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Toddlers make their return - the Sims 4 cure all?


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    jamipink21jamipink21 Posts: 7 New Member
    I miss toddlers, the sims 4 is a let down. It's still fun to play but I miss so many things from the sims 3. Even if they came out with a expansion pack like how they had generations & just add toddlers into that so it's optional to want toddlers of not.
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    gaming4life568gaming4life568 Posts: 18 New Member
    edited May 2015
    > @WolfEyes said:
    > gaming4life568 wrote: »
    > gaming4life568 It is for real. On this forum when they ban people they don't delete posts. That destroys the discussion. The avatar is changed to the one with the red background and says user banned carry on when a poster is banned.

    Thanks for the heads up on that. I didn't know. Haven't been in forums too much in the last 5 yrs or so lol. So, as you can see....I am a newbie :wink:

    ETA: The smilies don't work either??
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    WolfEyesWolfEyes Posts: 2,192 Member
    edited May 2015
    > @WolfEyes said:
    > gaming4life568 wrote: »
    > gaming4life568 It is for real. On this forum when they ban people they don't delete posts. That destroys the discussion. The avatar is changed to the one with the red background and says user banned carry on when a poster is banned.

    Thanks for the heads up on that. I didn't know. Haven't been in forums too much in the last 5 yrs or so lol. So, as you can see....I am a newbie :wink:

    ETA: The smilies don't work either??

    They do work. You can select from the ones on the dropdown or type in the : and a menu will pop up. If you type in a letter after the colon the selections will change.

    ETA: At least I don't think you have to graduate from new member to member for them to work...
    Sims 4 Simple Elegance


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    Mitakuye oyasin.
    To all my relations, keep dancing.
    Believe or you will not see.
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    leo3487leo3487 Posts: 4,067 Member
    I still think than toddlers will become with an Expansion Pack, as EA see the game has good sales even without toddlers
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    jcp011c2jcp011c2 Posts: 10,874 Member
    edited May 2015
    Todders will not be the cure all. They would however make many people happy and add much in the way of family play. I think the game has other issues that adding toddlers, or any kind of object/lifestate will not be able to fix for everyone.

    It would however make the game better than it is now.

    Edit to add: For some people toddlers will add the one thing they need to make the game perfect. That's fine and I'm happy for them. I just don't think it will make the game perfect for everyone, or even most people.
    It's kind of sad that I have to point out that anything I say is only just my opinion and may be a different one from someone else.
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    blueeplblueepl Posts: 7 New Member
    Personally, I really like playing the game but i would love it if they added toddlers (its the main feature that's missing for me). Any other features I don't mind waiting to be added in expansions and game packs etc as its how it was done in previous games as well. It has to be done right though. For example I loved pets in Sims 2 and eagerly anticipated them in Sims 3 but then hated that i had to be them and didn't play with them at all.
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    DaniMarie1129DaniMarie1129 Posts: 4 New Member
    The main reason I want toddlers is because what can you really do with babies? I just think it adds SO much more gameplay. I mean we cant even carry babies in The Sims 4. I just think that toddlers are a good addition so that children have a lifestage that 1) they don't go to school 2) can move around and sims can carry them 3) valuable time to build skills. And really, how does it make any since for a baby to turn right into a child? Toddlers is a MUST for any generation type of expansion. I just really miss being able to put toddlers in play pens and such. If EA just added toddlers with a lot of toys and interactions, I would be super happy. Also, we REALLY need some more stuff and furniture to do with children. A Generations like expansion is my dream for The Sims 4. I pray everyday LOL.
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    hopperhopper Posts: 6 New Member
    I think a "Generations" EP would be super awesome! I miss the toddlers the most from TS3. From reading this thread, it seems like there's a dividing line of people who want toddlers and people who don't want them. By it being part of an EP versus and update, people can opt out of having them in their games. On top of wanting toddlers, I think it would be better to make teens and young adults a little more different looking. It's kind of confusing sometimes and I need to hover over a lot of the sims to see what their ages are :/

    Personally, I think Maxis and EA have done an outstanding job on TS4. I enjoy the emotions/facial expressions, don't like the loading screens, and seriously miss the toddlers. All in all, it's still a good game and I hope to see a "Generations" EP with toddlers in the near future!
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    Purple-InkPurple-Ink Posts: 82 Member
    One thing I have never understood about the people who complain about how toddler are labor intensive is the in real life toddlers are that way. I don't understand how you could make a realistic toddler stage without it being labor intensive.

