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Luckyheather's Shell Challenges


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    icanhassimsicanhassims Posts: 790 Member
    Thanks @rosemow and @luckyheather! It was a very nice surprise to log in and see. :) Thank YOU @luckyheather for providing such quality shells :):)
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    TakissisTakissis Posts: 521 Member
    So I'm scrolling through, trying to comment only on what pops out at me. I'd love to have the time to post about everything. But I'm just not that good. Screw it. I'm opening up a text document. I'm gonna comment on every build from start to finish. There are too many good ones.

    Anyway, so I pulled up this thread. First one I see that I love, Icanhassims. Of course, She's awesome. Make a few notes and move on. Next one…Icanhassims…oohhh!!! Wait. I'm noticing a trend here.

    First off, @Luckyheather. Thank you for posting these. I will have to tackle some. I'm averaging about 1 a day right now and I have a backlog, but between these, my husband's requests, and challenges I'm trying, I should be busy at least until I'm out of isolation.

    @Icanhassims Challenge 1 Fairy Godmother's Cabin - Anything with fairy to the name is awesome. No matter what. That's just a fact, I dare you to dispute it. From the outside, it could be any other home, but there are little touches that draws one inside. I love the pond and walkway. Such an eye for detail. Then you go inside. Your decorating tells your story with such detail. I see the woman using the old style appliances for brewing right next to her cooked meals. And your added touches, such as the rug in living room. The blue pops right out and adds to the rest of the room. Oh! And a purple bedroom! *squeaks* Okay..I'll calm down. I love your use of the Realm of Magic pack in this. It fits perfectly.

    @Icanhassims Challenge 2 Open Plan Serenity - this is different and didn't jump out at me immediately, but then I noticed the greenhouse and delved in further. I really like the open plan layout. I am so bad at those. I think I'm too organizational. Good use of pastels, also a difficulty for me. Everything matches so well, but you don't overwhelm with one color. Such an interesting idea for the kitchen. It almost has an unfinished look, no like you didn't finish, but that the person living there is building up. Cute placing of the laundry area. I wouldn't have thought of that. The house just wouldn't have one if there wasn't a natural place that screamed laundry to me. Oh, your greenhouse is a conservatory, even better. It's such a relaxing area with so much color, but it doesn't overwhelm (again)

    @Roseumiee Challenge 3 - At first glance, maybe it was the rocket, but this screamed geek to me; which of course, I adore. I smiled when I got to the toddler room with the little one dreaming under a butterfly. I can't tell you how that appeals to me. And the little racing car beds…Oh! And the view! I love that you captured that in your screenshots. Wow, I love the storytelling you have done with your build. I can see it laying out before me. I see these people, and understand (I believe their life here. Such cute details that add to the whole look. I love the little toy nick nacks on the shelves and the clutter in the kitchen. It has a very lived in feel and is so different than other builds I've seen. It might be because I tend to move passed modern homes, but I really like what you have done here.

    @luckyheather Chall4 First impression. "I've never used those windows before. So that's what they would look like! Cool!" I like the color use and the railings on the curved edges. I like it.

    @Icanhassims Challenge 3 - Modern Escape - Interesting fountain in the corner, simple but still beautiful. Love the flowers next to the staircase. Another great idea that I might…um….use for inspiration. Right. Again great use of color. You have a knack for bring out pops of color. I like the closet. Oooo. Pretty picture in the bathroom.

    @Icanhassims Rustic Painter's Cottage - Challenge 5- So much I could say about this. I want to play in this. That's the best I think I can say. I love the rustic feel, but it's more than that. It appeals to the fantasy geek in me I think, from the tall spiral like roofing to the bright blue flora. I know my mind has wandered into seeing more than what's here. You probably didn't intend the fantasy imagery, but my writer voices in my head have already started storytelling. Something about fairies protecting those that live here away from it all. Now I want to write…dangit.

