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The Whittaker Saga - 1937: A world in turmoil, and a new foal (6/9)


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    JALJAL Posts: 1,111 Member
    edited July 2023
    One more week as passed in game, and we are now well into Spring. Abigail cannot say she liked the start of this week. Spring arrived, but she started the week by falling ill.

    The next day that illness has spread to almost everyone else in the family, save for Ida who seemed to be doing just fine. (As an interesting side note, there was actually an epidemic of influensa in March 1891. Granted it was in Chicago, but still. This game continues to surprise me, it's almost too well matched with history.

    Now one of the rules of this challenge, one I am actually keeping, is the no medicine rule for this decade. Mostly because medicine was unreliable at the time due to poor regulation of the research and publication of findings. One part of this was that almost anyone could - and would - publish in journals with potential cures for diseases, and another that many pharmacies came up with their own concoctions, some of which were more reliable than others. Some where even dangerous. Medicine, was therefore not to be trusted. Abigail prefers the natural remedies. Hot chamomile tea, rest, good hygiene and cleaning the house.

    In 1891 the knowledge of bacteria has been scientifically established for a while. The connection between illness and sanitation was proven as early as 1837. Therefore, Abigails natural solution to the influensa in her house, is to go on a cleaning frenzy That this coincides with the common practise of spring cleaning is only an added bonus. During spring cleaning, you needed to be more than one person, so in households like this one, with only one maid, a woman like Abigail would do her part (even if Dolly would do the dirtiest and heaviest jobs). While the two women clean, Joseph hides in his office and Ida is sent to her room to entertain herself.

    By the end of the day, they are no less sick (possibly more so due to the added strain of cleaning) but the house is at least immaculately clean. As Frank is sent home from school with a fever, and Joseph comes down with it too, tea is ordered for everyone and the boys are sent promptly to bed.

    Ida, the only one not affected so far, still needs tending, so rest for Abigail means knitting while watching Ida play.

    When it's finally time for Ida's nap for the day, Abigail too can lay down for a while.

    For poor Dolly there is of course no rest to be had. As the only housemaid, and with working conditions what they were (just look at how fast Lizbeth was fired when a better maid came along) she can at most take a moment's breather on the stool in the kitchen. But at least the house is clean and germ free.

    On Wednesday, everyone in the family seemed to have recovered, though poor Dolly is still feeling the effects of the influensa. As Frank leaves for school and Joseph goes to work, Abigail gives her some free time to rest up as she takes Ida out of the house for the day. She had made a decision to widen their group of friends, and so she set out to call on a Christine Bradshaw, a new acquaintance from the congregation whose company she quite enjoy.

    Turns out that Christine has two lovely daughters, Madelynn and Martha (and a son, but Ida doesn't care much for boys). After a moment of initial shyness, Ida and Martha gets along well.

    But eventually it's time to go home. Ida is so tired she falls asleep on the couch. Abigail decides to let her be while she helps Frank with his homework.

    On Friday, the weather is beautiful and Abigail and Joseph decide to take Ida to the park. Now in 1890s parks were not places with large playgrounds. In fact there usually were no playgrounds at all (the first US playground opened in 1887 in San Fransisco). Instead parks were places to walk, to experience nature, and to meet people. Ida will have to make due with what nature provides.

    She befriends a wild rabit:

    And play in a spot of sand by the fishing pond.

    On the day before Easter Sunday, it's Ida's birthday. It's time for her to become a child. A birthday party is planned. All the Bradshaw children are invited, as well as the Duncan and Sullivan children. Dinner, lamb for easter, is prepared by Dolly and Abigail sets the table:

    Ida's room gets new furniture. Abigail chooses white and airy furniture, along the new modern style art nouveau that is starting to become more popular.

    As the children arrive for the party, entertainers are hired. A violinist. The flower bunny is also there, and the children all hunt for eggs according to Victorian easter celebrations.

    They eat food and Ida blows out the candles on her birthday cake.

    Meet Ida Whittaker, a 1890s girl. As stated before, I did not intend to give her a trait that was predetermined (creative) by the rules, but let it be decided randomly. At first it rolled out as geek, which doesn't really play well with the era, so I did a reroll. She ended up being an art lover. Well fitted for the time. Her aspiration (also after a random generator) is to become an artistic prodigy. She's probably going to find the creative focus of a girl's education easy to live with.

    NOTE: As I grew bored with the one dress in game that fits for girls I downloaded some CC for her (I want to do this with as little CC as possible, but I also want to be able to feel immerged in the game.) Links to CC:

    I also downloaded the clown-in-the-box toy from Pandasama, as I felt we needed a few more Victorian toys in game. From the in game version, the doll house, the wagon toy and the horse toy are really the only ones well fitted to the time. I do wish they'd added a rocking horse for horse ranch (seems like a missed opportunity), but I'll make do.

    Next week it's finally time for Abigail's wedding! Now that both children are aged up and summer is at the door, it's about time to make the final transition to husband and wife, and to start working on children of their own.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,111 Member
    edited July 2023
    As spring starts to turn into summer, Abigail is finally getting married!

    The wedding was set to Saturday, so it's been a week of preparations. It started with a holiday service on Easter Sunday. As I've played the active service several times now, I opted for sending the family through the rabbit hole this time. After church, the family visited the park, where Frank met and played with Mathias Bradshaw, and Ida kept befriending the local rabbit.

    All in all it was a very pleasant Easter Sunday. On Monday, it was Ida's first day of school. She got ready by washing up in her new wash bowl in her room, with certain...unforeseen consequences:

    Luckily she was quite alright even after merging with the dresser (I love CC but they don't always work as intended).

    For Abigail it became a day of learning about what a soon to be former governess does with her time when there are no kids in the house. She decided to learn how to paint.

    She also played the piano, knitted, cross-stitched, and was generally bored until the kids came home. Once they did, Abigail is happy again as she supervises their homework:

    And Joseph comes home with good news. He's been promoted:

    When the kids are done with their homework Frank is sent outside to play with Mathias, while Ida got to practice her piano and start learning how to knit. You know, the useful skills in life for girls.