    And maybe I'm weird but I always liked how much work you have to put into toddlers.
    PurpleLilies0220 on the Sims 4 Gallery
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    SmokeyBearzSmokeyBearz Posts: 1,138 Member
    The baby and toddler phases were my favorite part of growing a family, so I understand the people wanting for them to return, but my play style is more concentrated on singles, so you won't see me complaining that much. I feel lot of different things should have a priority over the return of toddlers. Things like more careers, a more realistic art style, a create a world tool, an open world or neighborhoods, a create a style, apartments, roommates, and lots and lots of interactions and activities.

    But still I agree, for a life simulator to remove a life stage is weird. EA tried to change the game from a town-wide family micro management dynamic, to a young adults chilling together and not doing anything much other than chatting with emotions dynamic. And we have Olympus to blame for this.
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    ferret9005ferret9005 Posts: 1,361 Member
    Nope Toddlers won't fix this lackluster train wreck.
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    rebeccaturtrebeccaturt Posts: 8 New Member
    edited July 2015
    I really hesitated before buying the game a few months after its release because of the fact it didn't have any toddlers. I suppose I've gotten used to the lack of toddlers now and I've completely forgotten about them to be honest. It still feels quite unnatural and abrupt with a little baby tied to a bassinet suddenly becoming a child, able to do almost everything for itself. I do kind of miss toddlers- the whole stage of teaching them how to walk and everything.
    Also, imagine the new adorable outfits and hairstyles they would have. Yeah, I know.
    Overall, I don't really mind what happens to toddlers in the future. I've gotten used to not having them now, as I said, but I still miss that life stage.
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    astridewastridew Posts: 2 New Member
    > @blunderwoman727 said:
    > For me toddlers complete the family dynamic for sure. I think they added some reality to simulating family life and a bit of a challenge which can make things interesting. Toddlers beat the heck out of the creepy bassinet babies to me anyway...
    > As for me the game won't be worth anything until AT LEAST an open world is brought back and there's story progression. The world is too restrictive and the constant loading screens take away from immersion. Despite the sims being loaded into a venue when you arrive to one the fact that they just age up and die makes them lifeless devoid of purpose. It's bizarre and also breaks immersion because it makes it clear that nothing is alive in the world except for you. That's the reality of the situation but still story progression at least made it feel you were part of a living and breathing sim world. So for me it's not just toddlers that's an issue...but it would be good to bring them back.

    and i've read a pretty big amount of forums about is
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    sparkler_rosesparkler_rose Posts: 466 Member
    Toddlers will not fix anything really. But since you can auto age a sim, adding them would be most fair. For those that don't want to deal with it just age it up, as most ppl do with babies. For those of us that do want them, we'll have them
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    CalebFillionCalebFillion Posts: 293 Member
    I'm always late on these things but hey ho. I never played sims 2 until recently. To be exact when EA gave it away for free. I had it on the play station and although I loved being able to play with another person, it is multi, I rarely get the chance. I eagerly awaited sims 3 and was not disappointed in it at all. Then my infant grew into this toddler person and I was in love. I never had a problem with them, hated them, wanted them to hurry up and grow or any of those things. I enjoyed that time of their lives and hated it when it was time to age up. I always set my game to epic and gave them a month. I wished for, dreamed about, begged EA for a double or even triple, quadruple, quintuple pushchair like in real life. I discovered mod the sims, tsr and many other things including nrass. All hail the mighty nrass and where is s/he now with sims 4? Red herring, back to toddlers. No, they will not fix all the woes of sims 4. Nothing will short of listening to us, the people who buy and the people who play. Until EA designers to that nothing will change and I play sims 4 once in a blue moon. I waited until it was "on sale" which it is a lot and that in itself says a lot. I have some custom content because EA has no idea on how to make things nice for us. But I don't play it like sims 3 and probably won't until they can sort of the whole origin junk and the sims 3 junk now that it all HAS to be on origin. Last year I played sims 3 every day for hours. This year I have had two families and played maybe a grand total of one month. I haven't lost the desire, just the will with all that is wrong with this used to be wonderful past time for me. Toddlers may not solve the worlds ills, but they sure wouldn't hurt.
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    ChadSims2ChadSims2 Posts: 5,094 Member
    edited August 2015
    Would toddlers cure all for me no but them being in game would be major for me as a family game player the three game breakers for me is no toddlers, adult teens and being stuck in a Maxis created world. So for me to really enjoy this game I'd need toddlers pre-teens so I would have normal sized teens or at least a gap between child instant adult sized teen and a world creator so I can be in a world free of purple trees and big statue dinosaurs in a world of my own design.

