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I Want Recessive/Dominant Genes (For Eyes, Hair) BACK For The Sims 4!!!

I hated how in The Sims 3 they seemed to take a step down from the SIms 2.

Dominant genes vs Recessive genes, etc...

Dominant genes -- Black, brown hair // DARK blue, brown eyes
Recessive genes -- Red, blonde hair // LIGHT blue, green, gray eyes

I hope they bring this back.


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    DailycrumbDailycrumb Posts: 286 New Member
    edited August 2013
    A lot more genes to mix up with the new sliders.
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    NomPlayNomPlay Posts: 219 Member
    edited August 2013
    Wait... they had dominant and recessive genes in the sims 2? O_o
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,126 Member
    edited August 2013
    I'd like this too. I'd love hair to be genetic, not having dyed hair override the natural hair colour when a sim has kids.
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    the11thmoonthe11thmoon Posts: 249 Member
    edited August 2013

    I want the DNA to be more realistic with the offsprings.

    I felt like in The Sims 3, it didn't really MIX the two parents.
    It was more one or the other.
    And it didn't have the genes aspect of it, from generation to generation.
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    AnshinAnshin Posts: 446 Member
    edited August 2013
    I hated how in The Sims 3 they seemed to take a step down from the SIms 2.

    Dominant genes vs Recessive genes, etc...

    I hope they bring this back.

    Digital DNA was a huge aspect of TS2, which was essentially removed for TS3 and replaced with random garbage that meant that if grandma dyed her hair green the baby had a good chance of having green hair too.

    Just bring back at least TS2 level dominant and recessive genes and I'll buy the game. If it's more of a virtual dollhouse and less SIMulator then I'm really thinking of skipping TS4 entirely.
    This is the game that never ends
    Yes, it goes on and on, my friends
    Some people started playing it not knowing what it was
    And they′ll continue playing it forever just because ...
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    the11thmoonthe11thmoon Posts: 249 Member
    edited August 2013
    NomPlay wrote:
    Wait... they had dominant and recessive genes in the sims 2? O_o

    Yes. Remember?
    If you had a mother with gray eyes (recessive genes)
    And a father with brown eyes (dominant)

    The child would be born with brown eyes, but still carry the gray eye gene.

    If that child (let's say a boy) had a baby with a girl who had green eyes - which is recessive (from both her parents), their child could end up with GRAY eyes, even though the father has brown and the mother has green.
    Because the father still CARRIED the gene for gray eyes.

    That's how genes work in REAL life.
    And I loved that about The Sims 2.
    In The Sims 3... it just vanished... took away from my generational play.
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    the11thmoonthe11thmoon Posts: 249 Member
    edited August 2013
    I'd like this too. I'd love hair to be genetic, not having dyed hair override the natural hair colour when a sim has kids.

    I thought that was so silly!!

    I didn't like that.

    I miss the hair genetics too.
    : (
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    IcarusIcarus Posts: 916 Member
    edited August 2013
    I'm really hoping that the genetic mixing is better in TS4 than it was in TS3. TS3 Sims born in-game were a victim of some sort of cloning syndrome, and everyone eventually looked the same because it was so hard to make a decent-looking Sim. It was particularly disappointing that skin colors didn't mix - if you had two Sims with completely different skin colors, their kids wouldn't come out somewhere in the middle, but only one or the other. It was frustrating.

    I am a little concerned that the increased freedom we'll have with customization may make genetic mixing even less intuitive than TS3, as creating a system that would produce accurate genetics has to be incredibly difficult just to make a Sim's face a mixture of features, not to mention the overall shape of their body. I'm not too worried about it right now, though. There's only a few days until we get to see gameplay.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,126 Member
    edited August 2013
    I forgot about eye colour. I often find in CAS I will make parents then the child has a completely random eye colour.
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    the11thmoonthe11thmoon Posts: 249 Member
    edited August 2013
    Icarus wrote:
    I'm really hoping that the genetic mixing is better in TS4 than it was in TS3. TS3 Sims born in-game were a victim of some sort of cloning syndrome, and everyone eventually looked the same because it was so hard to make a decent-looking Sim. It was particularly disappointing that skin colors didn't mix - if you had two Sims with completely different skin colors, their kids wouldn't come out somewhere in the middle, but only one or the other. It was frustrating.