    @Icanhassims Quaint Cottage - Challenge 6 - Another terrific one. It has a medieval feel to me. I like the window in the top tower. I don't think I've seen that one. Then again, I probably did and just haven't seen it on a wall to see how pretty its. Well done with the growing floral ivy. Its such a nice touch. And the well! Just the fact it is there is just…adorable. My words are escaping me. I love the kitchen as well. The blue tile is lovely against the neutral cabinets. Then you used white to highlight the rest. So well done. Oh! And the living area! The blue! Do I have that couch? Why can I never find these things! This is why I started doing challenges. It gives me a chance to move out of my box and try new things. And where did that tapestry come from? Is that an option with the tree of life one? I need to spend more time looking at swatches.

    @Icanhassims Challenge 5?hmm…Tri-Color Modern - First…purple, love. I like the monochrome look in the kitchen, very stylish. I adore the teen bedroom. Course…there is the fact it's purple. I have such problems with purple matching when I try to do it. I can never find the right colors to compliment! You seem to have it down well. I really like the small grouping of vases in the bedroom. Don't ask me why. I don't know. They are so different from each other, but it works. Cute little tots bedroom. Again, details like the chart board. Such a good touch. Oh, cool pool! Now I just want to jump off the side. Dang, there is a railing. That's no fun.

    @Smoky196 - River's Edge Cute little grey villa style home. I like the neutral colors used on the first floor. I always tend toward the darker shades. I think the neutral tones adds a very zen look to the overall build. Very good use of space. Things look open and not boxed in. That's hard to do. I love the view from the stairwell, the seagulls and the accent table. Oh and a duck. It's adorable. And I love the kitchen!, I have no vocabulary tonight, everything is love and awesome. I'll work on that. But yeah, I like the artwork you have used here. It blends in so well with the color scheme you have. Pretty back view as well with lots of little details that keep it from looking patterned. Good job!

    @Smoky1967 - Steampunk Victorian - Challenge 1 - Very steampunk, so that equals brilliant. I like the edging and that the whole thing is up on a foundation. Really cool. Oh! You have a greenhouse. I love. Browns, tans, very neutral, both dark and light throughout. Again, very steampunk. I like it!

    @KaeCee27 Challenge 5 - The Alpine Queen Cottage - (I need to get better with naming builds) - I like your sim description. It made me smile. I'm going to have to play an evil sim once I get my fill of building. First impression, magical. So much blue, but it works! I also love the glass ceiling on the patio. So pretty. And the pond! Tell me you uploaded that as a room! I love the idea of a separate little gazebo on the side. Good touch with the flower arranging table. Oh! Mushrooms! I so need to do a fairy build. Quaint little kitchen. Such good use of so little space there. And your sim wearing purple. Oh I love her.
    (note, I am so using that desk for inspiration)

    @Shakerella Challenge 1 - 3 Bedroom with Pool - Lovely front view. Its pretty with the flowers and tall hedges walkway. I like how you did the pool as well. That's such a good idea! Another thing I'm going to have to try. I love the touches of blue in the main room. It brings a pop of color into what would have been very monotone. I can almost hear the mom telling her boy to go clean his room. Adorable.

    @Icanhassims Challenge 7 - Tudor Farmhouse - Good job at limiting to the base and Get Together. You of course had to use the Tudor style walls in this one. Great look. Oh! You have a horse! Great design of the kitchen. I like the 3/4 bar there. Another thing I've never thought of. I love the outdoor animal keep. So cute! I think you did a really good job at creating the Tudor feel without it seeming over the top. I really like the stained glass window and the little touches you added in.

    @Icanhasssims - Challenge 8 - Sulani Conservation Dorms - Such a neat concept. Now, do they actually use that telescope for work? Or are they spying on the neighbors? Very tropical vibe here, or the nonword "islandly" is coming to mind. The green/teal against the light wood is interesting. It adds to the tropical feel. Cool stools here as well. It brings both colors in so well that it works. The observatory is so pretty. I love all the sea pictures you used. Congrats on the Maxis fav btw! Well deserved.

