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The Parent Trap Challenge

Hey Simmers! :-)

I now have a YouTube channel with Let's Play videos and Challenge videos of the Sims 3.

Check out "SIMple Bliss" today!

Here are my current playlists (challenge LPs):

The Parent Trap challenge--

The Performing Arts School Challenge--

The Amazon Challenge--

The Hunger Games Challenge--

Please, subscribe to my channel, rate, and share. Hope you enjoy!


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    KimSim1965KimSim1965 Posts: 712 Member
    edited May 2014
    Hey Blissful Simmers, I have a new original challenge that I am starting on my YouTube channel (SIMple Bliss). The challenge is called the Hippie Harvest Challenge!


    Hippie Harvest Challenge RULES:
    Peace, man! Welcome to the Hippie Harvest Challenge! This challenge is part farming challenge and part commune challenge.

    The primary objective is to create a hippie Sim who must slowly master all aspects of farming and animal husbandry, while gradually expanding his/her hippie compound to at least 6 Sims. Overall, your hippie Sim will gradually move from sole subsistence farming to a fully-functioning, self-sufficient hippie commune. *You will have pets at some point, so I suggest the following MODS: NRaas Mover; NRaas Portrait Panel. I have all EPs, SPs, and a lot of Store items in this challenge.

    Commune members should NOT have a job, career, or profession of any kind. All skills must be LEARNED BY DOING! In other words, the Sims cannot use skill books and cannot take classes in order to acquire skills.

    Game Options Settings: Ages for YA and Adult should be 28 days and Elder should be 14 days (the younglings can be whatever you prefer). Use all 4 seasons and set them to 7 days each. Use all the types of weather. Change your lunar cycle to any permanent setting EXCEPT full moon: No Zombies allowed—this is not a supernatural challenge. Demographics should allow only for pets and horses—again no supernaturals—and uncheck celebrities from progressing. Finally, opt your current household out of celebrity status.

    Begin with one YA Sim (male or female), who must look like a hippie from the American 1960s-early 70s. Required traits: rebellious, eco-friendly, and loves the outdoors. Suggested traits: absent-minded, adventurous, brave, charismatic, couch-potato, daredevil, friendly, frugal, good, heavy sleeper, mooch, schmoozer, technophobe, and vegetarian. (Forbidden traits: ambitious, angler, animal lover, bookworm, cat person, computer whiz, dog person, equestrian, gatherer, green thumb, hates the outdoors, loner, proper, snob, and vehicle enthusiast.) Any LTW is fine, but it probably shouldn’t conflict with the overall goal of this challenge, of course.

    Begin by moving the hippie Sim onto a completely empty lot—the larger the better; I am using 64x64—and set household funds to a mere $100.
    Your first objective is to acquire harvestables from the world. These can come from any lot, except the grocery store. (In other words, “They cannot be purchased, man! Stick it to the Man, man.”) Anything that can be collected SHOULD be collected! You will need produce for planting (as your skills allow), but, because you live on an empty lot without a refrigerator, you will also need produce to EAT; therefore, you will want items other than the ones required for your first crop. Your first crop will consist ONLY of common HERBS, common MUSHROOMS, (because the first thing a hippie would grow would be “herbs” and ‘shrooms, man!) and common VEGETABLES. Gathered items not used for planting can be consumed or sold as desired/needed.
    *TIP: You may want to make sure your neighborhood has plenty of spawners or lots that have all varieties of harvestables on them to ensure that your Sim gets everything s/he will eventually need.

    As your founding hippie Sim progresses through each of the first 5 Gardening skill levels, you may purchase ONE the following items at each level in any order you desire: tent or sleeping bag; fire pit or bonfire; bike or scooter; shower; toilet. Your Sim is not permitted to build any permanent structures until he reaches level 5 Gardening! Also, your Sim may not to own a CAR until s/he is an elder…and maybe not even then if you so choose.

    After your initial gathering quest, begin farming…
    TIER ONE—Growing Crops (young adult tier)
    (You will be progressing through the following chart by starting at the top left and moving down to the bottom of the first column [green]. From there you go back to the top and begin working down to the bottom of the second column [blue]…and so on.
    First, plant at least one of each of the common herbs, mushrooms, and/or veggies. Refer to the light green sections of the chart. The items in parentheses are optional or to be used in place of items you could/did not gather. I recommend organizing your plantings in categories (herbs in one area, mushrooms in another, etc…), since you will be adding crop varieties to those areas as your skills increase. Your goal is to tend to these plants until you harvest at least one crop of GREAT quality (or better) of each type of common herb, mushroom, and veggie.