    I am a little concerned that the increased freedom we'll have with customization may make genetic mixing even less intuitive than TS3, as creating a system that would produce accurate genetics has to be incredibly difficult just to make a Sim's face a mixture of features, not to mention the overall shape of their body. I'm not too worried about it right now, though. There's only a few days until we get to see gameplay.

    Yes, but I'm hoping for the best.

    If not the body, maybe the HAIR AND EYES, at least!!
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    Chimp2678Chimp2678 Posts: 4,072 Member
    edited August 2013
    Yes, I agree. :)
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    the11thmoonthe11thmoon Posts: 249 Member
    edited August 2013
    I forgot about eye colour. I often find in CAS I will make parents then the child has a completely random eye colour.

    Soooo annoying!!

    I remember that just being a major down fall for me.
    I lost interest a bit.
    Because for me, I play the game, mainly, for generational purposes.
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    the11thmoonthe11thmoon Posts: 249 Member
    edited August 2013
    It'd be cool if we could pick what we want to be recessive or dominant.
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    Neosquid30Neosquid30 Posts: 67
    edited August 2013
    Icarus wrote:
    It was particularly disappointing that skin colors didn't mix - if you had two Sims with completely different skin colors, their kids wouldn't come out somewhere in the middle, but only one or the other. It was frustrating.
    I thought sims 3 skin genetics were okay. Sometimes it does happen that a child will have the skin color from parent. Like me, (white father, tan skinned Mexican mother). I ended up with completely white skin.

    Although there are times when skin color doesn't match either parent in the Sims 3. I am hoping in the Sims 4 they will improve the skin color inheritance. I always thought that was a big part of the game.
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    TanyaRubiroseTanyaRubirose Posts: 11,033 Member
    edited August 2013
    Hopefully, you can set the genetic code of your sims in Sims 4 yourself using one option.
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    Callum9432Callum9432 Posts: 6,462 Member
    edited August 2013
    The reason for how hair colours work in TS3 is because there is no difference between the natural colours and "dyed" colours. They were all natural colours for Sims.

    I do agree that they should change that and make it that only natural colours are carried over.
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    asdfthesimsasdfthesims Posts: 295 New Member
    edited August 2013
    How would you define when the eye color was blue? Or when it was considered green? In ts2 there were preset options where the color was defined. I bet ts4 will be the same as ts3 in the way that we can choose colors from a rainbow thing, and the colors won't be defined. What if the mother's eyes are right in between blue and green? Or what if her eyes are purple, or pink?

    I guess it might could say that if it is within this range call it blue. If it is within this range call it green. I don't know if they could do that or not.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,126 Member
    edited August 2013
    How would you define when the eye color was blue? Or when it was considered green? In ts2 there were preset options where the color was defined. I bet ts4 will be the same as ts3 in the way that we can choose colors from a rainbow thing, and the colors won't be defined. What if the mother's eyes are right in between blue and green? Or what if her eyes are purple, or pink?

    I guess it might could say that if it is within this range call it blue. If it is within this range call it green. I don't know if they could do that or not.

    That would be good. Perhaps a slider system. Though I'd still like to be allowed outlandish colours.
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    acee313acee313 Posts: 1,080 Member
    edited August 2013
    Well, I just hope, we still get the way things were in TS2.

    I mean, hair and eye colors are limited. In which, better genetics can occur.

    If you want a different colored hair, then have it dyed (still in CAS) but the roots (which will be the basis of the genes) stays the same and can never be dyed. As for the eye color, contact lenses could be a solution. Have it as an accessory in clothing.