    Meanwhile, things were heating up in the Whittaker household. Joseph was finding this waiting to be married business harder as the wedding got closer. Abigail was not finding it easy to resist, and didn't seem to actually mind the attention.
    There were times when I thought they'd were flirting so heavily that they'd end up woohooing on their own (I have autonomous woohooing turned on), but they were both good, and would spontaneously feel a strong need to judge some decor or clean already clean objects (that they have a maid to clean anyway) every time things got intense.

    As they are getting married and going on their honeymoon, Abigail interviewed a possible replacement for the governess position:

    It seemed to go well until the kids came home to meet her and it turned out that she had a viscous mean streak and subjected Ida to it almost immediately. Abigail told her to get out.

    She spoke to Joseph about the difficulty in finding someone.

    "Why don't we just ask my sister to stay while we're away?" he said.

    Abigail has not met Joseph's sister yet, but the night before the wedding Mary arrived.

    She seemed more than a bit suspicious of Abigail:

    In fact the two did not get along at all:

    Abigail took her refuge on the second floor teaching Ida cross stitching:

    When night came around it was thought that Abigail and Mary would share a bed until Abigail can share Joseph's. But Mary went to sleep refusing to sleep next to Abigail, who had to resign to sleep downstairs with the maid. Ahh well, it's only for one night.

    Finally, the big day is here, and Abigail is trying on her wedding dress:

    They are wed in Willow Creek Church, with the reverend as officiant, Ida as flower girl, and Frank as ring bearer:

    The reception is at their house and they cut their cake together:

    And when everyone has left, they finally get to do what they have been wanting to do, trying to have a baby:

    Tomorrow they are leaving for their honeymoon.

    (On a side note, I'm never ever playing a wedding from MWS again! I'll use the good old fashioned ceremony, they at least worked as intended!)

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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,557 Member
    I don't know what website you got your rules from, but maybe it's because you're a history teacher you ignored the very ludicrous "no wallpaper and no upholstered furniture" rules for the 1890s that I've seen on several of the "decades challenge rules" sites. They definitely had both wallpaper and upholstery in the 1890s!

    William Morris and the Pre-Raphaelites made a lot of money from designing wallpaper in the late 19th century.

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    xaenythxaenyth Posts: 14 New Member
    I'm obsessed with this thread and living for the updates.
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,361 Member
    What a wonderful premise for a story. I've only read the first post but really looking forward to catching up on Abigail's adventures. And what a lovely name you've chosen for her. 🙂
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,111 Member
    William Morris and the Pre-Raphaelites made a lot of money from designing wallpaper in the late 19th century.

    Quite right. It seems to me, when reading the rules, that they apply to a time much earlier than 1890s. Both with the women may not work, to the women may not inherit, to the no travels to the interior design. It's why I've opted for a more research based approach while still adapting to the spirit of the challenge. (And also because I am a history geek)
    xaenyth wrote: »
    I'm obsessed with this thread and living for the updates.
    What a wonderful premise for a story. I've only read the first post but really looking forward to catching up on Abigail's adventures. And what a lovely name you've chosen for her. 🙂

    Thank you so much, the both of you. It makes me very happy to hear. Abigail was the name of a character I had planned on writing about once, but that then never got written. I got attached to the name though, so it felt right for this challenge.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,111 Member
    edited August 2023
    Right now I'm busy playing Abigail and Joseph on their honeymoon, and they are having a blast! But before I post I want to talk a little about traveling in the 19th century and why I am, again, blatantly ignoring the rules of the original challenge. (And because I am a teacher at heart and cannot stop myself).

    To start with, traveling in the 1890s was not a quick affair, but it was a lot quicker than it had been previously, and the technological advances both when it came to railways and trains as well as steamships had had made trips cheaper and more accessible for everyone. Yes, everyone, not just the insanely wealthy.

    There were of course different type of travelling, and they were not all open to everyone:
    • The regional trip that lasted one or perhaps a few days. These were usually with horse and wagon to nearby towns and often connected to something you had to do, business or bigger events. You needed to visit the only bank in the region, or attend a wedding, or go to the market to sell your produce. In game, this would be like travelling from Willow Creek to Magnolia Promenade or New Crest.
    • The migration trip where you moved location entirely. The move to the western US from the east or the migration from Europe to the US. These were long, one way trips, mainly conducted by those who were a bit poorer in the hopes of finding a better life. A few did return from these, many did not, and spent the rest of their lives being only able to talk to their family through letters. So this would be a move from Windenburg or Henly to any of the US worlds. Or a move from Willow Creek to Chestnut Ridge for example.
    • The vacation trip. This was fairly new in the 1890s, but was becoming more frequent. These were only for those with money. People who were well off could take a train ride to some where, usually the coast. Those with more money could go on the grand tour of Europe. These were expensive trips. A first class ticket on a steam-liner in 1890 was between $5 000 and $10 000 in today's value, and a second class ticket was about half that (to which you had to add the price of staying in Europe of course). In comparison a house could be built for between $60 000 to $ 150 000 in today's value. A trip was a lot of money, but not undoable. Especially if it was a once in a lifetime trip rather than the charter holidays we go on today once or twice a year. As it took 6 days to get to Europe from the US (and 6 to return), these trips lasted a while longer. This is the type of trip that Abigail and Joseph are on.
    • Finally, the adventure trip. These were trips that lasted months, in expedition form where you hired people to go with you. Into the desert, up mountains or into jungles. These were not for ordinary people, but those brave enough and curious enough to want to see the world. Most of these travellers were men, but a few notable ones were women as well. Mary Kingsley, for example, was the first woman to enter Gabon (she died in 1900). Gertrude Bell, as another, slightly later example, climbed mountains and travelled so extensively in the middle east that after WWI she was consulted on the politics of the area. She was instrumental in the creation of Iraq as a nation. These would be the equivalents of going to Selvadorada, Sulani and Mt Komorebi in game and I am sort of hoping that one of the kids of the family will get the adventurous trait so that I'll have an excuse to send them on one of these trips eventually.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,111 Member
    edited August 2023
    A little note before I begin this installments, a lot of credit needs to go to skilled builders everywhere. All the buildings in my version of Brindleton comes from this 1890s Brindleton save). Beautiful builds! The steamliner is a version of the RMS Titanic that I found on the gallery and then altered to be a little older, more like the steam ships of the 1890s. I call her RMS Augusta Victoria after a ship that was actually trafficking the route at the time. It is also her price list, which I found online, that I've used to calculate the cost of this trip. The buildings in Windenburg are mostly Maxis or mine, with the lighthouse you only see in the background in one of the pictures the very beautiful exception.