    View the crop chart here:

    Once you have harvested a GREAT quality (or better) of each of the items in light green, you must add a member to your commune from the neighborhood. You should NOT use cheats or mods to do so. You must recruit your members through interactions. You may then proceed to planting items listed in the medium green section. Once your harvests are GREAT (or better) quality, you must recruit another member to your commune. Once that Sim is moved in, you may proceed to planting items listed in the dark green section. Once these harvests are GREAT (or better) quality, you must recruit another member to your commune. There should now be a total of 4 Sims (including your founder).
    If your founding Sim has reached level 5 gardening skill, proceed to planting items listed in the light blue section of the chart. Your 3 commune members should all take part in maintaining the green column plantings, while your founding Sim works on the blue column plantings. Make progress from light to dark blue in the same manner you did with the green column—moving from light to medium to dark only when each group of plantings is GREAT (or better) quality. However, this time, you will only add a member to your commune this time upon reaching GREAT (or better) quality with the items listed in dark blue. In other words, you will only add ONE member to your commune at the end of your blue item plantings, for a total of 5 Sims (including the founder).
    If your founding Sim has reached level 7 gardening skill, proceed to planting items listed in the light pink section of the chart. Your 4 commune members should all take part in maintaining the green AND blue column plantings, while your founding Sim works on the pink column plantings. Make progress from light to dark blue in the same manner you did with the green and blue columns—moving from light to medium to dark only when each group of plantings is GREAT (or better) quality. Again, you will only add ONE member to your commune upon reaching GREAT (or better) quality with the items listed in dark pink. The last Sim recruited to the commune should be the romantic interest of your founder, so choose wisely! You should now have a total of 6 Sims (including the founder) in your commune.
    Your founding hippie can age up to an adult, now.
    (If s/he aged up before completing tier one, s/he has failed miserably and can never progress her/his agricultural pursuits beyond growing crops and your challenge ends here…unless you’re a rule-breaker…what’s that you say? You’re a rebel? Well, then, stick to the Man, man! Do what you want, brother. Live free and keep pursuing your dreams and continue like nothing happened, man…)

    Now that you have (presumably) completed TIER ONE, have your commune members keep those crops maintained and producing—your founding hippie can help out once in a while, too! Your founding hippie’s primary objective, however, is now breeding…

    TIER TWO—Animal Husbandry (adult tier)
    As you complete each goal (below), simply proceed to the next goal, but you must maintain all items along the way. For example, you cannot abandon your beekeeping boxes once you begin harvesting eggs.
    1. Try for a baby with your partner/spouse until pregnant. If your founding hippie is female, her partner/spouse may assist in the remaining duties throughout the pregnancy.
    2. Buy 5 beekeeping boxes and tend to each one each day: smoke, feed, smoke, clean, smoke, harvest. Do this until you harvest 5 bottles of GREAT quality (or better) honey and 5 pieces of GREAT quality (or better) beeswax. (I recommend storing—or selling—everything of lesser quality to help stay organized and well-funded.)
    3. Buy the Fowl and Feathers Chicken Coop for your commune. Harvest 5 eggs of GREAT quality (or better). Do not neglect your coop to the point that your eggs hatch into baby chicks! Again, I recommend storing—if you have a refrigerator by now—or selling any lower quality eggs to help you keep you on track—don’t be a hoarder, man!
    4. Buy the Milkin’ It Dairy Corral for your commune. Gather several bottles of milk and make 5 cheese wedges, all of which are—you guessed it—of GREAT quality (or better)! And for fun, collect 5 chocolate shakes.
    5. Acquire an adult female cat OR dog. Taking in a stray will be more interesting, but if you need to adopt from a neighbor, you may. Have the pet breed and deliver a kitten or cat. (You may find that having pets of both genders in your household makes this less complicated.)
    6. Acquire an adult female horse. Taking in a wild horse will be more interesting, but if you need to adopt from a neighbor, you may. Have the horse breed and deliver a foal. (You may find that having horses of both genders in your household makes this less complicated. Or, use the equestrian center’s breeding services…for a fee.)
    Your founding hippie can now age up to an elder.

