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Seasons vs Supernatural

So Im buying an EP this weekend but I can't decide on which is better since I'm in love with both Seasons and Supernatural... Soooo I've come to the FORUMS! in search of help!
Anyone got any ideas!?



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    TPB01TPB01 Posts: 1,978 New Member
    edited January 2013
    Depends on what you want in the EP- do you favor seasonal changes, festivals or are you after a monster bash?
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    KianaisloveKianaislove Posts: 126 Member
    edited January 2013
    im looking to switch up game play, like how seasons would make it less "plain jane" but then again so could supernatural. but i love the idea of fairies and witches and stuff. im stuck lol
    which do you think is best?
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    KatiardguezKatiardguez Posts: 640 Member
    edited January 2013
    It just depends on what you like and what you prefer to have.With Seasons you get: weather,festival, and your sims can swim in the ocean even though you get that also with the 1.42 patch, So far is my favorite expansion. I dont have Supernatural so I cant say much but normally you will get: zombies, fairies, vampires,ghost, werewolves, witches.

    Season Review by LGR:
    Supernatural Review by LGR:

    Hope this helps you :)
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    HazysmithHazysmith Posts: 115 New Member
    edited January 2013
    I have both packs, but in my opinion Seasons is by the far the best of the expansions for all the weather variables, activities and stuff. Makes game play a bit more interesting.

    Supernatural is also a good choice, of course you get all the various new life states and the fun that comes with it but there is also a wealth of new stuff, skills and even new plants if your into that sort of thing.
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    mylee407mylee407 Posts: 864 New Member
    edited January 2013
    It just depends on what you like and what you prefer to have.With Seasons you get: weather,festival, and your sims can swim in the ocean even though you get that also with the 1.42 patch, So far is my favorite expansion. I dont have Supernatural so I cant say much but normally you will get: zombies, fairies, vampires,ghost, werewolves, witches.

    Season Review by LGR:
    Supernatural Review by LGR:

    Hope this helps you :)

    I wouldn't suggest LGRs Supernatural review as he prefers realism

    I have both EPs: I suggest Supernatural, it's really different and it excells where Seasons lacks: clothes/hair

    also besides zombies on my lawn I have no complaints. With Seasons the leaves that aren't raked stay there forever and im not up for raking the whole town...
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    PrettyJayhawkPrettyJayhawk Posts: 45
    edited January 2013
    I just joined the Sims 3, but I got Seasons immediately. It was something that I thought should have been in the base game, but wasn't. Still, I got it because it makes the experience more beautiful and I love the variety that it adds. Plus, if you still want a sort of monster then it does have aliens.
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    KianaisloveKianaislove Posts: 126 Member
    edited January 2013
    i love the theme of supernatural and all its content but i feel like it may get boring, well not boring because the sims is never boring but you know like repetitive. So im thinking seasons is the way to go... LGR is my hero!!! i love him so much 🐸🐸🐸🐸
    thanks simmers!:)
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    KianaisloveKianaislove Posts: 126 Member
    edited January 2013
    hmmm... more realism or more clothes and objects...

    i know its supposed to be a personal preference thing but i always change my mind and debate with myself.

    i've been watching a few LP's and it seems like supernatural would be best. but the thought of having just one seasons all the time...
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    Proteus42Proteus42 Posts: 891 Member
    edited January 2013
    Sounds like you should utilize solid multifaceted randomizers then ;)
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    BariSaxyBariSaxy Posts: 4,699 Member
    edited January 2013
    If you order them off of Origin right now you can get both of them for $40, I believe.
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    AnonymousMissAnonymousMiss Posts: 1,482 Member
    edited January 2013
    They're both awesome. I prefer Supernatural so far, because I love all of the variety it adds to my game, and the objects, clothes, and hair are brilliant. Seasons is fun if you prefer realism, though.
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    KianaisloveKianaislove Posts: 126 Member
    edited January 2013
    ughh. im sitting here just looking at them both, seasons or more clothes and items... im thinking seasons but idk if my comp would handle the epicness.
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    KayzaPlyrKayzaPlyr Posts: 215 Member
    edited January 2013
    Personally I've always preferred realism in my games, so even though I have both Seasons and Supernatural, currently all vampires, werewolves etc. are disabled. I just couldn't really get into it. For me, the added weather is amazing. It changes the whole feel of the game and I just love listening to the rain and thunderstorms. I haven't even gotten out of Summer yet! As for your computer, I'm not sure. I got a new desktop for Christmas that is running all the EPs perfectly. But overall, my favourite is definitely Seasons.
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    FdsaspammerFdsaspammer Posts: 5
    edited January 2013
    Season is great if you prefere a more realistic experience, with the exception of aliens (I haven't got Seasons though, so please take a notch of importance away from my comment). And Supernatural is superb if you love a more outlandish experience, yet a very cheesy one.

    Personally, Supernatural has been my favorite so far (out of all the expansions I have), especially alchemy, I haven't been to sleep for three weeks now, thanks to the potent invigorating elixir, and not to mention, burning people to acrisp with my witches magical hands(litrilly, if you spawn fire under a sim, they'll catch alight, and burn within no time)! Not to forget, throwing a potion of zombification at a poor, unwary sim leads to a zombapocalyspe! The posibilites are endless in Supernatural when unleashing your inner fiend!

    But, I suppose Seasons is pretty good to, I mean the reviews have been excellent, and unlike the other expansions, it improves the game, not makes more of the game.
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    LotteTroonbeeckxLotteTroonbeeckx Posts: 36 Member
    edited January 2013
    I just had Seasons and Supernatural, and I like Seasons the most I think. I don't necessarily need realism in my games, but the fact that there's rain, snow, hail, thunderstorms,... It makes the game experience a lot cooler in my opinion.

    But then I have to say I like Supernatural too. Maybe a bit less than Seasons, but still... It's a hard choice, but Fdsaspammer has a good point.

    If you're more into the realistic experience, pick Seasons.
    Every season has a holiday: Leisure Day in Summer, Spooky Day in Fall, Snowflake Day in Winter and Love Day in Spring. It's equal to Halloween, Christmas and Valentine's Day, what makes it cool. Not even mentioning the festivals and the season related activities. :)

    Having creatures like witches, werewolves and fairies and stuff is also awesome. But my gameplay totally changes when I go for a Supernatural. Personally, I don't play with them like a regular family, but only focus on their special traits as a supernatural. Then you can get everything out of your Sim. Werewolves hunting in pack every night, witches practicing with their wand and flying around on brooms, Fairies pranking the hell out of other Sims,... I don't focus on the 'realistic mode' anymore.

    It's like 51 (Seasons)/49 (Supernatural) here for me. But your choice eventually depends on your favourite gameplay/gamestyle: realistic or more goofing around and experimenting? :)
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