    After marriage - comes honeymoon, and Joseph has been planning this one for a while. They leave already on Sunday, and after Sunday service, they head for the train station, leaving Frank and Ida with Mary as they head off to Brindleton Bay.

    Unfortunately, Joseph and Abigail did not have the time to explore old Brindleton, but instead headed straight for RMS Augusta Victoria, which was set to start off their journey to Europe. As Joseph does fall into the category of wealthy, with more than 30 000 to his name, he had splashed out for one of the finer rooms (if not the grandest, nor are they travelling with their servants. Dolly was left at home with Mary and the kids).

    They get right to the business of trying to make a baby the moment the ship leaves port:

    Only later do they explore the ship, visiting the tea room, the reading room and finding food for the evening in the grand dining room:

    But their real vacation begin when they finally arrive in Windenburg. Joseph has chosen a beautiful hotel on the island just outside Windenburg:
    But what is this? Doesn't Abigail look a bit odd in that first picture? A bit nauseous perhaps? Could she be pregnant? So soon? But yes, she is! She tells him the news as they're taking a walk in the surroundings, on a beautiful spot overlooking the water:
    (A little note here that I use MCCC and the chance of pregnancy each try is at 11%, I mean why make it easy? Apparently 11% was a large enough chance that Abigail more or less got pregnant on the first try). Joseph is delighted, and have a very hard time keeping his hands off his new wife;

    As they arrived quite early, they spent the rest of the day exploring Windenburg town, starting with the cathedral. Joseph and Abigail has never seen a building that tall before (or that old for that matter):

    They are so impressed with the church, that they cannot help but to fantasise about what their wedding would have been like had they been able to get married in a place like this. They retake their vows at the wedding arch, and walk both up and down the isle as if they were doing it for real. It is perhaps a bit silly, but they cannot help themselves.

    Afterwards, they go to the square for a bite to eat (or rather Abigail eats, Joseph just watch. He's not as hungry as his pregnant wife seems to be.) When she's done, they visit the local market space where they buy a few candles, and the local library which impresses Joseph quite a bit. After all, Willow Creek does not have a library yet. Maybe it's time to do something about that?

    Returning back to the Inn, they took some tea in the sunroom before dinner in the dining hall and some musical entertainment in the lounge.

    Then Joseph finally got his hands on his wife in their room again at night. Gasp, without trying for a baby!!! Abigail discovered that she quite like this 'physical intimacy' thing.

    The next day, the enamoured coupe went to the famous Von Haunt Estate, where they walked the maze, kissed by the waterfall and generally just enjoyed the sights. Abigail tried her hand at painting the gardens as a memory for home, and Joseph took a tour of the house. When they returned to the Inn, Abigail was entirely exhausted!

    Next day's adventure went to the Ancient ruins, where, after looking at the remnants of buildings older than they could both imagine, Joseph was happy to discover a fishing pond. Abigail, again, made an effort to paint her memories, before making a wish in the wishing well.

    That night they tried their luck in a game of cards with the locals:

    As fun as they had, Abigail needed rest, so the next day they decided to 'take the waters' at the Windenburg Estate, and ancient bath house, inspired by the early spas in places like Bath, Baden-baden, Spa and Budapest (though this is a pool as massage and manicures weren't all that common in 1890s). They spent their day trying the various hot springs and pools, sunbathing and walking the gardens. Again, Abigail wanted to keep painting her memories. She was actually improving quite a lot, reaching level 5 in painting.

    As much as she was enjoying herself, Abigal (and Joseph for that matter) were starting to be homesick at the end of their stay. They miss the children and their home:

    But their holiday was coming to an end. There was, however, one thing that Abigail had not painted yet. The cathedral. She was not going home without a painting of that.

    On this their last afternoon in Windenburg, they also found a secret cavern:

    And took the chance of one more swim before it was time to pack and return home.

    The trip on the RMS Augusta Victoria was mainly uneventful, and they returned home safe and sound. They gathered the kids and told them the happy news:

    And got absolutely no reaction. Neither Frank nor Ida was particularly impressed with the news of a new sibling. Abigail was a bit disappointed that Dolly seemed happier than the kids about it. She did get her paintings up on the wall, however:

    On Sunday, they went to church, got Mary off to the train station to send her home, and was finally just themselves again. Now life can begin for real!

    (A short note on time. So far I've let seasons dictate the passing of time, with one week = 1-2 months. With a pregnancy in play and Frank being ready to age up to teen in the winter, time is going to have to speed up to fit the aging of the kids. In the challenge, the recommended pace is 1 year/ 2 days, which would make this significantly faster. I am myself leaning towards an aging of ca 5 years per in game year, which means decade would take 2 full years or 16 weeks. We'll see if I stick to that or move faster/slower depending on events.)
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    Your story keeps me coming back. I love every word of it and the pictures are outstanding! <3
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,111 Member
    Again, thank you @Rawla it means a lot to hear.

    So while Abigail and Joseph were off on their honeymoon, life, it seemed, went on back home with out them, and they returned home to a lot of changes and gossip. The most shocking news? Mary Brennan eloped with Paul Heydale! She, who had been rumoured to be the consideration of Matthew Godeau, ended up running away to marry a simple farmer?! Speculations into a possible pregnancy being the reason for the hasty marriage is everywhere. After all, Mary had to give up her expensive pearls, her dresses and a whole lot of comfort to live in a cramped house filled with hard work. Marrying down, like this, was basically unheard of! Everyone is wondering how she'll cope with her new life.
    Mary without her pearls and fancy clothing.

    Otherwise, the biggest news in town is that of Ophelia Godeau's death and Matthew Godeau's sudden, and very public, proposal to Valeria Waldron, yes the same who Abigail interviewed and dismissed as a governess because of her mean streak.

    This one caught everyone unaware, because Matthew and Valeria did not know each other very well. In fact Valeria has just been introduced to society (aged up to YA), while Matthew is an adult man of some years. But for Valeria this is definitely a step up the social latter. Her father must be so very pleased!