    Okay! I caught up. So many new ideas to play with. I'm going to have to tackles a few of these shells. Thank you Luckyheather!
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    luckyheatherluckyheather Posts: 19,883 Member
    Thanks @rosemow and @luckyheather! It was a very nice surprise to log in and see. :) Thank YOU @luckyheather for providing such quality shells :):)

    Thank you @icanhassims for joining in my challenges :) and I am so pleased that all the Nominations are being looked at on the forum for builds and I am so happy knowing you got your great idea for a conservationists build Maxis Faved so now so many simmers will be using it <3:) I always think that, its wonderful they do that here like that did with Sims 3.
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    luckyheatherluckyheather Posts: 19,883 Member
    edited April 2020
    Thank you for doing all those comments @Takissis and its my pleasure to add these shells to help simmers have some fun doing them at any time :) I hope you do have a go with them when you have the time. I too like number 4 shell and I will eventually get to do it Lol as I am busy too at the moment with other things. Im glad you like the colour windows and fencing, that is a fresh colour along with white and great with outdoor furniture. Its a decent sized home too, so good to enjoy furnishing it for a family.
    I hope you and family are staying safe and well at this time.
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    icanhassimsicanhassims Posts: 790 Member
    OMG @Takissis thank you for such detailed and wonderful reviews! The tapestry with the tree is in the Vampires pack under wall hangings. I tend to forget to look at swatches too. You're pretty awesome too. :)
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    PitlordMaggiePitlordMaggie Posts: 390 Member
    edited April 2020
    Gallery name: New Cottage Am See
    Origin id: PitlordMaggie
    Shell nr.1

    Feedback: [yes]/no thanks

    Notes: Art by @rosemow Shell by @luckyheather

    Floor 1:
    Floor 2:


    Room tour:


    Living/dining room

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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,721 Member
    New Cottage Am See is a lovely makeover of the shell! @PitlordMaggie :) Very nice exterior colour and great gardening nook. The floral wreath is pretty over the front door and lamps are nice touches either sides. Very nice porch areas where Sims can enjoy playing chess, doing woodworking and enjoy cooking on the grill. The flags are a great touch on the wall! Very lovely furnishing of the interior! The colours are very nice,Very nice design and layout of the kitchen! The stools counter .variety of stool colours and threads flooring are very nice.Lovely windows art nook to enjoy painting on the easel in the sunshine. Very nice flower arrangement nook! Sims will enjoy doing flower arranging there, and the curtains are pretty! Very lovely living and dining room! The patterned sofa and curtains are lovely! Very pretty candles and flowers on coffee and dining tables. Sims will enjoy sitting resting there watching tv and listening to music. Very nice light filled windows dining area. Sims will have nice outdoors views whilst dining.
    Thankyou very much for using my art! <3
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    luckyheatherluckyheather Posts: 19,883 Member

    I have had to go to Help on Origin today as Origin was saying I was offline, now its working but my in game I am offline! so sent another Help message as this stops me doing things/seeing uploads etc grrrr Im bored now Lol.
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    TakissisTakissis Posts: 521 Member
    Origin was down for nearly 3 hours here. I'm still showing offline to the gallery as well. This helps me none, since I needed something from the gallery. I'm in a holding patter until it comes back up.
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    luckyheatherluckyheather Posts: 19,883 Member
    I am sorry if I am behind with reviews etc I am house sorting and packing in between playing now and then to rest my back. I will try to get on top of things today and tomorrow.
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    PitlordMaggiePitlordMaggie Posts: 390 Member
    Hello @luckyheather Hope you are well, and not straining your back too much. Please take your time, and I am sure you will offer valuable feedback that I can use to grow as a builder. But don't stress it for me.