    Far from my only issues others being missing NPCs the Sims lack of awareness of other Sims around them and bassinet babies but these things I can live with if they never got fixed.
    Post edited by ChadSims2 on
    Sims 4 went from "You Rule" to "One of the stories we want you to tell"
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    SimzSizzleSimzSizzle Posts: 433 Member
    TOLKIEN wrote: »
    So I've been bouncing about these forums having read, started and joined many a discussion and without fail toddlers always come up - with the demand for them.

    I know, shocking insight!

    Seriously though, toddler discussions by themselves get thousands of views and replies, with many simmers swearing off the game until their included once again and many others see the game as broken until their returned. Then it seems everyday we get new hate topics which always mentioned the lack of toddlers, like they are the end of all of the Sims 4 problems.

    Truly to all of you, is their lack of game presence REALLY destroying your ability to play the game? Does it all truly hinge on toddlers?

    I DO understand the argument that you feel ripped off because content you feel was key to game play was removed, that EA owes it to you because you gave them your money - but you also paid for content you know didn't include toddlers to begin with. They didn't lie to you, you weren't forced to buy it sans toddler, you bought it by choice. If you didn't buy it, then good, that was your choice too.

    Ironically a lot of people, people who LIKE toddlers have commented in various topics how annoying toddlers are in previous games too. Well lets put that in prospective.

    The Sims 4 has emotions now.

    Which means so will toddlers.

    I want you to think about that for a second. ANYBODY that has ever had kids or babysat toddlers will know what I'm getting at.

    I honestly fear the return of toddlers in the Sims 4 - they will likely be a complete chore to play, if not the most annoying life stage of all time and honestly - I wouldn't put it beyond the developers to make Toddlers utterly "emotional realistic" in doing so, with a "well you want toddlers, so here you go" attitude.

    The better question is, do toddlers justify the huge amount of attention they generate? Or is it a matter of principal of content expectation of a Sims game regardless? Will their re-inclusion some how fix all the wrongs the Sims 4 has committed?

    Beyond that I truly believe if you don't like the game now and toddlers are the first thing you complain about, well lets face its, it will still be the same game in all but one regard...

    edited for grammar

    If you like to play families to completion yes missing toddlers destroys the gameplay.
    On the other hand, if you like to play single Sims then no it doesn't
    It's all according to what type of way the Simmer likes to play.
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    yoda65yoda65 Posts: 3,410 Member
    I miss the toddlers, a "Generations" EP would be great! I Wish we have seasons and weather too :p
    Gallery link - I wish Toddlers, Weather, Pets… in Sims 4
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    v12creatorv12creator Posts: 3,626 Member
    edited August 2015
    No, not really. I mean, yeah, toddlers will surely please a lot of people but that will not keep people from complaining. Some people will even keep complaining about toddlers, i belive even now people still complain about lack of pools despiste it beign included already, just because they complain just for the act of complaining.

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    FantiSciFantiSci Posts: 87 Member
    Toddlers don't make much difference to my play style at all; I prefer Teen ->Adult households. Odd but true.