    For Abigail, her primary concern is neither Matthew Godeau or Mary Brennan, but her own pregnancy. She's suffers from nausea, and as if that wasn't enough some sort of rash:

    She's almost grateful when she finally goes into labour:

    That night the kids are left to do their homework on their own, and once Joseph is back from meeting his editor, the three wait nervously in the dining room while Abigail struggles with giving birth in the bedroom:

    Finally, a baby girl is born! They name her Anna. Joseph falls in love the moment he sees her.

    The kids are a bit harder to persuade. Frank is delighted, but Ida is a bit more reserved. She isn't sure she really wants someone who competes with her for Abigail's time. After all Abigail is the only mother she has known, yet she knows she's not her real child, and Anna is. What if Abigail will love Anna more?

    Abigail, is taking things in stride. While the family is cooing over Anna, she goes to sleep to rest up. This was hard!

    Anna is an attention seeking baby, crying often and demanding much, but Abigail is enamoured with her little girl.

    Her friends stop by to see the new baby:

    And Abigails reputation soars as a result of the new baby. But the she did also do everything right! She married the right man, and a decently long engagement period to show that she was not pregnant, got pregnant fast during the honeymoon and delivered a beautiful healthy child. She has definitely deserved her pristine reputation.

    It does not hurt that Joseph is once more promoted and reaches the very top of his career!

    And to celebrate he brings home a fairly new thing, that has become all the rage lately. Bicycles!

    He teaches Abigail how it's done:

    Then show the kids:

    And becomes a very active teacher in how to ride a bicycle:

    While Joseph is busy teaching his children to ride a bicycle, Abigail is plotting. With Mary married and out of the apartment, poor Loyd is left to run the store (and household) all by his lonesome. And Abigail has also heard that her old teacher assistant, the current teacher Miss Tolliver, has lost her father and is on her own. What if the two could be brought together? Abigail starts playing matchmaker.

    She starts by visiting Miss Tolliver and talking up Loyd:

    Then invites both to dinner (along with some other friends of course). She seats them next to each other, and they do seem to enjoy themselves.

    Well perhaps sparks weren't flying, but they liked each other's company well enough as friends. That's a good start. Who said love needed to be there for it to be a good match at first? It will come later, with babies. She just wants her friends to be as happy as she is. With an as attentive husband as she has. The two still can't leave each other alone.

    And while she doesn't know it yet, I do believe Abigail might be pregnant again, because she does not usually fall asleep on the sofa:

    Time will tell if Anna, set to age up, will have a new brother or sister soon.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,111 Member
    edited August 2023
    What a roller coaster this week has been to play. It started with Anna aging up to an infant.

    Adorable, but a handful. She got the wiggly trait right away, meaning she has a hard time finding rest and falling asleep, then she almost immediately got the snuggly sleeper which means she really, really doesn't want to fall asleep in her crip but wants to be carried and sleep in someone's arms. And then she ended up being an early riser as well, which often means three or four in the morning!

    Poor Abigail found it to be a challenge, especially since she realised that, yes, she was indeed pregnant again. (Joseph was so happy with the news that he actually broke out in song).

    But to be constantly tired from the pregnancy at the same time as having a very demanding infant is hard!!!. But in spite of it all, she loved every moment with Anna. Be it cradling her to sleep, bathing her or... well perhaps not changing her. But it comes with the territory, and then Anna learned to coo and who could resist that?

    Dolly was enjoying the increase in the number of diapers less. Washing clothes went from a once a week occurrence to two or three times a week.

    In all of this life went on. One of Abigail's closest friend announced her own pregnancy and was due just a day after Abigail. Joseph's reputation rose in the community, and Frank learned to ride his bicycle (Ida is still struggling with that one).

    But then tragedy struck! As I have LMS pregnancy mod, there are risks to pregnancies, and Abigail suddenly had cramps and needed to go to the hospital:

    Luckily, New Orleans was one of the first towns in the country to build a hospital, the first founded already in 1736 and another one was built in 1852. But in spite of the hospitals, the life of Abigail and Joseph's baby could not be saved. Abigail returned home broken hearted.

    Over the next several days, Abigail was a shadow of her old self, unable to find joy in anything around her. She'd leave in the middle of conversations or chores to go cry in bed, heart wrenchingly wailing out her sorrow. She even sobbed and cried in her sleep, entirely inconsolable.

    Joseph took it hard too, but poured his sadness into his writing and trying to be as supporting as he could. The family found themselves alone much more than they've gotten used to. Be it at dinner, or when doing homework or practising cross stitching or piano. Abigail had neither the heart nor the strength to join them, constantly exhausted from lack of sleep and the toll her body took. And as if knowing something was wrong, Anna was more demanding than every, crying often and for long periods of time, and while Abigail did everything she as a mother was supposed to the joy was gone.

    Finally, Joseph had to step in, directing Dolly to tend to Anna while Abigail could get some proper rest and heal. He himself even helped keep Anna in a good mood, and the kids helped too, telling her stories or playing peek-a-boo with Anna until she couldn't stop laughing. Even when he caught Frank entertaining Anna when he should have run off to school, Joseph did not have it in him to disciplin his son.

    Being properly rested, and her body back to normal, Abigail could begin to slowly heal her broken heart by doing the things that had always brought her joy. Like helping the children with their homework, teaching Abigail to knit, and taking care of her beloved baby girl and teach her to roll over and sit up. With time, she got back to resembling her old self again.

    But as much as Abigail just wanted to spend time at home with her family and heal, there were obligations to take care of. Her closest friend has had a healthy baby girl, and it's not right not to show up and admire the new baby the way her friends did for her when Anna was born. So Abigail muster up all her strength and walk down the street to the Doughertys' house, and goes to meet little Caroline in her crip. Holding a newborn child in her arms, only a day younger than her own would have been, is difficult, but she does, and compliments Ashley afterwards on her beautiful home and her beautiful girl, before sharing her own sad news. When she leaves, her heart aches again.

    She tries to sooth it by spending time trying to teach Anna to eat proper food. Carrots is a no-go, sweet potatoes is a maybe, but peas seems to be a hit.