    *distance hugs*
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    luckyheatherluckyheather Posts: 19,883 Member
    edited April 2020
    Thank you @PitlordMaggie I an now at your New Cottage Am See and you built in on my Fave Plot by the river and the green and grey Clapboard outdoor wall cover along with the green/grey windows looks so pretty in that countryside setting. Love that green roof too and the Stonewall chimney really stands out nicely. The hedges and grey fence is pretty and I like how you sized down the lantern trees as they are huge normally. I see there is some harvest for the roomie who loves being outside, good idea for skills too while being outside. Around the back a good quality BBQ and alarms for outside fires and sprinkler system for inside, we dont want fires getting out of hand do we so good move adding them and a chess set for outdoor fun and the logic skill often needed for work. I like the flags as decoration by the way.
    Now inside, well I am in Love with that kitchen! The way you used the counters and units its so clever and looks stunning! you have turned tall counters around to give amazing looks to the whole area, I have not tried myself maybe I should! The colours are attractive and modern and it looks so good with artwork on some of the units and the little island for sitting and eating is very nicely done. I see both roomies have objects that suit them in there too like the easel and Florist workbench so they can be together possibly chatting while learning/enjoying some skills, love that idea.
    Into the living room with its lovely soft colours and some striking stripes that work so well with the Barn picture. The rugs are pretty by the big TV and sofa and a great table and chairs for guests to enjoy their cooking.
    Upstairs now and the landing has a useful table and decorations box ready for any special event/season of the year. A wonderful colourful and large bathroom that has laundry stuff in there and all colours blend together well matching the walls and lovely rug, its great the bath is a shower as well its nice the room was large enough for that! Great wall decor as well in there even over the sink its so nice in there. I see the roomie that likes being indoors also loves bright colours bringing the sunshine indoors! Also its great that person has plenty to do in their room with reading and using a computer for many things, I bet they love playing sims. The other roomie is the one who loves plants and the outdoors we can tell by the small gardening tools and plenty of plants to look after. The banana leaf wall cover works perfect behind that country style bed I would not have thought it would work but it does! Its great how both bedroom have a door to the bathroom and the landing where they can pop messages on the notice board.

    Thank you for so much entering this lovely home for 2 sharing roomies with different tastes. I will give Feedback and Tips below :)
    Post edited by luckyheather on
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    luckyheatherluckyheather Posts: 19,883 Member
    edited April 2020
    As requested my feedback @PitlordMaggie of your 'New Cottage Am See' I hope my thoughts are useful and you do not have to take notice of what I say if you dont agree with me as we all build differently and learn as we go. Here goes :)
    Around the back garden the tiny tree is cute but I feel there could be more outside such as a garden table and chairs for the BBQ and maybe some plant pots of flowers by the rear windows for some colour to see from inside too. Possibly I would have added something fun on the ground out back or even a couple of loungers and a radio on a small table. Im all for things outside for fun or cooling down in summer like a sprinkler, paddling pool adults can use or even the water balloon bucket ;)
    Inside I would have added more clutter anywhere it is allowed such as the kitchen shelves above the fridge and on the bookshelves by the florist bench. I often add small skill/fun items like the digital notepad/drawing pad, books from debug, a camera in with and relevant small items for a particular room like the little cookie jar etc. I like the pretty flowers on the fireplace and how you added stone wall cover by it, great idea! I should do that Lol.
    Upstairs I love the bathroom best I only wonder will there be problems them both wanting to use that room at the same time, 1 wanting to do laundry the other a bath, I think I would have made it 2 rooms but I love the colours you used and decorative items, I think the shelf can take more items on it by the way. Yes there are 3 spaces I tried them plus the top of the dryer, there are laundry bottles etc you can use. The bright bedroom is really bright and there are loads of places to add clutter/skill objects around the room on the side tables (lamps good there) on the wardrobe in front of mirror, lots of shelves on bookshelf plus on the desk. Go clutter crazy it makes it look people live there and you dont need Moo on those surfaces! The plant lovers bedroom needs clutter too on surfaces, you could put a gardening book or 2 on them and I personally would have used smaller plants as those fit more in the garden and some with more colourful flowers even base game ones we all have. Oh and a pretty rug under the bed would brighten it up, the laundry day wicker woven one in a colour would be pretty and maybe add a 'Wicker Whims Living Chair' from laundry day would be cute in there, to sit and read those gardening books!
    My other tips are to add more lights making sure there is ceiling and wall lights inside every room. I use the Subtle Saucer ceiling light made tiny under every ceiling light or on its own as they give great light! If a huge room I double them on each! You can hide wall lights behind wall units and pictures etc if you dont want to see them. I use a builder Sim with high skills to upgrade fireplace and the Weather Machine so if its dull I get her to click on clear day then put it back in her inventory as its fully upgraded. I use her to make all lights white as the yellow ruins white rooms and sometimes change the colour of lights for effect in clubs etc. Well I hope you find some use of my Feedback/Tips, just remember its all how I do things. I hope to Twitch stream real soon and build plus give Tips and listen to others ideas along the way.
    Thanks for your lovely entry :)

