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Legacy Writing Tips! *Come on in! We have cookies!*


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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    edited April 2014
    I've had glitching happen on my main user account on my laptop and had to start using the other administrator account for my main account so I can get the other one removed.I'm testing my games to make sure they'll all work fine.I'm still using the NRaas Mods and have 56 of those Mod package files and my game is still playable though I have to manage without Portrait Panel.I've got my game working with mostly PG rated content and there's a lot of excitement and drama with my town legacy challenge though it's stuff I decided to allow to happen.
    lovesstorms I've had some issues lately and it was a problem user account which is just a pain for me because I had to move everything I wanted to my other user account on my computer.
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    ReyaStarckReyaStarck Posts: 181 New Member
    edited April 2014
    Hi, all :)

    I'm going back a few pages now (RL business is finally easing up so I can catch up on what I've missed) and I hope I'm not too late to offer my suggestions about a question that was asked.

    lotstar2703 asked about writing romance. For me, no matter whether the romance is of the first-kiss kind or the gettin'-down-and-dirty-in-the-sack kind, I find it easiest to focus all my attention on what one half of the scene is feeling; usually the one who is emotionally affected the most by what's happening.

    I'll write that scene entirely from their point of view, interjecting their sudden thoughts as I go, and even adding humour and disbelief to make it a little easier for me, until I find the rhythm of the story (pun intended!).

    There, er, isn't much of the chapter that I wrote last night that I could paste here without it being a heckuva lot of asterisks (fun chapter, that's for sure!) but here's a tiny sample (with a couple of bits redacted so I can actually post it without being walloped by the forum banhammer for posting naughtiness). Hopefully it won't put too many people off their dinner ;)
    "Hush." Oh, there was that word again. "I'll be the judge of what I find beautiful, thank you very much. And you were beautiful, riding that edge of fear and shame. God, you were lovely."

    "Are you trying to make sure I can't get my head through the door?" It was a lame joke, but it was all Gunther had to try and defuse the moment, because he was pretty sure that the point of all this praise was to make him feel vulnerable inside again.

    It was working.

    Valois just smiled, folding his hands over each other on Gunther's chest and resting his chin on them, looking up through his lashes. "I want to push you again," he murmured. "I want to tighten your strings and play you until you sing like a nightingale. You'd sing so pretty, I just know it."

    "I sing like a frog," Gunther muttered, but his lips twitched even as he said it. "Can't hold a note, I swear."

    "You sounded pretty good when [ REDACTED ]." Valois grinned at the blush that instantly coloured Gunther's cheeks. "Look at that; now, see I love that. I want more of that."

    "And what do I get in return?" Gunther asked.

    Wait. DO? I meant WOULD!

    The entire scene is from Gunther's point of view, and what I'm trying to show is his unease at letting go with someone new. The 'romance' in his marriage has been perfunctory and mainly to keep up appearances for so long that he's feeling lost and adrift now that he's come up against someone who wants to push his limits and take him to emotional and physical places he's not been to before. He's embarrassed at what he's already done, trying to run away from his raw emotions by injecting some humour into the conversation. But, the final thought there (denoted by italics) shows that his subconscious really wants what's happening, even if his conscious mind is still clinging to his old, safe reality.

    And, believe it or not, there's romance going on in that chapter, not just hanky-panky. *grins*

    So, in short, try getting inside the head of just one half of the relationship for a romance scene, instead of going for the omniscient view where you write both partners' side of things. It might help you over the initial bumps of writing the romance (be it super-cute or hot-n-heavy) until you find the groove of it for the story :)
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    ReyaStarckReyaStarck Posts: 181 New Member
    edited April 2014
    And now, for everything else I missed :lol:

    Blythelyre: I've not had a side-character take over in Sims, because this is the first Sims story that I've written. However, in other fiction that I've penned I've had one side-character come to life so strongly for me that I realised he should have his own story entirely.

    You should follow your heart on who to write. And, should the heir not be calling to you as strongly, wrap his or her story up with an explanation to your readers that s/he simply wasn't speaking to you, whereas the other siblings were pulling at you strongly.

    This is a conundrum that I thought might happen when I saw that voting for heirs was a 'thing' in legacies. Letting others decide what you write is always a bit of a risk! The best way to decide what you want is, after all, to decide first what you don't want. Then, what you're left with is what you should go for :wink:

    sneakysnoo: I only recently discovered poses, and already my list is hundreds of poses long. It takes me ages to scroll through to find what I want! In short, with poses and OMSP, you can have your Sims do anything you like, rather than sitting and hoping you can freeze the camera just at the perfect moment for, say, an argument or a slap across the face. I wouldn't be without mine now.