    Nevertheless, it's a messy affair:

    As the week rolls to an end, Abigail has but one prayer as they head to Sunday service. Another baby. Another pregnancy. That the bassinet still in their bedroom won't be empty for long.
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    Incredible story. Heart wrenching but so real. Well done! ♥
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,111 Member
    edited August 2023
    Thank you! But I have to give credit to the game and, in this case, mod. It's interesting because I've played Sims for a while, but I've never had so many curve balls thrown at me. Her getting fired, Joseph asking her to move in, and now this. I've had this mod for a long time, this is the first time I've had someone actually lose a child. It makes playing so much more interesting, and it makes writing this so much easier.
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,157 Member
    edited August 2023
    I love your story, I instantly bookmarked it. Abigal looks like an interesting personality for a founder. Personally I think breaking the rules is the best decision someone can make when starting this type of challenge. But I think "adapting the rules" sound better. Some people need the rules because they want the competition, other just want to tell a story and don't want to compete with others. Just do what ever you want because it is your story.
    I was thinking about the geek trait. I think it could fit somehow. I don't know how popular the books from Jules Verne were in the USA at the late 19th century. But some books from him are the earliest science fiction books, they were written mid 19th century. The problem would be the computer games, but then you can made hate them. A girl with that curiosity gene could have a hard time because of her technical interests as a woman, but then you have great women like Marie Curie. In the last decade of the 19th century many technology inventions and discovery were made, just because of the curiosity of human mankind.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,111 Member
    @Daravi Thank you, and perhaps you're right, adapting the rules does sound better. For me, researching what did and did not exist is half of the fun. Much I know, but when it comes to the US in general, and Louisiana in particular, research is needed on my part.

    I have found the geek trait difficult because, as you say, the programming and video game preferences that comes with the trait. Curiosity however is something else, that I definitely wouldn't mind. And you are absolutely right, people (men and women) were curious and figured out new things all the time. I read a book that was published in 1901 about house building as research for this and found descriptions on how to create floor heating under tiled floors as a compliment to radiators! And this was a book aimed at the upper middle class, not the extremely rich.

    Ida seemed to grow into the perfect little lady of the time, with her love of cross-stitching, knitting and piano and with little interest in physical or mental pursuits, but we'll see what Anna turns into when she ages up. I much prefer to see what happens with the traits they're given than force them into a mold of what they should be.
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,157 Member
    Yes you are right. In my own decade challenge I found the researching part was the most fun experience, reading the old newspapers and magazines, learning political decisions or scandals, which were a hot topic at this date but now they are now long forgotten. It was fascinating, especially when it came to the century change. One newspaper precisely predicted the upcoming ww1 on Sylvester 1899. That was the most surprise to me.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,111 Member
    Another week has passed in game, and this week started with a wedding.
    On Monday it was time for Matthew Godeau to marry the very young Valeria. It was a beautiful ceremony, but Abigail could not say that it affected her much, nor did she mind that she and Joseph was not invited to the reception afterwards. For her, this week was about her baby girl.

    And Anna has developed quickly. Abigail spent time teaching her to stand, and then, one day, she pulled herself up all by herself.

    Standing up against a chair, means you can also stand up in bed while you cry for attention. Anna loves it!

    She also learnt how to sleep through the night, and tasted more different kinds of food.

    And it is time to wean her off breastfeeding, as Abigail, to her delight, found herself pregnant again.

    But just as before, pregnancy did not come easily for Abigail. She fell ill almost immediately, swaying with dizziness.

    Afraid of a repeat of last time, and worried about Anna, Joseph puts his foot down and insist she hand Anna over to Dolly and go straight to bed.

    Dolly does what she has always does when necessary, she steps up and feeds Anna, even using one of those new modern contraptions called a baby feeder. It's a bit strange, but Anna is hungry and does not complain.

    As Joseph insist that Abigail stay on bedrest until she's feeling better, he calls in reinforcements in the shape of his sister. For the rest of the day the house is transformed to get ready for her visit. She plans to stay for two nights, over thanksgiving and Frank's birthday. Anna's bed is moved into Ida's room, the old bed is moved back from the attic. It will not do to ask Mary to sleep in Dolly's room after all, that would be an absolute insult.

    Joseph waste no time in introducing her to baby Anna.

    Cute, Mary says, and hands her right back. When Anna cries, she stands idly by and looks on, and when Anna needs changing she puts her on the ground and keeps her as far away from her as possible. Dolly is wondering why in the world Mr Whittaker thought she needed any help in tending to a Anna while her mistress is sick. She even looks a bit insulted.

    Thanksgiving dinner is nice and Abigail is well enough to join the others at the table. She gulfs down her food. Mary waits until everyone else has eaten then takes her food to the office to eat in peace.

    But as the day progress she does warm up to Anna, and aside from Anna biting her at one time, is mostly nice to her aunty.

    With Abigail better again, however, she is happy to be the one to tend to her daughter, even as her stomach gets bigger and bigger. Was she ever this big with Anna? She's certain she wasn't.

    As Saturday rolls around, it's time for Frank's birthday. Abigail has invited all the local teens and children for the occasion.

    The highlight is the new, adult, violin he gets from his father, and reacquainting himself with the Duncan's. Especially Emily who he used to spend so much time with before she aged up to a teen.

    And right out of the blue, it hits him like a ton of bricks:

    Abigail smiles. If he lands her, that's a major catch. She's the daughter of the local politician and one of the richest girls in town. Definitely a catch. She might just encourage this a bit. Carefully and supervised of course.

    That night, Abigail goes into labour. She sends a nervous Joseph out of the room and he paces the house nervously as he waits for her to be done.

    But Abigail knows what she's doing. After a grueling three hours, she delivers a healthy baby girl. They name her Alice. The whole family takes time to greet her. Even Ida is happy about the new baby this time around. Maybe having a baby sister has taught her that it's not the end of the world with another?

    As Christmas week is waiting around the corner, Abigail can relax again. She has her baby girls, they're both healthy, and this is promising to be a Christmas to remember.
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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,557 Member
    JAL wrote: »
    @Daravi Thank you, and perhaps you're right, adapting the rules does sound better. For me, researching what did and did not exist is half of the fun. Much I know, but when it comes to the US in general, and Louisiana in particular, research is needed on my part.

    I have found the geek trait difficult because, as you say, the programming and video game preferences that comes with the trait. Curiosity however is something else, that I definitely wouldn't mind. And you are absolutely right, people (men and women) were curious and figured out new things all the time. I read a book that was published in 1901 about house building as research for this and found descriptions on how to create floor heating under tiled floors as a compliment to radiators! And this was a book aimed at the upper middle class, not the extremely rich.

