindset. But it isn't easy to be part of a minority, there's always going to be the hatred and "my beliefs are above yours" situation. People tend to do that because they're scared to step out and fight for what they really believe in. They know they're safe being part of the majority, since more people will agree with them. They just hide behind the silly societal norms and ethics.

    Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you are any of that. It's just that, a person can't see something it hasn't been shown to them. You can interpret that whatever way you wish. And I thank you for supporting this idea. If something doesn't hurt you, then I don't see why you should be opposed to it, know what I'm saying?

    I don't care about people agreeing with me. :) honestly its just a game. I dont see why people take it so seriously.
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    Pandagirl9449Pandagirl9449 Posts: 911 Member
    edited August 2013
    Noein wrote:
    Noein wrote:
    I'm sooooo game for this. The more options the better I think.

    Sometimes I wish I could turn off a specific gender. Just imagine, I could make my own "Themyscira" like world.

    I'm just rambling now.

    Er mer gerd! Then I can truly make wonder woman O.O and maxima..eeek

    Yes! and here I thought I was crazy for thinking such things...Superhero fans unite!

    Crazy? Shoooot no way! I'm a crazy DC fan ^.^ UNITE! *taps power ring*
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    asdfthesimsasdfthesims Posts: 295 New Member
    edited August 2013
    MadameLee wrote:
    To make that question more about people who are redheads? Because once upon a time-redheads were treated as 'evil'.

    If you believe that being a redhead is not wrong, then tell me, logically, *why* it is not wrong.

    I'll be really curious to read your answer ;)
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    TanyaRubiroseTanyaRubirose Posts: 11,033 Member
    edited August 2013
    manii24 wrote:
    Okay. Guess I just don't care for unisex clothing lol. But since people do then maybe Ea can add that option in. Good luck. O_O

    That's actually the problem with most of the bad things that are happening worldwide. People have no consideration for how other people would feel. They only act upon what's good for them, regardless of how it would turn out to other people. It's easy being part of the majority; you have a lot of people with your same mindset. But it isn't easy to be part of a minority, there's always going to be the hatred and "my beliefs are above yours" situation. People tend to do that because they're scared to step out and fight for what they really believe in. They know they're safe being part of the majority, since more people will agree with them. They just hide behind the silly societal norms and ethics.

    Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you are any of that. It's just that, a person can't see something it hasn't been shown to them. You can interpret that whatever way you wish. And I thank you for supporting this idea. If something doesn't hurt you, then I don't see why you should be opposed to it, know what I'm saying?

    I don't care about people agreeing with me. :) honestly its just a game. I dont see why people take it so seriously.

    While I'm waiting for the game to load, I'll answer this.

    The seriousness isn't about the game; in fact, the actual causes of it are unrelated.

    A lot people play games to blow off steam, or interact with other game players to blow off steam. Now, what happens when you get a bunch of overstressed people together in one area? Sooner or later, people argue. They could be arguing about something as simple as whether blue ink or black ink is better; it doesn't matter. What matters is they are exploding in some way, and that stress is coming out towards another person.

    Others, rather than fight, have serious discussions over trivial things; by the time they're done, they were so focused on the trivial thing that the serious stress affecting their life is temporarily forgotten.

    Naturally, when the game doesn't work and people are overstressed and find they can't use their main outlet... boom.

    And I think I just explained every video game website to you at once.
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    Pandagirl9449Pandagirl9449 Posts: 911 Member
    edited August 2013
    I go on a lot of different gaming websites (mostly the dcuo forum) and I always say the same thing lol. Its just really silly to me. People got too much time on there hands to sit on a gaming forum and argue. :P
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    NoeinNoein Posts: 495 Member
    edited August 2013
    Noein wrote:
    Noein wrote:
    I'm sooooo game for this. The more options the better I think.

    Sometimes I wish I could turn off a specific gender. Just imagine, I could make my own "Themyscira" like world.

    I'm just rambling now.

    Er mer gerd! Then I can truly make wonder woman O.O and maxima..eeek

    Yes! and here I thought I was crazy for thinking such things...Superhero fans unite!

    Crazy? Shoooot no way! I'm a crazy DC fan ^.^ UNITE! *taps power ring*

    Lol, "In brightest day, in blackest night...No evil shall escape my sight." I love me some DC!

    I'm such a nerd, a proud nerd. It doesn't help that it's Geek Week on YouTube!
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,790 Member
    edited August 2013
    MadameLee wrote:
    To make that question more about people who are redheads? Because once upon a time-redheads were treated as 'evil'.

    If you believe that being a redhead is not wrong, then tell me, logically, *why* it is not wrong.

    I'll be really curious to read your answer ;)

    You really misunderstood me. I don't think being a red head is wrong. I'm one myself. I just was pointing out that in the past, being a red head was believed to be 'evil' (aka a witch-I think because the red hair was suppose to be assoicated with the devil or something) as people (not me I support gays)-believe gays are evil today.
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