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Is there any way to stop NPCs from spawning during a party?

brittpinkiebrittpinkie Posts: 52 Member
edited March 5 in Nominated Threads
Remember in TS3 when we could have the option to make a party private, so that other Sims won't show up on the lot? I'm trying to create another new party type (I've already done a baby shower) and don't really want NPCs spawning on the lot in addition to those who were hired for the event, and those who were invited to the party. Specifically, I'm creating Prom as a custom event for teens only. I have made it so only teens can throw the party and only teens can come to the party, however, I find a bit jarring when they show up to the venue and there's random adults there, too.

I've looked in many of the .xml files trying to figure out what I should add or change. I found this when looking at the tdesc for the Situation Job files:

"<TunableTuple name="sim_auto_invite" class="TunableInterval" display="Sim Auto Invite" filter="0" group="General" description="On situation start it will select a random number of sims in this interval. It will automatically add npcs to the situation so that it has at least that many sims in this job including those the player invites/hires. If the player invites/hires more than the auto invite number, no npcs will be automatically added. Auto invite sims are considered to be invited, so they will be& spawned for invite only situations too. For player initiated situations you probably want to set this 0. It is really meant for commercial venues. You can use Churn tuning on this job if you want the number of sims to vary over time. Churn tuning will override this one. For example, an ambient bar situation would have a high auto invite number for the customer job because we want many sims in the bar but the player doesn't invite or hire anybody for an ambient situation. A date would have 0 for this for all jobs because the situation would never spawn anybody to fill jobs, the player would have to invite them all.">"

I've tried adding in this option to my "party guest" job and then changing the numbers, but nothing seems to change. I'm probably going about it completely wrong. The only thing I can think of is modifying the venues themselves, but that would override EVERYTHING, not just for when I'm throwing this particular party.

Any ideas? Can it be done? If not, is there a work around? @SimGuruModSquad any help?
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    luthienrisingluthienrising Posts: 37,632 Member
    If it's a public venue type them no, there's no way to hire the entire venue. A generic lot type might work for you, though. Residential would also work.
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    brittpinkiebrittpinkie Posts: 52 Member
    If it's a public venue type them no, there's no way to hire the entire venue. A generic lot type might work for you, though. Residential would also work.

    I've actually settled for doing the event at generic lots and it works perfectly, but I was wondering if there was any other way...mostly just for future reference.
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    SimGuruModSquadSimGuruModSquad Posts: 597 Member
    Hey guys, from the engieer who knows this code the best:

    If you want to override what happens at a public venue then you need to override the ZoneDirector for the lot so that only the NPCs you want show up. You’ll need to make your own complex situation and have it inherit SituationZoneDirectorMixin (along with SituationComplexCommon) which will give you the ability to specify what zone director you want to have running when the zone spins up with your situation.

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    brittpinkiebrittpinkie Posts: 52 Member
    Hey guys, from the engieer who knows this code the best:

    If you want to override what happens at a public venue then you need to override the ZoneDirector for the lot so that only the NPCs you want show up. You’ll need to make your own complex situation and have it inherit SituationZoneDirectorMixin (along with SituationComplexCommon) which will give you the ability to specify what zone director you want to have running when the zone spins up with your situation.


    Thank you for that SGMS! I will try it out and report back if I have any issues or if I figured it out :hushed:

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