    Ida seemed to grow into the perfect little lady of the time, with her love of cross-stitching, knitting and piano and with little interest in physical or mental pursuits, but we'll see what Anna turns into when she ages up. I much prefer to see what happens with the traits they're given than force them into a mold of what they should be.

    When I play the game in an historical setting I use my own knowledge of that time over the rules of the Decades challenge. If there's a clash, then real history wins out.

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    JALJAL Posts: 1,111 Member
    edited August 2023
    This week has been entirely about the children. As Christmas came around so did several important milestones. Anna learns to crawl and she's pulling herself to stand all the time. Apparently eager to get moving on her own and be able to get out of the crib she so hates.

    Alice on the other hand is busy just being a baby. In comparison to her sister, she is very undemanding. As long as she's fed and changed she's happy.

    But one infant and one baby is a lot of work, and Dolly has to step in and help more with the child care.

    But even so, Ida and Frank are left an awful lot to their own devices, which turns out not to be such a good thing. They have a major falling out! Frank is left furious, while Ida is crying her heart out. Yet when Abigail asks, both pretend to be fine. In reality both are hurt, and both are resentful, and neither wants to apologize. As Christmas rolls around, Abigail is wondering about both children's level of empathy, especially Frank's, though Ida's is only partly better. Something has to be done!

    On Christmas eve, Abigail plays the piano for her family, and they spend the evening together. But more and more, it's clear to Abigail that not all is well. Ida is losing confidence and there is still no resolution between Ida and Frank.

    Abigail decides the only solution is teaching her children about those who have less in the world. She makes the entire family volunteer to help the poor. Nothing to teach empathy than seeing others who have nothing. Especially at Christmas time. It works, at least partly. More times will be required for Ida and Frank to realize how lucky they are, but it's a step in the right direction. Another result is the decision on Abigails part to join the charity comity in town.

    As Christmas morning comes around, Alice ages up to an infant, and to Abigail's relief turns out to be a quiet and calm one. With Anna demanding so much attention, a calmer sister is a welcome help. When it comes to looks, they are much more alike, but Anna's hair has started to become longer.

    As for the rest off Christmas, it's quiet, but nice. Frank and Ida are slowly getting to be on better terms (though neither is willing to apologize still), and Abigail is grateful that her sister-in-law decided to spend her Christmas at home. Not that she tells Joseph that, of course. Not in a million years. The family has a nice dinner as the infants sleep, and sings carols by the tree before opening their presents and heading to bed.

    Boxing day is almost as quiet, if not more so than Christmas. Anna fusses so much that eventually she gets to sleep in daddy's lap instead of her crib. She loves Boxing day!

    Joseph is getting a bit worried about his physical form however. With the increased knowledge about illness and health, a new ideal is starting to be more prominent in society, one where men are well trained and healthy. Isn't he getting a bit heavy? Maybe a bit of exercise would do him some good?

    For New Years, Frank makes a resolution to lose weight and get in shape for his health. Ida wants to complete an aspiration, Frank learn a new skill and Abigail just wants her children to be happy and to have time to actually go on a date with her husband. How long has it been since they woohooed? Since before Alice was born at least. Abigail would never say so out loud, but she misses it. But New years is a day that rushes by in a hurry, and no one in the family really gets to enjoy the full day as by the end of it they're all too tired to stay up and wait for the year to change.

    The biggest event of the day is Anna aging up to a toddler. One who ends up with the fussy trait, of course. More surprisingly she decides that she now hates to be carried. From having loved it all through infancy, this is a major change. Perhaps learning to walk and getting a toddler bed made her realise that she's no longer confined, unless she's held?

    As the new year rolls around, the family is all sleeping soundly in their beds. Perhaps with Anna older and more independent, Abigail and Joseph can finally have some time to themselves again.
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    Another lovely chapter! <3
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,111 Member
    Before I begin my tale of this week's events, a small heads up. With work starting up after summer vacation, progress in the story will be slower. Hopefully, you'll find it worth the wait.

    This week, January and February rolled around and it started with a New Years Day Ball hosted by the Duncan and Sinclair-families. Everyone who is anyone is Willow Creek was invited. There was an assortment of food and drink, the furniture had been moved to the sides and a pianist was hired. Matthew Godeau (who showed up without his wife, no less), must have had a few too many drinks. He started flirting with more or less everyone, and had dance moves that one had ever seen in polite society before. But as the richest man in town, he does get away with most things. He's just a bit... different, but now a family man with a young son, and so utterly respectable none the less.

    Frank, however, only had eyes for Emily, and it seemed the feelings were not just one sided. Sneaking out of the house, they danced by themselves instead of in the scrutiny of society.

    After the two spend the rest of the night talking in the family gazebo, and as the night reaches its end, Frank even manages to steal a kiss

    The next night, as everyday life returns as the Christmas holidays are at an end, Joseph finally finds the time to ask his wife on a date. They take the steamboat to Magnolia Promenade to visit the new restaurant that has opened there, and after they experience, for the first time, moving pictures, for in Louisiana, the first ever US movie theatre, the Vitascope, opened in 1896. It is now Willow Creek and Magnolia promenades turn. Joseph and Abigail is amazed at the new experience, especially Joseph who is quite interested in all these new changes and has started writing quite a few bestselling Science Fiction stories.

    At home, life continues to revolve around the children. Anna learns to go to the potty, discovers that she loves books, but dislikes her sister getting attention. What's the big deal about sitting up or rolling over anyway? She's been able to do that for forever!

    Joseph, on the other hand, is still determined to be healthier. He therefore joins the newly opened Newcrest Athletics Club, another new addition to town, inspired by the (slightly bigger) New Orleans Athletics Club that was founded in 1872. Of course only men are allowed inside. Why would women want to work out? Silly notion.

    While Joseph is away training, the Charity Club has it's first meeting of the year. It's the first meeting that Abigail is expected to be apart of after having been invited to the club. Abigail was not sure what she expected, that they'd talk about charity perhaps? Instead they mostly seem to be gossiping, bragging about their children or being jealous of each other. Shouldn't they be planning for the grand charity ball on Independence day? It's only six months away and will be the debutant ball for many young ladies. It seems not.

    Abigail returns home in time to read Anna to sleep, which feels much more meaningful.