    Now that you have (presumably) completed TIER ONE and TIER TWO, have your commune members keep up with those ventures—your founding hippie can help out once in a while, too! Your founding hippie’s primary objective, however, is now retirement…

    TIER THREE—Simpler Times (elder tier)
    You and your partner/spouse are exhausted from your years of building and running a commune and, while you still hope to continue broadening your horizons with new skills, you both would like those activities to be less hectic. Complete TWO of the following goals (your partner/spouse may complete the one your founder does not pursue):
    • Upgrade the Classically Cool Fixer-Upper Car (EA Store item). You may sell it if you need the funds, or you may cruise around town IN A CAR for the first time ever. Or, maintain your hippie integrity and continue using your bike or scooter!
    • Reach level 10 of the Fishing skill. You may sell, consume, or use the fish as bait or garden fertilizer.
    • Buy the (EA Store item) Baker’s Station and learn to bake all the items! You may sell the baked goods and/or feed the commune (Hippies love those “herbed brownies!”)

    Optional challenge: If you’d like, this can become a legacy challenge by having the offspring of the founding hippie pursue all the objectives of each tier in the same manner as the founder.

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    allong16allong16 Posts: 111 New Member
    edited May 2014
    I really like the idea for this challenge! :) Very creative and I may just have to try it out!! Good luck!
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    KimSim1965KimSim1965 Posts: 712 Member
    edited May 2014
    allong16 wrote:
    I really like the idea for this challenge! :) Very creative and I may just have to try it out!! Good luck!

    Thanks, allong16. :D If you get a chance to try it out, I'd love to see you post some pics here in this thread!

    Have a great day!
    Kim :mrgreen:
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    lovelylisaclovelylisac Posts: 1,291 Member
    edited May 2014
    I love this idea :D

    May try this, when I finish raising my alien family's many multiple children.
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    KimSim1965KimSim1965 Posts: 712 Member
    edited June 2014
    I love this idea :D

    May try this, when I finish raising my alien family's many multiple children.

    I am trying to play an alien in the game for the first time, myself. I never wanted to play the aliens before, but since Sims4 is just around the corner, I suddenly want to do that! I am recording a Let's Play series on my YouTube channel about it. I have yet to get my Sim to get an alien baby though. He's still trying! XD

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    KimSim1965KimSim1965 Posts: 712 Member
    edited June 2014

    Hey Simmers!

    I recently began a new original challenge series on my YouTube channel. It is called the Sims 3 Parent Trap challenge. You can link to the series on my channel here:


    Here are my so-called "rules" for this challenge, although I am mainly playing it because I want to enjoy developing the characters from the movie in Sims style! I just created a set of challenge rules for anyone who may want to do the same. :)

    Mitch and Maggie had a whirlwind romance in the big city. They quickly fell head-over-heels in love and decided to marry. Mitch moved his new bride to his country ranch, and they soon began their family. By the time Maggie gave birth to their twin girls, Susan and Sharon, the ambitious Mitch was very busy running the ranch and his successful business career and the hot-headed Maggie was longing for the urban, cultured life she left behind. Tensions began to build, even before the girls reached childhood...

    Game Settings
    No occults.
    Set the lifespan accordingly: Toddler to 7 days; Child to 7 days; Teen to 14 days; and, set all others to the length you desire.
    Set SEASONS so that it will be summer when the twins reach their teens and head to summer camp. Prior to that time, you may set the seasons as you desire, but here is how I will have it in my Let's Play (LP).... While the twins are toddlers, I will set Fall to 4 days and Winter to 3 days to correspond to the length of toddlerhood. Once the twins become children, I will set Spring to 7 days to correspond to the length of childhood. When the twins become teens, I will set Summer to 7-14 days to correspond to the length of their teen years/days. Once the challenge is complete and the girls are young adults, you may set the seasons however you desire.

    Create or DL the following lots for your world: One large ranch home in the country with pool and stables; one large woodsy summer camp with small cabins, sports/hobby objects, and a pond; one small town dwelling (a high-rise apartment will work); and, one medium town dwelling (a high-rise or townhouse will work).

