The final, special edition of the Friday Highlights has been posted here. Take a trip down memory lane with us.
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*Olde Fairy Tale Village *A Build-n-Share Neighborhood Project* Everyone Welcomed!


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    ConstelationWolfConstelationWolf Posts: 5
    edited June 2014
    Having some trouble...
    My main computer will NOT turn on! I cant do anything with it right now, so I cant upload. Sorry I've been inactive and waited till now to say this, I've been busy because my grandfather has cancer... Please understand. If I am able to get on I will upload it right away. if I cant in a day or so i'll tell you to give it to someone else. So sorry and I hope you understand.
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    folalafolala Posts: 307 Member
    edited June 2014
    Residential Lots
    Lot 64: Created by: Folala
    Name of lot: Merchants building (Ali Baba & the 40 thieves)
    Address & Size: 373 Skyborough, 30x40
    Link to Lot:
    CC Content: none but a lot of Store stuff

    Better late than never :oops: This challenge has been a lot of fun - thanks to all at B-N-S, I'm sure this was a massive amount of organising. Can't wait to see the finished neighborhood.
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    ArikaBArikaB Posts: 259 Member
    edited June 2014
    Here is a sneak peek at Joe Magarac's Steel Mill that I've been working on all day. If I get the go-ahead to have it be designated a community lot, I will upload this one to the exchange. Otherwise, I will have to rework it to replace all the community objects I used. It was fun and challenging to build! :)


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    ArikaBArikaB Posts: 259 Member
    edited June 2014
    Community Lots
    Lot Name & #: JJ. 299 Skyborough - Barney’s Salon and Tattoo (Ambitions) - Transform the Ugly Duckling Salon & Tattoo
    Claimed by: ArikaB
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    soocoolsimsoocoolsim Posts: 6,269 Member
    edited June 2014
    Your mill looks really cool ArikaB. Even if a concern for this project since the intent could be for the sims to live there, maybe you could also upload the community lot version too perhaps :-)
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    SillyCaileySillyCailey Posts: 374 Member
    edited June 2014
    I want to apologize for being so late with my community lot, a friend went into Hospice early last week and I have been spending a lot of time with her, and not really thinking about Sims. In fact she is the one that insisted that I get my butt back here and get this thing completed and as a former simmer I will let her tell me that.

    So here is the link and one pic - I will try to get a link to some more pics up either later tonite or later this weekend - as my friend thinks I need some rest this weekend.


    Link to Lot:

    Community Lots
    Letter & Name of Lot: X Fallen Falls Fortress
    Created by: SillyCailey
    Place at: 57 WaterFall Way(replaces Stoney Falls)
    CC Content: No 3rd party cc - EP's SP's and store content only - CUSTARD checked

    I am gonna try and go thru now and rec what everyone has gotten completed so far, I haven't had a chance to check 'em out yet but I know they all deserve a rec.


    edit: to fix link :oops:
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    soocoolsimsoocoolsim Posts: 6,269 Member
    edited June 2014
    Hi again ArikaB. I've already claimed and completed the Ugly Duckling Salon & Tattoo - see post on page 16 :-)
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    ArikaBArikaB Posts: 259 Member
    edited June 2014
    soocoolsim wrote:
    Hi again ArikaB. I've already claimed and completed the Ugly Duckling Salon & Tattoo - see post on page 16 :-)

    Well, shoot. Sorry, I completely missed that. Thanks for the heads up!
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    ZayvenZayven Posts: 67 Member
    edited June 2014

    Community Lots
    Letter & Name of Lot: AA. Golden Cove
    Created by: Zayven
    Place at: Recurve Strand
    Size: 40x30
    CC Content: No
    You swear you took the right path, but suddenly the scenery has shifted to some other place, some other time. A mist hangs at the edge of a grove of golden foilage, but curiousity slides in and pulls your feet forward before any superstitious dread seeps in, and tenderly you walk into a land of willow-o-wisps and butterflies flittering in the sunshine and gorgeous shells lining a shimmering coastline. But what else could be hiding behind leaves and petals of yellow and gold?