    As the weekend rolls around, it's almost Valentine's Day and Joseph has planned to repeat the date with his beloved Abigail. However, Frank has other plans. He and Emily has been finding time to see each other, taking walks, going ice skating and building snow men, and on Valentine's day, he is sure of himself. He is almost an adult now, a teenager! Why should he wait with making up his mind about the girl he wants and risk someone else beating him to it? He goes down on one knee and proposes to a delighted Emily who happily accept:

    Obviously, Joseph cannot go anywhere that night. Instead, Emily is asked to stay for dinner, and congratulations are extended. Abigail is rather pleased with this turn of events. Sure they are both young, but a wedding does not have to be right away, they can wait a few years until they're both older, but it is good to have it settled. Provided Frank gets the blessing of her father of course, but that can surely not be a problem, he's such a delightful boy after all.

    While the others are thinking about when and how and if, Frank settles for being in the moment. As he sees Emily off, he takes a moment to just be happy:
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,111 Member
    edited August 2023
    It has been a busy week in the Whittaker household, with two birthdays a holiday and, unexpectedly, an engagement to deal with. Step 1, of course, was asking for Emily's father's permission. Without this it did not matter how much Emily said yes. So after Sunday's service, Frank went with the Duncan's home for a heart to heart with Mr Duncan.

    It goes surprisingly well, and Mr Duncan seemed happy to have the son of a rich and mildly famous writer as a a future son-in-law. However, Mr Duncan does tell him a 'funny story' with great animation, about someone who proposed and turned out to be non-committal and was then crushed like a... can? Frank isn't sure it's such a funny story, but he understands a warning when he sees one.

    Not that he'd change his mind when he has the prettiest (and richest) girl in town. He rushes out to find her in the snow and embrace her. She is so happy she steals a kiss, but the two aren't left alone for long. Mr Duncan and Mrs Sinclair, Emily's aunt, make sure to keep them company before long. What satisfaction canst thou have tonight? A father's promise, apparently. Frank is sent home with a happy heart that longs for more...physical contact.

    Back home, Joseph takes the chance at dinner to talk to his son about responsibilities. Now that he is engaged to be married, it's time he starts acting like an adult. He needs to pay more attention in school, and be nicer to his sister. More importantly he needs to act and behave like an adult, no more mood swings, hormonal outburst or phases. Frank only half listens, and starts fighting with his sister. But she started it!!!

    The next day, Abigail invites Mrs Duncan over for a chat. After all, someone who is not high on hormones needs to decide what to do with this marriage. You cannot leave matters like this to young people! After talking deeply about the issue they decide that a long engagement is preferable at this age, let them grow up before rushing into something they cannot change their mind about. Both are still in high school and should remain so, naturally, especially Frank, and so they'll have to wait until they've graduated before the wedding. That said, there is nothing stopping them from being married when Frank is set to go to college. After all, too long of an engagement just isn't proper, and Emily is young now, and can just move in with them while Frank is away at college. Abigail promises she'll talk Joseph into the idea.

    There isn't much time to talk, however, as they have two demanding girls in the house. Alice might be calm but she is struggling to learn how to crawl. Joseph has suddenly taken a greater interest in his little toddler, however, and she is learning how to wrap him around her little fingers as she gets him to play with her, and to his surprise, he finds he quite enjoy reading her to bed.

    With both girls down for the night, Abigail finally has the time to speak to her husband, gently guiding him to come to the same conclusions that she and Mrs Duncan did.

    The next day, it's time for Joseph's birthday. His sister has come to visit (over the day only, Abigail is relieved though she pretends otherwise to Mary of course). The Duncans, now set to be family, is of course invited, as are their usual friends. It's a successful event which ends in Joseph giving a small concerto on his violin to everyone's delight. The talk of the evening, however, is the fact that Mr Duncan flirted a bit with his sister-in-law, leaving her husband so furious that he actually slapped her right then and there! Such lack of decorum! (and so fast that no screenshots exist). This will surely be talked about for months to come.

    Since gaining riches and a bit of fame, Joseph has been invited to join the Private Club, an exclusive gentleman's club for the very top of society. He has taken the invitation to heart, and visits the rich and luxurious club several times a week. It is here, that he finally has the chance to sit down with Mr Duncan, and discuss the engagement. They both agree that Frank's education is of the utmost importance, and that it is vital that he not only finish high school but attend college as well. And so as they play cards, they decide on a timeline that surprisingly is exactly the timeline that their wives agreed on two days ago. What Frank and Emily want? What does that have to do with anything? They're far too young to make decisions of this magnitude.

    As the week is drawing towards its conclusion, it's time for one more birthday party. It's time for Ida to grow up into a young lady! All the proper children and teenagers of town are naturally invited to the affair. There is cake, singing and games being played.

    And without further ado, let me introduce you all to young Ida Whittaker. A lady who loves art, is creative, and aspires to become a musical genius. A suitable aspiration for a young modern woman.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,111 Member
    edited August 2023
    This week was a week of birthdays! First Anna aged up to a girl, then Alice aged up to a toddler and at the end of the week it was time for Abigail. Joseph and Abigail sit down to discuss how to deal with so many evens in one week, and end up choosing to keep the girls' birthdays simple and within the family, and saving a bigger gathering for Abigail's birthday.

    And in all of this, Frank, in spite of being engaged and insisting that he should be treated as an adult, realises that he has no clue on what to do with his life.

    This worries Joseph, who hasn't been blind to his son's struggles. Truth is that while he may be an A-student, he often comes home miserable from school and his latest test results have been mediocre. The one thing he likes doing (other than flirting with his wife to be) is to play the violin, and that is not a respectable career. Joseph decides to intervene.

    He hopes a school project on the exciting new field of electricity might get Frank's attention, but in truth it seems Joseph is more fascinated than Frank.

    Undeterred, Joseph takes Frank with him to the newly opened science museum and observatory in Newcrest. Looking at the stars is a bit fun, looking at plants and old bones, not so much. Again, Frank doesn't really seem all that impressed. Perhaps science and nature just isn't his thing?

    Meanwhile, Anna, has her birthday, but instead of being a quiet creative girl, she turns out to be active. Abigail does not know what to do with that information. It's such an inappropriate trait in a girl. At least she's pretty, so perhaps it won't matter much when she grows up? Surely she can be taught things like piano playing, cross stitching and painting all the same?

