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Wyrd Tales (updated May 31, '24)


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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,715 Member
    @Metior_Ice and @DaniRose2143 ... we're just looking at the people he's killed, or had killed, on screen in pursuit of his current goal. Consider the ones this ancient evil vampire has killed just because he was hungry, the lives he's ruined because he was bored... until he got so jaded that even that wasn't enough to hold his interest anymore. Why does a creature who deals death so casually care about a few lives - like Jacques and Mortimer? Does his contempt for Lilith's "sentimentality" mask his own? I love asking myself questions like these... it's what makes writing so much fun.
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,122 Member
    edited July 2022
    I am finally caught up and ready for more.😁

    @luciusstorm @Metior_Ice

    I think it's a common trait or quirk with those of us who do this. I don't see how you can even get around asking yourself questions about a sim even when you're in CAS creating them. As I'm making them I'm thinking about who they are, what are they going to be and do? The only one I have right now that I seldom ask myself what is she going to do is Danielle. She has been with me through various saves and stories, in various different forms, for just over three years so I pretty much know how she's going to react based on the traits that version has. Even then she still possesses the power to surprise me.
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,051 Member
    So is Beth a werewolf too? I guess she must be if she and Jake are fated? We haven't seen her in were-form I don't think, or participating in the "letting off steam" or anything? Unless I missed something.

    Oh and what is this interaction? It's adorable
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,122 Member
    So is Beth a werewolf too? I guess she must be if she and Jake are fated? We haven't seen her in were-form I don't think, or participating in the "letting off steam" or anything? Unless I missed something.

    Oh and what is this interaction? It's adorable

    That is what happens when a weaker rampaging werewolf comes up to a stronger werewolf or a brave sim and snarls at them. They get a flick between the eyes. Ava tried that snarl routine on Rory and got that same treatment. Frankly I think that is light years funnier than smacking them on the nose with a rolled up newspaper like in TS3.
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,715 Member
    So is Beth a werewolf too? I guess she must be if she and Jake are fated? We haven't seen her in were-form I don't think, or participating in the "letting off steam" or anything? Unless I missed something.

    Beth is a werewolf. Her first change happens in Chapter 14 - Beth's Moon and we see her briefly in wolf form again in Chapter 28 - Hidden History. She and Nick were both born werewolves. We haven't seen her parents much because... well, you don't in YA stories. :)

    Honestly, she just doesn't seem to rage out and go on rampages as much as the boys do. I'm not sure why.

    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,051 Member
    Oh cool! Maybe I missed that one before. I went back and read it :)
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,715 Member

    Chapter 33 - The Funeral

    They laid Mortimer Goth to rest in the family mausoleum.
    Morgan offered her heartfelt sympathy to her future mother-in-law. She had never had the chance to meet Mortimer, but she knew he was a good man, cruelly taken before his time.

    "Well be here for you, Mrs. Goth," Morgan assured her. "Xander and I will stay with you as long as you need."

    "I'll take care of the family now, dad," Xander told his father's urn. "I'm sorry we lost Cassie and Miranda. I'm sorry you won't meet your new grandchild... but I will keep them safe. I swear it."

    Bella walked home in the rain. The world isn't seemed to grieve with her.

    "They've gone..."

    Gwen stood aside, letting her love grieve her father alone for a moment...

    ... before trying to comfort her.

    "This shouldn't have happened," Cassie said.

    "Everyone who has investigated our disappearance is dead..."

    "Every moment we stay in hiding, people are dying. We could have saved them."

    "We will stop Vlad," Gwen said, "together, we will. I need you to trust me."

    "I need to say goodbye to my father..."
    "... I need to talk to him."

    "I'm so sorry, father," Cassie said. "I should have told you... should have let you know we were safe. You wouldn't have died. This is all my fault."

    "No," Gwen said. "It's mine. I believed your friendship with Vlad would protect you. I didn't foresee this."