    Yes, they install just like other packages. I bundle all of mine together with S3PE, to keep loading times down.

    Another thing I wouldn't be without is a small mod that removes the big ZZZZ's above sleeping Sims' heads, as well as other minor annoyances such as the ripples of a ringing cellphone.

    I have a question about OMSP, actually. Does anyone know how I can stop it from vanishing and becoming unclickable if I try to use it to lower a sim or object to the point where the OMSP goes under the floor or ground?

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    brittmrasmussenbrittmrasmussen Posts: 107
    edited April 2014
    Hey friends! Does anyone know the best way to create a courtroom (or something similar) ? I had a bit of inspiration for my story and would love to use a courtroom scene if I could pull it off. Any tips or links to items or even screenshots would be so helpful!
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    hellohannah2hellohannah2 Posts: 839 Member
    edited April 2014
    Hey friends! Does anyone know the best way to create a courtroom (or something similar) ? I had a bit of inspiration for my story and would love to use a courtroom scene if I could pull it off. Any tips or links to items or even screenshots would be so helpful!

    Reference my dear! just google what a courtroom looks like and then copy it into your game. If you need extra content then go to and you'll find everything you need :)
    have a question about OMSP, actually. Does anyone know how I can stop it from vanishing and becoming unclickable if I try to use it to lower a sim or object to the point where the OMSP goes under the floor or ground?

    This really annoys me too, but i've tried just about everything and there really is nothing you can do - it's such an irritating glitch that we have to live with *sigh*
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    ReyaStarckReyaStarck Posts: 181 New Member
    edited April 2014
    have a question about OMSP, actually. Does anyone know how I can stop it from vanishing and becoming unclickable if I try to use it to lower a sim or object to the point where the OMSP goes under the floor or ground?
    This really annoys me too, but i've tried just about everything and there really is nothing you can do - it's such an irritating glitch that we have to live with *sigh*
    Phooey. I was hoping it was just some simple trick that I was missing. Oh well, it's still an awesome tool for what we can use it for. Thanks for replying!
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    brittmrasmussenbrittmrasmussen Posts: 107
    edited April 2014
    Great idea @hellohannah! Why didn't I think of that?! ;) appreciate it.
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    sneakysnoosneakysnoo Posts: 468 Member
    edited April 2014
    @lotstar et al. Jumping back about three pages, finally - 8 chapters in I actually got round to a bot of romance. Still in the longing gaze phase but walking the line between warm tingly feelings and an epic cheese fest!

    Wish me luck!

    Rose XX
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    edited April 2014
    I'm back in business. This is becoming easier now. All I do is just reset the Sims 3 folder. Then, I copy and paste most from my original. So, I was able to play again tonight without any complications (for probably 4 hours). It did freeze up at the end, but no biggie. I had just saved and it had been 4 hours. :)

    I'll comment more tomorrow when I have time. For now, it's bed time. Night! Hope everyone is going to have an awesome weekend!
    Origin ID: lovesstorms
    Seeking a Cure for PSC
    - 20 Things About Highly Creative People
    Lovesstorms's Stories
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    edited April 2014
    lovesstorms I also got my game working and have played with Winfield.I still need to test my other games and get things split up and test out a world for a new legacy I hope to start playing with.I got my stuff onto my other user account and will close out the glitching one.My game is running very fast as usual and I still have to try out the other games.
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    nerogafflingnerogaffling Posts: 296 Member
    edited April 2014
    I glad everyone is getting their games all taken care of. I hate having to clean up my game, but after I do it I always get excited when my game runs so much better than before. Yeah I usually gotta clean up a few Sims appearances, but it's worth it.

    Happy Simming!!!

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    zefiewingszefiewings Posts: 2,649 Member
    edited April 2014
    I'm almost at the point where I am moving out my first spare...and I am so scared to leave him to story progression! This is my first legacy...I've haven't experienced the horrors very much first hand.

    But I am equally scared to get NRASS Story progression or master controller. They are SO BIG and I don't want all the lag and glitches that go along with it. I don't know what to do. :cry:

    I wish I could pick and choose a few features from both those things to have...then I wouldn't need the whole darn thing!

    My question for you guys then is...please tell me about your experiences with and without these mods. Do you live fine without them? Do they lag up your game? Any advice?
    My Blog story with the challenge of my own design! Click and see!
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    Seera1024Seera1024 Posts: 3,629 Member
    edited April 2014
    EA's Story Progression leaves much to be desired when it comes to those not in the active lot. At least from what I've heard. It's been too long since I've played without Twallan's SP.

