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Ruby and The Grim Reaper - A Bear, a Painting and a Computer


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    RubytheFuzzledRubytheFuzzled Posts: 3,315 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Now, I have a question I'm hoping someone will be able to answer. I recently had that new patch installed and was reading some of the things it's supposed to correct, and I believe it mentioned removing the ability to interact with NPCs like Ghosts and the Grim Reaper. Is this, indeed, the case? If so, is there any way I can "unpatch" it just enough to be able to interact with the NPCs?

    The patch means that there is no more woohooing the Grim Reaper, but that only counts until you move him in. After that, you're ready to go. I don't think the patch affects NPC interactions, but I may be wrong. You cannot marry Grim, as far as I can tell, until he has been moved in. So use friendly interactions to get the move in option.

    If, for some reason, you still want to unpatch, you'll need to uninstall your game.

    And Meredith, try using fire to kill sims. It's also rather funny...
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    KelkinsKelkins Posts: 1 New Member
    edited August 2009
    I love this! I'm excited to see what you do next. I don't know how you manage to stay sane while dealing with multiples though. One of my sims had triplets the other day... It was a total nightmare.
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    RubytheFuzzledRubytheFuzzled Posts: 3,315 New Member
    edited August 2009

    So, all while I was pregnant, I was training Faith. Teaching her to talk was entertaining, especially since the only topics she would reply to were those about death, theft, jewels and her father, the Grim Reaper. But when I had captured her interest, she became quite a little evil chatterbox.


    Teaching Faith to walk was slightly more difficult. She seemed to be fairly uncoordinated, but still she managed to get it right in the end.


    Anyway, soon the newest arrivals were due, and I ran off to the hospital. But then, everything went dark.

    After that, I "woke up", and realised that Faith had none of her toddler skills, and I was still only a day pregnant. The days passed, I retaught Faith everything, and I was due to give birth again.


    Once again, I somehow drove myself to the hospital and walked in, only to black out again. And once again I found myself back in time, but only a few hours earlier this time.

    So I found myself stuck in a cycle, each day I'd find myself in labour, drive to the hospital to give birth, then realise nothing had actually happened.

    Miraculously, after seven times of repeating labour, I actually managed to give birth. Except not as I had invisioned. You see, I did not, after all my work, give birth to twins. No, the cause of my continuous pain and suffering was a single boy. I asked one of my friends for a name, as I was expecting multiples and the name I had picked was less effective without a twin.

    My friend chose Despair for his name


    No, he didn't even have the black Reaper skin.

    Now, at this point I'd like to say that, despite the crashes and the fact he wasn't a twin and he has my skintone, I still love him, and I love him just as much as I love Faith. But, I don't. Despair crashed my game seven times. I just don't feel very warm towards him yet. Maybe in time I'll feel motherly affection like I should, but I sure don't right now.
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    jktee511jktee511 Posts: 7,501 New Member
    edited August 2009
    I'm glad Faith learn her her skills, and you gave birth through all that cycle!

    By the way, what traits does your children has?
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    RubytheFuzzledRubytheFuzzled Posts: 3,315 New Member
    edited August 2009
    jktee511 wrote:
    I'm glad Faith learn her her skills, and you gave birth through all that cycle!

    By the way, what traits does your children has?

    Faith is evil and insane, and Despair managed to get genius, so I gave him the evil trait to balance things out.
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    poida217poida217 Posts: 2,872 Member
    edited August 2009
    Pity about the game crashes, and it would appear that the guaranteed boy/girl twins trick doesn't always work... only one sibling for Faith to pick on :(

    So will you be going round three with grim again?

    Oh, and what colour are Despair's eyes?
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    jktee511jktee511 Posts: 7,501 New Member
    edited August 2009
    jktee511 wrote:
    I'm glad Faith learn her her skills, and you gave birth through all that cycle!

    By the way, what traits does your children has?

    Faith is evil and insane, and Despair managed to get genius, so I gave him the evil trait to balance things out.