    "I'm going to make this right," Cassie's eyes suddenly blazed. "I'm going to kill Vlad!"

    "No," Gwen gasped. "You can't!"

    "Now you two listen to me," Mortimer's hollow, ghostly voice said. "This is not your fault. It is the fault of my killer and no one else. If you had told me you were alive, if you had told me what happened, I would have confronted Vlad and he would have killed me, or controlled me. Then he would have hunted you both down. My life is small price to pay for keeping you safe..."

    "As for killing Vlad," Mortimer continued. "You will do nothing of the kind, young lady. He is ancient, powerful and protected. He has an army of minions at his command... but his strength is also his weakness. Now listen to me. I have a plan..."
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,715 Member

    Chapter 34 - Cry Havoc

    Bella had been working for years to get close to Nancy Landgraab, carefully cultivating a friendship between them.
    Despite Nancy's ties, through her husband, to the Agency (or perhaps because of them) no one had even been able to get solid evidence on her connections to the criminal Families.

    Bella was getting closer than anyone had before.

    Since Mortimer's death, she had become dedicated to proving Nancy's involvement. Some in the Agency said she had become obsessed and her superiors were making noises about moving her off the case. Bella knew she was close. She just needed a break... one break.

    "It's time..."
    "... be careful," Gwen whispered. "No one can know. We're not ready yet."

    "I'm in," Cassie grinned.

    Hacking into Nancy's secret server was almost laughably easy. You'd think a major crime ring would have better security, Xander thought.
    "Hmmm... reset password," Cassie smirked. "You should be able to guess this one, little brother."

    Nancy's son Malcolm was the same age Cassie would have been. Bella still wasn't surprised he was opening to a little flirting. Men could be so predictable.
    She was surprised at how welcoming Malcolm, and his wife Bonnie, were...

    ... and how much they let slip to "mother's friend Bella."

    They even invited her to dinner.

    "He'll never remember he saw me. He'll just remember how much he trusts Bella."

    After years of trying, Nancy was finally opening up.
    "Now Nancy..."

    "... you're so sorry about Mortimer. You trust Bella absolutely. You will let her in."

    Bella knew she was making progress but she never expected to be invited this far in.
    Nancy she'd known about...

    Representative Feng? No wonder the Agency hadn't been able to make any headway.

    Fortunately, he was an easy target...

    ... willing to share all sorts of things to a lonely widow.

    Mortimer's dear old friend, Vlad. It was probably for the best she didn't try to seduce him. It took all Bella's concentration not to go for her gun at the sight of treacherous old snake. If the rumors about the old monster were true, it wouldn't kill him anyway... but it would hurt a lot.

    As she put together the evidence packet, Bella couldn't help but think - This for you, Mortimer. This is for you.

    "In a surprise action today, law enforcement officials made sweeping arrests to break up a major crime ring. Among the shocking suspects are Nancy Landgraab, her son Malcolm Landgraab, his wife Bonnie and Representative Victor Feng. The Landgraab's legal team denied all charges. A spokesman for Representative Feng issued a further statement condemning what they called the heavy-handed tactics of the shadowy Agency.

    "One suspect, the noted wealthy recluse Count Vladislaus Straud IV, remains at large."

    "I'm surrounded by fools. Reduced to hiding in a crypt due to their incompetence. How... inconvenient."

    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,122 Member
    @luciusstorm The walls are closing in around Vlad, or are they? I'm getting nervous for Bella if Cassie isn't around, or Gwen. The story just keeps getting better and better!
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,715 Member
    @DaniRose2143, it was high time for our heroes to have a win... and Bella was good enough to give me one. I'm glad I was able finally get back to Gwen and Cassie too. I've missed them... but I really want to get back to Miranda.
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    crimsonnclover324crimsonnclover324 Posts: 73 Member
    "As for killing Vlad," Mortimer continued. "You will do nothing of the kind, young lady. He is ancient, powerful and protected. He has an army of minions at his command... but his strength is also his weakness. Now listen to me. I have a plan..."