    Can someone please tell me how to include multiple screenshots onto the uploaded lots? I took a bunch of them but can't figure it out, nor is google being any help at all :(
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    BuildnShareBuildnShare Posts: 4,061 Member
    edited June 2014
    soocoolsim - I have added your residential and your community lot details to the list :mrgreen:

    CHimechAnga - Thanks for the heads up, all fixed :)

    ArikaB - I have updated the details of residential lots 5 &50 for you hon. And for your Magarac family, and claimed the stel mill for you, I have no problem with it being a community lot, but you may want to try and upload both versions, so that people have somewhere for old Joe to live..... As for upgrades on items, I am 99% sure that they stay that way ;)

    folala - I have updated the details on Residential lot #64 for you :mrgreen:

    oXseashellXo - I have unclaimed Community Lot J for you sweet, sorry you didn't get to join in *hugs*

    dducknbelle - I have updated your Residential Lot details sweetie.

    MaryKup - I have updated the details of Sleeping Beauty's Castle hon :mrgreen:

    Zayven - There is no official turn in date for this, it's ongoing :thumbup: And I have updated the details for your Community Lot AA :mrgreen:

    Megster2000 - I have updated the details of lot #52 for you :mrgreen:

    SillyCailey - I have updated the details of your community lot X :mrgreen:

    Again, there is no official deadline for this, so if there is still a lot or a family that is unclaimed, and you fancy trying your hand at it, please feel free. I will endeavour to keep the lists up to date, probably about twice a week...

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    SillyCaileySillyCailey Posts: 374 Member
    edited June 2014

    SillyCailey - I have updated the details of your community lot X :mrgreen:

    Again, there is no official deadline for this, so if there is still a lot or a family that is unclaimed, and you fancy trying your hand at it, please feel free. I will endeavour to keep the lists up to date, probably about twice a week...

    I have corrected the link to my lot in my original post, if you could correct it in the official list it would be much appreciated :mrgreen:
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    ArikaBArikaB Posts: 259 Member
    edited June 2014
    ArikaB - I have updated the details of residential lots 5 &50 for you hon. And for your Magarac family, and claimed the stel mill for you, I have no problem with it being a community lot, but you may want to try and upload both versions, so that people have somewhere for old Joe to live..... As for upgrades on items, I am 99% sure that they stay that way ;)

    I built the mill sort of like how the fire station is - there is a bunk room with 6 beds, bathrooms, a kitchen, and a common space. So Joe and any other sim could stay there indefinitely. At least until they start getting stir crazy. :)
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    BuildnShareBuildnShare Posts: 4,061 Member
    edited June 2014
    SillyCailey - done :D

    ArikaB - sounds perfect!!
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    ArikaBArikaB Posts: 259 Member
    edited June 2014
    Residential Lots
    Lot #: 3
    Created by: ArikaB
    Name of lot: Joe Magarac's Steel Mill Building
    Address & Size: 58 Water Lily Ln 30x40
    Link to Lot:
    CC Content: only EA content

    ***NOTE: When placing in your world, set the lot to community/visitors allowed so all of the water towers stay. :)

    Media: Magarac Steel Mill?sort=6&page=1
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    ArikaBArikaB Posts: 259 Member
    edited June 2014
    Name of Lot: Bremen Town Musicians' Cottage
    Number: #31
    Address: 433 Sunnyside Blvd
    Claimed By: ArikaB

    15. The Bremen Town Musicians
    Claimed By: ArikaB
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    ArikaBArikaB Posts: 259 Member
    edited June 2014
    Question about the Bremen Town Musicians I just claimed - am I making animals (who cannot play instruments in game) or Sims who look like animals and play music? I can go either way. What did you have in mind?
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    RachelShennanRachelShennan Posts: 163 Member
    edited June 2014
    Really sorry this is so late! Not had access to the internet for a while.


    Fairy Tale Name & # The Little Mermaid, 13
    Family Members: Prince, King, Temple Girl (future wife of Prince)
    Created by: Rachel Shennan
    Link to Family:
    CC Content: NO CC, only store

    Community Lots

    Letter & Name of Lot: 16. Rapunzel's Home
    Created by: RachelShennan
    Place at: 12 Sim Lane - 40x30 corner lot
    CC Content: No CC, only store.
    Link to Lot:
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    soocoolsimsoocoolsim Posts: 6,269 Member
    edited August 2014
    OK, since we're still continuing on, I'll claim the following...