    The Sims/Cast of Characters
    • Mitch Evers, father of the twins and husband to Maggie McKendrick-Evers. Young Adult. Easily impressed, good sense of humor, loves the outdoors, and athletic.
    • Maggie McKendrick, mother of the twins and wife to Mitch Evers. Young Adult. Hot-headed, proper, and schmoozer.
    • Charles McKendrick, father of Maggie and husband to Louise McKendrick. Adult. Good, perceptive, and party-animal.
    • Louise McKendrick, mother of Maggie and wife to Charles McKendrick. Adult. Proper, snob, and perfectionist.
    • Verbena, housekeeper and nanny of the Evers household. Adult. Neat, nurturing, rebellious, and friendly.
    • Vicky Robinson, acquaintance and eventual fiancé to Mitch. YA. Ambitious, dislikes children, hates the outdoors, diva, and mean-spirited.
    • Susan Evers, twin of Sharon McKendrick and daughter of Maggie and Mitch. Toddler. Loves the outdoors and athletic.
    • Sharon McKendrick, twin of Susan Evers and daughter of Maggie and Mitch. Toddler. Virtuoso and artistic.
    The above Sims should be placed in a beginning household, Mitch's ranch home in the country. Using "testingcheatsenabled true," drag the relationship levels to "friend" all household members. Then, move Vicky to a small house in town, and move Charles and Louise to another medium to large house in or near town. Mitch, Maggie, Verbena, Susan, and Sharon stay at Mitch's house...for now. At the end of the first Sim week, Maggie will move out, taking Sharon with her, to live with her parents.

    Secondary characters/Camper household (to be placed on a "summer camp" residential lot)
    • Miss Inch, camp administrator. Adult or Elder.
    • Miss Grunecker, camp chaperone. Young Adult or Adult.
    • 4 female sims, campers. Teens.
    The above Sims should be moved in to the "summer camp" just before teenaged Susan and Sharon move in. Miss Inch and Miss Grunecker should be friends (use Testing Cheats, if necessary). The girls/campers will all get to know one another once camp has begun.

    Once Vicky, Charles, and Louise are moved out of Mitch's house, gameplay begins...

    Toddlerhood---You have one sim-week to do the following:
    • Both parents (Mitch and Maggie) must be best friends with both twins
    • Both twins must learn all 3 toddler skills (talk, walk, potty)
    • Mitch and Maggie must be romantic with one another and woohoo together at least once per day, until the last day of the week
    • On the last day of the week--BEFORE the twins age up to children--Mitch and Maggie should quarrel and break-up. Maggie and Sharon should move in with Charles and Louise McKendrick.

    Childhood---You have one sim-week to do the following:
    • Day one, alternate households and make sure each twin ages up to a child
    • Day two, play the McKendrick household, and make sure Sharon does her homework, works on one skill, and socializes with her household (both grandparents and her mother).
    • Day three, play the Evers household, and make sure Susan does her homework, spends time swimming, and socializes with her household (her father and Verbena).
    • Day four, play the McKendrick household, and make sure Sharon does her homework, socializes with a classmate, and socializes with her household.
    • Day five, play the Evers household, and make sure Susan does her homework, socializes with a classmate, and socializes with her household.
    • Day six, alternate households and make each twin does her homework and works on one skill or socializes with a classmate.
    • Day seven, alternate households and make sure each twin socializes and builds skills. Age each twin up to teen.

    Teenhood---You have one sim-week to do the following:
    • Remove the school from your town (or use Mods for homeschooling)
    • Move each twin to the "summer camp" lot (first make sure you've moved in the Camper household).
    • Assign the girls to separate cabins (by assigning their beds)
    • Have the girls meet and become enemies
    • Then, move the girls into the cabin in the farthest corner of the lot together (by assigning their beds)
    • Have them socialize their way toward becoming friends; by end of week, they must be friends.
    • At the end of the week, they should each move out of the "camp" and into the home of the opposite parent from whence they came (i.e. Sharon goes to live with Mitch and Susan goes to live with Maggie and her grandparents).

    Teenhood, continued---You have one sim-week to do the following:
    • Each parent should become romantic with another sim (Mitch with Vicky and Maggie with a townie). Mitch should become engaged to Vicky.
    • Each twin should become best friends with their parent and enemies with that parent's romantic partner. Once the twin is an enemy of the romantic partner, the parent should break up with the partner.
    • Each twin should create situations in which their family is reunited--group outings; invite over; parties; showing up on the doorstep of the other's house; etc...
    • Have the parents interact until they are once again romantic interests.
    • Once, the parents are able, have them get engaged, then married. Reunite the family under one household before the girls age up to Young Adults.

    Here is an optional scoring system:
    • 10 points for each toddler skill learned by each twin
    • 10 points for each skill point learned by each twin (child, teen)
    • 10 points for each friend relationship each girl has by the end of child week
    • 20 points for each twin that is an A student by the end of the child week
    • 10 points for each friend made at summer camp
    • 100 points if Sharon and Susan are enemies by end of 1st day of camp
    • 20 points for each prank the twins pull
    • 20 points for each successful group outing or party
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    PurplebunnypiePurplebunnypie Posts: 2 New Member
    I like the parent trap challenge I might do it in sims 4!
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