    All I keep hearing in my head is Mortimer talking like Hanibal from the A-Team at the end of every episode "I love it when a plan comes together." while making that iconic smirk and lighting his Cuban cigar....

    Loving the new chapters and really enjoying all the interwoven fabric between key players.
    OriginID: crimsonclover324
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,715 Member
    Working on my next update, I've run head long to one of the challenges of the medium. I had ideas of what I wanted to do next, but the game won't cooperate. Now I either have to try and force it or just play and let the story unfold. I guess I'll sleep on it and see.
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,051 Member
    ...And let slip the dogs of war! B) Great chapter.
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,715 Member

    Chapter 35 - To Capture Moonlight

    Kristopher had agreed, reluctantly, to drive Miranda into town so she could visit her grandfather's grave.
    She needed to say her farewells...

    ... and he offered her what comfort he could, knowing from long experience that grief would pass in it's own time.

    "Please, Kristopher," Miranda pleaded, "we can't let them get away this. We have to do something."

    "I'm sorry," Kristopher said sadly. "I promised you and your mother I would protect you, but I will not fight a war for you. It is not my way."

    Alright, Miranda thought, it isn't your way... but I'll find my way.

    Returning to Moonwood Mill, Miranda threw herself into improving her magic.
    Yoga helped her to focus.

    Beth joined in...

    Jake... well, he tried.

    Nick stuck with what he was good at... and Miranda had to admit, it was working for him.

    Having learned a lot from books, they turned their attention to the tunnels that ran beneath the town.
    Jake had found references in the Journal to a hidden chamber that held relics left over from the old conflict with the vampires. Miranda was absolutely determined to find it.

    Unfortunately, after getting lost in the dark and nearly breaking her ankle, the others were adamant that Miranda was not to go down there. If Nick hadn't gotten her out, she might not have made it on her own.

    He and Jake handled the searching from then on.

    With fall coming to a close, Beth embraced her inner domestic goddess and cooked up a feast for everyone.
    Jake thanked her thoroughly... to everyone's amusement.

    "Oh my God!" Miranda cried out. "Have you guys seen this?"

    "What you actually have signal?"

    "Not that," Miranda grinned, "though this is like the third time my phone's worked since I got here... but the news. The cops have broken up a big crime ring. They arrested a lot of important people and they're looking for Vlad Straud! He's on the run!"

    "That's amazing," Jake said, "I don't know if that makes this better or what, but we all kinda got you something. Well, I say 'got' ... found it, really."

    "My lord, the wards below Moonwood have been undone."
    "They have found the wand."

    "Good," Vlad hissed. "We approach the endgame now, Faust. Perhaps not as strongly positioned as I had planned, but the game will be mine."
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,122 Member
    @luciusstorm Another excellent episode! Beth was well and truly thanked.😉 I love Miranda's determination to get revenge on Vlad. When an important job needs done send a woman to do it. My apologies and to you and the other good guys!

    I've been feeling the same pain you have. I've been spending time with Matteo and Liberty hoping for something good I can use for the story, but they haven't cooperated. Those romantic photos were from the main story save, they were from the backup save. I was messing around and thought it would be fun to stage some steamy photos. Now I want them to give me a show like that in the main save.😲

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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,715 Member
    @DaniRose2143, I confess I did a lot of start and stop... nope don't save that, wait go back and try that again, blast forgot I needed a shot of that... this has got to have been one the hardest updates to put together yet. I dread to think what's to come... because they are not going to get easier. I think maybe staging an occult war wasn't the simplest storyline to tackle my first time out. :)
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,122 Member
    @DaniRose2143, I confess I did a lot of start and stop... nope don't save that, wait go back and try that again, blast forgot I needed a shot of that... this has got to have been one the hardest updates to put together yet. I dread to think what's to come... because they are not going to get easier. I think maybe staging an occult war wasn't the simplest storyline to tackle my first time out. :)