    I think the issue here is that toddlers are something visible and material: if they're added in we can SEE them, and people can point to it and go "There! Look, the game is better! Huzzah!". My main issues with Sims 4, however, are all under the hood: no open world, lack of detail in the setting (especially the main menu), concern that adding Seasons is going to be an issue, the awkwardness of skill building, the nagging suspicion that what we actually have is a game where a great deal of time and effort was spent on making it online-multiplayer, only for them to realise that was a terrible idea... but releasing the game anyway without replacing the multiplayer with something more appropriate and just leaving those multiplayer functions lying around like the human appendix (i.e. doing nothing but randomly trying to kill you).

    Fixing those problem is an impossibility at this stage in the game: we've been told "It's a closed world, it's never going to be an open world, deal with it." It can't be fixed without a total overhaul. But toddlers? Toddlers are possible. They're EA's chance to go from villain to hero overnight. And I think there's a certain pragmatism in that way of thinking: I am never going to like the basic design of the game, but if you give me enough good content, I'll put up with it. Okay, so the fact that I either have to lug the whole household around with me like reluctant teenagers on a family holiday (when Sims 3 let me leave someone skill building at home while someone else was off on a jaunt), or basically play favourites and dump most of the household in favour of getting my Scientist a promotion, is always going to rankle.

    ...but hand over elemental Sims, give me back my unicorns, revisit diving and let my Sim become a teacher, and I guarantee that I would complain a lot less. I might not be interested in toddlers, but the only difference between me and the Toddlerites is differing interest. We want content in our game that can let us forget how dissatisfied we are with the mechanics, because those mechanics aren't likely to be fixed.
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    GemziiGiftGemziiGift Posts: 1 New Member
    Personally for me, I think they should add the toddler feature into the Sims 4, but make it optional. After reading the majority of the comments, it's all 50/50 - therefore the only real solution to the problem is for the Sims 4 to create a Family pack with the toddlers included. Therefore it suits everybody fine. For those who do not like toddlers and, believe with the new 'emotions' feature to the Sims will make it harder to look after them, or for any other reason regards to not liking the toddler feature - they do not have to download/ purchase it.

    I do favour toddlers, only because I thoroughly enjoy making a family tree (which I thank the Sims 4 for bringing that feature back in this game.,) and also, I love seeing my Sim family to grow. I do believe the Sims 4 has a strong resemblance of the first Sims, sorely due to the fact of the creators focussing strongly on their careers rather than the family itself.
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    Cindyjo5477Cindyjo5477 Posts: 81 Member
    I agree with @GemziiGift I would love to see a family/generation pack where they added toddlers back. But also i would like to see those toddlers able to talk and play with each other. If you ever watch two toddlers in a room they do socialize with each other. In the past games its like toddlers don't even noticed other toddlers at all.
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    MissCharlieMissCharlie Posts: 405 Member
    for me bringing toddlers back would solve all my problems and keep me playing sims 4 but if they decided not to bring back the toddlers I wont keep playing sims 4 having no toddlers ever is a last straw for me. they really need to bring it out in the next expansion pack I think we have been patient enough, as the sims people cant give as a straight answer if they are coming back or not. I think there avoiding the question and bring out other little expansions so we will buy them and we will keep waiting to see if we get toddlers there sim people are just greedy evil little money hungry people.
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    UniSimsUniSims Posts: 1,246 Member
    edited August 2015
    I really loved toddlers and I would be ecstatic to see them return. However it may make others mad that other features such as Create a style or Open world won't return.

    Edit for a spelling mistake

    Everything is more colourful in black and white
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    pupunikpupunik Posts: 62 Member
    hello my dear good afternoon !!!
    hi I'm from Brazil and again in forums come from other countries to read opinions and etc ... and found your topic ...
    here in Brazil who plays the more so, are: mothers, aunts, parents and grandmother (yes she plays) but anyway I also.
    and they like to look after the family and remember even the children even when small .. and sales of the yes 4 here do not give right !!!
    the toldders would make a big difference for us here, it would be up to something ... to make fans of Brazil vibrate of emotion !!!
    sorry I do not speak the English fluently and used the google translator obriigada. :)
    and even kisses.
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