    Middle Eastern Tales

    25. Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves

    Family 2 Members: 8 Thieves
    Claimed by: Soocoolsim
    Link to Family:
    CC Content: None


    (Edited to fix broken link)
    Post edited by soocoolsim on
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    ArikaBArikaB Posts: 259 Member
    edited June 2014
    Residential Lots
    Lot #: 31
    Created by: ArikaB
    Name of lot: Bremen Town Musicians' Cottage
    Address & Size: 433 Sunnyside, 30x30
    Link to Lot:
    CC Content: only EA content
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    soocoolsimsoocoolsim Posts: 6,269 Member
    edited June 2014
    OK, keeping on with the theme to give my thieves a home, I'll claim the following...

    Residential Lots

    Lot #: 67. Ali Baba & the 40 Thieves
    Claimed by: Soocoolsim
    Name of lot: Thieves Den
    Address & Size: 442 Skyborough - 30x30 corner lot
    Link to Lot:
    CC Content:
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    ArikaBArikaB Posts: 259 Member
    edited July 2014
    Fairy Tale Name & #: 15. Bremen Town Musicians
    Family Members: Donkey, Dog, Cat, Rooster, and 4 Robbes
    Created by: ArikaB
    Link to Family:
    CC Content: only EA content

    Esel Musiker (Donkey): Aries, virtuoso, vegetarian, good sense of humor, excitable, brave, LW golden tongue-golden fingers, likes pancakes, country music, and green.

    Katze Musiker (Cat): Leo, virtuoso, hydrophobic, night owl, neat, snob, LW rock star, likes sushi, soul music, orange.

    Hund Sanger (dog): capricorn, virtuoso, loves to swim, friendly, couch potato, brave, LW vocal legen, likes stu surprise, beach party music, and yellow.

    Hahn Sanger (Rooster): Cancer, virtuoso, rebellious, natural born performer, diva, light sleeper, LW one sim band, likes fish & chips, electronica, and red.

    Barrett Hellewege- Taurus, brave, vehicle enthusiast, handy, evil, klepto, LW master theif, likes steak, dark wave, and gray.

    Everet Beringer- Gemini, athletic, snob, evil, klepto, irresistible, LW master thief, likes lobster, hip hop, and blue.

    Griselle Falkenrath- Scorpio, evil, klepto, daredevil, neurotic, mean spirited, LW Possession is 9/10 of the law, likes frogs legs, dark wave, and violet.

    Link Albrecht- Aquarius, artistic, evil, klepto, mooch, loves to swim, LW Possesion is 9/10 of the law, likes stir-fry, Island life, and red.

    Musicians: Donkey, Cat, Dog, Rooster:

    Robbers: Griselle, Barrett, Link, Everet
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    ArikaBArikaB Posts: 259 Member
    edited July 2014
    Residential Lots
    Name of Lot: Paul Bunyan's Logging Camp
    Lot #: 19
    Address: 36 Sim Lane
    Claimed by: ArikaB

    29. Paul Bunyan, Babe (the blue ox), 3 Lumberjacks
    Claimed by: ArikaB
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    ArikaBArikaB Posts: 259 Member
    edited July 2014
    Fairy Tale Name & # 29 Paul Bunyan
    Family Members: Paul Bunyan, Babe the Blue Ox, 3 Lumberjacks
    Created by: ArikaB
    Link to Family:
    CC Content: only EA content

    Residential Lots
    Lot #: 19
    Created by: ArikaB
    Name of lot: Paul Bunyan's Logging Camp
    Address & Size: 36 Sim Lane, 30x40
    Link to Lot:
    CC Content: only EA content

    Media for camp & family: Bunyans Logging Camp?sort=9&page=1
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    ArikaBArikaB Posts: 259 Member
    edited July 2014
    Fairy Tale # and Name: #10-2 Rumpelstiltskin Family 2
    Family Members: Rumpelstiltskin & Greedy King
    Claimed by: ArikaB

    Residential Lots
    Name of Lot: King's Manor (Rumpelstiltskin)
    Lot #: 37
    Address: 280 Sunnyside Blvd
    Claimed by: ArikaB
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    CHimechAngaCHimechAnga Posts: 290 Member
    edited July 2014
    Hey gang I'm back from my vacation and wanted to know if it's too late to claim another family? If not I'd like to make:

    (17) Tom Thumb Family #1 - Thomas, Thomas' Wife and Tom Thumb

    For the community lot I'd like to do the base game
    (E) Sacred Spleen Memorial Hospital on Mirabella and Main1 transforming it into: Haven of Healing

    since Tom Thumb's Family #1 house has already been claimed is there a residential lot that needs to be claimed? I'll take on one. Just let me know which one. Thanks!

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