    @luciusstorm Your doing a fantastic job! I think in my case I may have to relent and force something to happen if Lib and Matteo don't liven things up. I do have an idea....
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    GirafHuntrGirafHuntr Posts: 759 Member
    Finally had a chance to catch up on the new thread here. I had a busy week, and have been doing so much reading on the forums that I haven't even touched my own game! This story continues to be so fascinating. Great job!
    My username has been my internet handle for over 20 years since I was 16 and refers to when I had a crush on a very tall boy. I intend absolutely no violence toward beautiful giraffes. <3
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,715 Member

    Chapter 36 - Road Trip

    Her old wand, gifted to her by Gwen, had been an elegant tool, which Miranda used to shape her magic. The Moonwood Wand felt like an extension of her arm, her heart and her magic. It was almost a living thing and eager to be run after its long sleep.
    Miranda tried to explain about the wand to the others, but she didn't think they understood.

    Nick's thoughts on the subject were a bit risque, which made Miranda laugh.

    Now that she had the wand, Miranda was ready...
    "You know," Nick said catching up to her, "the school bus is the other way."

    "Oh, yeah," Miranda said sheepishly. "I'm just..."

    "Cuttin' school," Nick grinned. "No big... I do that all the time. School's not really my thing. So... where you goin'?"

    "Ok, but it's a secret," Miranda said. "You can't tell anyone. I'm going to Glimmerbrook! I need to show my moms the wand!"

    "Right, cool," Nick said. "So, you know how to get there?"

    "Well," Miranda admitted, "no."

    "So, hitchhiking to a place you've never while being hunted by vampires," Nick said.

    "Well, when you put it that way it sounds dumb."

    "Right," Nick nodded. "We'll take my dad's truck."

    "OK," Miranda said. "Wait... we?"

    "Yeah, I'm goin' with you... to keep you safe. That's the deal, right. Keep you safe."

    "So, this is Henford?" Nick asked.

    "Technically Finchwick," Miranda said. "I grew up here. Funny, it looks... smaller. Anyway, that friend I called should be meeting us here. He said he can help give us directions."
    "Hi Imran."

    "Hi Imran? How about - Hey, Imran sorry for disappearing and not being in touch for months but hey, I'm not dead?" Imran laughed. "Look at you... all, not-dead!"

    "So, how 'bout it Imran," Nick asked. "You know how to find this Glimmerbrook place? 'Cause Miranda's phone app says it ain't there... like it ain't anywhere."

    "Which is weird, right," Imran said, "but yeah, my dad had an old atlas and I found it."

    "Look," Imran went on, "It's already pretty late. Why don't you guys spend the night at my place? My folks won't mind. Then we can go over the maps and you can head out in the morning."

    "Well, well, well..."
    "... what have we here?"

    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,715 Member

    Chapter 37 - Keep Her Safe

    "Hey Imran," Maria said not looking up from the screen. "Mom and dad went to bed. It's your night to take out the trash, loser."

    "Sure," Imran rolled his eyes. "Look who I found."
    "Oh! My! God! MIRANDA!,'"Maria cheered. "Too awesome!"

    "Seriously," Maria continued, "you have to tell me everything! First, who's the cute guy?"

    "You guys OK to sack out on the couches," Imran asked Nick while the girls caught up. "I'll get you those maps in the morning."

    "Yeah," Nick nodded. "You got someplace I clean up? Long drive here."

    Miranda quickly dropped off.

    As Nick cleaned up, he caught scent of something...

    ... something wrong.
    "Hey dead-boy," Nick grinned. "I gotta ask... were you buried in that suit? 'Cause it smells like it."

    "I'll have you know, this is the finest fashion," the vampire snarled.

    "When? Stuffy olden days?" Nick sneered.