    Master Controller isn't a mod that's active all of the time. You can get it and most of it's modules without risking lag. I saw most since one of the modules requires both Master Controller and Story Progression.

    Whether Twallan's SP will give you lag or not is dependent on your computer. It doesn't lag my game too much for me but I've heard stories of it lagging others to the point that it's unplayable for them. And of course how much lag makes things unplayable varies from player to player.

    What you could do is download just the main mod for Story Progression as well as any of the modules you like and start up a brand new game. See how the game runs with it. Or make a copy of your current legacy save (so that you have a back up that was not touched by mods) and see how it handles the mod.

    I would however not judge your level of lag by what happens in the first few days. The first few days it will be shuffling people around in jobs, houses, spouses, etc. But after that you'll have a better feel for how much it will lag your game, if at all.
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    nerogafflingnerogaffling Posts: 296 Member
    edited April 2014
    Seera1024 wrote:
    EA's Story Progression leaves much to be desired when it comes to those not in the active lot. At least from what I've heard. It's been too long since I've played without Twallan's SP.

    Master Controller isn't a mod that's active all of the time. You can get it and most of it's modules without risking lag. I saw most since one of the modules requires both Master Controller and Story Progression.

    Whether Twallan's SP will give you lag or not is dependent on your computer. It doesn't lag my game too much for me but I've heard stories of it lagging others to the point that it's unplayable for them. And of course how much lag makes things unplayable varies from player to player.

    What you could do is download just the main mod for Story Progression as well as any of the modules you like and start up a brand new game. See how the game runs with it. Or make a copy of your current legacy save (so that you have a back up that was not touched by mods) and see how it handles the mod.

    I would however not judge your level of lag by what happens in the first few days. The first few days it will be shuffling people around in jobs, houses, spouses, etc. But after that you'll have a better feel for how much it will lag your game, if at all.

    I agree with this advice.

    I myself LOVE these mods, and do not think I could live with out them... ever.

    As far as I have noticed and my sister as well, we don't seem to have lag, or glitches. We love what all we can do with it, as well as all the things if helps fixes from EA standards.

    Hope this helps at lease a little.
    But I definitely do what Seera1024 said about trying it out on a copy of your file. Just in case you find that you do not like it.

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    wickedjr89wickedjr89 Posts: 1,777 Member
    edited April 2014
    Over the course of the day i've read the first 30 pages of this thread :shock: . Some amazing advice!

    I've had a few legacy stories in the past but never made it past generation 2 for one reason or another. I really want to complete a legacy though! And i'm going to try again soon!

    I'm afraid I don't have much in the way of advice or anything to add but here is some stuff from what i've read. I love the hideheadlineeffects on cheat. I constantly use it. I use picmonkey but haven't done much with it, mostly just cropping but i've messed around it. :)

    I have used poses before, this time I plan on only having the poses i'm going to use in my game at the time so as to not have a bunch of poses in my game i'm not using/may never use again. I'll just keep them in another folder on my desktop for easy access.

    As others have said I worry about sounding arrogant and stuff when sharing a story i've written.

    I write in first person, I find it easiest for me and easier to get inside the characters head. When it comes to reading I don't care if it's 1st or 3rd person.

    I do use some NRass mods and a few others but I will keep it to a minimum and the only CC I have is some tears makeup for when i'll have a sim crying. I may use CC but if I do i'll keep it to a minimum and only stuff I need for the story. I prefer to have my game running as good as possible, my computer is pretty good but I don't want to push it lol. I couldn't play without some of the NRass mods; Overwatch, Register, Master Controller, Story Progression.

    In terms of the neighborhoods I'd jump around every so often. I've found after a couple generations in one town the game doesn't want to play there anymore but it doesn't bother me as long as I get enough time in the town. I figure every couple generations I can try out a different town, have them move and fit it into the story somehow. I do want to explore more of the towns. I use EA towns, both EP and store worlds.

    I do plan on reading many of the awesome stories from writers here! I have so much bookmarked! :shock: :D Much reading to do!

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    nerogafflingnerogaffling Posts: 296 Member
    edited April 2014
    Well, I would like to welcome you to this thread, and glad you enjoyed all the input that everyone was gracious enough to put in. I hope we continue to see more of you.