    However, Anna seems most interested in learning to ride a bike.

    The day before Alice's birthday, Abigail realises something else. She's pregnant again:

    It does mean the house will be a bit crowded, but that can be solved. Anna gets to move into Ida's room, so that the new baby and Alice can share. Frank, will keep his own room, of course. After all, he's soon to be married! For now, however, the focus is on little Alice becoming a toddler. She gets help with blowing out her candles:

    And ages up to a clingy, but cute, little girl who seems eager to learn new things as long as mummy is the one teaching her.

    With her babies aging up, Abigail finds herself having more time to divide among her girls. She once more helps with homework, cross stitch with Ida and encourage their progress in all things that makes a young woman marriage material:

    Ida has decided to take up painting:

    Frank, on the other hand, needs to fulfill his duties as a fiance. On Friday, he is invited for a formal family dinner with the Duncans. While he mostly want to spend all his time with Emily, he is expected to divide his attention to all the family at this stage. He does well in that respect, and gains their approval.

    Finally, on Saturday morning, it's time for Abigail's birthday. Joseph takes Ida and Frank with him to Magnolia Promenade to pick up presents, and takes the opportunity to visit the bank. Perhaps a bank-job is something that would interest Frank? It honestly doesn't seem so.

    While Ida picks up some flowers in the flower shop, Joseph goes to see the new photography studio. Perhaps a portrait would be a good present? He discusses the options with the photographer. He's never had his picture taken, but the process intrigues him. To capture the likeness of someone with a simple snap? Fascinating!

    They return home to host the party being held. All of Frank's soon to be relatives are naturally invited, along with other friends of the family. It does get a little crowded. The main attraction, however, is the gift Frank gives Abigail. A gramophone player! These have been on the market for less than a decade, and neither of the them knows anyone who has a device that can play music like this. The device fits well in their dining room.

    As spring comes to an end, and they all head to bed, they can't wait to find out what summer brings.
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    Keep sharing please. You are an excellent storyteller! :smiley:
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,111 Member
    @Rawla as always, your kind comments make me really happy! So lets start the next chapter.

    Summer started with drama as Abigail woke in the middle of the night from her baby wanting to be born. Perhaps it is that she is now older and wiser, perhaps that this is her third child, but while Joseph panicked she took things in stride. She told Joseph to wake up Ida and let her know she'd be responsible for her younger sisters this morning, then went downstairs to get something to eat, before returning to her bedroom to finish the labour.

    She gave birth to another beautiful girl, who they named Josephine after her father. Abigail is pretending that she's not at all disappointed that she has not been able to give Joseph another son. Joseph, however, is enamoured with his little girl and couldn't care less. Anna and Alice was a bit more hesitant in greeting this new member of the family. Why do they need another girl anyway? They have us! Still, Alice cannot help but to be curious.

    Josephine is a sensitive little girl, a bit poorly, perhaps, Abigail thinks, because she is a bit too old to be having children? Of course she does not voice these thoughts with anyone, but there is a significant drop in bedroom activity this week.

    Meanwhile, Frank still hasn't found what he's looking for. His fun-meter is constantly in the yellow or red, and nothing seems to strike his fancy. He is let into his father's study and allowed to use the typewriter, but writing is boring too. As is painting when Abigail takes him to the museum. Joseph is at a loss at what to do with his son. What does he want to be?

    For Ida, this is a big week. Independence day is coming up and with it the Independence Day Debutante Ball! She is to be introduced into polite society, be presented for possible suitors and be eligible for proposals and romance. She cannot wait! Abigail takes her to find the perfect dress for the occasion.

    For the charity comity, these are busy times. They meet at Abigail's house this time, but get off track as Viviana Sinclair decides to light a fire in the middle of summer, and botches up the job so badly that she lights herself on fire instead!

    Why she lit the fire on a hot summer's day in the first place? Who knows, but as everyone panics no one thinks to extinguish her. Abigail thinks of her girls first, and take Alice and run outside to get her safe. Finally, Valeria Godeau, the woman they all look down on a bit for being so very young and clearly a trophy wife (though she has manage to do her duty and give Matthew a son, Rhett, less than a year after marriage), is the only one who has enough sense to go and help the poor burning woman and save her life.

    Viviana is not so impressed by her sister who ran outside instead of helping her. But she does have a newfound respect for Valeria, and the two become instant friends.

    As the women gather back inside to continue their meeting, and Viviana is offered a bath to take care of her burns, Joseph returns home to find Alice telling him all about the fire and needing to be entertained. Soon he is playing with her right there on the street. She is quickly wrapping her father around her little finger in a way her sisters has not been able to so far. She is also a little singing bird, who loves to sing to him, to mummy and to her sisters, first chance she gets.

    In spite of the mishap at the meeting, the ball goes off without a hitch. Ida is a bit nervous as she approaches the door in her new white dress.

    But once inside things are magical. Well a bit too many young women spread too thin over the few young men, but while Mattias Bradshaw seem utterly uninterested in meeting all the young women and stay where the food is (perhaps because so many of them are his wild sisters), James is ever the gentleman and talks and dances with the young ladies as he's supposed do. Ida is enthralled, by the music, the food, the dancing...

    The Bradshaw sisters manages to dance just fine on their own, but isn't their dancing a bit...weird?

    The night is ended with fireworks, a perfect end to a perfect ball, and Ida returns home with so much to tell daddy, it's almost as if she forgot he too was there.

    As the weekend comes around, and Joseph has a meeting at work, Abigail decides to take the family to the park on this beautiful summer's day. They of course bring Emily for Frank to spend time with, which ensures that he has eyes for no one else. Anna asks her older sister to teach her how to ride her bike (funny since Ida never mastered it as a child and is not that good at riding the bike in the first place). She does her best however. Near the lake, Abigail has some tummy time with Josephine before she falls asleep and sleep soundly in the gentle breeze. Alice plays in the sand, sings, talks and plays with her mother.

    Anna, on the other hand, having gotten tired of the bike, goes exploring. Frogs, treasure maps and look who is the queen of the world! Who said you cannot climb because you're wearing a skirt? (Although pants would make it easier).

    When it's time to return home, they're all waiting for Anna to come back before they can start their journey home.

    For once, everyone's fun-meter, was in the green at the days end, even Frank's.
    Moreover, I advise that the cart button must be destroyed!
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