    Problem solved. I hope. :P
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    TanyaRubiroseTanyaRubirose Posts: 11,033 Member
    edited August 2013
    How would you define when the eye color was blue? Or when it was considered green? In ts2 there were preset options where the color was defined. I bet ts4 will be the same as ts3 in the way that we can choose colors from a rainbow thing, and the colors won't be defined. What if the mother's eyes are right in between blue and green? Or what if her eyes are purple, or pink?

    I guess it might could say that if it is within this range call it blue. If it is within this range call it green. I don't know if they could do that or not.

    That would be good. Perhaps a slider system. Though I'd still like to be allowed outlandish colours.

    Scroll up to what I suggested about editing the genetic code. It wouldn't be complex to program ^^
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,126 Member
    edited August 2013
    acee313 wrote:
    Well, I just hope, we still get the way things were in TS2.

    I mean, hair and eye colors are limited. In which, better genetics can occur.

    If you want a different colored hair, then have it dyed (still in CAS) but the roots (which will be the basis of the genes) stays the same and can never be dyed. As for the eye color, contact lenses could be a solution. Have it as an accessory in clothing.

    Problem solved. I hope. :P

    Both of those suggestions would work for me, except for one thing. Some people would want to be able to create a sim with naturally outlandish hair and eyes in the case of a fantasy setting. It can be changed, of course, but it would be nice if it could go into the genetics. For example - the silver hair of the Targaryens from Game of Thrones. Under Sims 2 rules, the preset hair colours of the regular game didn't allow this. You had to go into Bodyshop and editing an existing hairstyle with the silver hair and then choose the cc option when creating the sim. But you had to do it for all ages because if you forgot to edit the files for the different age groups it would revert to the default colour. And it was hairstyle specific. I don't think I want to return to that system for hair colouring. It was pretty fiddly and I'm not brilliant with Photoshop, though I do try.
    How would you define when the eye color was blue? Or when it was considered green? In ts2 there were preset options where the color was defined. I bet ts4 will be the same as ts3 in the way that we can choose colors from a rainbow thing, and the colors won't be defined. What if the mother's eyes are right in between blue and green? Or what if her eyes are purple, or pink?

    I guess it might could say that if it is within this range call it blue. If it is within this range call it green. I don't know if they could do that or not.

    That would be good. Perhaps a slider system. Though I'd still like to be allowed outlandish colours.

    Scroll up to what I suggested about editing the genetic code. It wouldn't be complex to program ^^

    That would be interesting. I'd like that.
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    acee313acee313 Posts: 1,080 Member
    edited August 2013
    Oh, right, well, maybe have a separate unique option. Let's say for hair. Black, blonde, red, auburn, etc, and then a blank one, in which you can choose the color. The problem lies here is that, what would this unique color be? Recessive or dominant?

    Well, yeah, I just hope genetics will be better than TS3, I'll be so much happy.
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    asdfthesimsasdfthesims Posts: 295 New Member
    edited August 2013
    Hopefully, you can set the genetic code of your sims in Sims 4 yourself using one option.

    Do you mean that, for every appearance option there is an option to make the current setting recessive or dominant? In the case of eye color would there be a check box for either recessive or dominant next to the color wheel?

    *ah yes, "color wheel" is the word I was looking for in my previous post, not "rainbow thing."*
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,126 Member
    edited August 2013
    Let's hope! In Sims 2, the cc hair colours were dominant, I think. I think the same applied for eyes and skins as well.
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    LaestigZwillingLaestigZwilling Posts: 12 New Member
    edited August 2013
    I also think it would be cool to see things like glasses be genetic as well. Like when a sim ages up to child or teen they automatically have glasses as part of their outfit if one of their parents have them. Obviously, if a player didn't want that, they could change it in CAS or maybe even have an option on the mirror/wardrobe to wear contacts.
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