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    wickedjr89wickedjr89 Posts: 1,777 Member
    edited April 2014
    Thank you. :) Sorry I was so long winded, I tend to do that sometimes :oops: . I will continue catching up on what I haven't yet. :)
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    edited April 2014
    zefiewings I use only 56 NRaas Mod package files along with at least 70 other package files in my Mods folder and I don't get lag except when starting a new game and things are getting set up for the game.
    I just started a new legacy story and haven't posted a thread for it yet.I'll need to set up a forum thread for this new legacy.
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    sneakysnoosneakysnoo Posts: 468 Member
    edited April 2014
    @zeefie, I'd second (or third I guess! ) what Seera says. I only installed twallan a fortnight ago after years of being mod free and haven't seen a noticeable change. I actually installed it because EA had abandoned my my legacy spares to grow old penniless and alone. If you back up your game first then the risks are minimal :) I wouldn't play without them now.

    Welcome @wicked! I look forward to reading your story. I'm about a Week old in here and am loving it... Everyone has been so nice and very supportive, it can be daunting getting started!
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    wickedjr89wickedjr89 Posts: 1,777 Member
    edited April 2014
    It certainly can be daunting getting started! Glad to see so many nice people and all the support around here. :) I've finished reading the thread, that took awhile! I have a bunch of stories to read from you all!

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    sneakysnoosneakysnoo Posts: 468 Member
    edited April 2014
    @wicked There's a lot of great writers in here - I've barely scratched the surface but I try and get through a chapter most days of all the ones im reading - it's slow work but worth it :)

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    lotstar2703lotstar2703 Posts: 99 Member
    edited April 2014
    Hello everyone ^_^ I managed to get my first story chapter out a few days ago, but of course just afterwards I didn't have enough time to post a link anywhere before I had to leave on a family internet-less weekend. -_- The good news is that I did get a lot of writing done :3

    So, if anyone is interested, here is the link to my story: (I'm working on a siggy and a forum thread just for the story)

    Now that I've done my share of self-promotion it's time for me to catch up on the past coupe of pages.
    So, in short, try getting inside the head of just one half of the relationship for a romance scene, instead of going for the omniscient view where you write both partners' side of things.

    Thank you for this. :D My story is written in first person so that makes this easier for me. While I was away I managed to get a couple of romance scenes done and I'm finding it a lot easier thanks to all the amazing advice I've gotten from here.
    My question for you guys then is...please tell me about your experiences with and without these mods. Do you live fine without them? Do they lag up your game? Any advice?

    I use StoryProgression but not MasterController. I do find my game glitching more with it than without it, but there's nothing too bad and it's all stuff I can definitely live with. Besides, I find that the enhancement it provides is worth all the little glitches. Lag isn't actually too bad for me - I was surprised by how well my game ran with such a big mod. I lived without it for ages due to having the same fears you did and went just fine, but now that I have them I would definitely recommend them over EA's Story Progression.
    A Legacy of Misfits -
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    edited April 2014
    I'm getting a new legacy started and I didn't have a world of my own to use so I had to use Rflong7's Glenvale County in edited form for this legacy because it's supposed to start in 1660 and the town needed to be edited to look less modern.
    Glen Harbor Legacy is being posted and the link's below.
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    wickedjr89wickedjr89 Posts: 1,777 Member
    edited April 2014
    I was wondering how do you guys come up with surnames? I can come up with first names out the wazoo, I love names and am rather obsessed :lol: . I'll have a list of names in mind for a sim I create and when I make them the sim will end up screaming at me at some point "THAT IS MY NAME!" lol. Last names though can stump me, I google common surnames and come up with a list of a few thousand (on a link) and just run through it to find one that fits generally. Last names never yell at me. :?
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    nerogafflingnerogaffling Posts: 296 Member
    edited April 2014
    wickedjr89 wrote:
    I was wondering how do you guys come up with surnames? I can come up with first names out the wazoo, I love names and am rather obsessed :lol: . I'll have a list of names in mind for a sim I create and when I make them the sim will end up screaming at me at some point "THAT IS MY NAME!" lol. Last names though can stump me, I google common surnames and come up with a list of a few thousand (on a link) and just run through it to find one that fits generally. Last names never yell at me. :?

    I suck at those too... for mine I randomized the name until I found something that said "Stop! THIS ONE!!! THIS ONE!!!" all the while keeping in mind what sounded fitting for the first name... I can make Sims ALL DAY LONG... but when it comes to names in general, I'm not very good at it... I suck even with a baby name book too... I could read it all day and not get a dang thing, but just one look at the Sims I make and sounds start to pop in my head TRYING to form names, but hard to translate into actual names...

    I know that whole rambling probably was NO help, but it just bothers me that names escape me like they do.

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