    Thank you!
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    RubytheFuzzledRubytheFuzzled Posts: 3,315 New Member
    edited August 2009
    poida217 wrote:
    Pity about the game crashes, and it would appear that the guaranteed boy/girl twins trick doesn't always work... only one sibling for Faith to pick on :(

    So will you be going round three with grim again?

    Oh, and what colour are Despair's eyes?

    I don't know to both. I don't really want another kid though. If I tried for kids and the game started crashing again, I'd break down and cry/scream my lungs out/download every avatar I see and kill them all. BUT I really want a kid with the Reaper skintone...

    Also, I just haven't checked Despairs eyes yet because I was busy modelling (in game) again.
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    poida217poida217 Posts: 2,872 Member
    edited August 2009
    I don't know to both. I don't really want another kid though. If I tried for kids and the game started crashing again, I'd break down and cry/scream my lungs out/download every avatar I see and kill them all. BUT I really want a kid with the Reaper skintone...

    Also, I just haven't checked Despairs eyes yet because I was busy modelling (in game) again.

    Ahh ok, fair enough.

    It'll be interesting to see what his eye and hair colour are, grim seems to pass on some unusual genetics sometimes.
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    JthebunJthebun Posts: 277 New Member
    edited August 2009
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    DataBoxDataBox Posts: 41 New Member
    edited August 2009
    This is literally the greatest "topic" I have ever found!
    Ruby and Faith are beyond amazing!
    Oh and I almost forgot the amazing new addition little Despair.
    I'll be checking in daily for those updates!

    You've got yourself another fan ;)
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    RenitaRenita Posts: 2,242 Member
    edited August 2009
    Going into labour 7 times?
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    WhiteRosesWhiteRoses Posts: 82 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Imagine if that could happen in real life. I would DIE
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    DanceofmasksDanceofmasks Posts: 1,301 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Ouch@crashes ...

    Last night, I was playing The Witcher, and I'd been playing for 4 hours ...
    Done a whole bunch of quests, leveled up a fair bit, and was about to turn in for the night when the power blinked out.
    For a quarter of a second.
    But ... my computer somehow stayed on.

    I saved the game right away, thinking I had averted disaster.

    Earlier, I went to load the save game, to find that it's corrupted.
    Had to delete it, and check hard disk for other errors.
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    iFreakdomiFreakdom Posts: 1,208 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Despair is cute. Not as cute as Faith though, for some reason. Meh, whateverz. I would've liked him to have the Reaper skintone, I really would've.
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    theRealDeal09theRealDeal09 Posts: 4,549 Member
    edited August 2009

    Does Grim show up in the family tree as the father? Because in my game he doesnt. ):
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    gocatdavegocatdave Posts: 233 New Member
    edited August 2009
    So the time traveling finally stopped. That's good!

    I had a house that caught on fire and stayed on fire. It would catch back on fire the moment a previous fire was put out. I literally spent more than an hour of play time doing this this over and over. Sometimes with the help of a fireman. Sometimes the fireman would give up, turn around, and leave just as the next fire began. Eventually, my only option was to move out.

    I'm glad that your time traveling/labor marathon had a happy ending!

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    DarkFireFlyDarkFireFly Posts: 1,514 Member
    edited August 2009
    Still loving this thread. It has it all-high drama, difficult circumstances, modeling, Death, and computer crashes. Plus, you do take wonderful photos Ruby-my timing sucks with photos. Yours look great!
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    Kjsplosion1Kjsplosion1 Posts: 645 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Omg, labor.. seven times? That sounds very painful. And that is such crap that your game crashed five times (I don't mean that I don't believe you, I mean that your unfortunate turn of events s.u.c.k.s eggs lol.) I also extremely admire your patience, because I know I wouldn't be able to handle playing after all that had happened to my game. And I end my post pondering how many Sims you have murdered with all this turmoil...
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    BellaCullen25BellaCullen25 Posts: 177 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Wow, can't believe your game keeps crashing. That totally sucks! Glad that you were finally able to get it to work though. Maybe in the future you will feel differently and decided to try again with Grim.
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    silencecomplexsilencecomplex Posts: 392 Member
    edited August 2009
    Hey Ruby, can I use your avatar for my evil gold digger guide? I requested it in this thread:

    and there was a bit of controversy because I was so curious about your avatar's hair change, and how much I loved the previous one (this has been answered as to why it went purple). Anyway, I'd like permission to use it in my upcoming gold digger walkthrough, which I'll use on my sims 3 guide site.