    "Stand aside dog," the vampire commanded, "and I'll let you and the Waston family live."

    "You want to hurt Miranda, or any of them, dead-boy..."

    "You go through me," Nick roared

    "Nick!" Miranda, awoken by the nose, shouted.

    "I got this," Nick snarled. "Had enough, dead-boy?'

    "One for the road," the vampire hissed.

    "Let go of him!" Miranda cried.

    "Wha... hot. Hot! HOT!"

    "Wh... where'd he go," Nick panted.
    "I gave him a full-body hot-foot," Miranda gasped. "He ran off. I don't think he'll be back."

    "Good," Nick wheezed. "I... I think... I..."

    "Nick? Nick! NICK!"

    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    GirafHuntrGirafHuntr Posts: 759 Member
    And I completely LOL'd at Nick's "risque" thoughts about the wand. :lol:
    My username has been my internet handle for over 20 years since I was 16 and refers to when I had a crush on a very tall boy. I intend absolutely no violence toward beautiful giraffes. <3
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,715 Member
    GirafHuntr wrote: »
    And I completely LOL'd at Nick's "risque" thoughts about the wand. :lol:

    I actually struggled a little bit with that line. Rewrote it a few times because I'm a little uncertain as to how much is too much for the T for Teen rating (since most teens of my experience are pretty solidly rated MA). I'd love to have a bit more "creative freedom" than American Puritanism allows but at the same time the restriction is a challenge and challenges are good.
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    GirafHuntrGirafHuntr Posts: 759 Member
    @luciusstorm Well good job, no way anyone could flag it the way you wrote it!

    My username has been my internet handle for over 20 years since I was 16 and refers to when I had a crush on a very tall boy. I intend absolutely no violence toward beautiful giraffes. <3
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,051 Member
    Nick!!! You made me enjoy him so much more in these two chapters and now he is in jeopardy! Please at least tell us he is not gone forever

    @GirafHuntr Yeah agreed, and sometimes it's more fun to make up our own risque comments in our imaginations than just to read one
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,715 Member

    Chapter 38 - Leader of the Pack

    It had been late by the time they'd realized Nick and Miranda were really missing, had taken the truck. Once they did, they had some good guesses where the pair might have been heading

    Beth caught their scent in Finchwick.
    Following her brother's trail wasn't difficult for her...

    Arrived at the farmhouse just the sun was rising, Beth howled with grief.

    Miranda couldn't bear the thought of facing her friends, but she knew she owed them that much.
    "He's gone, isn't he," Beth said.

    "I'm so sorry, Beth," Miranda said. "He was so... brave."

    "This is all my fault!" Miranda sobbed. "If I hadn't left, hadn't let him come with me... Oh God, I'm so sorry..."

    Tears running down her face, Beth embraced her friend, "It's not your fault!"

    "Jake, I..." Miranda began but he just pulled her into a crushing hug.

    "Oh God," Miranda whispered. "Kristopher..."
    "Beth, I'm so sorry. His loss diminishes us all," Kristopher said.

    Turning to Miranda, his face was grim, "What were you thinking? You should have stayed in Moonwood! You were safe there!"

    "I told you... I told you we would not fight a war for you," he growled. "Now look what's happened!"

    "Don't talk to her like that!" Jake shouted. "You say you don't want to fight a war for her! Wake up, father! The war is happening, whether you want it or not...

    "We can't be diplomatic with someone who doesn't even see us as people. We can't peacefully coexist with someone who wants to destroy us. People are dying. Nick died! No, he didn't just die... they killed him."

    "You've always said you wanted me to lead," Jake sighed. "Nick wasn't part of your pack, father. He was part of mine... and my pack is going with Miranda. We're going to stand against the vampires because it's the right thing to do. Because it's not her war, father. It's everyone's."
    "Take Nick home," Jake said. "We'll see you there... when this is over."

    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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