    I had a fiddle about with 2 rooms to give you ideas I hope ok.
    plus you could add shelf under mirror for scent bottles etc and curtains or blinds, I dont always as I love a view outside
    Post edited by luckyheather on
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    luckyheatherluckyheather Posts: 19,883 Member
    edited April 2020

    Shell Challenge 11
    Gallery Link:

    Notes: I removed the doors as they were from Strangerville, the windows are Seasons and by accident left some shingles under eaves from Cats and Dogs. I left stairs and room walls but you can change them of course.
    Post edited by luckyheather on
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    TakissisTakissis Posts: 521 Member
    Oh that one looks like fun. But I have a question. Do you ever sleep? :tongue: You are awesome hun.
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    PitlordMaggiePitlordMaggie Posts: 390 Member
    edited April 2020
    Thank you for your detailed review and feedback. I'm so happy you loved the kitchen! Offline I often use the kitchen and dining for other things than just cooking and eating; like reading, drawing, card games, and I think sims like that too. You are right about the outdoor. I'm relatively new to landscaping/outdoor furniture, it's often a second thought in my play saves. Also I'm a bit clutter shy. It's hard for me to tell when it becomes 'too much' so I tend to go too far the other way - too tidy. Those are two areas I can improve.

    Also bedrooms is one of my least favorite rooms to decorate, so I must admit they got the least 'love'. Not because I didn't care, but because I go a bit creatively blank. I'm happy you liked the bathroom. I worried it might have been too much going on in the room. And you have a good point about the bathroom conflict waiting to happen when one sim wants to do laundry and the other sim wants a bath.

    Actually I use Subtle Saucer 99% of the time when I am decorating because I like how easy it is to see with it. But I remove it to place other light. I never thought about just minimizing it and hide it. I want to start doing that! Liked the idea of hiding the lights behind decor, as finding just the right lamp can be so hard! I never thought about having a handiness sim for my builds. It's so clever! I'll implement that for my next build :smile:

    I don't mind you did some changes to those rooms, because I'm a visual learner so I can see what you mean. And I feel you respected what I was trying to do with the rooms. It's more of a 'yes,and' than a redo.

    Thank you for taking your time to play with my build, and writing about it.
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    luckyheatherluckyheather Posts: 19,883 Member

    Hi @PitlordMaggie I must admit I dont have any Fave residential rooms as I have done thousands of builds over the years Lol but I do love doing a room to upload individually and I seem to try much harder doing 1 at a time its great adding them to the gallery, such a cool idea by EA! I go clutter mad with them cant help it Lol. Oh another thing I do with that ceiling light is hide in inside columns and its great to light around a build ;) I also like to use 2 different columns together with Moo for a new one :)
    Im glad you like my playing about with the rooms, its easier to show than explain.
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    icanhassimsicanhassims Posts: 790 Member
    @luckyheather you forgot to add gallery links to your new shells! :open_mouth: They look awesome :)
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    PitlordMaggiePitlordMaggie Posts: 390 Member
    @luckyheather for some reason I also go in more depths with my challenge rooms than my other builds. I guess it is because I have to fill all my ideas into one room instead of spreading it out over more rooms?
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    luckyheatherluckyheather Posts: 19,883 Member

    Thank you so much @icanhassims for telling me as I am doing too many things at once atm as I am sorting and packing an entire house as I will be moving into a small one level home on my own as soon as I can, as my husband of nearly twenty four years does not want me anymore. As (you know) I have a back problem and other health issues I have to do some things gradually, a couple of hours a day plus rest and play sims. Thank goodness I have the sims and simmers, yesterday started trying to do settings for Twitch its very complicated and hopefully my daughter (over mobile) will explain how to get it all running online. Fingers crossed we can work it out then I can build/play on Twitch possibly every day in future :) Thanks again for noticing ;)
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