    I think Ruby is quite evil enough to be my gold digger and I have always thought she was pretty. I just didn't want to use her without permission. Cheers!
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    SimGod21SimGod21 Posts: 362 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Hi Ruby. Ahha Ive missed so much! I take a week off to remodel my room and you go off and have another kid and move into a new house? Well then. Nice story. Ive really enjoyed this thread. Even if you do have a bad immune system, your still my best ninjawannabe who plays the sims3 and woohoos the grim reaper friend. Get better soon

    -Andrew (that's right, that's my name.) :wink:
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    RubytheFuzzledRubytheFuzzled Posts: 3,315 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Does Grim show up in the family tree as the father? Because in my game he doesnt. ):

    No, he doesn't and it REALLY bugs me.
    Hey Ruby, can I use your avatar for my evil gold digger guide? I requested it in this thread:

    and there was a bit of controversy because I was so curious about your avatar's hair change, and how much I loved the previous one (this has been answered as to why it went purple). Anyway, I'd like permission to use it in my upcoming gold digger walkthrough, which I'll use on my sims 3 guide site.

    I think Ruby is quite evil enough to be my gold digger and I have always thought she was pretty. I just didn't want to use her without permission. Cheers!

    I read that thread and I laughed my butt off. I can't believe I'm popular enough to get a thread like that. Yes, of course you can use sim me for the guide, I'm sure she'll love being a gold digger.

    For anyone who cares, sim me is free property for stories and such. Go nuts. Seriously. But tell me what happens, cuz I'm interested in that weirdness.
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    silencecomplexsilencecomplex Posts: 392 Member
    edited August 2009
    Does Grim show up in the family tree as the father? Because in my game he doesnt. ):

    No, he doesn't and it REALLY bugs me.
    Hey Ruby, can I use your avatar for my evil gold digger guide? I requested it in this thread:

    and there was a bit of controversy because I was so curious about your avatar's hair change, and how much I loved the previous one (this has been answered as to why it went purple). Anyway, I'd like permission to use it in my upcoming gold digger walkthrough, which I'll use on my sims 3 guide site.

    I think Ruby is quite evil enough to be my gold digger and I have always thought she was pretty. I just didn't want to use her without permission. Cheers!

    I read that thread and I laughed my butt off. I can't believe I'm popular enough to get a thread like that. Yes, of course you can use sim me for the guide, I'm sure she'll love being a gold digger.

    For anyone who cares, sim me is free property for stories and such. Go nuts. Seriously. But tell me what happens, cuz I'm interested in that weirdness.

    Glad you got some kicks out of it Ruby. Some nasty people really made me fight for it.
    I'm glad igzigpuff pointed me to this thread.

    Yeah maybe you do have a softcore stalker, maybe I like the old ruby just a little too much ;)

    But yeah, I'm gonna take that energy and turn it into a gold digger ruby who pursues old men. Glad to have your permission. I didn't want to use you on my guide without your OK.

    By the way EA, I paid $50 for the game, I'd like to send a message to one person on the forum without having to start a whole thread ;) It's called private messaging darnit -- we aren't little kids, we can manage our own messages. Thanks.
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    SimGod21SimGod21 Posts: 362 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Ruby, Ruby, Ruby! Remember that little incident with our simselves? Well i decided to play them and discovered were an awesome sim family. As you can see sim me and sim you are both greatly more evil now in our dark clothing.
    Sadly sim you doesn't quite know what an Ab Lounger is yet, so your still a bit chunky.
    Also we live in this really sick castle in the middle of nowhere. It wasn't the smartest move on my part since it takes sim us forever to get to town now, but it was worth it. I'm a bit afraid for our simselves because If I leave them for even a minute, story progression could make them do unspeakable things. Horrible things. Things that a mothers heart could not handle. Ah well, story progression will be story progression. :roll:
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